Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-06-19, Page 1WTA IPSI ME V A-1 T W N AI A7 IFIN FT-' L 2 4 t96 luolmo, -18k Luoknow Braos B4nd A kiu i i X I LTID N.' 0 - 2. H 0 the de ebra,�ion in relatI an-, LUCKNOW. Bring your TW hand for the ist of 'Jilly in friends I* tucknow and 1 -have -)apita paid up 81,25o,6 oo Lucknow: If you fall to come 4 7 them wituess thevaudest-cele. 7 Western osvyo I -regret it. ieserv.R, Fund SOT5.000 birationlin Ontario. to Lucku U, rotat Ansets $8947.866 N==W -61 ft 0 �A �,rdsideut -JoHaSTUART. t -ar -pv Atem S-hirIs and tWbdlt nok the iw DIRECTORS: L3FOCTCR. W31, GlBsoN M. P,-Gxo.R0A011� -flers 1*b YOL XXI11F 261 0X.NOW1,' ONTARIO FRIDA Y Mk 1 18,66 MOLIS NO. 1167, genuit tij�rq -A- T. WCOD, A. R. LEE (Toronto). C'nshier—J. TURNBULL. liduk1l. rtimus -Many farmers don!t know mbsit at ontreal have in view ihe my Rates giving d 8A�ffK- +Hours 10 to 3 New I Satur t-11 Del�ositsof $land upwa, of a much tway py kind, of mower they have or when -it -1 YZ) �Th rdw quicker servi'e. get�eru ly. e and T -ta izut ngs gle fare catrzi be- --I your vote as; When you ant a new ve n" under the an L/U are ade tisli I i was made. a ska the4eW 'Cren it al 1-nanager'Hays is a stn irig ad OS* Won th6 iffeciaL tween all tati in Qanada foi! die- -41 DEP ITS also received at cur- -�Sleo that 6 -votes. knife, guard qr section, bring theold our neighbor rlore b v it 6f gir;;!and woman. vio t one with you and Ti. Young�will guar - r voce te of fast trains, and he lia 3 1 At the examinatigis of the Ontario -tance I h Ired miles -o 'i -Remembe it is votes th �coun LNTACLIS ED 1$88 8 0 one once eXpr L e -Ase 81 fiction. Art, )epartmbnt at,,Tbronto last week, good g'y'JLA Ig Tt U valid for perfect fit "d of `7�$ Olt Great Britain and the United We do* a general b 'kin b inubz, - 0 pretty custo tha d his dig�jati tesd 46� 23, lantee, you a firrt.01. �wears "At, A in- this and sold. Mr, �ndrew P. Ste*4rtn of Lucknow -Watch thI Trades pr �f giving at tho-time mad' by the Grand Trunic 24, and for- July Isti, apring-is nat backles at, 0 -The Fargo, ted i es. no un re We mak 7 at on -to Plan ug Mills, cdrI off the medal -SAIt toll T-OHN D. NIOLIOL. Svu­AGPT. -ada and the Un� -ouihout-Can- and i on, ' f Mr. Walter Stewart, of the distance$ over h A d miles I ood ird, printed afts )ayable th� on 'quality. issue di return M eduesda June e trains. Faster tr1ains between' 0 Reel akeep sai�.okand theni4sb thin%&-fius. co ions on al-- its including, ani 1 going Monday ind. Tu &I published a very fine Must lleeta esday, Junt 22. Ole 747 the U A", rated and Aloiltreal will defififtely be laced 'and dertificate foi the mech ca Western States, Mani oba. and the P r rerblouse set fot 40c. Our 2 LE*QAL con and 23, valid. for' return Wednes 4Y1. ber of the proniiiiint men business ster1i*.ilV T-Cnd all collee on'the rout' and the titue- between John H Nor'tl;-Wbst Provinces, A t-' -Mr. �bi, was ALCOMSONi, BARRISTER June 24; olk of 9- and residences of Grafton, N.D. stock 6f 4- as Jtbuckle blouse sets aid ons wheter note' orl acqount will tLhc)s(- two points *ill -be cut down by oanty Counoli i7oni Ission in town on Sundlay. Conve�aacer. etc.,.(late o mong. which we notice -Mr. Roger t Cameron, Goderich). Offic have prompt atten ti Th Sing of the id.12issiolif of the iving.-.Ou� the vote "'old baits is par excellence. at least two fiou'rs.'- On the western -YerOld F61kes Concert �011 be' �&Ilin, Governor of North Dakota, and AP -stair Bruce of West Ridin o sin Allin's new block. f f No"lies discounted and famer's rale Division of tinder the County The el ti n of theroa something- new and orjginal.� A ou 'had a od opportuni 96' 'EW LL notes solicited. il Act of IS Bruce ha �e'had a IT ER d"there Yvill also 'be Counh 1, �_Da38'B4ki` Powder t4' sin of Mr. Wm. Allin, of LucknQw. News 'BAR plac d fast -trai Will open at thp Berlin Dai and the line be. Court House, Walkeirion, beforeI hear the r. Tren- Solicitor, COmmis.qioner,- Notary We have a large amo Lint of funds to ns, --polidica isliticeri th h 119 the ly -M lead for purity. - Try a poun&�, dell does not play on is instrument �,tc Money to ioan,, Office over Moodys advance on mortcar-o-at from five per tween Toronto anti Chicago may be out Jones of'Brant.and Creasoi of -Owen discussed - -from, th public -plat a Don't forget the MaI kexcur- Barber Shop. dowE. on th braricli'lines"of the 4e, sixios. on it in mournful or . jubilant ra -adqd accord- G L�111 part i, of� the riding-, rid. cerit up.. The ' to is gi ran J Trunk- s �e i 801 on Monda�, June -29th, at 4 throughoi m9rovementinrun- on the 24th to Owen Soun'Ad� Ones. His interpretatI the "Bad i I ARR()NV it 13V.0UDF()OT BARUIS ing,,to quallity aod'size of loan requir- P. M. nothing I ow rema i. is to, be done but BiOn 0 erjeh, Out. ed� IX, ter �r,,4, etei, God' ning iimd may alsoe made, Romanza b Ritter, wai to see tha t thefall vote is' polled on ohli6i. of LoI s the thoroughly T1 -MANILTOBASCHOOLS G.