Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-08-21, Page 3R M ��I UT -371
ffl--77T -77-
-`E -1 , - - . I
of In Aged V -.a lfedicall,' -MU- d- Sp V,
The 11reaM- 6f tle' NOWS wan locused ofliDing How Dr. Many, � H Lryard Was all
-1tMent, Wa �illed
been very -naughty. had -been
Her Itvalid. Firtner. He had- 'Twenty4pur fe
-Seven Days., ; - - 1 11 00'.
rebellious t
And there could her i3o doubV' at all
what papa mbant� to do
-G - BY RI Katie 3�
As I rom. -its nail he 1,; twol ARD NOW SEES I
wo brown
little itr tied lips -shaA
Barnett, of Tor tidy ap,
onto. has got
Then closed the door lest baby should 4nd there ca
�he110ulse Of COMmons restaurant for His Hand on'the dirl's, S oulder Said to bewakeifed from hei wip. Another Case of a Man
thes coming seistog- A I nd the Remains in a Fearful Condition Have Saved Her Lire—The StoI But mamma came and pleaded, as she Bo -Blind add , 13are feel
irank I Recovering EUs Sight hXtY-EM � 'TWO eyes DIUCK
hAd done before, rought R Te�,' LIMW girl , nd
First Night B
i promises of
ame--In an instant
eptem And bore him off *itl ror. 'Matte. Lee and W
London and was drowned. Broken D 1-
I -,epper, a, boy of 8.years, of When Found—A.Hard-Working Rail- F`UrY-� Had Frightened Her and He.
aget, went bathing in. the Tfiames;ut road Carpenter, Whose*Health Had
Had Sought to Reap., ure Her When
Own, Was Left to the Care the- Awful Flash C lecturings galote.
Martin 0110ro. who shot his adoin of His Wife- NSt Seen Since S "Yaw are a dreadful, 4reatiful boy. Go They were standit,
a quarrel in I.,, -He Lay Lifeless at H Feet. -A A short time ago I e f
zroy and w" knocRed ber -The Neighbors' Became Suw down at once And say: Beading like a-shp,
suddenly return to his h
'low', by anottler son, Welk in the piciousi Bangor, Me., despatc i: Dr- 'Wilmer Dear -papa. I will bd III good. Oil. do Flashed its allver. a.
forgive me, pray I' Of willow fringed ItA
110-sPital, at Ottawa. essey.. -a Flarvail'inedical stAlI an impulsa to rise. He tri
for A New York despatch says: Mrs. 4 /A� lk and found.that he could ge b
borers it Just think, you tore lils'preclous boo d
Aptill Half In thought a
cations farin- 1p, re dent was killed by 11 litning at his the same time he fo.
being *recelved by the t;.' p. It. authorl- Phebe Wilson. an old resident, of 1 8 - . and It 'hls- nice new pen. j
mother'a summer co age at Isles- Kpolled -on do restored. He had -not lift Katie Leeland Willie(.
ties at Winnipeg. I t is estimated that Flushing, L. 1., w. Yeste I will not try to shield 7OU Y
-w arreit�d r- boro yesterday after Willie his -for Years. but the thoug occ,�,r,4. They had cheeko like c"
such things ag4in" to him Ao speak, and bVIVOund Ill#
between -1)(R) aull 8,()00 men Will be day oil suspicion of having murdered right arm restedd on shoulder,of In b1ding mamma waited to bear t1W He was taller—hear a L,-
er Invalid husband" and hidden - his his fiance. 'file -'body vas peculiarly 11spinj yoieem- ce restored. he, with. arms ake wreaf H
4 His first attempt td w! was
%1*OrILI*S W. C.. T. Ii.. has ae cellar cesspool -for inany His meek and p wiling a; basket'too
"lack, Secretary of the marked by the fightil Ug bolt, and a and
��epfed, the remains In it bright red sear was leftL romot obedienee hard resting his hands updn Itack
luvitzition of th'- I)oluiujou W. U�, TI months. a over his art, rejoice. a chair a d pushing it
made her he As she loitered, halt 4n p,
approacl . An heart. I cannot say just lipir she 'felt, as n ai." g, but Chatterini to Willie C�rj)y.
U, to Lie pre -swift at its I The womaus Ariest followed soon ]Dr. Pr now uses crutches. ime Ila 14ur t
ast,eting. .9 essey, who wLo 22, left, th on lier listening -ear
after -the discovery of -the badly de- Public schools of, - -Ba igor. to stui4Y many word% and those vi ro taug
This plea for -pardon 'fell In tone. hinl- jup " Pretty Katie." Willie sv�itiil
pried.up, lie cur edicine in Baltimore., later -going to �t as a little -child InstruCt
.13tohe r
r tll0Ve%V -sutit'lleitt com ner Composed. bodyk which, headless and in course. not loud but birive and., clear ed. In the Through the browmuess of � his
gry continue nis "I am a good boy *).W,. thought I same Way he M 'taug4t - "Boys are strong aud girls are\
tedL --atmost flesliless. was found in - a not- Cambridge to
�llureh ut. London --and . . . . . ol th read again. Everythin Was ne*
I trac Meantime lie had becume betrothe was awful bad- to -day* And I'll carry, s(y.L,
Llivr to him. . He, however, mernberdId
-is Brown. whom I e met atlel ".- I -
eirtil" tile cOill*-which had been some pool under'lier kitclien * She Ce' to Mi. I is summer - the And. papa. I lorglv�, '.Von, s� may the arrI and fancems -of r--- mer Ad& KatI basket up the hill.
deppsited In it.
llied, guilt, 9toutly at -first, atter�ward ...boro, down tile bay. TI -n J
itubitisoll yodng woman' ' family dQeided- to go out - to play*?" quaintances. Ali old ajjqllaintarkix Ka#e, an;iwered, with a laugh,
who had llyis r gainst s "YOU shall carry only lidlf`ll
te lealls, but the ev.i ence ai
—uT`c�nlPlO3-txl On the 14. 7, IL wk -Covej at- who had not seen him for 1411Y Yeftl�
I come to. the liotLil at R3 ders. A BRAVE, BOY. - "store atKd�iraysv!116, And then. tossing back her'
tedinbter for the past sixte' her seemed so strong that no liesita- trdcted- there as.inuch )y the beduty met him. at the
ell YBar's, th6 back woodQ
tatkIng tier. of, the place as - by the fondness for it 'Once upon a time, tir and wits quickly recognizedib - "Boys are weak as well
' y Air. Me. as girl
101 fro[" Ills waguil at Lundou. and tibil Was manifested in of Canada, there was- a Woodman*s Clelland. The latter ref io Do you think illat Xatte guessed
'o Ills lieck. into custotly,, anti ait formalities were d couceived.,� er the p6r�
which their daughter fia h. �
-hut. Inegs ?,ai;
Mr. J. A. Utiddiek,' Do-Luion Dail" Dr. Fressey left a hard �riuter-of work Half the wisdom she expressed? Vat
Wvulv�-( - RIley and their t7i iod of his life prior to I
y Tile e, if crime it bo, Is tile and study in Cambrid e to come to Mr. and Afre. ��p one who has fleeu awayTI f f --
In auotl;��
lustrUeLor, Uill �llurtly -suner his E;oa- INIOS'll'itEv children lived - here, aild a happier Part of the country-Jor V --At-- Men ELre only
Most erritz a-114LI cold-blooded in tile Isdesboroaidl lie bro tit with him ny. years boys grown tall;
family You cf) d.
