Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-05-01, Page 1LUCKNOW. capita,: paid up _ - Referee Fund fatal ,A csets-- i resident-JointSTIIak2. Vice-P•esideut—A. G. RAMSAY. • • • SI,25o:,000 • • S675,000. $8,50,135 -I; • DIRECTORS: i so':' ocTQE,Wm. Gissox M. P,Gsa•.Roeas: A. T. WcoD, A.13. Lks (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. uA r!...N ;IS BA Ark. Runes 10.to 3; Satur- da.y • a, 10 t•• 1, Deposits Of $1,•and upwards re..oiyod sand interest allowed. SPECIAL I,)EPOSITS also received- at cur- . -rent rates o intereat. • DRAFfiS on '!creat Britain and the United States Bought and sold. JOHN"'D.'NIOHOL. SUE-4.GENT. s'nt' ;+... LEGAL ,. _:LOOMiaON, BARRISTER AS. Solicitor, Coi eyancer, etc., . (late o amer.)n, Halt It Cameron, Goderich).. Of is tip=stairs in Allin'n hew block. i - F\IORRISON; - aB RI ISTE,R, ■ ■ • Solicitor, - Connuiasioner, Notary etc. Money to loan, Office over. Moody's Barber Shop. • 1,1,-ARRtillL&. PROUDFOOT, B4R '(Ons.X . te• s:, Solicit -61-s, etc., Goderi , 1. T. G.taaow,Q C \yM.PRo1DsQOT. - MEDICAL • # 'j R. TENNANT, PHYSICIAN - S.urgeon- and Acc6ucheur.. Surgery over'J. k Riott k grucery store. Office hours ,f raau, 9 to12 ,a. m, .; from 2 3o 5 p: m. and from to .1 pq m= G,ORDON; ai.D:, CiAL, F.T.. .Physician.-Sur- - :0on, slPii Ace ucheifr. Upstairi •1ne�Vm; �3 �ltin'a 'hey.. block. - Residence Ross street, beh?z'd Lame;on. Murdoch .&. ,Co's store. ?�-,.• F:. D.CiEDDES. V. $.,- 'CALLS tareither b¢ mail or tlelegram -p onnptly sten.3ad.:to, d Charges moderate.-aResidence, Uatraui - street, opposite Dr Elliett's. and �ecc'nd dkoctr north of SEYTINEI..office.' ;. re.:J; GiBBO S;:V< S. V, D., • 'Ion.. 1Gracfnate of -Ontario Veterinarg College• e 8n,1 Regis' ei'ed Member of the _Veterinary Medichociety, -One door east of Girvin's. barber Allies block;•Gam$bell street. I:uekncnv. •Gnaiges moderate. Cabs fir•,-uptivattended to Ay or night. 'B'oarding fl,tti;r: 3:fcGsrry's•Ht te1- aq. SPEIETIES _11„ Order of .Fnreste nicer - the Oddfellows' Hall on the, foui Tnes . o'clock. _ Visiting Half; oi.the•se.coM1 and fourth, Thnrsdays of • eveiy first add ren •ae deirdi%lly In - ....LI regular movthlv evening-;. on or before. M1).1. - AIL ing brethren cordiallY invit- • .-,VOL XXIII-19- MR -A- en " . DANRERS. `." We do a general banking business, iSshe drafts Payable throughout Can- ada and the 'United States. We make collections on. all points including, Western States, anitoba and the North-West Provinces, and collect- ions whether note or aQcount will have -prompt attention, Notes discounted and farmer's sale We have a -large amount of funds to advance on mortgage at from five per cent up. The rate is graded accord- ing to quality and size of loan requir- We loan small apiounts -on second ei • We have generally on hand for sale,- farmeproperty in Kinloss, Huron, Ash- field and Wawanosh towiedhips cheap and on easy terms. ee represeht the leading English and and cap effect insurance on all classes of property in Stock or utual -Ponies as desired. - ganoutfentuttl -iltE.LI13,Eltrir,TO UTTER AND TO AltatET REEELC.CORDING TO -THE DICTATES litantr, 24'3,40 1896. NEW, COUNTY -CO U.XCILS. 'On the first of jeueuery next the present syate'in of Couret,y ;Councils ceasee:to exist and in the future the. CourayeCouncils of this Province shall thereafter- consist of from 8 -to 18 members accOrding to 1 population. Each county is to 1;4 divided by a.com- missien of judges into clivisions. Each division is to elect e2. memberti and :they Oe to hold office for two years. may -give bothqo Mie candidate or to two as he sees f fit - gounty- Council electiOns are ,to be held every d year nay and ate the :time- of mun- of 'a douney. econte▪ ciller,_ are tliat he reside the diviSiori and have the property gnalification ef the Reeve of a town which is $600 -freehold or $1200 - rental. --- All members' of council of a nitielcipality, clerk, treasurer, assessor or collector air° ineligible for electionto county council, but mem- bers of.present c Dells are eligible. The warden shal appoint a nomin- ating officer for eaCh divis;on, who oininatioias mid who shall '-c-i'endutt cite if neces§ary, • . Municipal polling crotliseaeturning officers, ballot. boxes, tee- to e riled in faking the vote, unicipya clerks to make return of the ota county elerk, when he shall de - lire d publish the results of the lection in the whole county. ,The or 9 divisions and have 10 or 18 mmbers of Council, the cceemissioners axing some discretioeary powers - he matter. .th- T.