Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-07-10, Page 4• ' 9 . Me uckncw Sentinel, Bruce County, -Friday Julyy-i DAIRYMEN'S ASSOCIATION The annual report of the Dairy Aaiociatiorr of the Province, is now berg distributed. It contains a verbalrepert of the addresses deliver- ed at the annual conventions of the Ontario Creameries . Association, the Dairymen's Association of Eastern Ontario and the Western Dairymen's Association, and also concise reports of the -work carried on by the various officers of these organizations:_ s: • This volume of valuable information on every phase of dairying shonld be in the hands of every patron of a creamery or cheese factory.-Meanbers of the Associatian for 1896 who do not receive their reports within the next fortnight, will_tonfera favor by notifying the Secretary, Dairyiuren who are not members of the Associa tion and desire the annual report can receive it by remitting the annual fee for r1896, 500, to the Secretary. Inspeetor Millar las recently visited the Markdale, Constance, Cookstown,, Lawson's, Holyrood Ashfield, West, Huron and Kintail factori : and in- spected the n-spectedthe milk and gave instruct- ion- in making cheese. Parties des- iring his services should make applica- tion pplication to the Secretary of the Associa- tion as early as possible, so that the Inspector may be able to arrange his. visits without unnecessary travelling eXpensesr. . - The following factories compose the Middlesex syndicate recently organiz- ed by the Association for more uniform instruction and inspection Thame;, Dorchester, Burnside, Avon, Harriets- ville, Gladstone, Lyons, Elgin, Yar- mouth centre, Mapleton, Glanworth„ Pond Mills, Geary's,I Proof Line, Dev- izes, Cherry Hill and Thamesford. i LUC.KNb1�V'S o STOR AUTJ BY rte - RA 1OS.k.REVD BUY'E S I - � HOW DOES TIFIIS STRI$E YOU? 1' J. B. Muer, the instructor in charge; has spent a day at each of these fac- tories and is now making his second! tour. . He has heeni well received by the makers of all the factories, «-In seem anxious and willing to profit by the instruction I'te is able to give them. Though it is too soon to look for de- finite results. in - the way of a more uniform product; the interest- •shown by those concerned in the work, must eventually result int a permanent and lasting Improvementin the quality of the chermade innthe syndicate. Men's, Shoes 'Women, s & Children's Shoes; Men's glove grain . bays, razor toe,. McKay stitched' a- '. I Women's sh e. d gngola oxfords stylish and � durable � Regular $2.25, now $1.65. Men's buff congress, J. b. King slake, IeKay stitched, pointed toe. Regular $1,S5 now $1.40. Men's • shoes in - either Ws or congress, Walker and Oak- ly's calf, needle toe. ,A dandy. ; 'Regular $§.Q0, now $2.25. A lot, of inert's shoes No. 6,. both bar " and congress.. A variety of styles worth from $2.75 to $3.50, all' $1,75. pointed toe, i three styles. Regular $3.40} now $1 00. Women's dcngola oxfords.. Regular $1. t5!now 85c. - All .our - Misses' 'oxfords, both tan andblack. Readlar h 00, now 75t1. I A lnxeet to of- Women's fine shoes, worth from - $1.75 to $2.50, sizes, ' 6t and 7 only, now -$1.00. 1 All our tans at c04. GIENIC 'lifo ON 6 t THEcJ.D• TO V NT O.. LTD ASHFI,ELD COUNCIL Met June 27th: embers all pres- ent. Minutes of ` previous meeting read and passed. The following cheques were issued : -Jas Bryan, for printing. 