Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-04, Page 3A -N 1-F, pt -T, W11 W-1, FRI E 'a nxx-i� -w IBM -- 7-7-75 W R 7 X H A -51- w i, . I, � -42 1A. L, F ?k� - I -- ` . . I - -T . I w� -., - , .,. - W", awl 4i -a (ON le 7 V 7-5 WORIMI anDiff WEDS' FLIRTSD WITH.FBI111i'S SANDOW, SUNDAY tSCHOOL 00 Cream-- of th New hrBOY 118iress, to 817,900,000 Then the Iiad� -Seized 7 0 No ill Threel- . wo- of JLXTRIANATIONAL %ESSON-No. X.- "AFTER 111E SERNO chooses a lechallic, i SEPT. N, A Slook Them Beven Days. I)avid*s J�o f -r G.ds'.q T10- LINE 11sc-1 Chron. Xxil. TO A SKEUToN I J MPED THEM ME- BERNARDO MALIZIA. IN THE'GUTTER Bello Id this ruln! 'T -was a skull Is the Golden Text ? SaPt-4,wilm, Once Of Othereal spirit f.Ull,- A Scho0l.-)31essed gro they that dwell ;IaXrOW` Cell Was life's retreat, l4n Northwest VGrY Much Startl ed LA This CANADA. Now AND DU `*`e4ttle- shIPP g from the -house;- tjley w-111 18 very brisk Just now. Went to pu -The Pun Ill Thy t a Raiige:m-lHer Hl6use Was Brier'But past, be still Praw- This ,qpat!. Was thbught's ipyster!3.�l, Tit For T�at. *Ports fr and the Mashers Ing Thee.-psAlms I- a �X� 'Xiv. .4. Re and Remained as Her Happy Hus. Long rare;wel] s- Gives the SuPt.-Vilat Is-_ the,, aMuied himself by, om the Soo Canal band- Made No A young Mgm Central Truth ? What beailte011s 'visions filled t, On a table Ili a hC lor show a Wedding in the 00 age�� condilletor Heir Cara. 'When God givQs work to Spot I GUS 1011()VVIng lines, big failing Off in busineps. I tt Jlk! - 11-1 IftVing 66111100 do, Hel- Convention arrived at ing-No Jewels and hicago despaItch iays: Th ndses-t6 give help in do- -dreams of pleasure Men scorn Tile Canadian delegates to the irish 1 Bride Wore a GOwn of Her Own Mak- A, C What --par ueenstown. No Wedding 'Lag, it. long f qr- ree Tour. lark yout % to kI88 among themselves, HOU. Wr. DavL4 has been selee-�ed a- Hyde I his who'have hither. STIPt.-Wha got I f4 zi- - s - - - I t -18 tlip Topic ? Nor hope, nor love, nor 119 scarce Would kiss a bro%her; SUCCesoor to thei nor despatch says: An the 'office Of Provincial Secre nill Schooli But women want to Idlig -win. -43010mon's comudWIon. Have left a trace Of record here. -lato Mr. Balfour in sda le Ma to prided themselves upon their oyt nor feAr,' tary, wiress l"UPt----iW-Jlat 18 the -Outline ? Other.91" - I "Ing ways with the fair s X are nurs6 - . I TheY kim and kIsW each 'Jan -4 Jor the'new Grand Trunk car to $17-000,060 - was married Nchool-I God' Beneath thl Ir this afterno 1139 their wrath -an a omisO reviewed. 3 smouldering canopy A Young jady pencilled X-1. ayer yl -retort f 111101)9 In-LOII(Ioa win be submitted On lu'a little tottage on 11 numerous to- Sololo� .011cu 640110 the bright and busy,ej6e. On the back Of an envelope end I ttk thO contractors in.a day or two. Overlooking this villake secret, a recent attempt Offered tor *S But start not at the'dismal void' It, for th ef the -hillsid brulses-iii ed to Solomon expected that in the by-e-e'lee- Of f rien --Wlth� a . str�' 01' 0 Young MaWs Instruction.. t and Wood lift. - A scor ILt flirtation alligo woman sup'Port secUr OmZ Dmiciant Ill social love that eye employed. . Ulyie.­-B Men do -not ki ss imong themselves, 11 be three having ended' dIsustr6usV Place. rumm- If With- no - lawless fire, it 9 And It 111 Weil tnat they tion in'Brandon there wi IrIller-s and snWI tradesmen from the Their ut- letru. ledmed, Candidatea-Mr. vI age, and a few per Zut h ough the -dews refrain DAlY.. Conservative; cquit, from ons :who pad ter di,1cOnlfit- t of kindn'09 rhe bitter dos,, Sifton. Liberal, and'Mr. rl-rlb on tills Occasion . is Mr. olom would vex them so a Postle- York, witnessed he Credited avid., S w t on. They Would never kiss aga !tea Patron- . to Mine. yucca. . as site -is That simple cere called Solo- When eye shall be lbrever bright, Mrs. AlichaeL . Doyle, of 0,68 InOny- There were flowers, �knoxvyy On the 'stage. a w moll.' We have arrfved at tile clos -ell Sound ed from the gardens near by, Past. week nd ho for tire. Ing Yea-r'A stars and suns are sunk - l!rl As 4901netimeo on poor woman, has Deely giving perform- of David'sl life. night. _a lips Lrge of shooti, no J&Avc'"' DO high a r o glit volVas arrested On a ell, but Ita , n of, tile Is applied this'naeoUs lotion, tering Costumes. ANdTft ER RO TAL acts Of Ills later diIT$' we have but 4. -oun MARRIAGE. the early ad learn - The people b '""Ithin this hollow caiern I As a cOunteractin.- 1119 lind Wounding it, 1 9 man nany. The bride wore a &ncQs In. a concert paviliu�-, in Lake death Of, her Sister,' tjie brief accounts. hve tO kiss among ourselves ed 11it-ilLiall, who, 8110 claim Is"nPIE) 'costume of black sill-, becom. Ile [Grand Duchess Alexandra, who iaar-' ed,. to trust their leh(,k(- The readyi, swif lung 41. 1119 to her fiftY-three ears. and ma avex.1 , Hyde Park. She , fair of Mehaeloi�itch to Wed Xretty Max e of ried the Grand -Duke Paul of Russia:' r. . , potlont I'll the street. I - No foreign t and tunefu her . I Y de featuret and perfect -- ---- i her- vau- -walts disturbed the tice Of this per- 'a -honey I tongu6- )Y - her own han" le peiforulances lei Greece. Ma lod, It falselrood ained, TWO XWOM-ABDUT pROCKS fty Cotlrea�Mlue. I.:Ian-t- ng generally This Y64r dear to her parents ajid theywere . rie has been especia and -'David could �urry his atten- And 'When it could not Tito coromer's jury found S110. was, of- Princess P it disid �atgry devil 'le' f e 'ne IL great attraction for bearalessand -%ees an -unusual number not anxIous, Wh Bull" UY and Ikrt Lyona gui It fin& Vlllilgo dressmaj-,L.r of H,Ilsd' tion, to -w changed. praiste was wilful ;y 0 Gaut mmWrA It -hill his kingdom. h Manor nd vvroodlilf, wit 'Womewhat -t orny'- ServIan and. -murder of U iarlRa Murray in 1* le bild-headed 4Wu alike. lance for her to. share the on d i correct We" 'Well at the Shore Toronto lak4t wei-k, anti George Badk -.Dt Ose suddou of weddlilks: 60 ' ted with the Brit- ly He C I , evils which had If bold in virtue's cause it spoke, i Liliewlse Axe Stylish. e4riel In( Ish- royqlitanilly. -Two co' crown, BP!rUlLg UP during � tile Yet I exciting concord never brdic'e. 'The fJ At tY-fiftly street and Cottage said to have been Offered by young skietcl]i shows -a dres IvY accessor aforL- tire fact. by the death Of 1161! South if Usins of tiniest of Wax. one of tile chief tbings This Amerii rove avenue three young. luen cut Princess kaud were u4ited but a %lent tongue shall pi 9 for can unt-l" t1le- lit-rald-1 announced across from. tile W King Alexander. on the other re into Mani-- ashi ton: Park A I hand, ta.'Which. lie gave attellition w thee '6ad 147 a girl between. eight and twelve tile Princess' engaglement for the tit ek-bilootin-, hich caut into 10 has not yet anti boarded ses Alexandra the Is made in a blue.