Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-09-04, Page 2ggg
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T; �__N.
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-61-1 0"
7 him
it tigeo -to r In oyesters from 'iftiated way be still
ludiffefentlY A she is fqt,)ier der..'
-and 4utensifted by t4o� same,
tt t,.!!t m-1 44.44 t.-.1 1;0 11, :41 a
.......... a 'a u ed Into St. M�Wo, a pec, Whi1it could he 014 1� voloped
afid rgeated his meam.
th ce son u by post horses o Claude laug F
PaAs. The was also to -have b usual formula -that ',,times were bad, The dalrymm, who,depouds o0on re- AbOAng to aAy -of these -a&
hien Ffils Restore- Ivertmen**1 _p1pa -mentibn this
a certain 0sage. stuffed with I ELt but bad times would -bass away. plenishing his'lierd by buying t w
rom- Everything se, Dr. W-fillams'-Tink
chicken- an truffles, bro -necessary, and turnirig,,off his stock per
7 nd- hey i were to have had a d"' she Wkid drearily. She to the butcher when its"bsefuldbes-baA
one. "And or 4as passe
bottle os --,Wine from . Voudray In Tox 1p- meant '*-even Our hdispludge.11 Tassed,,-e-an never hope for a4ything Health- and Strmgtb,
A Heroine of the Reign of Terror�. before the Revolu- Claude went -ori t better than a fair average oi iialkers, T
h1kirig. He could
aine. a 1wi0e t4at
to say, There AGRICULTU and inAead' steadily,
tloh W", never on the market, bel 9 1 N D
always- find solplethl. of progressin
dew �6vebt �vOij day. He go fagas the -grain to concerned the his 'dalry productions will be oubject
reserved too use -of churches, 'a was -some, 1 A WeU-KnQvvn Young Napanee
crop romia*, US morer
thence Cal d N11ii do messei had looke leisure in to sharp and. -sudden fluctu�l Eiiperience—SO Weak CO�N
d in at- t�b Section SIP ho 4orn p
VOLUTIOIL But- Man to whom Laverdac on Is passed, just to shoO, � bimse.11, for lie -does any- other -crop By the continual use of
harvestlug,than ,That She Couid -,Not Go Up Stairs ON AND T
part was it eavoring to eldr his own the best d1dry families, and b -t
i dOta rip, -did not go there any mor , he
air PAWL which m4- .'but If we -intend to W Resting — Her Priends
-grow; ithout 4
IPZBJLllm was dls tedly calling for Clafl� es pleasure. Hanrlot id� o Id careful selection and feeding of alves,
For Lav rdde -was saying to: I er be elected cGuimandto.'g-generhit- -of the. save. the fodder we must cut it- when 'the productime capacity of th !Phought She WAS in Consumption—
uard. 94-ffet -was sure to it to just right, and- that is when the herd may be. improved from year to Now the ure of Health
things sue a� she had never,. bee rd -National-0 Piet and IT PAY844
—had e !4 cited to hegar. leaves are. e r
----------------W--- be beaten. - u ithe . gi�een nor brown. and there - is practically no Strength.
The Citlzen.and Citoyenne Ce2gron, Insubordination of Amelle, who cried -'IWO I s D Mously order him to e-. JT6 be CoAln, limit to'what may be accomplished.
Ued.J itack - Ing bay out . of door is not littl (From the Beavey, Naphnee, Ont.)
---Citizen and Citgyenne L&verdae took thaC she would never willingly accept move at Buseaille from, her pat i ? -:Let the new blood always be a 0
La palix dv 1esclavage en ce funeste The rascal ow Parlg,,Oarni, Briantforcl. good economy in 'an zonditions, as better than -the old.
Why not 2 had reee43 ed A Vivit Pit B y Among the young ladies of Nap&nee
their seats In one- of the fron't boxes
aisle" - one good I ow[, but that had not V(en, more or lew of 'it is always damaged The markete-of -the butter eating'
on the firs a fat or there is tone better known or moxe
�t tier. They were opposite gh I e Pad not had his sk ill Nothing will robhy mer world are ours, free from the cheap, ss Mary L.
tu dgriculture better by -6xposure, and thi) amount lost In
e= n competition of Russia, India a�y A highly esteemed tham Mis
4110 stage. When Citizen Legouve and as a witness to her right to re tra ied, orf he was about aga� . one interested in
main free, she calls on. The work tay half do�e. than a vigIt"to.thIJ_;a,1i1ous. old farm. this way -would more than repay the I gentine grain growers,' as- ivp can Byrnes. Indeed her acquaintanob and an
p had been or, to fl which has been knoRn 'interest upon the cost Ed mow room 'make butter with less, expovse.
asked Complimentary �Ickets from Dleu qui reest oint tyran, qui coii Intsh it for so long as The- q��ida Business -Colleg-U,
it. would e 4 pleasurE It popularity covered a miore'extendpol
thO actors at"the - Republiquez-_ they. nalt I"Indulgence.11 The Home of the Shorthorn in Am- required to store AR. Even a tempor- costs no more to ship $10 Nvotth of
Iling saleslady
it was us lcq'. When one meet,, th field' as she Is a--trave VELATIIAI%L ONT.?
wild an 4 01- J
the saus- 'Oul 1he Ro6inson set Co., and has
tilways scrit him those for the best- A hoarse murmur of assent bore testi- a all going, to eal I 'p, erica." It is Id6aJIJ1 Situated. being ary board roof Will Pay. butter to Europe than it- does a d
Places: They -did not confer their fa- mony . almost encircled bY,, -a LOOP Of the There In not much margin In wheat far's worth of grain; and as we im- for Cor Is the olbst kbegness school in Canada under
from the pit that you kill I Was that a C I the mana6mbnrof it§ -founder.
culottes approved these words. sense I It as an act 6f Fd1melalveZeue UraAti River which Wilinds it for near- at 'twelve bushels ti) %in acre. nor in prove our he our facilities the many customers on her route which' Student4eVerywberpsuceessfaL
vors by halves. e is
I'TI07JIL bal
M ;mum
Citizen Robespeirrer would havebeen for yourseif vind for others. Parb I ly seven miles. Tho,.total Acreag potatoes at sevqnty-five bushels, nor interest in o Uets will w e
970 extends -fripm. Oshawa -to Ottawa. Nettie Park, Windsor, h hanged -
The. curtain was about to rise on e _,Aj nine hundred -and giiiy-oue, composed in cotton at a -third of a bale. If the tion and J� now stenographer for Stainou
.6-ther WOU .'be risk of con se; ut 01ra
gratified bad he been present, for he - I I V OR, Eukt. -How this youbg laody'liappens to be Morey, *htilesale manufacturing clothiers.
the Play advertised for the perform- hated the professed atheism of Hebert. Manette usp know that to assure mostly of alluvial "The present man who grows t0uverage crops,, will
DetroitMiclu $10perweek.-
Chaurnetie, and even that of Camille the repose of, her life, 'Laverdae u as owners, the Bolt. Park Company 6ell the truth howill say that farm- The native asters of the waWi are the aiibjeet oi this article is due . to oliffbi-6-Yeatep Geqe, just placed as a stefio-
aueO of the evening: "Penelon: or, Deamoullnolk ready td k his own." (Ltd..),.' are,makW�Jt into a.model of much -beauty, and worthy & place the fact that she has recently, unddr- grapher *ith 3 echahical Se A... & X,
mg does not pay but why grow
the, Nuns of Oambrai-."' by Marie-io- The -entr'acte was'short. The -next All this 7aiI said In a tone of so m- dairy farm in conitifictiOu with the avera&-crops.2 lki the garden. jUdug up with, 6, ball
Iona. Mich.
