Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-04-10, Page 4I'y F 7% �h Ot ntf�el, nt, rhe Lo� Ck1n0W.,Q.e �T —T7 Ali & D-00CLAS, V1r_ r 1'6ner read the code defini-no' honicide I - the' BOWM crowd to blacken thei * faces, after i- Harrison and mur er, an -sai hai g-Mack-ened his own.� d d id that if th3 jury EW L 11VERY- -the w ly by the evidetice,,.. he toldninis to get hip from Newton, wete guided sole t it . at the did not st ul d , find any and that- Newton. had lef e how -they co 'back door for him. Harrison said to- other verdict than that of �nurd( r.- S Boot the crowd; that he wanted Manser, N w is the seasoW.,, VERDICT OF MURDER. lMg d It - was midright when the ro( in . ws 'M re ki'nd or Fetterfield and myself tp-go With him de Qloth aud take Fields fro the house, au d of y Gre $alo 6f Rea. 41 7 - Everybody wants, fbot .40 0 cleared and the j ar Aeft to d6li 3erate. he wau�t d the,whole crowd to -4taY f an h r an $9 e -t do w -n They were out over Jial d w4th Ther. crowd then wer ,r 11ill 'We h ave loti with him. J! - 0it I ng; verdict: t -main.streat, to S followi -a the wartz's Hotel-, into returned the r Which the)r Want fdr at drink� to�inveati te the tire goill, L t1le theji -ices., ctmse - Goo s ify ethpannelled to inveati M " �1 Hat-vison,said. they wei . Fi dz do r a 's &.Boy -0 -e- going to BOWUAN,111-An ger of the death oi J. G. Fi at.his death mw�--as tile r ult of tar ata featifer and whip Fielak. find fli itv. I -ttrin -Vey -eo: ill 'FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND 114JGS- g d gaod'an d, NO TAK AND t 1 - - I d sob exposure. to the cold We 11 .4 of oeorge Able he received -at the hand, Prices Reasbin,'. for overkday we,,tr'* hs -found that th It AV ey -to anyphr-tof t -D T S Albe M ar, offlce�and according ROC IA.. Ifar- RiLgftsdOlivered ie'e6 n�w W,e 'Of. to Phipp6n, Charle, amd ietai-hers, arthough, % J1114114011111i Of tilt rbd's Harrison, these articles had - been ex- rison, James Netter for blO, ses- at mas Montz'ouit-ry' and others, carriax-ellVorli. ----------------------------------- pected. It,was then proposed W cover tin, Tho %4. I -obdi r ghL prie sort -4.6 dres W ry p e him with shellac, hich he had in a- and wo�c()nsider -them auilty.-H th fe d lid cn - At Swartz's Hotel the proprietor der NEW... ee c6litenipt", for the x1oliF t of Boots - �d $hoes had expressed his 0149 ��i crowd, intimating hat tw t 'ive-,- .heknd It—T 41 le n - their A,; A, AILOR ti -it af ilFeol ung 6t lllul�e ot Lilt: T vanxiag Iv,h h. is oil whell voitwill 0 t ill Lo li,-)(), -Pl e W o tSHOP. A arr"ted rn day o ei b1a 0 WYiho' 0 THe were L 411 .ell usic'ek v for rite c S W . the weut G. SMARZ -at right prices._:- tile way, and Goderich. TdR stopping at Phippen's oil -'Grocerids g e for sife bf. re I to accompany in ackened his face and changes in the scho6l r- tbit fl- ttest salesn'A-D ben pijt itting him out of. bec egil! has been, fj)tedazi., 1z them. Phippen bl ighout 'Can- (Juence RD I 'head'beforia-goiw- �one. ithe 2NIerehant Tailarin" Wit bumor,i 11it do �v put a shawl over It s We make sb6ula lie -arante S peak. FRI doratory out. is price. -On the way f 00f"101-befixed -tab ChOS ud let \ I . � I 1---& ro