925.00; M Farris; for gravel; 618.16; John Reed, gravel, $5.63; A Ritchie, gravelling and cleaning ditch con 12 s . r 3 & 4, $29.16; R McKenzie} shovelling gravel, $1.00;3 Little, gravelling on s r 3& 4 $16.00; Jacob Miller, gravelling on s 9 & 10 and con 14, 939.25; 3 McKay, for culvert and gravelling 1 r, $9.46; M Dalton. for culvert and towing statute labor teams; "$18.00; 3 Sulli- van, rep hill at lake, 95.00; 3 Foley, plank, $4.50; R ;Twamley, gravel, 99.84; R Irwin, rep road con 8, $1:50; A Johnston, building fence at gravel pits r 3 & 4, 51.75; F McConnell, rep 'gravel pits r 3 & 4, 91.25; G Hall, cleaning hill s r 9 & 19, 93.00; J John- >,toa,.covering bridge and fixing ap- proach, $5.85;13, gnckingham, shov �1- iag gravel, $1.50; A- Boyd, gravel, $10 40; D McIver, gravel, 72c; A Maine, drain con 4, $2.00; D Stroud, insp, 92.00; 3 Gardner, insp and shovel- ing gravel, 93.75; 3 Morrison, insp, 91.00; A Hackett, insp, $2.25; A Mc- i)onald, elm plank, $14.37; W Misner, plank, 9343; N Cunningham; insp and timber, 96.68; 3 Leithead, graveling d 1 916.03; V Currell, grading ann gravel- ing con 2, 616.48; 3 -Webster, insp, $2.60; E Johnston, - shovelling' gravel, $3.00; W Johnston, -gravel, 84.80; J C Baldwin, gravel, $3.44; F McConnell, for gravel, $21.20; i) Alton, gravel; I1.$O; J Alton gravel, 95.20; M Alton, grading and graveling con 10, 914.55; 3 Hackett, culvert con 10, $4.90; C Nicholson, gravel, $21.68; -D Huston, shovelling gravel, $1.50; '3 Leithead, graveliinh s r 6 dz 7, 9113,45;- R E Lane, covering two culverts, stoning and gravelling, $5.50; P Cooke, gravel s r 6& 7 e d, 910.90; J Gilmore, gravelling s r 3 dy.. 4, 914.10; 3 Irwin, cedar plank and covering two culverts, 95.26; T Oliver, gravel, 83.60; JLittle, grading s r 3 & 4, 53.50; M Beaton, insp, 92.00; A McDonald, - shovelling gravel, 75c; D McKenzie, shoveling gravel, $4.5Q; A 111cDermaid, rep s r 9 cit 10, $1.00; D McLennan, refund of statute tabor paid the county, treas- "urer, 93.75; J 3oilnst , graveling on 1 r part pay, 916.00; 3 McIntyre, rep cul s r 9 &.10, 75c; 1) McDpnald, rep hill a r 12 & 13, 66.75; L O'Pay, insp, 98.50; R Webster, insp, 93.00; Wm Rutherford, burying a sheep, 75c; Wm 'McGrory, insp, $1.50; P Moran, gravel- ing, con 7, 94.15; R Irwin, gravel, 96.80; 3 Kilpatrick, graveling con 7, • 867.00; R McWhinney, insp. 95.50. By-laws No 7 and 8 were read and duly passed,, after which the Connell adjourned to meet again on the 15th of August. W-STOTHEBB, Tp. Clerk. MART CUSTOM TAILOR. d&llia's Block - L c 'STP Goods at sale prices for ca4h i . ISSAPP • '1 . I A.L ASS PROGrR S$=VM-, There nev is any question as to which shoe store sets the p ce for Lucknow. The, particular fact is that this business has never stopped growing in all 1 he years: you have . known i and. this ydlr the stride ahead is greater than., ever. - It:- is s ant eourtes to your intelligence to tell you that you it have t I have new hoes.; Nevertheless we'll do it for your sake. he followin is a few of our quotations `omen's fine do gola slices,button, pat• tipd, razor toe, worth -91.80 for $;1.50 ' -hoes button, at. ti d, medium toe, worth $2 for: 91.50 "omen's fine do Bolas , P F Women's fine do t;ola Oxfords, pat, tipd, needld toe, worth 91.75 for 91.50 omen's Kango EE a Oxford, pat. tipd, medium * toe, extra value, 85c. ' isses,f ne dong la button shoes, pat. tipd, medium toe, worth 91.50 for $1.-25- isses' white ca vas Oxfords, only 90c ` en's plough sh e, 1-el'.onts tongue, worth $1.10 for 90c Ton's kip ploug shoe, bellows tongue,. worth $1;50 for 91.25 oys' heavy wearing shoes, -extra value at 85c You are invited to call and inspect my. stock. Yours truly, Raving bought 4nothar bank- rupt stock which- will ,bel here in . a few day, we hate - decided - not to :offer this and stocks till Satire Everything goes - tie Neill & - McKay ay, July 11th., '96. without - reserve. NT& CO' J. R. G -Racked with Rheumatism Having opened out business in the room over Mr. Wu,. Connell's dry° -goods store, I am prepared; to turn out in . the neatest !manner and .lat- est styles ail sort of work pertaining to'a first-class tailor dho Satisfaction sfa ctl on a lway -. guaranteed. , A call solicited. To enter my rooms please come by way of main up -stair entrance of . lhn's block. - Unable to Walk, owing to excruelat-1 Ing pain. I Atter ten years' terrible torture, Cured- by Scott's 8arsaparllla. A. H. Christiansen, writing from t Clifton House, Niagara Falls, say : " owe youmore than I can ever pay.! Fo ten years I suffered the tortures of th damned with rheumatism. Fath j ha it before sue, and I believe it is an here ditary disease. My knee joints woul get inflamed and if I was out i t an "weather" 1 'was sure to be laid up which to a travelling man is a calamity In a score of Canadian towns local ('Vector treated me, some giving relief,pC��her none. 