- -tob, the grip'ear. All of tile of '"blie'41-tioll, of Inaterial.4'for the bsq`i1111e-' '"ren Tiple jinvells Eternity.' 1 years Of _ �Sl 3W ago -Princes t6 L age her irioney, Grand Duke 'George Mich and begins oil Tuestll- butt" her new. Saxo-bobourg, and aelovitch of Ing of th -white striped Gaiatea. lthe bo- wyePa-Ssengers %were. Louise e temple, - Willeh. God liai ter rost esy-it.is -smok ng cigar. Of Russia gave the gre prolniged' dice, -weeks 'Ing. con'- ettes and carried canes of iargesize. DelimarkzzLAol now " atest satisfaction, 9hould 1-43' brected J)y ilia' Say. did these fin IL RIMPIO blouse design, Is _gAth. it, tw' a- third cousin, -tile betrothal being celebrated Inthe son. -He waf4 asNte..J bj, ered With Only medium ful later., reported very -pieu- But ha, s she bet The fa* gers delve tile. mine Ir occupant- of tile forward seat - Princess Mfirle of Greece, js sub- tiful. ter stlil. Sh, �� founda, li�sban 90011 attracted to be mar- ChliPel Of the roilal palace at -Athens' Jects ill. collecting, his Or with it� envied rubies shine ? and front 6 Illess -back materials. Solo- rock or n -to a rather wide skirt, d who their attention . and ried ver$:,.sbortly. Princess Easte e a ke In :nr To he th6 wear the gem, the fullness of which I all Marie Or' r ve. The Gr ad Du Oil da Young in k'Aowledge - arid 8 - distributed explPrience and Dwviji, did all 'lie But if the page of truth they sough: front re Dgt-nt' her to ber foi-turie. (Jut began the custoularysmatl Madeline 4 the fifth and Only survIv­- George Is -the third 'son of the Grand Can little now avail to tWm. equally. -d himisilif as It Ik Ink daughter Of King GeOrg and Duke Atichael NieholRilvitch, could to -.prepare tit -1 It -will not Eirybro, Orit., ba.;.�,nn6uzlci tors, ul high and low 'Thich- I"adJ up to tilo regula- 6xcd-Pt In the leman. Of hundreds Of bill of good fo to Une Ilais maal,ii hil -e- Who I tiqn. flirtation. who is e 0- Or comfort to the mou er b ought- this skirt unless desired. as t�he Ga- all idept-kident' can jidate in Noith have offereu theirlselves Queen 019d of Greece, -and ork for Sol be found necessary o rn r rtuylu Was published, i1nds a richer mead shall claidi la 61 of Mlim­ y ago. As P'retty - a rich. -Duke George rbi�qtj..to commence Thanall -�fiatwalton wealthrfam6. tea has A good deal of,.Qubstarre � uci u, while is -.sh0- is amiable, irral 'a brother, -the tile 'Work of building. David's charge 'Itself and will need lie tile third. after standirilk, for 6 and highly pnly turnin YOuths seated themselves at Atheii6 ill little over twenty years Or' -Nicholas Its. fa f r t Year of his ese ly surviving member- of Emperw� moll, SO that- lie wit bi 1 th Th h C1:kfprd. Ili. opposit on to r. Andrew 161.1 directly anily, and is very Pattlill", t lit) nout n 4, of the Libilral elluice. -is Ber- in convention. Uhalube Ing Id,,)uke Michal, has been visit- to, Solomq'n Was eary�egt and solemn, Avail it, whether i AP With a deep false hem. 9 b;is intro su -nd4&nt of It shor on -tile foot hag been ir-Ought up with the sim- L don, While his only sister I. Lnd givesithe im, York) range col to -rail. attempt- rs -trv# -per'lit" to -time educatedA the Princess G .oil,, bare or 9hod, The bodice is COMPUZ1X, !L '4w1i, beat himself beside tho woman. PlIcity diftiliguis lying all 6 that it was These feet the path of duty t Iuct.d a ss-Italialy, and ranches of 1,%1r­,rI or th Grand Duke rod- 13IMPlY rimmed with five, years: ivide collar and box QI to Act,, mad e of MecO given - a - �81 - I - ort time I�Rj . ore the k If from the bOwers of ease- they fled blue linen, the 'Pleat or' dark Is thirteen death Collar lijaing borde sueaticl, n, -elect, -and, It -With three rowis ill l.oJelis of in- i notoriously tile yeariR older . than -TO seek )r I As Mme- Yucca's form is or ample royal' house to *]rich her e] r�j, werin. He q� Proportions silo filled up t le entire the Danish cl Iq father .. boj6ngs. The Greek royal . his bride 7. 8, was.in my niind-(If. Sam. If gran. ffliction humble shed; red ew �flle cottag'! I -es to resume Ilis positio 0 t ig hite . a Very homely life, like most fore' n princes, has hither- vii. -J4) David hadlAlinded.to build riba - th17 ivashilig braid; the bodice i91astened I by United stat.�s SIV('plest -seat. anti thO Young man w and deur's guilty' 1) 111 narrow w eullipa"111 6 lit L ai.ati:i snal I b.,l pa -A able ner of In tile tlt�elliest, cor- forced family. lead r . all. a n he 'fo sports s eer, being Ili a rano a* Ile had spoken t their EngllAly cous rtuf,s - fo t are as fid of outdoor to folio 4110 templ�, until Gboi 6mied him the At home to vi - k purned, , - Puderneath the pleat. which -is 0 0 tile obetipaut ins, PrIII6ess* Marie captain Of lancers and aide- Ile e.an1p pri, cot returned. jinented rna- Of tile rilVe and pr A 1,otiro �&eat, however, anti cun6ide being a lylo�� en�rgctic bicyclisi. Since should hilly a son who These feet witil With small Pearl buttons a Uulumbilli avenue. Gar- ring. angel's wings sit cl)utius tile piliuters anti carpenters broken started,in tl Ito tile Czar. build it. (II. vii. 12-16.)- vie all placed in sets f three. hold a Through the ki d encircled by a wide a The waist Om net -,s,. and help -of And tread the'palace. of tI;e` -sky. riattily tied sh of the I g incript oil: 2Ttit' wurli a foytnight.