-ff.:- --The regular monthly r 'eraperance Uni(oi will be 'herd every second I' itednes,hiy.of each manth-in the Odd Fellows li ...,..\\I‘n,,, • , t •,„,.., ,,..; : • . _ ,,,,,-, --. 'T 1: 0 }. N 0 W rug -Errs' EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 1 .1,11. on or before the fall moon, in the 1 FIRE AND MARINE.4. telephone No, OS. _. __, _, _ . DXwrisr Honor Giaduate„- of Toronto, Sohool of Dentistry and Doctortaf All operations in Dentistry perfornied 'with care and an eudeayorto do all worlr ,FILLING -With Gold. Porec4iii. Silverana TEETH -Made with a view of preserving t1:0) natural appearanoe. and of. the best the gum for painless extratting. lt has OFFICE -In -Mr: Allin's new block Thursday aftei noon. THE SUBS-CRIBER 11AS OPENED AN office -in the building east of the GliEEMENTS, BONDS.. LEASES; CAREFULLY PREPARED, eta. o4 opscincationi mod estimates for hell JAS. SOMERVILLE De.TAF148 qu Ft Et MT UP ail night sagelrig for breath glear of ASTHMA ,3 t you NOT DR. TAFT ORM, ApELAIDE TORONTO, OM • Mitage and Vinuitt New The Pa -4d n Ploy _ 'The Company will give ene of their popular entertain- ments in the Liickintev Town Hall on Tuesday evening nixt. -This is a noVel entertainment and pile that is very highly spoken of bit the press every - Great Improvement A large committee Of the cengeega tion of the Presbyterian Cliwtr on Tuesday last planted it row of fine closina their beautiful church, and alreade'y it has greattl.y added to the appearance of thepl ce,: Trailers enee: aAt the meetiog of the Synod' of Hamilton. and London held at Chat - hem last week the PresbYteriao con- gregations of Kinlough, Riversdale and Enniskillen were transferred- from' the Presbytery of Pince to the Preshytery of Maitland in 'accord -dike peti- ral -charge is at :present Without a settled minister. . ca,ppeis takes place at cloderich • on May 12, before Chief Justice Meredith The crown prosecutor will probably be Mr Lister, M.P., of Sarnia - and the defence have not yet. retaine'd Connsel. The charge against the men will be manslaughter, , although the case against the men in some. asPects is The Illustrated edition of the Ripley Eipress came to hand last week and is !the paper used was an inferibr quality, iyet all the cuts showed up well and oir the whole made a ood leoking, well printed paper._ - he "write up". of Ripley enni. Huron township -is also ably done, and the •iissue is h credit ti-- Episcopal Chutch, who latleavieig 'for Kincardine, preached . hip -farewell sermon to the Lueknow cpirgregation Mel Sunday evening laet, when the Rev. Mr. Miles occUpiea the pulpit of his° new charge in' Kincardine next SundaY, but gra giles and daughters `will mat leave the village for another —Derr: -R. J. Cameron, pump -maker, of ing§ that should meet with ready sale. It is especially suit4d for farm purpos- 'es. The gate frame is all made of iron aas piping across which is stretched . wire netting, so that it is beth light -and strone. *Parties in need of an article of i‘this kind' should give Mr. TheDominion House was prorogued on Thursday evenitti last. The new house will meet abont the middle of next J-uly. The general elections will be held on Tuesday July 23rd, and the' nominations will be held one week previous, on the 16th. Mr. Hugh Morrison, of Lucknow, has been ap-_ pointed returning officer for the West Riding of Bruee, a position he emin- ently well qualified to fill, and a Letter selection cpuld not be made in the Rid - ;WARDENS OF BRUCE. In 1868:there 'were 756 county copn- illors in.; Ontario, the cost being • ! In, 093° the pumbet of ounef coime illoss- had risen to 1165 ncle the -cost: 855,456. Mr. Hardy's- ci is eepected to reduce the cost , to 25.000 for the whole proyince. he end oethe present year Bruce will ave -been a county for' thirty Years . he first warden was James - Brockle- enk. He •NN -as elected Warden - in n 18-7 'and as it was not the custom hen as 'of more reeent years to pass everal timei holding Alio position for 872 John Gilles was elected to Sue: • eed.him; and was' re-c4cted 73, 74, nd 75. Robert