Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-03-13, Page 3I
wh`6 - -�Xre- I to 'Pitr patimmo
-Mi pidsl- 18.6viral very ---V- 77-P.
-behind t a
Ego � �Jja�g.m�
s close proven b& wao stronger
more WeXID -gfVenfp an.4, at last a
scale raper
from;tehiad the wl peptlar :th4A- ever -
by. was. firing.- at L41191 -WI laley,.-the thil Nald. 411�lkb.
country 41strieW, and 8 too long I I - Constable- James T-11 de. 'It .16 9W or.
FROXISOUD -8: 1 - th. a re.: tiOn and !d ii0i
na: all Sides Mo at -
come accounts -.,Ox riot] U volver. The range ffective, man, as stated-Ift the Wons
40 it Without a*ft ques
-Im Lag and Igill hJ
do�' from Bombay, saying.that Za Hamilton L
-6f! b! ft
tter. denunellitidn aud photo proved Edvi
-*IiO TAP ing' as fast 'Bpa. A.CT,16AL SIMWY.-
8�ftigh, Maharajah of Jhaalsw.- IT ILIS BID nant pro��sts tches, is a sbn.Of Ur hLo
THE VORLD 11 BRIM. -cries, 'for vengeance. . -on. his. time Lapphtt Was Wardin- Of the 'PTO-
arlag to begin 'a Small war i. aild. . loud' t I -persons were ley, Chief Game
-wa* prep He - -was bon A piayer is
on his ow&Qcount against the Indian n$ible for A and sever I I and raised . In - :. ;' -
ose- who havp I been, respo ftj�ner begets prayer,,am
-terr t 0 h Tr 1' -d . not been
ge n th more or. less Injured. --is, no*, - about 24 or
Government, was deP, th tile Italia Terr 18 as' he coll
DBed on Tuesday. the 115le r6lers AW4 Hamilton, and ing hiL iselpips _
of about' 0114A Clike -to W-9 A
lniervi6w at arms. LASTI. 8 IT. - SP0410bg of -praocr
"Mr. 015idstone, 4n . a a. BaraVert t1le , 'Northwest
ea. IA many roroeslklbysaW Trqbabl.. . - - I . - - . - 25 yea7 of a - ge, '' At the age - liearing ano -,%eelng
Oita of a W The -.r�port t at Cfewry . I or 17 jo1:ayd,' gh
Nice. -saild. he. -wits grieved bechuse of turns put; to be -kd possesstOu 16, It: Wag thk6n
I leide of Ifookifflell Finally Tinsley sect! - for hat'groused -the disciples
the"Itallan reverses at Abyssirda# and, tithat amd cro 5sed ovbr, to a -Younted,'Follcia and -did service
of a- Shotgun Ile Hltd Vray tl
WIWI 'till Murphy, Brockvik -desire -f6r incre
ould agera'a ased devotion.
lands. - feared that it'italy'4. present. hilven- he Ira. five years. Ele went' to L
th -0, beat thing grocery Store kept by In t-h6lr
would ba�ve bee ears - ago. He Is a mag- M.-iffluenee of His b -015p examPke
incy was continuell'it ill elicula- i . . :1
turous pt d' entering by A side-, i or dn King about-twd 7, nhood and A
0 1— .--".titutdonal could ha e o 13 under the - 1� - �-� w.1 + at Ldnoint, nificent specimen elf -ma nls -'nnt ICSS novverful because it WaS
o Tinsley, sen.9
cost, Iter the Los I I . i I (c -If the -darker and dar W 0 9'.
!V uto stances, i or. 1 URIEF UF FULIU.5 Ubfi W UVII)a S Officer. Mr �reatbd in -them .4 Iong-' V,
i ..: d out first-class
% m-T-rwrall PITIP 1KIR TUR -11B --ihe.vory,%Torst.]Dres�ded-Troops.1fed 11 Tinsley, the sidewa - -- , and it
reffelrifig � ROrde Stepped out fidl4a
It, +i- ,rnl�ar :R - I +,uk.,,,
-rts which 1 Are 4 1 a of"the family re
post he I gun Jumpv - EIAIQ 0
and Just ma he ralsed I Jeswws
Dr. Leyd4, the� 'Se�]:Ptary or '41tate i a Death.,Trap by ttio Wily F-06-Tew feom masqowah�are, Siii;stautlilted-, i9treet nortI4. lng-
alled,"froill i illty:In escaping -the -conift, 5 had to. re- side at - No. 39 Pearl tji�- pattern of prayer which Jesus
Ilif I a iguation. Jill fie, fired, and
CANADI i for the Trans Who of Pub d will have great: 4 In the this- city.