� conversatiuni, while 11L4 tw nUNEV, Hiram.. ItIfig, of -Tyfea David )lad built inen nwpick, t, fk.uce pnions smiled in appar r I* �60 0. On one side. This Is made SLN the I - ent aPPrecia- q11E WIB 4, for hiMSelt a palace rom the 13 6� lou -:et -in lit latitudo 4., :in, tiou. of "Oedar. -Ira of bardships 4 Aftpts fees material neatly lem- r o atte . n- NER M or THE BIBLE. �fted, and will require to d; J. 1'. kill- Till: At first Mine. Yucca tile many iYe, �i lie Passed 'in -be about known urning I re -tile Iastyf-a bwo and a -half yards long and ten n rs (Jf Saups less to many. bearer -3 is because ol Inches Wide. The . pr 0 OR-- - LITTLE PEOPLE. �dand the 60nfliet$ in war which A -reason wily Preaching is profit ieev ,4veret - -wz a:.t . ie. to t Ile 3'Outil's ttlo, � t lle� Art Iliell was Ualitilill, afttr relwiling, or ig- i. but as b * 11 endured since the bf,ginning Of Lf ear- to Ills volley of questions, -for th ---'­ - -any -ant 'like those in , es are loose-anot Champ hisi,reig, it wak a timp of thanksgiv- that Is -to GaY, With only medin, is attentions - gro- tBeat Brysd their ignoranee of the -Bible. M boy's sailor uit, dicti on till -In Jorl".., of Pronounced slib flually�lurdemd hilli ; . . - church ifiemberA seldom look into the re ionship. HIS PA'S COMPLAINT. Ing o David, when 116 �-odld- Sacred volume. They- may read a chap- try full - front literal li;L,l iato lesistr. Tito young inary, iiste, and $500 a Side. t 'to ad of To FAiiason o enjoy iw-Ilo super" I f P�a&, _ ter to aj)Pease their -conscencesa -but- in- 110et Ing the injunctiou, u just sho and r( -h- - -Thou hast beame uld hear -my' pa go on- Aturull a,, IA-tiv an,l i�lio live tt"Lq161 .1 at ber. they know. n Ined ation on lier fire r She, blood -The, wars of , thing of it uear It's d eadful-what he. says. -David - were in- ecstatically, and gaining He g.ling 2(;ods wili. its truth. This neglee Lite ithild in tire care poswsWion of Hot �arried on t 'In t of the Bible One hand gave it a gentle. solleeze. sweaTs his business needs his care' In oiWas as Thi binders them from & right understand - any ea" they R -i -re expressly or - k --4 Iwas more -ALMO&T K RIOT AT THE TfRACK Don - and --out with woman's wayal" dered by . Jeftova:b, in as to-ql;ly., than Mine. - yucca MaliZia. Could stand. �;he rose ull, and grsped it blame him muCh;. 1 1 think s often -called g. and appreciation of many -of the Tlio lattt r f. -d the babY On -lyt thery ti,.l Ill, eniployers. tlljull� the Ile wars iof tile Lord,'� In order to 9 Jus Ills sermons they hear. A preacher L Jean 11 cord, Which sh46 pul ed sev- times -the marriage. yoke- ifled in supposing that a com cuw�6 itilik, w4iicit it co�ilti nor, rulilritiz, Till in. of -Ili arub, Canfia�n­ wars and Pany of t 44ireill - xi I SOCII ty I Baptiste eral tillies. the griPln, M81''Isiel in ittUrter Stel6rt Gave G. neva a Bad dished P611d not be Professed disciples of Christ ave made it -a.-L wook in ;L condition, till kvups .1 lit Plying the brakes and comin to it Send off, flut the Game Horse Won i0i'Y with the anti 'ininit-diati ly reutoved it to -tile York. halt in tLie' wheels nd grndma's at, the Aymboliallrof With him to- nurse" while m4 106 "voidled- yet, themselves acquiated with thq- Scrip- llt h tit., tal4l,l tt,ll( Ite Dther It'his, 'w`a18'nOt in harn' Imiddle of tile I)kek b- and Prevdhted Trou- Quiet, wh4ch Aures which testify of Him.'Plain and 110-,Pititl' but if, %%;'.-4 intdical. friel Ween Thirt-ninth .111,1' 1,01-tictif ble. peace nd club. were to be embodied In. tire house of elementary truths, the first principles Silll. mt-th--t- li;us uilt, bii�i,n maiLla of the fo- rtu streets. As soon as the tri a came Challee- .'pAvented a riot at, the -TPh0vab- Hnce. it con4l f the gosPel, It our tie, i to a standstill. I heard him tall. mat be -Vit not to -be �neees- f ruill I. ft. Mine. Vllect � stf.pped ilton J,04key Club track Thurs- Ing. to himself when I by David in done sary to present to an ave hirtl -tile tor- 1 litlie %V;Li lot lolig In finillug it out. ; from the car, anti, seizing her Ham I 11i"' til"P.- VI'liedon. rage congre- Tile 111:141a�llle Sa - pursing of "tile brats" ,,ffls name sitall be 14,-domon-The C()VstSntlY Sermons seem J -day afternodfil When the match race heads J.pe9 u , so clled b -e use his reigm gation, yet I I . I d, nowad .1 "Is brought each pust" and laugi mentor by tile lapel of'his cot, with I Ays the women,s fr 1, tO go "Over the be -of people be- 1Tl1­ly t lien, o %-er. �Su t lie fr lei, one Jer . k . -threw him head first � nto 1 ie. betwCreli C. l3dras' a . nd Andrew Alkens* Ail were like Cadaver vats. w� and also ads with I8 to Ile it peaceful c1tuse they are not familiar r ollick it ti i.L1 Illatio ,Lt Lt Youth's twO'ComPanIons-: horse Gmevii and Ommod sense desires were dead bc1CaW3e.'beink` PecullarIP',jasociatedi ilf. "�rztge , IInd fosti-red in H. Seott'.9 Bryson i Scripture history and doctrine. A ser - Of �:l ( started,to h s I e and in the old -dropped- prophecy wftil' " David -'s greater ii6n,111 k-1111E.S. flin. ripenel int' I _rescue, but tile angry was vats i MOD. though -very clear in its state - 0 intiluacy. M-111zi -woman for th pulled off. As it was, a: very And -he would seek divorce, if all this in wh Ments. may be-neiqr d The liz�rtfurd ITre liwirance CULU--1 anti Om thp tilrone Of.'his kingdom work, demonstrated the angry scene was enacted on the t worry wasn't stopped. pAlly hreafter pay'ail claims -111a4laine fact by a telling rac should be establisilt, remembered bee the first one who jumped fror , I � X Don't blame him'much, sometimes I to be, a- figure d for(liver. He - ailse of lack Of Scrip - accruing Ili 1-alklida. lit th- ey of Widower for eight tile enraged, gpofts - swarming- of ti - wa's ture knoledge. it would be Well for e curreu, around Pat 31essiall who is think -it - worse than an the Prince Of, Peace -Whedon. t lie Doulittioa. ylc­.�. Tito cott;tge, tbuglt a t, and wi lier Starter . D. §tewart and making use y He f those who are afflicted with chron! CO, arm gave him .1 4(lilt*ze of'violet[t lantuage. Th or 10 Lila house --God criticism of Preaching to c it*, Il;JA4 right Snub Tito Itlejidin- c,outilan lias is--ued a 40, 111,, 1 lJietl to, inake e trouble was pa to nurse while Olkill. build heed ihe hd that took his breth- away. Thom mother wheels nominated Apostle's Injunction with regard to circuiar-udvauc:ng tt2 rice on all- Wit to like it. The dropping his-limp'l the outcomb 0 _SolOm011 to 6) that work, fortune orm Mine. Yucc.L. `,ad start in thp And�grandma`s at the lub. and.for th-181-Teason David could rea-e lieviring.`-Wate-hula.u. thracite coal -,o celits per toll li� or � no fur-. Caught the third you thirtt hea t ::howed *the folly tit -le Vater points. TI,4,y Iud Pieft-silig person. th by thf3 back fiOnably Put that task up(,)il him. Noth. 