Bard was then elect: a warden and held. the office during 6, awl '79. Robert PurVis ame next •and serVed for the years 0, 81 and 82. James Tolten was e warden in 83, John Pearson ,in 88, • John Donglas ih 89, Jas. Gaunt in 90, John S. McDonald in 91, Dr. Brad - Scott in 94. and W. McIntosh in 95. Mr. J. H. Elliot, who now holds the office of_ warden, bag the honor of being thelast of rk,:l*ag line of illust- rious .predecessors. -Walkerton Teles- cope. SCHOOL STATISTICS. The -number of pupil§ receiving in- structionin temperance and hygiene in like U'ublic schools of Ontario has le.Creased from 33,920 in 1882 to 101,- 406 in 1894. In .1894 the number Of kindergartens in Ontario was 90 with - 184 teachers. . They were attended. _by 9,340 pupils -under, six years. of age. In 1894- the total. etehool_ population ef OntarinwaS 593,840. Out of ,this thetotal number regietered at school was 480,979,, while the average- at- odaiceee-Was only 268.335. - highest salary paid to a public school $• 1,500. The aVerage for theeprovffice in the foropter year was -$346-1 in the latterye0W421,, , But the .average for the year preceeding ihe one last named, 1893, was slightly larger, viz : ettlelle in 1886 it ha& been $425. There is no.reason to- fear that the • statistics for 1895, and especially,for CSN'OW ONTARIO,. FRIDAY, MAY Ist 1996. -Ladies Concert ke married ladies of the Niethodist4 cb.erch.on Tuesday evening last, and interestine programme was present-. d..I The aucrience.was not large, but 11 present_were well pleased with the' id f the Ladies Aid SOciety.- otttainnient. The Oroceeds are in NO -Infection Here report was circulated lest week s vitt with fever hut we are glad to say t ere is no truth in the statement. We iearn_ from the Electors' of the that there is no ease of feeeror Other infectuous disease at present in Lucknow, nor has there been any for a long time past. We have placed a eneiber of long Cettrt for collection and: more Will foil*. Every :case has been an un- pleaSant'duty for us to follow up,' but the defendants are_ alone responsible lin every- case be secured and col lectien ,'Made with all Costs lidded. Thoae- whe have long standing accounts "Oatet outrun Pa" A)Sunday school teacher was tell; ing the class about the devil going arournid like a- roaring lion seeking who he might devour. "How fast cariethe_devil rule?" asked one of the pnpda. "Hush Johnnie," said the teather, "luch questions- are very profane." "Welt, I don:t care," re-. plied johnnie, "he can't outrun pa, iinenpn :the street the pther day that the devil . the night he chine home from lodge.". ',Win Make a Tour,orthe World. 13.61 who is viiiting his father, Mr. ly t''`O.ve for the old "country. Pro- fes-ier Odium is the imraiorabion gent o e _British Columbia, government and Dorninion government, and will go,,te`theold cetiiitry in that capacity, Ife will remain there for about two' yeer4 and *ill then make e tour of the. before his return: - lie speaks: -gleW4ingly of British Columbia and spring Is Here Seldom has the-h.:rapid growth been seen as has taken -place during the last two weeke. Fear was fele that the eitremee, heat would -would be folio wed have settled down for spring. Those who were short- Of feed for their :cattle are rejoicing ae the change as the cattle can easily pick hp enough to' nourish -them. It is to be hoped that there Will be -no frost and that the season Will meet with no backset. Moils Hose The magnificent inverted,: coach horse rgoss Rose" will have a stand for the season in Lucknoweand will be atathe. Cain 110686 stables every Tues- day night. Moss Roie is undoubtedly one of the finest coach horses ever brought to this part of the country and price in the market. He is a perfect beauty, stands over sixteen halide high, and weighs.. 