r wifew 1111tellius (if the Ime two or threl
-ts;,ert.i t -bat tiffe- r their
lin-l- rid, on Satprdity e kingdolfi- . Of a capital senteke �tf e. ormerl mekLnt' i veired -with od. -all the= Petitions- It
for 1. , * t r his VA by, &I F df aMiJt011,._ tteat'co gbV,&, ,into His disciples Wfts the
tiLations Rbme c4ble If 00re arties armed ft -plan for
SITS-- h d Z .0 -_11d
court -mart, volv t to -ulated 'to teach them
cin, of ogiv'le. & Ilittellinson, i;oder- Ilu(I t1le Trau�vaal with gun$ and re vt%s' cale
Lai Oulld- both In -their de-
tween Gerni. -to-day is in a state ot,excite, A.MOTJO�� WjMrEilcl Wa of en rej&#Ouship to God,
-upper Windo
irli, is- dead. 1re exaCtIA, tll,- -;aliie its. prior to Dr:. ItIlly' )nd KiHed Rut -rights the Jac nib SUNDAY. SCHOOL
-let, rind anger almost 13-121P h Rild-fired at Lap( -once peh4pnce and
iiiiiieson's ratd. A motion to,-Impeac the Cabinet ings All 9 upon Him, in their wor
Mr. RLber� Meade. Of 011elltit, has I - ade- which 'the" 1 '6 " f. -the Left gav; --r - - - t
picture can ment. - ers o m, libis pattern is MPan
Lapoint w" seen to OP his gu;i Auk- of -Hi
been app, 1wed lVrinc'p.xl of- tlle.Br�.ck-- i7 The Ven6zlivi.-Ill Olusill: Aft' 1,0ndOu deteription. No pert grou one of the- NO- X11- f6f,pet use of all %he children .61 GO&
tlie situation, ' for notice of thcii� I. Intention. to PrOP06% INTEtURALTILOP�ALULSSON-
- J -. IN C $T(
and f all to the
vUle Public school. -think,; that t lie -colilliluilic. I tiolis. bei oliffately pourtray was as foll9wi: The Chamber of THE MUMMER )D allots had Struck- lift in thef. dbdo* BXAIELUtil 31.5, 1891L It tits the child; 6r the par-Ontst'thg
r Kn-.)x Church. .1 - *btweell 1. . . frout 31asso-
ll:L;.,.kt . It* allian
The eon-e-nitlon o eXclla Deputies, hol-lig�;that -the -people w1th. her in t legs The an- this -Prayer -
every jlespat---h received meA and anot ald br the middlu-aged- In
WO(Idst will erf,(A-a uvw bulld1,,IlllJJae14:lte, tlie� British xililia,4sador -of -the dis- Lit know how
-to r -Luke xl.-'*'1-13.
Oeh - 2e may
th6 gravity ca;lmness and'eineirgy w gry mob made a or tile mur , in ivIlat'InauneW w
at Alith-ade, wah adds Ed. 1. Seizing Ilim, Teaching About Praye VV6 ay see aTid what
lug, to,'�(*t 3.),000. k-ingtoil, and Set Illy' at Adowa. to do justice idail the gdi.ltY*.. His derer the moment It e e�- t6 God,
'tit tile �v* pl- ti- --talian aT acceptable,
Lie aKdoW Tinsle)"iii SOD, 3110
as. I-een. renoill- tile Vetlrzu lai aster -prt�3e, deetiles to agged� him t(p.., e centre of is the 001dea Text
-Air. svdrt�,Y*'Fisher 11 the !uIgIlt the' in.the Africaji. -entei ,th Supt. -What" acceptable to HIM.
-if , Quc:, tal, will lead ko a niodiLS viverldi. 1 Abyssiniai Thrbughoii� !rf* and Boyda'" not ert m eCor. they dr, W6Ahip, is
inated fly -'e 1-�benils I Bi *e der arms, recall the troops -now in Al W A johns -on, ClIsisse -the xoad, Crle�i of' I'Shoot hilm," SehoOl--:Xsk, and it shall be given Afte perseverag& of Rra;,yer Is -a ne-
COMMOUS'. 6 ('little Exe upon the Impo - 0Z Mws-� maefir -Grocers; N. o. On thIs
its their C-ndidate f.,r the The (IppitI(;n,to th -�ar I Wrisou here -was -kept un achni4nt :6f -Ili -. �? - * , - ich htm.11*-were b e4 -rd above the Perhaps it was . -of
bein, lie Imperki I I - , . - , . !. I.. Dayer; F. A. and Georg. B�Jgv., lilul;vh "LYT =ew.0.1 'the o you; seek, and ye shall "find; knock, .. ure
wrilick luts 6jun bili increases in t d patrols- trave try.?' 't( a - ',Int that Jesus savrz the faH
Nir. clec. -' Y -h and -mounte *;Thom. DeBereaux, Fire awsamuell. Iin, By the e. prt of, pre- it Shall be opened unto you. Luke 0.0 ollowed
IV. alcu
Ld as ttg� j,ou-wrvative call- liallient -Ind I ,elttlzh and 1-Ingli The Opiii�ne��m�ntl ns t among� those mor"e cool-headed thle. 119, 1
. . . * % liscipies. They had -.not-%
ppoll ___ qvl -the principal streets. The ruasseS, .11Ow -ly Le entrusted with
of, 1*_ eit 1, 1 lig. w 1, 08,A�,� ]KIlbor kson, - an- �Vhelr threats Xi. 9. mample In this, T4ey were soon
pl;' Ule who -wi p venteld from carrybMl
in ct.111merciat booties welcome ever, -do not. segm'-tq. have retired to I Cabinet the u Also "Wounded� the the central truth? .1
Waste. d(yeased. ith the lorindtiou.0 a new into execution, -and ;'Liapoint Wak Supt.-Wha.t is ey to God's and sleppy;-or- 9,ttracted.and
the bill. it is biiggested bre nam I es - of the uaxqni� ill - Rul.iiiii.: ffig- 0 the polic . station 'Ind Sdhool;�Prayer is tho k nterested byiiome Ph or iwral
It; Or oUPct to I reat. - The streelk w filled w I taken "t
Tile Iii-ernati -nal lie.- (;t'vernmenViiii-lit, under lid after I Ricotti. This conse-
Ir., J. I I. �,tllat t LpeoPle until a noi Shracco and Genera a cell storehouse, Iyalination. They' did
daybreak Of Locked up--�Jn is tile tbipic ? now the
i -VICTIMS. fate all their powers
moruinO every *Ill met I 't lic '.LNlarquis di ever - re- nnpor Wpate ye T"
1b utreal, pr(pnited 0 1jublic- place Ible. aixts of Pray,
--el.1 this pres.�ure fr. Ili Canath was journal, bellej�s. 4iowever, that. the I%Aiville, Ont., March One
pri ahIV 11(it Ill- I - 1 1. - LAPOINT AND
In - ar f early Ali
.1-t-ilm of tl�e bill to three ye. prayer. They
excited, men and wO- King tragedit s d to thel Is Cased res *nftT
-tied with. t terr iido this, Vence w
ar I x want crow was also Xonove
tile indizatiorns t -ex Re is terri
ye,. Tform a Affidstry imcon -tiber most Lwpolnt Supt.-Whst -is the outline ?
tell, The London Alo�-niag llobt pu6i�,h&;, 1ire tha din!.- who will 'bly of W,ouid greatly. beed 1i
-d 4,jegus gave them -a very
of- - rhe fulloNvilig people are assilult here to -day,, pesultl:Lg� -in: the wounded and canu( t�
I -a 'Bell IV Is e nilt -X inurringe has becu men. To. ay ag a most juno�t,011 witli -.1siguor Briu,: all corded In tlW.towrL of Brockville -Oc- General Elospital.