'I - .too., It, tile shatIE) of a tit), of the neck nd the �added ell(] of BETTE4 WHISTLE THAN 1WHINE. Ing could be iuoreo�pow THE ETERNAL C -e tile . appointing A- 11111,11 -.to start a erlt.1 to en HRIST. lto teriiiwratui his I Ilor'se. gage tile gate c at t II nd pulled him. in tl[o gut -m- I race armply bee, 'A cer:tafn small boy who 19 Inclined him to do, azMn teor on a iob� a Courag*q him indoing Faith may'langulsh, reeds may be- d sport. a ali Dakutitb Anse he IS a goo -d all tu that service for God tha it to "know -he clfapged, churches may -be dissolved, hill, wily lie silould t, of his. I riend Aho NVIIS be one of the "whiners" fisteneld tag�tkening 'at Just laroun was a it"41-VIC UPS110t was that tl Ay to the fact till uch Mr. Stew -art cer. ar.great deal of interest when PPointed, to that N6rk by Him. societ tA ing He shall-, be My son -,A.. Illost may be shatteredi but. one can- ld- struck him. tainly -y ou -e lack Into tile heaped t but - he is nor. up' his father 'came home from,business Promise to David thai I off#-rs on the - preci d not imagine a tim when Jesus Will tit toThe disturbance . on ly about trotter. and 11116' no particular recently with the following -;tale: - receive a f t -i son shoul �9 n6t be the fair image of perfection or 311le ito- ti e -the trOtt Tito sectund day of tile me&tin-g of- tit*' -rati, :nrill thelli. inds, and liv Ing. He. -iindoubtealy 8 atlier's care f the circumstances wherein He will not of Inarriage upon thirty -'e ' love for "A I was taking a walk it Ioln. tbeLord, the Lji,verza-1 Peace coliduCtor and gripmn -tried to be .0 -day I and a most Cheering -and-White Striped G&Iate,, noticed two little boys racing gayl- niesi-age o Offe be loved. He can never be -supeiseded. linen bordered with white braid. Union of Ameiied tho fire. had rpach-1 fair yesterday, and- the tirtouble 4e4, and fin r per- I S, to Solomon. Will. - r lled with a cuff of blue 6rought together early 6.OUO the Scfmc�..the. thrPe outh werd Ina k- unfortunate. was Rlong the street, When the small ne t, It ebtabli911 the Ile can never be exceeded. Religions was delivered by, 6,ET-TEN(; READY IN ing long.strides in tho direction Of Un. the stumbled and fell, anol'thouklif lie w 0 Is 4ender are will'Come and go, the Passing Shapes #,ketty and useful csttyme SU4able at Conn. The principat first SCore?up for the third as throne -Added The second des address of tile ilay fo-I, Ilyde Park. Fearful t1lat a' report of heat Bryson had the pole and -Cams not very much hurt,-, he began sliotild be the Strength, Power and -Instinct, but Jesus will ign giV68 a -very Ili secrecy. U rsary rost; Ormsby Evau-�6 ol ntij yez�tertfa imme the affair Would Ile made to the coni- down fast and Steady to -authority of tile L(;rd. an eternal f0r girl Providencel. requ ttii Geneva had whine in It 11. 12-TherLbrd be -%�,it . onscilence ypa, 4' of tile 11-glIN,rs kriew that t babyish way;,fioiVa regu- rpmain the standard of the c between twelve and fifteen To-niorrow ill too the It luctor the Only had about lar roaring boy cry, as h and - the --r-q of age. It s Cot pru­- that is, fair de 100 yards.of tit thee -A of tile serie P ff'llolcr of ]ter d a go -to satisfactioij of the heart MPosed o a -s, allLI ignity fo ' her warm up and ogh - h* fathers' benedictiori agrevjt I Skift Ina rather thick diagonalerge. biggest dayl t'matlanie's exeep -name. Tile woman ca -11111 W11.9 not steady. Johnny wero.half kille�,!, bat. a little croiss promlselof 01(id, t 19 with the N40m all men'-seek.-Tlie Rev. B. E. -f i mulent sl alers -are expteted to -ad- nearest T hnilc I him Gillespie had'hilly wbine. dress l0,U(JLVIjCrsOa-9- neighbors. It was necessary to to�ll a Carl]- beirring tllfl foll0w.imr it �:crl under" a hard pull "The older Ito sincere desire I that's in(ijeating hili Howard, Los -Angeles., dulthed and arranged in even -box_ P- and lully a ength b�hind Bryson at took Ilia haad In a kCpt the W�11 of God, a�id love it as HE a blouse made of. white cambri thear. bx--cause in their house the wet- tion: IILR would be the 'Way round, It, Is 'wor During eva ding' s. to be held. thc pole. 'Starter Stewart, however. ki7id and fatherly way and said: '011. lie did. The Lord'give tj NEEDS NO - TE kRS. colored iere gave the word4. Bryson shot of ever. thick MUslin, over a yes-terday aiorutng G It -and. 1.8, 0if whom Mind, Jiry ;- don't *Ill! te. It's etc. -David lie unrequited dead; I rY thin 'Obert cott, a tile a great 'deal tte 111,1�9- If the latter material is Weddin- at Pittsburg- ear -IT arel three little Gramdjew lo'l I C,A, , , " , : ho -O given &COMon exhor- Tears for -1 1, A immediately. r �to wbis�le-' tations and - 't!e wistion't Tear for t youngest, E,'Ialitinel, was named Tfir­FEMALE Cry -went u rbm "And -h instructiong theAlapless whom the sun -used. ,Wr -P the Crowd of Gen. former lovr, insuite4l the bride, anti af e beg'an in the merriest way erfai influen lit tile pOw_ -Xillie. (;. It was propoed Champion trong AVo- eva supporters,. dird a it Cheeiful boy whistle, I Ce Wrace alone the, groom. George at ouce shot that niaAia f divinr� Of fortune never shone upon; 011eY of hisseff n which could fo in him,to that piety him dead. A eneral MO au-] Ji(r husband stand - man Of the World f011O%Ved- Gillespie Started Ueueva I I Jimmy tried to join'. - i . I a4,i _r - Tear�p for the weary feet that bled waA- then rents to tile entire flock. and - ft I zeal wilief, slych a Unseen along life's thorniest ways recipitated, in whicli the bride wh9 set; sail on what looked'Ilke at. Impos "'I dan!kwhitle as nice, as you. rElfluired. p- e was carried out this I -Id. , I he progra till TI sible'task. For him whose labor earned 'no' dangerou.,ly stabbed twicet anti the- afte le contuctor evase-I fte-trotted hard and fast Charlie.' he said; 'my lips -%von't - '13-t Then :-Sbalt tholl I) praise; hrve christ- wily it was tha, ill all the to to w l.er gr h6 latter was elli rn(x;ll - t s p4ucky womin way,--tilid-in the stretch Bry pucker np, good., ugs, -s IV( -11 e@Ign d ai For Illm who garnered fmitle S years, arrestti, ant] is now In ptil. 4T, tile of tile J-io ( f -e Ilia "'Oh. -that's because you hA-- ill pro - m - jiiod Prosper - in sucir son of Leland to. will. but it Crandletni -cottqlge. 'i'lle Iev. :�p brok the not Ity to solomo Whose lowly love to, in Mr. �nger had dis gait qAd allowed' got all of tile an Was given, Unitel Alinister Terrell. at of -tile 1'rench Lvaltg�.I- an ells M. nrier% Whilia out yet," said pbeted on any othe 1111t4t not -be e -x - n r colldition tban partment. that'great; bloodshed anti 1'4,rk, perforind ai ful d'a the whistle el ne ernment, thatha(l fixed tice For these be tears. This aira standard noting have, taken lylte there. lVed- ir ceremonies mile alvay, and-deafiening Cheers fol- away.' 