Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-10-16, Page 3MOUGHOIT TEX WORD, SUBJEUT POR i DIUKE181 TERRON AT HIGERSVILLE1 9-10 in -God. It -Uu In - t
chosen. k1mg. H&then 04 �w
Ways women `W a
INTERNA701ON L L]LssoN-No. III. 1W it m'a,7 be In wrthly thin
CT� h
derstands nothing of divine, 11 1 %trMg*t prodfh -Ok.11
Thi - Oream of the News of Jessie Thompgon, on Her, 0 bspect -01 slo 106 Fondta- Aoical- th6
WR or mirray Returns From alln things am to therefore fa.r 0 vosion.--vouar, *0=11,
010010n's Wealth and Wiadoul2�-1 KI
otff- whose beginning is theJear
-1� . fivnerg = in
ean wh6A tas heat -a Spark A
x s to -Them. f he -Personal. IiJVft
Mode of Life. - N ev
-Eifferentiate 119;, 11 D D e
the Scene.-
esaed Hipizelf In -Me WDrd.VhIs
supt,--what- -Is, -the -Golden i beams ad blazfee Me
r!v 'true, good' ZeF�� thil\
Text ? slant alne, lelds
ol a#versity�o-Wai4iington
-Ther -nie,, IwIll AbUlft fruit. a. ilL A that honor 17.. There are plenty
GUILT. GIVIS .1 FINKAINT6 hOuOXP aW thiaY thaht d6ppise -me shall A WomeWs Temple.
Ileve women to be, Incapable-
CANADIAN. SUING --HER PAL IN TORONTo. is TER -1 BIGAMST ? be IIghtIyeStOQnWL Sax�. 11. 80. Unei5sclously a woman -builds thing- but to coo&-, incapable
OuPt—Wh&t Is the Centra,[ Tk�ut
'SchoOl.--God0k blessing A. -temple in his world below, terest 14 affairge-Ralph Waldo
e Body'D SO brlugs, peace and prospe ee
gir William Van1l6kn6 left Winni- MT Emotions Affect th and Vrac?e NERVOUS PROSTRiTfOlf And- day by day a stone to laid leroon.Gpod ftusek ptug.
peg for the Pacifie coast. -he
Professional Pickpockets and Their .4 Woman Claiming to be the Laful. and These When Tested Ten the Supt. Of little things that come and got A beautiful womaii Is f
-What in the topic -Y I rll!�
The High and Public School build- Schoo4--The -n of go It doth Slowl rise Above A story ing'at Newcastle was destr�yed by Ea=ingS-Candid TeStimony-She is Wife or the Accused. Ma -in Appears- Stol�r Forty Have BeenAnslyzed�,y reig peace.- f the eyes, the purg
fire. Again in Prison-Extracts-FromHer Says She -Left Him on Account of His Prof. Gates. to the 'Outww I JJ1SepV The t1de'of years,, until Its dome Vurse. and the hell of the soul.
Under Gross Brutality 'L The blessings of -peace. .. The Frequent Vause, Of 1110h "J Has p. glory - clouds of
Preliminary Examination -and Will Testify ilaaven. r r
The Taylor Company's flour In th-6 Workinj D11t, Of & PsychO- -II. The benerltB of wisdom.
Oath MakeAtrange Reading. Against Him on His Trial. geous Buttaxis
09- hoy that he Time -4B, C. 101&975. plac&-ean- A mills at Chatham Were badly dam- day I lcial and mental and Merin,& arld within Itpelf, a home Gorgeous buttons aid fancy 15ralds
aged by fire.- a newl science relat- aan.- - t
His thre montlis'EuroPeau hol calls "mind She -w;sely builds upon carry out -the senemb & decoration-
Toronto report says: Pecullax and
The! North ing-to, the building up of the brain il
ern elevator at Douglass, What will undoubteft prove a most seems. to ave taken nothing. from . PersiOns—Solomon. Ethan. em�� Far- more eternal than the- years, St I further. no -of -the novelties in
is, . inaeanwhile de- a. C441col., Darda, 1pless and unreliable -it The pavement is of oild truth,, he latter, vaxlety is a,lblaek
Man., was burned, with 15,000 busb� interesting will be heard at the Chief Provincial betective Murray a with good emotiof The Victim He
els of wheat, strOYIng the bad. A WashingtOR Bel- CoillmentarY.-25. JudaIL and Israel SaPs-the Constitution and Makes One Untouched, unworn by falling tears, Princess braid. mixed *Ith platin
-31011-Jary Sittings of the Civil Ass Um,
NO data has Yet Iken fixed for ize, capacity fQr bringing criminals.- to eutist. Professor Elmer Gates, who dwelt safely. ' The laad was in Such" I luntarfly Ask is Life -Worth nd Cld tinisel. -and still more novel
Cou-rt at Osgode -11all in the near -time. ivin Each nail a heax.-beat set, Inplacit t galon. With leaies of stamped
Thanksgiving- Immediately. after his return has -his laboratory at Chavy Chase, Profound peace- that the People-dis- nvo Eacil blow -her very centre shook.;
day, but -it is prolabl, ititure. The plaintiff is the notorious cters' Md.. cl
that- Nov. 26th- Will be chosen. he hunted down the- worst chara . - - alms to- have made a most cur- regarded the Pf0tectiouwf walled cit. leather, bordered With i�i6red beads.
During the absence -of the Gover- ickpocket "Jessio" Thompson, who of the Manitoulit Island and Biddutph, IOUs discovery.. He a"InOu"Ces that les. -Id. TheY dwelt with confidence (From the Lindsay P6St.) The steps are trials, stepping st6u6s
was recently Sentenced tol. Jour the emolMons of the human body can. and itseurance; not jealous of their .. Where Patience climbs with upward
nor�General Chief Justice Sir Henry years in the penitentiary, and the and last,ni n- It Is at'least commendable to -bow Street Dresses to be'�Shorter.
ght.he returned frout a be chemically analyzed. and that each king,'or -of his o1ri
Strong -wilt act as administrator, defendant Is "Charlie" Thompson, now cers; not disaiffect- before the' Inevitable.. But what - iLp. The =, ber-heart where site her The return of the balay and the
:other expedition, which is.likely to emotional product. treated with-cer-; -ed, - either -to him, or to oneo another; I
Mr--PauWn, Provincial Government -residing in the States, and who was tain lIquI&..ahows a- distinct color of neither -Under Any fciar of danger . fro pears to be . Inevitable , may be de. icing, umor that the skIrts -or a reet dresses
result in eleani out another very in
agent. left M'inulpeg for- Iceland to popularly to be the woman's _ng [ Itog6thqF averted. What The one she loves 'bove all the rest, are to be Shortened- are � light. but
supposed Its own. -by' which it may be distin-- eneilileat foreign or domestic. Solo- layed or a sure indications that the fillfiess Is- t6
PrOMOtO immigration. from that c0im- husband. It now turns out that they hard e0nlniuni�y, gulfibed at any time. mon, lnvfide�I no males property, as Eler altar, where Sweet 'incense rise, diminish. -Ruches of slik 4jppsw In,
were considered -necessary fatal dia- sa� es
try. were never niarried, though they Lately, the people of Hagersville, Every emotion or passion, he says, sqm#tinies wals the maloner of - the Does hold -her gr t t and her.