Mrs. C-ItIl %%-a off, tile charge; recaver. A Rdhool,�I- The introduction ordinar
.f 4, -Adee It.obson, 4116 - 'i - iluBiral t
. I curred All illustration of prayer.
r trial ,,It Ott, her 4rranged between ALt -ng attitude - throughout 1 meinb2r. -9 J�ot had Lodged prayer.- .11. -;iJident in daily life to I
Sorrible ruelile-A, 0)"ItIlitted -Ulr, J Lf,1111 threftten". a I -THE D I'S A ST E r., h*talit death be. wound-!- charge of heavy buct LU1. Via 'thein. the great, value of importunate
datighttr of the ILLte ust the LiATL of 6ae Mau, results of prayer.
second Ily, Demonstrations .1.nol bi els, and up to a rich gift in
graudelill tren, Ila"Wd -6-Teencroi tinig $4, Alselples. It
Xir. Crisp . I- 31inistrf ater" af -04:biii irolu Ing in,his stoulach--and: bi
-lit rt. t Park, i It' beril others. en shots -had Ti e. -A. D. 29. PlaCl5w-*0uRt Of er,
i Elail Itubsou, of , even4againit the i�ceived There was
:I nd L, . I % of two . or- thre IF
tire-illetit of counvy Durham, add -2 . -,%la;Ssowall --sllq�iv tfla, t it It tile the present'wri lives. "ay o thii hungering
Lanchester, . Crown ire Mported gIud it Is � very- doubtful it ciiief -,I,ose is awfully
I,nJJv-St.lr11t-�,l.,f lie I.,ml.lon it. -1 i. S.;, f roin a number hutigh be6n extracted.. 0 pc - The disciples- kore r
the Al. Ilranth m.. llurne-PaY Lic, Y. -int,esp. in spite of I rout of tile ,itallaus was v-ohiplete, er-
of" towns in the Proi ise-ven, bout the i ad and 0051- must Come thrOugh PraY
e if tll� "Stock InKchauge; L u t -o tile disaster is bouke- ti.*y will ver� whie - i, hope is enter- Commeaf
-;. �L is still alive, but i T
ilr. J. the fact jhjt the a thorities, are the exteii mangled a tary-�I- He -was praying-
llied at XL IlUe. ii�e yea I'S. ang, Cc.), and eldest z;oll ut �) - suppress all .it Auppobf�d. This mdre'are more or less 'llur bout 157 He 1111-161ist more than an
titrainill- every�t nerve to ,wlIat less-th. tit ill irvive. Cousta- This - evff
f r tile present.. s All C �, a ma- n taine will.
Partly. lzve,�z:- tit Ve-;t ijuirue-ilayne, Q. is*sald to be w41g to the f atit -that 'ilim to twelver- o'�ro d that be ell as can be other, haii-taken particular notice Of
qtlarniing news 0 is appear -mi -doing as w waS.
le Tinsley is
e -i I;lr tile to Vit. till-_!. jy postponed. 'tha ital b jr&ying, often. Whell lie
xvai Jut f the 6 h 0, 1 d uot.j)ur�;ue -: -
fbtes have been i 1-jinitel ted- Mr. Lapoint made d will cOVer. as, w3ll Chris Vs, i (Ch. L ill. 21.)
if,- (if Ea -t lid- -the All- is of tans L to AbIll as at first reportedi expected, an was Praying. An
-lit t.)%%,irds f4i .'r
atit -Illeeli attitilk t"I 00 I't tile, rt -1106C 4)f tile 6url u a, T -baptized. He
kil- inasses for ance on I,4jrtil. street near, the; corner klso; the Indian. T other -viietinlo or the wilderness and
t l and- partie,4 IV'
v. I -le Ilia bo i stragglers w4L) tiering co erably, but no [le withdrew int
(I e .X I itr"U, .111d inican pirdt-rs %i III pro'l-Z-1111. tile dlead have _yri-eJebrated this ere
i�. (,,ltlloli� church In 1 -believedwto I. vo,,,,pi�rp,lied are -naw --ir- a gun which proved are all Eu Le went out Into
-1 ftz%�* wo.vks. of Ilifig, carrying - th (Ch. 1H
a chang'v ill morning' in e% f ese prayed.
da - Ili. irnticipate h- a-7 0
the F N aiJgi�, No�(.., ll.ivo pvu- at] erdwds -of Weepilig IvO-�, riving t ]hit e uscd- a mger tQ Pray and eontilnu�ed
-no- i-bekade -I this city a s has ca re- to -be a double-barreled breec-31-lbad- seii. Besides ho are hurt, u a, kuount&in
lit anti uz those
-av Ill I newal of te Il night in
the I title, frion.AVere in 'zlt- allits kigaln�4t tile ca (Ch. vi. 1.2.) '116
T.1 I, or ink shot -gun, wben.-almost OPP.0131 great many'liad liall. a (till. ix. 18.) as!, 'My HAND*
.ia rt, ll� i Iilea iiiid -boeroWing t collipf, bkeadth escapes prayer,
Vat!0 trellci;. 91 -
Can; t.; t to- FATHEIL HOLD
a i,isL front not "i0tv- all. w" alone
i Lorlva;Ly V% Uti tilt.- 'Vil tendauce. 1,0411e- in word, is -erarriept; I off i� belong* to a prayin9j-
autt ii - 11110-401 11rul)" - . Go% -4n an
xifider : ilien d the -Opera House block, an old na -Lapoiiitp tile miVolef
t'lese 4L I lay a city Of 1110111711 -ille father was a. God will hold.
liavo r arli-l' %Vinni!_1 for allot it C011 :1, ing and of -si -,r tit L dt&red, (Ch.