'for others. Drehd not, nor llt� dismayed nesday n)ght sevcrai hundr'cd Armf-n- cuniproniise, for, the nature Ho�w a Ba:th Beach Gir Herself a ryson a's 'Ind the last �aw or -Do not 10 ngelliell-t -in I Gail lowed. -Only tIL46 breakin of B o he did, , I I - SOMNAMBULISTIC IBI' -ini-a of gQv- Hea:yen The Shout thdt -Went UP when Ge - , minuiie, and obedience, In the same 1, tautinOille, cables tile -State Do- iva, Churc-li, in ixteent. tretit, Ne e'416 w6ilt aiietLd could be hear Charli; 'but you try I And gained no -smile from mafi or s CYCLING wifl drive th ' whl' I 'When Oklul)(111 thiei:great com- But lie whose loftier destinX iuris were killed, and a -t the time of islu Lorna while the briil�- 1 Little Surprise. 'prevented trouble. . t It e race beard of tile little fellow$, they were missi011 with forebdi Marked him through li 31flizia is a free ; wal" in progress. the Crowd . Ing. p�or alarth, the thron- of cabling yesterday niorning tire Niin- Crolisey arenite,-Batil Beach, L. a volley ot $ugli Shouts -kept - up wilistling away as though thit were though young aim] cx men Plf"Ienced, for ister states that all 'the in tile,' It ratnel as "T 'trill Without cea.s- -was dotted whirthe lights of t) cycle, him out " HaIi - I the -60d of ls�atel� rules 0,1�er all. For fortune's highest honors, then hrow tire chief end of - life." city are closed. Dynamite botfib- ing, but, g thO rol�ber' and FATHER SUN AND- my trotible I -have prepared, me had tarnished thqm, to die a Of tr4u- mirth. I�tmpe latA) the other -evening,, when starte THER'j1100N. -Under varied eircumsta And leave to history a name 8 were riot ellough to - the lik.j,' d1rec 14. in- Ere t1i &XPIOded in tile streets NVednesilay guests atlefietl it. Aitcr the cer Ile ble, warfa owni,,rs er Son and Mothen Moon, re and distres . of Geneva and li-ad a -Tnspotted, and cc mart' e- from toward Pen r. and when it was over the G,(,,Otl Fatly night 1>-v' tire Armenians. -and -aboutT Molly they sat ,town at table spread L thirty Turkish, soldiers 9 a crowd of y years a 'weal yr's * fame; i.vere killed. uliou thel- porch of the brille's, 11 form In white,gliding graImZefully Ion 6ackers crossed' ille tkacks ana e a -man cumulated t6 tit for tire temple. years nt ef pla ced tile sound on a wheel.- Diiectly behind the spec- around him like A lot- of hornets; with. Looked' dowri upon lie ddl dark In all tile tiirIft0il -of life. liejVi �Tha revoluti' l(:ri iping "w6ods c 0 tw--. n Climbed rugged Glory's final steep, board a ste:4nwr anti con-*Vcyod td II-luiditer as the guc--,t--i toaste4re ell hndred riderE. The' erth,-so many thilps below. lost sight Of the great vork to he There made his bed and fell -asleepi- or drank "a lit Ito ever, stood- ccomplished after is de-, He needs no tea foreign port.' other in iloiby litirtfit tre fo'lowbd half a Many -a curse, abd angry cry. A. D., How dark arid dredr bon lieur" of the bride. rider was a hiindsome yount, w his ground fear�essly.. aid lie, " my d6ar, -did Ills part while I th, and lie rs. (;I man It likely a� Ilived t'hough Ills st. Bernard, wll(.)se not more illan 19 years oi(i` boto a five minutes tere appear eyes never beheld- tl GLOR ie gniffeent Y. Wth a as he ever exPdkienced. Those hills dnd vall y th Mr. Willam (irclene lia 1�a�- grow -1 lia lre.'For a lei,- Tile. n fzpa structure. An Ilundred t1l0sand tal- -Was XOr $500 side, Gen- ga - re "This word face that was a I)Ictu race A d We Ila ve light up here' a1>eeu appoated (,f ground, luxuriant brown, e -00,-000- A 'We k-nOW �omet f its In Ilable- toria. eubus nato although -the Ys Ile, "Tll�t's so, thats o iPro- Garillin's illiportu- wavy Ila ir eva, was th ents of glory is undef! sat at till. f(.et or reached down her ba k to tile Lrysou foll gold -about $5,690,�0 in J. C 'Ousand thousand talent& eanIng owerk ere numerous and Says rather, Sun t mothe, �,f Silver- as it mianif If in nature around DeWet. retim., I. -Nlilizht- Ife- wore a ribboif about Ills The. InYffteriaua Tedaler 'was attiz ell in' confident. Form-9tudlerS r Mo on About $1,660,00(),000.. z4-il ests ltse rieck flir tlit� a. single garment of, whfte, at deari lei- you and I not the glory that ex- Lieut.4 -argued th these a 110 think us. Bu 'o'rA]on of trillgr�acious for- -it nd ryson - oulld *Jn becauls6 mounts I too great, ,Ind I only 013. Lotton anti sh uht) were examine -f -I before a ly 111111 -self to bt� led wit4t this truth 'Was quickly whispered -the -i been- in racing. Ff our lanterbs burning an ex0nordinary, celletly. We admire that 'glory with he had -Hereafter kee meant to deiiignate had wq trim all season, and which we des' ty-! military board t �I.,er.shot, on - j craps froin'tilo fair creature was asleep. AV 311 solne Ilitrd races; ve4 bOOR 6PO4I of human intellect. But it is not the brightly ill ti sky-. "This cribe the achievements illy theguests- Tw Must Ila first avenue the sleeping rider ti rned the e0P 17th. a3 to their fitness to Woye tbei cu'Ors Of! France on their Ova hall beeif dc;ill while Gen- 111 shed bry ligh taken from le he"had con- glory that excelleth.' The greate 'Commanill, have. around and started ba 9 no -racing what- By day. At ulgi t; ni] wil-ite quered, and tire c it i ­w ani:ooncell, passet.] carnations ek. At lity- - ever. Hamjltoll.� people,s ities he 11441 sacked.. da nvrs Put to flight & with tiuccess. anti b.lie -ctornflowvr. F'rorn tl'. seventh avenue ]ter 'wheel struc c VmDathles the B. glory- ever seen in this world s -the al were, with Genei1l. Principa'ily redemptiTe glory of DA. nearbv be-. With our soft bewhis, so c1car 15. Workbrs (of stone aj� Cyodrevealed to Ifl'g- Stone and she was thrown to tile' call1se -that horsb was o%vued,by Mr. and r, .I timbe us through the Son of God and wor4rs.' ;must Ile re" t he Bank -of o!'1 A 11 Onto for on add made Hamiltonits Says sit' those under Hiram's vealed ' to tile - world through sand pbunds in Z,,I.l ivits taken . C. Stins etc.-Thse skillu t lou- th(l -tricol ground. The shock aw' ke her. F)r a 1-:nglarfAI r-sterday from. Moment site gazed about her a couple of Years. Toronto Yi ll try." Oomilhilm, who church of Go(I.-T the for- dazed manner. She realized her C-1-loirts als might be empi he Rv. g. p.-Spre o all day. lo Qyed to C16 �tiat part Cie ng good Father- 'in America. docti 0 hack6d Geneva, It h4 alid that 9--00,000 )r 11iinself and Mrs. 13eere tion and'began to sob. Two ol the DOW Owned ill -tli&t City. Toronto lantern It Ids on high, Of tile work o4fthe templei'that the lie being dPretty Thing in house tile were, the women r1ders shared their -men'of Israel were- not was sli1ppeid-by big rillancial sent n his re- Pttit oats up a couple Of, hundred And slowly cap Iles le, of Ilk)-. Serge. in 1A)mdon- S4-lignham-t are also- of -course, anti . and with- her h spectators, it across tire blue Ing.