Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-08-21, Page 1LUOKNOW. Japita 'paid-up Aeserv3-Fund iotas- Assets ('resident.JOHNSetWIT. Vice-P-•%sident=A. et. RAMSAY. St,2boatoo $676 000 $8 947,866 T DIRECTORS: . xo PaoeTat, Wat. GIRaox M.,P,t 6E0. ROACH' A. T. WCOD, A. $. LEE (Toronto).' - Cashier—J .T tRt NB ULL. i4 VIl'i US BANS.--Hpurs 10 to. 3; Satin - d...,, s, 10 to 1. Deposita ofa$1 and upwards re,. red and iuterest a1lowe,d_.: .. SPEC _' AL DEPOSITS also received stout- , rent rates of interest. _ 9 BAITS on Great Britain and the United �# f States bought -and sol . • , JOHN 1). NIQ;El.OL,'Sun-Ao wr t•40 1 f /IF LEGALI hare. • I atALgo idON, BARRISTER Is Solicitor : Conveyancer. etc., (late o Cameron, Holt & Cameron, Goderi h). OS; np-stairs in Allin'a now l Iock. Q' MORRISON; BARRISTER; ■ ■ .so Solicitor, Ceinmissiouer, Notary etc. Money to loan, Office over -Mood'y's Barber Shop. . >`{ A.RRO-W & 'PROUpFOOT; I AiU IS - .J" .tern, Solicitors, etc., Goderich, Ont. .F, T. G,3RRow, Q.C. 'Wm. PROUDJOOT. 4 � - MEDICAL LPR. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery. ., ver J. Elliott's grocery store. Office- hours f-r='9to1L a. m, ; fkom2 10 5 p. m.Iand from rk MoD. GORDON, a3. -D:. C.M., 15 M.S., M.C.P.S.O;, Physician. Sur - :eon. and Accoucheur. Upstairs in Win. .11in's new block. Residence Ross street, behind Ci.maron, Murdoch & Co's:store.• .,y {AR. D.. GEDDES. V. S., CALLS �l dither by mail' or telegram promptly Lttonded to.. Charges moderate. Residence-, Outram street,' opposite '.Dr Elliott's and econd-dbor north of SE`rTI rEL office. • -1-11,R. A. J. GIBBONS, V, S. V, D., Hen Graduate of Ontario Veterinary C'olleie and Registered Member of the j. Ontario Veterinary Medical Sotiet -. Office and re-<idenee. one door -east., of R J Cameron's pump sHop, Campbell% street, Lucknow. Dentistry and Surgical ORerations4mecialties. Calls promptly attended to night or day. SOCIETIES '-1}O:Fs LUC KNOW LODGE IN=DEPENDENT Order of Foresters meets in the Oddfellows' Half on the fourth Tues day of each month; at 7:30' o'clock. Visiting -rethrencordially invited.. Ik. J. LINDSAY,.. ' W. tie LAWRENCE. Chief Ranier. . Recording -Secretary. UCKNOW REBEKAH `DEGREE 14 Lodge No 22, meets in the .Qddfeliows' Hall, on the second and fourth Thprsdays of ach month at 8 &clock, p. m, Visiting eters and brothers are cordially welcome. MRS. T. REID, MRS. A.B. CONGRAM, Noble Grand Secretary: /1 O. F., COURT ,_ ' �; li..! e - Sherwood. No. 59, Lucknow. Meets- , - +� every first: and third Monday. ,of every ,x-:_ month, in the Orange • Hall. Visiting breth- -:=ren are cordially in- -- n- ` v ited. z= ox.a Scorr, C. R. a`D. YULE, .Se1E. • • LOYAL ORANGE LODGE TO.4218, HOLDS ITS 1111 regular monthly meet- ings in.theiOrange Hall, Camp- bell street.Lucknow, on Tues - ,day evenings, on or before the full mlon. Degree night on the second Tuesday eseuing following full moon. All visiting brethren cordially invit- d to the meetings. • !` . A:rGUSMCKEI.ZIE, Wm. TAYLOR, Secretary. i W. M. lar C. T. U.- The regular monthly Y • meeting of the' Women's Christian Temperance Union will bo held every second Wednesday of each mouth in the Odd Fellows Mali, Lucknow, at 3 p m. MRs..G. W. BERRY, President: Mrs. IIORNELL.Secretary.- I...O:0. F. iTCKNO4V 1 Lodge No 112 meets every Friday evening at 8 o'clock in :their hall, Campbell street. All brethren cordially invited. 1- ' Ww; T-AYLOn, W. WILSON. Noble Grand. - Recorder. \\\ ,, . A O U W -A`(U, T l7CKN0W. `.�'�bj L Lodge of the -;- Ancient Order of _'``�— 'United Workmen; ���-�_ meets in the Odd amp], fellows' Hall, on the • .40,�, \- last and second t ` Monday evenings of ;�� beach month e. eight i 1 li •.o'clock, _ " Visiting brethren cordially invited 3 ALEX Roas, D.D.YULE, " Master Workman. Recorder. • R' EFTS EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT <<VJ. on or before the full moon, in the Masonic Hall, Havelock street, AS ,BRYAN. - ' LARRY DAYs, Worshipful Masted Secretary: GENERAL DERVIST Dr. Newton, L< D. S. D, D. 8 Honor . Graduate of 1Toronto School of Dentistry and Doctor of DENIAL S1TRGEEV - LI operatmns in D').ntistry performed with care ani' an endeavor to do all work satisfactory, FILLING-1,Vith Gold, Porcelain, Silver and copper amalgam. 