hippen's hou. uc lishmerot Of Mi - k, - I e. -Fiolds' t- inel. ling, ag t-6, ye, tB. y -to �verefired- When pa certiiic Strwirt for: the, I)jIs e ask V -Ju to wo shots and the o o a Ir a ver Ising thi e4v a -n W. at t a I kiad hhg Our a profe ion t d tlie house was�reache-1 -the door w"s id 11 -collect- It t' -has Obened -out a -B Clot Sp9dalty.. Wo and broken in, an& most -of the mob pushed Vecount t, i . r - _e. ip will issued thi 6t: eak - OES tl� 8 will b acti v d eun 4 in a day 01 to OR.' through the door I eri U f6et fitting. 4K iito the room exp once -in actual teach 0 $TOM TAIL0111 SHOP - a c 4we take. "PA 13 NOT TO PLAME mWs sale riecesa profeig - I h o e i p Or indtyi'i�b should ive i1s a tax ry secure a -IN THE- t i de iyirlg tO d noy towards us, milIthose c s I save YOU MO by lu Fields cam. an ficate. :The complaint "th LL's sio d 'we want to prove y To RE good 11, ou thaf e c easure in showitig Q� 0 I ye per -ad fl, W optec Harrison put the un lip to his face it of funds to by thoscLwho bake %OOMP OVAR,%, nd said, -.-Produce the 'Id- acLa call oi�- the- Iices UOW. krom A -R -V V pr Casj� i bUyi]lg from pi ssiob,' fliat it' ha'. flow 11d' sur:. U cre4 you. 1*11 blow Your brainA ot. accord- as. a r6fe elqy 9' citiz s of Luck Ifather was.. The gir's upstairs then be-. an . a Jica $3 PER- $tons by medi d : I 40 and I went lip, crearain Ly er - a - Tom replied he did ot know wh' e his 'lodn requir- grided by being used as undinur COUDtQY. HUND F r followed ;e,b6 f San W, , On �;econ& has a -good deal of forc ds F JJ . bv Harrison,.Phip Casto'm Work i stock. lu i of p6 f -hattel Mort A -produced X17 e ent into Rosie'i-. room and ne o that has Usti, d and Truss Cable vr6 alway, s n 0 ptl xecuted the number, I tuin land o h'i (in k it was; Phippen 'i Sale, students has bt i in to. Pi- in y V Antio -Oaft'and getne EIF' lo' f wer ioned her. I heard - her say Pa able rates. -B. April Standa +e6t is ready for our e stomers. quest re..ison, N -urou Ash- �tion in the p -qfe.�siolia fe, don't hurt him." Lily is not to blam cheap. 4 1p me to get the cro%d out, or it Ships co, ers told usequently to kee dow REPAIRING- CLEANING & P11 e death Of Rosie. who was wpl,,n1s ost. Hole. Ai would be 6 The old idea (wict S P in English an �a specia Y. -till t of danger. a aries, not 6u. succeeded it and"they wel't. tlown compan S in tile inindo of some trusti etting them out, Y- 44 - - -Phei -8 A CALL SOL10TE iiadd as much rioise all classes any boy or ,�irl !who has And G:. rm SLairs xv here th hear tu�tl Com- as a lot of U did not exal in' ation RI necessary is s, voice. but. I heard others sa-v- -Take him out, .. and shortiv aft�r a.m. to teAcher. Any Dreatur& W. 10 I, - - - W ut -ed me to n be-tu n Uilders canilol, d� '1' as til . The girls ask for nothing el !ca le co b (- loods I t the 1adies ar-10 df Al, e J — them ana I aid so. E smy aad protect them, -tome - mil A & Manazer thier-­,l wbere we c6py "Where the 'ion' origill -in-& short-tilue Phippen and Man -ser )ua tat a el� low .