§t -Ph Chenfer.- scene was in the dungeon where" bre earnestness which. frightened IS breeding oi dairy idAttle, Shropshire' If you want the smaller children -to. of earth they hardly know 14f the gone 111067V, Temarkable change h. NeVicar, Fkqtrolea, ternVorarily as
The part of Pent-lon was taken by 10119P have a crop61" their own to look after, will come. up through Rtenoqra1sher'zwit1x A. JG. Shauncisy, barrister,
flelolse had languislied fiftelan years. hearer. 'IWO III he do what he p!o- Down sneep and thohbughbred. transplanting,- they" the uj�e of,those wonderful Are
13.+_ .. � . .. ;60
-11(pavel; that of klmance, com�mand chained to her. bed of .$tone. HOW posed ? Did, 1�18 love her so much tl at English, Berkshire _,pWs, the. gro, Ing In which they wilt besure to take -an., Strong in. ho spring ad btutifn well little messengers of, Dr. Wil- Ev�a, Mkhet Kincardine. teinvorarilyas sten-
touching was Madame Vestris. In this he would dol.such a thing?" of Seed corn And algrat variety oi interest,- and which usually pays a i in the fall. liams' Pink Pills. -, -When the reporter ooapher;ivith'Sutherland Innes Co., Chatham.
lint of Cambral, by Tulma. These "He did #ad It she only Said- the ming upon the, goo e Keeping the roots of the trees. cool Teave di good position.
part I Heloise related her sad story. other fodderlantaf W d profiti let th in' liant some pop of the r called to make. enquiry Ev g, ce
in'the spring by mulching and other It g a P'a wov ti he two le- 6he found out that Amelle must be word I." farm: by t em beforehand that it Into her cure, he was meti at the door p the b..".
ding'itiale ellarac her he ferry r6hd oue. is. greatly 3orb. . Tell th'
'%Iotli&r and Child were 'It seemed to her that In one. mo- leased wi, ty Are eaftn7ot be sold for a year, as dealers methods as no eff6et what(- -er by the 'Young lady herself, whose rosy
I th te SWU (it IL fif V in
daughter. ror _ttLl,� PT S P L
-rs. besides which t1fere L -has been e e
were . two -1sugAr-beets and will not buy- -it. until it has time to retarding the growth. This igiu� 'ddi
Im. field of mAgnifiCielit heeks anii healthy- appearance gave N CO.,
about for the first time to ambrace ment she 4 d learned to know' hT MLACBLAN
mirior'-ones. a maor and u priest. a;;aken him f in the one.hand, and on the 6horoughly dry. Eperi I .
The whote house was a She had or a mere Ob- mangelS o proved by careful ei ment.; And es-. no indication that she had under -gone Chatham, Ont
eacli other.
'played by Deispriz and Berville. TherO paroxysm of -emotion. The Mail- ertine,:'ful of - self-conceit. - Ali I N�hy other a field of foololl sorghum which Let the tiller of the soil visit Some -tablishes the theory that he4� above a prolonged illness.- The reporter -men -
were four femaile parts: Heloise, a- culottes with the rest. Tears molsit- had she t 11ned to hiin Instead i of has already attaiii0d We height prosperous manufacturing E�stablisll_, ground determines the matter,. Keep- tioied his ..mis6tDri. and lunci miss
Ing the top cool wi reta
cried their carmagnoles. Claude w she.. heard that v ca of about lu to- 12 toot.-AltogqUier ment and learn that iuccess -comes rd.growth.
Byines quite- willing to tell the par-
darna Vestris; Amelia, Madame Siniou* Dple'S hearts shoutin; 0 -the Carma bout 130 to' IL40 -acre.s in becauw.there is clack -like e procure ear Y 1� ossoms4r-6ni our tie
See, Manette..the- pe, gnote ? ther6 are. a gularity _i�ld:rs of wl%at she termed " an p
j from So t.6'40 in Sorghums —no tardiness. no idling, no waste -of earl flowering bulbs, the'- Ill-iildle of cape from death." In reply to ts' FARMERS AND
Isaure, Madame Desprez.; and an ab- are In tile right place." -said Claude. Without nsweting she . contin ed Corn, aw he
bess, Madame Valerie. In aditiou Most excellent people 1" cried L&- almost tr tically to call,J "Claudel comprising cloud's !);Arly Yellow Dent. material. and advantage taken --of August is none too soon to kive them -query. I'What have Dr. Williame Pink
n Wisconsin -Early White Dent, Maom- every,new improyement-,and method. their new quarters. Place thern in 11111s done for -you'?" she replied, `,'Why, 'BREEDERS"
were nulls. municipal verdac, stili IrO iiically.- Then lowering Claude I" I a, Longfel-- -No leaks, no wi�bte off power; awwaste
there - clergy, his voice.- he said: 14 At four o'clock Claude 'last dis*6ngaged himi elf moth Cuban. North - Dkot good garden soll. with A. little. -sand -they have Vone wonders. I feel. like
officers, and citizens of cambrai. 57he this very day thesa same men went to from Eml e. "Come—come. Let us lo -%if. etc. Much first three of floor room. at the bottom of tile crock, ly- a Who a:11e desirous of
a new wompi now. For eight Tears
.�Tirst passed In a cell la, a Convent;- see General Miackinski little warm water, and put, 30101. - their
guillotined In go," cried 14anette excitedly. He ob- named stands from .12 to 15 feet high, The profit from land is more than I was - weak and - miserable, And at improving
% econd and fourth in Us. SUL)ter- the Place tie la Reunion. The crowd Jected. ShqJ ought at least to take the latter being sh6fthr varieties and doubled by doubling-t4i'& pioduct. theo dark until leaves bPglu_ to "'low timeN r could not walk. I was greatly
troubled w igestilon
Lerranean dungeons ; the third and shouted- to the executioner to hold up leave of the. Citoyeline Lavordac. earlier maturing, but carrying an fixed charge for use.of land and a good growth.- ith Ind'- and Ire- t k sbould
grain.. Next came largepart of tile charge for labor -.lie. If the runnors upon tile. perisonbLlly ird
his heatt- It had still- color in Abe "Come I Co�me t" she 'cried, as seiz- immense tiliantity of.- A�
fifth In the archiepicopal palace. I L
-fly elleeks. � He was a brave man. He Ing his aruf she hurried- him almost at their 'fieldi-of millet�,- and other new equally agaimt the farger--or the Plants, hae been pinched off as fast inspect, Agird of
The- plot of -the story wzts bric as. they appeared every I -such I'
"girl—barely fiftet-111. hat] not even turned pale." a 4.un to the- cabrlolato varieties of fodder Whuts. -Three var- smaller cr%F lomoveri poor 'hus- rutiner
this: An orphan
standing �,Rore th the Q -ENG.
-mill& gave a little cry of. horror. �ar,ds one of ieties of imported I-Japaiiesb millet 6andry is waste of one�s investments will _have. produced a new 'crown,
-E 6 theatre. :
has ueeu.broug'at up ill leanti tile plants, will now hav�, formed 'BERK.
