Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-25, Page 2M - 7 M -01 Y 0 W 7_77 5;5,-�- A A", f 5- -M- PI, W T", 5 0, _; . , ­ -qv Wk 'RR hind door. whicy stood ajar, Lay- P h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . itened. not losing on GARDIEN. "tako,,in t a Of a ARM AND a Cara 61 pdultryi 04df eem- ALWAYS N POVERTY,. Manott "a word& felt struck to MOU an that of over feming A.MDGZ' the earth by what he heard. There are sonte, thin poul- But X "40 AGRIUUraiijiu. We aicut Ow Starvation Threaten; NO. AANETTE ANDREV NO -1 We had not slept for a. ni$nth. try raising, WhIP4 Oinl be - taught s Their Inducing 1� Secul"Ut to Swoftr .Like - He- had had something on'llis min-@ Let those who Veiv Existence. a --------- have the responsibil- -Only by 6XPOrlenci� and in the buBi.! Liens- aL little pr&eti Presbyterian. A Hroi a proAiCt In 198 heart. Emilie had Ity of -gotting the 'fedd of theory. It.j- Is - one � of the One for . the winter will be' a terrible In a case ba10r8!JudgB Woods in -the in -AWY'01 thCqe,.jk& er In -to shape 'world bot is Worth a The �next laiiis xepwni to' Ile Of the Reign of Terror.. perceived It: she bore him wituesiLI for the Winter bear In On tile coast Llatowel Division �-burt the otherday �Vertuem6nts, PIO* Poor Ind mention NO; his thought had not -been vain, mind4it" frost branches -01 farm Industry which does abradr, says the New Yor of L they �liad resulted In a horrible ae, Is liable to come at- almost an time. not seem to have profted much from 11141- They have a k Her- Mr. Jae Kk1th oWected to the usual' Paper. boat reached T4011- At. boat, there is to be an 'Immense- the- form ofath being adminiftered tin A THjULLnqG NARR.&TM , Y, all too late I the exPerlmQat -stations Begin mod- end Of their- tether, thbre is the ground th OF TH12 FRENCH REVOLUTIOIL He 'could not show himself. He eTawlYx� and. acquk 6x- nothing ahead of them ex at he ww�3 a secula;lot. mom= lose of food because of fallure to ge 0 your Own rapid Will You tak t: Pe'rielace. cept e a Predbterlan, oath'?" COuIdV Dot cry to Manette what I PATION-A ST -PAUL rTA%R= I& cured in gpod season' aid covered Al healthy chick requires no aasist- The Jesuits asked HI8`H or�-Mr. Keith fto S '�AUSED BY swore to do for YOU I have done 1; Do t being lD1QEs*r1ioN. K 0 0 from the el hav8 had charge of famillar W1211that varloty. the in '40).C. Pills are duaimu r 6meats.. - - - of oney ri tteedd them for dge *.rouble nd not tell me It was done too late t I did aneO to free itself fieni-the, shell. The of centurIEW, 76URE d. held up JRj Frei SaM"pI08.VL 0. 0. CO Ltd JJ6,.v 4MITgacw� am not the coward. at whom they - are' the hardest race on the hand, and this the Witaoss did, -and N -S, 127 Summer i �X a couple but 'ask6d him -it he woul eald Is so placed �V � t 1-111- In r fallowing a some value 0 leave. room via;; 4L N%vwn. "am The.,man who had taken upon Z You oneer Cltoyenne Cozaron. I 'am a ,, eStUring worn or weedy -land, but for action; it globe to keep eonverted4 , Thd-' old acquiesced in the� following oath, Pecks Idirele and - man to whom your wish is law, who same result can be accomplished breaka, out the Jar SUP16rstitlow seem to be Ineradicable, which may be Presbyterian, but -self to be to -remember. She recollected she had. for I ger efid, admits air both Judge and ekecutioner one to sleep very love Of YOU has cut short to much -better purpose by growing by degrees, and gradually extricates is. iT PAYS To 'h dark streets that then th t why early upon the sofa fe. A amans and Ploughing uncier green crops. Soil ltselL' An 4tt1OMPt W brealk- and their morals or rather their im- scarcely secular.,: 4s You 'shall an - threaded t she had awakened that, Ild ah I you do not know what the morality, to the despatr of Vine pa- ewer it In the great day of Judgment, It has 'cost e I- ways recuperating if we are not hell.down 6rd 10 USUallyL surrounded t a abbey. They were all a attended issionarles. "a owjearrul will tell the -truth, the 11 "17ngaaearlIer than usual. Ent how is al in w- tient and persevering In' mOr allent and d could she have got undressed and jut H could not cry. out thug. Emilie rObb 9 it -if We fit the same - time withi a IOM of blood, and death fol- 'But t ey are human beings In a very whole truth, and u easited. and- -bed 2 0 was there, and - ier presence feed I it so -�Iueh the better. Iowa. h Yet at every fher con- serlouk dilemma, and unless the outside truth; 90 help you - ot but the demne L Agriculture and chemistry are so' In fattent i - . step he heard a noise behind �him-a I She went back Into'the bed-cham. d him to ou f6r all in silence. ng fowJS forL market, let world supplies them with pro -God"IlIng allied that every about death- rattle- It did not make him b L Men _Dleu I" Or ed Emilie Who theau run at large Until visions aurnt was still sleeping. Ma - him -1 become of y P 'ae rl to -person 10 they -will very likely starve to shaddor new. as- It had do c ied She nstte, "what wl on ?10 &ttem to to, practice the oub -should days before you wlah t no at first; I softly. and ho,opehed his The little Cl OY4 nue La make oring;. The hir bearing ani- A POPULAR C. P. R- OFFICER B..id,-,Ilag,,epreRentation-frAomC tham - oil the con a, t verdac was is tv DDMO study of the: -other. This then shut them UP and feed them all mals ha ha .4ary he laughed, a short, &II In tears. hat our boya'at the agricultural the broken whe&.t ve become well - nigh extinct. and Vidnity, students from and corn on the They have been trapped in large Dam- laces have registered at the the following !Did You, dear boy." she asked, Where are you going with that colleges are doing, and there is no. er they iv I ,,at, and giveithemkim p , and U cruel laugh.-Coula It be-pos71 U res me last night' amd lay me look Of despair. and your face so reason why the- farmer cla ro Ad X. In m go should milk to drink. Let. this food, 60.- lArs heretoforfi, and on the coeds do Eris TeStiniony to'the Merits of Dr. that those 118 answered not be tje O$t Cultured and enlight- gether with &,supply of grit, e these wretchoti erea, A CANADA BUS NESS COILEffu that. we- have killed will Ir as 110 had -Often read In books, here Y Own Place beside you ?". White ? Alas I when those scoundrels oare*Oloha�ea' gneW's Catarrhal Powder For ca_ UJ31 11 . H -men. bd un Then it was true. have laid hold Of a good man t1my tered In a considerable depth of straw. tarrh and Cold in the Head' Vps, by a sign. ened of ail lived. Now there Is no rapicf n a madly orweeks little hold him tight. Very fr on the whole coast, and cons CHATHAM, ONT..r pace, Emilie had not felt so ha Have you any hope little can be done for the. 