together -as man and w a hiad Its effects upon the-chemical'eou- king, (I. SaML viii. 19) buth protected -five or even ten best. side many of the hande6me street
Tlic' CVN�-*Councif of. London. has lived Ile for OAt.- have lived under veritable ewes twenty I ""A: --
fourteen years. The cause of the suit 'tresses, and ev gowns'have ruf.
ad0l)ted loans- for the new s erase rejj� of trror. Numerous Incendiary stituents. of the bc)dy!s Secretions. every man -in -his possespion, and, en- ago id many- tostanceo are not now 90 day b_v day a stone is laid, c
iffon to keep the
Is house arid -lot, No. 39 Brookfield fires have occurred; 9, number of ro fle9 of lace and
which will cost aboew P - These effects most commonly presentl Joyinient of I Until# at last, the. whitecapped kirt out at the
otreet,--to in e placed In that category�thauA4 to
too. which "Charlie" holds the minent farmers have been robbed of themselves th :perspiratIOU and the - From Dan to Beer-isheba-Irom the dome,
title. The plaIntiff"is claim- 1,4' that 6attle and, Sheep, and the inhabit- Saliva, and It nee4s -only the careful - extreme. northe n t 0 medical and Scientific skill. Life - 19 to bl
Mr. AL J. r to 11 extreme son- (I among -the Shining clouds,
McCOII,-Q- C- Of Ne -vv the hous and lot in question was ants of the neighborhood generally manipulation of the laboratory to thern boundary. Thus Solo @west. We must either control the And she has reached her heaveni
Westminster. has been appointed Mon ap-
bought with the proceeds e
-,I aned have spent thoir days and nights in- "isolate" ithese products and Study the pears tQ.hate Possessed All- the land nerves or they will master us. By I s- home, okes For and About Women.
Judgeof the Suiveme -Lourt of British- Imm the pocket -pickings- of both,. fear of a lawless circle of men who changes they have brought about. 'y other
Columbia. that God - co When a woman can!t find a'
venanted with Abraham toria may prove fattil. It renders the SERVANT'S HOLIDAY. excuse for being Sick - IN
and - that she sh6iild have an Inter- Infest the district, Professor Gal*s has gone so fa -to give to his posterity. None of all Tn:� - She is ner.
The Montreal-Doard of [Trade obPet bst therein. In ihe sthtesm'ents '-of that he has already studied in this the nati a subject. on afflicted helpless and unreliable..
on t;o VOUS.
to the date.of Thanksgiving Day be--. claim and defence filed -in 'the case MURRAYON THE SCENE.. him, offered to Pers A Propos*ed'Lavv Regulating Biddys
way forty different emotional states. shake off his oke, or give him any and caSts a continual Shadow, upon a Wifely grief over the dext the
bay Out. \Of
cause the holiday interfere -with the plaintiff appears under. the name The'deatb under suspicious circum- andhe announces that he has -well in disturbance; but � rather tlipught hitherto bright And cheerful life. It Sultan. of Zan!dbw is dividedu Among
the navigation Of the candl.s at -a Of I.,ouisa Thoml-xon, though for- stances of Mrs. 'Carpenter a few days; mind the distinguishing . characterls- themselves happy in -the dePendence- The.New - Zealand -House of Pepre- twenty-five wid
very busy time. I 19a brought this terrible state of SAPS the constitution and en tatives has been doing ows, which mak" it Years she has been known to tier ac- ties of the good and:the bad., ou hiim life Wort- Won easier L to bear.
Rn- Joseph Martin, wlici. is about -quaintances and to the poilee as affairs to a climax,. and the On- -POISONS IN SOME'EMOT10118. .26.'Fort thousand Ltalls of horses Involuntarily aisk, "Is h
leaviuk Ottawa foe home Govern derful - t
states that ThOmPsOn. tarlub ment. was ppealed-to. -Inthe parallel passag livink? Watoon, hings at its present session, Mrs. QuIverful. (isternly)-What, �was
The Attorney�General took immedi-� His theory goes far beyond this 25 tif e in 2 Chron. Miss F�Lnny and its latest �Tachlevement Is A bill going on in the parlpr Last nig, t ?
for the next ten years he will devot ER LIFE. e number is Stated ais 4-,00, datighter -of Mr. Henry -Watson, ilv- for a statutory half -ho- liday for dome- Ethel (bluhlng)--Only
himself to business, amd at thw end of ate action, and Mr. Murray was ties- however. According to Ills Views, the This ag- my - engage.
From the pleadings and 'the re- patched to the cene of the: gross In- evil emotional roducts are poisonous t reee and 40,000 does not, with Ing on lot 22, . In the Giushiii of 'tIc:servants, whih has. Jilready're. Ment ring, mamma.
P in he other numbers'liere given... The celved its econd reading. According Ile -I feel like, fool When -you that. time, if he can afford it, lie may p6rt of the plaintiff before 8peeial iquitim After aweek's hard work the -he has found toie matter in -the -chariots numbered 1,400, -(Cha ter x 80mirville. Victoria County, Is one of to this propo,3al, every m1stress is, that, ift 'hat -to, the theatre.
re-enter politi" 'Xxaminer -John Bruce the f6llowing -detective comes back- -with informa- 7-aUd they not only lower the health P
-Since January 75;000 c.-Ittic, and details of her life are gleaned: Her tion 26).the hommen fg000.
which. is likely to lodge. a lot of materially, but diminish tile . brai. For 1.400 those whose life for years Was'lilade bound to turn her servants out of her Well
61.t)L)O' -sliceur.&-ave Iken imported from hariots the 0- of -in. until 10 -p.m. on one �i dear, you catet expect, My
right name Is L-ouisa Irish, and site- criminals be4iind priaon doors. Power find have a.distinct effect upon proper all wanee misefable- from ziervous disease. - At house from 3 P i
Canada. realized duk* itive of the village of Cold- He devoted a great deal of tten- the - brain . cells. h9r8es would be about 4,W0. We 4aY In eve hat 0 hide your, efects.
Ing is a w ry - week. If- the servant Is
-wee�-: L4ixty- -pounil water, in the Township of Medonte see from the monuments that it was thif pge of twelve Miso Watson niet found employed -at her ordina work -ex-1
the p. four tion to the Carpenter. murder. case, - The happy and good emotions, on ry suppose there goes themost
Oieepv sinking tile offfal, 5d. per 14; sim- er use Professor Gates' Customary to Yoke two horses (sel- with an accident which so seriously during the statutory half-hol - Iday, the traordinary woman- in Boston,�-s --Why
coe County. At the age of 15, she in which Carp6nter has been coin the othi
hariots but - hi hat ilur- mistreg'S will he liable to a penalty of.
R204�und cattle, 4 3-4d. to 5d. -e domi. three) to a c So?" "She haslet an ancestor that
to: Toronto. the charge of 0 words, 6'augment the-itnabolisin horse as
per lef r, hom and -ame mitted for trial on Wit e e
lh. livin with and working for Thomp- providedto uleet-thf+emer. fifie $25. 'If the servants return to- their came over -in the 'Mayflower.9 IP
9 -killiug� hisi wife.' the body of de- and fill the -blood and other life fluids Ing the subsequent five years
Aimed in the presence of with nutrient and constructive com- the time men.