Liveliou 1with tile ottaw,m Uuvern- MgT- 1 zclli-, papel nuileld- a -Ant uld not fin and has just returued� 1*111 Heiirts dont change -muelf. after �Ll
t The February, 1889. On little speakA.,bf I I'lellt 2tilo asziunl char,re of the Dair histor of that district. Ills yaeltt Mallard, for cruise about that out. - 9
- Sebastian w nail' was a bright ld of ab -long Year$ from that fty.;
y Hague, 40d kgr; -Falconlo iia:ve. each day Father Ili � is Johnn places about the village wh -And when.
oLiie, School of Min- 1:dward "llson. - a hrd-working tile bay- with Mr. Bi WU and 'Ills as 06ft eft,;I
e at Siln.'Carlo, knowing nothing about years old. and baby lg�-,wfts 8 11101 was here before th I -a so alI Katie Lee and Willie Gre
wr rllroati carpenter, ft�-r over forty daughter. The Browns tayed at th' been and6unced as tile- successor to ey
111- and A 'culture at 1 ye i rs t?il, rendred helpless by acute hotel aad the Prawsseys ere in -a cot- tile election. The committee from old.. so." He'says there -Were t -tWO '-or Stbod -again beside the brook
Cardlual.,14atoill.- Last week it cable tile cilapter7jlouse, coming. Filther waQ usuaJIY'out
ory- r.lieumatissn' becaine de� tage on - the sho thither' BenIA
nglo-CallUt-liati- nearly all three houses in Gravill&'When �he
trade 1.9 still re fron north of the g like a shepherd's crook.
b6in -Rome, witich although le dity hewing -trees, and -III alWays a.c-- was there then.
Exports to cali. tl Sa,16LUCEury. hotel and the steamer pier. -name Of -the Cardinal President, illUrCOW-Cli -61M per cent. in Jill lie liumble friar at his desk (be 8 splen- to Do you wonder, Willie, said,
peadent upon the poor aunty of Ills T=rallld apiparentl'y authoritative, ro conipanled by Jup and Nfro,..W- Like Rip Van Winkle, seenI
e, 4wholli, lie had sit- ported to tile Yesterday afternoon. all the resi- und t
wif has not b& III as was While again a dash' of red
U unreservedly aec.!pte 11L
as compared with the eurre, did -dogs. have awakened from it
best of his ability. along Penobscot Bay were treat- a -hard student), and.olpapitre his well -fotffid drekbia
of ia,.A 3ear, Uild dutJoi-t frZ ed. announced that Most it was.:on. a Monday, and Mrs. He says 'that during h Crossed the brownuess f his cheqU
..4stian Martinelli was the bearittig him off to where the bretl nny in charg Ills WIFE REUEIVED HI'll cOLL)LY Od to an Unusually severe -electrical Rev. - ob tears and protestatins insisted' on Riley had left Joll e of was many times able to am strong and you --are we
per cent. 1. -stoku.- At"BroiI was lathe Presz. comin fl, L-ar what ak;
. -led I �is lluluc- 9 2,1108olie delegate to Amerl-a. ren - Were awaiting their newly to hang up s said, but had tht;, -. - 't Life is but. a slippery .6
'Viso 11auic IX�Zul urisdale, of lie WiLb.cart -taI to L sey-cuttage passing the fterabon. aud. Should _cit() baby. *title site wenfohat w- power - 0
lafter he had been 0130intineut come to pace, e'n - chief. s' the week7s %washing lit the garden whisper even it'reply. He,?,a. ffurI with shadaws cold and de�p.
ite111iiroaa on re was great commo- tere'st in' a piece of lanI ol d 46ww -tie, dear -
reason to bi�licvb that well approved- by ille distinction with ti I. -In the PrI cottage there Father 441-tintili will be tit d to. give till Ills posiiLiou on the Their choice liad "been Suddenly the
-Ul?llklttud by t le the rest of the family vere at ^the there is Oer
York & Ntprtlieru 1, hotel. warmly wel which OU ft the house, and- it terrific brk- a small pension, an %ay. e, now. You trust me, Ka
110,11so as Cit uexv Bisnup Ilwere four other persom.Dr. Pressey, colhOd ".bue prt-dularl e Young rather. GenI Ing from a little housf-dog that Wrd able n 'Usiness Walk beside me without fear.?
at, of Ills ph3sicaldisabitiLy. 611 fitted to, conduct his o 10 '
Tht, (;u'App*-Jle Ills mother, his brother Frank, and a by has fillet] his high and May. I - carry. -if I will,
uction,: accomplish, popition. 'He is a member -of the r- ll Your burdens up the hill wife reeuiveil litut coldly anti 'made n traififtig, ed reepomible been sleeping on the baby's cradle.' MCC1611and Is 54 a. r1V81 0 -and 16
tile, noulilla-, itecou - servant, Margie Bissell. rhey Were In- ment andIIability to, fill merly Worked a Ug tr,
to tile House vi� �atteiupt to. cuticeal tier annoYt e. And -8110 answered, with a Ian
;:t)ii al doors but had no reason to fear the tile Position' holy Qfflce, and select and Supreing It
ince at Mrs. Riley' heart seemed to stand 't. tb vi6g to provide foe him duria- tile she ropped"I ud gh,
Most RI ebastian Martlnell;# 09th tribunal at Rollie, which faira still, and ter clothes a RESTORED 70 T. '!No. but You may carry half.",
for further coubideration. Wev of his natural da3-s -How- sho-vVer, and went abou; preparinga 8 the rushed -into the house, tielzilng,;as she
light of the lofik-linei Of 'illustrious superiors Sovereign' POI itself as its pre- The v-
%vry Ia,l c"I haPpenet al'ou 0 x ran. an axe from a Vile iaf wood. t1lage of Graysvil Pi.,
.t1A ever. site took btfu in aud�-lli We I it lunclr. Dr. Pressey was niak- general of the A:ugustinian Order -feet, all(] �wlilch is called to renple in 10lose beside thd little biook,
to 1�o -niuderIstood by tier townls, ell Ing -a lertionatle -with tile wooden (rea r She came 1n6D tile house, and to"hey devEJoped a �tmftligp case, ewe 0-6
squeezer. Mrs. Pressey, - her- son. Ching -:back to tffe date of the decision oil - the Al,eightlest causes ck a medical standpoint-tha Bending like a alleplierds crook,
Intense horror, she saw a big bla of a hian
e were in the born Aug.,L(Ith, 1848. in Ile bear near the"cradle,' nd ohnny, r W l,shing with
Cay- -i *till 6>1 Air. ueor-ge Joluiscu, i tliat, sile'-wouid take care of lilAi as union Of -tile 0. S. A.- In 1354), *as and questions of Christendom. Who had lin ulion his back its silver bancls
aold, uild it. littld Frank, nd Margie Bisse
best- she coulir. the parish resides at St. Monica's, Rbine.- tWenty-four years, duri, gj&, Late and early at'the sands.
girl. a dau -Mr. Harri:son, Wk ing- e fron -part of the crouching in a. corner. quite-, �terror
-,titer of re din' room in. th of Santa Anna, Lucca, Tuscany, ; and, Ile sal Is a cottage where to -day
m 1 house. Dr. Press'ey and; Miss Brown IW Italy, June 21st, stricken. Shoo screame'l out:- blirid 411
lit -Ur. Jolln�sou's barn. helooks from part -of which time -he Ulto the littl two-tstory.fraine. , even Younger than he is.. J�e
1 were It tile livino roo ', adjoining ft ; Is 1894, for this country, and was the -into sPeOCILless, and someth UrI Ao Katie lives with Willie -Gre
%%a LL :oat'.ed "Ea. 'lift! little fellow I hou�e at No. t) L Pine street, that dav the yo&g . t Of fivili children of "Up the liLdde -y,.
lot k the gun'tt) sA?hre the I I' front of tile only Augustinian General, save one, the JoII quick; hear, -but can no walk at t W,
and'. opening out f the and Afaddillena (Pardini) Mart'nelli. 101ft Ill
Ili-- isappeard froin the face Of t (most Rev. Paul Micallef, who.visit- of the tdd of crutches, and-- yesial4t, In a porch site sits, and to-!