%RROW.Q.C. '%V31.PR0UDF00T. Spies ag-- the"LWW ag. lye loan small amoun�s qii secon'd st rtiatio, while- he seemed equally -at Again Tuesday: iaxt. 6k�ng is all tight guest of Mrs. Whitley, of thii Itesolu"by Prliolvd Ca;msft. Bad YING TIME Ile wearing of cam�aign buttons and, in its pla e but it is 'the votes. that he ouiI for hay lit Tae MEDICAL fArni mort-a-es:land on chattel mort- A TA ome in the more brilliant aria, by e. t. ripiilhe other election fav6r§ is' beeam' in r9soll- if Mr. Y count, Mackerizies frie ds crop iR heading otit on &,short, growth. rt.' TEXIXANcT3 IIHY�SJCIAN quite oramou in Cana We, have generally o. r. ha;id for sale TI da, but our wish hin they �Iuaksee that hi au;r �� T. iEL -Hamiltou- ip averae ne' that itL is an� elected Messrs. J. H. Fl6mi Tor 15. -At the'General ,;eon wspaper readlar will fr oI une uTuerY,,. farm property in� Kinloss, Huk iend should reinetri�er embl�r aturday Principal 0Mce h en� Ash- be every'vot is polled olk T6eI nex tirodpell Mr. TrendelL of Ottawa, who Alm i,e'd- and Wawan0§11 town'ships cheap- ric against , the election law to t* Long, of Kingardine, -Suud'�`Y'ed. in Igiad when t e. election. is - offe f rot'. 12 a�. ul, lul ur.. anti fz oill I wear ribbon- blittohor other favor ilayed "CuJus Animam," from Ros preseutgdthe following revolution on 7 te 'a). M, over 'for the aver -9 reader -m towm Aid ofl easy ter A L De�trumlve-MI Anks "Stabat Mater,"on the Clarinet, ihe x�Ij 6 school question: repre nting firly catillid Werepresenttle I di E Ifsh and not politiciall, and there are othe Si3dith, -bf MII, is �IeGg liccompanied by Mr. -Parker on ThrttA-lib General eGORDON, -A.D.. F.T. ea ing eight AYS i from All si les Mr. Dan Report are-oomil ig in Assembly, While Canadian Fire Insurailee of the electin. cogge aiid n Physicip6n, Snr- mpauys hat lit is interested com"thences. on nom. regardip the- ravages' -a- visiting friends in ,the vill vio- - ith hing t in besides to laiv.-,electibn of , wo tral tbe organ. Both in the intlerprI, iuxoma�6 �wi former assemblies at - &II -1 Aeck)llchaur. Upstairx in Wm. 9 StIl ination day. -the -reli; new. block. Rsidnce Ross street. antVcan the ell fices 4 hisparty or the Prospect - ell is causing g iI voc in 0he, 4 the well known air and inthe exec. ta. nip -no -effect insurance on hi hing ;pit i i orta b to lard and childu, of behind Caravrou, Murdoch & Co's store. of property in Stock or Nlutual Coin d'pasture fieldi. -By sonli it _Mrs. C utionot the -difficult- arpeggios, the gious cIer of public education, is i -idin,- anies as desired. his At Present these m; itters ?rain an the p itronglip. V. S.., - �4) ;f Z leveland, are visiting friends per �-osed to the restoration orfa, u 0 army Polling P44008 is callea ti : I former proved himself a musician sel . I b- t the -ar ny R. D, GEDDE CALLS Oar 6flice hours are fr 0�m 10 a.m. to 611 up the colhmns in which -he WAS Th( -the Dominion worm works above" the' ground wl ile village. of no ordinary merit, and it will be a )arI i�Nools in. Manitoba as invol. I polling places fo�r promptly either b, - mail or tel ub�c f4nos to D egram 4 p. d of othei I h 40 iication�of p Vesidenci ints of h eledth n d this one works beneath it. It ii a ,tteuded to., Char� wont ;o n a in thef villitge on Tus ay -;-Mr. M. C. Cameron willi hold a 16ng -time before he. is forgotton by ges moderate. LLI, Manager effor of daily't- man next ire, for the no on, in large gree I colored worm,- and res sectarI �,Jxrposes, a thing deemed Outram strefit, opposite Dr. Elliott's an(i GEO A. IDD Ahern divisi meeting at Dungannon-th a (Th6sday) tWs'e who heard him. t, ragedies, passing com- both.-640.0rit and wro in principle. second doo northOf 81WTINIEL OffiM: the stone store next t6ithe post office, blessome vhab. the rub ha, 11 evenin 119 9 edies, the stories of failures and 611 that is usu, I y R. A� J. GIBBONS, V. S. V,�D,, Hon with -The' smbly expresses disapprov-. TH,Z NOM12VATIONS al -of an�.-; e- on such matters say I Ii is spent Tuesday evening with action f1he -matter of education cesses,, -%nd Mr. Robert Mqdy as deputy- fouridori,abbagep], ats. Those 0 -Mr. and Mrs. Ried, of T DGraduate of Ontario Veterinao Collet- all that goes- to i mak e- u thern are posted and Registered Nlember of the � Ontario the Itchu -returning officer, and r the sou ncr the dci gs of men and woruerl - ifie division, at the town �611, with * M Veterinary edical Society. otbee an'l the "cut worm." 