Tile terms of tile bettleuik�nt of the son's mother. Soon "site -returned to ceased was exit ge"cles ' or a0cidents. As to stalls, it homes for food during Mother -Daughter, ]iaV0 You iLny
-11a.111tobiz school question -will prob- oldwater, but after stying there Dr& Jones and McDonald, of Aagers-- -pounds and promote heiath and me -n- seems clear that in anclent"times, was subject to -very severe - nervous tionoid the mistress must -wait on valid reason for marrying that -young,
ably bo made'known within a week. f or nearly two y4bilrs, camq back. -to ville, and ftowell. of Jarvis, for the -tatlon'�-that Is, power of thought. each horse had a sebarate. crib.- prostration, resulting in. convu-WOUO them, or� be muleted to the same tune, man'? - Daugliter-Certainly his
Hou- Illessrs.- Watson dud Toronto, and went' into service at purpose of confirming the result ob- Going on with his theor7 Professor with unconsciousness for three bk four 'but we take it, sayg the Westminster hair just matches my new gown.
L period of about 27. Those Officers provided victuals Gazette. that the mistress has alegal
incial Govern. various placee for e tained from the post-mortem held -be,- Gates says that every MARory of a, - hours at a ti e. This condit' Alice --Oh, Edith, the honeymoon is
-Those office,. mentioned Ion con-
ment, are In Otutwa in connection with six. years. Finally, when she -was fore the interment. The corpse was emotion, evil or good, rVistere - Ight to refuse admittance.
g .4s in - verses r The resul'
about cidad elf 7-19# Who Collected the pr6ducts -of tinned until =rch last, when klie begInallIg to wane. Perej called me
the, matter. -21 years of age, she tie found to b&r marks of sevefe usage. somewhere in the celluiar' tissues of t will e that a large num. Plain Alice t -day. Edith -And yet
n -whom she had the lad. Every one knew his place, had an increased and prolonged attack tier of -the servants in
6ir William Vain Ilorne statet! at to live with Thompso A gash in the abdomen, likely admin- the brain a4 -haa an effect, upOn t4at the towns, you are not so Very plain, desr4.
Winnipeg that the C. 1% lt-weredo� known since her visit. to Tordnto- istered by a -kick f rom a heavy -Soled organ -that may be permanent. From Works -and time. So that tile c Urt -- b7 being country girls- without. friends, -ThIs
-3 wife. They lived first in rooms boOt, was kept without confusion. Th 0 . which she was completely �pro will Dealer (dublously)-M-e-e-e I
a hh _ terrible - bruises upon the this lie argues that the good emo. calculates that the- 021118 be'driven to parade- the streetst '
Ing nothin$ in regard to the Cror. on Victoria street, flidu on Univer- breasts, and Mack and blue marks -tions should be taught, and makes amount of flour -9trated for the spalce-of a fortnight. for -these 9ix hours Of compulsory hollr hammock will bp1d two; but It would
4est Pas RailWaY PJ�Oje(!t, simply "Bed daHyi (verse 2Z;,- would Yield'"The disear;Q so affected tne optle nerve day. Thd humorous. e6m etgess of
ait%ng ftn� the Dominion -Govern- sity street, then on Dorset street. qpon the temples were. found. Mr. the surprising statement that out of - Pi be awfully close work. Majdo (quick-
ka the matter up. .4ir 28,000 Pouaq ead. so that there that Miss Watson was forced to w4uar pro sal w 1, e
ta, Is e - viscera of the forty good -6iiiotions be actually were -a 9 Pci are afraid, be
nieut to . During most of thl time she contin- knOws of only live or six that are p of br thl ly)-rlt take 1% Please I
William also expressed views on tile ued in service at various places, and dead wout . v a es ed ce of -becoming law. Lucy--Clara's honeymoon was com.
an to, Toronto for inspee- . "ber- of attendants, glasses. Many remedi were tri I)ut fatal to the elian a
Atlantic bteantishills service. added to her earnings between ti tion: by Government Anai�!t Ellis, generally cultivated in the -educ besides mav4 Taore who Came to -hear with no -avail, and both Miss WatKon A -prominent P.letely - spoiled. Alice. -How ? Lucy-
-lady politician hall al.
by picking pockets. According to her with a view of confuting any theory tional and reli IOUs By f of his wlsdopl,, who were served at tile and her friends feared that a &Ure ready 'hvowed -her preference for & The papers containin
g Steuls o the g the amount -of
A little 111 -re than two weeks ago king's t the wedding -did not reach her,
sworn statement "Charlie" was' also able- vast, -quantities of ineat, could not be obtained. Ulf Imately- Dr. statutory half -holiday for o- -
ly pickin . g pockets allthis of poisoning th t may be raised by world. - The "Mines of these en'O' (verse 23): ' so William I Pink Pills were strongly - mothers of verworked
the, Young't-oll of' Mr. Robert Horne. industrious the defence. IV037r'ldailY Provided, - re large families who. have When YOU hear One girl Ispeak Of an.
con-15ession, Lundtxli tow"lip, stepped tions Professor Gates does not give, that nothing was Suffered to be Jack- commended:by various friends and the no servants. -The husband wo 0
time, and the pr6fits of their aroca WAS CARPEN-'ER A BIGAMIST ? but -he says that lie U familiar with - to make a uld'Chen ther as. being " goOd and sensible
On a corn sickle, anti cut his foot just tion. were banked in.his name. TheY all of them. Ing Supply of'substautial. young lady decided to give, them - a be -compelled to remdin at h6me and Toni can feel Perfectly confident th-%,t
abova the heel. Tile wowill wits care- The detctive ilso; unearthed while food -not daintlesf, lo mind the h
v wn a- house BY building up the good niotiions. r these Solomon trIal6 A half-dozen boxes were hough. Ouse in the absence of 'his- 8110 Is as homely 84 a rall fence.
f ally dfessed- by the -fatilei but about of their -,own, and finally bought tile away a letter writte-li. by -a lady in In any brain persiotentiy and, dall - witnessed against. Prov. xxiii 3. and by the time one box was wie wife. WOman's suffrage is a pote ht
1knil Y, 2$. Barley and str,�.w�Oats force In Te Ze
Vvio weeks later lockjaw .,et in lyroperty on Brookfield street, PaY� Petrolea to Dx. Tones, of Hagersville, the theory iw that the evi _were there* was an improvement in her -con- N w
the lit -tie feli(>%v lies now in LL very. ing.$1.,'500 for it. stating that she', is the lawful -wife of I or b4d- n aland;-but we wonder ANOTHER STEPPWARDS.
Ot - cultlivated in the eastp therefore ditio, and before the -half-dozen boxes whether it will bring -a male legisla.'
precarious conditlon. ly ophy and lose th,6ir ba to
PRISON. tile accused murderer'. She -alle-es power. rley was the usual food (or horses;. were usQd Miss Wa on was, to use. tare - to regard 'that Proposition 4s Samu
Cameron, pastor of St. that she -has cxie plilld'�Jrom the unfou tile Poorer eluses,used, It for bread her own words, a different person serious..
R ev. (!. But by far the most Interesting- be Done by Attention to Business.