tsiu�t. Itcr tu the livad. kiling lit -r. -Xiii it -\Cver has lie been seen house by a WhAe door. His eldest brother'.. the late. Carolina And. up Johnny spTang, out
As the sli'uwer aplieurel to row In I ed -South- Ametica in 1859)- tht atru voice and'hearbig all � r swings
iS feA l(T tile famil3�. m . Tommaso karia Martine way. d. is a basket to, and fro�
'of hi. -i kind, ave only Ills %vife" Ili, and tlle� ever erb is- side' an - is Asa McCit 1:and. Vastly different from the one
Integisity, Miss'113roWn becaute timid. till ossed to, , tit of tll,� be in
c.iziia t -f be unInutilted - rd son br- the. farUI Father AurO- Atlantic. Then began a desp(T., ate. light late war b Th4t she swung in years agone;
Site stood by tile table � tud Dr. PreO 1'.'Us Martinelli, (now Director -General He 'came to visit. tile tween his mother a the bear. The :soldier in tile a
tile black Igh. h Pb This Is long and deep and wide,
say stood beside her with the lemon of tl0 PIOUS Uni ItOu'-qes Of 'Ills Ordery and �preslded at angry animal, which Mrs. Riley raw. ber of Compapy- c. E
Inspector + on).. d1so -became, At - tile chapter convend t Villa sylvahia Cavalry, wil",
tll�tt, WIllialls of lli� o\%. pquwzer in the right 11 d. As she gustillian friars. . I N 0 was bleeding from a' in the and re Aiid has -rockers 'by its side.
l.tjLIu,,t,u, Who uais iouad dead, on ttI Ioff. College on July 25th -of thit Year. right shoulder, where 'it had no don bered. by many of - Ills old A.
tracks� I., exp6-,jsed some terror at: such a bril- Sebastinh w bt mr d
ghtly t under,tand the epormity liant display u[ lightning lie, threw. his w eAt to 96me wiien he Dr. Motinefli is tile very prititne been shot "'as
Litar early lat inontli, came! of tile murder of which Ole is suspect- a.4 . fiftebn -tears (If age, and has of his manhoodo y same Irtuiter, rose on its In the early part of the- 08 he'- -TItENIAS GREAT HAND j3ROO.01�.
right-rin a� t her houlders to 1743,� dwelt -fo" nd P taken ill and became bedfa. He st
Lt) Ili, twatli by It,111 meatis. An iu-� P thirty-pne years in the i;' A Gay 'Dancer's Odd Mearib of Exciting
cit. it mut be bortie in mind that Alre. iORSesiges -a hind legs 'and tried tA) hug tier.
is iWid aL Arnprior- is altout had. charming pers6 Aley dashed lierlax tight and 'he use Of 4is body, and f ally ghiik
years,oi age, a.:aure her. Eternal t, MCst Of his time, has English With nalh-v- He speaks . Mrs. R
Mic..Zle. -U, wilOul ease and fluency- To left,- and each time nianaged to give into a li4lf-conscious st "durA g Attention.
'W- hile Dr. Pressey nd his betroth- b ell 8p n teachi He'was real. tile quick which he lost It
bee -Of tho man for nearly- e Tivaclous, -wounds. oth eyesigh - ud po*er
n the wife nJ_r of
s qI,-xl)q give oviLience:1 ed were thus conversing, the air was de stu ardor of his the brute some severe but,
-t.-; could be ledi-n- a Four fingers long since ceased to
-Itkyears, 1111(l. -0 fr Z ugust t the Irish untryllnen he Unites- the keen lit-, unfortunately, none of; them killed it. for a time, uld Akot
Ii a dreadful Ilarne, A to speak, and
suddenly filled: wit 'it 'Santa arld
before uw- jury. bia Lite heriff Of, ed. had borne a goo,l rel)uta- -were shak- jfl Post Hospice - sight an hear. Some time before be sufficient for the proper display
I - the -house and all it -bout it and (wile 0 dellc�,te hit illnes§ 3 -ii Of
Latiark uoult-ty it i5s said, 'Sympathy, Of tile w.-ide a lurch for
n the Govern. 8 jewels among those members of, the
en by the deafening cras�, everyinch ment -seized -that ]Ion d-chUrcliman. 'Although the- her, and the cradle- wat- upset and the mind became V,mpol-arity a ected, A-�nd profession who ha dia-
Lto lur. t,a it -ave L*t,rLIl jail. where.he theatrical:
The mystery tk-(q)uiis when it is !lot- se for public im. te r- in of the Father General of the' baby thrown -on' the grounct, almost Ile attempted . to, take 1 lif �1) ve
of air'seerned to be rammed with' provennentil at -Sitil mOnds to show, -and they promptly
I' tit be rtiiiovtxl . to. King- e(i. that no wound w." found upon. the Carlo on the Order 'had, previously. been only- five under the bearlp; feet. Ile, looked at shooting. The ball strue
904 When the f"ti shock Corso. For many years -he w him r pressed the thumb' Into Aervice,
blaze and noL
to sc�rve, a fivev, bofly,,i�ay, rather the sklbietI for as pro.
years, Dr. Alalrltlu,6111 wits ill ul-y 'a swooll for tile base of th6 fade Thumb
had cleared away jDr. Pressey layon moter of the causes of the All tile ell-ild Ind. then maIIR. brain, b
only enough flesh remained 'upon- the gry rings long eaged to be a
thelloort; while- ovpr him knecledthe. sain gusVillau 11895, re.,,elecied for a . term of 12 it. novelty, and it has remained 'ifor
possible , the ts and. Illessed Ones -an office of penetrate the skull. But tie i
face and . trun.k to mv ke Years AS tire Father General in o -Ila(] was; done, appArently, by-, t e W
CNITED'WrATES. In an. in-tant J hnu�.,Who seen
identification of t distracted girl to whom he had just trust and�kreat honor. Inasmuch as resiy� In Rollleo Ills appointment tlasst this from the If)ft,. -slid (town the lad- and he went about fur sev&dl Mo tat Titenla, a Young dancer, to whom
-0-41 Mo lie ?,-miuIs as those been offering, wss rances 'OF safety.- �t.11o prbiubter is champion d papal delegate to the United tates der, and, at ille risk of his own brave - I ill - . .
go'd was' of Edward W16on. The head was' tie- fame has hitherto been indifferent,.
trying with bare tanols to beat 'Out and SPOUS161--of the caudldatc' -afterward. -After lie bee
bhippot to front \ e w- York. tached from. tile bokly. but whether - --- 1 18 to devise a new means forhe ditI
the flames 'that b4rued . lis clothing. Ionization before 19 1 will necessitate his resigning Ills pre- little life, snatched. bby Meg from case baffled the skill of p ligileiall ;_
it had been cut a -way immediately the saared corgrega- sent poition, Of iheatrical affluejace.