'the village. Only, Foup Acelamations In the whichikJ06nded to conferpriveleRes re-ddt-rice. one door e of It J Qaxneron'& world over. -Another week and hese Dav'id -Hornell as d4puty-returning Whole Donitnion upon o�rk-sfttiou-of the c3mmunity, Sheppard, of Toronto, spent strt:et, Lucknow officer. purap shop, Campbellit The polls opienii at.9 a. . a6d, Now 1314evMk Dtnti-4' ry And Sumical Operations injecialiies: OHELIBERTY TO UTTER, ND TO ARGUE will g1t more attention from the' ews. I L . - I a few days this week. with frt�643§1111 The nominations for represeateltives tfiat ard n6t' accorded to all. -In paI close at 5 P. Calb. promptly attended td night or tlay. F%ZELY :WCORPING TOHIq DICTATES in. The Cc oil is having a new pi cular. -tfi.� -,��Rembly disapproves of papers and tho average reader -will the village. k, to the Parliament of Canada too OF, COMMENCE W-CPRIZE ABOVE ALL sidewalk oted on the, south side of any attI ptto remove alleged griev. g realize he return of iin old frien -Mr. John Me0arrI of i SOC it or Masonic 86 oma, place thro 01111111011 on suces' addhdoted. with the establisho OTHER LIBERTTE Campbell tiedt. Jbenew Walk ughout the, D is spending a -few weeks- with 6ionds at leaa� the lxwa On 'Friday, June 26tb, Grand Mast meirt of nitlenal schools in Manitoba fter badly nee d but we think it wa 1.0 F. Whitj of PembtoktI,� will lay, the mittake n to Ve hiole I In this village. -only-four candidates kening of ariend ) a Tuesday.last and T - e- are some men have thelarge h6le by reme a polit Cal nap. Ther er &Wfaction of the Dominion, L(IFI. - "W -Pre elected by acclamation, This is L V C K X 0 IV LODGE. Lucknow, :i= M4 1.890. foundation stone' -of the. new Presby e, Ik --Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paitgn of and espebt4lly by remedial legislation who would like o li - ed with gr vel fiefore th, eiidewe, as ire -in a perI iierian churchat 01 mniisf with Mal- put down,, av it-Woud, post -very ii Otterville, were visiting old in -prop d, -Legiqlv, a the smallest nueber so elected for such as been use 4 i I- X - . I They smell,'the N D P E Nx; I I, N-- 1, election titne. tion of dfi, araoilar, i0hile oIit onic honors. The, ladies of Glammis more'. than th pri to of the a 0rder A Foresters BAINK r or LuoI this' week. r4 and. goes to -show how OV HAIM many yea %LTO -N mbers u d, a -Xis. Keys, of meets in the 0 wonth.1 away and are never so h, kp will le tetII th6 visiting brethren ti nd it would have in de- Thamesv�lle. is keenly the vol itical battle is to be accorIiAhe lettI of the zonstitu. are also h v;. ren ewinR friends arid tioll, is I pv uirea bylt. is at vatiancA when the fight is hot. a4ir Hall I the fqurth Tiles after e certmony. It is expected a day of ea( -t of These read rmann t Job. cquaintim -h -fourth'annual 1'repot m nto,`ught-all ilong the line. Of those with its SP16, and is almost certain to qiontb,, Tile twenty e 7:30 o'clock. Vsitinv all th that tt ere will be a, large turnout of ing a gra I r mad on e- the village and vicin a olitical news if there as tep elpcted by tkeelamation, three are in beifollowk lij very hurtful cousequen. retb qrk cordially invited. the directors of the Danl� of Hamil- e P the brethren A3 the pkesence of the lock street from thO.,corner of Outr w coming in lWely for Quebec ssembly cannot indeed and one in Ontario and 'include ces. Thd A XV. A.LAWRMNIVE, �ton would -Entries are ti Cs q much they Gr 11, J. L1nD,,AY, was piesentl1d, to thei iueetin- of try and and aster will a-ld e1clat to the oc- �nd Cam, re ongervative, a Patron regard thi Atablishment of separ Chief Rau;er. Recording Stcrttiy.. cover it. They grow hot p ell at. et�. the games on the- lot, and pWspects a 06ml,' o 0 ate r casion. shareholders it Hanfilton on Alonday with i hei for -a good day sire excellent and an Independant Liberal. The schools 6A.1h.any cue a sadgfactI UCKNOW REBEKAH De7�GREE neiahbors who take the - other side and eetings last.. The reporo, a dopy bf N�Jiicfi has' 15 Sudden Daii�h r' olution -&-1ke educational problw- -M . and Mrs. Joseph and not result is that there 'will be con L Lod- No22,meetsin the 0dilfellows' -Meeti in the interest tsionid-,by diversity, in relWus make t �emsel ves a nuissnce gener ill. T of, Mrs. Haines, Of Er. -family, of Chicago, - a*re the oe(sts of tests in 209 out of the 213 cons if Hall, on the Recofid and fourth Thmsdays of been handed to. us by Al r. J. 1). N iebol, he udden death it- ace, �v... each month a4 8 o'clock, p. w. , ,siting at wife of Mr. Charles Baines, of the 1-2th Peter H., cKeI be belie 0 ca But. tho averaff6 than is Liberal cn* Miss Murray, Campbell streeti -u'neies. t the nominAtions for Went ou'le. . 'ninaaer of the Luck -now brIanch, di q aid ers and brothers are cordially we didate in -N rest Bru'c will be held in- civil and- relig. ua.ku, st was water b4i�- Fuca M07 : . . t i of Ashfleld, on Satu'rday la an Frida I J111le 19th- R p. -ball �B' in Kineardine, Mr. P. ious libei Adsembly I eon. 