Claude interposed with: When 't-liqy were seated In this. VE lit- la ve shown a. reniiikkable growth, injuiplements. LIS
convent, is, about to take the veil. -
But Supposing that tli& general had Cie for Son ' time neither spoke. But standing five to sbi� Xoet high. This Instead of -Endeavoring to suit A Crop large, buslies or- stools, upoui whicill HIRE Pigs, and
o so of her own free e But she cannot d S
-to betrayed the nation? Ithinik you do Claude Co! id not refrain from show- is one of the most ploffising sightsppon to the Soil, it is better' farfaing tind tile' finest of large, highly Ilavored
wilL ;She coriiidels�- bur repugnance of not love tile rVvolution, Citizen La. Ing lit.% d I He was annoed the farm, there Whig an enormous better economy to suit the soil t6the berries ma be looked -for, fn the 0 flock -of Shropshire
z�ister 1,4aure. wlib has -had charge acre; o40 of th�se varie- crop. Yoi are "then more indepein Down Shoop.
verdae." *Ith eve I =rHee did not wish to yield Per lent spring: litures
her from. infancy, Sho then ve the niilleacum� last Year prior- and haye a vywer range f roui which to 'By- splitting the shoots and� keeping
"And you," said Manette. aloud, cultivate close- acquaintance with ties, Prices very moderate.
to do the same thid- to the abbess. may love it too well. possibly." s Laverdac, a ducing fort bushel§;,-,OLf Seed and -be- choose. , Lacking can be put constantly tied In- wet olen-
who ster tiie.,:,Iy inforius h1i &-m�au so'outspoken a ders, India rubber pl. Address
Illy Anti pi opinions w re- evidently twoen five and Six . �pns of. fodder to, in theoll, or, perhaps, they but airts awl many
,at. she mu�it either a 111111 Manette!-take, care." man h0 f a good Citizen. Nor %vas the adre. The other 1 ap- need he BOW PARK CO, Ltd.9
e red to endur pruls I some fertilizer Roots' a W _�ieties development, similar ones are easily inCreased. "More tjiati you love Ine, -Claude." not those What a pear to be %vo va -1 - D, ONT.
$he had never spoken to him t he pleaseq with Marlette. re soon formed, - w isature adds hus U tile most quite As ik�dluable 'although Clover rZts f 1 1�(311 tlfe� 4 BRANTFOR
cruet Oreatment. iZ4,.tvr before, Claude. vexed and surprised, strange. e hiblition slie had 'made of this Is the first seaskib that -they have for tile soil, but/the greatest'good is young plant can *be cut off and, start -
to the young girl'.; terror by Tt-11ill- in i pot upon Its own accolint
tried not to show that -he felt It. He sudden, u-naciountable error. It was
been tried at Bow -1-1hrk. -h ill by pasturing off � th
or the
Ile. and appeared to be very unwl�e. to have quitted the oox variety of E the se
hL that, in. tile d(11190011S A slight Covering with litter Qr astil ull growth. - Its evergre
in-� like Amelie, reifu.�etl to take the y ftillet, kuo i�n as 4e Noriji firtkt crop and P16ughi n I �% PLE EXPORTERS-
-man wbo, Il&v- leaned over EmL g cond
convent there is a wo again examtulng the house. Laverdae ast Seas& yief(JA sixty under when at his f n branches, here' tfie win
so. h It was affectation. And Dakota. I o ijli T' acre. In the mechanical action in, tera are severe, will be of gi,��atser- AP
aid very low (his words seemed -like -a - io - bushols. of seed, t e 'loosening, drain
vvii., afit) consecrate to (iotl a heart s, -then not stay for the choice f up
devil's whisper as he breathed them per that theLaverdaes would havit to same field we had oUt first opportun- Ing and aerating the ground. i liatd- �vlce - to tile strawberrivs. Till.;'
ue should not be laid until Novitiulber. dr
atruady.given to imilin creature. He does not ity of seeing the hitibli talkled-of $aca- ly less in val than tile direct bene- quently could not keep anything on my
has been for lifteen -years forced to Into Manette's- ear). '6 , pay for I Mom corn, Kaffir fit of the ferti iz n De6ember� after tile ground i- frozen. i Make. Your Consignments (if
love you better than all else-nots bet- ',Did you, recognize the voice, tiat -line. Teosinte Jrugi 1 1 .9 proportles. gtiomach� not even a gl'ai"S O� milk. I - - - i
lit), upon cold sto'nes.- an(i be fed with -the archbishop to sing he corn, C61W P;Z�s_ yiril4W and lute, Does it cost too much ?-Thoroughlyi It is a common - iniNta,ke to put on had dizzy Spells, severe headaelteg and Apples to:
bread and water. AmMio dsires to ter than his own visions. You said so shouted to tou much or too ie�Lrly. and1to le ve
yourself. But yet you are not offended Carmagnole?" said Manette at last doura. Brazilian flodf -and the I'Odder tile drain the wettest and heaviest my complexion was of' a yellowish
see�thls 'and their with him." Sorghum. With thd of the "-re-on the farm; grow acrop of ton late In the spring.
ta her husband. hue. My kidneys alslo_troubled me. Simons, gatobs & Co., -GlaFgow, Sootland.
hvzirtri�utling. -,in eagy wa�y of raisin't lilAcs antl -in fact I wa, all aches and pains. - Qimow, 'Ieworth & Co., Liverpool, Ede.
is Emilie not ced that Something was "No. What do you mean?" Sadallne and Teosl' all of these clover' auti follow. with 'wheat; tuen It Is
her -;elf tte bt%n planted 4iiiite. -decide if the increased y to, sow the seeds. Tile pot iq re Garcia, Jfkobs & Co., Londoa, Engiand.
tells lier that siio Wa going on arn4,xvlhing to interrupt iti So-, then.1 he had 'not been aware it new varieties have ield. does not In gumg up a f lighti of stairs I liad
tiaughter of a princely hou-,e. ,�he had
exclaimed: " I don't J)cIleve they ever was the. vbicii of tiielr'worst ene y. extensively, so as t&.Uring them. with- pay back an astonishingly large in- gathered in the, fall nd sowli in the either to be Assisted up, or would have' %M�ERICAN REPRESENTATIVES.
a youn- officer 'Lu the spring. They soon sprout, 1-11t, make ed Elmance. did such w1oked things in conventsi" That voic' d the knell of in the'scope'of a'.IJ�AcVcal test from torest on-Ahe cost. Oftentimes tile; to,rest se-vbwal times be )re got to Charles Forster. 76-78 Park Place, NewYork.
U_*S d " Neither did the author of the play." his own happiness, and it had not tho faric might outlay will be all. rot only. two. -or -three incli4-, of'zrowth Walter Wqbling, 2L-80L'�th Market sL, Boston.
service, but livr fatlier woul Lers' standijbilitt. - Ve urned in twoor the tQp. At times my hands andf�et
A.- K Fdw1br. 2;, St, John street, Montreal.
nt-T.. give his Cousent, to tile mar-, tho first ear. It Is tbes- �;Opdll
said Laverdac. roused hln�, because at that moment also mention haivino.-§ben- a 11bld of Al- three years., T199 would have no more warmtli -Ili them C. S. Niion� Ker tville, Nova Scotia.
riage, Ile was a. Z')tern and llau�-]LtY Claude was about to- say something he was so deeply interested- in the falfa, or Lucerne.- tli6t hits -been sown I Of all tile staples produced upon tile which- give the new sort,14. h.nd to
nobleman. and con,,iiiered it a,niCs- them. we re Indebted for tiliry'lli.-mv than lumps of ice.. On one occasion W. W. Woolford, 196 S. Charles s%, Baltimore.