'They will fatten -rapid PPY. ly. Is bered Then ou I ddenly he rem6 waited upon her with It He had that they will give you back- your wheat crop after it, is started.. Tfle An Onion fed to 4 gro queutly nothingto trade wltft� He Says It Peerless. ince the opeiiing on Tuesday last that when Cain had con, M- is old tender Claude? Ah I If we could only help Initial step of preparing a good bed Inr10 days' time alree wing fowl will They have been able td -live on the wards, the Holyrood; Dresaen-, Gait; Shetland; Deal- Ud ZRO murder he fled.- mit- care. He loved her as well as ever. YOU I - But' stay. you kriow that La& the all important thing.. If . we the meat. t the( eggs Q Ne r us inds sea fowl, Purser f the 6. P. R. linn Wheatley; Rat Portage,' Hanover; CIDUld anything, be more bouid Listen fI vor of f va lo , of . Laurent.-, It Is unreaonable to sup- but the wfeu k r "Atha, 'Want she said. "I rent one would raise thizty bushels instead of pose thfit, the flithy b ny'ar - ndland fishermen have 'basca," ava, ich.; Rutherford; Wardsville; pet - a! -knew Fabre WE air d landed o says 66 1 used Dr. Agnew's ol ; arrIR n- Crathie; Detroit; Lucan Shan to _gJan pool, such a thoughtl to do someth" tine, fifteen we must plant it Wher Ing pleasant. �o- Dantonlj�,. friend. If he woul-d 11 the coast and gathared all Catarrhal Po;;def for Cold in the head t; esto; ;Iinville compare day." only a itwill frOm-which manyl a -goodly flock is the eggs. sending them to? the near- It is ; Wroxeler - Seato t ja with Abel I But one can- Interfere. krow --best. -Plough--a month or more obliged, to, drin r ll�AP thinking. The, suddenly' should like it. too." b* k very effective, Basy to apply, ton. he Anythi�g to e aid. "I do not believe in any assistance before solving time; harrow and roll. t' be Jose, Will affect It- ally eat market rompmbered that the one thing he "7hat shall We clian - T116 qua;qtY of the food ere for the use of confection- mild and Planidni. FOr Catarrh It has 13Y another week this list will be largely ge my thoughts. Iron arrow and roll, haruw and bakers. we eggs, no is in- & ea tie equal. I have tested nBar Areased. and it afrord the most co , , _x X. do Laverdacw and roll- will maik(g the quality of the mea,,t. fowl; no -sea fowl, -,every evidence that 3 oung men and wo nvmc Ought- to think of now 11,14LI never oe- do _7said Manette.' keep it up. - ly But what, expect no help fro ne)anybody now. nothing to eat. Catarrh cure made, and kound none to n -fen in 1.11 Carted- to him- He must be careful ly to Chan she proposed was not like. All' We know 40 bo'cafttious- to- give clean food Add to thUi t parts of Cinada and the United Statesare fqlly Is lost for Claude' and -" me. My a great- a., rai pon 'cleab floors and In clean, ves- -ere have sold he fact that strang- compare. with. it. I rocomx#end It fir.at, alive �o the Importance of in to avoid meeting any- oneo for he had he 98 his thoughts. He loved de Of- tile Wheat rust I' t aking a Vd e still a I r -loved er still. she now feltsure turn will come. next. .--I might ha a selo. be - Indiana quantities last And always.$, Ong way to.walk to reach of Uad Whiskey, and cholee in the selection of a school to be grad - the waited for It at my 0 ve brought upon our farms through seed, - -ho. demoralized inted from, which means a uceessfui start in river. and he had not been tak- Of that. bu wn home, but a (A Pound Of POultr ---------- ------ t she wanted to know how bth d Y can be(,produeed them. that they have bee nought struck me., In hadta, an the spores of rust axe held from by, -the farmor Onto desper life. the smallest precaution. Pool much hocared forsomebody 61sealso. t I tl,4 I am year-- to year. as'cheaply aij a pound ate, and the picture - is O1,e Jelly. Ought as 11 went by here All such seed and all Into. IT PAYS TO AVTEN� THE BEST. Of beef or mutton or"porko complete. and there These MontagnacaWere once a hardy ean pan pu The wise willttend no other� &J'at he was I He had never thought She would Put him to tile proof. I would tell You what had havpenedi bought from seedsmen should be sub- is 'no good-reapon w U half a pint or For catalogue of either department addre" Y she Id and thrifty People, blat they are npar- water, three ounces of loaf sugar and D. McLACHLAN & Co -in. Let us 90 and dine," he have had any hand in it jec ed to - . the hot water test'. which not 'be - found very o thinlY-Pared rinds of three Of 1001- - ahead of him, he might she said, "at 11 A IY'poultr FrIquet's; anti then I should like t6 Be t eir own. work. I am is the g the f�vme f1ben upon tho lug the last chapter In their history.. av4B stumbled. 'A W to 'a, h before Ile know it, ought rust. only. sure, way of killin oranges jj�t; ator a PILtrol - of r's 'table. . it; is just as Firofit. Their Present Condition - is deplorable and one ounce of French ge eetionarles. Any find out, the real reason of that anae. I goZ to is ek a. brief refuge at my able to sell the pork arid eat the beyond the poiver of words to ex ml latine. Let 'Here I am I have Come and A careful poult Ed ascadla een on tile streets at roau�tablhlle caprice of Wanette Cezat_ unc Mi. When -1 Outer his house I We must learn to know cheittgeeds; Poultry, And much more whOl4bao all this cook slowly on the fire till si. T say: when they ariB in the BeOd we me, press, and how the winter can be is melted,. and the color ght, was. an object ol suspicion. last time We bt ate Shan the. gelatine eeper wip rY k es bridged over to a problerm- and flavor to e paid back that j -oU ay me buy, we. -should 'reject the whole, or every egg with a d hav ophocy. This salutary fear was like a cold left s that be..f.ful supper to b m fi - b Your wor . have the cheat sifted out. It# is one -ap it �18 ainp cloth as soon reach of hopefal pr' the inds. Then Pour 'in haU- pint of douche failing on a fevered. forehead, been nearly a month ago of the worst we" w u brought in. This removes orange Juice and the Juice *of tww or �d net eaten. That must Give- M6 up as You were going to do Lut us take if I had nc t escaped. Give me u as -our Overy- POW410 - soil before it m0 be lemons. Rinse'out a mold with cold Self-preservation 'was the first lawo hich affects nature. bevi'l -take that a cabriolet, a�id go and see the Ceza. You have d)ne him who was a fields, and until It blossoms can hard- THEY KNOW IT PAYS. Strafford, Ontayqo, so a. . send for Buscalliel eat'as it grows. n put business education In Canada at lowest. case he had left lying un(j ron4.09 Imost, c01110 4 staln. The eggs are th Water.stralu In the Jelly,and Pat aside possibl your uneb- 1Y be told ff(,)m wh Best dOw of the archway I She looked It The idea lie forever exploded th and not handled until.0taken, How Some Big Concerns View Newspa to get cold. While it is setting give it evcosL Old-establishedschool, superior yes ; and 'the told her all -at him steadily. The test It was he w o denounced Claude to at devil would tale the soul, of that vil- she tould'Wish to know. the pollee of the Committees wheat; w4ll turn into; cheat. t7ma'arkt to be Aolttwheroi they at- per Advertising. f a stir now and then, other coursei3 of study first-class teachers, many wise 'the students Placed lWgdodsltuations tOO.