Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-11, Page 2IWO. 7 77T.- �A. V nl�T�4 1711M i - P ­ - ­ N'. R TTTVW� In � L -T­T�, -q-­,�,�,­A-. lit 743�: 4 �Sr l' -77 -7 -7 -- `!U - 1k �'w 6. which go to Make what, 1. please. Wo-m-0frow I I c d Laverdae. trying,to step, Yghtly, and +++++++++++ 44� Out -0gg and a AZINNI 'GAZINANS WIFE. send Citizen Claude beyond the hair- IMUSE W: to make no -noise, came and.Aesued An feeding th 11 used r0ult from rier.15 over the back i of the - sofs. 116 looked -a Irrevolution Lin the Y According to an English Journal Her Xanbtte- had dropped into a hair; ather. Dearere6turel All) very t high NoTre KOductfim in- winter. J Name 1A.ManVielle Flossie. but now 'site took het -hands wily dear she had bien*ouce, so gentle. so -�te, ' - -, . In replyft Any Of Afielle #A" -MANEi"I"TE ANDREV WE - has heretofore been actual w A from her face. and he saw that I . was 'tender. - when not under the Influence 40 converted Into eggs commandR The following unique advertisement M*uwlii Abu, 'bathed With tears. The wret h, -as of 'some pa; -'bf I ' 04 - ug ealonsy. Oh, U she. 1 high � price. which -'recently,apIiearea in an,,Eng� V%Wa A Heroine of the Reign of Terror.- ho gazed at h ge t A' ible,"cause she had . - i - - - felt a *ava Y- only knew whal err The comb and wattles Of calidis dd: 'lish - dramatic paper, will. be read =e�lping,"- � he- sali I; You - are N. to be jealous. now I-vAd what' boo he 'with lut �GR not -continue to grow. The feat6is of sli 4�usw-ere�%-, -'-bui MY do ment- before 2 -goers: Yes." e 4e only a MO XCULTURE. !ucckl and saddle beeomevery long. erest by theatre tears my i .-il - - There lspe much varlation--in farm aad $I say y 0 ' t i, # I I - have extIngulash d Well I how', could he ha#e helped 0 . The do u t c ov o Notice to all Concerned -That Henri CONSTIPA 'WK D.C. , 1� - . L IF',CAL18i�0 SY LINDICE TIC) A THRILLING &ARRATIV Aliker can do!; no good. -1 might'im-. It ? - Was It not. absolutely necessari. maullres as In.the commercim article. 41ght; neither do they chase' the R OF THII FRENCH REVOLUTIOIL plore Ity for I husbanAl. bat he should be 'free fol. a few and MaiWzelle Flossie have been le- KAF0. 0 V is are Bua "tcau hours I th.. . M ne your p The qualit.*.depends upon thei feeding henKi' At first tile.* are gaily Joined together in the. bonds of fil c URE 13T PAUL PRUNW. to virUat purpose."-. Two drops Of La hsrmleas'.anodynb� In a enorriioualy so r Und - ow, Jle:rtY caters. but later eat uor'mor6" suatramony, by Special License, Land p , New,012" V- sm�afu maw And' for t1pe, other 'one 9 ie In- gia;s& of lemon, syrup and water I stuffs fro* which they- are produced, th a, 0 by a regularly appointed Justice of Fre'estsrowuph to., 7 ol ther fowls. The opetatiod -r u W Day after dA& ho- had carried tile upon the material used Ioir bedding be complete, or theglimdhwil the Peace, In the preseUcef of Wit - Ti i i w+f: r t ter upted.. think y o hou d --------- ...... be Tile for the other mail-" phial abo vA-W him day after. day anti absor -upon, the, amount of nesses, in accordance with tfie - re- ERLAIN. EYE t to '61PI lit grow, to -deformity. CIEIAMB Pue day s -he- said WhY did not beautifut woma- : told me, p watched for'llis opportan'ty.. In tPlantV muskmelons., quirelfteuts of the La*s of the United allot, 87 Kink stmet out. n was more favor- the .�rime -liquids.,procured; and, finally, Upon- requ Ite, Rome Sept. lot to 12th. side and support ably, disposed towards -him. He did rich, moist soil; not YOU take Uo winning ore He shrugged his shoulders. No, in States of Ameiica. Notice to Gnsslp� z Ypu havo lainly CIti- he -had ell _Illy, what. pylee you ask for sav to g those two the care exercised to avoid 11411riOt. my* Poor Claude?,-- not perceive that her politeness was go da and soggy, but moist. - No other in lives �Ow, you_ may deed I to amln!ster th&t sleeping po-' waste. mongers and Scandal Fertilizer -- Is mere Mockery. tion was no cr'ime'. * He went to, a Fine manure is more valuable than manum-equals tUat from th.0 pig Potent factor was a dispute as to Claude was d pleased with th The el-deratit, offended, dre%v him- corner near the flrep!ace, and took his Goarse. becase more - ireadil Pen, for this'purpose, as a trial With Pareifta, IT PAYS TO -go ad an Imminent -severance Citoyenne," he said,. I thank you self ag speech- Why do you always call f sword -cans.- A'moment after he was y lueor- of all Business Ties, etc. mr. Cazm4n. Or reminding me of my duty." 4'You are- turning me out - porated with the. soil. Ay cutting fertilizers wilishow. Do not elevate me' no w'. 'Poor Clallde`l�' he. sald.' Ohl" she exclaimed, ""I am c of your In the street. on said. tile hills; let them bi� levef with the with a view. ad'desire� to protect a and what kiad of advice. arti You vinced you k - house,, lie At�& quick pace he passed the -Col- lip the fodder its -viaue is cullanted certaln.ladys history from the ar- now Yo#r duty well. You " But Without Words of 'anger," she lege des Quhtres Natloom and turned lor manure. and much labor is saved rest iof the ground, that therei be no"t can, as I know, teach duty to others. replied, trying; to� smile, though be!- into, i a R -do go -ug Ong run. When used for bed- rows of scandal. repressed the - publi- In -the I .:such'a tendeitcy to dry out. h lie A lamp.bung ding, cut, straw is� a better absorb- A good muldh. is jndispeus�ble In cation- of -,the above -marriage, and ro. for- across the entrance 'has gone to tile Conventlon, as give ou for ihaving come to. nsult cremki tile strawberr ap- OL10 must, howl with the wolves You mis ake Md- If Citizen- Ce- face wa, wet7 with tea �f the street,- . 'unfortunately so, as his good Inten- zarou ent than-IOng straw, wilt rot."oner patch; it checks� WIAVU Due CLelluot.exteralinate I think he has �g ugo Its - ch&In, but ' the oration and sAves It for the plant*. ttons,'owing_tp the kindly'and Affee- gL 1 me In m owh house. 1 You th ught eit'zem Ii In 1 and be more quickly Available. that is exactly %%hat Uily He went where i�veryb P1 liter- h9&d neglected to tionate Interest- of a ody. else to I was a woman who teould N -con- light Crimson clover Is Fireshly stirred soil, which 191 ki ie- ome of his pro- The Ganaqa Business No, days. You are iluuLitig him uncou- going," -purely an an- qisite In the corn and potato eldsfesslonal brothers and alfAers,'brought quered by fear. . You 19pe. youfmls�. (To' e continued.) aual� and, therefore, iihould not be bciously.