I-V lit. -at Lilt L' fierce,- ial e,)A,iinate 'of- tli,3 uumb long, He prayed He waB traw
Vi:6 is- still named. Peter Aloore h-appmed a lrespeetablle faluily. th For I the Lord thi
heads. 6 anver, ready to b,-e;L.k oub 0 wo-und.&4 IN-Iii0l, 110 W C
eo da.;'s. Llvelltl- hin t6 ILLS -hy inar -liy right hand' Bay!
jillit-Irt - ill- . : The (yowrament ' 1, ownin xl'earlv 1,000 ix. 28-29.) and -here He . wats lira7ing,!- . I.,
t. -r it aPft)CUr,, & wealt in 'pia�e rng unto -thee.
Tiw c" , ol:en reselitill, believed to - 1113 over - -wiien La)oiat raisv6d the . - BroLVille at cejqg� Most likely the*; t -1
1, ev. 1). 1 lit. i:i ir. in.111v -e- 1 or untis itit'. �I - acres 'of laill H16 disciples.i Fear not; I will help thee—Ise- xI
-llat;,ilf eii� rd is -ap-
ti't. ,it litary auffio-ritles are Wild- -it aiwijuirity of tile, 9 took." deliberate -aim,' and e left all Ills Iloun't of Olives. One Of
i ji Will liki,111"S f and tile In! geb4z; raisulanagre-, th.. 'L'.JratIL'fl'8 a.ttack,. J;Poulder, tilt- tiale of Ills d6a.t convert.-Towus.'
ral I 15$0t'�!; dead, 'Of family. 'in 90
chargCL W. ed oL tic. od cirel Han The new
lr,wrt will lie �vo churelle-'i till t ill'i ce-s. -Probably a
t ) !,I, Life:- t pro% Chief -'Of "olice Rose
f'r r. 14 It r -This iul�!
uleu�'oj tlid- Abyssinlaal cami)aign, and, all wcv-qprits aiU e-.tll;lt ach'us to pral
vurt.f Zind Lt the point 01 �ad. Lord te
.-I cd It t1l; and t eo I a_ iMen' Aeavy my
-ilit'.� -!last and -61 a mor.osev, plies nViction of till
rt tile Ali, o'r' -At aK, J)is out of k 8 We at murder�r, now ly D Importameq clouds oerspread
-h 'Ipal, rVe, -11 of rreat iudignition is expreKsc A too f. r , _I .
M. iltfe-ii. Albertone ptil, 714 ', of co
death., was a1w wiedge Of akk,
trolli, of (Irvat goading 6 Neneral o ac ion tiller coli-41.Zt-i Pal guns, gloom�. r, w
ti) dr-truction, papers' whi--h- havib-7been ellga.6.6d. -!-I' r. gula r battie, - Ills ti -ma to to d unpr, disposition, some- halo And on the ,path I travel by.
.,Ip! tit I at dt.,.s �,tlle neiks, I 0IJ_c Ilealoluitr 9 Would go for of prayer, -also
Tie N Vtll'- Lord Diiratieri lut ti ug (A folirt time alid hearing the . shot, nd the difia
o, i it fri, lL 44 Lift- llorsk- I - it, the (lays without sp6a�,ddg to alllyOnle- thereat nature of prayL fo There falis no chlepring My Of i�- light.
nti,- 1,inl with his Inactivity. - do fir, ul,(4,,.i ficul,y oj praker. yet a desire
tliv . impitttatjion- 1 by I miust walk by faith, 110t Bight,
'�sillhen aliti Sir,1)A.f%aA Slili�h Brit . ana A!kl�%.� that lihig Illy k;An Ia 'tuat dlr'�Alon La point took 6,bie to 60-Wn he , would Jo5h-A 'Ant]
.1 - When he c of -liquor, iray.-Bradley As
NI. in e experves ditivilug'- 1-91 itilkillperl-d L ED INTO �k TE A PI quemy: until th" Whole" -or charge sGuletimes get tile Worael. -ability to 'u Then. - ather, haud.
t�tl - I t, win amtt abot him tile ;atiou maj J7 hold
12 it olil-Aled agal ist (;em�r -andhead. ition ag dau new. di�ipp
01; lit:, ui 111at, the It, I twight-Each
t us '.Ii,f ear 'tile
-11 izj:�t year. -0 s itfAl- to ri- t�,,A iii-tala bee- and when iii �that c( *dI nfoiding ol darkest night,
t..%-- ilippivill rtwre-! - a i,;..Ip-. - s, i 1PY Av,,�re- t-onipel 'i have a uly - h ve Its -new u
-Ell,- Cana. !Iaa staff, has., CaliatiJ, titi, efflill .. .. . -1 COIJIJIIZil�ler le'l iuLO orciL Ulld t Ail`oid Luaiaii nalildd j),,kafun. was 6ro� sgented to t DO 4, 0. a. elation -8 maO� I will not f
othvr�, tilt 'tat�ts, - - usi and new rev
I tiitA.(L- wiiibliwas cede. _O-J, tiu, arrival o flimer truth-, T.he darkness ih,%II be as thP 119"t
r�cepti-la I thall tile �111, V InLILVd. tpe next he waa, a anuing neax unian life. Last Ell but its
got on a -
it ill -aad -open new modes. of acieess an 11' N,
11161ved tio relt�ch.idm UtAL.11,11111111K'r lllcftts� it (,,,mral. ' Albertpiie- a Arge -in the mania for h Viia arrested all .0 phantom ter-rors shall -alarnii,
made it se,!olld Alttat!,� Jill er o anki 111�&s of w;r�- ot isuffey. h&rm,
-.1 Loni, vvr of tile corner and received sprce
;11 :in 'a 1.�t)5- Iiir itlilp trtz of L days. Since. top.rcs,�ofp;ayer I -know. I camn
.411itkil. I I *Thif;l. " s ull done
-i- ziue I (irdt,r -it -)rt.a t c, Lult, of tile E3 the %1,110,11,111s 1.14ead lod all for -8. wilt hold my.haud.