-provided he had e She had He Is tract finvers at Once. Time thus used thick f Part Is abt to) settle at the top atiOn, moderate rates, board ,ch�t, ver had see his e waiting for the other half of his Olt Is well sp . extensive scale on-which'adviBr. of th mold. This- j' expected to yes To univind barbed wire, run a -b The aZX-He must hhvO got It a1r;eady. brighten, but there was, no delight in prey I'll through the reel, fasten- the ends. of ent. e elly is usually.not ledan them, . aud LaVerdae's brow . Alk Bus two thin stral* to tills. V61119 Is Carried on by some big Amer- cleared, -as it loses B a.t,* students can enter imLaverdae bad reacbed the Rue J'a- was It callie'! 'RBut have ou not and 'make its'flavor. catalogue fres, cob. 4Md he wrinkled with n. card what is -of them a Canada;4 light frow Join - was about, to turn In lean houses will be gleaned from the mercial school. W. J. F., LLIOTT P to crying in the- streets I STRANG171D following extract from an intervIew Pair of shafts. by which au Just- as you like." he said. At 'least you have nothing. more to to roll tile reel behind you as yo -T with ki. Charles WORTH TEN DOLLARS A BOTTLE. the Rue de Selne.� A - long. stral lit Tff AN' FICTION piece of The erlers were again shouting along fear from Buscaille I Ho cross the field. Tills will save J. J ones, the ayer- road stretched -out before the'quay. is dead I" an Using manager of ALM A -The was t him. and for that rQ1son it Emilie-begah to laugh. Ola Brigette, w1lo had said nothing extra man, and will leave the wire the Nevir York Any Person who has used leading C�nadian went on. straight- upoli the- ground, j here CO great Pain- cure 'would not, be an 0 College fox Young nore' dangerDus- Blit, 'he he know what they are saying," she said. tolli that moment. here littered a cry. branch of Siegel- 6per Co.: the Nery line, I Perfidious. utisassina Manett " list W Newspaper men generally are In- �Wcmen, Build MOr"B' danger hardly breathed. you want It- without it if it cosi ten AGIIA ous. But be went on. Patriot I" tiun of 'a great Did you say he was dead?" Is the Truth 061108milIg John _Gib� in learning how xs a 1 ings and -equip looked straight, ahead With a� keeft Upou the heavy four wheeled'vehi much money 110ttle. A good thing is worth IU ment. . faulty eY(#. his ate Laverdae sprang' up the Siejel�Cooper Co. are 901,fig to weight was alert, he even In tits bed. Murdered last night." for hatiling)-lo Who d Cleo used ads - in Vrance bom spend in'�.advertlslng. Are ou illin in gold. and Nerviline is the I school and health found himself humming a verse of the they say-?,-, The chamber door the tires are seldom f on. best remedy for all kinds of pain. It 0& of ins" id It he cried. Who do was thrown ewer than ix of East Lend* .9 record and meth open Varma-guole. to let us ction u7ass We us Laverdac stood on the three- Inches in width, and the,rear axle -is cures neuralgia In five minutes; toot un"A L 60- ill h- catal9gue. �PRES, JST[ay--A Chicago house spends about ache in Ono In ate; I e back at A poor little b, "They don't ay wit hold."His face was ghastly White ngdr than $200,000-Ter-Ye-ar. but we may-, have one application;- StL Th;i�as, ont, - iby once 0 was murdered, about, fourteen incll&s Io in am Was afraid of ghubts you see; nor who killed b"al-at. lea '-Citbyentie Cezaron,: your help' the' other. so hat the He"Was Tort headache"i- a' -do st I did not -Come too late Ill had hind wheels ured With, the.Pains of to expend something more her!B, lBspec.: InInutes ; andall arm you care? it seems run about an incli outsid , rack 'R�now with the �: guole hear. What 0 - the t Sciatl.c Rheumatis pains just, as rapidly. He's Afrald of nothiag. that M&rat Shed tears over . this XV. Of thc-fOre wheels. Such wa 111�.Trle& Doctors'- ially"this first Year." DOGS. DOGS. DOGS -not he. patriot." Sorts of Medicine and Went 'to' "As much as $800,000 gone are All no'With. the Carmagnole Mane regulax roajd makers., Queer Cas L Laverdae fell back upon -his pillows. whic tte, when the Hqspital in. Vain - -Dr. "Possibly. It Will depend wholly on e,of Lese Majeste. _h tile cabriolet White clover seems to sprin Williams "Send and get-N*dog. Any nrced yo was fast bearing her. to g -j4)= pink Pills results. however. We shall endeavor the followink ingular u Want ar some of orr secure certain results, and we be. - 'mitmOnt' to the Bastile. was made ont stock. Also send 50a for a box of Goo. Lucas He sleeps as sound as can be I "Stich tears - oula Justify his death.'$ the spontaneously along the roadsides and Cured Him When All Elge Com- and t very low.prices to cie Yes. lie had been frightened by spee- he murraured. house of her uncle in the R tie de In the Pastur te -was only fu ep, and it should be tres. Parbleul But it t 18 -not a crime�­ Bussy. which she had 80 Often called encouraged. lieve that advertising 'is the beat way by rder of the -Duke of Orleai r a -He lay motionless. He had closed. the house of- Judass It makes good GEO '00' -AS The had been his eyes. Emilie gave a Bigh 0 P ,rom th view. What. MaUge Cure for D f die- was trying to London -Advertiser.) to accomplish the exid gent during the minority of Loiii� XV H. control over her t own With 11 ever amount will be needed In ortler to Of France; - - - - - - appointment- for she h and-SOUle Idea of' her ow1l_sJt1O%ht.