1. T As( TEETH -.;Made with al view of reserving the natural appearance. and of thebest quality. - EXTRACTING -An application I mads to the gum for painless extracting. It has been tried• with success. - OFFICE -In Mr. ©;.Min's new block up-ataira. P, S.—Wilt; visit -Ripley, every - Thursday after noon, NOTICE. TFIE SUBSCRIBER IAS OPENED AN office -in the building east -- of -the - SWUM, Printing Office. - GREEMENTS. BONI*, -LEASES DEEDS, MORTGAGES NDi WILLS CAREFULLY 'PREPARED. 1'tlns,suecihcations and estimates for bail ngs, mills„ ridges, etc., furnished - on shor notice. JAE. SOMER'VILLE VQL.XX,III- 34_ I'MAAR, & 1Q1EB 0 ,ESTA,BALISLHED lass. We do a general] banking busn ss, issue drafts peyabl'e throughout C n- ada and the 'ignited States. We m4ke collections- on all points including, Western Stews, Manitoba and he - North -West Provinces, and. all colle t- ione whether not or account - 1 have prompt tten1ion, : Notes disco anted, and farmer's-- s le notes Solreite•. We have_ a�arge amount of funds to advance onortgage at from five er cent up: Th rate is graded acco d- ing to quality and size of loan requ - ed. t We loan sn4all amounts on second farm mortgages and on - chattel mort- gages. We have geterally o et hand for sale farm propert in K‘loss, Huron, As = field and Wawanost townships chef and on easy .terms.: - p Werepresent the leadingEnglish ar d Canadian Fire Insurance Companes and can effect insurance on all olaseegs of property in Stock or Mutual. Conncl- panies as desi ed. ' Our office hnurs are from 10 a.m. to 4 p. Ian, GEO = . SIpPALL, Manager EED3 LIBERTY TO UTTER AND TO ARGU OF CONSCIEiCE WE PRIZE ABOyE ALL Luck:Low, us, 21st , 1886 CITIZE MEETING. In response dent and Se Committee, a_ Council Chant ing last. The ation of Dug many subjects: perity of the v for disrcussion. vance the inte fully discussed ally passed to Trade, end an pointed to sec of signatures nearly all the leges in the Pr have been esta ines,s men, and genizatien pro found of desid now, There a an organizatio help the place. under the Act invested with and we know the other in properly pres world, than by tion of the bus The question o ers to locate at the meeting instructed to Dominion Col Montreal; and see if they cou bacate branch now. Anothe ject discussed, only of this vil in Toronto. through their I in a few old li amount of ittju ants, These p say, are patron those af the to er extent than and hundreds that should go home merchan cities. But public were r doing so, tbere to justify thei cases out of goods can be p ly at heme as with a good de ject at the me made anexcell marks were he PASS te the call of the Presi rotary of the Citizens' eetieg was held. in th er on Thursday eveni e wee a good represent] ess men present, and f interest to the pros - beget were btought up The question of forin- t organization tor e ad ests cif the place, 4was end a motion wai fin, organize a Board of re the requisite number or, the purpose. In towne and larger vil- yince, Boards of Trade,.I tlished among the bus - we think such an or- erly -worked, will be d adeantage :to Luck- e Meny ways in -which of this kind Could - A Board cif Trade, of Incorporation,1 is most unlimited powers, f no better way of hay- eges of the place and ucements it possesses, a good, -five organize- nessmen. of the village. inducing ruanufactur- was also brought up , and the Secretery was correspond with the Storage Company, of then leading firms, to d not he induced to stablishments in Luck- nd ogle that effeets to the merchants, not age, but of the whole These establishments, berall system of adver- es, are doing a great y to the merch- aces,Iwe are sorry to Zed by our citizens and nships, to a far great - f dol1ars of ready cash itito the tills.of the e, are sent away to the' ven jf the purchasing eiving an advantage by might be some 'excuse aqion, but in -nine n the some class of rchased just as cheap- ey chn in Toronto, and 1 lesa ,trouble to the dealing with this sub - mg, ;Mr. Fred Grundy t speech, and hie re- rtilse endorsed :by all Judge Ellio an officer h intoxicated m self, and that the per•son is j right th resist Whin Mr. Populist milli in Philadelp- of a rabbit "'a