The Brotherhoott of _ Dr, Pressey hat] died I istantly on tioil of riks. he floor and, rushed: ill) the ladder Much of -the time he o' lie dilon
stlops* -after death, -or eaten off'by the -ac� A. Porne I&'bed With his head and Titenla, is a really remarkilbletoe
York lla.i 0111C114,X1 Co�Ulwrativq -bf ic Rev. 8. again to the loft with his burden.
t4eiistriking of 'the bbIt The light At the- kenI . . 111 .4 11 s: . TI tire b6dy
tion of the water. not�excu the most hand, I chpter.of the il- dancer wild Is 'bow appearInI tit
for tile ;,trikrs.: u1n; had. struck. -tile right gustintan,,Order' on Se' Martinelli, who has been 'appointed Mrs. -Riley now fourid her strength under covers. 'Ile would 8 no 9,1'
skilful physiclau in 28th, second -&ct of "In Ga,,v New York"
Flushing could say. pt. - JSSt).-
iet ItaJan Governuv�ut 6 ask' which lay as a shelter o Ii the slioul- at tile Coiverlt Church 0 to succeed CArIdinal Satolli a" apos- was failing her, and- g -Ave one Ion- Of tee-ognition, and " fo was fie
No cause of death was revea ed f St. Monica; at the"Casino. - Her ferpsicho
1 , by der f Brown, and which also Ro Sebastian Ma ' tolic delegate to -the. U. -Will be agonized scream for 4jolp. Almost rs wit
for detaited inforugation of tile �re This met; rtinciii , tvas coseerated the c
tile autopssy. clutel ed" -imthe lemon sqtleezer. elected Prior General an Archbishop August once she was 'answer(A by the loud in. his reach, and-th endh divertisement affords her abundgw
cent I iaus in 'gli
lat instrument w" ushed. to --be rformed baying f hoililds closre, by. ur
snulting of three Itail Of tile Hermits 23rd. The ceremony will to sustain -life. 19
Louisiana. Of the'Order' of St Augustine, pe 1IISTOII:Y Ot' THE -NIYSTErY. cr ' phis last d inI a
ight- Vice ty-four ye, -t. Paull Tile history. (if tit mystery is in- splirn, ers. by the contact, The I by Cardinal . Itarnpolla. the papal At this moment Bruin, with a blo* -period of twen
Rev" -Pacirico'
Ar Nero, deceased I Secretary of. State. from one of his great paws. knocked,
ting, anti alt uck tile back of the young the first fewyears old acaftintage
lia-t appuititoi lrs. V. RuotI7 as a'' tere., ogether ouL of the ning s
ordinar man' head and ran do n his arm. ceased their jvisits,- and aW4st
t-peciai wellibI of the polieeL force y line of crituival ork. his right 81 the axe front'her haul arid wounded
.and with dropped out of their, re embr
Mrs: A few da3s it'go, tile 01101 ag letter Then it went into do' her painfully, but not ,�&-riously, br
He now relates the follo at
.%vith futt power to ar ,t. etc. salom's heart is -seen this deee`lI his harp claws. g43
Const' in. then .9
-1.00t is a sucivty wontan, wilo is, wa handeti to a k�lav: ; i;; his left, leaving, a brI lit fed tion. tor
Dear. you illease inve8- mark on his breast, and I assed out. of', Her st S
rength rio went entirely,
carrying (in a lzc�cu� HoLue, au'd the 10:,.Sent Apies-T AWOKE
ti. -ape the- mysterious' (lisappedrance thollbody near the heart, which- it INTER o find out pulAte and she sank t6 the f'i)or; blit before
appoint -i inteii�led to-iiid tier in i, N TIONAL LESsoy.,Tco. VI'
twent i. - .1 "t September of Edward, better -stilled forever. The flanI of the fluid A n. opinion and1prepare, to proilaint At)- the bear could seize lit," Another. in
tier work. �-lie is tit r two huge resurrection
0 first wonlaq AUG. 23, lWe. sl�lloin king when
in was black hounds, which 'el - knew t -Pe
ti-knowu- as 'Pony' 11son, of pine must have been t tense for it burned ille signal ic, o be little Canadian town of roke;, hot
In t. ever uthorized to wear: given. The trumpet
the.1hair and eyebrows On the body _was probably Xup� and Nero, rushea, in tit the door IrUu'-r-
street, Flushing. far from. Kingston. and
ts, pilceutad's star. used as a kind of telegraph iy the
lie was aii and unable to leave severely. X% and pulled the bear don. tected man is known
'EAT BRITAIN. his bed at that tiine, Wilson eon-: -doubt the pkaence of Dr. spies; trumpet ekeithig one in the is aff , ry-
Without trumpet' A moment later came in lace. H btion
Pr"ey's arm on'llis fian6b's shoulder Time -B., Co 1024, 1023. from*Place to pla:ee, so that . in' a and shot the bear. He liall heard 'his, single and sim M. ' ;was
frouto every inquiry- _pie. He
At- tile tLouse with wa�,, T -1
t i;'iffViting r n %th
f coutes, ild will not g. 'Hebron wife% and Johnny?s streams, and had Int t
tt Tjdt-rs in England for the construu, orr sight. The'ligfitninghad
ItI udress. If alive, where is he? Pelrs-ons-'-Absolem, short time.all israiel would bear th followed the doga, -Wbo had scented -days that was I h
ta l stories. ive saved her life. -The shattered - house Jerusahnnt e a cataract ove
Was a a ProclaTiation.-Clarke. Aboalom.reign- rn=bIe!y' he know
titin (if a floatin,- dock at Havana. vp wholly perforatRd. its. evei y part and David, Ahitho- eh -On. the sudden spreading Of this the bear, and as you �wT-, -had arrived as Won as he th . be
'�Ptizen. Were to_j)e proclamation some would at,,,
Tile London Daily ews.,sztys -that -Immediately upon the recolpt of this signs of its - terrific force conclude ju%t in time to s.Zv,4 Mq wife's life. -would never see I
t .day. it cotuartsion which h -as sat for sev be n everywhere. In the fitchim,-the "Comillent David was ead, others that he had' 4fter � tllis7--Read -never forg letter Cowntable z!)la -gan an in- see ary.---:1 - Job finy op that dity, and looked forward i�o �P�11 f4.p6rt - cooking utensils werie�pilel upk In. dia- xesigned* and thus they thft.t were little Igeg, life in the darkness, i his Avay
yeors will_ against' compul-;: %Itiou. chapteis Pr ' PC -I bur lesson. in the ;i�-ret would -draw in man' who is a* grown-up girl grOURN,
-in Lngland. He vi2sited Irs. Wilson and asked. punctu Y to -now, shows'the marks on her -arm about.
vaccination orderly heaps- and red through eyents-of tins chapfer and the al)pear for AbsalorrII who. it
.electijeity, while
It is fstattA that tit the- Cretan mat. for,inforinatiou of- her -husband. and t three foll th0Y where the bear scrat6betl her. juEt as Two years passed every joint of' Owing it; loilbwed closely had rightly 'understood passed, and still
the build the matter lier braI little broilier aved I lie sat li
t --r Lo with his re.atives in -the lier
rd - Salisb.ury Il. .4 withdraw after Absalom's return from banish -
be wrenched apart. would have abhorred the thotight of life. -Brooklyn Citizen. the -darkness. Then the �ws- pone-
froin tile Coacc-rt (if nfions, nd will east," tile woulan, hulding, the 'ment- Since lie had alain tile eldest it. -Com. COM.