-� It While -the mammoth clover -S- There are two things in this world realize-t1tose results will. Oct to ing George L. in ot street virevV s ry-it had ever ad . another gain some iure. - Loet blue grass be a "LaurenC6 DHenry. for ad never felt- Laverdue had not told her, how- he a rue that white clo-i Glbb' mentioning hira In 'his almanac as Manette! that he who 11 which Mr. John one, a resident -1- be, usbd. dieresp Occurred. Alas! he euld never tell question she'llad wdated to ask hi Was,it- true ?L Could It b t tie. beA front which to get -- a -catch can't say now u 54e afraid of-Marat living, had been afraid had come to r asleep- so -eaxly a alzin had done go, much . for hat -stayers er and blue gram a Such advertising, what a Kin -of jon- of Buseaille lying d a re 01'Queen 9po 9 1!';td evenin he sake 7 avenue east, will hencew- 9 e -dead by his 9. tion-will-mewA advertis the , P49tr-- unlucky almanac m4eX__WmaiAed band -dead because Most'. b-e-Ifev'o that lumber i\s forth place Implicit confidence In. One to alLthe metbo In SUOU Ullkno'Wn- -And still she hati willed It. She would n6t. hoeVer, rouse him. He Was a ma-p_who was nothing perior to in do you OxPeCt t e _P MNTY--SIX FUS he hummed thatw to her man whOm-15ho-could amonry or f Is the jud k about t iei6�_!khad beenao gooLl-toher the night �ca - hardly el' gment of his wife.aiid the loy U 11 her friend. But 'he loved[ berl �hea it is a- noiiconductor �� other -the curative ': Eight to --one." 4;LNOTAING HUN _he ghosts. Who ever would before. --and hesiLes behad she lea, because qualities f Dr. Wn 0 t or frost. alo.-that small silos Illia T§ OUT CORNS Ing the C Cezarons. axe better than large On", v=1 Pink Pills. -In his cam You mean if You were to mend - Lke* tight boots A . surg I , certain and armagnole, even under to Ile . And she ?-Obe had suffered him to because. at e the $9.000. You _�Would put $800or of that -NS1 have Supposed that- he- wuuld be olng- inclination to -pay that visit t U Oh I Claude -dear Claude I his N BID -ba ess remedy breath? He pasSed islove her. . 8he had ev loss Erltage--",posed to the atmos- han ' d in Gibbons amount Into newspaper adv, IS found In Putnam, This depends, of t h o of t and- divide the remaining $1.0()6 Corn Extractor, which removes hands ag Mauette,,,her -rival - thought, would fesfons to the test I en Put- his pro- pher-e while using. ertlaink PaIW a over his forell t le , urse, -upon the number of stock fed, he. remedy, the Pills did among all other kin worst corns In tWoBntY­f9ur hours. the seemed to be On fire. and he fancied seen fi6w intlifferent her admirer had at- but a -good and t& -day r. Gibbons Is ead; It now ached. and have boen I)Ieas:ed couldshe have She bad never supposed he would the res do?" -that perhaps he was going to have now become about, her. tach so in 6110 is ab Exactly. I am proceeding upon BAKINC er. del feet. dead she had not reall that theory. 1 am satisfied It 19 the. brain fev Itch, meaning to her wbr a well m where laAt fal -he Was Just then he Came to the SO little Emilie went back into Y thought he Impudence. wall of the College d6s Quatre salon with her heart at rest. and - the Would interpret what Have You a,,rivulet running thiough virtually A C pie. An Advertiser beat plan, the best fOi-us certa1aly.90, gatlo,n 0 he was o'214 sa;t she said a swampy piece of ground ? Dam it an "Look here, wa Y a few- yards 'down at the 'Viado%V, behin Beriousl-her sudden impulse, her 4 reporter called the house the other It I o eggs Om he u d a Curtain Ila* make a Plea�sure ground, a valuable not cooked pro POWDER Q ay. -80 bear home he was soldrawn that she could not be Been prudent - speech -which had fallen eve et -at the door by $100 Reward, $100. Place for fish. a source. -ning and,wals know , it, SIBEST not afraid Of meeting anyone. from the street. frOra- her In anger. he but You said they isit to his hose that mor winter'8`811PPly. nd so:-beautif the Mr.. Gibbons, to w he told -the The readers of this paper wi�l, be were 'for ; our a, and 'I knew If ANADA. in a Ing had been - Prompted by a deal U-, banks. that it will be -indeed an � at- object of It Pleaed to learn that there th6 lady was As he turned the Comer of the build- The window. being Open, let Her v V LARGIES Ing he saw the Spot, where four little breeze from over the river. Hay. IS at 48 ur wife she �couldnit re Is visit an was cordially. lea. Bel ence Z w rent Ia to let hira knOW9 in her excitement, acre'.or.-two may become the m 't ted In. 'the epor had no' has been able to cure in all its stages uOuthsi before Manette, had taken ref-_ ing nothing to do while Lau traction upon the farm. such an Inv, st One dreaded disbease that be Very particul .1-0kotelk. Y how little value site Bet upon th os age, here he had put his arm round asleep; she began to quession herself valuable'spot on. the plkoe� sooner got comfortAb when her while3he mob -of furies,and bon- concerning her cause Promises of a man who had dare ly 66 ed ' ' and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Kaxl's Clover Root Tea -is a 6 s of jealousy. d After Afr. Gibbons, went into an JO Cure Is the oni: - are o ready to , take man's wil . e, & garden crop or & crop of Ining y Positive cure now cure -for Headae 'and Nervous dis- FARMERS AND had saved her alarm. Alanet te, was not so very mucif Ter is off a field can he sown to ttla ,Led Past in pursuit _f she La been too to make lOve-to another el The sound of --clinking known to the medical fraternity. Ca- Oases. Nothing relieves so quickly. nets rouges rnc theIr prey. Then he when- lie kQew her husban 0 room. lffe�now he had saved it again. As soon &a she d loved her. buowheat in juji. The goil needs POat lf-open or tarrh being a drew himself up. He to blame. Such a man 'as Laur beside lier entered his house, to be, but medium In fertility, but and -requires constitutional disease. His breath came could nut fail to atract any wotnean. BOlf With excitement, she hen Mr. Gibbons reapp ie e. a,cOnstitutional treatment. more freely. Wha t had he to b 'had been told that he. was In b the culture should be good. If the had The slanderer Inf - e sorTy Any one of them wouill of cours e ed, and In his arms a whoie b e 'o Hall's.Catarrh Cure Is taken interrnal- calmnalat Ucta Wrong - by Who we desirous of for ? Why need he rep at b Immediately she h ground Is too rich the grain. does not bottle& -all. he has to e Ing the absent; an�d he who e it'd responded: fill well, and show y C=ti% Ile had Pleased if he admired her. �ir CtIY uon. the bloodand saved her. - He- had aslee 6, lent dces of - the syst m; there. venn he P for a month?" autri the'staiit take fill the knows, its truth 118 equally guilty- _0 paid some attentionsothe Cito. Has he been. Ind -many a gives credit to the Calumny before he Impr ving'their. ment. It might no'be amiss. to in Useless drugs. As -Mr. Gib a Ing the foundati of the Horodotus. p- Cezaro, anti she was hardly� to- would hear her. Plan for a patch. next sume busy In the salon where Emle w�ls sl:', e She had hoped In e be by estroyl stock sboul� howing the. bottles and descan* and h6 patient 4 and once giving T . 