-or in.Lucknow bc v price from the came bacl� upstktirs. and ask6d "Lily Bak& aild Conktionor. -her to make fora lamp and Arged the same mind, they wanted to 4ave her or e anT -all kind"' haste., that f Y, .7 A a cUUSLD AS A COWARD. Dealer 0 --le D 4t ad- best" th fath 'a life -7Vt f They W the .1 est iU& trade, -gant Subsequently Harrison came up ed Qp6ds) thi Is s cusly Groceries, C,ann for the whip whic to guid us we -have procured 'for With -this got from him. He cursed me for - ii E)J?. A4Ar4PHEf7E'8- went dowz stairs. Confectionery? Etc. i . .. - - coward and then I - CELrDfATED! ortnient o IPhipp6n then came up ass f A F9R AN M -I ix told me to go h CURES t S 4 .G. CAWIMd. . , -,. i I � Would, see that"the girls came -rcilf-Tici IT -v jL anser and LL co Ole N 00 D ome, and said they J�re'ad, Bunts tLi by no -out I met ar- O�L the way 14 of C101JES 'A& harm; and -Cakes % on ris' and several otheys, and Harri *- "o I , * Which *iIIJ submitt e I on ItISFicenDafn InlWC e4 to th' jpdges� on 1 Wurt n re I -walked -2!h SPF- [ -, . . . . 0 6 D. son a together. - Harrison 72 lie nd Fresh. 13661Y e of- a row he had had with Man- S: ser, whom he had E truck over for twice with th co -tnkl Corn- e whip because lie (Ifan- Flour, 10tk A' -the head- Sa*�,'urd P 11th ser) and. Pbippen wanted to get the ueal-al.%V ' .1; old mail Into tile house while Harri son waiited to keep himtut,, Jnd--ViciVii nu e a or tbree LE T %kle ilivite alt ladies 6f Luckn . ow r struck two ty.1t vim7t 0111 Jilin e y department -on He also before thal date said that. he had times at Fields but bad not hit him.- 1-. Custoine- rs requMqu. . comia al - Mel Wednes Nt! 1TjJRAY DAYS. -Sole !-NOW- the- day,* Agent for s. M, son Will.4 The day after. ma v. on by Mr.; �e day is uckn(X%V 0 s e. U alit libeli Istreet be fCtte I met him, and We told me* that Tom y ]I- R!, ck, t th plea had asked him *hether *his. Charle nded to, In the spr�ing ellarybod flirilishbu.-s nd'merchant am or stay in, Wingh d fittod for gent had better F�r further father ishment, iA tij let. their tailoring establ away, andhe advised that he g:i kpxpee partiZ6- amly to go 'fjost.' Our new stock contai-3 MATH19W wrLsu, all- the prettiest mak s in. I'ad IELDS' OATH. Ll artP-0 .0 Iliad a conversation N ext day t, ies.and chilaren's fachion' able with -P-hippen, in which he tQld me the M M itiey had burst foot,%vear at low pric(s. in. which t into' the NANTED! I way MA old man�s room when he was in bed URE & Fields choked MW s a�d -Boys IA, ­_iii PF 41SID9 and dragged him out. y eir many-,6usto ers atL4 the'purch# it� servt� al&Y Wish- to hbtiiL� th aprob1blNr Mai�tinl but he did High. Clasged $hoes� man, n out with farmer. or - f rui.t t 'of a not know. ---Fields was take en6MI- 'that on n)UTiclh 9 nothine on bui( a pair of drawers, and Our new stock i& COW] Ual led up to Cameron corners, where rpfeatv Va Pfjt VIC It combines tan in al shades M -ite ocell M- phday, Marc b 810th", 8nP to him. He. - ong, oth was administered ola and also. a fall'line 61 d r tims being anwas asked if he were guilty of the of, 4pliin'cr for cash dopt the business - S Ste n m iind he'said goods. �N-e invite s.)ecial t- they, will fence charged to bi a y i th r OW h that he wasnot en �rola vit�ry He was- then ition to our in Is the asked to swear -a solemn ten, bo �no " e father of the f 'eudl onl y After tht date Ours -Will. si t fo IV ta -hil th4t he fine Ox , rds. -fruit.