'In th6qAterest of unusually brief, merclysAtii.­ forth There is a limit to his endurance of .-Lucknow and Tees MRS. T. Rgi D, A. B. C � n -Port Elgin �7 -the - General oble Grand cretary. tile a sad blow to her relatii,�s and friends clubs KOnzie was nominated by the Reform- tirrutes to demotistr,�tte Saturd ly, June Oth, and al play a match at the Cath&lri ple. that the Tolities �n(l be g!ad when the 'in the sectio e *ds'apparently 109 S �Iu, k- deeft it 1, �Oaty -at this time to le in Teeswat�r to -day (Th�iAay) er� and- Mr. John Tolmie by the- Fat- ballOt3 Are counted and the' country in her usual- health, When she -Was now on Monday, J ne 22nd. A r. its test against all pro4dure 0- F., ',COURT ban'k,had earned: an 8 por cent. div- rons, and at Goderich Mr. R. NoTA16n _Mrs._ H. H. Matheson and, child- which cIasternnoral and spitit. Co. her 1PO i X has a ch!ince to go to work again. sudden y stricken down and in less McKenzie rill spea at all the me4t. W45 nominated by the- 0onser'vatives, us idend and carried forwdr over w- WhIg at euts r6n, offoledo, Ohio, aut'hafAyi 59, Lucknoxvi. th.tnhi,lfanh6ur$h'ehid�paroseda ay, ings., and Port- lgin. and Rip] �y re visi thiis inevitably impair - every first d third Mr. X. 0. Cameron by the 3�efdrm 000 to profit and. loss accou4t, after death resulting frOm the bursting of a wi the residence of Mr. Norm"! Math ers ing the,safiWon of both, wIllst the Monday n every R be assi i6ed by the old war-hoz ie month in t r�Lnge providing amply for all x;ad a' A �YORD TODAIRYMRN, esoll.- and Mr. G. M. Kilty - by- the me- province Manitoba may remiove ex - pd. doubt- blood-veael in tho'beaft. Deceased of South B -nee, Mr. H. P. O'Co, nn( was sis.'er Ofirthyites. Uting dAWfles on the sabject.of ptib-III, �Vi ild g breth of - Mic' J-olin_L F. Andiews, -Th ful debts. The'reserve f4nd was a]- A of Walker- in. It, not defilitite y a Rev R. H. Barnby,--�o old -0 Mealy cheeise eld, and was a Export at the Luck w X. reit'are r fally in f - k DeximandeI4 for of -Ash uhiv rsally rei. kno n whq will assi lic'educadon by such adjustmenth as, vited. T-ead equal to'more &h4n fifty per Ashfield boy, occuried the p I 4t in Y. pected. JEJ)DRESS AND PRESFAUTATIO while schqdP3� may,satisfy auy reas. JOHN SC(jTT:'C R the Methodist church here on Ell Olmd meeting bu b it is pro able some proi fly onalile chii" of the. minority." D. Yu .0 'Ora. Kaakes Sund;Ly School -There is an urgent demand this aa's- iinent Liberals w present., D. cent. of thf, capital, the �ep'sits ara Patrion. M sit' evening.' The' nod w eceived, with great nearly $6,000,000, and the current I M r. Z'ohn TolmiI the Patron can- --Mr. Pat McGarrv, been cla�w met at her home one evening last e 4- 1 I didate', closed his meetings in this on for wore ;.u1eatT, fin -flavoretl 9uthusia§fAA�depplauqe,iaud -a ano. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE disounts and advincea i 0out the, n1o:E relon away pver to the state ic. is ek. and presented her with a beaut- ion was iiiiied that it should cheese for the 6xport 'trade. D 'ing immedi to section OIL -be 0-.428. HOLDS ITS y losses ven.- he jfql. obina, r .same amount. With no hem at his old po t fou'-iAlock tft setti, ac- Tharsday e The ma oth pre stations for -t e at as heAd r printed. regnl� inontlrycmet- in- last "at Para;noont, and was giv. thepastfewyear; there h great Ma tile exqursion n Mc ii! by- the following IN resdilfi6 WA9 remitted to -the to report, and -a profitable bupines. 0-- as -bee., a to', 0 Garry House..- coin ntheOraugeRa , an.1) 9 b rowing tendency in many of our on a go ad reception. The speakers - Sound, oil Pan strI Lucknow, on Ttiesm- Ict- oil ednes une 24th,- ttao ;utbillo &lid evenings. on olI - befort: -M f: ADDREM, _overtuM. the directors r. Tolmie w - Messrs. bell d, Of: 0019 I110' steadily conducted, ho- asi iIsted M ere r. Murdoch McLeod ot ram ories to ipake course grained, arsh w suresa goo time a d a pleasant expressed their satisfactiori ano.assured a -rid stiff �heesej that t mes Aqw, June 6tb.. 18 the f ree night John McDoiald M,P.;P.-, Ja - P street, -walked to Godefich back Luck ull moon. De, likes a Iona., me for all who go. The Lucknow - b oming w ee f 11 g full ineei PRO. on the s ond Tue-%day evening o i)Nnn m ta Hamilton, A. Ails Qrth-, -of Nap" band will a ompany the ex last Thursday. Murdoch - W''bo'c. fACT THE BIRDS, All visiting brethren cordWlY invi ure, and. when it is cur6d! 10 de PE" Mu. KAkKZ-We, the mem. a -regular "Globe Trotter.' ' I l'; . , betsof your Sabbath School class, Aw Ben forwaird with confidence th aj contin- vo eaty, e- Ayo d dressed the meeting on b -I of Mr and a magftificent steai 3 n t7w i find. Win. TIOLOR, lady has hdnd4d t4lli for' takethis opportinity of eixpre!wing mo;)n. t. -the shareholders that ,h and James Bryan, of Lucknow, ad- oro�tl . *11 ed to the m"tingg. id of those silky, m fi fl re TO 2er has n A.