Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-11, Page 3iZ --4* 2-M o: -7` -7777�� N P-1 I MOO V", -7 T 71 J g� 4 -W, a horrible story. in the first u -..'FIM YEARS HENCEL DAY $Ctl�,., as THOUGHOUT TIM WORLD amed GOOD SUNHOTS FOI MR. *S U N 600L 1. quarter forty-five women and child- Vro leave of -Of S house WpA discovered by the NATIONAL �ESSQ NO. -XI., stak� SEPT. is 18M r mob. Which maft their -way, to the Vsk en who had taken refuge on the root INTER The Uream of the. Neg. Horrible Abuse of -a Yang Woman Ans Priluell roof and butchered the heloless refu- her , a seven DaYS gees and Unisheil their bloody work by W 0 �S- avid's Gratitude to i. 40 hen fm throwing the bodies of their. victims by Masked Brutes. 2 Sani. x xi -61. swee to and, Into the street. Time. -b. C. 1019. Plach�--Probabl At seven'l, y -to now considered4wobable that Sty. It at -Jerusalem. Adelaide. - At 13 she di, CANADA. the leading Arabs who supported Said THE FIENDS MAY BE LYNCHED. Pe Xhalid'-In ]its attempt to usurp the rsonI-David. I know a charming winsome her little coust The Internal Economy Committee An Iowa despatch, says: Pretty throne of- Zanzibar -will be banished Commentary, -17hou hast g:rded Sweet Adelaide I At IS she ye. -01'the House or Ci)mmous have aliol- and their property confiscated. In ad- Nellie Warner, the- 20 -year-old daugh- Her eyes of soft and gentle, gentle marriage. Ished the bar; -that it portion of ter of E. W. Warner, -a prosperous: me -From the of G)d he had dition, it &believed gray At 21 her-thou� farmer living near - Libertyville. Jet- continual prosper - � 0." Word has been received at St. Bonl- the property -of the others concerned- Ity , �and �-Wh:le he dmile ever. and I humbly Pray - by, her first baby. tace that fersou County, is lying near death's walked with God, n& -as able That amlle in shop'Langevin -will %voit will be confisc ted and By lifes . C ay linger [there always, At 85- they are L Archbi. In the re . a enemy W door to -night because. of an assault return On September 23rd. devoted to the settlement of tile Ao pirev:Ail against hilin. Th�? dhapter hill storm not once die- f 4-st gray hair claims, amounting to E36,000, ari-A . ng made upon her yesterday by three MgLyed- about *40 h -tepn members, df the Shoebur Foui Y- is a psalm. of When masked men. praise. we hao4lit here, ness artillery team arrived at 'Que- from the looting of stores and real- Fair Adelaide! amee Is sorely tried V dences which followed the escape of Three 3+6ung men are In. the Fair- as it was first com d by bi-Lvid for bee bY the steafhallip, Lake Superior.. Aly love I wr-inkles and the d the Insurgents from th- field jail,. suspected of ' being the his own use, and In, Psalm I this.mald e palace after z1vili. we ne*er told spective they open up. LO -it I Sweet Adelaide! rd Russell visited Montreal. was Criminals. and the indications have -as afterwairo] delivered to the entertained at lunch_ and went out V the beginning of the bombardment., are At 50 she begins to, th r� - chief musician for the'service of the Afraid I would the picture mar to the latrosse griounds in the at- that there will be a triple lynching past. Miss Warner to unconscious a g Church. Thou hast a ibdued -under ed and sighed and stood afar. And later on a -he turns ernoon. reX me er part of the time and has been so Ince, the diLy Sam iel had jtnointeid Wgsatzaa one worships 4ome bright star David.- at big father i loDuse in Beth. - 'that one Is doubly ps�fck- of the Rm -FIVE BURNER since the-. assault. And deems tion to the future prospe�t. The death is announced TIM` n, 4 D- W. Keely. -a superannuated Me,- Yesterday Mr. and Mrs,* Warner lehem.' he had never alown d6feat in Fair Adelaide! grauddhildreii. thodist mini ter, at Norwich, Out., drove to Keosauqua, Iowd. to at- the mail Conflicts he bad undertaken In the name of His -I had no - words to tell this maid - aged 70. tend the fair, and left the youn victory 9 the L d. The Winnipeg Council is, golu�g to Particulars Of the Terrible Tragedy woman alone. She suddenly found her- Over the giant Goll 11 WAS a clear -Sweet Adelaide! V: self a prisoner in the arms of a ?i Proof that God gave iin "It SO that The love I felt -unhappily Inquire Into the raunicipal system of She struggled to uttered most outrageoiialy Toronto, with a view of adopting cer- af VanKleek Hill. strong. burly man. the host -of the Phil tines �were sub- I 8t, FOR LITTLE PEOLE f* tain reforms. free herself. but -was obliged; to give dued. My words came slowly.'haltingly. .0 0 - 0 . 41. The Walfrerville- is 1 —1 8+ -a. up. when she noted the presende of neck of mi eneialbs-Made UY 101391ng heart they disobey6ol-' ......... 00 -V -ft a W er e a eo serio&w -by putting in a twdother men in the room. All Were Plete couqu or. To turn the Fair delaide I new pump. The Discovery or the Fire -Its Origin neck in t4ttle is to WHAT JOHNNY BROUG Houp- �masked. She was bound -and gagged a to e put - to flight 0 VW6 new Steel hollers and -laying a UnknOwn--Those Who Were Cr6ma- 'and then terribly abused by the i Teacher -Now. children, here, Is th e: figuref Of LA ma:zi--as- we se I e him bot a ne night I tried: 61 Fuf-fuf-fair -maid- to To Put the..fbot upo . the neft of k is col#plete submission. Wuw.wuw-wuw-wlll you be maul fishing.- Ile Spent two lo days In number of mains. tedLBurned Past Recognition -The men. After -all hour the t1ends left day. Not more, thau fifty years ago men Were of entirely different -enemy denoteshl u"us-sweet Adelafde! one John went V - t 5yood of the Anglican Victinis, Slept While the Fire Raged the limp and bleeding form of the shape. - Do you ee that hump ? Well "history tells us tliAt in the lat er JOBII.- x. 24. Davl levoutlY. ascribes mumll- getting ready, digging Wor' bu 'Nen were quit6 successes and �victorjeg to God. PJght Church- in, Canada was opened In lialf-conscious _ girl. They then' went part of the -last century the hump was unknown. Ing L Rues and hooks and tel Ing how WinuJileg. Bishop Courtney, of Nova A- Vankleek Hill despatch gives theL 42. They -looked tven unto tile there I Atuk, no words would to the cupboard. and collar and. satis-, straight from their head down.. Sens ation In" the schoolroonti) I . know 'The heiLthen.