at full moon.' ance that "it body who has gruesome rel McKinley do times over h ever the wind expect -to pub ROBERT OU111141INCIHAMC INSURANCE _t FIRE AND lepkvike No. UM • NG rVENTS - of 1.4ondon, rules: that no fight to arrest an, jf arrest is attempted' tistifijd in using all be. te regain. ate for President, WitEi la the other day some ted him with the foot' Acoepting the amine as brought luck toevery, had iit," he put 'the n't get- a lucky horse, - is back 4nd spit three crossed thumbs vehene chan 'es he need never p at he White House tun]. LUCKNOW ONTARIO FlqDAY 'AUGUST 21st- 1896 'WHOLE .N04-,1-'71'70-:, Mel fi rst sample. Mon ay. It will g The yield will be fro Coreplaints of rein but in the main the only filled the grain A nip of frost is damage has been d at Winnipeg ade No: 1 ha -16 to 20 bitsh Is. th e 'have be at moisture n madeit pm p. lee; so far. eePorted, but ito • an d. RS Nominations took in the House of Co 61 rep and Seicibury Tuesday- last. Ho and Hon. Mr. Blair 'neat candidates, M Ir. candi the.General elections tion nominees. The on Tuesday next. place for vacanci nMns in Nor Mr. Pattere are the Goven . are the Oppo voting takes pla I The Toronto Worl -Would be a good mov the Provincial Gover 'pamphlet contaieing *nation about the m leitish Columbia; es 'etatement- coming source would have th the prospective boo proper aud Ontario Government the public the benefi .facts in its possession be Northwestern On :said to- be giving on the . part f meat to issue ; the latest info - ;1 ecially the chi -:" nese of the miner effect of keepin down to- it? le limits. , Tir should also giv 1 of the lates as 'to the mine? ario, which ar rothise ot gran • Ulnae and ,17 nutty BM Twenty Dollar 1 On complaint . of one of the Lucknow last weekined by Ma $01 and costs for and Costs otel-keepers wa istrate Lawrenc ening liquor o seed' lar Dawson's Golden Cha grown from seed was original grower,. Mr. on application. -E. St. Helens., eat wheat for sale Dawson. Pric OAUNT 43:.: Sons Civic Rol Friday last was o and nearly all our citi ness cares to the Niind in one or other of the offered. Some wentt tO the Light House, Pert Albert. clay r civic -holiday ) and took peri any attractioni lack -Horse-an Gone to Tennyson Bros., wh business in this place opened out business i Monday -last. The bo cellent barbers, you approachable charac SENTINEL joins with th here in wishing them ardine or sotne time Xineardine • men of un Jr Many friend 4--ery success. Baptist Ch -Those! who heard -speak on Tuesday e pleased :to hear him afternoon Aug.' 23r Beglidasarian. is exp non "The Charect Service commences at Died at Rol We extend our o Mr.. John Elliot, Pr ofthis section, on the John Lester, ,which Wednesday, on a visit Mr, Thomas Henry, of 10 years and 7 months ,were taken to Walkert lien the Armenia ,ening -will b when Mese ted to .preac of Christ.' .30. pood ncipal of th 1, and former] ath of his son at the home o kolyrood, age "The remain As Good as A farmer living in t of Cargill bropght aloa to Walkerton last wee 'get for theth that day bag. He said „rather 'for that he would ems Tside on the road so tha ;along could help then3s 1,way home at every mil iwas emptied and peopl ,weresurprisechto see pi by the way side: Word e neighborhoo of early apple was ten cents han sell the y them on the people esassinft or so a bag es Of ripe apple , They go to God We are glad to lear now band -has been e Great North Western Sept. 22ect to 24th. * an honor for our ban General will be there so our band will hay playing before him, a se dom fella to, the lob honest worth will be - and assUre them they mistake if they want bards 1 rich Falr that the Luc gaged for th air at Godeeic and we co he Governor the 23rdi and honor ,whic f a, band in it 'shows tb t ppeeciated an vels far. le a• Vet made no dila first class- -11 Leptur !There „was; a lar asCembled in the Pres on the evening of Tuesci to hear lecture The le ytairian chute the instructive ndentertaini g on "Bleeding rinPnia" by in his iscourse gave a, .of the religion, histo y, an athrof all w drawn w es and sufferings un et the sword his father s practised Kurds. ite ad' the chai lam on account of th ererid a letter fro hich evere