es in the- liftelien were
tated to Pembroke that bre rlde�pelident action. TI i�i hasq door of tier Aiou�e in 6uch a manner Large kettl 4P son ill David, lie Was the.natural heir 11L. Two hundred men -II -Courtiers e4ch F. cases of blindness that COA be cutbd
bored through as if by, Is
Gernfian pr.�ss intplisely i that '-;1aVi1I00UId not Well enter Witil- tee' tPro- to his; father's throne. as Ubilaeb wits, as usually
Petite and from one side ofthehouse accolnipanied kings
irritable. wit fi,rcing his way. eit.liev:d.ead or iticapable, and on"- g-tr 1. Sonlie.of his friends per hini qu
-bolt too ambitious to vin tier -many further to the other passed'an e1wrtuous' told, yet he wits kings' sons on their Journeys. These So I w see a doctor. He let iber =df
with iealVait Ills future
whitill. measured by the It Ae it made, were PIrObAbly Of the principal men Of Whoawoke one mor;l)JJE�. ine - him, but had -no hope en w-fien
Cecil -tile
but ail Ili) "cutifti elicit 1101)(s,11 and SO plats -and 'mrriLS Out Jerusalem, whom he tnviti�d to, loin theT toldimthat out
to llitluirt� into mn have been several inches in
her as siatement that tis bolti rebellion. And was seven old. y a Vtry simple t
dinxoeter. The leqgo on- 'which,11 him In the feast on his saI
was I'll the et. shecuilldn , t Prepred him cha ce. The Seven ers ol I in tl o niornintr. operation was uecessaryRR that �-!he
ILOt 14'% le -riots and horses- Y
ho -en po-,4ponfq ililtil tife- next is Wen t�-) b(41,
n(Ainto the J.ameson. ral,l lias house stands was struck y the de- were kept -' Ignorant of AbsalomI Tho- When e. -ay Just %Vhere"antl title didn't know This .'assuming the- would soou,be'able to see. Nen �v u
parting lightning, which cut a piece state and.wicked plot.. This his- they examined him lie.wak,
return." o, lie inter- equi Of -a prince. -The charlot, as 'rhe, night before, sife aq but Rix oIV lieu le page as large� as a washbowl out of the design from :the inhabitants of Jeru- cially intereStE
tile neight-I rs, il,i'froin them tile Hebretv indic I Ot kn6w
The Manchester ship p�ojjle ates. was- of a mgm salem. So I've heart] it eatisfaefury so i- roe
are, inaking� rk--iwwed efforts to t ivert But -the strange part or, this st
the- building were affeftE)d by the David's counsellbr�-It the best available ISA.111. ax iifter a i'
hich deafened all that
Cana'Ailan tral.110 from lAverpol., r. inf - orination. shdck nio brews oilly intro. Is supposed by the Jews that Ahto- I was told b3 -Wle girl,
I W all f th"I for duced in that few weeks the lig -a r natty dd- opportunity for showing the audience
Mirstia" Stevens; n. hours. . - V
manat,er of -'the in't age, as an appeildage of phel was Incensed against. David for -,'ps such a reiiiarka4i thin -
'I y royalty. -J, F. & B. I'Ti'Vould make ny brain mitted. After a day spent �u what she calls her hand brooch. n
lie obtaine, I'd k The other Occupants 6f nificent stY-le. and' the horses. a nov- 12. AhItophel, ory. what It meant I imicli mon
The tt)4d him they. had at one
canal. oil the Liicauia to-morWw Abusb* Bathsheba, his - grandolaugh the semi-darknesi.,of a d r W ro6pi, tile back of the band, in the centra,,
2- Absaldln arose. earlY-He accus- whirl,
-Niontreal, Toronto and -t1110 -ter. He had been Daid' ty 1 -1. 1
to interview I licard ititians anti- groans -curiting SAVED BY ROENTGEN.RAVS. tomed hiulbelf to rise early. For this she tf' where he first.made out t' facelI is an enormous turquoise, surrourided:
counsellor; *80 highly valuZd was his those w . Ito had"been about
other houses. Large luml�er �hipments�- front Lite �% ii�ous' liolue. and that t1lat he Is hat )1(3- Die, about in teaI by diamonds, which is held'in place
Might make- a show of solicitud dancing' with are now r�aclilnglie canal from Can- i thu.,o sountL plainly were not utter-, A Jackstone Located and'Removed a for -advice that nien.regarded it as an th0 good Of the public, and of every lug him In tile darkness Id 40 indby. by a harness of gold clidin pas%!ng
Wiison. bedridden, From a Little Girl's I side. oracle of -God (chap; xvi. 23) and Ion - Site hd grown �carce yearia, t1 CP 0 filto the tile W-i-Ist
ley let him g.
rivate -He did not liesitate had. the - king profited by his wisdom 'twilight of -a beautiful J i around the middle finger
IArd Rosebery has-pre,elI 'to tile they said, had not been
A Philddelphia despatch says: For -to forego -tild Own eale and comfort She lind grown a. foo- in the nkrht. and the paln� of the hand. The effect.
t-dinburgit a petition for author- -,een since- the preceding geptember, and experience until the outrage upon � 2:1 - The old man looked abo him [thil of this nover -ornament is almost
estates in Mit would app-ar that he had king's cOurt tdre- from the tli(*e who saw him say t re neve , r' barbaric.
ity to di; -,entail IL 116til- awl there was nothing -to prove that tile second fime the phyisicians at the to gain 149 ambitious end. By this his family made him- re
Jan and Linlithgo,,�,vah ire. The lands so lie was sthl alli:e further tIlau that UllivefsitY Hospital were . yesterday tit to his- native city GRoh, was anything like the e
0 real gdod Or th& people upon his near H ession! d , In addition to her hand brooch TI-
tiou-tit to be disent-ailled include Dal- of Ills wife'd statement. Further- able, with 'the aid of the 'Roentgen Ile ebron. A- certain mother tile. proud his face. He looked and
art, and 'Would make a noole kirl-g, - Teachbigg..-Pride and ambition- lead Possessor of twins, wlitI 4�we ag much' and then burst I 10I agd14. -tepla, according to her veracious,-
meny, ew (;ardens, Nether MaIns,(A they inforlu,.,i I to save tho life of a little girl. jus nto tea He Was j' press agent. -'Iowns a controlling In-
Wil- rays,, tLeuclio:ld anti lAackhope, Muirfoot. Ali- :-on lia-I long iigo- refused to - admit Tliree-yehx-old Elsio-Wal ath, Of No- T t suitQ to their present, needs. to sin. Unlawful desires for Ibsition alike as two peas -soon gazing again. e'8 ,,that die terest In a
on any pre-' 1,306 Vienna Areet, on-SWrday last hose. in Vouble were likely to fear. lead to open rebellion. s aying silver mine In
crum. Braidwotyllees, Easterton of f any One to li ff lioiLsw One night he heard' series of gig- light was slowly fadin , tgAl tile dai- Nevad
that.justicii would not be showl�'them, ".the' neighbor- ness was coming on.- a a O O
urieliall, Oueens- text-anit that, they hinted, looked swallowed a jack --tone, anti In trying Tho bad all the ne-t6r collections of diamonds Of auy lady
and would eagerly ext ughte-Aboalorn. gles proceeding from
and Nethei, SCotston, r rile next to dislodge it Elsie's mother pushed and their sup- pomp and pleasure he could wish' but hood of the -twins' beii."
ver.y kitispic seen a. sunset. he profession." Notwlthst
heIr in scces.-ion is� the petitoner's Inspelytor Roff, went to the Wilson tit(- impediment furthep -down the � 0 - Ofib W 110 appeared' concerned 116 wauted authority too, yet he'was 'Whaf arc*.Tou at thre ?" In t andlyl
for- their interetits. Absalom relied- not b He put -his hands over hfiL and whicii she really can daucei-NP
-t son, Lord Dalmeny. t_A near -by physi- n
el4teh time about 9 o* lock ye.,tertly rdorn� little one's throat. _!onorable I trying to secure it. site said.
-11 Powers. * Though Had- he 011, nothing," replipd one into the darkness again.'. byes &k
greatly updri.his o1v cried out: "My 6a I I I am ing W York 'World.