­ come, many fish he - was going. coch. Scotia. preaching to 'the Bishops and- following fiirther part culars o the A eir appetites. - Their next, It Is difficult for you to relize thisi children, but, It, is a fact. M . n Ions ClUled upon HeL started -at 4 o'clock In t�b morn- I led b. y mother Lord- Although it Seemed th. me for om move was to ransack the house -for remembers distinctly when the;raw ere. no humpbacked men their gods Ja 8 fire horrot at the Grand Central Hotel vain. vidis enemies in Long bogra on my knees I stnyecl, Ing with. a Uttle basket of 1pnch and valuables. -They expected, it 7 is Israel such 'as Saul, .. hboallet-h. Allsa. Fourteen miles of the Lake Dan- on Tuesday night: lom etc.. who, profe Ing t 0-. worship Near Adelaide I a bit basket- for, ttLe -11 all. He was phin Railroad has been Completed. and thought. - t secure some money bemn the' whistling gayly and wonde Ing how There were. longing to Mr. King, a member of U39LIGIOUS MONOMANIA. true God, -Called U Him while in Ali. fortune Is -my sorry jade- tra-Cklayers are pushing the work a number of bedrooms he c*ould carry all his fish. home in ,with great rapidity. The first ship- above the kitchen. They wer the firm of Kling & Bartlett, con- INNUFAOTURE OF AGETYLENEs their OPPOsition-to D vid, but G Sweet Adelaide! the , evening. He Od no ment of wheat over tile new line has e occu- tractors, who are at work on the, The Disgraceful Doings of Multitudes more heard thein than the idol -heard Her mother stairward caine toay: ra of the. . a way to the river -he a I lie other been made. pled 6Y those who met death in the county fa4rm buildings, and who, Is a In Religion's Name. the heathen woraltJ - ers.--Clarke. Bid him good night, my daughter, boYfi­and this is Whit bei brougrht Sir William Van ll C. flames. A-11 had retired early. the boartler at the Warner -home. but they Referriitg to the wave of eniotional ppo. 43. 1 beat theme all-Tlitqr p pray- -How the Calcium Oarbide. -is- %,,r It.8 home late In -th)B afternoon: 1-1. 1,.. Writes that thw story' which servants haviii to ge -failed. They secured, however. was so likoken that it� bec4iLae.n th- eak of day!'% One appetite. 9 t up early In iltsaulty �wllidh swept over the Old- Tile words of love I -should have said the press. that the- morning to prepare breaktast for lately nd'isome jewelry belonging:41 Ing in the eight of vid. They were Is-goin, the rountis ot One blistered nose. tile r Miss'Nelllci and then fled.j'The girl Orchard, Me.. me.eting'-of the Clirl�t- duced at liagar! Falls. o completely overeome that they Were, ah-del;tyed 1 oad from A%()# IdStoek, Lta Brant- the guests,. a nutuber of whom Were succeeded in loosing one ot the kn4ts Ian AllAunce, it kind of faith curer scattered belofe-hiM. or became' iiis One skinned thumb. subjects. ftamp- t iem "SHE WAS SO PLEASANT.- 04e headolahe. I -One wet Pair df shoes. f(:rd would soon - be built hi not at railway, men. who required breakfast in the ro 'brouot 'all -pes which bound her. le crowd, the- New York Herld says all well founded. t lit 'unusually earlyhour. The vie- painfully- dragged herself to a.' n 41a. 0!-thitj IT them undei such 4ubJpqtion am Epit One big basket with one :ittle bas- elgh T time evidently were sleeping sound Iii the tuldoll6:6T� hylotc WILL BE SOLD LIKE COAL OIL. aph of Which -Any Woman's report ly. bor'4 anti gave the ioarm, This done, - .. I . - ­ - . I . - that they were Slaves. II& employed ket -inside of' it. that an"'L.�Alutmztiix boy, t yeni�s of and- did not notice the smoke that sort asimued 4videmic To-rm. --ne gasi the wonderful new - them if' Sawing,' in tking ijou . Friends Might -be Proud. she.swooned, anti since then has 111cell. Acetyle rows, or bar- One knotty suspender. age, recently, killeil a beal- at Hebron must have poured into the roomd By coii�cious only at brief intervals. �and women formed 'themAelves into OCCuPylngL Wood, mining, a ad in liewing of Good temper alrould not W-'dt a dis. Twenty-six. fish stories and Labradior. nd oil returning lionre wab the ime tile villagers had found their Illuminant which hits been alid making -messengers were sent U) Fairfield -Ixilitls ol daiiceas,- who kept up tile 3rIck, Count In domestic life.- _ Nobody, One little fish dried hard b 7 the sun. attat-k-ed I-ly dogs. which te both tile way to this part of the building the -and Sheriff Black soon had. a powe in the attention -of gas experts all over 44- Strivingi Of my -as 'It may also be said th lloy and tllt� i flames hhd penetrated the bedrooms. exercise until theyJerl ellkasted up- Abner excited -whe i from th .headb Of the Arousehold to at I aVld not h- of the men. Miss Warner re- tile country for many months, gays Oterudned the servants In the kltc�jen or( the bring &ome tile fish - hooks and lipes and- oil an there found fill-- hboslwtll should 6, king instead of permitted which he took with him, h ving left il b n. seard A report froT�i Villa Novz� st;tte-; that two malned conscimis at 'the hine of'her- the ground, d 'Ts. bodies hauled out. The -the Niagara Falls, N.- Y., Gazette,".111 David, also tile relmllion of Abs&lo= to tyrannize over them on snags in the bQttk in of the t%vo men. Met;' Chryster trial Car- Y were those neighbors sufficiently long enough to ther vent for emotion in howls anti in the others, ajid - penter, w h ije cleaning out a -well, were f Miss cLeod and 'Miss Yeandon. give a fair description of the-ftigitives. iscreains. The famous Fla now being produced at tile carbide' against his father. may �here be crossne�g is theL worst, form pr tyr- river. He - allowed all the s Both.were hurried down to fresh al Parties of 'r Works of h eet�,Iene - Heat, well as internal difficul- 4MV- - It 'nay require . firmness to to remain in the water, '-together overcome try gas.antl suffocated, When Searchers were Sent In -ose first; in Italy, but finaio spread Light meant, as tieii of, they uere taken out they wete tlead. anti laid oil mattremes on tire Side of every direction. Late in the eviening 'all over Europe. Those were peni- and Power, %ImIpany, tUp first plant evc�ry -kind. Head -of the-4ie'a- set tip a barrier agalust,th"ggres- with one can of go�d angle wrma- -kno,ther mail, lso overcome by the the streert, Where they wereexamined the Posse - In charge of Alid heriff. ents who -Ar�llketl naked through' tile bail -, -a, then -the tribes- thiOughOut-4anaan, 6Y Dr. 31'eDermidi t for Com rcial purposes in this who became subject along Of tile Ill-natured, but it ought for John iias a, tender heart, gas. recoverekY. mrho pronouned located two of the men In -the, neigh- strmts, eachi-with a Scourge of to hiffl- by 'his to be. donel L -and a stea4y deter But J,ohnny is going fishing again them dead. The -heat. was s Country. Victories over of'(�uelph, w1ro had 0 intense borhood of' the vi!lage of Bladensburg. leather - thongs, with which they to Ilini as th­tlirem, and paid tribute tiOn never- to -give waY'to deinands next week if Ilia father wll� let him. that no more Could be rescued. The They were arrested and hurriod to thp whipped. themselves, with tears and, Power to,operate- the new industry eir kin#. David was the. or allow cla$ms iu�-de by the amily beep- 1vorking lit the ivinity of Camp- remaining ones were chrred'to He Says he likes it.' beLlville for the past few dys, was un� Falrfiqld jail'to, prevent lynching. X -groans, until the blood ran:from the was urned on rom the big- power mightiest conqueror I and k.113g- of Ilia deepot should be maintiained. t age. A peop t5'd.iyafternoon. lie wa,4 recognizable wases. by the flames. ad large crowd had gathereal wlih-that stripes thus made. - Thf4y still sur�' le whicli, I kjkpliv not- There must always ave been SCHOOLBOOK G house,or -the- N:agara Falls Power -whO were not Ur i ' be d ae lit Strang, ginning in the history ' of every killt-d oil Wedw were only follutl when tire fire ha a seen walking long tire track in an in- Intention, should tile girl idprit�jry them vivo in the Penitentes of Mexico. 