JOhes Church, Brockville. who ro- in 1890 Thompson got into tile toils. still living; that Carpenter nearly. lso.--jLange. Barley mixed - with altogether. Her entire nervous syetent
r-eived a call bout a week. ago to of the police, -and was sentenced to starved her to death, and that she paxi of the Ga-te;s discovery is the chopped straw wa the u&,ual food for 'was reinforced to such an extentiliat Cape of Persian Lamb. 01fiCe boy, a clerk and a rodman
Presbyteria - Church, Xhigstou penitentiary for three years. question of thet color f emotion -al "Ora* --g. F. & B. have become presidents of immense
the*- Fourth still bears upon: her body tile- marks. products and how-thesoe he Is now able to dispense with tile
While he was there she neier.forgot of tit&- man'., brutality to her some colors are . 29. God gave Solomon wisdom, and railroad syst
Boston, has annotweed. his acceptance obtained -by chemical means, use of he glasses wWh previous'fail-
of the same. The Bosto Presuytery, him, and, according to her own story. years agg. -Slioi says-tliat the wed.
-The petspiration or the saliva le (the underatioAding-:This wa1 more his jug e7esight,had made -necessary. 31ids Nobod thoug t when 4%muel Rog -
Pas ucurr� sent him $10 to $15 every' nibutht ding was celebrated tit Waterford glory than his IVeMItIll (11SCOEhMPUt, 'ers Calaway eiAered railroad service
111'his transfer, and a t dowm to see hint every months about eight years go, and that al emotion products can bei found in Penetration Watson is' how a staunch friend of
meetin� Of the Brockville 11resbytery wen le other execiaions and -secretions -of High *powers Of mind, Dr. Williams"Pink Pillsi and I Fays: in the humble capacity o;�offlce boy
prov:1d(- left him becausp, 6T bis ill-treatment great capaltY . for r66elving, as well to the treasurer of the G-fand Trunk d -him with good undereloth
Will b held shortly to- take imlar '61, have -i pleasure In recommending
mg in plaie of tile regulation -�risou of her. tho bo ' dy, aswell. but the two them to all similarly Afflicted.". Rev. railway of Canada that
-and paid.the fares to Kings- tioned are the most c9aveal as aptitude for'pommunicatinj know. in the year
".'ITF type, Wiprl -NO. 1 TO TESTIFY. el't)- 'a, P.'& B. Knowledge of - 1896 he wotd-be the chief executive
LN D, STATE&. collected on absorbent cott a D. Millar, a - friend of th
ton and return of his mother and on - and great vaxlety of things, the histories vouches for -the facts- above Set -forth. of the New York, Chicago And t.
The forty-third sys,-:1wn of the Inter- brother. His time expired'at last, and Slie-will give evidence at the trial the matter afterward removed from of former timels; .:& quickness Louis railroad, commonly known as
national Typ�,gralsidvat -union opened they lived together al,gain.. But ull- to be lield at Br�ntford -on Dec. 12th, �tfte cotton by sugh'solvent.4 as a;I ' of - Dr. Williams' Pink PiIla create new
anti tier. testinioUy will doubtless go co' thought," -strength of M4�mory,. and. blood,", build up the nerves, and thus the Nickel Plates and enjoying the
at- Colorado :Sf)r.ngs %% ith a large at- alloyed happiness was not for them, -hols sulphide of carbon, ammonia or clearness of judgiAeut. � Laxgenes Of dr confidence of the Vanderbilts. Mr.
tendance of nivibber& for shortly af�er Titompson's release far to convict tile man under accusa. ether. Following this tile -solution - Ive disease from t4e, system. In lope Callaway is an exemplification o'f
e- i similar t ion - 1 treated with either chloride, . lleart-4 heart to do a vast amount
of having ffitirdered the woman L hundreds of cases they have, cured
The epubli an Executive Coniniit- Jessie w LI Of 900d.-SdOtt. - ven as the sand after.ail Other medicines have falled. what a reliable, energetic, andtrust-
tee in ew York are confident, that jerm. it was now his Turn to look who is t�ai to hav6 been his second PhenYl-sIllco or idoolide rhodopsin, and-: E worthy -boy may do by
-* the. sand encloses a vast body thus establishing the claim hat t hey perseverance
e he appears to have wife. This is entirely new evidence, the resulting precipitatea are differ.
McKini- and Hobart .� ill be elected. after- her,. and of waters, - so his wind c(intdineq - an and a determination to succeed. Ho
8 d him. Af- anti is very sen.-4itiorfl in -Its nature- ently co"lored, according to the par. Oeean are a mArvel among the triump))s of
They will 'receive Z70 electoradvote, done, as much as sh id for Carpenter�s conviction is now - con,;id- ticula Of- knowledge. -Lord Bacon. modern medical science.- The genuine IS an 'Official a newspaper man likes
whil, Bryan will only receive ILOO. er her release they lived together r emOtion- the subject was un- 30' 70 wisdom excelled --ex. -Pills -bq5 ered as, assured. der. aOlOmOn- Pink. are Sold only In. -es, I to meet, and the reporter's regard
have ecals that at tlli..3 fun,
again,'thqugh it s for the managerial tionar of
The.- Vaim->taier, . U., police ceeded.:The-knowledge 66d gives by -bear k, ." Dr.- t., , t
hey frequently quarrelled; and THE Anger, grief, fear, worry, remorse Ing - the full Arade mar the Nickel Plate increases prportion-
arrested U. %V. Legg. defaulting treas- period t and guilt. are, the emotions Professor special favor go" beyond whait man Williams'.Pink Pills for Pale People." dre'r of lWaverly. county, 01ILiO. one of. the bones of contention W" the, r.,3�urray's investigation into the
house on Brookfield Finally Gates has gets bY his own labor, Chil 1� ate with the visits. Perhaps It was a
who- is a defaulter for about $10,000, ours in natural affinity for the railroad that
treet. a -r,,- given- 'the grea"t amount --Chaldtins, ell (If Protect y elf from -I position by
incendi ism and cattle and sheep the east -The Persia -118, refus
and -for whose, arrest it reward -is she started an action to get It f rom. steal:, of attention to. In
i g so prevalent in the, vicinity is g any pilt that- does not luar
-hemical products of these and.Arablanst famous for wis around the predeter d Mr. Callaway's caeer.
y. P -- also likely to' result in a series of ar. -The c learning, as appears from-thebook rred trade mark
him, but was convicted Of-IJOck6t, ick 17. He 1011tno tinie in uncongenial oe-
Ing before the lie.,tring came off,, and vary in the tints and tones box.
GREAT - 1UUTAINM rests -shortly. The Carpenter family they assume.- Very nearly the . whole of . Job. "WJ�idom of Egj�ptthe CUPations, and at the � age f 3.3
. left tire city on Saturday to serve a are blamed as -a ba,,(,l lot for the law- country west of Canaant.still in years he was- " bound" to the trea-
A- number of Lubans. employed in term, of four years in tile 'Kingston range of -the spectrum is to be - ore FEMININE CHIT CHAT
less state of thelcommuffity, and�sev- seen fedgo of An exceedinglY DrPtty ripple &xpe of
rpenitentiary. ollectiod of these plautf and. animals, and t w Ian lambo wlrn '(1maint tabbed
oral of them' r� likely to go to all. In, a completo e distinguished for their. kno surer Of the Grand Trunk for a -term
making eigars at London alave, gone lot chemically treated emotions, and geometry, Astroomy, 9kilt in Dresden Umbrella Handles Are Pers of three years. That was thirty-two
on strike. AN INTERESTING DIALOGUE One-.fariner wliq recently lost a collars emphasizing tho pc.rfection of years. ago� and in Ontario, where the
William Hery Parnell, third Baron of theff, is John Bousfield, of among the colors it may be instanced nd. other Pas ermine, -Lady's Pictorial, ice
In her examination before r. -Bruce Walpole townshl that guilt Is pink. having been -treat. sciences.-Whodon- Is o 5e* apprent system obtained.