-fG133MCKENZIE, qualities o niuch,prized b pleasure ekem f r y the Bri, irll McKenzie. The Was largely chartered t D take slim iih to d n love for ypu as our Secretar W. M. uance of the samalavdrablb cqnditions Al adies who our regar a d -I'44W the liberty of addreus- -Y pubIi -consutueO.- in favoi of -Mr. Tofmi-e, ELnd after a a trip on tl 3 Iske. vibrythin will 0 have their forWtie�s -told, let thI4 read Sabbath School teacher, Many times iect that should coin- ontbly T- U.- The regul cy has been in a rg done to me te the a ir a.. success, a d ou ar This teinder, re vote of ;hanks t6 the' chairman, Mr. ing y wo meeting of the.Wemeii's hridti THE LlB'ERAL CMS-bIDATE. the systero'ci selling Albert "owle, the meeting closed with all who'. cat go, shoul no� fail to do the sixth t6r' of John!" we! have tiied your -patience and Im- menditsl,461..All your readers, name - Temperance Union will ba held eve second measikre Oue t ly, the preft!,-iffttion of our CA lan cheers I )r the Queen and candidaie. -B:;V-Bu, gies! The nicet'V4 d upon your good nature and have uad* Wednesday, of each mouth in the Odd, Fellows followed Py many�galesmen the 19 ne in ,and to as it, berta, aly ill be the greate t p, t,5 the Port El -in f he seas Tickets fro bDwn­is,-to*be seen at Hart .�]D ve often given ypu eagle to b Wh6fi paI on Friday-IsI A farmer writi' cr p is dig. birds: ty of many curing -rooms, for event o vet 'bib t is v Hall, Lucku6w, r -t 3 p. m. MRSi G. W. utisuitabi, ay":PresiAent: MRS. HORWELL.S(icretarY BER .32 a certain sfit h nage, Times last week, refers to' Mr. P. H. Hunted a Bdav* pleised with were &I curing dheep during tho'hot weather. Lucknow 1 lood to re u'rn. next day CWI�and see them before p a4ing. us, yet you i On Thursday- of last week a 4ull 'Youwill Ond-his rices right-�I Veived hdn;��g -in. aI a cageL*hose. 1. 0.0. F. 'McKenzie, the Liberal c4nd�date in Nearly a4 cheeae-makers-are held res- necessar only $1.5 patient with us, and kind. We now occupant VA'sA:f0uig robin. The-un- tained be aus grown If _ YOU L Wait mail gifb as an ionSible for losses sus I iear wits seen bI flentieth Nie. -Farmers! aI �pu to accept - this,s- c e of liulirds, for U C K:NL 0 W West Bruce, s follows: � - F holson, sectior.-man.- north � Of Zetland. Died In It Ldiana sections, knife'lleads on a ue*� nife, expression of our love and reppect for tuhate rqe�ture FaI a -picture V! badcheese. Manyof-theduring-rooms Lodg The Libe I Me- Bruin x, s disporting -1 hiiaself leisurely The ba of-th I t J h for your mbwer or hinder of afty;make, We regret that you cannot eon - L e No 11-9 eandidaO'e,' i k utter dejw# Around.-sbout it meets ever' Friav eveni;I at .9 ,'�lock in are not at all fit for curing a well.iir' e a e 0 amero a, I I y ide. along t e green, when XiAolson'a, lit- who. died i r - you. -T. You YO a to be our teacher, but we trust parent birlb,,Aie fluttering, utte Campbell street. All �rethr-t3i IKenzie, equieg square[y- be ore -the can supply tintu ring their holl clicesd prI during t!ie hot seac, on. n Ande ilan. ndians, n We from - was' i3ght home cries thai i 1 ilothave *ruag pity so bigh t tle dog ran noiseless up !behind him - May 30tb, I )r -Murdoch -March 'f hivers- you will note-flirget ua; it0he. - But, Apparently, co:r;jdially invited. T, dent of The temperature runs up at Json W TAYL01t, W. IVILs0t; people. I Ic li� s Uen rest Tues Dee la 0 When julbefislf of cl a heart of, Bruce for =4, y�ais, in high- and nip ?ed him on 'the heels, -he was burial on eased w io dale, was in town week.! WILLM MOODY ZZob e G rand. R der. unless ii.'qheese-is made stiff and dtI it L aOt w,thsta so surp ised that he started off at an w x ol his -'age, how --elections - were' ir sALFRED NEWTON ome - heaf. ILre harder than stan% as in the 36 a was a asked esteem in his oxv% t,)wnship, is one of Cann rid the extra heat af Cer for o mf.'� 'irise and indian -he a couple or three weeks old and pieserve meron, 'of t ie Bruce he replied 0" the: C f AOUW ztlre - best platfo�ui spea erq. in t - I r. A. A as r 8 aft i bt." ra. Keake was completely taken in Teturnift b unusua y fast swing, dlearing fences brother of�- -§u at a bi und. Nicholso I i t � , _ y thd sat 1N flavort Con"F6quently fin compariv 12th cofi. of West Wavvinosh, a d -DAys'Pu V C. XTNOW to re Cream Tartarl 8 - %king- by' surprise but appliAd �to them in noon, I behfild some- half-dozen �buy& countif Bruce and is th-oroughl. with D Lvid and Maithmd MoDonalZl lei �erlii Aboub 22 years ago. - r ou time L Loll& of Oe Y sav6themselves from 10 8, follow he owder has stood the test, a I anct pleasant word% . thanking armed with, Aicks and eatapc% (- - k itw 1iin'for two or i three