several Wu r. McKay -occupp which position he filled very acceptab at d Revs. Messrs" Miin were also on the plettf ifs Weer leiter whic Owed with the- eloxolo • H 1 exitended .t the inedi valid benedi Nr. W. Doig, of Brantford, official organizer of the Canadian Ordes Foresters:, has Leen in Lucknow for the pas?, week working in the' interest I of thet society, and theo2gle his ener- getic efforts s large number of new multi -en have been added to Court Luelthow List The list of voters for_ the village Of Lucknow tor 1896 is now in the hands of Clerk Hugh Morrison, for dis- tribution. There are 336 voters on tile list, 203 in the north ward and 133 in the south, arid the number of persons entitled to serve as jurors is 66: There are only 12 who are entitled to vote at Legislative asseml-ly elections only, but the ladies . who ere entitled to vote for municipal can- clidates aggregate 60. Sudden Dear' - .. Mies Violet Mallough, daughter of the late Captain Joseph Mallougb, of Dungannon, died very suddenttee oil Thursday last. Miss Mallough was a most estimable young lady and greatly beloved by all who knew her, and her sudden demise was a sae' bereavement to herlamily 14.0 friends, - who have the earnest sympathy of the entire comuninity. Deceased was in her eighteenth year and her fatal iliness Was only a few hours duretion. The remains were interred in the Dungan- non cemetery on Saturday last, and. were followed tO their last resting place by e. large concourse of friends One evening a: week or so age, a considerable number of "the - young people of _the Ashiield Presbyterian Congregation assembled at a pic-nic, gotten:up ie honor of Miss Johnston, who lie)es in the family of the Rev Mr .Rose, and who is a sister ef Mrs Rose. The Joung people gathered at a well known spot beAide lake Huron's ihore, and speet a very enjoyable evening, the ethief pleaeurable features' beim zm the lake, and, of Course, that whiclf is the best part of a pic-nic, abundant refreSheaents The event passed off very Pleasantly. The lady in whose honer it was gotten up has made ineny friends during the Aline she haS been in this vicinity. The members of Old • ht Masoni'.e Lodge of this village marched in a body-. under Marshall Hugh\ Motratint to the English church on Sunday Morning last, when an excellent sermon, Wesgdelivered to them by Rev. Bro. Ft'enkIin, of Ripley. The Rev. gentlenian took for Isis text -the words found inthe first Chapter and 4th verse. of the Hoek of _Genesis, "Let there be light, and there was light." The dis7 coo rsavette an able and very appropriate one- .fer the occasion, and was inticb appreciated by all present. The -choir under the leadrship of Mrs. Armstrong, sang very nicely, arid on the brethren's retiring te Ehe lodge room a hearty vote ofahankii was tendered to the speaker, 7.0C.AL ITEMS —Will,Yele was in Palmerston on —Salt,for sale by the bariel at Siliot's -Taka all your good eeund apples to the eeaporator. - COral Shoebottom is visiting friends in •YtTinghatn. Corrigan is spending his holidays in Aslifielci. cider prees, Ross street.- • -Mr. ilusl Temple, of Kincardine, wheeled to town on Sunday. visiting friends in the village. visiting friends in Ashfield. - on a visit to friends M Guelph -Mr. P. A. Malcomson spent a few days in Goderich this week. - -The Dominion statutes for 1896 have been receieed et this office. . - Will Davison is'spending a couple of weeks in Kincardine and vicinity. -Mr. Andrew McKenzie, of Clin- ton, is Speisding his vacation in Kin- -Mr. Andrew McManus of WGg- ham, spent this week with 'friends in -Mr. td. Odium spent Sunday in Winghani. He went over en his -MisC Malcohn, of Galt, is the goest of ,Miss Aggie Geddes; of this - Mimi Jessie Gray, Of Wingham, is the gueet.'d Miss Jeanie Douglas, of -A Meeting of the Patrons. will be, - held Torbeto during the second week -A atimber of the- Juvenille Tem- perance Ledge aleOple spent Tuesday at Peryfi',-,lake. -Mr.s*alter Treleaven spent the past week: *ith friends,, in Walkerton ly rePaired at Findlater's blacksmith uphimie Graha--m, Of Car- roll Cityaslewa, is eisiting her aunt, ren are spending h fe* weekS, with I 1--Misit_Lalla Berry left on Friday - last on ee tisit to friends in