& an h d Fields took the oadt 0 - STDR� Flu . I 0 -Rosie,'s. ipf t "i 911- VIROOEIRTANDPROV181 '�ured cottrol for'L cknow was not the father of Men'sandBoy's Heavy Wear We v e ot unlikely. Ables d ate *heels: up to W higl�grade anil every­� line 6 -it is asserted that it is n f s.�vill be cept. frosh, 0 n�m ,kill be made. De- In these 'line's I -e w' -ere good- '�kl k ak6s of t that more arrests kinds, following- o' d delivercd. to- is possesses the name of n the bare,4. S tective Roge -position margin of'pro, death to neyor in t give you and am sure and gold o e who took part in th ary. individual &-ir eavInfes. Ours evi affair and to kind kn6win, a ai f whoby promise or taunts 0 it, )/� I of those better values dian.at he pres rt of tb e' toWn. th iiames of most is,the largestfamily of anT-pa r offers of t, alth(' s an ad- i nd )ugh there 1 -ing tit at e we steAdy. be certainly on assistance and protection- v neef from ten tn fifteen al%viyg at home, Un- Y. Clio' a perpetrator to the enact or ds- over less compelled to leave t on these, I toll4wheigh!. stirred the -rime ineut former quotations You can even thdu we came THE FRNLIMINERY Tal Ure n of the. -c 0 AL. per cen or, and cUh a d 11 h back perfectly straight ld pri(e.,�. We and sol;ier, in, hwt, aye The five- prisoners charged with the h them at o noneof m.hove ever peop gone wrong.. —7 dt-March-10. -the' le of the the night manslaughter on' would ask 4� by -Magistrate is committed for trial- lry to give able to, wi)rk. at thz! C1 ou last. Sul -rounding c n Ir highe it. tention, und L ager at Wifigham on Friday rides before can get- my pressure M Phippen, Flannigan u..a call, and get p n ur and MontgOmel M ty Crown sible thing% I can live you how you Richard Vaustom -we can show oil the y'ankest poiaous, an�l,thrive on lime and Attorney ppeajeA for the ed -1 call take into igy brass; -constitut;ioii Ea witness was C911 SaV te- and Coun -on -grtt of hitherto imDoq ec water. Yop-SUFFER F RD ia - e -evety.pa -h ils, and with the aid of a , The princiP up w :iqd of chemic r ry were defended by p chasing,- as weare convin - do MY .nil c ser, Harrisoia. ith a stroke of DEA th 2-�. Crown any ico I .1 'It is the best n, one of the perpetrat- little watpir, -can digsolve burnt rocks, aed pt�it pleasant -to take, durs truly' Scoti" is George the e4ustic h T ARSAPA.. age, who bas turned them to ibe new use of deAroyin. prifig ComplainU, use ors of the outit ffects of blue vitrol or Fir -to be had m�ywhe�b.- p -D T lei 6r Scigitica, Gout 0 told the is green, when spring -ini6dicine S k&N%X Que R ell's evic 2ce and -.wh he told .HUG E S the, foligge of h1V f riends. I can le iii itsaction, and,anfabs6lute c story in the, box - that mild tidd -�ent tewasbt your cellars,: chicken epops and-- I . i n, Dy-spep n le Cons, ppe, al�-Hed to same y, whi,�h w inkle your. iti�ition, Scrofula, La Gri the other da T11E CASH SH E fen�es; do.your buggy w"hing, spri ac f ille. Nea Detedtive Rogers Nns. cause water and have Tro, -e ataryh o IW mpure -Syphilis, Sk s 6s�pg made Harrison the arch-leadei *and to rnn up hill ablos, Nervousness, Chron; from i S130o0o been pronounced the finest bi the greatest in Throgtand Stomach TO d stem, an 0 the other prisoners his chief assistants th1,ud.. Anothe�rdi,,tiri�lshing olibracter- blood �r a disorganiz� system, an 05 an: out in the snow 1;1? 