9J, the wax Candles burning low in blamed. if ,he had smile He would understand -that her words Timothy Is high in price, and Is a On the impotency of the med- stre Inkling up the personally. aff- meant: "I know you, CItIzeu Lav 11cuignouse Isting nature4it-doitigits inspect the silver 'Candlesticks h1une marked aged him. Eili had gone through abort r b codstitu- the -Passage of t:me. 11, drew near such experiences erdae f I have he - more oelual - crop Over Most of the eoun- they had contained. the re- tion an once or 9128 try; but an lacre of corn fodder is of work. Hard of -so much a 'new �re- worth two- of timothy, anti it is en- making the personal -appearance of faith. in urative powers ' that remembered the man -who belonged me, and in so doing you g- -dy Undred Dollars ter any LISH BERK. It wELs! Then suddenly hf -,mt not an easy - tiling o ened Ife enemy -who cOuraghlIg .-to know that we have the man, His Bpeech betrays his En th offer One that hung clown. llow cool and that it the 80fi. and Vfzed the small hand before, uli.j twice about ou. You 'prci-mised to Porter had abundant opportunity of work. Propgietora have 11AVX YOV TARED th wa's move- oat of my path t to LONG EN& what his own- hand had Just done. and all to liurt�elr. she felt a not b ve saved Claude,wdo ousands of ac, I to cure. to "Or would ha would thousands -Upon th re6 of . lish birth and his fac�rstlll bears the case that It I I Send for SHIRE PiM jt�d from me* goo I fodder, which will cost only the arks of sufferinig, but his frame is list of testimonia drew -It back precipitately. Yet. had strong LieteraijazItiod to keep him;a what- . Ahl he not put the momentous question to duteraduation Eu otrong as even to were Your professions worth ? Proper gatherlbg Of It under. cover erect. his step light and elastic and Address, F. J. Cl ney &'Co., To_ 0 flock OfShropShiro his wife before he gave her the anO_ lle� know their value.. I have always -where 'it wql not be Injured. when, he -tells you that he- can work, ledo, 0. Sold by r lits, t5i 'fSALADK Down Sheep. dne'? Had he not asked tier If it was - 11 she I seil. If f0Z no'6ther reason -than to kill un. ,or jump, with any man, ust him her all would be known Ill the Woods, ot I olp -you can CEYLON TEA? PricnverV modemt& t.hen, even whiie she thought ting them uhder the ground Is pretty Years of age and as born. in -.Bow it Address crime to kill One who, If you lef2 Wra takeii from her. She vad one of And ha -,plough in the fall;'put-. but beligvd him.. He Is 29 Only Five Yea live, Would kill You ? And little EIRIlie these d discovered, -There are five years In e ry j;lrl's ThS 13OW PARK CO Ltd., thuse` beit)gs inade by nature always thoughts. . she had Carelessly rept:ed. "Oh ! -MO4 that he had kept his dreadfal pro. gr6and Ploughed early Dleu dare way.Of OrWicating them; and Road.. Stratford, England. ' He came gold M4 in lead Packjtg. non I - But You- ate' onjv talj-ln� to Iau On Bulne One stronger than will to Canada In 1882- n oc life when she Imagines he lor BRAtATFORD, ONT, His aett' had been deter herself, to be safe under hid pro mise. He had done the deed.-7for love -hold a oll ated at Galt. to the rest of the fa of her I moisture better, for' evaporatton will . he 'ling On We- a mined by tion,' and llzll where he to Well and favorably k a t )py in. his tender love. nown. begins to the out when - a e re, hes 4ese Careless words. �She did. not Once he hzi her. laughing, Olt, Claud he? mat�erlally-retardod. A good seed He Worked for -�he Hen.. Mr Young, twent and -finds t know tbls­�110 nfust never know. If -', if fhey cu d said to ef ob. Claude! Was the bed will be f a member Of Parliament, for a I 'Ong time Y, hat she -can 0 TO -THE GOLD MINES Man himself altered, -or wag it only OrmOd firm and cle n. Years ago he married Miss - safely on the 6treets 'alo to make away with such a one as Bus you a wi t. oil my head- and leave Phat he had suddeni. e vviihou dow Y011 will have to take y grown noble In STOCK. being pursued by a duke or a ptince caille-, was no Crime- before God. or ano-ther husbaud. - ()h I -your Poor wife's ey�s ? Ah,-.Clau&e who wants to bear her off to big c&,S- he- _V The addition - of Alice Mann, also -of Galt. After Mr. ChelPest Route to -the -Kootenay is APPLE EXH man. Or nature --by which know you -salt to the. ordi- Gibbons removed to London he set - monsters -would - You only have her heart; there Is no tle-to marry her-�-Atchlaon Globe. via thp are- abhorred -he was well aware he' fancY at first, You could, I - nary foW of dniluals does not increase tl6d down near the cax-shops nobody but me; but V' OvO room there -for another.- Happy and did ou would 'the ake Your Consignments 01 ays having.plen-ty of You -could not; exist or Consumed, but it increases dona the supreme deed Of his life for a] one. dead. you will always . appetite, work and always having the strength DeL thd only promotes G, BURNING, SKIN QIS- Gr- Northern Rah hacr sinned against - his-, wife. He bad the same do it or digestibility 01 the substances Very well, a1w M ThIs iipeech had made a unhappy, frew or In prison. living repair of tissue ITCHIN the sake of another woman. quarrel between them. for one beloved husba by its to o it. He cared nothing about a ay Apples -to But he could not ieave Ebiffle lying two days; friend I ad, lover and searching diffusion throughout the wettlngntll one d �Ie6ause it is the Simons,.Jaeobs & Co., N GlaFgow, Scotland. The remembrance of body. and stimulates the, rapid using took an -a4gute att ay al year ago he- EAS.ES CURED FOR 35 CE fS. - But Was Products. It inereaeou matista fGllowin ack, of sciatic - rheu- ORTNE . S UUIICKEST- AND BEST. imons, Shuttleworth & Co., lAverpool;- Eng. she had been allowed to lie there all art m-ido'her still angryi she Nut beside her, "per BrIgette. (in up of the ' to On the sofa. She would wonder wh; uP0a ],is P� - th a InJustice "Madame," said old' nI jtll'L'n he had been, !t will muscular vigor and activity, and im- down o g wet feet. lay. Garcl%,Jacob]3 & Co., London, England. 