- We find Ill I. Kin Pt-LIIT ECHOES. 'Ph# blouse 10 pbrte4i b�>l shipping t and Caledonia.' 'aArvi nd that see- arch f gs y. that Solo - Moro will pro!j- fue- Utittin, fa a t ie sky. simply- gathered Boera, and front ably go this wevk. 1,11, , anti -times. go back to Ilath Leach. - Tile s leep- tion sent about 150. all of whom Whed- in The West MOU ma;110 ft contract wit The law of rod fu ' ishes the only'- and Prettily trim ed if-linan anti rideit and her two nib i w Hiram to rn Mo een ri-eivf�d from Turna 11-41amilton People to Hg sinks to rest, to be. W -found frientle are � on Bryso ' assist him in suPPITing , tililbers. and Perfect ilComing to a point haWil-,J rode on to B e TFIen )St needed. yrriculum, the Only one -that wals Of fine linen pie '00 or r Moon is manifest, 16. Arise. and be doing -jail one that covers all human relatio P vick, Labr, came h. ensoulturstl wliqre she be- 4 the Dumber of Moth alsO -such WOrkm as lie In covers the original want, the on, Ming. A -1 edL with Washing lace Af Aesl (if Sent. bringing t'116 attendance, in to And ftll- nig it long L,;Ile (lors her best for th respionsibilit ships, the only one that compasses all Th&uie& is finished with that tire. 'stea er The at r( yeterical, and Dr. DeMun4 80 Were preo. YJ Pretty make of -this HOP", now en rollti.-, for the �r t It, � td co e to Twentj�-second avenue, was called Ile 800 o LOW. P 'ke ready can be h Oc4-an-, comatirAi-d bv I.iellt. et'c '%fine. Mal!7ia wfl�,-(,. gained in The.world t -glorify. -Y of being king,- r6il a n.- There human interests and Peary tile &r admitted next day� and,of earrying�out this PI, ire tending- tI hep� could be little time uhtii Ddlld should tiny. -Rev. gentino 1.(,I)ublic -by- Andre Pinaild, it that he was at- 1 The Judges WCO. Mr. 0. human des- banji the cambric, and,, over the reached there an July 20th. 'rhere. ie somnambulist, but Ile- pard, of Tqrontoi-.. -appointed by Uen TH GIRLS A ND. BOYS. all pleated hi CHAT MJ. IT. Pritch tt, fex-" many p plon--'tho coa lie and eatfter niagnte, W h 6-S6 may sier Wife WiLs Annette Larcot. elined to pointed by Brysdn�,s Ow opera surrender On leol sbodiders COMO rather wide at gfve her-riame. i 6VEi's owners; Abb�rt Co his. place to his!s" . The Straps y Inv- with tile Pro- an aunt aP- I'lerhaps 8 Lord be T�ke the- Lord -serge, -ti..,�de are some of the word with . thee If I back ind front �of tile ners, and A. in the E into Garrilifill;X is -Ae expeditiory. 'glan- A SENSAT10N.IN-CHtiRCH- D. Stewart, app6in lish -language that -you are- rty, without justrAurty. -10 e dlY slipped on and off the bo of Gaudin, formerly Marie 1 all your dohigs.. Act,4)s pro - tine Manuel. -Tjie estate is said to 'for M6. pe W'nk- attached' to the serge and, Tito Westminster Gazpttk, Publishfs ar fusal OU Dr. Ten Eyck to them: IHea* I is al On the re ted by these two not famil' r with Be zealous for hount. t re a few of nii nd keep a long article calling att 0 $34,000,000, but there LIS Reporto dicea,. ention to tile. another -abd Minister Quarrel act; owing to th&.G His pres $1,000 from another betting on whift.can, Of -course, be licir. a niece, wbo is as ye I- and qnova,Party1&ob %%'I t 4 you. -in - fil I this, ce, a Jaro ban�k, varied in political - campaign in t I Fight in the Pulpit..' a e -Jnd matertal. tile United ua(li,�co Jection. Messrs. Jiffin Anta,. Holt, Ostl Teachi Colo vered. The partition of tile 119S. -God's Promises contain Or a gain States as tx-ing not only a battle of' Patterson, : of Kin, His will concern of pard.-, 11.4-, iven no returnLfor what "cull "tell Is cl . and L- OIM, Whin, Ing ifis people. (jod's be, liaq -reeblvj, thp East and We -it, but between the -';I)- A lon borough, were 2-- Bennet, of Peter- Oucl Algo, denials to us only opens -up -,L%I. J. V- Little Bits of -Humor. estate awal only, her appearance thi t he way A&Lzri-can debtor,- ant] i,L-4 B -in tire- scene. Mine. Malizia lei th Brea'- arned W� created it, tile eepers. to greater bless er, Indep"p(lence, Mo. Tlib�kbount�ln E%reuch we c- ritish ered- leading %letliot The race itself *as disappointin 1bgs. Our bi.,%t wish all It Alt, Gith, Itars. arid adv of tier good fortune. In. April from the ill' in for others *Is for �Jhelrapirltilal pros - Our vice to I other erful influence 44 0,llgh 1" ThaVs what some folk Awn, Nog, PbrItY -beat' aa by Geneva hAA it mark of 2.1: 9 isa-s Eugli It Churbli in thiki city last night Go t Anil. W0111all pow dot Her father-YlOu JuSt called "'llmen corre-,pontlent (it a Buenos Ayres law- I a thei r -oil ciii ting for Memnley. 4 - 8 is in tile ]Ionic, Ind is, t the defeat of free sil-vPf to restrain yer, who hall," o Rev. Alonzo could (I Bryson y fleFiefore, tile s ught her* a difficulty b and -it was givefi. out-tbat Ne Gerst, Doit Y-00 commaji(I of the re Call.dCin EnglislL pas.tor- of tile churgh, and Mr. 0 three-lielits ju-66tt- polver In public,li GENERAL. Adaulso Scriptures. We bhould of battle, in the chur ell. at home YOU Or than . On tile 2,13. The fastest Ji am Tit are not Fren0h. or Russian or 60 11v'6 that do think. Mr. A DOUBLE SUICIDE. ;er,of tile. 2-.14 1-4. me matte was Gkee or Spanish, but good English our works will b' a blessing to'tho ortimer Daily 11"el se and 'in foreign Is -In c-40VID with You. Madge ?,,. tone egrapli.. M Andree ha# arrived at Trom- Banker Church. of Lowell, Mich- and port of lie reverend gentleaufan's er- Q..t od -success. while k qmson s -re- four lie t' e -rage time of wor Look them up in- the diction- -for much of the s re,"Pon- Sits 0 hours and lets mamula ta;l r Ad .. vt lbonds silo ts 2.16. , who live after us., We must !take G sible moo from Danes Island. having aban- t �i e q. thly aliftlon p ary nd see. And yet, perhaps, not with us In all we4,0 for Him. In, tile work of phil to hW about her diseaws. domed for this Yc-ar bist'att4E�mpt to Wife. Concluded. to Die Together. 