1650 FM ads. Just the style of horse to produce -big rangy drivere and saddle horses, for which there is always a good market Call and see ,him when • here on .Tuesday • • Sad Death Wordeomes from Hamilton Of the death of- Miss R. Edith Stewart,' danghter of kr. T. J: Stewart, of the Sayer, Massey Co., (Ltd.) and well known as a former reeve of ,Ninrioss township..., Miss Stewart was ill for some eleven days from typhoid and brain fever, and althongh she made a brave struggle against the grim des- mohey and loving, hands couldelo for her was done, it terminated Aatally, last -Wednesday. - Miss -Stewart. was the younger of the two surv ving children of Mr. and Mrs; Ste art, andby her loi,eablis, sunny way ,- -she won the affeetiond of all with ,kom she came in contact. Her popularity and the love in which she was held By all who knew her, was amPly testified to in the very numerous and beau iful fio tributes, sent by kind frien e funeral, which was attended b a large number of ifriends it. Hamill on and from other points dn Ontario. The gravelais literally a mound of beaut- iful blossoms and designs, suggestive_ of a gentle, pure Young life that skaa gone to aibetter Sphere. Miss' Steni- art's memory will .be held- in kind remem.brance by id' who knew her or -many a gest to come, while her p ra ents and.sister will receive the - heart- . feltnympathy of -many old frainds in this neighborhocid. ° The Members of Lueknow lodge of Odd iel Iowa, together with se veral visit- ing 1:rethren from Wingham and Rip- ley, attended service in the Methodist • eicelleot sermon was. preaehed to alltin 13 A. Besides the Odd - coin* was univers'ally pronoiinced one of the best -ever sleep, in the dwell. the Choir, undee theeleadership of Mr. Rebt).‘Hughee rendered eSeveral_ very flee Selections, and as a voluntary the Misses talla Berry and Emma Pearl sang a beautiful duet,. w hich NV much appreciated. The whole- service was very appropriate to the occassion. and at the conclusion of the . church ser: vices; the brethren re-formed into line, and Under Marshal Bro. Alex: Ross, nairched back to the lodge rooM, vehen a short time was i'perit ih speech -mak- ing and social pleasantries. r ; The Huron and Ontario meter Pugh, who is in Toronto, the proineters of the Huron° and Ontario Eleetric Railway will -hold a meeting 'at the Rossin House to decide as' to the firm ivhich shall conatruct the. line. A. N ey 7 I York, firm pf contractors have sent in proposals which wili probably be aceepted, and work will be immedi- ately' commenced. : The company will also lect their officers at the meeting. The T -hew line will run from Pert Perry through Uxbridge, Btadford, Beeten, Shelburne,: Fleshertoh, Dar ham land Walkerton to Kincardine, withia branch from Flesherton to Mea - ford land Southampton., via Owen Sound, from Port Elgin to Kincardine through Tiverton, with a branch from Kincardine through Mildmay, Tees - water, Wingham and Luckaow -to God-. rieli; with a branch from Lucknow three - belt lines. This', summer- and next (veil' be (*tinted in the construe - -Dais' bakirig powder is: the bast the schbols. -7/geW maple syrup by the pound at Campbell's!. -The general eleetions are to. be held on Jime.23rd.' -a-/few maple syrup •bY the pound at Campbell's. -The general elections vfill be held on voters' lists two years old. -Mr.. George :hoe; of Winghben, preached -At Wroxeter last Sabbath. -Miss Jennie Shelton,- of Kincard- ine, -is- visiting friends in the '''''-Oatmeal, wheat meal, corn meal -7-Express waggons; hanimocks Land doll carriages at very lowest .pricea at oral wood finish, nearly new. Apply to Dr. Elliott. ----Durina the year '1895 the Domin- ion Government added 111 officials to the superanuation list. -Cows for sale -Two first-clats cows in -calf for sale. Apply to Mrs W. H. Miller,-Lucknovi. =Days' baking powder is ni e from pure cream tarter and alwa s gives hest of satisfection. -Monies Jonathan Miller and Rob- ert McLean, of G-oderich, were in -L-Daysl cough mixture for coughs, colds and all affections. of the bronchial tebes. 25c and 50c a bottle. B.b., has returned from his visit. to Scotland quite -recovered in health. . • -Painters and -paper hangers lsre rushed now ; generral, desire for im- proved surroundings being manifest. -2Bargains in prints are being offer - ad by Cameron,- Murdoch & Co. See their adverfisement on another page. --A good driving tuare, six years old, and a good mita cow for sale. Apply •to M;s. J. L. Patterson, Luck - now, • -Mr. Peter McKenzie and Alex. McDougall, who wereitisiting at'Port Elgin for the .past week, are home -Prof. Ed. Odium, of British Col- umbia, Preached very acceptably im ithe Methodist church on Sunday eyen- -A Texas man ewns a pastore field containing fifty thensand acres, and . has one lipe of fence twenty-three