'so g0Od­--B0 be easier than you thilikhap n this floor," said Mr. Gibbons, ght. She would begin to ask ques- muc be h to get back Proves appearance and cond tion. Dr. Agmewle H.'Ga eMICKEN, REPPMENTATIVES. Won& She must wake up in her bed. Your husband I In telling his story, 11 night and day Ointment rellev n Gone alAgent, Charles ors IkPPD� since he 'clearly had not been - Am - for Yourself, now I - ter, 78-78 Park -Place, New York. With, Infinite Pre.cautions. and that Buscal . - Where muecular strength.to the ol�- suffering terrible ag uld not one day and CureA totter, salt rheum, Asi, Tor -onto: captivated by Marlett a charms. EM Ile to dead _ony. I CO 2 Kfug Istree Walter WebliX. 2L Sopth Market st., Boston. most tfnder care, he undertook to un unless you Ject-in feeding, 'regular salting Jm- get up a step and m Y wife bad to help Piles, scald Nead, eezema barbers' A. R. Fowler. St. John stm,t, Montreal. d - lie Could- cknowledge those c have -some reason'to fdar another of MeLUP itch I ulcOrs.. blotchOs M88 her. His poor yootfig wife, who - harms those ascals Proves health alid vigor. On the other from the and all' C- S_ Nixonj Kentville Nova Sco now- that Laurent had not Yielded to r f1bor. I felt- the pain erupUono tt�L a W. W. Woolford, 124 §. Charles st.. -Baltimore. But I have!' aal J. X Shuttle'worth. Bow Park. Brantford Onb uffered because, she thou fit silo was temPt-AtiOn. - What had he ever done Id MhnetW only as much as. will keep up their of,the skin. It -is 800thing and q no blind, fattening cattle,should--hgve in my bak fifet. It then app#rent-- Ing and. acto like ma4le-In the, cure through, lie ly left my back and got Into- my hIp"' of all baby The above firm has txCePtional advantages It t now as much to him as she had for the, Citoyentle Cezafoa exceptto r -clenched teeth twas sippetite for food. If given too freely Doctors came here to see me. They htliloro-; 35 cents. for the handling and s0ing of Apples. and OECe been, -"little knew. he. thought. defend her 1311scille, who caused Claude -8 arrest, It Overcomes their UnN � TtD makes Prompt cable relnl�tances. ow dear she still was to him- He un- any 1A an evil moment, when . 6111991611heas; but gave me preocri tions but none of . UP TS. - did the fastenings of her dres - nfan - would have clone the ft.- ;to -P true but CJIIY had a hand in it. You know the mOrd Inclined rest the more them seemed to A 60 -Ton Rope. tied her tapes and ribbons; a; -he uff- samel ? -do me any good . The In every town and county to sell the- stest he took Again tile Crier pass dM not tell th r.%Ptdly will they hccumul&te wealth nelghblorB could -hear me all 'ov6r The biggest rope -ever used for. Imul- sell Ing household i -article W'hl the shoes and StOeIV.ngs from hei little along the friends.- is to of fleshq Queen's avenue when -I would get an age Purposes has Just -been fo' Toronto Exhibition. 1. mado by d Your r Ht thel h old sc6t- I)OHENWEND f- J. & T. 00 Last fail I was a di4rict subway in Gla g -feet� and kissed them can Quay- ** J�u the tears shed by Marat Heaven forbid I Lis Several ood breeders of pure stock 'attack of the pains. made ]Best Trusses ten, -BrIgette 1 'c an' Y always attract - trade. taken out of this place in -'a hack land. It Is seven miles long, f0tir'And For full information sea M tionsly when Over the bereavement of the Repub- The first time Clay C11fie t & vi stampe en- StW. Toroak he had done so. Then he regretted I l I,. in tf the kiss. end look6d to see If a kiss Buy the murder ot the .0 our house, Healthoy rl Queen great rO'1v' a thin-- veil over his IlrY advertises it as &-fine and taken to -the hospital. V o- one-half Inches In, circumference and ve10P8 to BOOKS Fuca good stock is intr ned e Lips might -not have left on threatening Meg but not O� mal ther about three . weeks and welghs'nearly.sixty -tons. It? haB from hile flesh -a scorch -mark. iscarde, lut(m-tians, =c �d byanty. If been THE EVRR ]READ Patriot Buscallie in the Rue Gu RUPTURE the whit which Is from hencetorth to be known one, he will soon be followed ro did What -they�could foi -made In one unjointed and nsplIced TSOLDER Co., arly of his Purpose,-fmade' vhO are not. willing to be me but could fiQt give me any relief. length Of Patent- crucible steel. 'A'heu HO as the Ru� speaking cle the docto lifted her light form and laid her In e des Sanz-eulotte�q!,- a vow. rK 1ront street east, her bed. her 'P' by (>there v garments, all' but one- 'Cried little -Emjlie. said, -'If your. take( him outdone, and then the good Work go6s At the and of three. 'weeks I came In place It will form a Complete Orcle Toronto, Ont. Thpn it away from m13 be death or on. the stock improves and prices ad- . home again suffering as much as ever. around Glasgow, cr ng the Clvde In dropping from her On the carpet. then Is Busemille who has bee On 0881 he flung Off his own clothes. And. Ia. 111119dered I Whoever did- that did an 'If(' betwe us vance. wife got hLpId of . pamphlet Its course, and -AGENTS WANTED y uncouscl()u& "no might not carry things to the People -like - to -get stoe MY ill run, at a U -ed of SURE DAILY. lFmCUE Pe. sOrvice to anette Ceza- very end If'- k from *fine which told of a number of remArkable fifteen -miles ev-ywhere. Staple D, mand For all down beside- her. Emille's head had ron'; Ob, Yes 'a. far greater service stock centr;oe, especially from we cures - an hour. never supphei goods. weake gillsordersofth. aid 11 by the Use of Dr. Williams? Pink I. - Wefurnisluvvork. - male sexu% It What he asks were granted him known advertdabra. al fu information, Write for sys,em. BlIPPed down from 1�er Pillow. he I than - Laurent. ever did for her I's . though exactl Catalogne-of 2oo What It on his- shoulder. Imprinting as lie' But do You think that Claude woula the same Y HE BABY IS CUTTING TEEITH fl. The Qa;;en.Silverwa engravinp <Jrieutslpills: .. heeffebt-Ismoreimmedia Pills. and we determined to try them. IV, T ding PhYsIcians pay about CltoYenne Laverdae asked- herself cons(. -be bought.at, half the I took about t6 did so a -kiss, of remorse On her for three boxes and felt myj. Be Que. re O., Ontreal, and lasting than an ot er remedy"; "Paticuts some timid breeder Who self getting' a little easier. - I ook e that old and well F0012 report mosb -sa ctory- results" - This with a laugfi Whether she bad -not bet- ()nly _ perhaps can still flatter the ' has not made himself k tried remedy, Mrs. Winslows k;(xt head. e at - to be saved at.such a- prIce1 Price fromln � sure and us nOwn, in print. about thirteen be ])ill is what the in * I profession 11as long Soon. however, he fe- to`r wake up her husband and tell him mnster with hopes, and hold him er has It his- eyelids the news; but xes altogether, and -Ing Syrup fQr-.Children been looking djrO()P- He was inexpressibly tired. He at th_4t momenti 'the -on been Judiclous In breed - felt e y. for - t back� Ing.