111011 last Sunday,was pronounced by business 001, selling one f our boys, and girls -or perh- Thoughts. Tho, I nt;yroppy she has apo -4, nearine his gone where'diplornacy and a-rinles COXIMiftiOnery and lee cream�man­ -first thei fiLthers and mothers, either -ca hT, I, and a could not rentum-,Rev. j. C. B. 10 of 0 t rrect. heat Geneva was, favOri nig te at 10-8. Mr. in ntidespatch�ays la-st lit's service Pleasant message �for- ur bes customeps Ous In a balloon.' J was dong*-"Before� the death, I -� b 4 Cross tho Arctic regi t )avI adllg�ood ('barles his Tlwn, - tell tile meaning of any one of them Solomon. his beloved eon Jittsbur,&.' next k Monk svith 0 Dr. Nicholaloles, tile Official - reprQ-, A. Church. Junior member o1i sermon, was Particularly severe Ile helLI to his credit the wit� "Out going to -dictionary., Thoi*h phis.son fill "ButatIvEl Of the the banking firm of C rch & CO., LO- d g' I -Pe AsSistant-We will? Are eform C hill. thi) reporter, and reflecte 011- Odds Were raised t6 lo -6 roWn A man 'without -some sort of religion they &�- - 8 9,911119 to Europe for their sull&- mittee. assert thdr. -five om- well. Alich., and one Qf -the most '4 on ItIr I In 6afi k6tAh When Bry- i up with the scenes of war about him S 'it best a Christiaorts have bten minent busin 88- men in e Mr. Ada ROAD'TO YESTE RA and' his father's -like had Y. absorb - e -Sou to ri r the in- 10, while Geneva hftught only 6 to od in the 6usy conflicts destiny, with no tie linking IiAalk this part of it aot calls 'wasted for an uumarrl�d ;rn pro� Such a man t e second' heat he sold at trul-I -poor reprobate, tile, foot- er 'Ing? Crete. witlyrevoltln� massacred i end' of Aie 7. eneva's great..bupst - wise srael, It . it barbarity- tile State, shot his Young wife fat- sermon. 1i g to -of s some -man who hils jour- hill, to Infinity womah� 1Y this . morning, and then turned the tile peed in neyed was not to cont" -Ind the wondrous boast of her ecohomy e adoption �1111)it, Are the finish -third heat maid6 Ov Dkivid hid to an never by Young gen andemallded4a explan- him favori Of the, Solomon. mue" In the life- of eternity that is begun with hinly. an tultdarried nfan. A ril upon himself. Church died -in- ation uf te t 10,,,5 er land and Over s of . I -- --- -- _ 1�t. ea, elt. the keen d&- blat, woulawithout it is ' n vvor;� precifk* ecOno Uommerce of' stantly, in _tile remarks! Ail exclia ige' Which prov6d to for tile fourth, To tile countries wherA the rainbow sire to erect a temple for the Worship eve _my In iL woman nu - U, For the first 'hdht And the glorio a rainbow tII aftft he- -has married a WIDM a klender threall. Church failed in bus whereupon they gr Gneva -- drew without, color, a flower without who i*6't practice the tobacco MOXIOP01Y and the leasi e W -T the. last beat. us sunsets be, of God. Hs hearf was telider and -`4 flame without he' t' the bills, providing for tile farming o 41 his -wife's -life hangs by of- words angered both gentleli Kindly, tell a little stranger loyal.'Sad,as it 'was -for Solodion It. of the Almadery silver mines ng iness esterday.-This morning Dep appled each otl ier. the Pole Tire- hors'16' to fume. -,The Per. at 118-4 sufficient re��ources Grand Rapids, and- an exchange of blows bet tillyi Geneva .. being -Just a nose Wh' has oddly lost her way and great -as t . he . "dertakii.9 tiet be- be the Sheriff UtY Deacoas. of the'ehurch ruslied fibirward beatir were sent Off thus hedr his father death, Plilladelp;iia, Pa,; bepn so ap- Governme n Rev- W- W- Cassel rry,f have with which to contl C-11101 -at the Church residence to ap allead. Bryson'lillukAo his wheel Where's tile road t in husband. - been line the Prosecu- i tikem arid the reporter foil until that. she alust fore him there was a brod(I promise at -061'dlu Y tlOa. Of the' campaign againit th Y for the k4ys to the bank' 0 d: the turn w fell travel,- covering all. his need. Tber6 was A lCite yarn. b every night for a Cul)au Insgurgenm, e t,,in Of L window as pu- Thecur- The congregation wa greatly 4 letrob behind. G4&;�a To retur Mrs, J66es-Wh, so has my huab and, anti Mrs iled aside, Cited, moro than 1,000 people be g 16" up tile back s d the 440 Ye-sterday. curity for him In all his'duilps. The- Richard' 3L Auguetin. Of Winona, I and IlLs."imid se ything g or. You- see, r�be's unfaml example of his uhface appeared. present. - Finally order was restor d "Into' the home, straich -t liar - Min- a Professor in thib p of YoulKimsband for a week. When Ch and swun neatness father's zeal and ear- ublic, schools sile saw whO tile callers- were b service was somewhat Hit-() for the tei of that city, lly gtopping G---�RTIE MARRIED AGAIN. V70 lengths With To -day, an -of *a -el alled. He then Indileased read the. repafationg he rhadle, f `10 stepped bac and immediately, i'tile his lead, d cannot mse at -Wliiard�sj Walike-For the life of me by -tire scene. but sloiyed up- and. What its stran P j-liave, three pistol slipts Were fired gb, mysterious -sign or the 'Kitte flying 1. bellOuling .1,11 -of� . , . his to laugh at One Maid. Wifei-Willow and Bride in W Mat- tl I �n Inspiration and on of ways and where' they lead, rt foit Solo- jokes . yet. braids heir sorely, is, h%VIthilt feiv llets had taken Tile following aecdo not good. Geneva, tfi6 poll horse, as Tliougl� She -did -not'linbari to 'Bay SURVIEI�,. few daYs befoiro I- left holne; ten f effect te.of tile Pill men Ol'the City. made a kite a worth vl�$85,0W, as mWe r. apparently The start of 4 heat -was And -her heart up mon. PPO One of the Most prominent F If you, had -A Inother-in-I&W ying Oil -Pretty Story of Princess Maud 10 to the Nuccessiolf. 31n§. Church-' in quick by a length, in on under A pull Posts temple, even under difficultid.s, In Winona 11 gaid -be. the rage(� -never as -214' was ard le hof erZ SPace Of a Few Months. --her back oil tile floo 'thewa. 8tratfordi- (if dead. Two"bu young i Iler husband -was stre length bAin& but Bryson was PRACTICA latOnths Certle Ki4ld ha.9 I)een tched eet w0tk1d Mugh at every joke &e made. The promise Of G In eight. wife, the bed anti aci�z cess -Maud has the distinguish6d We1t a she'"fell as ast everting, Vvas clierisliedAn Matthews went out to fly -Cinel6atl Enquirer. 1XI410--w. Inollther ad, bride, as the officers reached his -Of fic-ing true: Going shopping (tie on Ills: toes and unstead. And abandone leep I the eemed to make- MM -Vilite-Oh, YOII've got Onde, and John"j-zid,1*8 lie- 113 Wgarded in Lowell as practically cog- and 'attTended onl.y by one 6f a false ste reign natii4W. he a dashing bi J"ertic was Mide ba breathed his I quarter mark Genevii.g At the a Yesterday. the D for mdm$yearis. kite while a stinoirgwind was blow- ast. The affair spring moirning last Year, strictly n_ P and Bf Amid wars with Ing. 110 tied the stiptong t Zew t's For she� le twine- ab glasses I' Airs. case of doubl- suicide. d ft del neglect6cl was assured that q�l pair f; Gz6ne-Tes, 0, really should have do!