Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-08-21, Page 4.E ipv • • j-. 1. The �.,, _ - MAR -BIRD -" :fcDJYALD—TAYLOR—At the manse, Lucknow-.(1111 Wednesday, Aug. 19th. by Bev. A. McKay, M. Neill McDonald, of Ashfield; to :Maggie, eldest daughter of Mr. -David Taylor, of 3rhfield. . Neill & Co. BARGAINS._, Bargains in 'Prints. Bargains in Shirtings• Bargains in Cottonades. Cheap f GOODS MUST OF, 8.4..114.1 O 'HE POPULAR cknow Sentinel, Bruce-Votintyl4F r day, HARDWARE STORE w- UgusT Slut • e Neill ar: .ILL - F [Ii T-\ t/EI1:4I4' \ ED t tl 1• t'1; 1 :111 T sale the. saw And1:i:. . • ••. r -"1t r press, situated on the •:1 r at t 1^t1 eon. of Ashtiekd, Ix n:i_, - fl I.. ._ r i Lucknow, - tku the machinery is -t-1„ ' .i :.- in fir. -t-1.1111--, conaition ,r-t 1a-- conaition and the ?. .filer ar.rt - 30 horst power, are a:ur -t = will be s Ill chem. aa•1 on - The mill is in a r 1 1,;(.3.4 i 't and has s; ways been liberally t t: -••r:_ d-, but proprietor has decided to 4•• :a r f l.. .::r it is his one,' ra:•,.s,.fl g. IF or further particulkr,- api'1y „n t:: prn-t:r- ises, or to F. BOWER, Belfast P. 0. CUSTOM TAILOR. Alia's Blas& Having opened:out business in the room over Mr. Wm. Connell's dry ,goods store, I am prepared to turn out in the- neatest manner and lat- est styles all sort of work pertaining to a first-class tailor shop. Satisfaction alway guaranteed. A call solicited. To er?ter my rooms please come by. way ,of, riain up -stair entrance pf Allin's block. G- SMJ P T 1896 -VOTERS' LIST --1896 IIitlit`IIP.tL1TY OF THE VILLAGE OF LCC1:%GW; f0r\T1f OF BRIC•E . NOTICE I3 HERGIVEN GIEN THAT I have transmitted or.delivereci- to the persons mentioned 14 -the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' List .Ict'• the copies required by said -section LI- be so transmitted pursuant t• or delivered- of the list, pursuant • the ksai•d Act of all persons aupearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said ni_:nicipality to be entitled, to. vote in the said municipality, at elections for members; to the: Leri time As- sembly, and the municipal elections, 4 4 the said_ list was first posted up in my .' fice., Lnknow, this 15th day. of Augct-,t, Will, and remains there for inspection.• - El_ -et -u -s are d•alled "upon to el:.mit..., the said; List and it• any °Mission or any other errors are found therein. t•, take immediate proceedings to have- the same err..rs corrected according to law. II. MIORP_ISON, . Dated at Lucknow (:l:.rk ..f the said. this 19th day ttf } m tnicipality, : .1 Lucknon, P. 0. August, 1') 1896-VOTERS'S LIST -1896 3fiunieipality of the Township of West . -- Wnwarsosh, County of Huron IcOTICE I5 I€EREBY GIVEN THAT I. have transmitted or delivered to the persou-s mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters? List Acte the espies required by said section to be -so transmitted e,r delivered -of the list, i,ursuant to the said Act of aft persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality he entitled to cote in the said municipality, at elections for members to the Legislative Assembly, and the muni:;ipa_ election., nd the said list was rirst pasted up in -my o1£ ce, St, Helens, P: 0. this 30th day of July, 1591: and remains there for inspection. Electors are eaI1Ltd upon to examine the sail: and if any ommission or any other errors are -found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the same errora.corrected according to law. W. S. MeeltOSTIE - Dated at St. Helens 1 - lerk- of the said. thin 30th day of). municipality. July 1896. St. Helens, P 1896 --VOTER'S LIST= -1896 111 NI(1P. aTS:.OF- THE TOWNSHIP 0- R1. OSS, Ce1:1T% OF BRICE Al MICE I na— GIVE\ TIIAT 1.11 I have transmitted or delivered' to. the persons•-mentionerd in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters' ,l.is.; Act- the copies required -by said section t•-. 