10.30 o'clock this morn. ers and heathen. tea, 1), You. can get a lot of fun om. your eaten itself away. Despite tile pai Individual and of schoulbooks, -boys -and girig,'to offset to,xicated btate by two- farmers who in,. lack -of fire -fighting a ` h nt4.- Tbomost complete parallel* known, Ing. and one run" was made In two -'sul, - ' every. home, a bd. all the hard work d xvere ploughlTig ill tile vicinity.'AVIien ..pparatu& the The wtvald�be*ynches were -put off to history of tire scenes that took hour 45. Strangers shal, nlit�this de- ginning- when crossness wa but as If you ave very 016110 0 them. did SPII ndirl work in prevent. notes an insincere or feigned submis_ the plant Peeping frolia thi) ground, d SC ookbooks, Ive reavhe Air. Christie4- farm-, qbout ing the spread of the -flames. The ad- with the promise that the prisoer.-i place at Old Oreliard,'Me... may . be .. Carbide calelum is made in A, . pro- Sion, FU(!h -as a -1 ves . to- a but its. weedy growth, once fairly it mile awl a quarter below 10111ing buildings would be brought back to LII)Ortyville 'found in the Florence of the-tifteenth deas of five different forms. It 'tivO they call be cut; -if not, sdine good, were- passes conqueror. an th� 'Vlain printing or writing ca4 be done.. jile, lie was strWk by t1w eng'ale of _ of Wood, anti to -day for ldenjCifieation, nd the offi- centu -Of through the - hands of experts, and peatedi- t bled ri' j had.re- started; is always rapl(L The boys will like to do Viiat on a had liey caught tile greatef- portion ry, during' the prea; been married it vtay frei-ght goin­ east. Tho top of of Main sT cers were allowetl to proceud. To --day Savonarola. Tile- very Carnival with- from crude materials of a very ordin. insubor inato rael, and life. especially, beginnings hovid be raftly day, when.time h heavy. . reet have -been the prtsQners were taken- to the home !is dances, proceSsiollig and xtrfava-. I* fornier kings, Watchedo the too yielding his head was taken off, nd. both Ills SAV-ePt, ALICK111rion Broif.' �brewery- ary-nature a most remarkable product took *a very changed- attitude to.- amiable wife or h - and too A sup�ly of advertising c which Iegs, %vert, ampjiti�ited little below tilt- houge of the girl. It was. quite a long time gances of behavior w" transformed is brought'out for market. Tho -pre- ward David. �1 Justice usband who forgets can be had for nothing, *1 be 0 Ono [ a rlbaldr.�-i"o Puritanical auster- liminary work is In the 1aboratoryi 46. Strangrs slall fade away- actually fostering an arbitrary and handy, but good, stiff wh e paper. s and-mucil. of the contents were after their arrival -thefe , bef re L� roi - in the deiire to have peae ba( -k to the unetioir. Ity. Ill T Here tiji coke and lime, which are the Shall -With' kni fle-ws pieke . d up and t. destroyed. but tile store was Saved. , of hen conscious' ' periods -arrived, - and ievery Street Shrove Tuesdit Thanks to a fire-pro4,f wail between when �t did the mk�n were rangki, be- ;behld a repetition of. the scene Of ler� and -dee. y in hopes unkind temper.in the one in small pads, about the a* of cards UITED STATES. the kitchen anti th' 111du block P[the es§ential features of the carbide, are- and St loved best. r6ngth. Be afraid-s�hall -come On, a tombstone In a country church can be bought very cheap fore hdr. - She was Only senil-consclous- the patriarch Dalol aidAiis. Irael- carefully examined. - -It must W deter- trembling out of th bg holds. yard there is engr From ge Tllt� seattle banks have deterruin- Grand Ueatral Hotel. tile main build. and fulldd to recogulze the I Men, L I te k , - this legend: -before the Ark. - Cit -l- in ne eir stro aved ogiaphies, cut or copy PAR ree froul damage- though they tally exactly with - the -zens of all anks and ages- formed eir- -be ;�ko afiaid " She - wag so : ple014,enj ed, its. a matter of retaliation. to ing escaped aluiust f dancing I d how -.much caldium oxide there -Bnson. Such ilial names of countries, States -and �cities. is- In the lime, and how much other when they hear of a y Su&�jge that touching and beautiWI tribute; and chargo two, per cent. on 1�anadlan Tile kitchen, a three-story building. description given by her in thb morn- cles under the direction. of one or Substances :too, -that -are detrimental It 18 a 1f.cut, they must ba, pastAd on the bills, while fifty Cent pieces will be was entirely destroyeil, -but only-Ahe Ing. itiLtAors they Shall surrendel -IWithont ;tand- when one remembers wha-t that plea. cards orf paper, ;R31 on a.separate T 0 us !in rear end of tire rewallider other of tl numero - Of' to the -product, - such :as Silica.- iron, Ing, a seige.-Clarke.1 taken for- forty cents. e suffered They were returned V) the Fairfield th reat' preacher; and gallopkf -alumina. 'magnesia. hiulphur. etc. : Sim- 47. The Lord liv santness meAnt in 4h4b home from Piece. Witli-these all sorts of games five. -cent. pleces for twErfand tw lity- from fixe. Of _et can be:played to test one's 4nowledge ty cents- etmrge, a great deal of Jail to. aalt developments., The Offi- roi (I all([ round in fantastic i;aillbols -IlArly In coke it must -be determined have -I gained all il-BY -Him alo'ne Which the- d6ar -one slipped away to Thep election In Vermont .%t;stvrda:y damage was done to the whole build� cials in ey have the to th the a gets, it is more to be prized of geograph7, or, if that is IWO much w- my victO * flea; and n Ing by water anti swokL- e sount) of perlis'Ps -tile mOst exactly ho 'much,of fixed carbon. He cOntinueth; and ivill be my rock. than any record wa4 the fir6t -State, electi6a lit tire guilty �fte So -are the people- who live curious hymn that mortal brain ever volatile like wokk, just for fun. n ffiatter, ash. sulphur, phos- the. Source whence I- lmwy 8,t all times ambitions. . To be pleaaut is Nvith. i of' &tfainments or I'lie fire was sufficiently ubdue,l by Zaa we Among -the former -is a gA. me 12.34) to permit- of efforts to recover tire as ec- phorus, eite., are present, so -that the derive help and salltlatiOn. in the reach of us all. travels." The cards - are'�Seoarated east during the: pri�seq campaign. A in the Lib�rtyftlle neighborhood, and produced. The at May His far as heard from the Republicans thia bodies from the burned kitchen.' a 17he Ing will take place before morn- centric as the steps, and each of them bxact proportion Of coke and lime name be blessed! a Ilia ki gdom be W40-1hhY'nOt be'brilliant or learned, so tha the countries, Statels and cit - are mal -Ing a decided 1,fain over athe During I of the