- It Is over two months, since I -the teething.'. It h FLATU­ ughli reliable rem. nolso of a carriage Coming from the to make the busiti6so Pav lie -in' - soothes the bliild, softens the gums I U STOMA d oll felt as If-801ne spring In him Were direction 0 You would have been -too much at -toot his-hern a little, ust least suggestion of pain.- 1,W y allays all pain, cures wind R LENCY We will send the above P securely Poor little hous . feel hat you are entikely - cured 2". anc E olain, practical printe r self cure, W a in The proper end of % profftlew cows asked the r. 0 Yes, air. I can ils - the best - remied for dl - I i6ea. dreps for one dollar. the first car- the Rue de iTem any A mo- rige that had passed that %Uier. But why are life Isat the aha�mbles, hnol-theaboner, 90 Out and-- do -a day's *o;jc just -as �=d PER*311 10 SUPPL Stout. Physical frame gave wiky. her attention. colic broken. Reaction bad' t the Pont Neat attracted his mercy In our AND ALL OTH ft FORMS 0j? with set In; and his boxed, it was f ONTAR moat after and- he slept. day. and ou going to. yuur TwentY-five cents a bottle. ar. -.-"j byK. nT_H MIGHT -Y CUREP we ------ 77 View street.. t was barely 7 -o'clock when Emllibe who,, it to the wi to see �4 For that reason and- for others- wiAter, and it is seasonable ti . II an ver - I could.' 11 feel' perfectly 60 she'llurned ndow Uncle a 71 the -better. Hay Ig high again tills rose and -opened the windows of the W,'tA going. - She raised -the f wa&_I� me.to strong and have a good appetite.,, Too Deceptive. Buts for curtain. ot quite sure'll he would take stop and consider What, salon,- which looked Out It wa's a cabriolet. Two - 0 in. horses 'and "No. I don't want another attackof d'WhY do you say Kitty -vlolat&4 'the upon the was M am certain now. colts It Would be economy to dispose It law -by'wearing. a Pink veil in the bezutiful summer of 1793. the. looked as Of before the time for close stabling as h '!There's an ordinan6 �Whlch for Quay. It was a beautiful morning women were in It, both In black. On caille has disappeared. and Citizen A sicknoss like t at," said. Mr. Gibbons Young. thP other, wtio like Of Which old men ass like a, sery �rey It his hare In.. the deliver- comes on. In the a lighted -'the reporter- to the e -ant, was elderly. -herds" take this door- LABOR9 ured their Could ance.- Putting red netting over peachc�j.*,�-_ 1111110ra that thoy had never Been. Tho her eyes deceive her 7 method With the co'' Seine. flooded with sunshine, carriage 11'Perhaps it, will ne ver b' alike. and I Calyea Mrs.'Gibbons was not at home on Chletigo Record. No-, tile e know� 'the occasion of the reporter's first eeined stopped before, who did'the good, deed and killed Bus, Silage corn only should not be fed to a floating mss Of 111101t0m 11ad. At their house., Manette gQt out of It, Came. Consumption, La Grippe, Pn6nm( bids LESS- COST luay Her; cap wag made of Crape, with cattle, for neither in Its nature -n r I d re eived e tir and all throat -and lung diseases,.ire that early hour the, ( They. may search and seek Subsequently he called on her was de- a for, him In vain.,- ta 13 an e ail a e confirmation of serted. and Emilie could brea-the the )road, black ribbon,- to which 'was -P Whoe constituency Is it the requisite food 64 Ile was home cured by Shilol 's Car fresh air wl Pidned the InevIta:61e the Ills deed. ver did It will not boast 'of- to obtatu the best results. It is L ex Mr. Gibbons story. e., -thOut fear. cockade. cel - She, gazed with delight Into the Civic Passport for both man and we,- lent In -con2bination -with - clover . ha:y, all last summer," said Mrs. Gibbons, MORE CONFORt cloudless sky, man. What she said amd last August tfiepains were so No News to the Preacher. tinted with. Pink and Why was Manotte I was true. Laverdae OUPPlementOd with bran or Bhorts, 9evere.-ne tD ver It. It was bring him down on. his A jUral rw v1010t. like the eftatprn aveng Ing'? n mourn- was far from exulting 0 While recognizing the -value of bran. gnees. an Georgia Preacher, finding W hN All E Ill could the weather -too warm, pulled off Ills r men and bOys for feeding growing animals. let no not got up.' I had to lift him off the. coat and preached in his shirt-aleeves. %t once the newspape an to - the door of her L apart- erdae Who -bad- US t d to save himself -he 'r made known to Ills visitor the aprvice- m "Id opened it. seizing by . the floor Many a time., He meffied-power- After the sermon Came round tile e0rMli- Ol 'the RuE, do ment a be skeptical as tO Its value for fatten - Seine on to QaXY -crying their 1-1u . e friend who once.- for an hour, who -apoke unconsciously. e at moderate ef can be made 1688-� The bottles he allowed you had,. thin a - goW brot)ior, bad seemed very dear to her.. and almost all of king 'an editor, who was present, Idea's papers. the he had done her. It was little Emill Ing stock. The finest be N Cost With no other grain ew The Cabriolet stopped them been They came In littie gr Whom she longer suslIected to be before -the 100d than. bran. Pork will be -made _repeatedly would make a sensation of the hici- twos and threes, all W(� 011P8. or by her rival no 11"80 In. tile. Rue do Rusay� AS the faster a4d more cheaply If fed bran all filled so that the number of bottles- dent, said to the parson: aring greas Silo drew her into the t Ttrougli tne fattening period, thougil -niodle "I.don't sup. wood heating bonw6ta rbuges and. tattered carmag� 8"lon. Old Drfgette followed them. WO women allghted more newspaper, Is no Criterion. of 'the amount, . of pose -You khaw, when you pulled Off are the best 401M Their faces were all frightful Manette was very pale. E men were coming down the Rue tie a little oil meal -should, be added. 'jao, taken.- Before he took the Your coa't to -day, that one of th�!m their mouths distorte(I bv to her ar Mille Clung Thionville. f In feeding bran to cattle, feed ifry, Pills," concluded Un. -Gibbons. 11 1 newspaper� follers was In he meet- tl - � n&d, in care Ormerly the Rue - Dau- thought my husbnd would nievei be "Yes, I did," replied the pr,�,a­ their vocal -chords burnt lip by the - And are -You alone at horae 71, ' fidlotis assaWination of a - dfstipgulsh. 1138 CUT 11 Y OT fodder. This cut feed again. But Cher. " But _I had my eje on It'all leir per- .0611191Y. "You hero? PhIne. They were shouting: "Per and It to better toi mix it with some able to- stand upright POtUaI Cries, -their throvats'diste --,a(? early ?