- True. Twenty thousand men tako.. and lien . cefortir: r trust yo i will used wherii-red clover will succeed. It is the Roorest Of mulching forfitra�w­ CalumnT on himself And -wife. Mr. Caz- CHATHAM. ONT.! have gone there. There will be forty berries, And wilt give you a dl8giiiat- 'Man Will give 920 reward to any per - res Is adaptedi'to but moderately warm Is the oldest litsmess sobool-in Canada under title crit it. bad mau thousand before night. What -Is the ect me." with It silk. ell is most -in -its Ingli dirty lot in a rainy season. son or persons, on conviction, who the manageaq b f its founder. 011.* put nn lshat' RIGULIR ORIPPLE. ell"tes. That wM eKliD *111 v Where successful. must think just, as I #to. that it - is use of bleating among so many sheep? cockde. favor is tl�at It Wilk catch and to ;go9d mu give Information -re hay -such make fiLCoiii ash,99 mab� a lehing Students It will end by their being'all driven a rial - for gooseberries and /cur- Nettie Par indoor, has changed he right to kill thobb %vilo are prepar- Ail - revoir, eltoyenne.", a faIr growth on landi too poor, and s following tion and is now -stenographer for Stan Ing to kill iw together Into on rants. Where gooseberries, eplWelally, this notice. Any InfOrmittion. may be a fold.!' When Mdnette found Iierself- lone, sandy -to stat red clover -upon, It M,ry, whokwale minufactilifing clothiers; But 1; dou't think Isu. You are Nanette gave a little laugh. "And are exposed to the suit, they! 60ould had fron% either my English or Am - she began to- Walk up d do her The, Story of an-- Old Settler ill make@ good i"uter pasture, - In fa� Detroit, Weli. $0 per week. aving. sth. Alailettte, how changed yon would.'Ilke to b6 the shepherd to be erican attGru Clifford Vales, Gesto, just placed as asteno- ch=ber. vorable UtAtudes. protected by a Mulch all 1 aound e7s. (Signed). Henri Caz you-ILre!" drive them She wr her hands.� The Ii orror Hodges form a superior fence'on the theiii. Almost anything'- will � do for man and Xam'Zelle Flossie. Empire Impher with Mechanical Supt. D. 4 & N., She did not answer. Ulaude ---. I before he an- at - he, U Dufferill, the 'purpose If put on heavili, inough. Theatre, Birmingham, July le 1896. ons. , 'c tinued-sadly, " You never . 110 Waited a moment th 8 U rwil burst forill ill one wild 0ounty. score of u.t4lity, beautk and economy; - - -1 rob. Petrolea, temporarily . s talk ttk we I swered: then lie sdid: sob: "fAhal . train I �oth,", which Oth�,r &mail finite Wouid be-,uktwise. S�Wno rair VIrl A. E. Shaunessy, barrister, lrow. Has your heart autl fu to say I " Do � you know, you fire have killed t will die, they are. the best protection beneAted. -9 different she sa ld� i3otu�:-botli can be devised against maafiding A DIMATHLY VV.HITE! FACE. PC ea. to me V from other Women?" tairough me 1"' Su audinIt small! boy. Peach trees trained to tako on a Eva- * er, Kincardine. temporarily as sten. She stretched but her'band to hitu. 1 Nanette received ffered Terribly With Rheumatism stock and I the -mar her the compliment A h6dge made or macreid- during, low growth Produce more frWit of Heart Failure Wag the Trouble and ith Sutherlond Inues Co., Chatham j'ipust, learn to love each dther! quitei gravely. 7IIAl-rE --Vse Mechanical AppIV "Wery D blaced. in good osition. %V( ;M XXII arid Had to better quality, and -they bettef re- Nearly Cost a Life. -the best. without- talking," sLe uid, - for I did know It partly," site said. The rooms . in the . a t e t f a:ncqfi to Move in Bed -- Friends Its early growth. . Let tliere be no sist ldry weather and dise��', Sue lt&kVW1o, attend tniyatleuce� for a tall growth, but a It . Hundr6ds, nay thoffiands. of lives are F I te opens Sept, ut� app r in Thought He Could Not Recover. - the ground - m6ra thor- For og e addres-. do not Seem. &0 thillk- ike, tl�arYou lind told me so already.. I the Laverdacs that, I=ed out��Iip-' -persistent pruning and shortening. trees ell b o heart disease in =1 u Claue." know also why you think it." . the Quay -were closed. .. d oughly a the trunk,-Jatill the D. McLACHLAN & Co., She was.- Indeed not -an ordinary were tightly fastened, ­a r- I a in(Pro)u the Economist, Shelburne, Ont.) Growing land selling bay Is( A# thesd­.-closing days of the 19th cen- hee"Y s the tower tury. - Death very nearly came this Night came on after long- twi nd th cu at d ple a t system. of farming, but fruit on'tile Chatham. Ont; A g ot tains were - drawn. The Cit. enne n the- township a: 'J'ete the soil, ollY light'; a warm, bright, night. Claude woman, for Cilly aw he did 11 It will dep about- fast bra ches the. fierce siln. M -or ay to the eighteen Yea old daugh- %veut to bed.- ahette sat. by the frighten her.' He understood- wha !.'��verdc lay on her''white sit 60fa Oer. , it can be picked w Nlimb, & window. . Above the- dark funnel, she had merely hinted. He �matI6 t NItIl I s pink-embroldprk. F0 wax of Melanctlion, Ditifferin.0o., knpvM Uri as grain. . owing. The more valua, more ter.of Xr. Geo. Witter, of Walkerville, NARpeoti USINEISS -3Vm. August, J. P.,j postmaster of file he crop. . prod is Ont. Sli6 had been 'a, great sufferer Ifitel- from this'disease for many years. And, the, drah t r o w I n g ill The narrow tit burned upoi� Vie -cl mney-, t H6rticultJilre, when f 11 do not ask vou which side Citizen piee - s I -Ilght Auguston. Mr.. . August, now In -his ge !,gives better �P'Dr== upon or etl by reet, '-with quick gesture, and sald shar candlep AN& in spel� ppr v a spend I a 11 ti her father- testifieg that doctors' iiikill tw tall houses, she looked up at. a e 4n i ver sconces rhe no SHORNAND COLLEGE, te amethyst -camet to 6bnada. ' fro ake, t tire Apitaf-employed'tha accomplisked nothing. her case groyv- monsel, of blue sky btudded %vi Lh stars. Cezarou is gowl; to tALke down yon-� fell oil ti silk dr peries, 71th year, alnio§t any 'Co er Ilonge and ColAige streets, larontoi .1 the f tit famt Y portfo -the profit �,,Jtoriug had li�tle'irr common der." Und the old gold frames.! England forty years ago, and f othler brancli of ajrlerr�,gurw; but it Ing wor then in successful teaching Iler thoughts or se !On , leads all o d*m.udt-d fertillAy. month by month.'Fortun- r 112L. 1. was for careful, 'thougtful, ately. before actually too late she iti naboutourcoarsesvt study. ith those of. her liir:�,baud, they could The strongest., -you may- be sure," portraits. Tire - faci I t e is a� buhlne�s Ahighresulta. Writenowfo* fail' never think alike. she about. she sai. "He means to toll w your counbillor seemed C11 t to thirty-eight years has been a rosi- There Is,! indeed, such a thing as indu);trious men, and for; such ODlY-- recommended Dr. Agnew's Cure -for t e iIMMA10 .0 h bectiming lind poor. If you feel that Unything. bbe was bu absorbed �that lead, alld your instructions. ha )res ion; the dent of Meltaicthon. During some lav6-more Lan, will It not Guess work and half/way viethods Heart, And her father says that fro Pri'llcipals. you will � always brinjg disakt6r. having noticed it,' and the chill of -certain Which party to -day will prove -he, stirred. -Tho ladies 'sin led under anure should 'be h4uled upda the nAd`tWO bottles performed a complete 17 unylight. -drew near - without -her-- The thing is, that it, is not quite folds of Ills- scarlet tog to lied as f thirty years of1that time he lias been, repay.you �o Increase Ili depth rather the first dose good was accol I .; ............ tl:twu warned her lio%v many - long the strongest. The Section -of the their powdered heads. a, postmalsten and 'for eleven or tban,in breadth ? Such- a. method wit orchards in the fiiiI Or �arlY mhnter, -cure. 'the mortalit 7 y from this very twelve years Wa a member, of tile not -add either to. one's taxes or Ills ��rX - or so as to get -t e - pabsed biace blie isa -des-Mo h ad lie of. the prevalent disease can certainly be es Township Council, -for some Years witich -fall. the people are de as ever. but1b. t ast was in a; e use o Luurs had r, tiown Battes ulins holds out for the These relies of the p st look I as arm- Iterest. Lei, tliek� be better I. luiere. The stars gre%v dini. little Twenty -Two, who charmin rainiii f this remedy, whic black C1011d. tho remains manding shalijbe-outlawe h m time a thiiii * I* Yesterday. olding'the, osition. of deputy ieeve6 Ing rather, vuhn more farming. Ploughed, under. It nly, makes the - is effective In every cage. p Nt,requl��s steady. intelligent, well- Ia the lar pamed of the segtiob have entrendhed them- It was to be regretted I h t- in order. subsoil dry, unIej'1y'nLepough,_ _Water- Stratford, Ontario. 110 - has - aloo - been & Justice' of the directed labor;and Inereaa!-ig care to - I I �jjy. selves In- the pen�trates -to the/ roots to rOA -the -Bradstrests on -,Trade.' Best business education incianada at lowest the Garden of the Palals- to, enjoy th cessary, to -ultivation inanure. Only, wet in nure &u help lilished achool, superio'n usetops Egalite. It Is'rumofed . that they -live the life of thoso- peace slace the - formation of the iwirest, any profit from the who live on. the ill is u- up in prl- possible cosL Old-esta . I 6f tile sollXbut when -these are give" At Toronto saies ar study, first-class te4chers viany early. The N%�Iudu%%s ill tile have even mounted the white cockade. son. ' The least rdy of , It t een f rom. epunty. it w4l thus be seen tli&t fruit trees. e slow In al - Citizen the street, one windo) ineautiously only the oll-knviv,12 ��aft�� gr�d'- od h reV-fovmw along the street %�ere Ix- -CeLron, does. not. I suppose, Mr. August stands high Ili the as -slight- a -chance for failure i ness is -small. No gain - is repor ed in tp, arg �at_ -'colise- ros&, such as have Ton ob- In any decupation to which one served Ili Ing boitly 6,ijem Incline to the white cockd opened, might have led o fatal mation. Of Ills n4fthborm. business at Montreal, where bIlec- liL� It Is pleasant,- to ii(Aeifliat there 'is most atl lines and the Volume of usi- d -good - It -Select "u e ra ra , ibout "lo arm. tilde' n n 11 .0 r utlfl ogu. rid_." be rang By no means does lie Incline to- quences so near tlitii t ay. Citizen qan turn. Never- trust to luck. C;om- -resi.IM will tiom contin �t All of a suaden. a clang ut heirs 'In tire winter Imever bwb iiatisfaciory unless ro.473gare Halifax, swer for Laverdac- flat[ terefore fastened up of'1894-05 Mr. All ue backward, cial h I W T.P. I L - Cill, 'tty sure to me 11 oo �J ELLIor tie y. �'l can an. gust --- aza"I th-t-trugh the silent all:; thurt. came all It is pre grown on I e, i rep s a fair volume of ottler and More d1sLaUt. peal. and then him." his --windows, as lie did every even- was IgId, up �v-ith-am-ui)jlsitally-seyer43�-�- vr Oe M ULAUL1.1f.r. They Prs tl`ie C.1- lug, and was Walking hil) nd _ tlp%Vn come. .8 rOn , pot grown -jilants, trade. Quebec city sh ' anufac- ALMA The futig utit. from the fav( attack of rlieum�ftlsnl, being confin. . The hilirry o"arvest-s��er ne tuiers find stocks accumulating. Bank ill . jrLy churebeh ub.-re tL,irty tectiunsi, e atillospilere of which' and keep t a so em roudlsts." his saion, th od to' the liou�o ajid to his bed for an excuse for -leaving implements In _it loose aroub(I th leadingCanadian clearing�,at. Winnipeg, Hamilton,'To- College for Young "Do You think so? T never saw wail lluber-trably It( t nd Clime that M 11-6 sur that grass M19�7 not ,their sittilig:!r. i 1 -VLe field. I then watch caft-,fully Halifax -a Women. Build- .Vteu roused irum rushed to anything, of It, anti I know- his Ili- summer night. about three months. To a repor�e t7will cost certainly more get a' star ronto, Montfeal " aird ggre- 0 r6pair-the- damage than.one has for the bugs. gate $1;8,502,000 last week, almost ings and equip - their windows. They cal,ed acroswthe most thoughts." rocked tli6 Of tilt. treesalong Mr. August fsaid! I was In fact earned by having a little more time The Virginia creeper and the ame amount as t1te Pr' 8 luent, faculty, btrVer. to know, what hati happened. "Those men have led astray mny- the river; anti freshness Ki-enied to a, Ti r, mecegs tba Jap- eviou school and health nr wee ureflecting people. B�ut , when - one blow alougg -the Quay regular cripple. Su�pended tr 9L -a"- aly- -BTIR-e- -lioneysuckle are gCF)d vines OM w7WIllbe ess'than th rbeord and meth - in thebe dan"erulls tilues Oplt)� -to- "I he ce!Hng ove -look--after the tools as after the fl tirne is t6 -- --ia- ; n lustrue 4 were frightened at allything unusual. has twaty-four hours in which to Laurent.- 011ie here,"- said wms a rope plant on -ba-Aka -or in anY sk tion total In ithe-week one year ago. crops. The- i�mer�s-lieat, tie- where it 'is desirable t"oep, �)ia- earth are thirty'busin- As more ess failures, reported catalogue. PRES- A TJI u t- curse old friends who re dewrted by wifes volve. anti La-verdac oheyed her. Then all b6came (ItiluL. A f in structive to wood than is the Wtnter!s- -frum-tlie Anad l6ets of t Effiffle le trial sit (low u�ld�r 'N%ere Iward in 'the It is natura era ruling th C street. e Of LIU", 15"1AZ.i w-nw- and ell weiek, against rty-Qve the previo -to advantage, anti to fee -bo7l-It -ean often be fitade to w �ekth�lrt t* 'two dturg Llautle,'getting­ ill); %vati astonihed I uQ shaine ting up, ishe corn for ' e6d W �o the ears 7-a , aa� -to find Marlette still undresse Why in doing it. h- -oni ti*UAL- W i Or t1i I 79�ce of ex thir Y � years a7.1 it : Dd you cm e ere to Ills neck. Tile slight ( .4 - first, taking Inio condFler tion tICe size I did not you. come tu lie said. givet me this fresh pit-ce of advice, wlilull lie silbinitteNI sto thim einbrl�ci: -of tile a, tjie size,of the stalk, tlie ic co - t But he told her tho reas6a for the th't I might- relwat it to my hus- did not discourage her. Littl Emilie rThere Is More' catarrh thil3 see- Serv;lg Time.. tile ha ad ?" -let her -pretty drool) 011' position, of the: ear, and, in fact. all tion. of -the country tha 'all other The notorious " Monte - Cario Wells," rifigitig'of the bul:s. Many of y things which" combined Would make ksecLiou had. -decitled. to march on.itlie "Listen tg)' nip, citt)yeilne." husbands shoulder, nd- to diseases put together, n until the the Englishman who won seeral mil - both stalk and ear jepresentatIve of last few years. was suppo to lle in- Ilions in the Casino of bfbnte� Carlo What' dreadful evenings we, have what you desire -to-have in Your whole curablo."For'a great man yeare doe- The Ontario Agricultural College Of its Ctinimittee of Twelve. which the It to follY to talk about beleClllig by means of a peculiar gambling Sys- Uunvention, 4nd demand the dismissal I -Im all attention. i even think bemoan: herself: I understand. field. tom pronounced it a local "To-m6rrow, or the day after, tire now.to pass, my poor dear Laueent! alle, and tent 0; f his wn will reopen Oct. Ist. Fall eo!rse� of Commune dis-appruved tf. and perhaps a C:Ll*e. - We used seed from the crib� rib9d local remedies and -by - Invention and who they might go, so far as to insist on tocsin will agid rouse you frmyour We are shat up in -farm should Pre'V'l _ . I Children reared�upon tile as afterwards 'krrested on board of lectures with practical Instructio t coustaqtly fallIng-to'cure I with local 1� At the exulsion. of the twreuty�two. sleep. The sections will be reorgan- to gwto the threatres after , dinner. receive such impressions of farfn life as his "floating harem" at Havre for very amid, cosi-L 'for vo , 0 Ized.- Now we do not dare, -­ (I t gt cut - pronounced I incurable. gfom a "I .. n niembevs who N�ent bX the name of will make it seem desLrabWas, an occu- patent -frauds perpetrated in Eng- Intend to be farmers. 8Xnd recir Girondists. "And this time there- will 'be no "Yes," interrupted Lavertic, "all Selen h proven catart to be a land.49 now rudergoing -eight yeaxs- giving Information as patioui They -cannot take real interest eoust r to eoura of Clafid& was niakin- ready to go out. question of a sheep-lold." I1b6rV.Is denied us under theltresent In things about which they have no in- 'ution disease. and thetefore at the Portla3A tall, where e'is-the study, Zm, Mechanically: Eiren fresh -air is interdicted telligence. Neither in the house nor reouires constitutional . t terms- of &dmlsslon. cost-, ei IL lanetto said to ir 6. Toll must know that Hanriot has system. - it reatment. Prison organist. He plays the'organ Where, are you guingi.1" been elected geiier;tl-cbmmandant." In the name of liberty. All enjoyment, out of it should life be a mere round of Hall's Catarrh - Cure, manufactpured -and school and is JAVE13 WILLS, M.A, Preelde.i, by F. J. Cheney & Co., To In the Prison chapel Ah I" he replied. 61 you Here :tire. presideat -of the Revolu- even of- fine weather, is for tire sarris- labor. Th6re is charm in the study of ledo, 'Ohio, said to be quite proficient on that Guelph, August,,`1896.' our my iluty -which I -could5'sefte with my Kalids, la'the only constitutional re on the instrument. want to hold Me back fr� tionary Committee- OF the Section du culottes." both plant life and "imAl life, as you once did, but you were not Faubourg Voissonlere, collpague - of It is -all my fault. Lanient. You anti thus clia;ige my -position' in bed.-- market. It is taken internalUr in hoses STOCK. from ten drops to a team onful.' It -that you Buscallie, prbsident of the Section de Were tal-king of emigrating two -years PERSISTENT AGONY �the -same Manette thea We' hen or rlso to a sitting. posture. I suf- are now," . pause. ago, you remember. might Tile man wit(i grows general purpose *;eta directly on th nd mitcous I'L nite, made a e blood No," she milled, " I - -ill a ot keep I -wish you to understand the full. have gone to Switzerland. Per . haps fered. as only thoso racked with rheu- cattle usuaily sees his steers sell a surfaces- of -the system. . as but one source of relief. ervi- FARMERS- AND ey offer H Ii Us 'cure; Send Illie-nerve pain cure -penetrates to you. Go. But, first cuilia here and Import of what I am about to say to we should have.met my father there. matic -paius could.sliffer, all(] owing note, or two. below the top of the $100 for -any ca@e it falls klss me; for I still love you dea�ly, You. Citizen Cezarou did not votefor jlow astonished lib woulq --have been to. iii . Y advanced age, my- ueighl)ors -market, and Ills heifers below the tor circular and testimoplals. , Ad- the rritated nerves, soothes them BREEDERS my kind. good Claude." Hanrlot." to see us I ]gut I was so charmed' prices of well bred dairy cows. We- 1dressi F. J. Cheney & Co.,iTolod6, 0. into. repose, and affords relief almos Do you consider that a - crime ? I with the pleasures - of Varis that-. you id not think it poskible for me to. should AhInk there was not much rat- i- Sold.by druggists, 75c. - . I - �t -ous of The weather.was beautiful. It was recover-. I hd read much -concern- isfactlon In this, even if one doe� suc- instantly. The whole rage of medl- Who are desir the first of June. -the most, glorl-- know what you -Mean now." were then'showing me I did not wish clue affords no prairallel to Ne.rviline Improving their ous mouth of the 4ole ye4r., The The whole section knew %hat he to go -away. Oil. ear, I am sorry Ing Dr. Williams" Pink P11W, au4 at ceed in the aim: to produce ai geuerati YOUTHFUL ENGLISH WONEfliq as a, pain reliever. tocsia had ceased riaging. but drums Intrigued for Raffet." for It now I But Ii ilii'too late." last determined to give -them Purpose galmal. st ock should were beating in tile streets. and " Encouraged -to act as he did by "Yes, - Indeed,. it is too late. You a, tril. I commenced taking't4� pills ' The many and wide variations seen' The Hold Their Age Bett and, Have Milk and Health. personally troops were p4-4,sing, There was yourself, Citizen Cilly. -You told him were speaking of plays. It seems. to in our domesticat6d EWimals are. due' �Bltter Health Than Am ricaris. . A� Hard hat Raffet 'was� the man he should me that we are 131)CCtUtors off gre about ithe-Ist of Feb., 1'895, taking at to variable food, habit and climate. In, Milk disagrees with some, but only inspect f - little- shouting, but there were - t at. The English woman Is gmeirally to when taken Ili conjunction with the LONQ:: a. drama. Prbleu! It would b6 a tile outset one after each Meal -and th l threats. not loud but, deep. unit the support. Can you have had any object e wild state they are all In the same conditions as to,cold, food and time f be admired for her utter refusal- to other foods; taken solely for one clash of ilicia and guns. A hoarse in concealing. from him that Hdnriot ing if we could call the actors out increasing to three at. a - t.me. Within. LISH