3M that -by the slightest move- istic I possess is Af e w in tal"g the old m :11ge i nt -0 look, rpent -o call while the thermom y arp, lime. water. sulphate of andsee-our t clothes on e -ner of a wate i or�c f in: - t of the Vic- 11111, an An withou Th ow to proe, my 41al was be! zero- . ( Capper alid Pans guen are thrown, into a vio ioatart a Do res when get j, i apportunity eter -itation. All I war Field the son Then it is to Your inte lent a, rlasting- h 1 1 -8100ch T cub d all kmds..* of Thomas T. it �t in the-. seco of the breaking intG the housp tiag i1t rp tb plac 8 SPRANOTOR f lerton, -"w,rites- uonwcorrosiy, 1 lVacting 1 4. i iam paired all -brats - �n J�siph Morrow, erphant, 6 ' f nt., t & h tim, told I- Ao 5 r pplyiog durieg the. ifly medic Ine he a - attemPUP to- get- -'hw&-of m slack aeason to Co6ioh. says that Scott's Sarsapaii la is t e es my pare ILT9. p d, up -and, the praviou- h de�oy s 6 a fa ; er was Ili Fieldit out- of the house wit wil do. by o chea* ever tfi6d. - I -lis son WiUiam who wor C YCLESUNDRIES 6nd. This you myservic2scan be 'I P. Wn otle down; aisy- FieUtold the,jurY Of you can Permit me'to suil -and uimble to work. His was. gen rally, un r letters'-� soon, were oing fast. 8,y§tetn f For, hrther 4146Y la cured him imm, dUtte, y her fathWs return With his feet frozen. bringing it kO scribe, mygelf, your8. truly', (at 17east I bottiti-of Scott's Sarsaparil Then ON HAND AT tified to� the becQuit, yours). 4 lorro w: or Mr. Corn; sh, -persoiWly;. -Many other witnesses tes OTOR. h4g �rr46 either Mr. bi R. KNOX, W,�Ac A. SPRAM Harrison 9 cannit me at, my home, -oil qPrations made by, ive dmi-niser- of Lucknow.] in 61 gh, -Dr. Wall 0 .. , Mg. K. 9, -and -in- SFRA� TOR agent, inr a se ot Ov-th- oods sold by him lore to The M 4re giv who'mad CAMPBELL9 ticular friend, the his men and a Please ca t on my Piix F1 I i of London. Winghamfrom 1871 to I d that the Tic- ing to, see �e post-morte ti m testifle -satisfact Re- At Lucknow, where wait f io I A, S. 0 94. Spramotor Co. build the best -they know 41i tim died of intiam n luclno%v 11 NT 'k The -magistriAe es it, the best o The IO ;�tlation clue to previoils in, you tablished i R- iddressec A- - Wosure in h and they know the best ;.the proof is that they were w reme p iEtc" t er.s;�expressing sympatlly for, i old stand granted hi�hest a ards, on their Spr. the prison mber thE theid �hey had maint, to do no 's- nd 1he ex-- motem as-fiillowa: Ice's -to Air. - Lawren 'hem that mob Fair Xondon violence next -rn harm but told t His iteck r edal at Weste 7: ,legrapli, office.. anc4t beL supprqssed. lie the# c6)n- pritas and ti Diploma-bt Industrial bibition- Toronto Diploma at East I,j U mitted them for nsists of Dip at Great SouthwesterE e erich THE Ix I QUEST. Cie irkii eatern Fair, GQd f I G A N imbt n Fair; Watford trial *ithput bail. ie CO' S ii�ojd and Silvet WRtC atGreat North* "liverware. DI.-amond Ringm. we#. Di 10 4ir, AVImer. 