men are" the Smith closed with some -such refrain a this: may be learned -in order to mix them exalted !6;.C1, the whole evening rumors in who du in 6 "idol - sup- rich -or famous, -ive MA miss much returns of four Years ago. brgc;t1ier:%sv,0 arke N ies 'will not be in the "me papk. live between -Liberty- When this Is done 75 ported 1 ", d t I tile fitnierlous that We would like to obtain, but we 'Other pack Is used, the c4rds being were in eirculation'th We.dance aild sing and prance and �4e at, several girls ville and Bladensburg. and the third ping pp ull Isabelle Roffi, the 7-yeax-old daugh had been burned, but it w;Ls hoped is a friend.of theirs Who was visiting tie �f pure lime to 100 pounds of cwarm and difficulties his time. Dav- Can 11)e leapaint, and we can so ad. dealt once around. ter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis 'Roffi. of Tis grace that -makes s glad pure coke are taken to tire crusher -ld'8 faith and trust Was centred In the minister our households that good ; The one on the dealer's t sas to that they hat] made their escape. them. They do not bear a good repu- No' grelliter blisa can be thn -Ills room, where is witnessed tire first eternal An- I Lawrence- Mass.. was murdered by, However, about midnight, the remains tation. Who piously goes mado God. A9 Ion as lib lived he temper Shall not therein J)e at a dis. - the one on 'his owli left, I am in stages of manufacture_- Would: have a kingdo a People of His count. sp - ace on, his card. tontor Qu-WtiLro.-an Italian. who board� of tile flooring fell in, anti watch- ' Thei girl was terribly bea:ten and' Then let us all go madi go Mad, 90 Both� the coke and the lime -(though 'peculiar care, whona naming -the pi ed with the Roffis, just alter two o*C104- yesterday. - afternoon. No mo ers saw beverlboflle-�. roll down with abused. and the physicitin in attend- Awd I separately) are put through What Is. ag lie w' I'm coming to visit you." I tive QuId secure it. Lonk poles were- thrust into- the ance gives"It on that she ainst the -assaults of tllejt enemies. Charms For the Baby.* The one addtessed says, "Iyouniust Is -known for the crime. ciellar, as his o0inr . Then. let us all -go mud known as the Crusher. and- then .481- God avengeili in( -Makes in -01 e . nomination of Senator which was still full- of-rell- will die as a result of her injurie�;. y cause The peasant women come to —,' naming pl on his With I th hot c And mad they went accordingly. No tfirough the. r6lling milll.the coke His owni and European card. "How will you get here"" oals, and- after many teilious ef- secure i ail sukcesses. for Countries use charms to keep their John M-. Palmer. of Illinois,. ft)r Pre- fort,_4, all that was left (�f better -proof of thiscan be given than Passing- through' what -Is termed a His servant David. -e $1.000,000-LIF.E INSURANCE. rifice. WbIch Closed 49. - Lifted me up o first born bab'es fi These Charms i ius t-01 Car fifty mesh gie-Ve­� fter being thor- rom. Ill. When the first speaker t ttideut, and General 6imon Buckner, human -big 'were draggeil out. it the ge ni- mped -into Alkil -to safety vary with the different - nationalittei. what �bodles of land and -water he and v And honors. From th -Y, for 'Viee-President, - 'll which were the The Companies in, Which the- Late Mr. the City, call- a poreeldin Iron - mixer with iotind -huml)le life of a Here are a few of them:., passes Over in going. If 11 e fails, a of Kentuel; was iiupo&�:it)le. 10 to. al,of 1496. On that day hands of OughlY the adoption of a platform. the con- bodies of the respective victim., young people traversed shepherd 110y God led I 'rom. one In. Ireland a belt made of the Velition Of Lthe sound -money Demo- The fire was disec!yeretl Di9ston*s Policies Were Placed. lug- at every house and commanding pebbles ill It. where the compound lb triumph' )aviO � WOm­ mark is put down b tile one keeping by a ser- to'another. I Even- ld an's h4Ir Is often placed a�yes out a, part be cratic, party adjourned. girl named Delia Mr. Hamilton Disstan, who died it. the Itirnates to give up their vanities. shaken a1id.mixed -iul co about the t�lliy it he le, 6he not secure -his hurt, for God delivered child to Ward off harni. gives forfeit. From here' the mi:iture is carried him - John Griffin, the 16 -year-old- son of slept in the maill building, ill tile short -time ago, In, Philadelphia, had Give them up they did. Some,broughe and honored his name,. 4(j. Am Ong - Mothers In Holland �Iace a curious Wli,�n the -one to whosel place be through a screw conveyor by means R.- Griffin, Fort Erie. I'a has first room from the 'kitchen annex. $10,000,000 Irisurance on Ills life. Every- ooks, topics of the d Dacameron being second floor. and the heathen -Where I Ills victories had ixtur of garlic id steak has traeled sayfk, I am * in myaj�erlously disappeared bt hC _ a the most numerous. - others give- 'up of an elevator to the been gained he woulid declarl� - 0 . salt, bread aj to retire when She JId the se- in the cradle CC their offspring. etc. After It has come round to tl:e' fo� the\ Grand saw ti one who a life policy will be pictures and Statues'; women aban- r om th re to the furnaces. *here it cret of- his Flu as a checker fe reflection ano e ceesg, ;nd offer thanks- dealer lie deals a new set of cards. Trunk Railway there !or three ypars. gave the ments, padding, is. dumped into the - crucibles on Roumanian mothers tie -red ribbons alarm. she ruslied downstairs, but be- interested to see where . it was doned dresses, brna. 91"ing unto the on! true, �and l rthe ott�, VVIth fewer had marks wins On Saturday he arranged, to go to Placed. ancl how his own, company Is rouge and- false hair; men surrend- the furnaces, - of. which there arb God. As- far as Ilia tame had pread ad lias the rivilege of giving out wme 80 -excited that the villagers four, each P Crystal Beach by boat With Some who had seen the fire anti rushed in affected. The full list is as follows: ered cards, Alice and musical instru- holding 860 pounds'of -the David would have HIS pratseI3 extend' the forfeits. friends, but left the boat before -it Ird to k*ize her nd prevent her re­� New York Life $20,000 ments; painters cleared their studlos mixture. . The -crucibles mentidned are - 51. Tower of salvation for -His king What -will you get T, I a game started, and has not since been seen. turning for lier cl . o New York Life ... ... ... ... ... ... 15,000 of studies from the nude, and con- in the form of tin electrode and the -David was,a king'Or Gods anoint- Just for f�n hnd is!played y dealing Jnrors,-a" num carbon Pencil the other, the crucibles Alex. R. M&ntyre, twenty years old, where the- flames werd then enter- ew Yotk Life 8,832 , erous body -yielded the Ing. afid was - peculiarly fa -�ored by -all the cards. Theni each in turn son of D.* C. McInt.