1,; so transmitted or delivered of the list, par-•usnt t. the raid Act of all persons a}•peatic:;• by the la.t revised - Assesstn•-nt Roil of the =:.i,1 n,;inicii.ality to be entitled t.. v.•t•'tnthe >.i-tl:irtra.;t•ray, at elections for ne nil:,- o t1,_ :five As- sembly, and the tt.=ttac:,,::! , !i•c? i .n ; and the said snit w;: s stele, i'. (). flies.•=i, tl-:id lOta ,.,,L r.f August 1896, and repains CI= r:• for it •Electors are c:_ll: •1 ni•. ar . e ran'• t}.:• said List and if any +a,uui,i•. t '.1 ..nr o`, , errors are found thereint•> *:..:. .tr- proceedirkee t•ll: s th:-=:u,c,• err r• tr•eie.1 acc�t,rcltng to im, Dated at Lanc't-ole "erfd ..f the said this 10th day t•f Iri:utiril.:lli?v, August i s`.1& 1,an =i•!• . i'.- 0. PETER. ttl:d[4 ;e1Jf. ,a- 1.,_)„ l On account of his continued ill health, - ,TORN . PEART - has decided to offer forfthe monthscf. July and August, hip entire stock of ;,foots and shoes, at from IOc to-. 5 ) per pair_Iess than regular cash . prices. This is a rare chance to secure bar- gains... Came and see for yourself. 6 . JOHN - PEART. • ` ea • • Li The Popular Hardware, Lucknow. b des We desire to announce t decided to carry on our busi the -general public that we have ess, • • Bim•+ GINNING- 0 Since our first .inception into business we who came our way with -as much Wife as their press oastand out credit trade-in every sense of the term, in 11Ist years we would be satisfied to continue as w fey titi es connected therewith, but some changes hav linttf')' are using credit, it takes too much capital, cre Clic part: of many who axe accommodated to recipro cant- of be replaced without the money which cause and .credit is, an inducement on the part of some -to riminating between the almost trusty and the nearl expefl`_e in stationary, postage, book keepingand co ea. `e:, al part of the principal, - and losses, are two gre in vier - obseT vations we notice that a large majority o it to any importaiit- degree, which could easily be al uilsati factory, incurring from the out -start a forevei Theefore we - -h Ioi Andin conclusion thank: sincerely ur Many friend under the new Crilidttit)li5 atiaouneei , their future tr 'over tide old way., Our outstandlpg accounts krill ;losing of O r .Books 1.-896. have, with very few. exceptions, tried to accommodate:. all, ng needs required,and our means- would permit, doing an nd if times and other things had- remained as they .were were even with the universally acknowledged unpleasant 'f) re taken place di' ake a continuance impracticable. Too it terms are too .long; ing an apparent indifference on ate when they do possess the means. - Stock sold on time , he dealer a great amount of - anxiety to 'snake ends meet . `1-3 td ive beyond their means, revealing the impossibility .of - dis- tri not to be trusted. It takes too much time, labor - and lecting that itexhaustsall the profits and in - very mateyrAti • H t in defiance of the Most desperate effort to avoid it; - and oe'� the thriving d o- not use their credit while a few do not use ogether abandoned, as it is unpleasant, unprofitable and unsettled state of tan's affairs.. aw e deckled a- -e this _big change, e This is the PEOPLE'S STORE. It CASH STORE. We do mot pretend to sell everythi cheaper than stores that, do a 'credit business, _but our prices on the average will be found mu& lower. Belo Nve quote a few this week.:— for their very liberalpatronage in tbo .past and solicite - de which we aro deter u rued will - bbe -mutually beneficial be mailed. or ready for the sante, shortly after the