Congleton. is dcad. Ile was born in- was re P- 91. Ethan, 116man, Chalcol, lr�arda Y) Dresden I ba n the handles of um- That Province wa.9-also Mr. Calla -
she presented b� Mr. R.,Go A brother of te trecuseS murderer, ed with. selnle acid.
1809- and was formerly in the royal Smythe, arid tile defendant by Win. It is imPbst-ible to- ay whether brellas are alread Str6et;-Govrn. -way4. birthplace. The apprentice's
navy. -Alurray says, is blamed for the these are the sa:mo persons, as t
Mr. NEW ORANGE PEELER. career. was productive of much good,
. Ferguson. To the latter, .,she incendiary fires which have occurred hose thing to have Is a natural wood stle.k. although . financially he was not
tile in ve- in the region. `E(1- Ciiiienter The resemblance Is remarkable Not very knobby pnd. greatly benefited. HIS Compensation
Tile Queen a Pope hav ex- told, under oatb, of her early - In 1. Chron. ii. 6, ort David's singers. w th a
changed crdial letters upon theyeea. ments in the city, tier -agsmiaolon is bis To Remove the Rind. Without Soiling
name. and, shortly after his expulsion Ylilte lawn ties, after the manner of
Sioll of the sixtieth anniversary of Her with Thompson, her prison -life.* and from the Indian reserve up there tile. the'Fingers. Only are the Dames pra,6ticalIT - the was vJxactlY $8.Z3 per month. -Presi-
her connection with the Brookfield same, but theY occur in the same or dent Callaway's npxt position was
Majesty's reign. conflagrations took place. 'The 'burn-' A Patersom (N. J 'Men'& evening -dress ties, are gain i ng
:The engagement of -Cx�ningsl)y Dis- street property. Comi4g to hetime firm 'has brought der.- Our fir6t impres,3i;611 then is in favor. Until this season they Were that Of clerk td the Suerintendent Of
I -when. Sher and Thompson lived on Un-- Ing of the ptjl)ltc pound and several out the orange, and len�on Peeler as that the two.lists represent the same not considered the thing at all, bat 116 old, rxre4t Western Cbmpany at
TaOli. nepliew of the late Lord Bea- houses and stores Is laid to his credit- Persons, and , If so Ithe
iversity avenue -the following - dla� -as -were the nlore�aud more of them are notilued ns Ont., from which lie w
C018flold; to a Potuguefs6 lady of !on- WAS STERNAMAN MURDERED? Solls of Zerah, th6 son of �. a
between her and the Tudah. on 'the shirt waist brigade every d � y. Y Prol�noted to the dual position
mense wealth, is announced. 32. Three thousand proverbs -Read By the Way never be guilty of tile of trainmaster and private secretary
lawyer: WhIe absent �. urray lso -looked New' Orange -and Lemon Peeler, --th to the general manager of the Sam%
Th& deer-4,talking season in Scotland Had you a bank account up to that 'into the Flx6v. 1 -6 Lesi jan o ;�earing a -necktie boug lit
Sternaman murder case lit ne-
haa been unusuany succestiful. The seen in the accompanying -cuts. This these are preserved In the book railroad. lie continued to act in these
time ? - A. -No. Rainham Cenire, and be- found that of already tied, always tie your -own, capacitie.s until 1874, when Mr. Calla -
Bradley -Martin party of thirteen rillus Implement is designed, -to remove the Proverba Songs, a thousand and five -and have the loops and ends"straight And W11011 did YOU first have a bank the evidence 'points to- arsenical poi-
ve he
last Week secured forty-nine isurgs. account ? A. -When Thompson went soning. Provinellal' Annlyst� Ellis will rind of oranges and -lemons expedt- `--Of these all have perished, -except across, as -a mao ties his, do not al- way left his nati -ath and becanic
away. shortly repoit the Msult of his exam- tiol4sl, without sollizig the hands- Thp 'the Canticles (Songs of Solomon), and low -the ends to hang below the loops. Superintentibnt of the 1"roit & =I -
In 1890 ? A. -I do. not remember the I . fruit is held In the left -hand, the possibly Psalms lxxii.,, cx % No woman wardrobe will'be com-
lt 1--5 ;tatd that -the Sultan. has inatiou or the viiscera. vii., c1xviii. laukee Railway. Four years subse-
Signed an ira(te promising State re- Year- - Being the sow -of the sweet Issalmist Plate this winter without a -velvet
You me" when he went to King- VI. I for a similar one with the, Detroit,
Of IWa0I, he naturally inherited the gown, or at- least a velvet Loials
forms for the whole of Turkey. ASSAULTED A WOMAN..
ston ? A. --:-Yes. gift of poetry. sad song. jacket.. 'Those women., who cannot i8aginaw & Day City Railroad. For
The reconciliation of Em-peror Wit- He gave you, or lent you, then, 83' He - spake of . trees .... beasts fowl afford the real thing will find nv*t three 7.e)-,rs, beginning in :LSSI& h6
liam and hi brother Henry of Prus- $400 ? -A.-Re gave me the- money I A Fugitive Arrested in Boston He is
Wanted ifi- Halifax, N. S. --creeping things....fishes--flis wisdom excellent imitations in the velv+ t- `%vao the General Manager of the
Sia 119 now effected, and the Prince W�ns entitled to. It was my own was not only in spirlt'14 relikious and eens and veivutinas sold In the shupsi Orad Trunk line wert of the 'St.