'rho commentEi of the m(;rn,.n pres., 4 told f -s. lie wi4heq ciin' w. unatile to reliew tile �ehild, proved himself a good som. and
Apase olag an and "on his father Was indeed -forgiving, a -g -twins. "only �Ilou have given _e
a 1 going out!" -Ail tiiej stidLf d tol�- Feminine Funnyisms.
upon tile re was wD S ' --en to des a ood subject, lu the kingdom, and of the
to irs,�pecC. lii�r pr( Weduesd s" very
the- ifih Nil I te- feei,ling lier clikkens anti cats In tile tit(-- 'hospital. pilmd him in his heart.- Abs set himself to serve his father's Inter- me two baths and Allep none-"'
prisoners. Daly, (ialhtglv�r and I assure him. But presenti lie moon
Illuell.-l- In tit(-- Elsie had, become- IOUII cuuDifig Was not ol,svrved by the cots. and done faithfully - his daily Weren't you surprised wbenep':ro.
il.eaAl. are rather sarcastic. It tk; inti-: back yard- nd al)IIINLI-ell to be
U"aspecting. rose and he was Med with w No, hy should I be
mated that -V-r. is arinoyeai- by the tluablL, to take- any solid food, andshe "Seeing 11i'm insogrand duties he might have- expected L future WHY A DOG.TrRNS. qo
-an equipage, and also so. condescend _ I der and was c6nvince. He used posed .1 a. 0 - " Everybody else was.11
really responsible act. of. be- grew feverish and irr t. finally, - honor@ and -authority. His pride and. It 18 8, id th t'th -hialAt of turning go to -bed that night. t t ete
lug, completely concealing his.crue-Ity. ambition ruled In his nature.- He aP- round thre or four times before ly- until morning. He saw ge She -It is n7ot a love match. BotU
lated fftf-rty, anil tht this' -pardoning t heing qnal.16 to take even iquid nour- h
sun ri--
The way -.-of the gate -of the royal peared great and grand, yet h "was Ing down has surviveW in the domes- and the tears rolled d a- -wealthy, and their familids halve
tendency. if carried to a legitifilaie lie f,)111111 the encunibi:re ishment. Then it was decided to try pal -ice, whither those came e own t EL
eheelc'-. ro
11 by i the- Roentgen ray§, and the -jack -stone not.true at heI and Wao really up- tic! dog from his savag�o ancestry. It It -Will -be many I see.' A -
Vft he t&
weekla be%!�, arranged the marriage. He-.'
conclusin, way -leaA to the release of large qiiantittei -of reft-L-o-, which, bought thd deci.;ion of the king 'in lit lor 01aces of trust
Mxv. Florence MaybrIck. ost,of tile was locat d just b�low tile second rib,
for legal gw., 'For 6 -golden wedding fifty eark &hettd- of"
ho,weV4-r, did not account to hir for of, tile left side. Dr. Alfred C. Wood law - matters then served to break d-iwn tile grass covers frorg- the keen deli
papers seem-, to regard the action. as AL -SURVEY. and -make bed. far as thisladividual m A time.
Lange. OWhat city ary thou- an ncern0d f
a weak attempt on the -part of the the odu 'r that seelpett tO, come from: made several unsuccessful attempts to -Attialorn's scheme. He set his heart
tile Ile tracpl-this- to the' Legai i4atters are Usually attend the new world wits as nothiMig to the 'Clerk -Let's see, lady, what number
e Ity W- ed to Chalking the Unni,wried, eyes of Columbus as compe ned w, -h -SirIIt you are
ie 'M
cellar, and said lie must go. d tfiroai, 'And after consultation with ea, a thimie and a submissive people had The' -'old custom of chalking the the panorama of day and n�.glflit, as It mpertinent. Let me seo all the hoes -
Government to -palliate the' feelings. Own ri�movo tile - ston y of the verY e&rISr -during tit day in tl' OU being king of Isral. The vision of it do you wear ? Customer
of tile Irish, ruffled already by. the` St and. Absalom -rose early in or- I
g with the Land bill. 0 Shbtv hial zeal And get.oppor- Join a youths and maidens W: it) remain un%
"rds' medd! in stitirs Ors. Ulrarle;-- Frazier aid- Willini- -der 't I great -attractions Joj:'.:1iim. Abs�l unfolds itsbIf to the old mr.1 Ile Ls you', and never mind thenum.
J I D ly, undergoing. a seirionce of Mrs: prote �r cel- Selilpif, 4n op6rat'on,was lecided on. tunitles. real character was Jii existencq long married 'after Shrovet gradually leariling perepeei6l To libs ber.
far W.,LS -VIKLfl. lint Wiff, wit() 'Was Ether was admiltisterLd. tD th& chill 111j. is generally
ser�vitude for life. who wascon a 0 ThAttII and right In
3. Tit are good before it came ut to the eye of the -know7n'Jn the- south o Ireland. new eyes ever.*thing seemark-diose bt
looking for omething more than anti I i er stor ifich was o' en, Ia. A Ill e -4 1 1 . Mr. SnoosThe baby Will walk
p _Thus t6 *I,, f.4vo public in the form of rebellion a band-tbe moon no farther �V ke 0 W
r lie gave a tural distriets the time Ay tlihn 11 lin - hen he .0o
a.-; a
VIL, d namiter at the Warwick inere rubbish, persisted. of gauze'was attachear to I silk cord, gainat Irsh mmances. MriL
been notified that- livemtigation was the intert I'll walk Ilike you -'do hen
4,, *�,II in 186-1, has b tj"'e -an de his father's authority. His 'dislilAYin for weddings is Iiinited to ge h
ssl cl * f the arm of his chair. Kn VlOdg $nooks -He
-Roff 'groped his way down the CA"'llar ind this, In turn, to a kiig whalea slou et tie wl be released Portland ade. providing for himself horses iind char, val between Clitistmas'and Asti 'Wed. relative distances -comes on b ZI �-ou come botne -abput, 4
'IY 'd' by Mrs. bone whIl' - was passed u:) through and worthy and
from in LY case is a oclock In �h�
prison a f days. It is su stairway, C109C fOIIO%vc ch righteous, oil() ought to be iot.while his father rode upon a -mule nesday, tile 'first day of Lent. Shrove. perience. He has to learfris SUIZ-
PPOSed Wilson.- He fountl everythinir reeking tho ine-biou into the ilroat and indiciled-his -proud spirit. and re- tide ends %: gt�ad 0-- �uornlng.
trI and i.� all thy g with the ga"yeties of car. roundings.all over again
that the overnmi nt- declded:to- re- with filth.'and warned her sne - must mouth. 'Then. tit(-- string Was drawn rievarI re- - -It just Tor a
complaining because his � She -I hardly thinii
It -ase Daly because of the -bad' Oondi- institute. a tIlo ough vented winewhat of his true charae- nival, which, -in 'thi 0-1
ledon. There -is no - 8 0nintry, brings
tion -of his health. r reform at once. tip, art(] when tile gauze net came th kep fhan to expect his wife to share, his
It is likely" tha; Roff pulled clown tile Iiile of boards through the jack-sti) man. depAbd of- tile kill ter. He -was not, a true son. No man with it none- of e. v id ekeitement tlle easy cuTe'of his blinI
lie w in it. The g to hear could e s� re yeatsi, trou-bles. He -1 don't agree with YOU.
tie will make a. tour of the continent physicians were greLitly pie iqed at the thee-Abswom guards gainst acciiII have entered Upon !Such a often Witnessed on the Lent him In the darkness thre an would
Aliat.covered the pool, and do fast'as ised such plans to then colUes on, and tberi) is tem� mh A have bat low troubles
with- his bI Jamim as soon as he fie.,did so. Mrs. Wilson tried to repl . Ace. result of the -operation, and last night* Ing he kinj himself Of 'injus6ce-i but sche he As dlmost glad. , He sal were not for his wife.