Parkhill, -....TheAtioit pitchers of the village are ae praetice every night, behind J. -e-Mioi Ida Smith,7 of" Detroit, is visiting at the residence of Mr., Adam Thompson, of this Village.. - -ThC Society demonstratiOn ., ie. bigliisee4ii a:nct was, largely attend' 1 -The perty who lost black -cape calling O'the SENTINEL thee. cF on Dilonday last, can hay the Same by --Misses Grace and 91lie Itobe •t - son, of GC:derich, - are the guests of their nncle, Mr. Sam RObertson. -The-432nd Battalion Band has been engaged- to play at' the Toronto, Ieduetrial Fair on Sept. 9th. -James Findlater lila put in a cider mi'l in connectien with his o will p obablYsbe opene• d by Hon. machine 0 op. Takeyourapples there. VVilfred I4aurier, Premier of Canada. ao:he: of Lenclon, of London, are the uests of Mr. R. Hughes, of this vil- -Eli babart, who has been in the 'outlier's tatss ,for some 58 years is isiting h s nephew, Mr. Isaac Ensign, - Mr., ash. Collinr, of Brussels, rganize a lodge of the ciety, "The -The County Treasueer's sale of nd ter taxes takesplace in the County ouncil Cluunlaer, Walkerton. on Mies - ay, November 3rd. -Miss Lade Armstrong returned ounty, on Saturday, af er spending er holidays at home. . - Mr. Wesley Hendee on, of Kin - l ss, on Saturday perches d the fifty cre farm lbelonging eo his brother, the -Good Fsoutd apples vel nted at the vaporato-4 The jelly` mill - 'will he uniting next week. Bring in your -Five ton, five hundred and forty-, t wee pounds', of plums, were Alike d y the Canadian Express Company -All kinds of repairig dOne at s op: Bicycle and . Pen ants* boiler -The SENTINEL staff hanks Mr. lei. McPherson, of this village, for t e bag of , apples which -he bre-tight t em on SaAurday afternoon last, i -Master Wellington avison, of Goclench, returned -home on_ Friday, a ter spend ng a week with his consin, urley Da ison, Of this vi lage. i s name to "The Weekly s.Stin" and 14ely the atron organ, as changed eaThe 0 nada Farmers' Su:, until i now run r an independ,nt journal. -A larg number of e r citizens Is incardine on Wednesda last. The ddfellows Lodge Went u -in a body.' -Mx. Chatraed, of Riversdale, lather -in -184T from Mr. A. McKinnon, .,og this village, was thrown of a ng . en Tuesday last and had hia hip - joint -At the meeting of the Grand sserably of the Degree of ebekah at arnia last ,Iweek, Mrs. G. W. Berry as appointed Grand Cha ails •of the s---scIMIlbalsYterl Robert and 3 isses Min - ie and Maggie Thompeo drove . to oderich last week, and returned home o Tuesday,lafter visiting friends in -Mrs. Dealing, of Ca ick town- s ip, and Mtie. Johnston, f Toronto, .s ent a few days this wee in the vil- -Shiloh's Cure, -the gr atst Cough ocket size Contains twen -five only -5c-. `Children love it. So d by Berry Co„ druggists. ---,Some parties have be in their imagination keying oa from Mr. Alex. Leng rd, of Havel° k street, as 1 e was relea ed of some e ht sheaves en.eopneinglit jlaa:tuawreyek.15th, he Agricultural College, uelph, will -A dairY school in con ection with 1897, and emain in se0ion to the 2,6 h of March, period of three weeks. ... -Karl's Clever Root ill purify our blood, Clear your -co pletion reg - late youehewels and m e your head t Berry & Co's drug stor --The gaMe warden w ts to look fter some bad young lad 'n the west nd who : re robbing irds nests. heir prineipal stamping rounds are mong the 'shade trees 6 posite Mr. , -The SE 'MEL wants wide awake orrespondent at every por net now s no news appearing re larly from our section drop in and sep us or rite to us. We will urnish you -The prize lists for he Kinloss xhibition will be 'out ext week. he show ra io be held Thursday' nd Friday, October 1st. nd 2nd., in omerville's park, and th list is- one f.the best in the county. -Clerk6 of the Peace will supply opies of the new muffle se act• at ten eats each. . Hitherto su acts_ have een,published only in th volumes or, he statutes, at the price o $1 or $1.50, ne result being 'the gre t ignorance mong allidasses as to th laws which eased the Entrance exa nation r heleading schools of tlw ounty is as follows: -Walkerton 30„, rt Elgin 21, -esMre: V. S: Hawkins, attanoogas or a debilitated system eaer used.' or Dy epsia, Liver or -Kidney -rouble 1 excels. Pric 75e. Sold ho could not spare' a 'ate iiii Lie year learnhd* to stop aborse,_ ningeve'14Hcieg-egtt.