during the coming winter will reside money that he gave me. Bo�-itoil - despatch - sayff: When, tile. social matters, and displayed in dc- The'smaller shea;th-like sleeve is- iLot Clair River, holding -Simultan'
in the ROyal castle of Kiel. By %rhat meajih did you get' the steamer Olivette arrived -'from Hall- trine, and poetryi-. but in -tble Jhe Position of President of the Chi -
natural nearly so becoming, or so comfort,
AmbaSsador Lustis, at Paris, llas money? A. -I earned it one, way and lax, N. S., -this foreno5on polfde in- th1n986 the entire kingdom of plants as the ones no-ity worn, and women. on ago & 'Western Indiana ,Railroad,
cabled the United -States Secretari of another Karf waiting nd- amimaJo. Thus. he exponded the all sides are openly expressing 06ir jPourteen years ago. Mr. Caliq4waSl
State. tliat Tynan, suspected of L, be- How �ld you -got it? to search her for a fugitive from Jug- Cutting Circle "Around Fruit. wisdm of God displayed I- tho'crea, dissatisfaction at the - change. TIey
]in was elected Vice-Presidentnd Gen -
Ing the - notorious "No. I;" will be The plaintiff's counsel objected to tice, who Is wanted at Halifax on a handle of -the peeler In- the other. A tion. In." his -knowledge. hia are aoPtine the new fashion -vVry br-11 Wa=ger of the Union Paciflo
released by the French authorities. this question, but was overruled.- charge of committing a murderous lent is made completely'. around the shone the Egyptiam. slowly, and modifying the new style and affiliated lines, remaining With
The-Vitterliatis of -the Austrian - Can you answer that question? A. assault on a woman. The Boston orange or lemon. am seen tW fig. 2, by . 34.' There ame all - the people to by'bow knot% collars that exto.-nd that company for three'years. Upon
Relch-hratli has pab.,,�ed a, resolution ities received a despatch - the Wisdom of Solomon -Kings Over the -sleeves and different sorts -his retirement he ccepted the Pr4e,
-Not very well. author using the cutting trilge qu either side bear
favopig the Government making -- How much. money did you lend terday., in regard to the case, giving -of blade, as seen in the imiddle of 'the sent their -,amibassadors to hear It, and of trimming. -sidency of - the Toledo, St. Loulg
to the powers for thd for-, Thmpson? A. -We both* Mae the the man!a name as George Woodburn. peeler, Illustrated In The end of to -bring thenl instructions, from it. Alp4cit and mohair . are favorite Kansas City - Railway, the Clover
of Money together, and of'COUrse I had When- the officers-looed over'the list 8010moups Court was the at iZ4
matioh of an international court apl of -a worn Ny, th Leaf. Und6e Ills -management the com-
materials for skirts to b
arbItratioa. no education, and he. Is smaxt. He al- of passengers no such name was learning, the common ratieting-41ace of all" waists on account- of thoir J)any was reorganized and the rall-
ways spent the money we made to- founds so they then had to begin to-- �he lovers of w-isdoon, who came to
light weight and dust -shedding quli-� Iroad practically rebuilt. Like the
gether.- pick out the. man from the descrip- "light. their candle at his lamp.'P. Thus ties. And now Dame' Fashion has . t --,Lid' Lake Shore and Nickel Plate Itail-
-BIG PROFITS. tion. 8010moir Improved God's gift to him a white alpaca. skirt forl a white or ways, the Clover Leaf Is contrblIed
to blew many.
An Indian's Crime, -A - Rew,r How Mch did you lend -him? A. As a man who gave his name as light colored shirt. waist is -very - by the Tanderbilts. When President
d to be
TeichInger-.-When God -gives peace
-About $800. Samuel Hartman was leaving the well. John'Newell, of the Lake Shorei Com -
Offered. steamer he was� sized up aA Woodburn. and' piety, 11-11i people -may dwell in CTepe has. been revis6d; the r e Its pany, died, D. W. Caldwell, then Pre-
IA3,t me see, if I unclerstand the ar- When he w
The Ontario Government will, it is as questioned, he would
rangement between You. -You -were -safety. and rejoice *in -the benefits of much more black worn to. trim mourn- Isidet of the Nickel Plate Railway,
expected, Issue. a rewaxd for the. cap- both pickpockets? A. -Supposed to be. not admit his, identity at first, but Separating Outer from Inner Skin. 'His blessings. Our livbs should com- Ing gowns. -and some of the hand- was elected to the -vacant position,
When you picked, a pocket you when he was asked Why he came to Pare with our professl6m We should oomest evening gowns this winter' and.Mr. Cifliaway assumed charge of
ture of an Indian named Joseph Bizalo, this. country under an as-uniedname the curved blunt blade Is then are- be btolerl and thorough in our work will be of China exepe, Its cost the Nickel Plate system.
of ser ed
who is charged with the murder brought the %oey up an I d gave It' to he. gave himself aw fully in - ted. and the skin separat for our King. We�Should desire wisdom prevointAt-beeoming common' Shuill When Sir Rivers Wilson came to,
ThompSon? A. -Yes. ay'by answering froin'the body; . as -shown in fig. 8, care
another Indian. named -Megwance, at And you continued to pic that be did not know it was a crime ftbm- God above all -other. We excel hand -e -broldefed shawls of ilds maw ;America to Investigate the affairs Of
e 'an assumed x being taken not to - break the Inner t ere Only as we live more devoted in
Thtmsaloli, on the north Snores oppo-- while You. were on Ddj�set str et A. to travel under: lame. skin. This operation to then re te . ria -I have bee . a much used. for e -v( -n- the Grand Trunk Pailway he offered
He was escorted- to . headquarters; pei�ted ElsY
site-Aaatoulln. lsrland�o 29th -Ye.. ighood. All our words should be. chosen the general management -61 that Sys -
to remove the other half. - Ing wear for iieveral ieasons.
last. As fa as is known hy the vi- And two of y and there admitted his identity, and for -goodsof others.- A very -large and gmut Woman. tem. to Mr. Callaway. who for varlmis
ou lived out of the pro- and uttated the
dence Iii the hands of the authorities, o5eeds of whatever you -pl.cked '? A.- agreed to 90 k without rcquisi-; . "Thoughts. -The ' dying Words Of rho, earriew her gowns as a duchess :rea@Gus was Impelled -to decline the
the, two men became involved in a yes. tion papers. . 110 -is. alleged to have. -BY RELIGIOUS FER David to his Son. Solomon were An ex -
Z In supposed to carry here. explains her osition. If he had accepted'th6 prp-
Was he in any other'bustii.ess 'be. committed the issault on Ada She- Removed to. an: insane Pavili After a hortation, to him that he would fol- 1, Thbre a Future Life for Horseq-?' theory as fOtlbws t "There Is no use position he would have beebine Geh-
't Ifn RL at
oar. The injured man lin- sides picking pockets ? A. -Not that I pard in a house on Abormarle street. Struggle With a P0 man. low the statutes of the Lord. and take out person laIng. A thin
-he had formerly served asffIbe,
Ile was arrested in Halifax, and was Asks Angell. eral Manager of.a great corporaton
Yr some d4ya. and then died, know of. Him, with him In all Ills ivays. The woman may draw In her stays to which
and aii'inquest was hold at Thessalon out on bail, whefi It was learned that 4& New York deSP 11 Says Dr. promise of blesging and prosperity "'And when the servant of tile ]]':'In make a waist. but the stout woman bv-.--aevelnd. Leader.
by t1te, coronet of ille district, ait A.�Wb lived pretty well. he hail gone toi Boston. To the. ar- 'Sherwood D. Me - sh, 31 Years old, given on�- the tion that Solomon of God was -risen early, and has already too much waist. I wear
Thirty-third street, keep the commands of the Lord. 'With forth, be n host comPas
hich two men testified to having resting -officers he trdmitted that he of No. 222 hold a" sed -the. about my hps a bajfd of strong'llnen, Another Matter.
witnessed the mcufence. As a result, THE BANK ACCOUNT. assaulted the - woman on -September *as removed t the insane pavilion at the - responsibilities of the kingdom city � both with hor#es - and chariots. whle k
li is fastened wItA_ strong safety
a vrdlet, of wilful murder was re- ' What did he'do, with tile money 26th, but ays- he only bit her with Bellevue Ospital early And his servant said unto him, Alas ping. It -is co 'Circumstances altei cases, says the yesterday Caine the desire to render perfect sat mfortlible, keeps the
turned agiiist Bizalo. &nd o4i Sep- A; -He banked it. his list, while the despatch received morod P suffering tram acute mania- my master I how shall We do I I-
isfaction unto God and righteous r Stomach down and pushes the flesh un proverb. affd aninetimes the metamr-
tember 7toli teat - a lett(W *as received Where did he keep the bank aca from, Halifax states he' assaulted her 31D) Intosh has mantrested a deep -Ing unto the. - - desire wefed-lear not for t1+eY
people. This be, And - he- ans -in the back.' It keeps the skirts nice. phosis Is accomplished with amas(Ing.