BER I could notice an bearing young. When dornestleat I �e� . worry or to be worried. Aid th' con. month the stomach will resume its 6d Boise seemed to rii-so iu*-the distance as better?" anti make them sensible of our'ol)ln- a couple of weeks a from all'parts Of the city.. was not present. He did not Ion. - But we chnnot. The play improvement, and by the, first- of April the envirnment and breeding are. as sequence is that she looks youu� - at, pristine vigor, and give.,new life and SHIRE Pigs, a -Manette- reflected that, the leaders suffer himself to be- Influenced,by the may last a 'good while -longer." -I was able to be about aw usual, free varied' as are ownership . anti our- fifty, - a happiness to persons 91flicted with flock of Shrops ire th .11'erhaps. we shall none, -of us see from- tile ains, a4d with- but very us a edical all rity. , She of this hoht had grown up to man- events (;f the last few hours.' rounding. Ills which no one, save those who have. Down Shoe I thifik. that your advice from the its end." By holding &, beef, or any oth-er hnt� undertakes no more. than she:can xperimented on. this ubject, would P; ii 1LO'od in the Ignorance, vice. and pov- little f the stiffness left. I continuou Pricts verV moderate -Here little Emilie gave'a tie . ep sigb,' the treatur mat, after -it is ma, ready for marm Comfortably carry out, and thor. believe could proceed from so erty of the squalid quarters of X first Was a snare and a trap," cried ent a short time longer g de coning Of an. a cause 8A Simple Address Nanette, rising. 11 1 have always loosened her arms -from her busband's and found myi:ielf fully restored. It Is ket, one stands as reat it chance "for oughly believes in the a disordered � stomach. great city. Such men had -,for'gain-; the price I - other -day, not 4 - The BOW PARK CC), ed suddenly'into positions of Impor- mistrusted it. I ought to.- have necki and sank back on h( now nearly a,yearoftice I discontin- low as may be tha she procrastin tance made rich by the plunder of warned him." ions. ued taking the Pink Pills, and I have against You, the alilmal may die - on ates. but she simply will ubt W& the THE TEST REMEDY FOR CORxg BRANTFORD, iDNT. -gure griat her down. Is putn ;s and churches, gorged with The ex -viscount remained sitting 6-0h, dear! how hot it is!"- Vie not had Luiy return of the trouble Ili Y I ams Pdinless Corn:Extractor. pala� our h4rrU-and it is to 1, an domestic machinery ugh, and shook- cried. v - itation in ozlrense . for further food. A I q 'ek to Ill -health And early ol' She Rapid, painlesii, its action is a mar - the spoils of the emigres anti the that time. I ha e ifo ties s%h regards ve, sale evpn with little profit, e is a frequent bather, a;dage proscribed. The power of life anti back the loose sleeves of his levite Laverdac resumed his walk up'and saying -that .1 owe my recovery to to all- who haver tried it. - cy Pink Pills." to death was theirs. Thf-Ir hawl-was a's if be were conscious of lace rui.' down the fialon. Dr. Williams' safe'way., health as - the Prime factor, of lifb getting rid of Improved. stck bas developed,, the be.looked after before eive thing else. fo - �iiufut corns in twenty fles. 6purt noble reap- e now -first," he These against ever�r. man. The Od "The last ar Deps nine hours a . takqa a APPLE ,EX.PDRTER8, pills are a perfect blood build- demand for veterinarialis to maintain, She SIL ur hours. Putuam's "-does it. She had heard that befpre -the Rem nt. j -'land these dregs of society are dis- er find nerve restorer, curing ouch dig- %olution J�uscaille. living in a filthy It was doubtless your duty to gustizig. Every man nowadays seems eases as rheumatism, neuralgia, par- its -health and. usefulness, and WAny nap during -tile da at tha �. She ar. Blunt Li. Make' -Yourl" onsign of young farmers are entering iblakpro- ranges her day's Av C ments alley off the Rue WtAe-Cueur o said. " Oh f' par- more or less a ioward. -If honest men- tial paralysis, locomotor ataxia,. St., ork ho the'most had don me, if in my turn I remind- yo ression, which has so bright a f0tPre. s§tematic manner., And her ttle, io hang puts tnude his liviing by belling roasted u would but combine to_take stand Vitus? Dance. nervous - headache. all Apples to' of your duty. Why did You neglect and sell their lives dearly! th, Scrub stock does not need a dpetor,. Memorandum slip always hows two to Mies bout t6ir Ages Are em- apples� Ile had been accustomed to 11 they,- nervous troubles. palpitation of a barrassing -enough, but his curiosity Simons, Jikcobs & Co., Glasgo!v, Scotland. go along the stirceus oil tilt-- left bank that warning ? I can perceive a would only attempt to -defend their- heart, tile after effects- of % grippe, . not being worth the attention nor vacant hours; they are fo rest.. She of the Seine, carrmg his apples for wivcs,- their el ies expense, but when -%ve b eats heartily, but of the . t dig%sti- -does not end there. In addition to SiuMns','Shuttleworth &Co., Liverpool, R6g. reaon. Khali we try to discover It,?" Mothers, eister*. nd di* b depending' on humofs of tile ble, food. - her age he Gardia, Jacobs 4 Co., London. EnklarrcL f -a e at 1103 r- at a large price we want .4111 at hand. a question concerning lie was so'small that. as he walked hey al sue ' feed,. Jn the mode4t home. no asked a Lond t;ale in a great. basket on his head. Urrette folded her two . beautiful sweethearts 11 thos th L r bloodL , 1 11 w scrofula. chronic e arms, and looked him Ili the face. love best -1 Ilut that Is wiit t pelas, etc.. Pink L I'ills. give a healthy, Time wa when a feed was t latter ow on'la4y If she Was mar- AMERICAN REPRESENTA uality, but the itiful ttle there may be on the table, It she had any thus nothi .'could lie been of him . " she said. will notdo." glow to pale and sallow complexions regardless of q sk Ii - . ried and - children- Charles Forster, 76-7.8 Park Place, No� Yprk. 119 feeder has been able to get) results there Is nothing but. the best. She Learning that she had none, he sald : Walter Webling, 2LSonth Market st., Boston. but" his. little crooked while It may have been because you care "No," salil Fruilie,."with a yawn. and are a specific for troubles peculiar Our. women In China pray for child - m ask-eL c less for the safety of Claude Cezaron they don't try to, as you day. But to the female�,system, and in the case vihich -are a mystery to old ffeeders, would rather have -a moutl Sul of good, A.U. Fowler. V St. John street, MoutimeaLl' amt -1 a 1,'P- ttaw- I lug voice -crying: ­ P"LAir bous a; saw you at food and go partly hungrj than It they have not any." C. S. Nixon, Kemtville, Nova Sco than formerly. the then, alas I what can t1ley do ?There of men they, -effect a, radical cure in just a -the skillful breeder lids I- eat ren W. W.Woolford. 