* General Mail- ir#;. The wou[0-he rescuers we New York Life 2010 tools7 of their trade. All: these hings, being -clamped by jaws willeh ` a ' -1 ,re. 00 re Him. Rising up lnto,�God b.V.1irm reli� throw a card on -Qie table and says, re 000 -a-buge collectimp--were brought -to worked by wedges dra�wn inand dut ager of the Detroit & Clei;eiand Navi- driven away by the flames aftpr-res- New York -Life ance, -he es ir in danger as- in Xin going to nam' place gation Company, committed suicide at cuing the remains of is., -AcLeW 'New York Life ... ... ... ... ... ... . 2� 000 the Piazza delia Signorla, In the cen-- by- endless screws. In each crticible is a high tower. He ]if d lilm'o placed a few Inche's -of ground, coke. rit of tile on card, "I'm getting some The lit t3eveland -25,000 -yeste and iss Yeandon. New York Life tre of which stood La scaffolding bu power of his enemieq. Shevrotli mercy trick is In choosing the ight ar- -Life .. ........ . ... ... 1010C ,rday �'�rning- The nd then the carbon is let down oil to His anointed --Co finues sup - weapon usetl was a shotgun- The act Miss McLeod was about 6t) New Toric 0 for the purpose and-. well. lined with -1fis cle years ti to - get. if' t -was committed in a room over the De- of age. The de as a shi- Equitable LI fa.g9ts and inilammable material. Into top of the ruai;s, thus_eompleting the Lport, though unmerited, to the chosen does, not b6iin with the last. let- ... ... 50,0130- eo nection, in -bh-)rt, circuitialk tile king, who was tlle'f re of Ilim who ter of the place, it is wro ig. The troit'& Cleveland Company's office at ter of Win. D. cLeod. of Kirk Hill,. Equitable Life ... . ... ... ... ...... 35,0130 the midst of this scaffOlding was east a locally known s tile "Cheese K Provident Life Ins. Co., Phila- - - _the -motley heap, and then the torch transformer. Then the carbon ia grad. Should be over all n ions, e Jesus the foot of Superior street. The md ng. -ually-drawu up;,ali the while the lx- ven game.g9es gn until all or ii early all tive- for the deed is not kno%tn: -he lived with him; and only cit I . delphia 12 was applied by the hand (it the chlef In To hl§ seed forever ore-His-dvacend- have guessed the trick. By c itting out me to �,500 do. -mkleek Ilill Yesterday Provident, h magistrate. The conflagration -that- ture is..being dumped in on each si ants. -This showss ti another David Chas. J. Hells. all inventor.- a per- Va to attend Life Ins. Co., I i0 the large capital letters in a geo- 'flame skywa:rd- The elienilealconfuluation - immediate. sonal friend and former business asso- goiril- (in in - delphia ... ... ... .... 12.501 resulted threw its l beg-ikio to take place, and changes is meant, with ano of pos- gralibly and pasting them :in blits f a week of pryer'now, ano her kind on, Committed the Presbyterian Church, with w it ich Provident Life Ins. -Co..- PhIla. higher than the.loftlest clate of Thomas A. � EN of the many th terity. and another sort of' kingdom. cardboard a game f " ge?graphleal lofty tower -6 at Florence. And around e Coke and lime Into calcium edrbide, From the "holds suicide in his apartments at'the I -lark she was oonnected.. delphia ... ... ... ... .... 15000 fa&11y.O David Came tile letters 11 -is- made. One player inotlrerd of In these crucibles - the mixture 'is man Christ J Gitte Hotel, 63rd etrei--t and ' Stony Mrs. Finn was the Mrs Northwestern Mutual .. ... ... 20'000- -the'bonfire capered the'mighty mul- left- to remain anywhere -frou'i three esus; )is postdrity are them all and throws them down one Friday Geo. Constantineau, o lsc ',i Northwestern, Mutual titude -Chanting - Its frantic� chorus., -the by t 20,000 n ne Christi 3; 111-4 kingdom, one without looking at hem. 'The U -to the in- In wh , ich they are ubject`;�j, is spir- other players must call out a geo- Island avenue, Chicago, la xvii se Ill a, to -eight hours according e 5,000 which, on this occasion, at least, was evening. The body .vi8 not discover 4 ourned the llotel. N.orthwester Mutual )0 well Suited t6 the -scene. gredieuts and ihe amoiint" of current until -yesterday at 4.30 p. in. Ile lived Miss -Yeaudon a daughter of Northwestern Mutual--.. 5.01 Itual... graphical -name beginning -JvIth that a reclu-; -anti was 8urrountleol by rd Mutual.B- We -know, alaa! that the Florentliles passing throligbi"and at the end I Of Teachings. - We Baptiste Yeandon, of the village, ali C-nefit Life Insurance repented 'of their repe that time -you have the genuine cal- iould frequently Earriiig,,aird pitM.. let -ter. The first who calls' correctly CO .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... li-i'000 ntance afitI4 on - . reCbUnt the vi-etorie 6 the mof%'18 of-luttlly illVkIltjoll'�; lie fla'd hail worked at the hotel but a'few Clum Car 'oil bits given gets a good. mark. When 10 letters their return to sanity would gladly bide, which crystallizes as US. -We must give od all, the. glory arouRl- the ankles oi their babes, aild, have been thrown -down, th �.Gne, hav� Mafia. weeks. Conn6eticut Genetal ... ... ;­ ... 5,000 the beat - leaves it. About 175 ... ... have had -returned to - them the goods. for what we 'are e al, Qd to lo. Ne "and Miss Villeneuve daughter Rome' Life 40,000 lbsi of the mixture of coke and lime I those of, another Balkan race attach Ing the biggest score is vi .tor - Maryland Life ... ... ... ... .. hat they had Sacrificed. Something Should proclaim His sal�,ati(jil to all bits of asafoetida -around the necks of, throws the letters for the i ext game. ng at-M(-,4*ritnmoa 10,000 t their hifants. - � L make about 80 lbs. of pure carbide. around. We m -ay del, not on'W,d's help No 'repetitions in names ar allowed. Mr, T. R. �;lover. M. A. PoSt Office. She was hired le.,s. thn� New England Alutual Life... 15000 of the Flame revulsion has -already oe�: or in other words. ftom two to tW9 at all times. on - go 8 "mixed has been elected Profeivor of Latin at a viv�eek ago. assaghugetts .. ..... ... ... 20:0()0. eu�red in Old Oicba . rd. and one-quarter tons of the mixture Weloft mothers put a pair of t . Another - game is. called queen's Uitiversity. Desellamps .)�oilt an)years: fletin Wlutual 15.000 makes L One ton of Carbide. Thoughts. - The nore - %6' think or a � knife In the cradle as a Charm Spelling." A box or basket With a lot Mutual ... ... ... ... ... ... .... ... 30,000 A REMARKABLE -0 1ARGE. on what the Lord has done alust, IIL'and a similar practice pre- of a.11 kinds of words cut or cofiied on the journey from London to of age. Her. home as near the vil- Once the calcium carbide -is ma e for us, ag from the speller stands'on a table, Mutual 70,000 and shipped the, most Interesti g the- more we gain �ou Valle -in some parts of England. Balmoral the Queen's train Struck and lage, nd she had worked t the ho- rage*4nd con _kIlled a signal man. tel several months. Berkshire 1.0,000 Fell Prom a High Gallery and Was -Held Point is how to produce the gas. This ridence for the' fit ire i. Ingratitude The Grecian mother. before putting around which the players sit. One aybrick is - serious . 