Mr. David , Oil is engaged with gr. miles long. . .Curweii, of Ki gsbridae, for the surn- • =Although every man. should work . eis-dear-life,-it iS juSt as pro • _ Mr. John II,; Medd, V. S., has en - he should sometimes take a relairation- gaged l‘fr:-Dai : R.o.o;• for three months. • • -Methodth' Church love -feast next Sunday mor ng from 10 to -11 ; Div. ception at oloae {Of morning service. - . c'wjanlidbaateheiann.' konto West.' He will give the Gove '; Ment opposition on all questions till '0 drop the Remedial 13ill from theil 'platform. Stores tor ba has -the tikes Send to departmental buggies, Harry Days And cheapest in Luck - :dew and his IN -bps are -lower than you caa buy away.,rom home. Call and, see them and iget his prices. -Wall pa,p,:q Now that house- cleaning tiane&ar at hand you must do some paperni,a. Call in and. look through the btia: tiful samples -Harry Days has and; He Lee the: -If you rei'6!ire a pattern to make „any kind of -g't4aent, remember that Cameron, Mur L deli & Ca. keep a large stock of the v and they are Sheet free to May is now r 1.4y. latest etyles ea hand; tope who' call for -one. -The Ohio[ egislature has. passed the anti-treati Feelbill, and the bill is likely to beco Under this Act whoever treatiezer offers to f treat aa - a place ye:dere intoxicating liquor is' seal shall be and shall be fi Oblate for Wes the village t the Watehnia Kenzie is san the coming ef lity of a misdemeanor, ed accordingly. dome, the Liberal can - Bruce, passed through inhrning and favored ',ne of the results of tion and wag -on his A large num of the Method' the residence on Tuesday e er of the congregation church 'gathered ae. ga rs. S. J. Pentland mg and presented her an address as, appreciation .of her hWednesday for_ her afe journey and hope have good health to tild of Win. Mallough rual home on Wednes- il 1 have our sympathy' nninee is spending a ring friends in the services es a` elstian Worker. Mrs. Pentland left • wishing her she may alwayt carry on the WI The infant 4 passed to its e day, aged one -sorrowing par in their sad le few Weeks r ---egr. James A...McLeod, of Kin- stallion "Loral hannon" from Mr. T. loss leaves on Saturday for McLennan, Durnin fee ehel: an of $800 Aleoraa where he inteods spending Some of .thei..Sirts- were practising -The .Entrance and Public School Mr. Jas. a, ,, had the misfortune eaving examinations will be held this year on the 2nd, 3rd, aud 4th -Agricnitural prospects are very_ bright this-vapring, and provided_ there is no set back from frost good crops -Sir MacKenzie, BowelI has resign- ed the Premiership of the---Dorninien, and Sir Charles Tupper has been al:1- --a-Remember th,.. place to buy haby carrieges at the lowest price is at Harry Days' drue,..store. Call 'and see them arid get his pikes. -Lacrosse sticks ! We have a large quantAY of Lally lacrosse sticks on hand end are selling at lowest' prices at Harry Deys' drug store. -Mr. John Peart is still confined to the house, and -we are sorry to say he is not improving as raPidly as hip many frieteds would like to -see. -Mr. Ezra Briggs, 'chief of Police for_ the county of Bruce, 'has received his commissien asDominion Constable and can act in any part- of - Canada. • -Beautiful lines in wall papers, freizei and ceilings to match at.Harry Days' drug afire. It • will pay you to inspect his samples .pefore purchasing. - psis Sin --By reason of some slight . clifierences ,.sf opinion held- by parties inteifested in certain contracts, I would respectfully.ask you, both. as/ editor, and rine who has been at the head of , either to give us the lami or erhaps what would be equivaleot to 't, the i general custom of giving security to corporations for the fulfiling of con- tracts. Should the, security lbeless, equal or more than the - amonnt 'of respensihility of parties to filet carpi. - would interest a lar e nuttiber Of your readers as well as the one putting the tpies4on. Yours hopefully, .L F. A. EniTon-There is no law, s far as we are aware, on the statute nooks, atinalating the amount of security to letting centractii for .wark done in the Municipality. It is.loveever, custom- ary, -and we : thinke 'elm* generally , adopted by liunicii,a1 CouneilS, Where' secu Wits:given, to demand from coo - tree rs- for bridges, large jobSof