In protest, but the third- act began. drama he had just witnessed, wl itch this season� standing. -fully a loot to n perhaps which while stopping at a hotel, in Eing- J. M. Shinileworth, Bow. Park. Brantford. Ont.
alliance. To her lie had placed Coming back,to can'be used in so many ways, of' colon, rfinulng from wh1W .6toin ThealiombfIrmbas txceptional advantages
The scene was in 'the Palace- of correspond d with Ills dreams. fourteen inelles hlgil�L nor are after aiting on a number of my
the buildings the fifft'things that at- of so uclu value when it is all us customers, I fell clown in a faint. 'I . he s, and
abbess of to purple. for the handling and fielling of Apple
hue in, the hands (if Fenelon. The Bishop. was refusing the makes pfo
Cambrai. was llout to gifts the Mayor had come -to offer him The se men6 that the ' actors de- tracted our 'attentii?h were two, im- - propefly. as tile corn crop; but it is I Lil.,fes grow -well When -.,n lan(llacl T4pt cable remittances.
claimed b d- delighted'him. That ther y found me in this condition and
ame-of a grateful city. * The the privet. Tile effect Is tzi�dwarf
bteome a mother. The abbess, as in the n. whiel AVhen full hold six, not used properli when the rodder is sent for a doctor, who a -
e should be sung by an IllellSe Si106, 1
\,melie muA know- is a cruel' woman. prelte asked reprovingly: ",Were Carmaguo hundred tons eaclu there -we allowed to- go to waste. 0.14 -in. like putting tile pear, oon the ASSESSNIfNt SYSTEM.. MUTU L.PRINCH-L
sed up In episcopal r be the Slower! Ing me back to consciouness, gave me
iteloise is thrown -into 1)0,�On. whe there no poor in Cambrat?" Monvel, actor dres t went to the eo�w one of which STOCK. -quince, and ng cof"i'; etr- medicine to take. - He told me :that The .Jtdportant announcement Is
had not shocked lilm. She dreadbol les
'I lightkir, w!1" who, Acted tile part, looked most Im' -holds ninety4our ftt�hil. This building li(,r. The flow�rti cortle oftfintlillps
,I�a gives birth t it d. my system was so badly rn down madi amalgarna-
IDU06 i:ff-t&kerL ftud who. posing In his arelileplaeopal, rabes-his he should begin to tell her that the is being fitted up -vAth all the latest If Y04 have ewes. which have praved thi- second year after buddipig and 3 tfii� morning of the
whole -disgusting exhibition iad especially if they have while 'tile bugh. Istbut two �)r three a 4
it living, wouid be about the ago 01 m that it was Imperative that. I should tion ofj.�he -business of the Provincial
ell cassock and Ills hood of violet colored amused him. He went on coneniences for 166ding, - -watering been breeders bf twins, or if you find fee ve vidik
h absolute rest. His medicine had PT49 JA Institution of St.
her young vi.,:itor. Am�lje, ta - her his lace rochet. his violet sash. Would he ' ver.bave done? and otherwise carhig" for - the Ilealth - t- high. These are popul,.ir with no beneficial effect that I could ee, Thoma13 -Avith the Mutual- Reserve
tury of lier forlorn: cross,. to oirt 0 th6"&ttlet ChL two. 94 sow which produces a large litter, florists, wh'o pot tbein and:fol-ce th ent Life Association, whose m4u-
turn, tells the with'its gold fringe, his gold She cea4alo, ifsteri. The face of aJ1d c0ml i ea and I tried a number of other -doctors, Fund
ss infancy, anti Jf course .1 -water trough gives -plenty of -milk and ta;ke& good for winter blomin - -oi Ontario Is Mr. W. J. - Me -
and namele, hanging from a broad. watered silk Laverdac, u I of a Storm, set purpose head -having a suldil. care of. he . foe 9- with. no better results. 1 became so ager k
mothiir and daughter rveogni7e At, vlofiet ribbon. and his; shoes of violet. see en them. "you. in. front of thgm which - is r MartrA -,Of Toronto. These are the
breeders a Ion low that I cared for neither 'work no
once their relation ti) eacil Other. satin. -with large scarlet ros,-ttes upon autoindtically supplli;l with beau- s they are profita-
wish Some,, one would rid you of Bus- ble. This -quality of being. a good leas4e, and my friends t4ought that two largbst natural �reiniuni life In-
lein the archiepiscopal p. them. ealile," he seemed to say to her. "You ifully , clear I sprik-gA . water. Thw had gone into consumption. It.was stitutldiis� in Canada. Their aggre-
third -act, FeAelon. Is convert-ing with' Then Feneloji Afid Elmance con- new dairy buildhig,, iithich. is i�qulpped
have ordered me to do It." , He had mother is an important - thIn with P,
f all '8orts of stock. at this juncture that I determined to gate doiness III the Dominion
klmanee, th& military comman ant o vered together. bitterly condemning with all modera ditify appliances, W
really salt '-those words- In her ear- amoun4 to $36.000.,000.
Cambrai. Both the archbihop anti thecrimes of Ungs. abovealla, certain used L exclusively f4- ilie care oU the. Breechy cattle can oft - en . be re- give Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills. a tue commandAnt, are men Of tile edletwhich pun . Isliedas illegaiall pro- said that she bad ordered It He milk produced by the home herd. -An- strained by 'putting a single stratid and my appearance to -day will- sliow Reserv(3 Vitriol Life, which to the
either thought'she had or. na�e 'be- of barbed wire along t yon wha -a wonderful change -they largestinii,tural, premium voinipany In
full of zeal for the fessioa of a religion chosen by thour other stable acros$-Ahe roud- -holds lie top of th e Winsin Every Contest- This if� the Re- I 0-ontinued
lieve he thought so. have wrought in me. thoi w4dr1d, has -for yearsone alar
pine ---of thelr fence. After getting a few scratch; . go
good and for the hap, sands of. French meh and women He had intended her nd 72 hed, somewhat, different in its (�S cord of Dr. Agnew's- Cure, for the taking the !Pink PILLS for three months busineqs�"in Canada, and has paid
A young novice AN,e they wili- keep carefully away from -Heart - Wris. W. T. -R
jellow-creatures. hrist. they said, could not but hav construction. visited tile undle�i �of Dun here iii,.4bath dlaims over $1,250,000.
I that he "uld dare anything that she It. Evdn the' bull ma and before discontinuing them every -
makes her way suddenly into tile held accursed. y, a. building,980 feet- long, a y be kept -in daM,!Ont., Cured in One Day- Dr. ache and pain had disappeared. I It Is (W!r re&tered unddr the �Do-
it Is Amelie, w Command and that for love'of pigge in every -respe0t, having a drive- by thisi, meauis,. for. lie does not like won- minlon�'At and has a deposit In Govmo
ho has man- cette fi- gfd� model� to gef huriti Agn'ew*s Catarrhal Powder the Only cannot speak too highly -of this
aged to escape from h p eur lulpie. her. he w to cut --short a- rn axCe
ome to implore jug- Qui dement a a Jois sa doctrine et I way running dowil' the cQDtre for Oats aria as expensive gr -Remedy to do Silvester Lawrence. of d6riful medicine, aa;d I am eaker%o let erumetit. bonds witli the Insurance
. - life at I, �erlsk of 'his own. Ain to use,
a -sa,vie. Could t be really so ? Was It. pos- about'the,'v41J
feedlng,'witit ens (7ka each Side.- and and % Wyndham Centre, Ont�, Ally! qo0cl the fact be known fdr the bellefitL of Depat�idnt Amounting to $108.wo.
tice from mongi.-nor. But at that moment Amell& rushed rAble he IoTed her with such stre gth yards- in tile: rear df fliese pens. From _ way a farmer can
e�p bJr'.neR1-6- in feeding Dr. Agnew's Ointment a Ce e other sufferers." -
account of there we went -W the addocks, afford to'.. Vi6_ _rMin Cur' By tW. t-hange the members of the
enelon listens to her crime enacted in -of passion ? -P Cry s L iNT�r Pil's Mrs. Byrnes was present durl -Provin6lal Provident -become mem.-
the horrible crucities practised at the conventi; But ha e where brood'sows dit kept during -the horses. Iter purpose for 'for Piles -Mr. Agnew' ng the bers ot,.An institution with ne huri-
bad he probably , n interview and strongly endorsed what
which gZZ Wed it Will pay Cure Constipation amd Heada�he.