4y III in the -Tile County Crow Washington ... 10,000 for� Manslaughter. makes men desWring, and afil-aid,whdle her baby Into the cradle, turns around begins by drawing a word, ooking at Mrs. M n Attorney has ... ... ... .. is tha mckst simple part of the whole National 20,OOCI true gratitude proo: uces - coiola tion. threO times before the f hile sing- it -and a4ving it out to hi hoyt�pital &Ilneeted with tile prison been notified. and it is. expected lie The baA habit that Is of almost uni- matter. A suitably arrangeol conver--- The more gtaitude we feel, th ' ire, w lier condition will order n 'Inquest Manhattan ... ... ... ... I ... ... ... 15,000 ter is provided and.the calcium car- e more tag her fa*()rlt6 lullaby.. neighbor ULspell. If that 1.4 donecor- --Q"AVXer0 She is to -day. -Tire - versal prevalence with tile managers is so -serious, that tire authorities yes- fire is, suPposed to hve 0'righriated Michigan Mutual 30.000 bide is placed in ColitaetL Witli water. confidence we havp a-nd the more The Turkish mother banga a var- rectly, the second one drays another Mielilgan Miltual 1-0,000 of music lialls of . not opening the confidence we have, lo-mliebAlle more lety ofamulets about her tul word- and gives it to his I mft hand terday. suspendi�d tile rules, and per- from a elgr still) -ort lamp-explosiov. The water, turns into gas the- mo- ant, The Vermont help for time and Oternity. Da I while a small piece' -of -mud, stee nelghborand so on around theeircle. mitted her tO TC436 VU -a visit from her The,hotel accommoda tell ljvtwpt.n 40 til.a few minutes. before the 100ut it touches the --carbide, and ped and 50 guests. State Mutual, Mass .. ... ... ... 1. there you have it. was truly gratef 'I d fully satisfi-ed. in hot'w-ater, -prepared with certain If anyone falls, the word Is passed 013 0 performance, thus indirectly inducing mother. John Hancock .. .... ... .... ... . " I, . Because Gidd IIveu h had satisfa, ceremoni ld's to the next and the Ml s�r loses a The Iri-sh Convention opened in Dub�a adangerous, headlong rush 'of the 'The illuminant -is one of the most action forehead. ------- bshop, O'Dtinuell SHOT BY A WOMAN. Provident Savings, New Y - ork. 2 (0, discovere6d. and, com- because God was nFing in Irim, nd Score.' After any chosen Pumber .of ay, with powerful ever I'lloenix of Connecticut 20,000 crowd that has been collecting out�lde working through 1A Lastly, the Spant�h mother brushes rounds Ahe ne having Illost Scores -piregLdlag, and it ver.large number of etropolitan New York pared with ordinary illuminating gas ment. Hen m as R -h4 instru- her baby's face with a pine tree bough beats' William Hughes. of Ow4n Sound. Re- .. ..... 20-0()0 for an bour'or more, has bad a fatal A half foot burner with acetylene Will de all th success�s glori- delegates'lli attendance. Dean Har Brooklyn. N�� York.... ... 51009 fled God whille Dav d wait I)lf?st and to bring It good luck. ceives a Bullet in the Shoulder. give mor6 light than rl�.ow!St. Cathmrluee. made an im- -Prudential, New Jersey ... .. 15.000- result in Sydney, says the Westmin- the ordin ary bonor6d, His rejoicii g was not. along HOPE F LIFE. pusetwded apgoal for unity, and Mr. steir Gazette. The most popular music five foot burners- of the ordinary 11- Owell Therviscoum Sun. Canada ... ... ... .. 19,750 luminating gas. A cylinder six inches because he had gained victories, but Abcounted For., leter Ryan. of Toronto, moved the hall in that city 1� the Tivoli. Oq the --because God was 4 lorified, nd his . "'How her fac Permanent Premier of 0 ding Isiderablo) excitement here to-niglit ethoirland. Holland ... .. ... ... 20,000 in diameter four-knol a halt feet e lights up ill exclaimed first resolution in faxor�of the same'. gatur6lay evening prlor't the d ar- long Ability the One Thing edi6d. Netherland, Hlland ... ... ... ... 5,000 ep song gave also to God all(]: lionor Mr. Hiland. who'was talking.01 Miss adsto-fie-has writteTa a. letter over a shooting case. Airs. ll�ehael ty� Mr. 6.1 British Empire, Canada ... ... ... 100,00() ture of the last Australian mail; the will contain sufficient liquified ace Pr to �Ile� au.thor'of the, bo' Boyle is. accustsl (A b a- Canada Life . ... ... ... ... ... ... rush hito the top gal lene gas to -light a house of hirteen to His mame, while V rang �!-Ith the Bellefield to Miss Homew.Qpd. it is a great aggravati n 0 the %,Ing Shot 25,000 lery was so great of Armenia,:' in- which he expresses young man nme4i William - 11 that -a- rooms for *hree months. thankpgiing of IL'" own true and c"It.does, Indeed," replied the latter da er iof Turkey that She a ughes Canada Life ... ... ... 51000 man named Gill wag precipl- The OUT. ng a so lit- -regret that the pliblic -haH not been and is now behind the bars at tire po­ Standard .* . .... ... ... .. tated over the railings. He fell into cAn be used ln portable Pure 8 itung lady.- 25,01DO lamps, locomotive headli- Practical Survey, -The secret of Mr. HilaifidLkne-w that t1fe two.gfr4 tie to hope from revolutioni The -con- rousect to a due semse of the shame lice cells, with - her daughter Vag- the stalls fight -on, the head of a Mr. ghts, etc.,, ',With David ay in his liafl;ig were rivals, and so he wondered at and * for- 4treet - lamps. It is to -be success stitutional reform propos by Ahe aud infamy Which tire British gle. aged abolit 15. The facts of the THE NORD11EIMER DIVORCE. Alfred Weander,, who was promptly removed to the, placed on the market the same as divine strength a4de I to him. Putting such disinterested Commendation, un- young- Turkish party has � hing to, pie are undergoing. together with -the case'so far as ascertained are tlie!�e,: Sydney Hospital. -coal 611, and will'be sold In, cans on the military girdle completed the ttl Miss Homewood re. as addedo. rest upon. Turkey s a ill itary em- peo to of other great,nations, atthe Hughes. who is not �moro than 19 Why He Wants a Bill or Divorce- The where it was found that he had military'Are-sa. Whei Davidluid Pr6- "Yes, her.taco certhinly does light hUs of the zrs.,�ttssin who sits upon years of 4go. a deckhand on tile Charg- ceived a fracture of thespine. He died an ordinary household - commodity. es, -Its heapness will bring it quickly. pared his men for ttle, b�; careful up wonderfully. I TRUPPose that It is pire, . in which- there are th ee forces, ne In steambargo Chamberlain, which is Ottawa after aL few hour& . Gill. escaped with the thro -tition of drill and discipline, a d had sfirbured Ilia the effect of her lantern jaws." the -house of. Othman . . . . . . . . . . di Tire pt nto demand. the rmy and Iforrible details of acts, of savage now lying lit the ttry dock liere- for -a few slight bruises. but: the coroner's t — — ; . weapove of war, he ind done Ilia par t Albert Nordheimer, of Toronto, for a jury found him guilty -lie ussulman moli, anial of the barbarity and murder