reed' ?forkl ete., bonds to the fufil -extent: of the cOntract price at leasto and in manY eases fully doable the arnounthe _ -Ready-made suits' are popular for summer. The price is what suits the pocket Of a • hard man. Go to Connell for your clothe3,Where you get the beat value offered. -Messrs Wm. Connell anti D. R. McIntosh, orLucknoW, and gr. Wm. Valens, of Kinloss, attended the_ fun- eral of the late Mrs. John Tolmie, of ,Kineardine, on Friday last.. -In the Heuse last week, Hon. Mi., Dickey. admitted that if he had known all the eircumaances he w4ild never have coesented to the appomtment of: Mr. Massone Judge of Huror. -There is 'always. a satiefaainn in knowing that yon have the hest. The lady who Wears a pair of B &, !cor- sets +as the best fitting cordet in, the market. Get them at Cediriell's. Matinees that the Hen. Wilfred Laur- ier has accepted the Liberai ion for Saskatchewan, and pre‘licts his election hy,.a large majority; -A.n etteetion dale of faird stock and Hunter, will take place at let 10, con 111, E D Ashfield, on Thurtlay, Mai ;----Men's and boys' felt land straW- hats are selling free.ly. Oui prices for the newest styles are helping' to increase our trade. The 'Veil& is a leader for a light hat.--• W Connell.' to sprain his a Mrs. and Mi Lucknow •;-The• c,andidates in the County of .Brnbe kr Parliamentary honornup fdateiare as follows :---West Bruce .• .Tolinie, Patron • North }arta e, toItan't *- -Ladies I Clean Jour gloves with Josephine Glove•Cleaner. Fier saleonl by W. Connell, headquaiaers or_ ressed and undressed kid gloves, the Moat desirable shades-foe:street er ev,ening wear. -The ladies have no -vote at the general elections but the* ought -to have for they know how to' v josi" well as:they. knew Where to, uy.the- for the- parlor, that - is - tOricotesni.balls SS gallough ,were in on eeday. What's the boys ? Miss Maggie - est on 'MondaY eCrostie left for For- -re spent Sunday in Iveith friends in St. ey is away this week 'eeting of the Western behig held in St. We are plea ed'tCohaletanni.that John 'Webb The 'most 1 present is the, pets. The la apparently ta fine spring w Now is the, blossom forth les of revivin.' ;nature to the bright spent .:Sundayi Helens. attending the Synod which i, Andrew's dint inc-tueti .1- The qiality; .patterns- and 1."'adually recovering , tar sound jost of the beating of car - ...0 of our hamlet are 1.rw- advantage of the e 'for spring poets to. oa show up the beaut- eternity. - iller started on the roads on • We athsday to suPply the farmers with grpceries, etc. . Watch yetiredll! The St..i Helens foot -ball elit*Piganiged for the semen it of 1896, on T,4teSclay evening, With e following cild era :-Pres., Mr. G lw of management 'to look after. grounds; : ill be prepared , to ball to all comers during ' ow in full blast. lio learn that Miss Boil i roving after having a Thos: Mc ing through last, had as sick hotse. The many 9, Courtney an4l James Bowler - will be i glad to hes4 That they are ahle to be around again after' having a Severe attack of inff illation Of the kungs, One day 14 t *eek •while Mr. and Mrs. Robt. 1 idpdish were away from. home, the honfte tnok fire, 'starting in alone busy ' fire broke •0 alarm the n 'etc. The cld dispense focit the season. - Seeding is' We ire gl Johnston is i SOUTH 211.111.1elli. Interesting. Letter from it Former that r have never Written itreu ere this but the Only excuse I cal:111)18W is ' that I- wanted, to. knoyr soinething about the place and the wtyi, of the` In the first place I will _giv'e yeti a shoat . sketch of my trip te South Africa. We left Toronto on are even- ing of September 12th and airived in Montreal the &Bowing nit,thiihg, .and spent the day - in viewing the city. They 'have sorno very; fine hhildings among wbich T noted were, St, Peters Cathedral; C. P: R. Slation- tiny' the went onboard the “Nubiatiir Allan Line S. E. po., and ate9 next moroing we set, sail arriving in Quebe6 in the evening oi the same day. AA, we had a couple of hours of daylight,jhe next morning before the -boat left,!:: ,•everal of_us made a tear through theeity and of the river. As for the city; I was net very favorably struck Midi the appeirance of it as the streete teemed so narrow: 1;nd-dirty. At 9._e'clock- we pulled anclior again eld\is river and