ther nunnery, anti rizing, are some 65 dred and,ten thousand members and
to go'h' �ulf tit once. all(I L deliver the T he bishop was about to hasten to when they; left him, even while lose summer months" better to Igw-t' 01* and -buy some- her datighter said, adding that she be-
Imptive. 1111 'A Priest is present wh0- break..tbe chains�of the victim, to the burning words- were on ]its lips sows. all -typical lbug English Berk- thing elge.4 ng In the Sheaf Is experiments ai't'. needed lieved they had -saved-,her life. $31000,000 of Insurance; Art
I satisfaction of the * people present he gone to ithellocher-de Minctile tth shires, selected and jehosen express-
06jectin-i tht the only ed leal,way, that good to est tlieertaility of solue thiligs, The emferio-rike of years has proved mistitutl6h. that has nearly $6,0W.,900
trie�f to prevetiti lkim, ance, who' exclaims: Emille, a_n eaten that supper ly for tile purpoSes dFired, great but this lias no application in tile that there is absol -assets '� "d an equal annual Income,
n, anti that of Elm, use may be made of the straw. utely no disease -due
itis persona.1 interventio ti o -urs voug av� an anti-ellihax I length. anti depth, *1ttj&lqnty of sub- Cure !for the to a vitfiLted cq)iditL1oh of the blood find wh!0 has paid out $27,OOOOW.
a dangerous scan -A $i les pretres toni alent, It 1,8 said, that sheaf oats salted in Case of I)r. Agnew's
fair may ca Z�l resgemble The cabriolet stopped. Th stance. It wao rOwrked by-agen -fleart, no-'ruatter how 6431-42xe tile or oWtteipd- pierweiia that Dr. , in dedth claims. it is hardly pos-
ital ; but tile enrrous prelate Is not -. J lyers-Are not likely to be troubled
I Le genre humain.' returned libme. Sbould-she tell tleman, whoi has f6i many years pain, it will immed4a;telT- reiiove.- Be- liams! Pink
orldly con- I .,par vous. out ete by tile mice. This also makes _Pills wid not promptly cire sible th" they will fail to appreciate
to be deterred by suel that BUSC411fe had been that evening I bred" and handled lJigg, that, he could tile lief comes within one. half L(;ar. Tile &rid those Who are suffering from, such the - adi�iintages of this change In the
_�iderations. Ile iiasterta to tile con horse relish them tile more,,Tlie salt disease� may be - of yeard' t-'Lhlldiag� troubleff would avoid- inuell ind increas6d Security w1lich is thus
vent, vi�here the in(ii-nant abbess. In the fifth act the spectators were at that accursed plav ? shut his eye" and Itick out the prize gather . s moisture frodi the titmos- money by promptly misery I
him with Z11" lliz;Pleasure carried from - the dungeons to the con- Claude li�d sat down. and NVas 145bk- winners. 1'roin the paddocks we this Specific Will' meMra. I save resorting Ind their Insurance.
pliero and makes -the ripe Strw more %,,. T.- Rundle, wife of a we
threatens vent. to the archbishop's palace. He- Ing at he "You -surprls (I me this pa��vl through pitiable fitted'up 'il-kiLown i this trealiment. Get the genuine Pink
appe, 'e - Is -also paltable. -Very few now follow thet Awrw me -
of Rome. I evening," Y�a all lie said. "I did not for tile young. sto0i, -which cattle deaier in Dundalk, sdl Pills --every time and do not W.persua,
je is taken I)Isllop,s lolse, ared. attended by -Sister old-time practice of spffting the bay.
LIeloi. . Isure and her daii-liter. She once seem to ki�'ow you. .280-feetiong. Wedreshownanum- Politics and- legislation aro -po6r' verely for- a -considerable-tinie from dedto take an, imitation. or some
ace,, -attended by Iaure the con' other from a. deiLler, who for the sake
pal, more saw Elmance. What a moment I That w" alL his rebuke. His Io-" her of promising yolilig animals, from things for a farmer to build his,liopes heart disease. As she All ON, LADIE
passioate siAvr, and by her daugh- est. open resumed Its pleasant a month to twelve- bitintlis old'. Thence was'for some"time unable to atteiid of extra _Profit to hiniself, -may say
'There sbij finds Elmance, the It was !"The most constant of lovers qXon. The Sheep- raiser who put13 hi� n Ul
smile. W shGuld s4e make hiM.Llin- we drove -ground a,long drive which to my houseliol.duties. reme is ,just as good.." Dr. Williams'
fifteen clasped both his old love and- their trust in the best 'breed rather than
most faithful Of lovers; for daughter in his arn is. Fenelon urged easy ? Sh* . things she rni�ght encircles tile lower'pArt of the farm, Weis did me any good. I Was la- Pink IT.Is cure when ther inediem'es COLLELT"a
e goes ahead to pro -
years of separation r1ave made no al them to return thanks to him who have conf ed to him, but Jae - sus- back again to tile bilildings, and then in th tariff, and duced to try Dr. Agnew's Care for fail. AND NSERVATORY OF UUSIC.
Leration iu-bia love.' A formal mal7l from on high justice in the 1 Pected no I to catch -the train' V-0ilchepasses the uce 'a taluable, mutton carcas and- the Heart, and I iuiisV say the re,
1 their trials. i ast, Idi . good fleece.of Wool lstpre�tty sure to I -
rali,.g6 puta-aq entl to al 'kWell," ' sald at I Dwn farm t 4.20. p; ri!i, Farmers can- stilt was wonderful. The'pain left. A Great Age. The 39XI-Year will open Sept.. 8th, im he
Ltel(?isf) becomes at once a mother end. that.thos savake Songs are a Uttle not take an outing With mote of plea- -Conle out all tight n the -end. me after the first day and 1 have best equipped ladies' college in
oldest Ab#
Le blen vient tie Dieu seul. et le mal z - the aseR Canailac,-,'
nd a wife, and Fenelon remains con . L aldrining. d yet, Marlette, I always age of any animal Incre. had no L trouble luce." M 1moutlet, whose of 03 Full coraes in Litoratum, Mud6.
vient des hommes. I sure and profitto themselves than to
t wliat lie ha acconii- the gain it will mak� from.a certain- Dr Agnew's Catarrhal Powder is year6 find 5 uloiltho is well authentI,7 Art, E16&ition, Book-keeping, ete-. Over 10
vinced tha All the sans-enlottes were on their thoughtL y u- brave. spend a. day - inspeeting the stock. 6 1 mount of food deerfases. Unless. one catet orns, Wh0e otgan in building. Send for icafA
piLshed 6- for the honor and glory Pf ".Yes,"' s4l sald. "those songs 11 rm. ) P 1, is the olitest penson in paxis'. ro
feet applauding -frantically. - The ld anti ernps on fte BEJw Park Co's. f, ich. this recoimuend4d -by all cl f eo logue. TQiims vegrmoderm Address
S church as'well. 'practices the methods to wh -)J ti e She wa born in 1793 in Paris, and bts -
tiod, and that of Li' on something Lelse. I got frightened, I pie. _ The leading. clefg= A. BUR S. D. D... 1.4 D.. PrincipaL
ar, house. and, not the play, was then hope to �f I always 'lived there. Att" 16 s4e ell-
&melie anti the Litoyenne Cez. the point of interest. The very men �Iiave suffe0d !9,.much from the f aars Bradstreeti�pti Trade. factpoints he can hardly -country, over their own 8i , ature, i,
of the box.' of other pqople. ma ke a isuccess of stock raising. n-ery terel a notayls se'
N% ho app I rivice as bonne,
sat in the front - seat�3 la4ded Fenclon, as Ube -have borne testimony to its 61fective- General limsiness -t Toronto 'is farmer should Save this lesson Pati neS,. claude 'stood behind tile wife Of his "Ali I for sake I When you �ook Nearely 100"member of the
priest with an enlightened conscience I with Illin'till be. ied, tlien
-t-c behind ga- (inlet - inerchnts belle"Ving the -fa I- fo it is a valuable. truth.- I -a inessenger the Cbmeil
uew friend, and L;Lverd love late House of Commous - have doue the nirritx
anti a tender heart. had helped to equal m average.' Busi
nette, who was astonished at me. Do not lina -in not same service. It.hats cured tlie*worst dlLta. Site has survived her hus- a
my part akainst my mother� Be A96 ultur massacre In rlsons,- or had driven. Y"ette, all -that; i n glue � that you c.