during the riot repairs, in Company -with another of manslaugh- In qualifying himself for the.qundertak- Mirror Set Into a Glove. bill of divorce from Ills - wife, Edith ter, anti he-4wA -been committed for The Difference. War. But a ove all'this God iliree desires a puppet in er gov- been sent t6 -deckhand named Jan�e8 Llsle, had nKoughnut, mas�preaented to trial. The verdict waA opposed to the Ile-You.know I love A mirror In the palm of a glove is erned by talkers or by the 'has who In Constantinople have Nlhr Va Ingo of er -wYes. you put around"him, as a girdle, 711ii -own' the latest novelty.. With its assist- Qie London newsriapers. The raiders be*-% up toWn purchasing some pro- the Senate iVo-day. ]Ur. Nordheim charge of the coroner, who-sald that - "have Asslinflated civiliza. oW1 and on the Ottoman Bank Ila(] with them visions and had just crossed the sw' strength. This was the ability lie sixteen pountili of I dynamite, " with Dg was- married to Miss VanKouglinet. on Gill - could uA possibly have He -And you Qay *on love me ? needed to make him. victor: No power ance its owner is 'enabled to be whom old Mussulmanis despi . A Chils- bridge on their rbtura- to the boat, June 3rd, 1884. The wedding was, a that lie- would have fallZ She -Yes, -dear.; -yes. . - . sure that her- bonnet.is On a tian regime is out of the qu tion until which they Intealle I to blow'up the when they passe ' d Mrs. Boyle an being could* Withstand lihif for he fought -in tralght I U. d very swellaffair- theceremony railings of %e gallery into the stalls; tie -And you- will marr And also,that her curls are In per- the shells have dropped In onstalatin� institation. The number of -Armenians her daughter on- Stephens Street. To: Performed in'St.'StePhen'&-Chui9h,by Y, me ? ooti the strength. of the Lord.� - Vnemles, feet order. She can likewise aschr. ople, and t T6r e killed by-Kilrds, In the To�anes, Hass- a police. officer after - the' sh ag tire Bishop of Toro 81he-Of course, darling I- "were overcome and confused. They be- tain if 11, renegade who has an hold on keni anti XlsBin Pacha districts during I -stated that be - hree iners. He-Then,we are engaged. er how,, Is at the most be _y fir -lughes and his com- dren are the issue no'fthile marricaUgie' sought their gods t helpthem,. but y persuad repute rlot-k on We anion did not say, anytoing to the M a. dnes:11ay 1.4 e.4tiorated at be-- p, coming angle at the proper,time� Mr. and r Nordlielm lived 6he-Ye. dearest; we are en- there was none to ve. They were these thin and a hundred others,- ith the-glaneral body'of the popula- tween 1,000.and 4.000. to-. But— woman. but Mrs.. Boyle tells. a tilt-, get her . in -Toronto until May, 1892, gaged. umb, and. - so . the must. e who 9H ion. Ibrahim Pablia, could I ave found - Steamers arrlving -at Stornoway, ferent story, stating that Hughes in--- He -Then why not announce it? I Important from the feminine ,point of t trusted In them,- for-- hey had ho argu- ed when they went to - Engladd on ac- a new dynasty if the pow s had Idt the suited her and. theil be ant to Choke She (ojecidedl�-)-Tllat is . just what ments to offer unto lie Lord's anoint- cotland. froin lox -land. report 9 count of the illness- of -the second' view, She c&n'fIndk out on the street *;evereatearthquake ellice. 1874 there her.'At any rate, -Mrs. Boyle.dre- do not want to do. ad. From a shepher boy he arose to without attracting the attention of, him. alone. but in the Tur fey of to- w child-. Wing obliged to return . to -his sim- da.V " tall -popoieg!l h4ve ceased to on- the night- of August 26th. There- a revolver'and firecl at Hughes, The Canada in about six -weeks -after his He (persistewily)�But. why not? the honor of a gre and 'noble king. Passersby, with the aid. of t exist, and outside- the houi e of Oth- port States that many farms at shot was heard. by several - anti the arri Int She (4esperately)-Well, if yon- mui3t because God girded in with'i4trength. pie contrivance. mail no one- whom the Ottoman clan Hrepp, and ival E land. Sir. Nordheimer -soon that two churches and street in that- locality was 600TI arranged 11 FThis wife and three chil- know will teJl. you., -Just as The� 'outburst of p ise sprang spon- this device has so arranged the lit. nearly. All Of tile faxins at Hollum, f1lJ&J by a large crowd. Hughes was dren hould *emain. there until his re- as' people. hear you are engaged, all taneously from the I of David. After tie looking -glass in tile palm -of tile' would endure can be -so- much as Laudi, Kangan1lum, and Fgolslilld at once taken to Dr. INIeCullough's of-! turn.in tile 119wing spring. In July, tile girls In to* -n will be running after recounting his succes before the Lord, glove as not to interfere with the -diseerned.'The shereef of Mecca is the -were destroyed. The Sheep -and 6' you., shutting of the hanc� He, has lilke- higheOt figure in the ortll)dox Mug-' at- fice. when It was di1scovereol, that the IW, tile pe itioner returned to Eng, his grateful heart- once - IN bgan to tie on these farms perished, but no bullet had Struck the lower part pf' wise taken the prbeduft6n of sulman-ivorld, and he is a ?ure Arab land' foi,the Purpose of bringi He.1witil a little smile of,vanity)- contemplate what the Lord re*11y was putting fatality is reported -to any hUrna:abo- the right shlderblade and _ glanced ng Ilia But. my deitr. you have., confidence to bimf He was an er'kiving Helper. It in. - tlie left-hand glove, so -that whom the Ottoman$;. Unlef 5 wife and childien back to Canada, but -hip commission by a great Vic - The centre of the disturbance enough in'me n Ing. off. inflicting a. deep, but not dan- ot to doubt me, e for e sedaity He proved apeared to be the volcano Ilecla. gerous w6und. Chief of Police MeAu� turn, and has since been domiciled in If they do, run after Me. have you gave. - He was. wor house of Othman there is little hope. Nordhelmer flatly refused to re- tory, would refuse to -day.. Within the to lie, magni- not? sG EN ley anti P. C. Heron arrested the wo- 0* 0 Ell fled before all -them lo had England 1with, b ev rsau oicaslonal The neared heir is not Sane. and Th6 latest estimate jilates the num- man ' and her daughter at their visit to�the United Stat�w The Oett- 0 (doubtfully). Oil, yes, but4-- power. lie was ld atified With the among the princes no one I a the e on He (frlumpllAntly)�Tlien we'll con- -cause of Ills people. , e it ws'who ob- ber of persons killea in the Constan- hom, Kteiihens street anti took tibner alleges that In Au'"t, 1893, sider . �6fie kinO of confidence which- I uees men tinoplei riots at 2.OGO. them to tho cells. Airs. Boyle,was un- and Several. times thereafter, Mrs' in i titter settled, aud� talned the victory nd removed the toil Place for -their sakes the heads in ted a6s. There enemy. Qul" now prevails in Constanti- der the influence� of liquor. She will Nordheinier %commit adultery with She -No; me Come before