a. the day- was warrn, meetly everybody w on deck takinli in tile pretty. There was an Engliath eliarrch parson on board who held service at - evening we had, some singink before The rest of the journey ages's:, the Allaritie was a little rough kid stival- were more or less sea -sick, Ated .1 of :On the Morning of the '24.6 w; ablved 'northward to the land of the lieather, Arriving at Lainzaington Abut-, 35 tolles south of -Glasgow in the eleariing_,i where I have an aunt and sotiae- consins .residing. This is considered one Of the finest estates in Scotland and I speot the next day wandering through' the grounde, probably more se heeause it wee tne birth -place of my another. From there I paid a short aiait to Glasgow and Edinborough. erhe lat- ter I thought a very pretty ..tilace as the etreete „, were so clean #tia the people so respectable looking After seeing the egetle and a. ;ink more of the principal places, al -Went south.to 'London and spent the great% part of two days 1,hcre. Westient the first day in the west end- andsin the - evening we went to the east Old and took a walk through Whiteehipel and, some more of the adjoining etteek:and self tha the old sayipa that -tile half of the world dcies not °know hew the other half,lives was a true one:, As we were returniniback, one girl, eearcely out cif her teens, wai coming. . demi the street evidently the worse n_t beer' and she was swinging her athis and singing at the top. of her voiee. e My friend„gac, kindly took one *-eeid.e of the Street and I the other and give her the centre which elee morropoliSed to the fulf antent of ;her -arms. -;.'We felt greatly relieved when we got back to our lodging house as :it is ink. really safe for a person to go along after night without a policeman cor, guide , On Saturday evening, the Atie, went on board the "Harlock Donald Currie line, and aS the boat pulled out from the clock. many a tear was shed And handkerchief .0biltert from the shore, fer the most, crew on this boat . were young men bound for -Africa's gold fietds. • After gebting tossettbn :the Bar of Biscay,' we, launched out into *wen 'waters and from .there* cape Was a most beaotiful enough of breeze to make it Zeinfort- able. Even croising the equator ;Was remarkably cool although the-04pin :said- it was an *unutually go6d trip. On this boat the service ,was Epnatet- in the C-renoon, ana as Ave hadr.a. lady missionary On board, she held fnieetings in the evenings, and eveiybcaVy ea to joinein the singing. -On ; the Sabbath •evening before we 'Edda at gsaPe Town she held the- meeting a little longer than usual and .4 they finished up they sang "Oh, Where is my wandering boy to -night:" and many a silent tear was shed". -n. by., the boy§ arOliga the outside of the-, cit!cle, probably a -little rough on the,dxterior. - hut with a goad true heart esithin. On the- morning ef the 22nd cf -bet- ober we )anded in' Cape Tottn, short call at La:Palmas, Canary. Is- jaud, and we mere' ali earn to get - ashore. We reniain,here 611'9 Aka at night when we take the trAiti"east and find the rnost tedious .patt sof the jOurney here as the country it baPrea- and scarcely a living stream a water is to be seen. as the majori4 of , us were travelling on- the _eptanimical ticket, we had nothing better pan the Salt side Of a hardwood seat and scarcely sitting room at ‘thate for nights and _two days. yOu.,maY kilo* we were all thankfUll when weL:ItiOded at Johannesbnrg, just six week§ ex - The pity is situated ahOnt 1600 feet 'aboVe the level, consequently it is Much cooler than 'most of plaoes i$61tth - Afriea,, _It is just 9. years riinC, gold Itirge -city, estimated hi the eleetat at an, Lucknow, on piss village on Saturday rt delay on account_of 4ends Of Mesers Sohn Their daeghter was Onse-cleaning when the and before She could ing so that liwas useless for, then: tb attempt tp*ench it.. The people -4f- count of 'the -heavy 71045i as ho' had "insurance. -attet -farm ateckri: pliee amid en casino auction sale 'f cl implements at ..the e below _mentioned :- r tit 240 eon :Nest - del a ta-e-n-ale vale Can.le entirely overcome in mes guarantee salisfactionif glasses are lenieTbe requited after glasseshave been used for a time, youdoet have to go to Philadelphia,- VOronto er sonie far away place ,for redrene Your