'T, read that Sarsaparilla. Iwas rheumatic cure and I asked a d1 gig 21 a o11 's, re- ilt 01� nesdy ottles'r for "a bottle of the best Sarsap the market." He gave me - Scot marking that it was an" improvem all others, and that he could . h recommend it. 1 havelaken four and am as free from pain: as a man --ea hope to be. I was out in a.rainstorm tw days ago -and never felt a twinge. 'As said before to Scott's Sarsaparilla 1 owls More than I can -ever reay.' I The best remedy for rheusnatisM, sciatica, and neuralgic pains-allisin from the presence of poison in the bIoo _-is Scotts Sarsaparilla, a moderns cos • centrated medicine, prompt in i cur4- tive effects. Doses from one hal! 0 teaspoonful. At St per bottle f 1 yo druggist. HORSE ESTR4CY TBBAYED FROM THE PREMISES OF j the nudersigned lot 19. con 8. West Wawanosh a bay mare. with small white mark on bind foot and shod all round. Any One riving information tbat will lead to her recovery will be suitably rewarded. F. W, MecROBERTS -st micas Wanted -An VIBda-�p�patent? �HNiteemo,ts/bWteJOHNWZZDDIDN & CO Fate attt4r as?slWasiangton._D. C.. for their SIBO Oise eff aa4of two hundred Inventions wanted. r .ASE Y OTJ ? The I owner of a -watch or clock Then it is to your interest when g t ting it repaired to place it in t e hands of the- most skilled wbrkm n you can find. - This you willk do y bringing it to R.:iKNOX., Watchmaker, • or Lucknow. The goods sold by Iii here mrd in Wingh am from 1871 _to= -1- 79 ere giv- ing the best of satisfaction: still. : establidied-inLucknow 1894. II Ple remen4ber the place, in the old stand next to Mr. Lawrence's And the ex- cess and telegraph.of& His:+ s ek- p consists of _ - Geld and *liver Watches, Clocks, Silverware-, Diamond Rings. Wed•I . ding 44 Engagement Itlugm, Charms, IZrooebes,Ear-rings, Bracelet, Hurl entlery,' Violins, Strings I it Bgvrs Rai 3, KNOX, WATCHM4KE e GIVES FRESH- NESS RES1-- NESS CLEAR spa � � SKIN rt;rri: ONSTIPATION INDIGESTION DIZZINESS ERUPTIONS ON THE SK IN BEAUTIFIES •' COMPLEX•ON •.i ;,1i•:.: -ate. An. Agreeable Laxative= NERVE TONIC. Sold by Druggists er sent 14 !sail. 26a. Wo., end $LOO perp e. Sautplea free. KO NO t gelrhi nTd Pre SPIV 5e. For Sale at Berry & Co's . THE CHLEF ENG1NEE-R. The Cash Shoeis •Are..asi t. toe Bug Killer The "Empress of India's" Chief - • Engineer Tells an Interesting Story. { Mr. Francis mervitle, one of the best known men in he steamboat traffic on the rivers and lakes of Ontario, having been -engaged in this business for fifty years, and who!resides at No. i95 Upper Colborne Street, - Kingston, speak as - follow s of his recovery from the sickness which has.affected him for some time._ Said Mr. So' icrville: - `The grip,_left • me with kidney troubles nd gravel. I Jiad severe pain over the idneys -and in the small of my back, al. . between the shoulders and in the bladd 'r.. "The urine was very da -colored with a great deal of muddy sed ment. . I went to Mr. Mcl.nodFs drug st e and bought two boxes of Dg:in's Kidney Pills. I have taken them wih -what People tell ane is the usual good ;result. • "They have 1 rine, removed the sediment,. elieved mt of distressing pain in the back and betwleen the should- ers, and have Maori me up tn.a surprising manner. In fact, 1 ant en irely free from -the troubles Which .afcc ed me before taking these rrentarkabl pills, and I recommend them as a cer ain cure for all troubles arising from kid toy disorders." -- Whig, Kingston. FORS &LE Y},. , =ART &CO,D Freda. -et Wanted -An Ide Protect soar War Write max Imo Wabiastos.ID.O mid �h: of two u 1 . Doo PURE PARIS GREEN, Blue Vilral, Etc., on ray frt ICO TO V L YL OI MJCKNOWr qu