on Septem1er 15th, 1896, - And if there are any who do not wish to receive them in this way they can obtain them ty calling at the store, but _ let it be thoroughly understood that in no case do we -purpose to extend time either on new purchases or on already col;tracted .accounts: D 0 ;TAYLQR„ 4 • _ •ai: tat: •n �•,,., : "t * r t> tr.o t`.,1� s Cr e,. CVit<' ;t'ii 0i, 17:11-,i:11 LS^_ ln,f.an ,Salt... It cert• - F... . .BVI ikn, •sir, sk:, " i-; • Rui-do:::-1, c._ .ily tie. 1. pain in k":1 �.' - back o= 'liar: -, t. ah1•'t1 with dizziness, rue -11 •f blood to the 1 :hca,_i, faint feelin2, nausea, try • _Indian V'oinaii's 7 Balm. It's nature's rcr cdy for women. F SALE BY - RY D kS, Druggist. tONOLUSIVE - PROOF. From a Well known Citizen. "My danghterPolly, has for More than a year been troubled with severe symptoms of kidney disease. She had conataet an& unto pains in , her back. The pain in her head was fearful - and almost unendurable. It frequently pre7* ented her from attending school, and she found etuly home practically impossible. She had no appetite. and did: not sleep•weli. The pain was very severe exeund ber heart and sha was much troubled withfluttering and palpitation. She was completely' worn out in body and was tired and drowsy all the time. Her mother and myself became seriously alarmed as she was con,stantiy getting worse. "Last Jitly my daughter Sarah, a teacher,in the Publie Sehool at Kingsville. Ont„ came home to spendher vacation, and finding her. sister in such distxessing and dangercins condition; said, I am taking Doan's Kidney . _ Pills and they are doing me much good, I have a box with naaand will divide vzith Polly, which etc did. By the time Polly had finilthed the so marked, that I procured more from ?dr. - Her full - restoration to health and spirits was - -rapid and continuous. She bas now none of herformer dangerous, painful and distressing kidney troubles. She eats and sleeps well; and for more than a month has enjoyed the most vigorous health. She has not lost a. day at sehool singe she commenced taking the pills, and has so much faith in them since they restored her to full health that she wants me to keep six boxes in the house all the time, in ease they should be needed and -not available. _Her cure has been so wonderful she thinks they will cure any complaint If the pilla had coat S10,00 a box, -I would not have begrudged the money. The restoration of my daughter to full health and strong girlhood.• from her former serious sickneas, • ate., has made her mother, myself and daughter -a • happy family. - -" I make this sworn etatement with the full aPprobation of my wife and daughter, volun- tarily and without any urging or inducement Whatever, to show the gratitude my daughter, wife and myself feel for the vvonderful cure wrought by the'Dosn. Kidney Pills. We have not the least 'doubt that her trying the pins lust at the time • ahe did -saved us -large doctor's bnl, as she was all but sick' abed at the- time. . I am sixty-two years of age,. a car- penter br trade, have been a resident of St. Marrs for forty ye -ars, and county constable ter thirty years and -am well known, and I mithe this solemn declaration believing the Barna to be true. and knowing the same to have the same effeet as an oath. and according to -the Act respecting -extra Judital,Oaths 1S934 : Sgd. WILLIAM BROWN. Taken apd declared before me at the Tovin of St. Mary's, in the County of Perth, this 5th .1e, Commission -or in High Court of JustiCe,- FOR SALE BY BZIZILT & CO Druggists The owner of a watch or clock Then it is to your interest. when get ting it repaired to place it in the hands of the inost skilled svork man yon -can find. This yoewill de by The