expect local optician _has _proven his abikity to test 'eyea, and you 'have your home optician'igter- in the shape of lens fitting, repairing, etc., promply done -on the premises. This week's SENTINEL for a few more te.stimonials. They* ftre Con- Expoit ;Spitball, well filled, the wajoritY heing young a Men, who comprite the large proport- ion of .the inhabitants of .this They have no 1.i.h!e t.lass in comp:aide!? with the Presbyter a:, au. fit 1)14 (Mb to start one shortly. They have -11 counted about 15 elaiees, arid is con- • Thedittle boys and girls, who are all English speaking, pay very good et-. tention to the lessons. ThecWesleyOn Methodist church has a muck larger congregation end issonducted hy the Rev. Mr. Hudson. they have Lal.ste a large choir of about 45 -members:and have eight or nine pieces pf MIISie• The Sotith African Mission. I3and are deing a very -good ;work and 1°14, open air meetings .everLSundity evens ing. 'They draw a _very large -crowd for many of the rougher -classes come around in order to hear the singing, A little further up are -the Y.M.C.A. buildings and they also have open.eir meetings befeire the -ones Indoors. „- The last evening -I was -up. thesinging • evangelist, Gordon Bennet Anderson; led the meeting and gave them a very a interesting disconrse. -I guess you ;will -have Met him as he has been all over Outitrio and spent same time inv. •. Toronto. Then there is the Jew Synagogue which is quite a I building, and the Hebrew chure think the Chinese have *a church I de not know much about then'. Sabbath is not observed here the sam as in -Canada, although in the city there is scarcely any out -door work done but ail the mines run on Silledaye with very few exceptions. . There is a great deal of &hiking done here,- and difierent places there is two and sonietimes three saloons, e other and they All seem ing business. s about this trouble out re as times have gone* employmen being increased e cry day and 'ine.ess a Change for -the be, r comes pretty soon things are going to be a little serious, - The Ynetlander's grievances ha've been very hank Ca -•••• bear and they are getting worse qerara day till to -day it is pretty heed what theimmediate future of thetouto try will he.- There are still a large:I:Min- the city, and yesterday a nrimlier of - thethiarcheel **ugh the city, MS, friend; Mr. MeDermiticl, a couele of weeks ago and went to: Cape Town and I had a letteofrom him statiek that he intended to go 'to Australia. He was oot very .stwoess-- fal in getting employment here. I had and old friend from SLHelens a - one after t .to do a rus in the pape here. We Johannesb down and and I find ira little lonesome_ since they both left. . 'this tipie but later on'N?lli' write you again arid tell you about the natives of the country. Remember me to the m-embert of the bible "Zlass. and any other inquiring friend. 412.Piteg:=L to hpar from you in the near. remain, your sincere friend and, -Chas- Care of Will Andervon. • S, 75,000 whites and 40,000 hidilik a record. which no other new ,the - race ef 'people, being tepresented from all 'paito_of the world, lint tte-; lee :f or2oaymni irs hd illn (‘-3-14 1 17i nt ;:t 4: el - 66uPb11-C6:. Bob McAdam will. put in a season Albert &filth has returned from Georgia where he took a :trip for his . health and ieports the -heat so great that his ears swelled. We are sorry that Mrs. aohnPieker- is attending her. A great many peop e are complain- ing of colds And hoar -hound candy is used extensively. • The Rev. Dr. McLeod, el Ripley. . visited at the residence of gr. Peter Murray one day last week. Miss Maggie Murray, altlamigh still , confinedto her bed, is on a fair way to recovery. e Another of our eakr pioneers .has passed away in the person of Mrs, Angus Beaten, sr. During the severe storm tin Friday, the lightning struck the chimney on Mr. Downey's ,house and went_dovvn ing up but doing no furtheredamage. TarktEw TEE SERMON BROEVS Why shotildTfho beginning of a ser- mon be theeignal fer those.. Who want to Cough tO get really -to -work 1 _They will remain withtlutat-stqtaiet and will apparentlo show no -desire or aeeessity-- clergyman announces Iris teiti and then Mari; avdman .and.oliild who Can Ice' the slightOstinelihstignto 'When -the old Vi3 SOlItliAati of the aisle'. ;_eb ItS