-13"T'..ort.reteet -1;rts4e • flirt': 5.2 umwAR WHEAT Leading. variettestriroughout Ontario Within. the paet,- seven years, ;one winter wheat have been verye tested in the Ex,periraental D at the AgricnItural College, uelph. Besides' ascertaining the com aritive yeilde of grain and straw ef the - diff- erent varieties, the- wheats have 'been closely examined, each year fel. itheir quality of grain, ,,time of mattfieity, strength of Straav, freedom from Artist, etc.; in order to determine whelbikinds will give the most eatisfactor; aesultE, when grow nunder uniform conditions. Aftea the ;Various Varieties have been carefully teated at the Cellegel for a few years, those which haveigiven the system of co-operative experimental work enables the farmers t6 determine for themselves whieh of , the tearling varieties will give the best results upon there own particular farms. As a practical result from elataining in- formation in this way, hundreds- of farmers are growing, varieties in their regular. farm praetice, which were entirely unknown to• them a short time ago. For instance, the Dawson's Golden Chaff variety of -winter Wheat, which has ;recently giVen sueh high average yeilds of grain per acre, both at the College arid, throughout Ontario was scarcely -knolyn except ' in one neighborhood neer Guelph, until it was sown in our Experimental Grounds in .1891, and afterwards distributed for co-operative experimental work, This is now one of the Most popular varieties of winter wheats'in this Provinuce. In the fall of '14)5, nine leading varieties of winter wheat weae dis- tributed in this way. They were divided into fr-vosets with five varieties in each. The Dawson's Golaen Chaff was used in both seta- to form a basis by -which the resultS of all the varieties could be comparedwith one anether. Each person who wanted to conduct an experiment, stated in his applioation which set lie desired, and five varieties in the set selected airereasent to his address, and full. 'instructions for conducting the -experiment. The grain was sown at the rate of one and one-third. bushels per acre, upon plats exactly uniform in size and Shape - The yields per acre havie been.caleelated Ninety reports of Carefully conduct- ed experiments have been received this season up to time . of writing. Xs these eame from twenty-seven of the counties in Ontatin the results ebould be of real peactical iralue to the farmers cf the province. " The following tables gives the ;com- petitive results of straw and grain per acre of the winter Wheat. varieties tested' during the pr,t,st season on 90 • per Acre I. Dawson's Golden Obaff ..1.29 26.9 2. Jones' Winter Fife 1 45 , 26.4 4. Early Red ClawsOn 1 27 ' 24. 9. Sones' Square Head. 1 12 20.2 CONCLUSIONS 1. In average yiebll of winter wneat per acre, Dawson's Golden Chaff etood highest among eleven other ararieties tested over Ontario in 1893, nine varieties in 1894, nine 'vadeties in 1895, • and nine va.ieties in 189Q, also ainong fifty-three varietiea grewn at the Agricultural College 'for ae years in 2. In the co-opetative experiMenta for 1896, Dawson's _Golden Chaff, Jones' Winter Fife, and Pridi3 of Genesee gave the best yields one. lleavy soils, and Jones' Winter Fife,..DavVan'S Golden Chaff, and S iiiivitasjori7 light soils. 3. Pride of Gen-esee-,- %DaWson'g Golden Chaff, and- Jones'iVinter rife omfaid8e96th. e best appearance in the rearing 1.- Early Genesee Giant, Early: _Red Clawson, Dawson's Golden Chaff. and Americen Bronze possessed the Stiffest 5 PA' de of Genesee, Jones' Winter Fife, Bulgarian, and'American Bronze produced the greatest length of atraw. karian, and Pride of Genesee were the least, and the Surprise, Early Genesee Giant, and American -Bronze were the most affected by rest. , 7. Early Red Claw -awl and DaWsnn's Golden Chaff were the first to Mature, and the Pride or G-enesee, ; Early Genesee Giant, and Bulgarian! were ' 8. Dawson's Golden, Chaff, Siarprise and Early Red Claweon prodneed the plumpest grain, alai* Jones Winter" Fife and, Ameriean Bronze,, the most .shrunken grain. , 1 cidedlithe most pOpular Variety with the experimenters, in each of the Past four years; and in 1896, it was Chosen by abotiit:fifty-per< conit of the farmers who dent in full reports, as being the best- aMong the vatieeies tested. 