Is given his fre&lom lie exciteg, in the minds of tl,6� carry it out, unless he -had lost all porary cessation oT aIA'fl-olies ever'before had such keen- f4hloymea
I but on t
PeOPIO true natural :affection. Finding fault don't
'Ile was to N3 released ca -used great distrust -of the king.'a. whole the first Sinday' of lient the light -
Tile news that them unobserved. reported 'tile ehilil oil the ro Frederick," said -Khe�
Finally he struck something tha as he Is having.
t recoveri. udicial ion Th 14 like thp, -Ah babbLvir -atnnd a4nna.91 Its �-hv
tra� , -and is mall!s the babk--�stand alone." "Why.. tQa-
r,-Joiejag in Cork and Lim( with his father's adininis hearted ha old age will
rick. where made him start. With the crook of practice bk..�aylng that there was no ve-a fresh opportunit for,
tian& crowtiti'gat1wred in the his at- 'BLESSED EVEN THE Gd LMBLE R. regular Judlelal process for a just ng, him to ridicule. while he fun. ebildhood and Youth of oth.likAnen, it Old enough to learn io walk�ll 41 01cl
tek he brought it to, the surface. enough to learn o widk I Whyl, she
sought to break- the attachment be- All the chillren Arm �hvms ves wl will be especially hard for tr, to Mi.-
Htreetsi. abd manY N);i-fims, W6,re lit Then he fell back, alinost overcome. cause. el th
basn't even learned to Ads a bicycle
to Vdf-brate the occsion. Never mind tha Vween his father and Ahe people, and pie" of chalk, or with sticks chalked'. At 60 he is just begibming-fli, 40, and
t; III only rubbish His Twent-y Dollar Investm Dnt. Proved 4 wbilld do him Jusitic�--Thua be thus crush his hopes, and ruin . long bdore he has bad o lea6 JW'
GENE an- Extremely Profitable One. professed - inar his at the end; this latter is a, device of
the rats It, - carried into the. cellar," e#raoI Y� generosity R
life work, werel-clear proofs,of his the� more -wary. to keep'them beyond life's maln lesgons he will ftone. Algernon tafter - aceeptauce)--�Shall
said -M intercktg, yet
It is-mljorti-d In rs. Wilson, iixiously. and interest In public
tile City, of A. M. Clel. alienation frOm.his father mentiqn the maii4r to your;vapa2
Mexico and, -of Dayton, 0., tells a appearing to - I thWreadh of -those passers-by whose
Roff dro;ro 1wr out of the cellar, and a gambler from- -that in till) ma itbr. We do not renii of. 111 -as cun tempers 4reeasily rufli(d. Sometimes, KENT -Mercy, no! Not tjo him. .,Al-
-British ma -Of-war has seized good story d lave no selfish destre
tile Island of Clarion, Which belongs turned her over- to a man. he had sta- city h 11 Allsaloin's methods. He Was SPURIOUS TAA CONI 9thel
w o as made a ning, an he was'ernel. To the People' in a cottage 'door--wayt a grIoug of 91 *,ernon-Ybur mamma, then? Fth6l-
large frtune wisdom, virtue or learning in 11 a
-to tit*> and that a, tioned outside. Tlicn he returned to- out. of a saloon and faro-- zoom. Last , tile he could be a critic of the govern- -urchin Rejected in Nework it may iffilrou"t $o. no I You must ask the cook Ifsh
COa,IiDg kit-Lti011 the _cesspool and dragged his, find out laws nor had 116 given any proofs of little a may be r.een Ind tri -
will bo established winter he was,'In Florida with -some Ills 1OV6 of,justice. -Into Canada 9 Would object to Onei more in -the 14m -
there. of the water� 16 was a headleso'body. yet he wished to ment; to the king he could be a do- ously coveI each foger. arid even
friends, and visIted, a church, where be L ill I
111t on keeping Cred the,whole frQnt'of the ]land, with a An item ap eL
missing, and dge dust such a udge thatevery vow. He
vout man, inte sa 1he ie� 11Y. -She III the only on _-to be con-,
A bOdY (if Chrfistian Tile h4t foot. too, was n f chalk: then tlidy
he York papers to the eff 614ated'
-pears In on!I
in re an ally cause would comb Fthat
at- a few po.,or II pbople, we - en- in Who 11iLd had unlimited co fidence. thick coating o
le 00
�kiera was littje esh on any of t 0, lea to him. lit himselft and it Was thitt dispool- wait patiently for avorable oppori, did youget that Insane.
tacked a , number -of-,mara4ding gaged in worship.. T-1 ked
sulmans, itt Katov bones. - Plainly It had beel in the tomary" grept- In - rge quafitity of spurious a froffi to
LL'bee--the CUB -tion which disqualified him for rul- tunity to int the marks on a China and Japan -had r'- tly beeh rt
athia. near Candia. and the *iator prayed �,t,,fery 5. Obels Wa that the sleeVea Lilbadies shi
stated'that the Mussuiralij -at tile PF
it I water for a long ti to th 'Lord Would' el 'Y
5 were . I PTr 00 way Ink as bOwIfig Ing ao a king. He first operated upon nicely rusll� black toat, or. betthr refused entrance into alsts are going W" do smalleI
nearl Tile arms w4e, holind Vgh y to thp ground.. � He* t unius
Y Jiftnihitated. A,body of troops-' he to repair the roof. Then a collection the-peopl III method wam well ar- st1l, on a lady's scalskiii,jacket.
Aissed hirit mbraced'him as-afriend Stateg-y thb 5overnmen: biliclaa-- fteWhy� I mw a fign Ina, store in -
was sent to attack the Christiafts. but sides with several'coil of three-quar- was started, Ahe pastor saying that rapt -ed to bring stioleess..He set fortb- In the country, all this goes On and that it had bedn %y thO dow d
a ter Of an inch rope. or br0thefi. apparently forgetful of owntown, Lagics' shirt waists
they were defeated. special blessings would be asked for llh� his pretended -zeal, by his early ris- when the'people are going to or from -wrier. some other
POI -and honor. o 4 to #educed."
Inspector Roff found the head after all -contributors.- One good brother inZ and meeting, the people In 'a church; but it Is carried on to a much being named lie its proba, �,gestin&
6. Absaid& III the hearts -B -friendly interested manner, a �t -L"Violet-Mr. Fiddleback has askede
e -in lowns. There, to -
A CLERGYMAN ARAES;TED. much trouble, and by. the light of'the put ini a dime. esuring
candle rdeognizpd It s iliat of Ed- it,* behlity-and -pretended. greater extent tion. According tp Mr. P. Lakiz iti, go to'the-the4tre 'with him to-*
es fellowship tile -that their ca;use was. just, and ward evenini;. the rel0orcements to of
"A'Aime from Brudder on De m
He Could Not Wait for His Mail and ward Wilson, whom lie bad known -for with Own and antlet for them, he - - the Salida Tea Com. )1Y, t&, Morrow --,night. Dala;�ThsVsitralI
Lord bress Briidder Jones.' 'L ' - lamented that there Was any cause the. chalking arm_v ar6* so strong that
many years. Tkere was little of the T turned thd people - from hij father same thing Occurred last whOb 'h
Broke Into His Call Box. hen. a quartc�r. He he asked,me, also. Violet -Yes; I
face, but the gry moustache and the was reced ved., to Illmselfi He. did not gain their for delay, while he assured. them - of few can go. many yards without sOme thousands- of boxes 6f' -p. g Sue;f; 401d Win I wouldn't go without, a
"Brudder Johnson a quatah. De What he would do for them ere it In 'Chalk marks. In- th6 tixeitement- of
r from China and Japan. W. W refused �4haperonm
Ycirk tic-spatch -.Lys: genera of the features made biees Brudder Johnson." his, power.. His pretended humility and the moment, the or.'Zinal. meaning Is entrance into the
I. outline Lord bea tat bIient services, Or by
aitPruoon I Cnited. Statc-s Mrshal him 1)(3sitive In his identif:eation. wise and --W none con�duct. A United tm, and
The collection reached t1 III ganI suggested. was. dis- forgoI or, perhaps,, Me Morgiana the. tea was then sent tti).. -ntreal- Be YoUrI
Around the'neck was -tl�d at' if- lie could - be Judge, i - :I1
Slid auca went 'to Chautau- - a alnile who liali'made a big win played in -his Warm embraces of af- in the " Forty ThFoves."' those who -Was adirLitted,. aftev�
cOil of the same rope whichbound-thiEt, UIDIr, tile night suits should not then be so. tedious,* lection.- where. - it
have -been Judiciously �jprked try to wards 86 It N tpe 'woman that has t1
(lua and arrested tile. Rev' lleuiy B. before, and, flaililing hii.roll pat a.V20 expensive, pa- consump 10
Waterman, a' Bptist minister of, body. It had eaten into t1iI flesh, and bit I In -the hat. rtially decided as When these pldns -were in progress, turn attention from Id bor t* idlffe�-- be herself -who ztra=
Was almost hidden by A-oating bf they were. -themselves by ent parts Of Canada. -T ivurioI courage so
Chicago. the charge agailist the (11-
'Aboaloult saw the � necessity of havini� clialking all lndiscrimI6LateIy. When- In on-- Originils are so much mote:,destrable
wretched gown four yeari er authoi� -the night Is fine theI flag -ways are olute
vine is that of- unlawfully ope ""Wha's do nlamA3� sah 2" it, it is. get He then wen
ning a - -Just ai she was, -in a roclaiming his.' than coles. no matter how accurate
slime. The almost breathless collector sad 7. After Iott;Y years -Rath ' -after - a entre for P -tea, Mi. Larkin says, IS
mail box in the Po6t-offlee at Chalf-' erailly admit- ity. This hite *Ith poirdered� thalk, ilind re. poisonous. - ", 6 people
and, enori 'Never nilind the uI I lim a gam- t 'A to sl�t the copy fna be.