Ilia. ged in I
tht., Dip- Slioan tli*e art,M�:-;9; and 1, ----p t �i as entertained If Th"
Vetl t- -a -tile Ilti4jtia.-.-.wrsI.s 1-t-achell will the a -it, takes.
t1l 1%ji-xii tip r quicker time 1111LI4.
12.140S. attenillag tile coronation i at bay :to], e -By t a k;ru -8, which -may A ugh, and stony-- grow -B my
�vd I tit(-1lde.l u.� it po.�tlulrof tile litiat rtreat I t is s ald, I ship* 'F,!ktber--
r f�- ontnri�) -it a Jill lit' to --u;a' it. -this I - Cuns�aple then, 0- r Aa eiprei;,do
Eve dge at the poli. 2. on:
-t- Viat --f-W it",ill N(-1,us ;it Axtltl,' and. that, had -been lll�d;�*d.` Ually -th 111 i-, seene. La- eduat g tile Chief as 19y coilde ion. Her� art 1 "Arlien ro
rt A ILingr L rout d- arrived on for ills Sete and
1,,.,rry k jlc;rlllel t!if Tilt Is a. e,W114dv1- Jiz� ile- Askitfs I)Jmo�e:, and the terrilil. is aboul 85 S. That tender auQ i way.-
Itle-111's, - - I I q i And hindrances my progr&8 stay
A * I.urnett 1%,his.4, tilt".. wZ -hopin-gr to'stlef)60 thUSe his.- pock in
NI r. -1 -v� pl- I' aittl . froin tll* bf L 6 d we
�11 I; two grand 1 6
rf� v"Imt. ill -I erea-o Jrt�nf, 0 nim. 1.,Iu(,, �(jejter-al -Baratlerit iArdert,d -bega ml& d Avds' shooting right an iedf. ajad. iespectf III I( -sh6uld fele
A be 1 1. Ividgie d % jch childrefi- When faint and &ore, I atuimbleon,
who rell'ain 1�11.illt ot it 11 cart- his first Viet! V4
aa f.I�,Itjug -si. a It years of, Age v
- I A r keeping iucl'
rge, er lived -on his t And long to know
r t Le vv� a. tbgeth r, - i . 0 , RE that
t'.t:r c-l!Itt:-late i I]-- .1ki'llflondi: -audl,gled' Ste
te, I -I rt- I'llit"I wner;rls. Al1wrto icuously. A 1. owd farm, 114 for God my journey done,
r niil�. -lell, 'pruilli, ier& .(2) a
cli ,0
-Jr. go DUar., co t Ible Tinsley To- allow- the'will"'
I- tile Arinion I -was house for- War. of Znfidence in GOdPi love to. 0 Father, hord- my- band.
W. A. It.' -1,1-2 t rXV 1 U 11`11(" uffle afte feel ior'their fatl
X� kth 3, arborniloit-' roi :Itt,4.0. Vie enei�iV gatheredi. but ever,
1.1z", D, -appears, preterio](4 to . rt di* -,z i had d geeklessness
I it ;it- .ye. 'EltAll. latter. i� hadt bcf�n' Jill ck.�d oil Alto other �lifrzlia to as hee thers hiLve cvh T1L(iu-ih'hi:av11X- my burden press.
G. EN -advanw initil. brigade with a 9 might be fa f Qr their
-it liel*6ru- tli it IIi;l.I t1le pass, th-n,e - ot 1jellind - til.0 Weigh -96 Lie
llave ass- of �revulvek and- trio
, I r I di � -tu 811 �)Ot Lgpoint relation ob& Av-iI1 no t Ic vt, and tr
A till ali tre, not b6alg, s Lapolilt a few ins to the -to us r0yprpm -Thee less
S*iLlIrL Calif?, Mr. McCormalck came dictates list
at" . tile troops werz- iieh within th( -HIB honor.
i�ft -for t
-Xyr. 0tit. Slin ll�i Iii -t t -he �s IIL?� capital. of space enoi'- lu-�'trooii` to' de� horse, and Lar at& persOul zeal for, ission. to WE MY weary'livay.
04,1114.1i't r:I rhe if rbia tit is will, subm
to Allo.% -V, tl ere but faiied� 11e.then ran door to look after b Steeper M
I-dN%.n.rd '-well leadiTig, Geli. xlbertbn'!�- he known re- and dbeY.