pect. of -the hou�je, for ten. neqN at Montreal !,� -quiet; sales are
gTow-stock because you cannot do -.'Ind children and lives now In
cases of deafness, an outcoine of
for* wo Into exile, thousands.of men -wearing her, but drew _'t. Crop prospfiet,4 in. Nova edti e S aci of the Salperriere . A.8ylijni, in fairly
been in a theatre years. He wait�d -to kiss ft on a large scale. mall farin r catarrh., Sylvester Lawre*
the same cloth, among whom It was continue satlsfactor-A�o s in - Prince
citizen Andrey hat] beefi too prudent ear her ti�idly. He and feeders 'excel in producift the Wyndham Centre, Out., szlys that I good health. Her memory Is good, GU_ ELPH.
to be supposed that there were men wa afraid she
51wrd Island alsi). Gerterl trade very best, for, hving*but feWL head, -this remedy is the only thin,,� that lie and- she likes
n'ian to take her into places where. as just and as humane as the pre- ml-ght not Pe it. She had refuse I to Scotia is fhirly , sathifac . tory. -to talk of Napple a Agricultural
the audience was Apt to be uisOLri- kl�a litin - She cl)sed in ov, can use with.ease-and conif"ort. His d the other Th �.ntarlo
applaiided. But tfils did t mornin -Tile New runswlilk-liay each Individual receives that personal Josephitiet Louis- XVIII.,. an
-say nothing of lif-4 care* for late they g. B crop is re- care which is so important an ele- word&'are; "It -is the best " remedy great poeple site saw when F411P was r .,
d6rly, to her eyes, 4d yielded to this enibmee will r�oen Oct. 1st. Ful _*i
not strike Claude. He was.applauding of her poo Claude. " It milght, help Porte.(] below the Tile total ment, and which-lirge operators can- I have evi4r tried, and I._ 11 Iva used . girt. lecturei. with pr"tical InstrZou6n, A1
with the r(?Rt of them. ' .6 .
The difference between ught, perhaps.. to-fo4get number of' business f-lihires in - -tile not give. ood many."
g very MAO cosiL for young men who
the crmag- 1$
-Little Emilie, half frightened by her, She tit n Dominiontla.4t week were
of trie the uproar, had put her hands over y In fe6dinginfid fattening cattle, The very best lling that'can be Intend tb be farmere. Send -for circular
noles and bonnets rouges an- Cana -di, Her Inference.
chief Several a 35, comp red witlr, 85. tli�) lire
I -ads -culottes, who formed the d passed after that, and viOu4- �gio the crops neqded for, that pur-
her sharp ears, and La-verdae -con Said of Dr. Agnew's Ointmeiii'le that 't Whn. I *imarried you,'- lie said, giving .-�lhformatlon an to Course of
Id 0 1 week,� 29 In the wf�ot year go, 4-0 CO,
speak to %laneitte I %t0h.1, bro e in upon their life's mo- In the caso,of piles -it, will � r-ureAn "I thought you were an . agel." Study, Urmis of admlsslom6 at, SUL
part of the audience, and ' the pretty - ratl)er more y� two yeors nd 26 - three ears" ago. pose on the 'farm, Jeed them i on, the
spring dresses of ladies seated in -the loudly. Thire wore no fresh Ala farm, and return tile manur ai pro-. from three to six nights. -It is a. -She looked at him coldly. :A=15 MMLS. M.A;, PresldN4.
Tile sans- As- she th6ught over Bank cleatings at Winn Hanill- dUet Lto the farm.. This. means a con -
ad Certain cure for tetiter, §alt '.rheum, I inferred as much," gi
tioxazi was Amusin Men of cruelty." - he sald,7 '$do ton, Toronto, Moniteal ue#4� August, -2896.
all tha a 11 ta x tie said,
CUI()ttes Ila& possession of the two worse th, 1 taken place, c clu- stantly Inereasing'abilify to- pro- and all eruptions of the kinf: There was sairiething 4n her tone 1
up - p& galleries and- tJle Pit. A� few lags nowadays than, t have been so amounted to $i&W-3,000 last -week, duce; butif �uftloiitent diversity of mpeand y
g did for- &'On that 4uscallie mus compared with $Ibm)ol feeding stuffs are, not grown, it � Is t, et most ieffective are that told him there w I As trouble in
were In the stalls, much to the dis- Placed at t(be the4_tk that he hadl not- 000- tile pre-
merly. They have found out how to k. a nd x trifle snutiler total io Little Liver Pills of Dr. 'Agnew. store I or him. 0, -Dono
comfitura who I If so.liher fears'had Ap ula U130
of , citoyennes tear asunder hearts. and leave them seen her.- en v10IIs wee ago.- wiser -to buy them than n6t to feed -They dre easy to take rid cure sick From the' very� lirst," he. went 1 '48.. Don
in the wcmk.;one "Ir well. could
sat- behind them.' Their bonnets no possibility of reunion." premature. - i . -1 - headache, constiptionJa biliousness on, "you seemed to think I
We are willlu rouges were fifteen Inches In helght� 'Zon't -dL,;pute again with Claude." BuscalI10 m!ght not that evening- There Is More CdWrh- in. this see- g to accept -without and indigestion -as by magilc. .10. get alonk without- clothes.(" il get a dog. , ny preed yon - wab"t
i - -nil at lir,46ry low prices to clear -some of onj
e Is but small -�-40 doses.
They never took him Off. They she Sa id. ha cents a vial
i ve seen theUttoyenne Andrey (I e la tian of tho, countvy� than all, other
-in cultivating, poor lant, -but stock.
might have been screwed on to their ',NK)body can Fregeollere. now profit Alto send5Oofora box of Gen. Lucas
bear -me but you." Citoyenne Com ron. diseases pu IF THE BABY IS CUTTING TkETH Mange for Dogs.
t, togethbrj and until the
Ic heads. The audience, how- but he had no need. o have seen her, last few why Is'It-tht most men are so re- A Fine Tinie.
Patriot "Then, please, do � not say things I. years wasbipposed -to. be in- H. LUCAS,
even. ieed�ed sufficiently quiet. T : he Must know where she was."Sooner luttant to admit that the. same'rulf,
Ought no to heiir." MIlistrepri-I ama very Be Sure, and use thlt old -and ell -tried 9eferinary Dentist.
play to be given was adapted to the curable. Foe a great many yeats dore- applies to stock?"It Is, Indeed, very glad !,Jo see
May I not say that If our days are -or later he, would show her Alin, i he & you home In time, �agaret. Did you remedy. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing King street weizt,
I. knew., tors pronounced it. &j local dise se, and o feed and cafe for Toronto, qat
taste of the: populace, who Indeed had economy.t
numVered. It Is best to make good use Ahe owed berIew week3' bf Syrup for elilldren. teething. it
were sovereign arbitrato 'of thedes- prescribed local fl6inedies, and- by have a good time at. your eousin's
oor stock, because good stoc`k rs of sueli t1ine as may remain ? It is untroubled bappliless only to the lilow up P will soothes the Chilcl, softens the gums,
ifing c' give . much N-tter onstantly fa to' E) it With IOCA funeral ?
aight be of- wtsKkim. t, be happy. Why shquld we Inflicted on him by the unfortu iate ..t allays all- pain, cures wind colic and
tiny of any piece that n tre tme, -it incurable. Margaret�-Indde, mum, 01'had ils
fered to them. They interdicted dra- deny ourseles the " bliss of loving cii-d6vant. He had got well again, and Scig It Is &very difficult matter to breed hoea.
nee illigant toime. Oi sat in a, foine is the best remedy for diarr YEW
mas that had not, the luck to please fhoso who love us ?99 tow has vroveh'tj6atarrh o e a succesifully.for two qualities in th,J an ou.