10. 8ix varieties of winter wheat have been tested oVer Ontarjo for three years In suceession with the/ following average resolts in beshels of grain -: per acrea,Dawson's G -olden Chaff,81.8; Jenes' 'Winter rife 29.2; Early Genesee Giant, 28.5.. Ear y Rid Surpriae, 27.8; andBelgarian 271.2. 11. Reports of ' anecessful experi- ments with winter 'wheat have been counties in OntarK sixteen of which are sitnated ea t the city' of Gue h. Winter wheat expelmonts not includ- ed in Ws reporta Were cauied by winter killing, graseberpers, accidents, experimenters,- not: ''s conditetiness the tests in: exact ilehoislance Veith the lone elsperinsenterfteebo_ have reported :the restilts Of theintestewr OW- 014 and much interest bast n Manife,sted 14. Varieties which h e given. good average results in the e erirrients at the College for a few :1-*ra. have also Ontario. DisTRiButION OF SEED -000U OsTINO- PURPOsEs In the following table ill be found which will be sent free, hy Mail, in half pound. lots of Mac vailety, to farmera applying for th *he will carefully test the thre kinds in the set which they choose, a will report the results after 'harve teiet year. The seed will be sent on in the. circler in which the application re received as long 7 .thesseutnNpley.li-als. - Early Red cla-Aron Early GenGeosoe.led27acnhat ft Dawson's Gold Chaff Stewart's Chem ion . Siberian Each person wishing lie these - list, Agricultural ge; Guelph, mentioning which set h desireie and will be furnished free eost to his. address, until the supplatof grain for, distributing becomes -exit 'listed, , C. A. ZAVITZ, Ex erineeptalist. To the Editor of' Senti while speaking at the r ague' hest d the feet iv okered cquirihg an. of nee to them in almost any are&-, of life, Or life-Ws:irk. Too many, people whose educations best, spend their leisure street, instead -of imptring their usinds with good wholesow reading: It is now that they sire' sthdy, .while they are young, andaot aftd. -the best part of their lives ;span. ,The reading of instractive ligature, ench as we have in our Publiclibrary Will go a great way. toward -e*atling the intellect of the reader ang! prepaiing him for a life of success art} Usefulness. Many of those who becorif pre-eniin- aiming by er help - the voting porget their to thein - with the choicest thoughts' of those_ whose ed- ucation and whose geniu dipacitkte Monday evening. depl that so naany of the you town neglect the opport by the Public Libeary of - education which would our pang re. not the iire on the ently the great men of o acquired much of their reading while young, w ful book -s they could get -is earnestly to be hoped th men of Lucknow will not duty to others, as well a selves, by storing their mi _them te teach. ROVES OE On the evening of Thn day, Ang. 6th., a large assemblage o ithe page and associate members of phe C. E., of Asbfield Presbytiiia,g chins* gathered at the manse fo;'` he purOse way, as well as by word the grciit and good ,work done by th Rev. My. Rose, among Me young p pie during the time he has been r 'of the congregation. Shortly aft the yoUpg dress watt read to Mr. Ro Dear Mr. Rose. As the time is now nea when ycipr -connection with us will be,,...vevered, ftio C. E , desire to coniey to Obit our 4:p. predation and gratitude- Offothrets kye:ni interest you have taken i tne, and _kr the earnest and untiring haire put forth to advance espirittifil vvelfare of the Jottng p,„ pie ot the congregation. 'It was witlithis objett us, though you met with ugh oppq.r: in view that you organir aniongd Snipe its, organization yoletal for Eta progrese and advanceraeliaa never re- laxed In -the press of in. labotirs you -alwisys fonnd time to be present at its meetings and yoti *ere ever ready to speak a word in.- ue sea,sdia to the young peop!e ass bl d. 0 wee through your prayer. 