14 Or (-,A-,t - t
Then L tho stre - - alf1d. Hel to follow,,_
IZI �':t� r.-: 11 tUe- se,arip T.h e 1) et t6 a g-ocery store �Oiat allot at him wit dience to - H
%N ere 111-1 Tigrf j,; iliat AT"nionoll's ino�u Milt- i, te -i- cr tting -in the and chastisemellts,
re. Ly, g ayes, tile
tlla�i tht- arilp,41- wfti, - tile impro uIt Nv, C- 1: -upt, by M -m.. Marilt H Jeweller,- was dlspeu$6�tlOus' -Clarkt- nd of r --hold n _;�'Ifaad.
fate (f . 13,111: 1. suit. tire
-�Ilally beea-
will bw-devidt (I -It Prerfe.h. ri! wily.'. lio 6puned - v iroint'duor -it outside resem! Thj hraft,t*o
If's it 1-: -di-Illotaiized qati. when to His nat,
milititry ell Ill 1-1 an easy I proy stamo][ing JIL his door, if some ti thel.sun uld III
larlia- revuIN 1 '11 to get, in,, Wblch- art in heaven- r
�e-terl;%Y gave V -c triiflo strickew -f-r �n ills land, b t I aud Scriptures seems use
110dern artlll,ry,'dl- - x9p,
-4 till! It;iJi. -Ind slUlpilrted 11T I -,AvIlo ,xvi-nil.-A 111) witil tilo Ut be Lapoint yelled. a I n
-ill T 14:11- %nd- thel I li'l ra. tg-be111-11 8 ot" i1r. that direction, in -the jring4r, i Sad brighter,
tit, ca�e (if ti -le f, -J> -t �lttlnl Ind immediately. rl I, d
1,t- tNe I, Italiiiii.; Oro he L*ou.,d -.1io.ot Lapomt Ured . His oninipreseace. L-
-J -khn ridge.- ':A ing ped inside the in-joil. If I with -$oy Aho
..fte R -S, Ot ment" firm tllp italliiuw ill tile-. tile- ellarge lodging iw -the '-'c . pressi - His 3.1alesty an(I, dom. h t MY a
Tit- va nef A- ii th-2311 ()Nvir -lrot Mr. Hayes just after W. 2,7.
I:— vern� rt 4L I, y I' fore theilf,iand.cifttill-t" . (2) nd i;mlle to find the allaijows
t1l, 11, - I tiluee eel shortly 't A
c p Whrimin- sti-pin-- r, -y:. livad aud Deck. A yon't i -who door..- k3een ft a power a
I'll, Tliv . I;i-, i-- 41f I g man - 11 xx. 13. (3) Hi I .. & hand.
atlive-or.,41looting thi2l".withOut Ple the mardever present Chron. I .! Stll� 7atber, hold ni
I 'a being chPtu , 3. (47) 01114 -
g-, fit aw.-irIt.i ntly dvlvrte�l paivq .ile,�ture t,)uk tlibconstab e
eLvnEracts- ti e anli it -tit sh e "in Gene' ats frar, and, though might�
t rtiek.�z (lown. upstairs ell a, ptapia Appearan is 1�- Should grasses sP g all- �ny
Witfl TIIt1\v8., tlioir-': revoll'ver, -ind goin %�al$ perfeeLlY actence. 1.3-15
;tra, witrii�- th&,1.r rev)Ivvr.-i 9 to
1Ir t i U11170, �I- oth- C
-f r In I Aiers sted, xx
It- 1:rew -IJ of A. lilion t1Pv-tinPT3)Pd Fill to tilb gr( cery "tore at tillies'..exualu liness. L�-R- feet,
11111g, pussibll julte P
q, did i everyt He worme
Llae of It' 1 1 -i-ribl and fired pair 'of tweed urity -and L And alim0d- I gather flowers sweet;
-61ilcht! "c1hii, -ell-f" "l"tt I] 1.1,qnd iiijoi t. He did conscious.
I IV IT and 6trllc:k Lttivioi
Thi� �seilfil lk(pe itpa to -but tit ;I -
I Itft1- of
Lyi ;ue -, ilie 4lig-ilt of tilt, tr( p, a &ir e.
a Ili,-, t ay rap an Old -fur ca: le --This Pell-
a 'Und nut Ill treuse did &.Owed. be Thy Uall -wou
h;4. ilik f i tit wheeled �Claxk
Ire. tilinn the..troo'p9. ]!,.I ni 11 r - 1 ill b -efforts-i& tile officer-; AvC-re liltile drup Iu6t; My$ a -c 1L lie Hal I ld not wander from'ThY side
i -vii ral .%I ii; S." -the oa in the foref rout, tO6 Elidy%t -with me abide,
W Z;- ,.h(1t N, 1.1 yiTig to rtih :I tllqt I iii Q broke-.R� - 11,[I niter ,Iltnilig lid f red into tA
-tit' bf- Ttati I d . lit -r et.)Titilitl (11fiek its lfg inotecasins and a- dece gracious Lord,
lie r0ut -.16d sla iltr, -, - . i what lie had tion is- sot
-Lilt ii.-to,at.oing. tnot appear -to realtz m
1441. t
t.14.,I(l an -ing t
st�irt- �n t t v -T inakIng a tra 11 store %�iudQNV pill%shing pla-Ine. beingr cold that the ballowing Of G a &JI And ever hold my hand.
ant -e. thollfil, unher,,,hilt. I w Alulck- d(fte and co of efliber to be pre,ekrea before all thbigs,
ill,_, to Ind% 6i. tfielor -Tli ILpoint then dropf)ed an akl- way,
r c PEN- ly taliturea atf, 14 the Police 10
to arri, t derll's that 0 re- 6T IBM continued w help anO stay
itlier was Lie. I in Is'- A placed t TI' -an A is a in, f0re Hold Thou my right, hand all the
'I - I,i, j; . . Te,-I:l ritsli 11 tri de -l"! If. It anti Ili rs lly residing iii )Ien- other.. Petitions Be Thou my comfort,
t phuti-t-vil-hing the 1111alan Idilot c6ll..;, not over fifty yards of a well known f 'd
I' bezah t1ir T'1(1';t (Ii-aisfr011 has a brother a gal for the Iasi time.