at.fbkY Years is a linistake tical profession of piety. Having the mind one by theft apponrance of the- he had been telling Let eve woman dar to --be her- tauflua and re* nous slippers, We. Wilson, ;,or from 011161 ted th that
of Canada -for years back miDving mail matter- trembling arid woefully- frightened, in the text. The -time must - be the' approval of -the king, he 'selected his lli&t therefrom. Waterman is an instructor was hurried off to Justice Smith,s Gamblah" frolh Oho -$20.' shouted, years after - bsalom?s return - -to � guea continental custom ot.-throwing com- should dr k beautiftkffl�-!teas OIL develop, Iter own Indlvldnftllty�
n seeing some t in the Wom
ters in his call -box at the post -office, s. Jerusalem bnol" his beginning "eylon and - Intlia,, wi abe&
at. Chautauqua. 0 -let- office and delivered to Constable Ja he collector., . to fr6m. ilien -of position and in- fits during the earniv Aqt -blindly iopy some other
The' pastor rolled h4s. eyea up, and, to luenceI yet kept them ignorant of 0hom, It may be, her
-,day Stanton, whb`-'took,t Town Intely ree, from all a -husband hqp�
n he practice the base arts dultl4ition.
oil Tue* randng his. hands. said In. a of gaining his designs. He' left. the city- of JeI Hungry Anqestors.
Ight' be deterrulned to Hall turned her overto the jailer.. voice 'popularity. ioet me go, and coloring, and what: % alsAirory IIII 1�.bns to admire
have them before the delivery the ohoking w1th-emotIon:-- - ay my usalim' under the benediction of In an Italian gar -1
next morning. He took a knIW from v,&W-HeL.Und been. tardy. enough lh rlk0p� there wds a portanit, perfectly JAt her think for erself. act $or
44TWOUI ollallw--gani) t#e- old UL n tba- -4
peace, and vent -to Aebron, h
this poI and relieved the lastenlag Am Ele a Fire Engine. OI&h from :fulfilllug his Vow, but it seemed to capital -of � Daviffis private soldier - by thb: name L of _Ct ease of SaladE6 which Is V .-.1Vhe6t hbrijelf and express her oVm . on-- SO,
3fity do good Lord bress and David. _that tribe.- There tfie In- Iluo. One of the officoro took the' grbide of tea-' ade in -or
Contact W7 WhWhich held the glss over the section piOBPfth deboble gamblah MOO liad at last surrection. bwan. Meantime agents tai),dier.- Ide and aok6l him -,Individuality, toMbbled A read'lY portable fire pump, Ope'r. ftorn Ohio." dia, Canadians are ie -th drInU
of ten boxes in which his box was lo- prevailed, likind that right 'Was-- to were scattered throughout' the laud 0 his I -something.'eatied mda?.
Tlie gamler says lie.f has rospered be done. Ueal sacrifices nt e that.sameless
nattil, herepla.ced ever slnce�- were still. makinj; ready for the Your of tr1upiph "Are you, ig Aescellida
cated. Securing bw r' ated by An electric motor. -Iia -s been ut, of', the fa. It Within, four in hvit,fro
ibout wholn that It Is picked from nbr.-Is he niost ofinf��weap"
MOUS Count U90I thel
tile fastenings, and left the office devised by a Frendliman. It consla$gI custolihafty #nd thq , visit of the declared -other thing In I -tlie wh6nAbsaloin should be' the SeT,.' -the Postmaster' electric motor driving a two. Robert Whinan, yea -old lobby. As soon as king's Son. for suchr a pur Dante wrote avor of C& pose would king. There Is not one relieI feat- 0 ,W(3MaU!a �aUgh IS t0r'
learned of the occurrence he made cylinder pump by means ofo a -worm son of William Wayftian,- a' be celebrI by a. of No" :r6plied fhd soldier; 'Isall itay- fact that n tena are d oenittker, day ure to the ark. pidture pride, In, out of
-on which'the warrant wat. wheel, the'whole being of Vat, I' ,complaint., wts Heo ancestor$ were poor,� be sMpped af -ell told ,*tqr7
mounted ou - ertown., wills, dr the Iftliallenation, low CAM-
i-saued. Orr bis,A 9. Go In peace--Tbese "I 'refer- to.. Count ipj�ofto` who -was without Government
-6fid arleanged to b6 dr T;W � - ppearance"beforg the two wheels awn, St. -Lawrence River, werb avid's ning and. rifflgl hypocrisy. .. I V- , , - I Commissioner'this eveI Water- by a man.- It -is- intended for use' In andria Day on Bunt to Absalom. They. , ex- -h *Ith his sons in teas miiure e at
last words' l6tarved,,, to OLekt ar gL t 0 to Mdorl, ft -
wit ' s h
man said he would be able to defend -y tron --confiden til _:Lj� cities rovided with eln sailing In a skiff )4. pressed his. ce -In his J -r T-tm-( - #,If
.p rle mains.anil r ellin- as Wish A r�*Illit' it
.0 of;,
day or two. Tlie- 'a pos; -nd askbd for An adJotr �kift a co hf Mon, a owerful protective ger. well' �*ts the Inedi Iptigh o OlA
rn- also offers a 1) and his body now 11 1 Q for h110 hailpf- r '.L&W. ''So
n 20 da
Ver, -2k,61
ment Tor it, case was agent against fir&, InAarge stares or feqt of water. nwe. Hie did -,114A _M . 6i 9 t 1111I .-Mal accordingly adjourned until which elt link, to owlek `Val$
v-, wa , rellgloug 40v next h6tels, her have an, electric Herbert Wil thleftt -du Ail— Tuesday'. and the minister liermitied �,AI)W, obli �Welti& I
lighting MtL'M- of. their own, -or are made 1I -tall ead&sion
With to return to- Chautauqua 01�.hls own, provided current froni a central Of vt6derI �N.. k. ft
recog T'
nizance. _Aso