Police Magistrate Spen- William --Cranston, Jun., of London, The device shown is to aid owlimilprS Is, sometlihig else. peril. The present -Sultan, bough a nople, and it is hoped that all danger cer at 10 O'clock to-Worrow rn- England. to propel themselves - t He (impatiently)-Wha1, Is It this- Judge's DictlonaVy. feeble man, is not of a kind hich dies of further rioting has passed. ing. Mrs. Boyle- a nf] her hug ' mo hrough the time? early -Indeed. It.may n as an hand have water.. It has been -patented by WILI- Reason -A power lof the mind by. dxiom. that convenient de ha never She (liesitatingly)-Wpli. If you which we 11 - - - outhner von Markon. the million- been separated for nearly two years. His Saloon Didn't Pay liam Luce, of Neholem., Oregob� The arrive at the- desiled con- happen -and Siiltans whilel reigning aire, brewer, of Vienna, has cOmmit-.'Her husband wasat one time a -bar- affair to very ftht. and � the win must knowrwmjust as soon as It IS CIUSIM ted guicide because of the attackC ber here, but of late years h&S b -u The Rev. Julius Felcke, who opened du the ontglds. Of the glat- known that I am engaged—' "Responsiblilt ificitat- Sense are beyond adiasaing' reach. T The 43nly P leg. - This Y -T to whaleL real hope for Turkey is a gr at TIzier. made upon him by - t lie anti. -Semite followlmg the stage. a saloon In Hoboken hist year because like device Opens- agabwt, the water He' (with a word. of tenderness)- whlch--�T 6 who is dIsb- a perint vorith of p - apers- We salary as pastor of the Fits M rompts- papa -Talimile t - G6r­ As the foot Is kicked back, and cloge-0 y darling I DoWt you think that I., when he has so far � istorted the �ruth the palace, and. the rise 01 -a mail it IS is ed triat M. elidoff, tile MRS. MACKAY'S FURS. man Lutheran Chuich in Jersey City as It to drawn forward. much like the too. cau trust you 2 as to tell -Mr. Dunne r that "-ija pa says is no more to lie looked foi than the -to Support Ila- of a ng was mot large enough She (very calmly) -I was-gol to he IWt IIL" Russian Ambqssador at Constanti- rise of a leader of the Ei glish Lib- ceed the late -A"Sable Consisting of Ten Thousand him tn'08 manner which he tbmgh:t say that Juist as soon as It ds ital nople. 19 llicetY, to Bile beeomIng,1m' seen - known - Brilliancy -An ow rstralned men eral �Vkrty, -who shall be -at once7great Prince Labanoff MMister of For- -Skins. the error of his 'British P Offide Statistics. that I am engaged, not, a'man 'in Condition observdd n precocious chil- and fiew4--tondon Spedtato.. eign AfIlairs. There,*are some aimost priceles's fur ways, made esslon of his tranagres-, our set *111' have anyt.1iing to say dren, -and lit - men 1� the first stages. slon to the Bon Claegle of j�elrgen and The.BrItish a] PoStoffide report to M& f L - 11 4 The Soir. the French iberal pa C n e of pdreals. - Wales Resents It per mistence. most of them be- has been asAgne a new chrch in Just issued allows lit of 98 632r Tolerancie—AA Woe I which was started at t nning longing to members -of the Russian no- Philadelphia. It w 'be unjust to the 122.. thip most' pros ar a r'In Its ther people 'to at' Ition- to' allow It to 'well known that in -E p1te of his of the election campaign, SUS- bility. 3fre. John Mackay has a, sable clergyma t6 say.tha e made -this r 5.665. Much alarm is felt it Yokohama -to thelk.o*n bleto y Agrandtoirl m e a," --eharacter -of, good M"Ure t1fe Pxlnee l Vales Is. av- Via= of L Man: VM Over a gre -report-of. a great business iwwter persons quick tofesent aty lack. cr 'the -ton m peenary e The pended publication. its mission cloak, valued at $15.000, which con- latest change from a e ra-. let I with weak mtndB. ,ters earthquake 'k the northeast ago ing- succeeded. slats of 10,000 mall Skins. ther than spiritual, motivei;butit Is a- Iratim of property loftd' In prop. `F oresl lit e f side'ration dtile bini. Some time a King vinceg of. the undn - Island of Japan Ity �--Of being Were It Is r ored In gome th Ito moot- costly wrap of this kind Is fact that busf..esi da not lr03p@r after whith were'6olb4eted In the d 1.6t- he went to See a. 01ay in U hich in fur cloak sent to the Empress; Dag- the novelty- of see on Monday. Every town of Roksigo axound hen e LL Ing is joing to Humbeft, will announce his abdication Ing a minister dis- 'ter offices- to 9580,OW; the'tran t- WHAS some -lub � Idettal Aatir, of Ithe on her'Coronaion. It cost $60,- p happeil'. after the marriage of.the Prince of ense beer had pasrmd-off. At tbe.end ted postal orders, amounted- to has been entirely destroyed, and British ammy- -and mavy. The P - nc% )49- A 0) weighs only 16 ounces. Th Is several 8udcft9--A comb tion (it luck in Of- CL yfiaX he was seierely- da Naples. the heir-apparenti to Pria- 0( glad to ebttle up the 000,000; 78,889,610- telegrams we other towns before ­a4l things- a ;good T6wrlot, was was res aged.. uluble, bralw,,,e%r and po With:,a cess Helen of Montenegro. which IS ent frbm the city of Irkttsk, mortgage which a, brewing compan'y sent.; 'and,there was Many persons. are reported to 1110it -a' anb'L n t inM Judich W, tr)"UevZor, when Ito ow ,.r shakes i1a - *1 . 47 ngld have- bt lie gal F83 1 had on, -his place and'close7 the saloon\. Anxhigs Bank department 9 51 nher- d The Supreme Lodge of the Knights. Even his meagre salary of $60o, as "Oft of which almonount JIM still dv, -10 -1360 It- -E it -no Ited a ma "mult(tude -.'have- suf teap to *ureu6 thebirgain. -o ea!Fly In November. to take pinc The hess of Saxe­06turg I deposited J been killed -by tile ekrthquake, -suffiblent ad g7ated friend' I W n 'not' 000 0 larget number Injured,- Wre ulisc iq1pulous-. not ilie fair zr' I' icent cloak from her mO-' pastor looked larger to him. Mr. Feleke was chqqued out. will find p' -k obd fered se _titls 11 -e `am 0 of Pythias has ratified thel action Of ageul , % I vore lo0ses by ongAp ther, the lat Empress of Ru3sia. Judie. -damage to. Jug notig nett t ous av, h Is said t6 have conducted his'-buslness propert Men-- atir.-qults allowing heirs C" I% *t6tio, 11A,6� -y m W - w. ,The gtoilds o Lou bi0t)(k and StUP belle vi lt� the Board of Control. the Franc tress, has a sable cloak with as much regard for the moraliq zing, you, kuow. In the -e tA of members -of the endowment rank Our In be. t W9;- who, emmit gulelde to receive a valued at -0. Other-forunate, of, big patrons- and the neighborhood blem of eternity. Shjs-i-Yes and, Atb. shadow, -bot- 441*talkwal 00V inty. 'm PQr women flu thils eet tl on Lop -Is eir lives are 'e C AS could be wished. diamond, Wil L AAmtess Greft & tion W the sum for which th tall galust-1 . ess Potolm, the C h, r - But the r. 11 There Leuchteriber were Insured. the Duchess ot !,&71! -I.fl da e� have '.=, to eacher-J'ohnnyi What are -the thr !, diak _y,�h d6talls: of the 10803BUM'In., Russia. the laud of furse-DrY Goods �Rraces? Johnny-Breakfai3tdinnergWd- oap#' 1 The the Kassira and RUM quapters form_ VE00001,11stm