123 S. Charles sk, Bat are. Theatre de Ia Republique." is nothing to be done." oped the marvellou&, :types o'f--=I- a whole eal of cheaper ;hing-d, She J. AL Shuttleworth, Bow Park. Brantford], at tiozen!" all cases arising from mental Worry, lence in cattle' -anti other.'stoc� which is a truii . economist, regirlateii. her Diseaied blood, Constipation and kid- . The above firm has txcepti ow the ex -vender of roast apples It I had not the pleasure of seeing "That's a'mistake," lie answered, over . work, or excesses. 1)r. Williams' expenses ca e onal eaddvau have astonished the world. r6fully. and is 4 true be. ney, liv r and bowel troubI68 are cured for -the handling and selling of Apples.11and 'evoluthymary You there, Citizen- Cilly, I presume. it stopping sudden)y; 1. or my I)drt, Pink Pills may be had -of all druggists was president of the It I I Committee In his section. Tha Was because you were concealing see someth liever In the allowance system- There by Karl's Clover Root Tea. makes prompt cable remittances. t day Ing I Cqu-Id-,do. could kill or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' A portable drying rack for. bedding t wouldprubablyaggramiize thelsavage yourself like a spy. I have a great One of -them." is a desirable thing. Let it be slatted are some. things about e Etxk!lsh Medicine Co., Bockville, Ont., or WOMan Which her Atnerl Why He Stayed," d wurf. Buscaillu and his fuliuwerms wish. to tell you that that -wad. not ' Emilie hall rose, and len-etl upon schenj� . . at 50c. a box, or at t1te sidewelose enough to keep he C sister ds - t her elbow. ctady, N. Y.. likes.- Just as it Is vice ver a; at -ti ,6%-uuid have eviirythiat, theii7 own w he conduct of a gentleman."- beddin gmaterlat confined, and 1ong he "Ni);" eald Flossie, "I -I can only 'be ay sIx for $2.50. See that- the company's ame, time' there are ot era which a 0 i-wrore niglit, and, it 'So, What Would e -said, without any oil the wrap- o :,hold 611 6 sister to you." U138 - Very good." h "Laurent.11 she said, "what a hdr- registered trade- mark is' enough and high enoui;li t Would make bur- Amer! women "Very well," said Horace. "I must BOO B00. B happen next to Claude, whom apparent emotion. "But why do you irld thought! Ask oiir-uncle, , the- per of every box offered you,aud pos- thai may 'be required. Let It be fur- luscuille, - probatify fauci# all to remembrance things. that COU126111or lip. there, what li gfl4ed wIth a set of wheels or rollers,' happier and -healthier if th -,d to be so c e would itively refuse all'imitatious or substl-� imitated. be going. I had expected a. different Send and get a -dog. my oreed you' Want happy in each other have passed away say to . �It.11 t th&t It may be easily- pushed to a Whether what this physic n says is. answer, but -well. good might." and at very low prices to c1dar soureefour Ulm's Te "0 good drying place. A " V" 81 lie Till you have renounced, you .1 L. uteg- alleged to be "Just- as it " Re- rack Altogether tr ' or not Is question. "Horace,'!, she -faltered, as hestart- was conti 0 stock. -Also send 506 fora box of Ge9.;*.L#c&e, And Claudo, Ily would elillin.- people to.. member no. other remedy h4 be�n di But the woman mean.'�. death " crii, - g- to. best. lie pictur Is a ken- ed out into -the night. -"Horace.111 Mange Cure or Dogs, protect him a Cil all Ills life, A, Laverdae. t 111.-4 Young wile! covered that, can successfully do the Ohio one, whether she Is nd on GEO. H. LUCAS Poor Claudf-! 11ir li'ttic� knew. "Enough. What you say shows the It was his thity to see that all men Work.of Dr. Williams' Pink Pillm. If there Is - a surplus of milk on tlie one "What; Is It?" he asked crossly. Veterin - Der1tIst6 itefulness of a woman. It is un. sbould have justice, Ile would not farm, let th eldti of the Atlantic. or th 3v . ere be thought for the other. -Aren't you going 'to kiss your Well. for that olie day at lehgt the iaiing.street weBbl I colt; It Will not -only drink lt�, butgain ister good-milght Toronto- 9�t to -LIS taight ring and the drums beat, worthy of Yn, citoyenne. Did you think It wrong of me, I think, to (to as A* Trying Position. "Ided start on an of OUR GREAT'W but tho Citizen Buscailie would have suggest that I was concealii dee alloWance E He did not go. -during its first Year. The to think of T he Position of Donald W. Davis; th Thousands. of cases of constipation, something more Important self? - I was at the back of illg mtl ut." said Errfllie,� with a 41ttle Old Mra. M. wo was seriouly ill, g. balK 'Oh - I b - "think of the com- found herself to be An a trying POW- cow's milk than tire r1iin- of Citizen and Citoyenne. noire. that wAa all. ft as an I careless jau.-;11,, pigs would likewise Appreciate more were mandment: Thou shalt do no mur- tioui. which el�le defined to a friend in t ast evening of. surpr1ises. YO than- they get, isome Imes, and do bet-- Man From Alberta. hma, couills, cold@. and croup are Cezaron. lie and his friends would u I (I frightened. and you -started when ter work with' their snouts than If- cured every day by'Shilob's Cure. else to- do. k or these words: "You see, -my daughter ba and. that who e wes-torn have. somethin der." Manlio yoli tain voice you ho "But this woild be fed more solid food.. heard a cer SELF CU RE twentY-fotir hours at least slip neod ped an executiom�� HarTlet to married to one ol - these country Is. cutting a larg( figur ' I never to bear again. Ali I a wo- real, true Justice. You know it would, Q in Mrs. Hannah Jamieson, homeypath doct If you leave ti e young stock to, shift Canadian affai - of No. 150 riot fer. o= and my daughter rs at the present time. ngdisorders oftho male se al was it pos.;UkLo that - it ws 6. Xa�e to- an allypath. If I call in the or themselves they wi Waterloo', street, London, suffered man -has sometimes to pay the pen- Emilie. 11 birlaig -only PromineVt among the clitimns of -this SYstem, What leading physicians say about What I have.inst said has f For all weakeni alty of being beautiful. You ha ve made Its way even into your little,- homeypath my allypath: son-in-law a- disappointment. The beat of care with what she thought to be inflam- o Cit ul- - new. country Is -Donal(] W. avli, Who OnentrJPJIls: -2" The effect is more immediate )a? antAte lay flown upon wakened sentiments in others be- bird -like; brain.11- - only will bring future' income dIld matory rheumatle lwr bed at Ia.st, nd a litis'wifo-git -mad. an, if has'represente(I Aiberta in the illousp m in her . right and lsting than any other remedy"; -Patients sh-pt until 11. 