everything was to be feared I rom - If a.CoW of tj L Twenty-five cents a bottle.
e direc constitutional diseaWej and- Aherefore le with th' carps' husband,,4an' he
them. and 'If th tors opDos6d Same- animal. best beef
"Quite true. Then love your wife.". 111111:7-111111em— dristitutiblial ral - squazed in() hnd' an' towid me:
requireff treatment. type turns out to be an exceptiGi
their decision they carried their com- Laverdilic had- sard to her: "If aman. 467%ro 'ling Here t1re,curtaln again rose., The Hall's Catarrh CakbI: manufactunred th, Margaret I an' yt-!re Pst the About 2,000 sa, vessels of- all N E Ills -by F. J. Uh4iiey Toledo, Ohio' ent than -N sea every year,
Plaint to the Commune. which sent Actors appqared upon the stage to en- meets a wild -beast about to tak milk6r.It Is more often accid 1 11
the directors to prison.. Ji)y their trlumph6" Citizen Mnvel life.he kl!ls -him." That was true;'but Intention. 'One -should -have a Single bello av th' funeral." Y. Ntercury. kinds.disappear in the
is the only constittitiOnal cure on the carrying m
But [or, airid a definite Aim,. Be slow to- buy of and involving a loss of about $10,00U. -
gave one hand to the C11toyenub Ve&- was lit always necessary to wait until market. It is doses amain who ailveitls6s-io breed equally
tunately- for him, tile favor of the tris, and the other to CItoyenne'Si- the beitst was kushIng on you- ? Nren PUTNAU'S COAN F�XTRAGTOR 000._
from ten dr6ps to ix -teaspoonful. it I . BAKINC
multitude. Anti one proof - that his go In search of -the wild beast; they for beef and dairy.. twen
play was comiflered eivic-�_ was, mom Taima led in the Citoyenne Des- acts direetlyi on tho-bilood and mucous Cures In t�-four hours. -.-This Is
prez and Velerye. The latter. who hunt him down beftre be -ha:9 had
that- a rumor spread through the i Surfaces of �he �ystgim They offer DAIRY., -the testimony of �-tewi of tl�ousands
nated the abbess, mad6 d ter vho have ' used ii. Putnani'9 aetA
had perso, time to harm them. But the hu a ow
that Camile Desmoulins and m1stake -in reappearing on the stage. must be resolute. Here Manette gave ails to cure.- Send A. great point 'of value in a cow- is speedily, without pain, and removes HAVE YOU TASTED
house 'tbstlmoulals. DER
his wife. Lucille were there In a baig- She was badly receive(] by. the -audi- a little -shrug. for circulars: and Ad- to have the milking habit firmly es' corns intwenty-four hours.
n Fbre d'EgJan- ence, dress. F. J. Chene:� Co., Toledo, 0. tablishe;d THE COOKOIS BEST rDIND
noire. with Citize ay were Laverdac's propositI.On ]and . -his -Sold by dri]iggists,_Va�c. so that she does, not dry of
tine. � and the -artist Lopino-Lebrun, with Fenelon. promise had been appafen�ly mere soon after calving and indulge in a 'A
who was one of the 11irors of the Re�- Then sudderil
y from the � it a i bluster. Nothing had - conie, of, It, A long spell of unremunerative Idleness.
volutionary Tribunal. drunken votee Cried out: $'Let Citizen momentary Impulse had been awak- A�.Phamploti Bull. Such a cow, Ift.sucli Intervals, will eat. "Everywhere I Iialled to -day, said
"That's lucky for said Laver- ve Ing rip all.the profit "Ich has accrued wS Fe
Morivel sing the 'Chrmagnole"I" cried In him after passing an e ;At one of-Ithe uhlVersity unions an Mis. Mate ey to ;her daugliter,_ - "I Tuitiq� Fees Reducel to dac Ironically we shll -see the play Manette turned pale. She looked at In her'company. L He had not bee - to 0 d Oilt I' the British -while she was being milked, heard that MISS,' Winsome
in the best of gof)#1 -company." Claude. He. wa absorbed. in the spec- see her. What had'becoine of the ar- Dairymen wliq foil th
lion, wbethe! it Li 1oaming the des- keeping. their .,ow e Plan ' Of gage&",- ii is aelicious. Ever
laude. who had not perceived the ready for the "That's Wee. I Started ih� report -School
tacle. Tile, whole pit was In a roar. or, with which he had professed his erts of India, or cffiWng the forests should 0
110 butcher at all times and sellbf , atn tb operate on horres! teeth.
J, tined the tumult. wish to 9 of Canada, Ill nof4raw. in Its hor g th myself. She -has been Sold only in Leaa Packets. nowingession.- Appi to
irony in his speech. replied: But The galleries ? like or retire int Its'shvil." St em monopolizing the 7 1
That ai assed- 'away rip- attention of dur i young meii ong GEO. M LUCAS.
camille Desmoulins swiletimes allows The spectators In the boxes rose rZo ir a rd p for beef Lag soon as ithey. become TI
himself to be carried away by the They wery frightelied. Their intentlo� smoke. It had vants-hed the Pero avoid a loss from, an idle cow. but ewugh." ALMA—The PrinciPal �of thei.Toronto Veterinary, Dental
e Chance 1 to �build up a
t-agerness of his patriotism. Was La ver- IN SPTT� OF COPETITION. they lose th 39 King street wee% -
to leave before th singing of the 'Cai g remained of It leading Canadian
11 Said Manette softly to her- magnole- gave a now Impulse to the dac r' with li4l;? Yes. she milking strain., and must depend upon iii -A Sr College for Toun
arl's �Clover R�ot 'Tea
ealy, In love body knawi� ago Women. 'Bu Toronto ont).
s0f. " thats another of his set feiTor- of the sans-culotte& was sure of that. He cared -for her far Every that the. Art chancii for ne* supplies, - adi a good -V -' ' - '
patriotic cure for hpa.Zlaclip and jaer ous dis-
"But.*' iDpritinpued he Is about to sing tile Icarmagnole' in his she iwUhed. but n(A as -much as she best. They 1comblig elegant- finish, day.
phrases- They cried out: "Citizen Mouvel Is more than he ought -far more than Garland 9 and Ranges are the dairy c9w IS not toLbo bought every
I , ;, durability- �Lnd cofitbalence with ee- Nothing f4�1 ves so quickly.
nevertheless a most -n -o") f-rdtizen. As episcopal habit. , Out with suspicious had -thought he did when he p Do we hot all know good dairymen, I
onomy In tu W of all com-.' who understand how t6 imaket the beat Honey -Cake.