by 'the -AttorneyUener4t�% . Depart- 'count T. &-In. Esther street Dominion with a chair. Woodburn will, be Ao- t In- evangelical servic6a which came -a prayer. and the prayer was that be with us are MOM than t.110Y No skirt will hang well after a dozen suddenness.
ment from the Count4�Ait�rney Of Bank branch. tained until. the arrival of- an officer' have been.held in 'a taberuaclei on heard and answered In such large that be with them wearings if the-ow-n'er is too large In Two antateur'. hunters In the;nortA-
from Halifax. in. Halifax the - last few measure that Solombn was the wisest d, frontand too little large In the back. -ern wooft not loifg ago, saw a deer,
the, localltY. stating fa facts, and And you still continued to live as prisoner Seventh avenue during' th6 And Elisha prayed- and said, L01
asking for flistructionw - I warrint man and wife 2 A. -Yes. has a wife and two children. weeks. . He is - unmarried and 'lives man In all the land. 11 pray thee open his eyes that Ile Then I have very good corsets, with and- both fired at once
was- promptly Issued for t'he axrest of -- still continued J;o pick pock- with his 'sister. He;- re3tired'al the , Illustration -,-A most beautiful ex. may see.' a strong�steel down the front and That is my deer." said A;,," � shot
to ets? That was the Only business of AN AMPUTATION STORY w-u7al tim-b'on- 'Wedneidity night, but ample of +,he p ap. - And the Lord opened the eyes of the
the accused- man, but all attempts Ower of God's grace flexible - benes on the sides and in the It."
catch filin'lia-ve so far been frui the two of ypu A. -I suppose, so. jumped out of bed and began to five- I. peare man, and he saw ;-and belijild back.. My corset maker. gives me -six No, Tdu &dn't,"' --hotly re
tiess, Wit c c In the Ufa of a youlng womam Young - ed J13L
ng i h Points 0, Girl as a Heroine But voice to his religious iervok in a ou(IL�, h r 4. 1. W &,,� +1.� -b afid
And the who ndsr�, '�� � � � . t. IyW
_you still continued to put je.0 front steels with e i3air pf atay
It*S Fishy. m9tain was full of horses', T fil
the eharacter of the surroundi %. It mg, "eer because 11 kille It.111- -A
- His sister was of God.�,;"Rie question was to her -Hub b I u BUT, as soon a F1 4xv txjprl�t.
country offering almost perfect op- money into the general fund ? A: -Yes. and lively z�auner a ch, ar 16 reas;
awakened and r�! to Ills room. 'She- weight'"tt indeed, but when she had II. Kingis vi.'17.-Our Dumb Animals. the. front steel urved I change It. the oppo ton, *ith -KiF fi� we -
And out of the general fund - cloth- New Jerriey despatch says:- Jose- -.X -is c site direct'
portmilties for hidiing to a man of his lieo
crams. Ing f6r both of you was suppiled ? A. Phalle Thomas, a servant on a farm tried to. pacify him, but the doctor _,kin.her heart to step. out, A careless habit In sitting will so bpud eye and a club in I& hand.
could not be quieted6 and rughed u.A!��Zu,_'Nlqd her all Into the hands of Flames. the steel that It adds to the apparent Which of you two raseals shot my
Dlzaio, whose character Is notorlious- -Yes. just below hereP displayed unusual Temperature
ly bed, disappeared at the time of tile "r slzeof the abdomen !nstead of de- calf?" roared the farmer.-
And- out. of tile general fund the pluck -this morning, when she cut off -abOut the floor in his night robe, em- o her Lord, and earnestly prayed that ' pr.'Halrtley has described to tile
hou�s-e was supplied in every Way? A. -her too ith a butcher knife, but she Phasizing-his. feelings by -overturning, all hei powers might be creasing It." "That felloW' just told me he did -i
tnquest, and-hai not been heard 'of used for God, London Chemical Society his exm-rl- Its" imid A.
since. It. Is understood that he !s, in -Yes. Probably owes fier life to her brav- chairs and tables and scattering books alsp that they might be greatly Mentz on the temperature of cpRaln Lailylike.
lildhig- in the woods north of the lake. . And You both were maklijg money ez I I and papers In every direction. quickened.. that slie-might reach many. flames. He furnishes evidenceo .. lie And B, now thoroughly alarmed for
and It Is expected that thq advent of -and You both L-4utinued to live well ? lomas had risen to prrepare Mlis McIntosh summoned Polleep- hearts and lead them to. God. - "Trust. lit die his personal safety. Answer6d:
motto, and gh temperature'of a candle "He lies. He- shot It himself. I saw
the cold weather will drive him out, A --Yes. breakfast; and bad'Just fiftished'put- man Conrad,. of the -West Forty and obedience," was her nc&only from the melting of gold tilid
do it, ear
as It will be almost impossible for him You cannot tA-11 any sums that you ting on her 'shoes, when she seventh Street Station, - to bbe as- she went forth as a bright and Shin- of platinum In -the flame, but by an him and Ill gw to
felt sistance. Dr. - McIntosh and the in
to subsist without Provisions and far gave him? A.—No'; not exactly. something moving In her right one. g light to- bleass t e -world. Wonder -1 examination Of - the - Spectrum - to be interior.
n. It Is deemed likely an struggled desperatelY un. ful results blessed her efforts. Old.and
from civiltzatto Have you ever given him $100 at a She started to remove it, when she Policein seen in the mantle. - Experimentsmade-
til an ambulance surgeon arrived. young-gAthered from far and near, to NO Lack Of Heir's NOW.
that he may so6n come within. reach r9I1 ? A.—Yes. felt a stinging sensatioti-in -her gicat with platinum. w-fres : heated in a
of itrrest, and tohe�offering of a re- Did you give him mone every day? too. Hastily kicking it off she wa Conrad -was almost . exhausted and bear the young woman speak.. She batswing gas flame proved that the Apropos* to the-40ty-ninth anniver-
ward will probably assist In -effecting A.7,No; not -ev�ry (lay. exactly. - .1iorrified to See � a huge, black spidei would'havib been overpowered by the. falthfully� unfolded God's truth, under carbon does not lo*br -the. meltiqg eary of the reigif ot Queen Victoria,
hie capture. The matter Is under cou- Every week? A.!--Yesp very.nearly.. 'crawl out of her shoo and a insane map hAd 'not several lodgers the inspiration Of. His spirit. And thua the' phitinum.—that - Is, - vot the Nouvelle 'Revue I
curry, point '61 1 nternwtionale
Attorney-Gi6neral'ti How much rhoney do You make on come to -his assistance. Morphlrie she talks. prays, sings, all for - God!s
obderation by. the across the floor. In any appreclabla'degree-; a. imiall' publisheo.a letter of Prinep tharles
an-alverage was used to quiet the doctor, and he g1dry.-and many are cooverted toGod. carbon monoxide flame melts pMtt- Do Solmas,-one of the numerous -suitors
Depaxtment at the 15resent time, and - a. year ? A.—I don't know Soon her foot commenced to path
im- ,a . etly. I could not telP have no od, who flame -was shown to
It Is understood that steps will be ex was -finally removed to- the hospital. through her efforts. " If any Of you
idea- intensely,- whlW -her too was swelling lack wisdom, let birn -ask of G num. . wire - of 1 -100th Inch thickness, for the. hand - of the young �queen. The
medlately taken to effect - by this rapidly -and turning black.,Having agol a cyandgen Prince relates that It had been de-
nefit of Advertisin giveth to all. mbullberally and -.up. bedutensely, hot, for it melted Stich tided- -that he should go to. -Undaill, -
means the apprehemsion, of the fugi- Regulations for divil rvonts. heard thdt persons sometimes the B�a .. (I
braldeth not.1-4as. 1.. 5.