goods sold by him here and in Wingham from 1871 to 1879 t..,e giv- ing the best of satisfaction still. Re- established in 'Luck now 1894. Please remember the place, in the ol ,stand next to Mr. Lawrence's . and the ex- press and telegraph office. His s ock consists of Cola and Silver.i Silverware, Ma ding 4.17 Engage Brooches, Ea etches, Cloths, lona Rillgf4. Wed. Oat Rings, Charms, -rings, Bracelet, Fi olins, Strings and KNOX, WATCHMAK Wanted—An Idea .721143Int thing to pa Protect your Was; they may bring_you w Write JOHN WEDDERBURN a CO., Patent neys, Washington, D. C.. for their 81,800 prise and list of two hundred inventions wanted. • 'WHY SDPFElt WITH PILES" Dr. Chase's Ointment Will Ctiie Them at scald head, salt theann and all- other annoying and painful skin discuses •can be ca.sily eured by -Dr. Chase's Ointment. I had: protruding piles -for ten years," ',writes II...IL Sutherland, tom- mem:lat. trnveller, of Truro, NS.; "tried many remedies, and had doctors oper- ate.. It Was no use. Was. completely laid up at times. Chase's .0intment was recommended to me by gr. Brendan, of the Summerside, P.E.L, Journal. tried it, and -one box completely cured Mr. Statia, the -editor - of the Streets. vflie, 0144, Review, gives this unsolicited testimonial under .date ol Nov. 0, I805': "1 fun 4oz br.Chaeo's ()lament cured df: egf)ter of eczema-. 'That was mix noinitsi ago, and there has Once been - 110 ref/KS-artifice of the ilissase." ' T.. Wallace, bhiclonnith, of Iroquois, waS troubled 'with- blind itching piles for • 20 Years; " I tried - every remedy that Sarno out in. vaini' anfmernetd. • was a, godsend. box Ali dealers and Edmansen, lates & ed., mantifacttirers, Toronto. Pitee 60C. Linseed: and turpentine -are. every me, aces household- remedy for coughs, colds, throat and- lung affections Dr. Chase haii disguised tho tafIttigitirrtt the remedy pleasant Wigs , bottle only 2004 R. put ter THAT VALUABLE PROPERTY • mite in the Village of Dicknow an ing 3 acres near the station and 13 acr the weat side of Lncknow, now occupie Peter Watson, and that part of block G the czner of Campbell and Stauffer str Fur particulars apply to , 1071.13 M. CAMPB IT - be on by on LL AT PUT NEW LIFE IN ME. " ALL I DID WAS JUST TO MOPE4RoUls. 14 SCOTT'S SARSAPARILLA CUBED liff The chilly Weather of late faH nd early winter.- finds them unprepared to stand the change and' hence they f- fer., ,ThiS fact is plainly -proved by e - following opinions of some, who Bp k from practical experience : 40 • " I felt like a man that could coin it suicide, I caught a cold while cti p- ing, on damp ground, had twinges Of awful muscular pains, couldn't eat a d coUldn't sleep. 'All I did .was to m..0 around and make all in the house as put new life in me,. braced 'me p thoroughly, and since itt use pain i a stranger to. me." Alex Grant, Toron o.-• _J. T. McGraw, a -mining prospect r, writing from Minden: Express me th e Saturday. Have been a martyr to rheumatismend -indigestion brought n by exposure. Scott's Sarsaparilla is rapidly curing the." - - e.othing has, ever equalled- Scot Sarsaparilla fori building up the Orate puttin,,,,c, the blood in healthful emu tion and invigorating the body. Tho sands testifylo, its splendid effects n extreme weakness and all debilitating diseases. On this account no imitation of Scott's should be accepted. Of your tiloc4a815d,ru. ggists at $1- per bottle, 6 bet. - fl IS Wanted—An Idea 5'h:4111411 - thing to patent/ Protect your Ideas; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN. WEDDERBURN & CO., Patent Attor- neys, Wathington. D. C., for their $1,I00 prise offer and list of two hundred Inventions weaWd. Systam Renovators, -And other tested remedies 4iPECIFIV