for persons I - 'La Carmagn6le' I" Ised to- save bet. 1, aid lb apt ods of Instruction unsurlDmamme e
cupis of two catalogue- -PRES AUSTIN,
He did not end his Rpeech, f'or * Marlette was un her feet. "Let us -He had no personal hatrW to ' Ins- Petition hol theli station -far In use of their ritilk-, barely making a Four eggei, five of L adVainee
-go at- once," she Said to Laverdae. calllew�uo motive for getting rid of ll oth . We take plea- living bemuse the poorer half of -their cups of hotipy, . onq. cup of buttpr, one
mille interrupted him
Point out to me Lucille." she Kali]. "Take me away, I Implore you I" - him --except that the wretch. so loing, sure in calli!ng thd'- attention of our herd 11; ContinuaNy eating up� cup of sweet milk,1two teaspoonfuls of
HPR no edIVA for restoring aelattly gr6wth,w
want to see her." She had urned. towards him. for as he lived, would make her own life. readers to *Ir ifiOlts. fits from the betfer ? It would be Jar dream. of tar -tar, one -teaspoonful ROF. CHAMBERLAI E beautiftil-hair on bald heads. CAires dandruff,
Specialist. 87 King strest ont,
better It such man were - to � give of
a at thWteg4n pol ely lb Claude had, not observied her sudden miserable. . Manette put her hands soda, one pou4d of -rdisins, one pound ;,*, prevents the bAir falling jout, makesItsoftana
Toronto. Home' SepL Ist to 12th. sil&K. keeps the hair from taini th 6
eyes over the audience. while emotion. Laverdac b"tened to do AS over her eyd* and -shuddered. Dl�ner. Dili niacy. awa the poorer. hall of. his herd. It of ctizirants, half a pound of citron, 1199M goo as
. �o ar IYU21iln
I ning over Manette, she -requested. He opsned the door of 11 An The poorest
-of danger and her shi Lms to Pharauth'is dresi. or each For sale by all wholesale and r6i -dru=
r Me# Lorders promptly
ea Her sense ov again. one teaspoonfili clovbs, the lud and scalp -andfprevents
What, do I care for Lu- the box and offered her his ArnL She were all this -week far' worse -than He -I -asked. x1ey' t -b dine _type ol a edw eats rav- and nutmeg. Bake! In slow io*cli NIMMO &
their with us th.. evenhig�. enously -without yielding lther milk ur MARRISON BUSINESS -attended tc� free -;j
but one woman in the took It. He felt her tremble. Sh - p teinber Ladies' o nal. exprest-charge. an receipt Of 500 and41714C
olre 0 e actual eel. It she heard any noises She._][ �m.
dre-blia Swiftly to tile lbbY.; the in the street she started.and f I Ish wbuldn't Invite -or beef In_return, and.,though prac- AND bottle arsix,large ottles for I&
elt ure t at
-ably di., I Ize 'hat Is SIDI a dga"greeable-. tically eating up the be re- - Ask. your physician, your deuggist- SHOR HAND -COLLEGEI SpeeM Indumments to the trade -.Tw%
n Cezaron found tilpsy vc4ce wh:eh had uttered the first that the party from the see sho
they -were -g cessf ul. The baign- shout.for the "Carmagnple" still'ramg expected. -must, be comilng. T AS peram e mains -."as III favorod as at the begin- and your friends about Shiloli'a Cure Corner lOuge sind Colege streets, loranto monlab-freeanpplidation
1100 -i -well, ff I ddiA he to sure to ning." Blindness upon O successful teachi" remark he oulins was prob- In her ear& t no way 61 e9cape from the eta this point leads for Consumption. They,wilt ecom
. .4 0 and high results, Write fiow for full informs.
-and they nei've� have anythin to d6bt. and terift in inaling the better mend It.
I thoughr h e box In which Claude followed them with Emilie. rouges. ask me, tion about our courses of study. Terms. vtA, 'lWe432snuftetuV&, -
was Your friend. - lit to eat. cow, for the poorer will -bring nothing. fres. INIMMO HARRISON
1!udh e resumed the She7 was- asking breathlessly: Wften the, noise died away.- in the
"-So- It will , pay any man Who - has, a To Keep the Purniture Fresh. Princijills.
one" was. until Lavedae. "What Is It? Are.:wo not going to distance she fell back br "bles In
supper T' nnjlib iture
FAILIPRE. SSIBLE dozen gddd. cows to owri and use a- A_n excel , .0
'Eglantine e lent fur y JAY Masters it her chair. The hours.passed. A nei ! Ma, "Manette.". said Claude, "what alls hand seporator, and thus be. able"to
-a a be made -by thoioughly milin Dn
XtThis �vas said w4l, you ?" - - iways..- lone -she sat, in those s ab,, When Nervil pn cure -IS . g �q 60
dark rooms, wrestling with her wn appliedi it hot oil with -tivo
he front of It es and
cried. If how long pigs while, It -is yet warni. Someti.
turpentine. J
hand. -its Ll applaudin "Nothing - nothing," she Bhe. was -no longer conse us. standing, its encitkai-Ing and pain -sub. kpplyvigorouslY � *Ith a
Apt imself fears. feed the skim milk toll the Cal -part of raw linseed f LLF=CURE
the, play 9 90rhe: a "Can't you understand ho' disgust- impenslVe things are an econdimical, ne- piece 01 soft flaifie, after tbo f ul
Ilaude w
But at that rnouie.te- of her solitude. Then C I duln Owet-is snoll-that relief to al- Ui For
curtath began to rt, 9- p to the Stratfatd, Ontarlo. %at leading pw- clausAr'Aw
Ing I must find that riald. spectacle ? Comity; sad really essential
lit most Instantmeo Nervillne Is a V
Como home, ann Jils coming bro ture has -been, Carefully-Adsted.;i
Let us o home At omee Ill Ir highest sniecess.. Jbuiiial. a
Dun and a novice jvere 19 . her no relief. She had chosen1l to nerve -thin e e T� statement exr, B September Ladies! Home edlatb
on t, And In a whiloper4ilhe said to Laver- r4wers' groL!nB a `bbeap food Best business eclucaticin in Canada iit lowest andeLstl irp Ab h
be her comp �%n ypt erre
ago' -Ono wore a ry it is be Convinced. possible cost., Oldmiestablished school, superior
black robe of anion:' through all er presses till. g d for ed
most rigid niake. the the the dairy, but -they should not be n -jib velL future lite, andalready his -co Constipation, catises more ti -Hi half courses of study, flist-dass teachers, many
A little Other & whi d you hear 'that voice Do you relied exclusively. They promote women.j Aliftentalplaced in good situations after sr u- 01 11i -What t Zledleal 'PrO&SIbi 1613
l's- Clover Boot laugh Of' to wei her. He was no longer es n- -Wisdorn! or -the, Forefathers. -but,Vb; thlo'somewhat the Kar4
tbr0u;l Ft the ranks of t . derMOD r t tt wais ? That was Bus- or t �
-the flow of-inilk he Saris ang tial to- her happiness. Poor Of ea, to -a pleas C stipa, ation, radderate rates, toard heii�v, -Jarge -it-
ea. v. . I ' _pre for_- tinie. - d ;� --),Una - §6i j�
Sister faure as, -Cujott li who wfll deliver me -from Wallace -ft. Is. h6wil -to, -realize -the: to the detriment,of the.qu&JJ% -of Ab tendanoe - stdilents tam vilteiiist
beside h:err, Ra as e
eude Btft he SaV down tion.'' -1i 11
h an haus en -a-
an - - A Toronto
-oring, to per. MAM-111 be -had always done. -told her ah- t inercial dhool ac av of i -our J list piodUct. rot butter makiln thetef6re, BeautiM catalo e f0ap. Canada'A bosttafti
Th�-r* nk td- e 'it&'ai M 166
Anielfe to, brutEUity WWAWIII $V
signed her. There vv Cept tile lot e liancy burn]
aire lipt to be reookfiffiend6d
pethiLpIf inds to esti SUPP perli lit at had happened to -him dt I 0A lawyer push -there If oue 11811 A dairy, a
o y4i
end- to the choico. Sup-. -H7Gw Citizen'Gregoire .4 otlier way'td,':keep the.-le-ei and better -
"e too ii!uciii
on " Per Ord heresy I- For
X change. -Kocher- Tiht;
hs, 1 11-
"i'"a cains in 0 she. at the fi& In the Rue do Cyrenel perj� -sat
&I'm- smut. kr6* better
her t' FiqUOVS at nel ro 81116nUhruient rue EmIlls6 as -waig much -dissatisfied. ' There M UY ndred ;MUJ1 and Meat
dl atl F, ty,
italA pa
nee of otby%,�# mongy, Ila
-Wo 4vugioalm Z - 1 - _r Certainly. air 11
; otherwIfI6.1— Emp PMCG per head every year
-Ali, very well, in jlq r-
er ry merely know. Mayor W1190211 R0111th, Of Montreal, be ve tax. SG pence! in- cot Xevee that ToWnto-shouM gbrego