�e;_ ome to Israel,. When ling &V87 from him. Along didgt parture, at the ripe age of 98. after It 1.9 -thought t.ho ladies Ol''the houdehlbld, Princi ws and went 0 the hAkk stretch four That sh Ictory 0d peace his 'waist ta Ordel� -to keep theltiplite when 16;X wen Church and his wife- we�re from gett t to -the store I a Ittle t et U wc-q-Ang Will &IN - arose ng tier a was tile haj around the turn Ifito the stretch- vOrfir. Widow` at�16..The old 111011t wben arrest apparently stared of a. pair of large, pa, 00hfildie as 11ths of marriell life, left 1 -to (lie together, and chose the Mo- arab, - who came an unusually 4 gust (A wind man ked me It I'd have eoffelave r determined Mud '%vas accosted by I or five lengths aheWd. Geneva came mrs she's lost gonl� f Cruel rebellion' IMO -W *hat to say when the o T a few MO And she ft ,would against him and the kite earri6d hint- twa-y -in -the -Church in the face. lyp'7 Po. tch at'gmat speed That she fairlk might have won. lieved that it woul air in 'spite Og hknwlf -Hie till eomplexj!',', but I finally took a, thette 1) *�Iy be- an] was ben ten out come t'Aaught. air man. havin f Peristaltic. The name sounded so g forgotten her altogether eyes a Ird i t Sq She'd like t raw Boo foot fivilu. ill,; grouw before genteel. "you -know. ngled crop -Of ell ly oni o turn her backward When -chastened of the Lord for his nks he -Gertic Started tft6 law in WHAT A,PARCE! as busily - eng g- th 'bat that call in his will, brown lidir. He w It a4s. tile h� Ird h To retrieve them If she may, motion to re ed In the absorbing all. the-' folly, David b0wed,�aubmlsslvel�A?- and the kite began to Come down. Then that I made -,u rt has -Wherels'the road to Yesterday? When. peace--r*1 cover her dower,estimated It task of earm g excitement. The story p as worth Z;6.0()() or 7.00o. Silo was i Brennan's Defence Will Advance a P his living (ad perhaps moinne el already been told. - Ube fou A was WillnOt some one kindly tell her. found his ' way ou� (:d' thO snare. he found that he over the laft. Ift(I at Once to take them.,. went on e water Time In -India, F 10, Geneva -travel- Assizes last sprin��,*&:nol is now in rf hoppin JUVENILE� JOKtS. aU44 efforts the Slime time the wind elling of Accidental Death. lea f by, easy for - GenOVA. Zi yson gri Lln L The kite Came dOWil"so gently, t 84CCeSiful in her suit at the Dufferin se's � 110 Well)., retal ng " fre i It r the aged Idnitur ea- -hiW 4ra1bl,;' then that he str,�Ck tb bough spring flowers, pelt g gait, whi All-oughte. At withrltti� The Second trial of. Ulchael Bre bunch.'- The Pri�npess stopped by ed like IL luflchlnd�And towar- Aim- fuirlinI4 The illdu� look -upon our-clocksas n.- - at of,.. ceipt of an annual incomet of $200'as nan for t won In an? am oing, to the the reguittof tile he murder of John S. easy- log bY three. t�, pay you freshenedand he wae-�kePt, bobbing up oinamrilita and curliojiti settlement subse- , ngths. In 2.16.: highest' aelj­­4 �e him, and- while c116081119 some flow-. �PJ4 t ­ 401 e traty will ta -Thei-summary: COMpliment'.a. ma can pay and down- upon the gWace of the found lzi In Ft. Vany ar n Y em- quently-arrived at. Many things have -ke place- at Barry -a Ore She was a little star by tie liavd ever thing iryl readi- enefg es - t dIa,, but the are not month from now. The Crowns case lad) �saylng ill an excited tied Mutely trot, W sudden. 'He Y 1.0i deabJq his wa r`until 1111341)''CaMOIna, rowboat PlOyed They -are the Ahappened.since Gertie ret6rued to, and famill stalli ell' . , r will proceed on whisper: Lr . 0 b alilplonshio' -w-I know -it, but I camer-av ay vr�ith­ IsuCcemOr. ftom the Shore. He got a o luxury bf the rich. Toronto from the Orangeville Assizes the same lines- as F a side: _04,du& h old-1ashloned last March.- th e ado#ted at the last 11 it's all- Out my"poloketbook"can YOU BMW me Thb --ptosjoerity- Of 0 mg. but OtheiWhft W-1610 -not hurt4--Be. She becatne an or trial, there right, Miss, I know er; Geneva, ch. h., by LeI4 d- a dollar dying wisly- M01130,'TAS, the bome he-tod r v aY Of -,t6llln.g t1lie thrOugli the, -death of her putative par to bring for- It dark and won't ill it Bessie - Forest; D -hag. had learned'how false r,., WOM be NDMO --t Wore me all lemgths the San ag Uive �oted fat) a 1117 ealcula'Ung -the -n .,r th phan being no nexi- evidence but. ill keep Until t"orrOw?. -A de Ae_t 316% of, on yer.t. ii6d'. ward. It, is probabl . however, that Burns. Toronto (GlIlik ley Pobble�- were all the bad -project, was, 4ad-fie des kits str na- aromd'j& enti. old ma Robins. Who, 'pasrie ever� will The -Prinepassmilingi 1 Men destjidybd-by the flood? Mother t Ired for h -1 the, stage cd A off the defe dwell more on Y Shook I 3r Bryson, -br. h.a by Siniffionst nt r ly satlergeti On the on that Stra the hilad, In denlill. -WashWigtO11a. Timeo. life dUrlug tile same contenti POU -Only --thoise th Tonth. -May site be- -thy wag acelden- --Lena; Hugh. $dbtt, son.* l3obble (who' ha.j -J atzVould pr- nativeii. Ii, %elo W1 - r7V, -he came a mother, but t do knows Yer b-norre eirt- Caledonia (Collins) Y -es my I Wh ofik� - - tally killed in the 6t yes" I ;=4ed a hat 'note - -big etilirnat Intereots. - --t -lie child and leis Ipplifig from litt fatej)' cousl6dered, lived le PI'LtIWIT); "yer Princess tere 2 �2 -ften is-there-,-goin Jo, be another too, tha:V 'such pr'o-S, fTW only about 'twO months on the Insanity plea. W.lBucke, It Is Ma-wd 171me by quar The -'Mother o ant"IM )fdu- and _r (;ertle was Pluuge(l. Into mourni again reported, Will not be asked a I swigged Yer directly.- flood ? mligllt -be ibnJoyed. br )btafted - Oul At M testify.. ga, n to 1-4 It -used 46 Princes@ Maud 8-4 milt. from- -God- Gertle took another husband Iasi was greatly a,mu I Ist .85 lin lDnehe-.: e --thei-efdre a nd 4 1.07 1-9 J.&I is What'a" You crying- Ild custbm to- to, 7 Trn-- so She w -line �prftbod:,. b trance 96 Imaginewith will t 2 14 t4:4 Georgle? GOOJrgle-Teaeber caned-, pom- Friday. He Is a yorlug, man named E uIployer- we can In, nd -....35 1.09 1.1 him, to she-ca.re, 6 It' DeCau McKenzie, and fie claims to be the do you? You want- to, marry. 2-i5 Ha ould tell Of the J11CIden th 13r(l NMI V*O -a-a.85 1!4 1.0 -e-. 0W.0neit-boo 10M, -big Soo tter 4th ...-.85 -54 V at, thorough leansideration ? -e peopi h; rn - OKI minb4ter iVen the ma M A- r 0 nts 1 Of Presbyterian Ant: wingriam- Employee- e of Great Dir "Thet tj t -PI - W610 `66 Th italil pay 110 Certainly, air; othbrwise pence per hi , now 41e to Or -Ah, very Weil, � very -wen. 'I rA-x,*8()' ' ead'- every year - in liqu( r VU pence in, coffee tax an . . . . . . . MaYOr Wilson- SmItIX of Montreal, be. merely - Wanted to'kno19r.-.3fWM1#gp' Neves that Tmlixto sh0W4 forego IU