lie hope trea
I- te- -1, 1�11 t -he bkull, 1�11 -8 60011, 1 t in tii;-� AiEe-ill -%vn r- nt was jn�en-.;e, Elizabethtown. -a 11h give Him high holfiOlt And whert my journey all is pasti,
..... 9' -chrOl., a.wi Y. His father GOd9r, nome is to 1
I �yf 1KIIII st �paralyzed s j
fur Z SI 4 sollus dent jol -Brockvill ther render His -naia,`6 0 lead me safely homp aelas
.-Ud �yf tilt mis rc,
ng peeect a iiiet'-d �yf t [ic- tri.ampli i and tile IAO d veneraUOfi, aild Holding my ather's hand.
ki 1111g, ill t tter-bun. Uiri)ugh solitizi. on. hftfur tbe` disormir ad it"(' tile crowd was "1111 be- died some years - i Irs agOp leaviAg saer9d P- t'
IiV'41 Wh 00 filtered SYka S HIOUS-OX, tfS, the 'terrible tragedy hat was ago, an, set Him highest in 0"' r
not nh-vs,. apo b died about two ye;
da li,i,4 leii.,w en-, (,nt�t1n,, tilprii'doNvil in re�lt rin to Iov4Q a3idjrust in I'll$!
ve-riliCt of right b -mire their eyes.
I i Hung Chai-'. ing 'eriticted thoughts;. I� R-EMEDY.
Ity in slint- Had aliyoule ever in consider0le always to --g HEIST-=
properij, and VAS; s049 iidr and prd�jbe'j C
yt u;l,r tliey N%in rep.- I of rep -at -041. ade 1 he move tile ivP, Him Ito
gli, rvitr1iliand v0,Y-V ier fIn-4lt�i*.Qtanr1,;-,- . I IN Four axe. DY1119, has name; Him.-Watsba.
aLt t4m evivil The'trooPR. -, ! . .. . .. would have bdel I�nched on who. -his relatives 54y,
ar", "tile 1-:111pt-rur 11111111S squiiin , - criplinal. - -thlvt *iu all -tll&t we- da 1,0 Men are carried about by the cur-
It..etzql ,ill tn '16vre haved NVItfi. the 7 I . . . I � I .. , .. t �iad Wen dlli- acted very stratigelY, imagined - ��fte kiugdom'Oi I teaeliju
I — - tile spot.-liviien. Lapoin COM of unbelief and fah -9.
'k� ie
tlie ct,ro.na0)n tit (L.- the family were trying to Thy kingdom gos- i rent
-�;Ajely p4 li.-youd the bars, the rest 01 Of HIS
f r the Crow".. have Ztarted-10'r 1'11*�Fa.' -r(,,Itp-t gall-intry )ell and. Some few' Ella power. The kingdom Behold I stand at thy door and
WOUDED. It --was ascertab, api Ingodoal'OL. His gram Ile' remedy
t. c p6stilble it, �knock." The
A -Ci 'PruSsian- Silesla s4�-"Pfl arnnitivitinn AND SIX P.&NGEROUSLY tropriate Ilia - shaire. trouble ill pet. Th6 k for luke-warm-
l. -at ths 'ago he got int0p
to:- lin ve rtuItt-t. illine Ili fill- '111 th'r..'Itilian lirn-visi(int-n"Id orti-l- wh nz!. T1 b (I of mon ag the ILI�g.oj�om 01. His glory. ness. at the -heart -is the abiding there
At- It at liatt been. do ie y
J. Ld, after' threateill tiod
- , I'Wilt--, � -0 - - fire and lai'y' eighty of the Iv 'thf, (;nmalv- A Tathpit. lwaollk dead. -The will Of
-4 s %v6re rescued: Twenty- tory fpll b1to tit of t Moore I. oil -the tidc the town, at will be done Yes, He is the r6medy p,
lit. ned �ui�ner, r- 1'.1 t I oifiol -%�,hi.te etips'.1; IC'ulioie'�[' ll.o,e -wa.8 earn?d to his hortle, lite- dy to' deliver our, souls
"ell T- of tl�J� of his brot as sent to Wil -Tuy tely good, Wise and holy to in of Christ.
Th rpsilit NV d- disorderly, from is� Infini! Ong &6, is e 0 y Teme
d taclied by a
to rf,tllr�l Z b-.61�s were taken Wit an I ' r'nts ,� I . I dWd,, and"at for being drunk '1111
I for seA dwid - t, 1-3111 V 11.0 wol allied in -and am
U(-fJ:4,r1ZtI.IX - ft;lll-qn -3 N%.Itll !tclo6e..b4y, terribly Avol -hal
as it- -e, 67mi n� Are missing. to U11.6. -kes,w3ed his rlilu a satisfy. With
with arri"Is 1- ;1' Avili"011 Ir he was rh4irtl afterwards re- le. It -ft inite. goodness. wisdom- ilud In LI that falls V ory. �v& cry.