1 call In -my 614 Foon report most satisfactory reftltS" - les Buscallie.11 Thank you, profit. . Profit comes e shbuld r. Dr. Drake e:lramIned it, and weather was pill is what the medical prefessiouF has ug Wheir she awoke tile rent. Littie is, all path son-ln-law 'my homeyipAth nly' from tIl&t Of Common@. He may be tr ted to e t!1 tho riklit extracted a rusty hat pin 5 1-2 Inches _be istill beautiful. All was quiet In their "Be slien she CrIF-41 angrily. wdfor-such a compli- son-in-law an' hiW wife girt. mad. an' H which Is consumed and a 'propriated -&'(I from oil tile questio that re been looking ftir-La thoroughly reli I p bf able "The very glances of that wretch In- 'LbOve tire life sustainin long. Blood poisoning to now feared. n The riot was around the I- go ahead "' girt well without either _g point. vital to the greAt Nort west. d betore _sulted me." mad, go I dou,t Tito objections to dtAlorullug C&ttle with --equal Intelligencei b ause it is �&e will send the above pills a UOUvelitiod, -hich a 'few days back. of em they,11 ITOth e Mr. Fred. Whatmough, of Toront6, ecurel W "It was not, his fault, poor devill, dOWTI beside hvr on the edge 6f grow less and less. -Stock made his Plan to speak from ex ' rience, lie fell 'dead at the - Balma PracticalPointers; for self�zli,* Il;ld nlovf!d Its -i to tile Tuller- wi% Mrass for one dollar, tlie see but I'd better die. outright." ral Hotel. that -he fell in love ith you. But s0ra arid 6pized her two, lrnAs.' hornless require legs room, % demAnd, Is able t any fes. and happily- very little c"dirfil be 0 tell of the goo effectzi of- Montreal. XPAM, RIVALLED.) r Ili ea�ses Miss Emily Corby, of'Belfeville, the 77 Victoria street, Toronto, lived. O*ie - when shipped they can �be packed -Of OFTAhlO SUPPLY VO you may -have Inspired in other"men' I'Teli'me. do Y()Il r(mily tbijik it TIIEY A'IIE UN -less feed, less care, leti� handling, Dr. Agne's Catarrhal Po heard Of It In tire Ktrvet here, . she the same sentimentsf.'x WOuld be a crinie to -kill ont! or th Catarrh. He As one of any 'who sister of Air. Henry Wrby, M. p., is Agents for Cauada�," "Do you dare to call the insolent trade is killing us", We have no hesitation In -re%m- closerAUd will go to market with have I ' - used this medicine Manette drp."eil hf-r.,t-ir siowity, and esires of that man sentiments? -I 0h, de mending the Art Garland Stoves and less - fujdf�*- to tilde and Ilogh. d found dead. disCovered- as strf! did. sf) that she ar me, no 1. - Bat you ar, that It accomplished all at was Best Trusses inad talking nonsense.- Lalirent;--arid, a9f- ep We.begin to undArstpud$* 111 would -havo no dinner that day. for understand now what you mean, Citt- Ranges. Their high r utation- for I , to- claimed for It. Some of th - cures ef- INRENWEND E. 8. & T. ome here, s. Poses. If we. fected by this remedy are 9stonishing, HAVE YOU TASTE) =Queen St.W. To to my own house, and threaten me? Ple4se give me a. lass of would fatten tile work horse or mar- Brigette hd let all the shops be zen Cilly. Do you --dare to c' "d -Just now, It IS 80 hot. -durability, economy of fuel, convenjim. feed for special pur f4 before she 'strteil 9 - encZ, and artistic finish, stampothem as 1113tanC6 the case, of Ciptaln,-Tien RUH UBE out, tof do her You mean -me to understand that the tit verdac rose. as the best made. it Is the:consUnt ket, we take hill h 89 off -his -oats, a d Co nor, No.- I Berkeley Oreet, To - You have (Jecide(I It,'- lie sid: nufActurers tck mak4 bran aind put hI' c ronto, who was deaf for t*elve years marketing. 1anetto therefore' look� life of my husband is in - your hantift aim of tile ma, c -d round trir IL b-0ok - which ml-ght phat I can ransom, him. You make Yesi* decidedly, I wish it. I thp very bes 8 C meal. Just o are we learning much from - help her to pasA thp afternoon. She. t - . toves that an catarrh, and was cull -d b'this FOR TVIDITY-811" 1116 could not find any book that no secret of the price that I must -so thirsty. -What a 'quoer man -you pr0dllcPd',fihey are unrivalled. about -feedink cows for -beef or milk. medicine. -Bile Tay, No. CitIzen Cilly, my husband's 8(,*ni this evenlng.'� Good milkers are Invariably' thin, in' Claudes little library. and. �A DK - head and mine -get Worlds Production of will not be bought Ile went into the- next- room, --and.. Blistered - H- ad -s "and Feet. while others. with the same food was i;tlll searching f6r one. w1wn from you at the price you -ask for came bck a moment a tat and produce less r#llk. P4ver. CEYLONTEAIV Ir ftpr. earryfili; rile 8 if, o B igettO. 'Wlth- a frightvired loork. them "I a glass which was quite . Peedlest reme t -light 4 The world's -product, of iilver Once DUNNYS full, In. tallow candle,. &nd let, the melted r� threw open the dour. &,lying; - The. - CIIIY rtise from Ills cha' POVLTRI I . 1875 has, -according to U. i. Goverin- It is delioiou& Vitizen Cillvsks leave to sec. the cit�,--- ir. "Yes hand that trembled. taliow drop In old water then mix For the -poultryman Who wishes. to. ment oald *he, with brutal e reports. -been -as tolk Ws Gold onl in LeiA -.Packets.. frankness. drank Its contents eagerly. TIP thi) tallow with strong' 'spirits and make a, specialty of gg or of dre�- make no concealment. - You ara bedu- looketl.At her wl-th so strangela face rub It thoroughly into the J�alms sed fowls for the mArket, breeds- es- 13AKIN and k875 ... ... 262,000 Cl fly 31"Mette had not Mle" Will. and I wish to Make -you mine,. it 'that 0-16 gave an- exclamation bf our- solee. fThis Is both a preventive and ST thou gh t, of lit 3A 37,753,000 a cure.. 'Are better' n crosse. The 1 LEN RTBUR to herself tha al Why had said You akeept. my offer you may save prise. pecially :aidapted for either of these 1876 OMACH FLATU- t all fpar of battle was or there are two- men (fear oil,- wht, a n purp 877 8 UR .. ... ... .64 40 alighty, greedy boy rule holds a@ true with special 1878 ... ... . AND ALL OTHER FORM The colur tor -You. When I said, just now. that You she c 1, .. Y - - 3,47 ')06 P r for that day? two lives -f , th4 t r . -POWDE oil are quite 11P. THE'. BABY IS CUTTING TEETH -dairy breeds of - cattle, -and a PE;S:l lif-art seemed to cease beating, angry with me for having, drunk tip 4,250,000 cand by a ATM IGHTY 615 1 breeds for the race or�the team imong j[880-... f-ut other men besides Buscallie. 1. did not every sQle drop.` Be oil ... ... ... .. ... . . ... ... THEIC Va Moment fided Irom ht�r face, her You Implied certain - sentiments . 