-and alone -r- - - - f FS flerea brandy with whie '"INO; Laurent is In bed ed eitIzen.'_ L Manette Patined . befor now,"'she added In Parting. "he is the Time 1- h they mols- e I :ah=dt h1l: sufficiently -wet so as : to- f-ened them. -her uncle's door. 8 Wall an ever he was.00 ever built. W_ de La'Vbrdae Is asleep, then," Se nly re- bran tO` adhere. No farmer ' Dr. WIW Reasons In A said ' anette, Jn_�her clear, full voice. Yet know Ia Pink P-1118 create new 11 Things. Ask about them I 9 mur&r of A I who %Buy the perfidtou. memberpd thatshe,did not ever Yot ,ave bran a air tr Patriot V they Cried. v? le how Buscaille was no leased with the r Butt. blood. build up the nerves, and thus Hargle'-The scales -jiriB See ffieir iniprOVelnents o%rer ofd, Buy the, tears e- was areastle --ed fastened on TJ ther ElAd he met had been h p drive disease from tVO 19YOtem. In all Just like the -slates On a hou hed by VAmI du- Peupie over tile his death yea k2ow. when heateri� sound. Has: he been-' a by a'dagger or ff ary asleep for -4 " h' g W'- Jehundreds- of C y ji&ve cur d aren't they? corpse of an Incomparable c whole month a- club ? Go quickly,- she exclaim- Me'c6mes by his squealing. Sold everYwhere. ItIzen his b tj after all ther medicines had falle Mammle-Yes, Margie, dear. an Innocent vICt1m of the cl devate, I know ed to BrigetVe, "and bu:� me Pair a�sdsome of- the animals. what you mean," said Ose papers. one of make hass noise notieq your 'laim Emilie,, blushing. th whien thus -entablishing- the e the negler Xvgle-I Suppose they MADE IN EVY the Journal of M0`uUtatnJ We een a Run. I will wait for r, -are- EL thatthey - 01t . � MEE SIZES. long time In comlitg to Be You a.11ttio way down thel alley.,- Just as much. Da astic& nasmarvel among -the triumphs Of hat Way, mamma, to keep the fish RT1v tbP Crimes of Capetl Buy the M te modern medical science. The genuine om' leap;Iag, 41 -4­-;LtI0a (JL the R I ightS Of Men and since that eveding whe YOU. But The old -woman. came back -with tfis are wholly dependent upon their own- arenit they 2 -0 zens by Robespierre I Down with for the bearing the. - full trade mark, 0 go suddenly. -without waltine Pink Pills are sold only In b Chi n you left us Paper, btanette slipped It -into the orfi -for food, C4UW and shelter, and Gurney T"Iden C 9 Ltd 9 H 11ton X the Federalists ! Down with the Aus- ffapper­:�well, I was a little vexed, but pocket of her dress. 'Then both went we should not forget thJo. Dr- Bravo conquerpral. for hO You are. am Laurent ed You. Laurent is UP the -tark staircase toge A 1ew sheep can fol Williams' Pink Pills for- Pale People.;, h trian she�-wolf, now lying in the Tem_ . so ther.' A t - low the COWS Protect yourself fr - t at whr against Your own affections GURNEY STOV pled Buy the misdeeds of ":"It never go of -the bell- & -by and 66\71age changed. n the sound upon a paoture, consuming much that om Imposition �E RANGE CO., 'WIN sl?deula- anywhere step' -was army Of-thO world's d4- ]G - n speare. He seems Of Citize --does not bear sireg.-Shake now- He does n heard Inside, It was that the cows refusing any pill tha NIPE tors I Down with Jobbers r ]any go. have left. A small flock can the registered t GURNEY MA Ot seem to care to Andre be often handled with profit upon trade mark'around the the -Litanfeg f Saint. GuIllotine who his, to have something On y. but how much heavier It had & box. No. 12. SSEY CO. 9 opens the gates of Paradise I` mind. grawn'. durifig the last five me dairy farm, but sbeW are closer feed- nblis. Ohl Was It aged 1I Or was it the effee on than Cows, and. If not careful; the 'Him. back rom the . no doubt -thoughts that t 01 C09S - to- action. He is the continued Pressure. of fe' Pasture will suner. 130 ure It Startled. THE, D. MOORE like all ar 7 that the he rest. of the world." (TO, be, flock Is not too large. Deacon BOrry-Yu Continued.) remember the What do YOU- expect hl rds Of St. Paul In his defence before In to do POUL7%Y. We HAMILTON Agrippl. Our' Professional ore than other people? But I will and OLD WAR HORSE mom of oy an't say Wake him UP- He would -be so keepers, near the not to see you.., cliti0s. are giving that. I re bers, deacon ; St.- Paul, Is and Army Mail, Crosses Swords their attention tO­-CaPqw. There are you kno 'mem 'No, said Manette. holding her A Gr no Indleiggow 'that the Tna wy wao before my time. With Heart Disease and Wine a be Over GU -Berry-YqU surprise ek, " & not put the Courage and rmud me. Be' a. Stocked or prices low 43yn][PathY 01 M. de Laverdae to Glorious Victory Witli the Aid ored. proof. If - Tkh8re 10 Yet r0om for a much larger� he - could have saved us of Dr. Agnew's Cure for' Ask y0ur PhiWcum, -'Your druggl st laude and m6 -f Pibduetlou In -this Rna, and it Will rom and YQur'frfentli'about -ShilohFs Cure B the misfortune the Hear pay those who giVo it, ES fARMERS' WOOD COOK IN ME me UP013 us. he would 06 busihese; atteUtIcIn as for Consumption. They will recont- e r e anj sure The colc,�f the shell is lot t I -Dr. Agnew's CUM for the Heart Can mend It' 173 Misfortune and not, be OVW o9timated, says IL 34 to the quality of an Index Your M!tieeel the and man, a, w011 -known - G. A� IL Most, Markets a pura. eggs; but In Another Kind of 331. man Of WeWport. Pa., eand he Con- egg. Sells better than White sheli.A Extra large fire door. Oven .24x anee, t he Could have done nothing.- Madam," said -the facetious poll e not have tried Wn atent ovgn but icia danvasser,,as,he Paused outside van ilator. tinues any othdri 27. inches. -to do P 7 ailments werePRIPHA-, With them th6-fiiorej- care.niust Out o sent a vftL nything. tion and fluttering of b6 ave Just said so yourself.-. the tak�s, for -the whi t the isla]uds�:4 hat can have happened then2i lieed twO bottles of Your valuable Cum be goil - to phell -raastj liot a". YO* bimetallist -2" ad The.;,�wftma aro d inhabitant A In lbomers' glare hundred fihermon.­ gone. r0m3lieporah.- lie. and feel like a new Man. I havp tak- Its Superior -value Is at an a rOR-SALE b W ad bOttlaS of other medi. qorkft it BY KAURS EVERY- kthouli hi .Wc - feminine vul Ap., I Introd make fat bifureationist, ere h - 100di Is not. he -way a man ca Profitab efrer degradR jgm; his 0 6, warldg InSalt ever offered t _ h#f garitles.1t to Shollinau, that Warren haig air i0low gradation. is OPIY real de.- 61cossea Of Our Youth -drat are, met his dea ts PPOU It they a - dy n wileu he dR _V him Oar. Old ag, gq(:�St'6* 91Wa8tftd -TS4 Myal)18 with 0 eath A�M.10 d F