4 the 'lace to makd,". �6ixr Wee 811-, tion if was held in Lr.)ndon- on i' p The inquest EnsagensentAtinp, charniNg Di n, "at'Howard Fair, RidgetpWil. fron to t 11t,V1ne Diplo ft r e alrain 0 1 . I I - I for. veni�� when Coroner Flock FAir�rlzkaq, 11r; see at Huron County Fdir, Seaforth We - wAb Leads th ' ,Nloud" llire6ehes, Ulm Y GLANWARE, ft "BERIES P-ROV31 res igs ti�ntl Bos e Dipli KEN med the in�ttest in the 6:,se. The cutlery, Violins. strit Ditilo it Norfolk I air, imcce -t q u % at Huron Cmiare Fair -Blyth '6oic 4 reo a ed tor also took first prize Friday Vilia o I haie in stoA nrned until that 0 oda nd then adjou Canada and als the diploin ea A-Pple d WAT-CH 1AKER. AppIts e, I he b" sprayeratPri&SbV-'- ER- . . �! - ain, on the - 0X' last, agaitit compel If -8 V - - i , A the -follow-lng a tht- mornit)X Of a c y o- s6lec -ion inquirY was.bvg�'n 0 n % timed - a- [at D t a, being c nsidered 11 �O ,%larch 19, res R KN More frdm the States and continu C `1, iWeet spices hen the iuvestigati0ft wa, Bfitriking lirs tstion. Coronor Flo'ck starith in the Police 8 NEW PODS, Bl -a =d Blue- rr - 6,48mos -',ed the Crown being represegted -E McLEOWS OANN IB&Icing Fowc'ers t .111 -Meal. - ot uIpbers Gingpro e ov Bbth TIOU -cau eil I!,oiftateev. Teas - ie AA111 - 0)1 Beaus bo: - I Hops ey �ugb, wh i mad, OVIE 8 Tolipeoes AttQM8Y a, by Mr- am presid. -MageeCQUIltY 4wn OP JUR - .1d d- -G Brooms Ator Wa b- the post- W HA lie F as V.-jermicelli Brusbew. P, nage q of the dec- �ungii IIS The patic reorico 3 )s. Fields, 90 builifing Occu e 0, AN 0 AN ibe k', a Conti. the'-�same. 01AI: 0Y -15 Balfour, TIDOTZ nut nee. II)ody Th( of A Sr Lime J',uiq.p Wwfibrillirds men� shitip, 'apd is Prepared to nd ral We as lCoffee ea$ed Dr. - J, D- imp emo examIlla c a repair-rdbop in the A, -,I oth-iijr, iesied re ediev Ink ti opor-fla cut VW 1 -' TEAS' -i morten Xtended t of de'eased's season ipitid by Tho .. Y FIN� - - .11 ' ' % - al ti�ud ns, L no t of the city hospit gu repaIr Rf,,,t -kinds bt'bieyck confectilellery - : is season. -8 canned Goode �,: superintep R; mOst for Lamp of Wingham, gave chines, e1c., 'a arighedn' Lad omplaint. Kea e or- -Liver idence, PrOduc VIA' ti Gall and- i LISP ed, P Corn meal witice' -ea cows Georgo locks, seWing ma luipure, Weak -and rmpoy melpitailo eak T ck Flaur 'af, Dyiipepsls.' SLbeplessuess, F, -EG Miteh6s 1&,'Lm of OA Chocolate t aiter -heating 'Atid rc- s6ii6ited. & A� SUA vidancev an(' r asonable rates- call rhe'Choes"i Con, cauwa viqwincr all the ev ory., Broi ]Die ­ies. C Dd�,iicb Te G. W. S N ELIG#OV- F- KidiiiiDy and Minn,- ry Flotir I par n.,;� j7lc�k. in iullimillig up, claimed Ii jaundice st&ks 0-601 jDanc6, Female -Irregiii4aties We 0 -cuirmuts W It V4,we Cunie oner & ase�es. sti Vitus character it Io. uj*ter what- F101ds' 'Veed. creaXnT. -ttipr: ----d- Ift r that, z the people. of Wing- MISS V. M4C B8, suit' Generm ]Dcbu'ty- pply, a cocoanut, been, 01 per hof plat Esud pr pi t bottle qbt ble t Might have re him in -1 - 7 fight to tortu Is F—TziCHE OF- Ino ct greater 1 ail Music wbuld Thhot . - ­ F wa ay did aud infli 80 thl mete -shment than the law V0641 & -of C6 th ..... 8 the re 7w suit ( up Ilgra DOSL�ll wk U ...... to him re. to which aud H STM t sad expos The 00r; had ban I777 ti btt