from spider bitesi. the . girl tied a Whatever'- Induced you to marry *Ire, with extreme ease. These� I11! and pay his a4dres*s to -the mlece
The folhWing- regulations, relating cord around her; ankle to prevent the me, anyway, If I am so distastefulto PRACTICAL.SURVEY.- teresting experiments by Dr. Hart- Of Willin IV., when the QUeen'01
to civil Be'
Fifty Years Spent in Jail. rVants have been passed by poison from spreading. Then, ' secur- YOU V' The bl ol-peace which: eamie ley In m6asuring-the temperature of Hnnov-er Asuddenly opposed the -gre-
St. Ca-tharines despatch . says� H. the -Ontario Government: "That Ing a b0tcheir knife, she severed her I think- it Was the advertisements." to Israel the -reign -of Solo- fla es were carrieff on by means of Ject. That, was 'in 1838. -'0 YOU
r'e I) e r�b .0
'a"u nally, to attend to and- too from her foot. Becoming alarm- she said. moli were great -beyond any former gol�d l6af and with f ine wl res of p I a t- know;" she said, to the -FrInce, '"that, -
was sent. to the King ry t -19 the[ -xleaAwt-
Guest, whd me supe -duties of his office by -a ed lest she might bleed to death, Miss The what?" period 'of their'illstbry. After wars inu 1,300th of - an Inch In diameter. th6 King of H14noiter
on Penitentiary a Short ti - I
St ago Public offic6r or servant- shall be a Thomas - awoke, the househould - and The -advertisements-. The -bouss-. with other natifts and dissebelons heIr lo, the British crown. �O'ItLIIOS
for hLors"teaAng. haasono of the most ell4g_ that for- -414int
�S haW -or
sufficient 'cause for removal from of- told wh hol libargalne, you kdow.- I -thought within their own borders were end- �,Could Not Stand the Strain alwQ
,remarkable records In tha history of at.had happened. A farm hand d it . - the third vr --Jouj4h brw
this, colantry. Aged and- Infirm (for -flee. ThaV incurring debts hereafter was sent for a -physician' who dressed It- woul -be so lovely to go to the ed, through the righteous ruling of a direct beir,
b"ficers or clerks of the Civil Ser- the wound. This after' department stores our are a dead beat." ther has a,�ceaded the throji4,3; I
noon the girl and buy nice pleks oa-vid.- Israel entered' a Ill of
he is nearly -.W -yeaxs old), :this man Out Of d' Upon
'vice which they shall, be unable to is reported to be for 9 cents, real 8 -cent dippers for onl At, the harsh *oids the 'i
It Tab III
anger. Y sweet rest. No outward foeig tbre4t� One -not a0y veapon. WWI
and t
still possesses a desire to do wrong, pay by'reasou of living�beyond their 1, cent, and All that -sort of thing. Of r -himself and opened
,hough'-fia rarely escapes puu- Ballobilin ened them, nefthep any Internal up. ousad soling oyer -him -happen In -the p 41tb - d'
means, shall be a sufficfe�nt, e g in, virar, course, I had no use� for -that soirt of. trfilnge L Were feart& T heir -king was The policeman be
Ause for went''onz
fshment. he always marks his re- removal from Office; and the giving. The Austrian -Government' recently stuff as long a's 1. remalfied --single." . a., man -of peaces aufftheir lbad pro-
Aneed abundance. - They were in the You have been trying to travel on
lease from: confluemebt-,,by commit- Of Orders upon tho treasury by such made some experiments to determine
ting thefts of more or Feis import- officers or clerks, . unless previously au. In the process of cold rivetl `Ifu Your L -face."
whether serviceible observationo'could land'of promise, 6ujQylng 1he -promise,
amm. His reputation, ais a thiet is thorized aQ to do b torpedo boat construction It has- "The tyellat.opeped. the other eye.
y the treasurerin made from &: balloon at -a safe db- PU the Lord; "ThO *&k of rfghtoovo- I -have 11 he Admitted. I's Oji my� f -ace
1,rovinclat. but as many of his crimes writing. 10 prohlblied. That L the -t 0i from an Onemy's fire.- A balloon -been experimoft, doWmined thiiat now Is poaft, And the Wed, Of Oil& W316�,Is --Said About Wohien.
80i000 poWs-per square ... -they --could not "jhIeS I" n
hais been committed. in this locality -habit of tippling, or being'under the 88 feet by 46. test In diatheter. was I eammeoijS' quijitnesS -Wbol In V. -V-
i pressure, of one tAbb*. But
rarn.1 I
I'll& 46f j1V Wt&O]i if is V
n quidtv -filit- 1�i -br
ever,:-, -my: P -A --w eAkI y to Id e fe-eti Ito
herezin the record of the police MAI 00 Abr and
there in considerable Interest Shown Influence oR Intoxicating liquor by a sent up from a VofnV 5.500 yards d1w - a3'd &Our-- stand the 'st t, t ''y
or Servant . dUrl apple - -611A w "WAeolusi- -,to thei.
In public officer ng b9al- tant from a. battery, and was n- aeffifully to close cold IrLWAS. Ir
tave th h
d*6111 in, -A psaceabW habitatiWi an
I - A
Aw 0 1pW near' `hlbk
him out of the way. Guest new or dflim hours, dhall be a suf.- tai alt a hef--ht of 2,600 feet. Ten. In Japap .,there to no- domestic 4ut-' -1 -and I ��Ub X
placing - _A.1 49
newly 50 yWo In Mae Of MW account." sure'i W st6ri% ,beltrft theq.,--ira Ifts", g�
bw opent fielent caus0-for removal from of. thousand buDW- wem 11red-at It. but Th u gmeuWz--4Df
imes for
amd hiw been convieted nine %
the balloon won not -In the The A yo
iteaiia& While hfaL conVietloW least In- d� ej&_� 0
horse -at -Ibaltobn 4k J3.611 to
fur" It, AN ppsioble' th , the perlinental. Alra0k.-j
tor petty thefts aud 43*&niednors are --I& is 000k _ _ ". If
estl=W. that Oner Crow Will. OW play VM7. ImporMAt P in M"d
�E7 . . . . . .
qaw n=vrous, ESP.
"troy 700,.OW lumedft e.very Vftr. t4e-.w of �%I�gfqtux,&
sw - . . I -
wq- -
7 _+7 5.
:NNVAf--,1W Af -0,