B09TS&SHQES . You are invited ito' call and inspect our spring stock of DOTS AND SHOES which is now _ Complete in All Lines. - and will be sold as CHEAP AS THE ChIE4PEST Ord red work and repairing one. of our specialties. W. 9 J.. LITTLE. M CROCKER Apples Blacking Black bead -Bine ) Baking Powders Barley, pot Bath Brick Beane. Brooms Baskets. . Brushes Biscuit Coffee Confectionery (;armed Goode - Cocoa Chacolate Corn, canned Cora meal -- Currants - Currie Powder Cream. Tarter C000asiut Dates A-1 Flout ri 2 This is the lace to buy FHE E..:T. `CORSET COMPANY o r - corsets. We keep .the best makes, _ made the latest modei,� fro Paris and New York. Pull . 1_ _.re of sizes from 18 to 36. Full range of, prices ,. I m. 25c to $1.60. a. �d t$he values right every tirae. handlea lot of `s elines which are - confined e - p tOial • them nufacturers. e- are head- irely. to us by .., _ arters for ladies L fur ishings of all kin. ERON JIM - OQRRIGA-N'S:- s the placa to make your selections in . GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVI IONS I have in stock the following :. Dried Auple } xtra9ts - 1 fps; Fibb; an. -Nish, dried - (a 4otine - - Gingers- - bops HADey - lnk Ineigo- - Licorice Lime Juire. . Lemons Lawp4 - Lard Matches Mince Meat Meal Macaroni 'Mustard - Meats,canned Magnesia Nutmeg Oil.oliv'el Oil, sweet Oil ,castor Oranges Oat Meal Pails - Peels Pipes Pickle Pearline Peas, c anued Pepper • Raisins Rice Rice Flour So. sat Salmon Sardines Senna Seeds Sugar- Syrune always on hand.: Soda Soaps Spices Starch O Strawbeuies,canne Sulpber' - Tapioca Tomatoes .canned Teas I Tobaccoes Vermicell Vinegars Washboards Washing Washing Crysta Woodenware - Whiting Dinner Sets` - Yeast Cakes Dinner Sete Tea Sets - - Water Setts Cream: Setts Beny Setts Toilet Setts �r a We have now in t tock : DAISY THE MONET'ERS (AILS QTR NER � NI1.1( PAAS AND P ECED &EMQV D E S e CANS CRtA&MERY S REEK .•. DOORS - SCREEN -.WIRE AND ANY WIDTH 21 1NDOWS • PAINTS - o . P � �RE- PREPAREDDRY PAINTS WHITE; LEAD, QILSAND TUR'E TE Webster Bros., have removed 1 Doo EAST BFGIIIVIN'S BARBER SHOP all kinds o meat In stock. Aa .cattle are soheap, we intend where you will always find them with the :choicest of ' to givecustomers. the benefit. - - ou _ oils for 4 cents and up.' Roasts rop. 1 and 8 bents. � king ourmany an customers for their past patronage ,n for a continuance of the same, vee remain, Yours Good. -Good Th and hopin truly, LUQ • T - ONLY PERMANENT WALL FINI H. , ALABASTINE RENC:E, The Brp.sh Co It _ is the _best fitting end h best value sof any corset made. We buy them direct from the - manuf-act per, and give, youthe benefit in rice, :Cali and see w Ontario. People mus ave r e*'1e8 r ; z Oc_ ins The great question is where to get them. We keep the .best qualities to lie had. 1e don't pretend to fell them below cost:, but we do sell them ata very close margin. - 1 SEAS: acn areun nd . ua led in quality and prices. You -_ Blk,.Glreen ap a �1 will save from 5 to 10' cents per pound if ou buyfrom us instead of peddlers. Compare quality and prices. IROCERY �r� HEHU Leads them all for nanny - Groceries .- -t AND-- CANNED - GOODS We have a fine assortment cf dinne setts very cheap. Call, examine them and +LOTTR&m'3 D All hinds of :flour and feed kep delivered to any _part of the t o, Clure an r rt�s of Ail Kinds in Season F111. TEAS - 1 ----A SPECIALTY The Largest Stock The Choat✓ •est Goods, tea & I die Best Value obtainable in Lucknow. Salt by the Barrel, BHN ELLIOT. setts, tea, berry and toilet get. prices. TO F,MEBS. *tarCELLENT OPPORTUNITY is now afforded to farmers with Small capital Who desirs to obtain improved farm • or stock ranches, with irrigation, . buildings and feaees,in the District of .Alberta, North Vest Territories, on easy terms. - The rsing of hm-iw i cattle. horses, sweep, and Meting is - rapidly cle elopingin the Distrtet uni+> edvillfurnishrnfonnnation or • answt r trilq es (saran) AH 10, Mi C. C.elgaryy 4G' T 4*Y • s