mile many yeari he had, been employed n and always gives the out satplAiction. thOm for their III addiess. and tempting MAdstroy the still so Ancient Order of. -vers6d on all political question-. Be- practise lif making a stiff, coarse, 41 ' pucs.up( United %'Vorkmen, U U but ha ng only shot � gun lls find his, illness d A trial pack bei 'spending a k -z Even as I pasudne of toe Odd ingan--ev.er day frmer 'himself,- he cheese that would not come down so they we sinking w age given away asked %utiful. presiint. Mter uleeti in- I, y ble o pment birdl unable get within. aboting - ge. death were ue. to th. inhail.ing of t 6 for. Mrs. Ksake the unfortid" or fellow*'Halil, on thl knows the nt of tht cl'ss nd ill quickly d'urin the hot weather, 1.)Ut. pleasant Vv� They 1clowed. him until� he ntere time -together, eAtures fA a -vic- sdwhich W'il I no*t make the fin' qua] ti ses. -He had onli.-been ice team and Hill to the �fablty of the human fien& eat Messrs. B. Mitchel, R. Hodgo'n, tr"ted her class to tLy z-voniilgs of make a represent,.�tive fI Wilson'; bush when they' reed mar ` d,- a out six months, -and t �e 'a beell for *be authov, uchacl�eese never has that- si ere. fo ne r good- gt each month r -t eight and Misses -S. and L Mitchel, �t;, Wing- cake, then bidding each qthe t young wl W, toge er with his b o'clock, N isiting them iL- the llou�e. Ile li ledges -hin Y' to gire ip the chase.. id, would at I p- meaty flavor so much desired in. no. re the -gueats,of Frank ni*ht, all left for home. her Mr. ham, we' itieg to.sl* ihit the laws an not open- brt;thren cordially invited. self to oppt)se t coercion 9f At ni will be coaise-grai ed t D� Cam�!roofn, who went td a - cheese, and Fore atbilurch an&Miss.Sadie Johnston, on Sunday ly disr� Yo t yj Besides, many h f learin p x Ross, D.D.YuLE:, �Lrs rul ALr tobla whether such a �oposaj should mealy and unpalatable. Anderson n the sad COUNTY40OUNCIL Master Workman. lZecorder. T e mern last p rs o Court Lucknow an Iln eve t Order ace ody � home. The le'smen have an idea that cheese I I 1 1 colne froill Tupi)or or La' rior -d )f ]Foresters, to oni ani. . the One dollar counterfeit ptiWition funeral t a place ay (T�ursdsy) e IU He e d -be held -f4r any length- of time dur nty LIGHT LODGE Stan o- -gethe;�-Nlth several The Jun meetibg of this body was A7 OLD visiting brethren of Caundabills, whichhave raised e ds squarely- on the �iberal. plat- the summer in these to t e t elens ce ete hot curi ring-roo: ns, ry. far u Wingham attended,the Method- by chemical process.- -to the �.pparent he�d in Southampton last - Week. The. as adopted ot the �Xatiqnal con- and are- not ready to sell hen he MeaBra.'& 4. Anderson aud G. W. A 39 folm -istchurch in a body S;nday. morn re�idents of the lake vilI partioulair- ioWU On on -value -of $10., are -in circu on in vention in 1894. r Mq�Ke#zie is a -clicese arp ready to move,'and the Berry,.of Id6know, were in bf Marshall R [VISION COURT ly [ Reeve Belcherand hid good, lady,did ing last xinder command Toronto. G n 0 all that.could -sequence �is, the maker is. in %. se so Tuesday'evdilng., fine type of the. oanadia4, citizen, in- H. Mot riSon. This ig -one of the Case - - a Tried In- Luc !on Tuesd' -Th Mrs. Ji,*,Xallough a �d 'daughWe compelled to make the stiff kind with LY e committee for July 140 have pen lliu rit, progresoive, inje- diint, and istronge3t Societies in thb villa th1e visit of thecounty fathers euJop EETs EV ERY THURSDAYNLIGH tF-' e ge and been'fortunate in ring th amous I no PD Sund ay. I A a�le. They were -His Hoi 0 Klien, held a 30th'. Battalion Band, of uelph. in the elect0d iri,'West Bruce, will,,at once or the s' ucknoI �.on or before the full moon, spent SattWaby lait -with friends in M a vie of,protectin himself from 1(ss. it'md.( a good tur ut.' giveI -sail- on tble and lake Masonic Hall, Havelock street. F a -me reason -many che(se- ThEi Rc v. I. B. Walwin,, O.A., pastor one bf the beat b owere taken for a drive through HIRay DATS, take a le'adin- I ce among, the stron - makers u�e more session of e I I tl� JDivision Court in This is S rr west- Vhw-fiay i , i�tbis -vicixiity is n6t in P A pulpit t4'e India village and wart) treated to salt than is necess ity of the (hureb, occupied the y ern Ontario. thq beat -id '60pe, 89 a great qu%I on�- AS a for cheqsq to -cure properly. preach a very and the Coutic Cha be hen aad, pl�urant A' =4r�oome on the Worshipful Master. Socrelarv. men of the llouso of Cow able, practical and T 1-:Oough Irr -order to maintain our place'in pro iate' dis grea o of the local intarez0 of the I last. Seven ere a( on m �-Shiloh`s Care, the u of M la�lche on of it is ve* rt w course, which gro 'greatly appirecia I d Croup Cate, is in great promoter ap, was casesi t do far - tralry to EXERAL the BrI market. we A4 emand. proved a light A nutnti of Lucknow's -bicycle - -Mr. McKenzie bu14 be spec- must Make' a Ridin- all resent, On trial all o which Were di posed of a ex elf I ectations the session Pocket size contains - i riders ape qualityof cheee suited to' the tin �e. retirin to, the lodge. m- a s6rt twe Ve 0 Y �d Stinday in town, follows 0 a the only otherfeaturedistinuthing a time w o spfint in spee" Berry es demanded _ in suet. a itLbI thefew grants that were madei know is to have a 8=4 ially vkluable to the I 25c. Children love it. Sold .