1 corers* stion and 'earnest suppor that 4e Society Met with lochod -' clicieasn5g atrie ysnoculln:gapZ1vee,ra Qt whic ,, has . been of the Society, and which s. ackno much the -Society has do 6 towar4 bringintkpeople to. Christ ad causirik them to stand out frorn t world, us anti your support fi t the 4, ganitation should- he over o by op - life has teen a lit example or each- ::01 as. What you have tsug si-.4 in wuti u -have Practiced in he ,011. YO'il have done your dnty ink every roy and, !nay the seed whichkyou hesee sown here bring forth_ -.: e eVlig Of 00 ha:wi .. you and _called upOn , slit om•e ral aenbvto rrii 1..aw:ed:„ -ladi : aa;t1:, y:lioill . . tiedgpeepri Iteyo cot ,oihnisf. iuounr oett ylomviOarb.oyuorus::;1-0114. ., ,1 '6 4.4::_lestPAOS what is the froo i With your ekes Let us throzei The light of -our ExpleOck, vir. LEMBO Grailuate tie made a very appropriate reply, th--"'e'eade. - ing the society for the kindnesa 411f0t9 him and exhorting the membera tO" stand by the Society, attendits meerea; ings regularly and not nllow them. 1., selves to grow careless 'or nold:, by - staying away from the ", mg,etings : be- cause there was np regularlminister be present -at them. At tbe_requerit'of . one of ,the members, Mr. Rose then led in prayer earnestly 'zitreating-the blessing of the Almighty to be with each member of the congregation:and with the young pebple. The gather- ing then broke up 4and after saYing- farewell to .Mr..Rese and his family, the -young people dispersed to ,theie''e_ respective homes and Many were the a regrets which they felt at 'taking leave of their mirnster perhaps for all time. The -whole affair is an evidence -of the (leap place Mr. Rose occupies in the feelings of the members Of the Y. s. DUNGANNON Large crowds " are fortnigiitly gatherine in the school-henwe 3i mileat'directly west of this villaget ,Next Sunday evening, Aug., 23rd at subject will be "Excuses." LANES 1 The tolling of the school bell remiisde us that the summer holida,ys are ended and teacher and pupils are again busy n the school -room. Wm. Quinn has returned to- 'ihis • Master Stewart- and Da.. P. Lann of Goderieh are, at present spending. a - few days with frienda here: - Mr. Andrew Nelson who is'j at present in the _General Ifoirpitala Toronte undergoing treatment, zsdoing as well as can be expected. 31-rs. lkielson who accompanied him to the - city returned home, on Wednesday .of left week, leaving him doing niceV, adepted and the following accounts 'to all the neighbors and friends who,se . :-, lees, $2.90; D Hendersone, during their. time of trouble. The present. The minutes were read and appreciation of which the family here- by wish to convey to all for their kind- • express through the Siumiguri.-- the - sincere thanks of herself and fam0y, kindness and consideration shown to willingly and cheerfully aided them .'s them by all parties with whom they se and gevingthe 'highest plume 'of the met in connection with the institatiOn. ; Mrs Nelson has ref:Bested us to kindles* s Met August 10th. Members :all HINLOSs COUNCIL 80,8 a. ,085010;!8 03.7.hltieit Erwin, coal oil, 30c; 11 Days, inedioina for Mrs. Elliott, $1.45; Publisher Municipal World, $2.50; N- Busliel, $3:87; J Marshall, surveying 35 4 r $3.00. W Tiffin, bridge on SO a T tilling approaches, $13.00; J Miller, 39. McDonald filling approach con 4, $10:00; .7 McLeod, rep bridge con 4, Albert Colwell, balance nn gravehng. • contracts, $29.30; p McKinnon, gravel t8 yards, $3.90, brusqing 30 s l• 43A-5 iind 100 yds gravel, $5.00; J Gilespie, gravel, $6.00; J Morrison, rep -culvert, A. McKenzie, vork at 20 con' .-51 $30,75; P McKinnon, gravelling con 1 II Miller, contract on gravel road, $38.85, •sverk on south -boundaiy, 8740 Add gravel, $3.25; J Webster, grading Pletcher, 116 yds gravel, $5.80; 'W bridges, $12.00; 0 Baechlar,. plank, on fireenock boundary, $6.25, J Winter - Steen, inspection, 1.35s P McLeokee- ditch, $7.b50; If Johnston, grading ,-5 - a 1 Rt2.25., grading $2.00 and tile pipe ton 10, 50e; J Little, tile pipe -cod 0, $4,60; J Carleton, tiler for read; 81. tj3e5rillietdagi8.2L1°803-134.0G0C;;; :erJr111:Ankien7128,7dZI:Mi Illillai:.47 aye3 mos, $18.00; Mrs. Aleienderee $10.00; Elliot' family, relief, "lope: By lala _were fiasseil • for raising-, -411,4:11s:do 1 :Alit e. P3:: beby70.11*:1;:hitni17:7;104:dka tiant atRie, ow' PuYin sr-IntliP9:4,4.17141k ' ' G-