1w .791,000 re abdKoD Q M OCK900 BESTMIEW ade rea,iy -tried orsm. recoverea herself, and in, re and 'use that old and well speak nly 6f myself. You ae wrong,"! he -1881 .. ... ... o, I was alluding Bald. taking' Mrs. � Wfuslow.9s Soot-bl'Ing _RGEST SALE ift CAINADA� to encounter him. Oq the large duck] farms, where 6.47 to aother. . I f ILS82 ... ... ... ... ... .. entered' he ofrored, few I tell YOU I r5f1W You at thotempWglass from her band anti rap for hildren teething. it early clucks Ae. gr(?wu -for . markett vague excuses for his visit. -,%1;inette the Theatre de Ia It6publique. There settl It on. no. tablip, I am not soothes. tile child, softens the gums 9,177,000 was a man be -Ado You allAhe lea0lug breefts and numerous 1884 In your box. thirary. allays all pain, -cures .. ..: ::: �597,00.0 looked at him "with some urprisp wind"colle Ile rni crosses have been tkied, but'nothing 1885 ... ... .. leanIng -over Yon. whIspering to you. He resumpd Ills -walk. 18 the- best remedy for dlarrh I . * ­ ­ - ", .652,000 ws not the a I- - oea. equals --the RoyaV Pekins -4n all a886 i276,000 - &lne man.- Tito old c I saw Pleasure in your facei. Between le. cases. Crosees axe - a success. So it-vant had discarded t4e attire of a V,u and him there ii vome Ee- ret bond. Ifoiv things are changed!' sald Twenty-fivo cents a. bott /not 1887 ... .121,0011 0 W Emilie, 1YIng- back on her couch, more far as ppearancesi cound, a Yard of 18M ... ... ... -- d., - - sanb-C111010D On the very day wtich It Is natural that now you take less languid than before. 827,000 0 promised "If we had been 0 you He Was To - Smart. fowls f a pure 'bidWl and uniformlyi 21 . 0 -le wore no a your husband's safety -that you -p reach himsel advantage over a 1890-...-.- to;be that of tilt- acobins Interest than did some weeks ago shut a a 3.,ear ago within four walls. 'I saw a Porter over colored ve, the 1 95j060 most decisive, victory. I as we are now-- All I if we could carmagnole; he had even dispensed -mixed lot, I W '1891 with the. bonne show le*is care ta keep him Out-of.daa- OnlY be-ibit as we were d year ago. 6 Other day." said . Tenspot. biy- be. Stever kind they .. ... ... . .171ioy() et rouge.. His dress.was 'ace Btutr agn not surg I ought to say It.,. ger. - He has no longer the first pi 30 said Whiffet. 1892 1 .152.000- -is 1�p that Ofan ordinary Citizen. Ile wor From no�:_ on Until midwinte;r 1803 ... ... ... e In your Interest or your ^affect:on.11 Why shouldn't; you say anything ::(A =gave him a coin, and, after ... ... ... Z000 IV a long blue levite, O� loo-te overcoat, "Ahl"' said she proudly and looking at it, the darkey said: I 'Sense the time to wped out the flocks* dlg� 1894 107,753ioqp an and black small -clothes. in one liand scorn- 0. me. MY darling posWg of really old. stock and the 1895 fully. 4'80 then this is thlo secret calls !ne. sah. but die got' dollah has' a hole . .... ... ... ... 115,000,000 -WoodFufluu he bbld hisi blaekthorn stick, and In of my not having,put my husband e Well, then, -Laurent, It seems to undesirable young. A few good hens On me That this time last year yon -took In IV The man took- It and replied: thei other bla hat, with A. handsome his guard that you think you b 'Ali I so It has.' Then ho put tha gold well carW. 7for'*III -ralse more -chick - silk cockade, as it he wished to pro. ave wore pleasure -in - loving me. ens next summer -than it a great disiciovered.-I sTaverdae started. -dollar back in his pocket and ave $780,000.1 S VED WOO 'Ll claim publicly that,� If he pleased, lie "Parbleu 1-tihe main who could re- - "And Yon -are you Just what the Porter a:dline.11 flock Is crowded7together In unhealthy was free 'to set at naught tile de- Place Citizen Cezaron in your hatt were - then, Emilie?,- ocoops; and *hait sense to there in crees of the Commune, which had Would be a -hap feeding'A prof tless chicken 7 In C&nadas pill Bill (made b three SIM) py Tnan : If these were "No, I think I am -less trustful.'.' Consumption can be cured by the use VVhen D�. Agnew's commanded all men to. al-41re silk days. in wh1ch men had time for hap- 99 - - nay he . women - of ecickadea. p1nss Don't tell me It Is not so. t cannot Of Shiloh Cure. 4 This- great cough Pennsylvania iecelve for -their butter Liver Pills Are in Univer Use. argue with you th - remedy. for and eggs aetoaiiy�' amounts to more N"H014 ttlj A sinister smile was on IiLq lips, IS. evening. Lau-� cure Is the only known Metter e7hantleW' "Do you know that all you have rent, It seems -to, me that that terrible -disease. Yams Old Formulas at a half blilden by the shadow of his - cried. . .1. am very than the coniblued products of the The lest... the. chrApestr the been telling me are lim?" she sleepry.�-- enormous nose., "Well --suppose that I. am. last . a ! 11. Why don't mines and - oo wells of � that ' State. Quarter a Box --401 mOst imPf0v9d and. gr;atest 10toyenne Cezartin," h r YOU go to bed, then ? Caught a Tertari e sa Id, 11 r little In advance of the truth,"' he said. 4 If the yfeiq from chicken farms. D0668 -for 10. home -heating furnici ever think you did not expect to see lue with that - Wolfish Willy lelP You to undress. laugh which rinIng goods, blease,," she said dairy, and cheese factories be added, Cents. here tty-'day.11. NO' I -will go to sleep just liere. It to the'floorwalk,er.- tile- exceso,�Ili be six and a half mil- s011 If 'YOU ifift take thetimie I do not remember ever expect- "Pos*dbly yu' Oil. heavens, --"Yes, madam; thloway, If you will," [ion dollars - showed all his sharp white teeth. will beg someth'ing- new-. Purely -vegetable- blood Pu Iflers to exaiftint it you will buy no a may not OnOw Yet there Is so little that Is new In our ad tfien adding, ftellngly; 11,4eAth is ara -the same relation to blood builders; -Tonii't nel ves. Clear. :other, -4ng to see you," she replle& '.'But whICh you love best. But what you Vat?cl, But e't, by me. Laurent. vi- saxf thing, madani.l*- Ac:=rel... stow does to a -It 40 Soldm7we reo to -day I- should. have thought that do know Is that were your husband ba li bull the pom1flexildn. Act -gently and safety,, 0. the affairs of tho'nation wo, you do'while lam asleep? 17t, Is, Indeadj!' she -responded, �-Illl "to mors,4quiti, liayie-on flesh and-4at, rVggist--i fdr Dr.. AgneWs iltd- have to disappear, you have a lover ready Don't sit s3ent. thinking about Na- not" make any purebases this aad 1'"'. 1- �itehdiir- -to nths T Ask -*6ur -d require, I, your presence. -H, however, to replace WliLP mord- e r inan mo Liver Inlisi and saethAt YOU -get, wliat Oh. I inj e YOU a or. egg + w 11 w powd times." thin1r.,you: haye. 4h 't.. lin have &,fe minutes at. your dis- doome. I. only Wanted -to am the lates ey yon "Coward I How dare you v cri Ubtte.' who Is so han j� after he�- -fian--P. Th k t' 'know. Man eX.Putting her hands before her in mourAlng ifus - Mobi 20�. Must I fr-' e -my; usbapd, man 911, ­ __go 'aim 2M atare the rthree [Inve um ,wnew on ��,U 9 - ed You -do some Who eomm1V GUNIOW TO- rwmavv a, Istu -Y T tion of the on- for which their lives, 8' eim Potoka the that ti 4W were, insured. the Duchess of Letlobtenbe a Tea Johnny The -details of the massacres -in Runts. the laud Of fwm,--Dry es? -Tohtmy-,Drealifalit,dinner.and, the Kassim and JE[Mkol quVters far VAMIAIM& M