AN ANTIDOTE I flour , Weak and Impoveritilledu for Memo , Bronchitis, ConetiMptia,: Goll fleartilltivor Complaint—Neuralgia. Loss of amts. St. Vitiiff Dance, Female Trregniaritia and General Debility. • 4, 51 per half obit and $2 per pint bettle 'For, Sale by A B Copgrani -pa-Harry • • 1-3 ordon's Drug Store Having,' purchased the drug business_carried on lately by Mr. A. Congram, and having added largely to stock, will be able to supply the necessitiss of any house- hold in the ipedicine line. o not fail to call And ask far anything you require as you will find it right 4.nd reasonable. Pre.sc#ptions Promptly and Carefully Propounded. Medicine Hall eopie must avo,„Grocerie.8- The great, question_ is where to get them. We kitep the best qualities to be had. We don't pretend to sell them below -cost, but we do sell them at a veil close margin, • Black, Green and Japan are unequalled in quality and prices. You will save. from 5 to 10 cents per pound if you buy from us instead of tea peddlers. Conti& quality and prices._ We' have h fine assortment cf dinner setts, tea; berry and toilet setts very cheap, Call, examine them and get prices. • All kinds Of flour and feed kept constantly on hand. Goods - delivered to any tiert -of the town. e lure and Mallough Pure Indigo Shirtitge, regular 12i and 14c, our price Plus fancy check guighams, regular 8c and llc our pri Table linens. regular 20c, our price 16c, and an ex regular 40c. our price 30c Rued value at 51.110, our price 83c A big range of hue prints, _new patterns, latest shades our pnce 10c A special line of black tea, regular 30c to 35c, our p for a samffie. pound of this tea. °Finest Pearl Tapioca, regular 7c, our prict 5c per po other lines equally low. 'and 1.10 5c and -6c Wide line. Lae steels, egular 120 220 Ask d and many E ON, MUR DAISY qtilWrtiat PAILS LVAINER 7.47 We have now in dock MILK u CREAMERY PRESSED AND PIECED PA SCREEN DOORS AN!? • 'SCREEN WIRE ANY, OTH DPW PURE PREPARED PAINTS WI -HTE LEAO, OILS AND T -DRY PAWN ALABASTINE, THE ONLY PERMAN W FINISH. THOS. LAWRENC This weathek The men want &min Coats and Straw ilat4. encourage thein to keep &) we have reduced the. pric in these pods. • REMOVED BUTCHER SH Webst6r 13ros., 'nave removed 1 DOOR EAST OF CIRVIN'S BARBER SHO Fi where you \will always find them with the choicest all kinds of meat in stock: Aqi cattle are so cheap, we inteul to give our cust,omers the' benefit; Good Boils.for14_cents and up. !thanking 'our many cus,tomeys for, their -past patron and hoping for a continnauce -of the same, me remain, You- RRIGANS Is thd_piace to -make youriselectionEt in CROCKERY, Gi.,,,:ASIVIARGROCERIES'& PROVISIONS 1 have in stock the -following : tied Apple • - Firs Fish, anned Gelotine gcingers idotis Honey Erik Indigo Little Juice Lemons) - IJainps Lard Matches - Mince Met Meal ilacaroni trageesia • Ys „Pit Apples Mucking Black Lead Blue Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beans Brooms Baskets Brushes Biscuit .Coffee . Vanned Gordo enema Corn, -canned ' Coin meld Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarterl Cocoanut Dates - F101111 al*.4 a • • Nutmeg ( Oranges Oat Meal Pails - Peels Pipes Pickie Pearline Pepper , Raisins Rice Rice Flour Salt ' Senna Seeds . Symms Softie Spices Stzawberziesirsinni Tapioca Tobaccoes . Vermicell Washboards .- WcodenWars Yeast Cake& Diniterflefir es. Sits, Water Setts • TolletBe Lucknow. as The ButCher 41 -Ids them all for Pstigly _ Grocetar CANNED GOODS Fru* of Allininds in Sfiation FINE TEAS — The Leogest Stock • th,Chowest Goods, gaily thallium], -N gLuars NEW LIVERY. olfRNELE taker and Coniectioner• LEAR FISMOUNHoitsz rice e- Act dell o Itartol to nfOcti;oneiy, Etc, reau Oly mPa es • •