-DE II ities-." - I various� mu"'c- T.4e qualiti JoI rvis vs. I ho IEFod We ipai Ins; 91 & Co., druggists. celebliI July lat And;wk—h ihim. -,heese are. clean flavor, firmness, close. in whic h the 'isitin biethrea and. Action on no- 6ng the -1 improvementsordered v f - ness, meitiness orrich fi to forl' 123. 0 Adjou -Mr. James McCluskey, this vil- ocal all success -lit. Lucknow always tex te, others =k part. t� be made were a- new ro6f on the e ness, Dr. Nawton, L. D S. CURR'V4'Nt TOI?IC$ silki.ness.in grain and- perie. t fi d till nex; court. lage,- has purchased a, new shingle mill gaoloes residenc-I granolithic side- -tur Ke otion on account-of.$44. vWUaIlre in Ducigamon. and By adopting- proper iiaethods,- eso a July lst!.Conoert. 4ames aunt vs. Wilspn.. and," c- and intencis into -the niandacture w�lk through the Court House grounds big days' HoI Graduate of Toronto e 11ch of bdcombi ed in the sain . cheese. rr nges d robneert for nZie" of shiagles, 90 gies wanting, shingles a4d new turnstiles at the entrance. we trust will "membo -havo part r -to secure 6, -t Of mperanc people' The te be - m4ke Dentistry 4' -en so -1kla Tuogeme for iniff. ud)Doct(,r of ny uly I t eveningare aWut completed* u4geme should give him a call. this and Till the IWMPltm* a IThe spvtoial committee n ecial atir 3a in a cheese by vigoro, stiri i aI July lat, badly muddled by the reoen t decisions Amo actibj�s the com- �Samuel Lean vs. Geo. McLeod Was TAL SR0101 .1 n -- -Karrs Clover Root n ted to receiver- the manuoiripts .;f ,DEN s .9 wil; 'p ty of rivy Contici as to'tho re.3pect- when thq'curd is dipped. is te do !Uittee have pleasu're- fit' ann6u, acing, Act 25 Judg In ind . -the 2 ion of of Judgerin Ilt your blood, clear yo f9e =ry 4 -the county for -which a All operations in Dentistry performf- that tl ey' have- secured t uti ur coinpletion -reg- LARES with care and art endeavor to do all work ive powers of thei Provincial and Dom- to expel too much. - moistu e, and74 to services of for plai. ulate, your- bowels and make pAr head pJize. was ArIedatthe*January $=Ion Wyatt Trend roduce cpars'enss and dryness in che I bie. Prof. V. priucipal -satisfactory., inion Governments to ena6t pr9hibitory P Robert cto Tho's. on�j Rn clear! as- a belL 25c., 500-, a d $1-60, r�prted having isl f i to is becomin -Ac u tit ... 0 FILLIN -n liquor laws, thatol stories wn thorough co' e TorOut D Innesi 'famous .1 Regt. me 4, 1.�� t iey seom to be at a firmness in.tbe vat.by 'Ur . 11 tten I - - clarionattist - Queenis -Own Band rewhed two dr4fts A -good lj�-With Gold, Porcelain, $ilver a d The bett�or practice would be -to see 7 tion &coo wt for 033. Judge- at Berry.;& Co'sArtig atom - h by Mr. X. obertson, a ults of the :come ok- tit for inti uno copper ama in A number, whoca t Igam. -The Fergus Newi.;Record is assur- alkerton and Mr. McNabj Southamp, loss how to proceed, sa� tile TI Band, and Brooks' gfelt"t 7 9 nto ing before the whey is run off, and 1tc, Hitary, A-lexaa r McKenzie vs. ex a ed hv a well Inown de er thit a loss ew a. that both were excellent proouc- 491amt of wI the kiltsseem to1eel n - W e.as'possiblefter the curd -Action for rI I of 8f a head,was austiiined sI tions; that eachseemedd, compliment. TEETH -Made -with a view of presef-ving News.,- The' 111lethodi3ti Copiference, stir as I' I Bandilof N York city� Prof. TTe 4 the natI 86ranoe. and of thebest v orb. dall will give selections t the cone' Roderick dKenzie of "e, cattle, receriI bought ided 1J Lewhat X11tiev apparently without giving thp matter' -is dippeo; grind_early and and dam., -8120. d siound of the other; that the p be divi oquality. ring- - between grin�ftng-and Hof hat by- special request 'Pla rMe salting. yel before J Fe t' "at$ pr I the Consideration it requ�lresl has do- ourned ti next court. 3.60' e'o 4. 11 betwee, them &lid hUmat the- visiting IrbAb in this loo! rgus G�--Aa a,plication �made- to all th,.L late Governof General 9 * On I a' of XTRACT. IN rov cia Then when this isdone tli-oIlio-adii John. 1E i6ttiva. jas.q* -of a 0rysi;.requelted to meet -.and coin- A �gnio& tpla-I is -to, in -held -in I . - L ment al option la\ V. '8 .16&-L- I a thq gnm for painless extracting. it has, termined. to ask the P �r a 11 Govern- of the c4ring-roora must be such - tI of, Can ida and- to -day stdrids unriva eid-Act on - -Call aud am the pretty lines en tried withauccess. or.- notwe fo 88.85. Ju., gement -.6r baby, carriages - Harry Days has, to bineAthe facts in each and have the public sobI On be to pass a I c This the temperature Can- be kept t 70 or as a so ist on the clatiIi0pet. I t.ff ime is ex"oVv' offer and get his prices. It will pay wDrk publiAed'retaining the r6y-alt? Friday neft. gooati OF as -also FICE-1aMr. Allia's nevr block isstricilyinlin 4ith the PrOhibition asnearioaspossibre,or the salesman Marks, the 9rdat comedi n h e ea. been secured. tering ibud fin Gar&ed r*Headl you-; In -aphols upi-statirs. sentiment of theMethec ist iilinistry, must be ready to sell hen the dheese- By v ur w Misedir- Action oi adcouln they' the nicest in Luckud, Y. �t othe 0 11 are i Col. Scott applied for a gram ready, so th.at the b6f 85 'Pre -is certainly an- uri� viise�pue, and y can be remdvIied The County Itutory 6 a nit"r of expehait r tain S4 -16triet. *h, ti, s'—will visit Ripley e6very, Wt ite'. -Judgemp r plaintiffs without c reepy, U. 8 A. San ntliers should they -be c6114 -out from the; liot curing -room o sowe-coo III t At the meeting of he County. had roads in day aftei noon.. if adopted, will priave -an ti�efficiant� Catarh annual drilL He said he -the tr to ThUIN er place or sentdirect-to the.consuliter. The leg friternity wi rere Din 0%]. says: "Shilohs Oatkirrh 4ompleited, Co i td t�und� in, I othamp last week, cont so Malconism" -of -me ure to accoi�plish t -sired pur- 0 ssav on ithe his o of - the and .--.t ill 01 jelit. as h di y ed by -Mr. A. is the first medicine I' liae o of holding ihe camp either at pose. Local option has i beer! shown now, and e r und that -Lo d -do nl3 ny 'he pvesented,-: no -\by .3tr f Ki kertan or--Londou 'I NOTICE41 No �v a i Wew-Westtn i n a ter B 6! covnt# werp r.-. mbe, Of Ki dr, - ne n -�dde -is an,,art- Wnere on 4h every in n Robertsou�, oof W kl-1640n, alli d for r. -to be a, delusion rind a' od price�50c. at Berry wa g A waimsAe. he-woulid be Undoubtedly MrI IF Nor app tot the er it. cc el -a 1 1) Hi, -two solos, risvoida y 0 having them mpeet 'at owa W. - H. Johnston; vd`� be-at. TAE SUBSCRIBER HAS OPENED AN Provi !e of the Uonf I t'o by Mr. John CNaI df WfioWSt' building, east of the office- in the at- bes�. a patcl14i6rk- of South -mptoh. Mr. Ro erWoI oo-, --villagei ho 6 thi mombeii and' i'maur quart;eriL VIA reNsed th Vi M -Printing Office, th off -th -A dX Aere is nol value -a and brilli;%nt transcripti from ie about 50 pages Mr.'! -the on An orb was made ito Set, e-coulk whi [on CUP ch 96Trovat9re" were to the point of o0n ne&t_ at 01010 ance ineasure -The s IP to asell amp 11�� abb' about 100 pages. Inbteed, of ssess6r% toll of Wim h t6m, 1 Mr.4 a f)S. �,101tTGAGE9 ND W ande'xeoutiorf, va4 the goilf1i Gp TS, BONDS, LP4AES, .EEUL one N aft in IWL - a - : .1� -To ILLS marvels of musicianly &pjo t* coniiiii6tide to deeide-, Subject vervbo e rase Aid not' -into out:w- W anosh fbr'-1896- �sbowa. t be- follow - I lo ading to th riei4jbui 40. CAP,EFULLY PREPARED. taste and --pkill Specially charmed hich es�ay should- be gi4en the prize, -Eveiyboa wale. DEE --ld The'Ara-velling public !rnay luok'lor a and estimates 1.0 trry; 7ere tho au popul4tiol I: for '96, 2136. 95 208;. -49, ou, bI d' for buil ro.� 4.711 we diepce as,in response t6a hwasdebidedto oler $ atied i- YoSaI an in th ne The only 83 $ Ofor each 21151; '93 2124; 92.2166; total aw- a- -teli i* , --;, , - i ; i - e bi - th4t. the nto a -rapturous encore, be Played, or III --mad� - - ; n some important ',chanoe4 W d providedthetwower e, Ed - 1'2)876- 8chood! 0 d. besI fir a ment, foi, 190, 41, et b -t1kAW -78 niton Am I S1, on sho notice. tiftle tI which. �is to bei issued the sang, 11#obi Adair," -as the notes' 01 d a chapter on a CAI 100 ton see it to ren -of all dogs - ouiA e JAS. SOMEVILLE exprost the word and"" litary. his Grand Trunk ailway c n t e 2 n d of med4lmop torr the qouut� il A k added Then it was g sted-. thO 4,036; ab. 1,942; hogal-11099;1 -�at -,the nis theLmE tter bi heat ofthe well own song. He plays W mnth. J ist w 3 printed id a of :fall &.7Arro A&THMALIENE with an 'fise elegance and h del ook form QURES.. -Ice -9 lid m Y -sugges �ion, we-. und6rI hoth -Th- a V t you need NUr es in the �ntinidg timo of� t1 ­1e theex )eniie- -of the th uthdr4 i steam, eh- you tMASO, tfu I to see and liEfteell to. and tothi Id your, A1%T FP b oath for fw"of trainswill-be ihe1;ran'd rrun� officials h who I as four- do�- yinus wk he as beenhere, h dy ave as vet rece gentle m 'of 0 ilen, -ttgrdea:�, ro the pub-�� -;It L 0 on F. 19 1 ved no notWcaiion' aa3lared.of a ge n t suit�cl id nerous ece bo)k w, ill re Wn 41 bdb its-4mown t 66r.ciDn!'erb -.goe- en ��Walkertolnd