1;er- - nnir t1wir h I* doubtf it whether lie whie we are sure qf vict
.11141 - leased.' An�,attem de ,he 41
-14 .1 it - was ma to to have int
.)i At- Tlf�e- 1-1111liber fit couVie-,1911--i in ff-ared -t- I rtir iiii-n. larl� (1Z il 9 dud six this writing t .111 -With sin;
feet All, o Ill; ided will- - live. or `ilot,- -4he mchances ylum at lioliness: ditfused throughput �OU31terj. "Our God, we are stained
for. le,e me hits sn-. oI tho Ttnlinn �tber�.- ft -4&. �.G d.,trigerously V�t agalri�it.liilil. have him placed in thek as
t Aveek. 1111t 'I -Ili pilrtinvi .�il bei -ug - -,very lilliell 'is - badly prove suc- verse, -ond-eart Bg.doifa 61-- what shaU -we do V�and God, In our
qlngt be' -it did not
ppj:jally large dmF-119'. Ole tPaI` a to a fnrePfR'- "Pht -till. tll.!tt th Y.*Carilwt�A. Thislel. ne time; but
,-t A tile s tseriiterIiVel fal.- R,s. appearithice does not in- part of heaven heart. whispers. If Do- nothing. *dear
r' it (110 vq td JOT in --tile soul; I kl�ill light for thee." Paul sayll,
.\t t 1L bu-che of Kiel wa, rpneliefl OP"! , . o.' . - er. The la- egg, peace, ar
I,t:ra1.w-tt4eI1WIIt Nvotillue,, but -will recO
t wa., discov- A 4vea. lit the viciousness, and, tile general. righteOusl - a
Ind :al girl r -P di ate established I
j 1!r.tlCkVi.Ic been-. year':i7 ijillimitionineilt. till, tats- of-Arar nted. On Holy Spvri , Is havi been crucified with -Chrlo*
L ou if L� retuov t opi, live, but
Onnf4e b.,fory igo'lly(Lgh ! k tan Ifich-ion 'was
diireipect fill Is MI' V 41;04b 2 1 to tile U
ol. Hli.,J� - - lie vikas deme
t;.;l t Com- POZ,dalli-, for �lleilk. toll(L. He recove uIon is tnat there is then all longer, I --who
f, w Ot Saturday: lais *town with
er --.I I:k (..irrlag�e S0jtEqlced to horrnrs. 6.qn bn n(ITT t4 0til�rs wo -(left but weiLt home Without vision made )r Christ 11,ving in -me. By the grach of
awl" lock --1 9 %N -41-s 11-' -spiial. Ileai-t, for it is no
. 0 c rda.s, woruh. Ild PI. t he caPie to
X avI t diverted. tl -11 - 'l-QvINCI'-S - . - . I I - for the-fulf1iment, 01 '6W
t,.e L 1:1111JI T11.01 ILE IN TNE I . . . - ? '*(In- Ills fr011 sert
"i, Col ent ill lorlson. UWa.keried b., it lit-full"J".9 and
had -beell 11 niiDen Fre tearw
s Itave alxeatlY -l_X 111011, tilt; news. fron' tile 1-30f. L-11-11g-1176""lisIl.are 'Aam 1--iloorn, Rob&t Boyd aj the Itables Divin-4 WifL,--:Ciarke. As- in bleaveW- -'I God- I lam *hat I -am." Lift up y9ur
-e yet
er- 4itrei'y ilard'Ite till and
Itallan Lat, n 'it - .. 1( tilem, and they ai fr
.11 jjL� door -, tobert 'NeCo fit heads, all Y,�
-Th re� and the rf-m;1fn- -It 1, re tL proi-livel", iy-caini-, iniore alarlilirxg� It bed a. I tulzvd jub riibc %% ft, 11-VIX-g"; 111orge a man of tile heavenly bodies-suni, m00u-' e gates." Brother, the bat�
-a 1 L for over
i -I zv.�ice t.�ver kill tile ent n( of thg Clifton Housef� He is
I have:to be repOLL tr- It 0 etai. I I - NcgP and.1,tionias. Dejereaux, as -never stars. By t tie must be YO
bet r, AV i, was st�tto (I til.'t in a, nunflIe'r of places 11 oj7 I%VLIIT-V Ill' -I u yenis and Ili. he angels. 80 in eart fought here,
IWIS ana ill, . ` I do It e-*** Y.
I fit isabo yeari
110ir �k;e
IlJ'0 'lie "ol"" tit 40 Aer all is I
_-.vter iiiiiietvil I I q -1v unaliloto , I of age I . 3eace. We need not 44
0) wi', 'I) t -n l-, d IpT tfle. ' i'l t! tilt, police 11-:1ve 14el wtt4 9 6 less tha . 0 mortals. That is to
-k refil-Ire "I It iloe L'a tet f, nor our 'G
-kew mi CPA bePn marr utnbling Or C-- Od.
�e' and -th. ight from tow without at against Ogg conscience.
Z Tratle. lort. - flefwged copo with t-lilf- PIT)"IM A'aming :to lisk it Iwille is -about -e
iilmn to re- C()Il.ld n-nd rlo4a here. - Ile, IS, CO -%-STABLE SLEY. i� unweariedly, UdIVOr We must IfIght- our battles here,
-it.h li: f: . Avell k 'd but
tip n- i -trocipt'. llavt'� bi.4,1 opouea- -e zts.rapidtY be. is is the - most Course_ To da eadil$ -an
tilt -
A however, li'uiir-'. -an (-73,pr-rt shoit, Ind in( can we flight them with God tw-ald
a son of. 11r. 'sal�y, ilumbly, cheerfully, I
s \Vol -k th, mustable ThIsICY y. -Boston. The will -OJ
toye, ol.w,.. It rigger of*11is
VVI 0 -hatt appell, -oC his tiffie
ax u red: to, ba. F -, :� 114asiey, in -heaven zealously, rev
appv. ila A.'i 1.-; Ilel till as. He has shown. i
Dutr t L' us ? This Is -the secret over stu."'have
il-p(Jritt-il. - t" tl.!* Itn!'au., i� t t hunting. of Halut4ton, cuief GaTne-- oousteAtl'. QhrIkt in the heart.
raiv,n, %I. I .. v..§� - A I
(1, I'llUt li. 11-; 10,11). S- Tke I:iiil)t-ror W Germany ha wr - 0 tile 110 Agns ot insa He'liall" L. ea, -Q1 the Proviam ol Untaxio. is doile 17
tilt. pollee, :1 1.d- !!I.. svvpl�-al Places ell t (ij ..-and L116 . nity at ti nes.-
wn for aday ilicir twen !Tf to I:Ee w1as for
wwnit' w".1 "Ill"I e Czar --I,- fired -upon. At or two. -drink- Wara, ly, -with cheerful alacrityp pet ver
.:, I— " 11 ert; -ds, hav, 11 r,,� d ).Fk 1 illg �orlst rably. He *has been in 11armonialisly and PARABLE.
It' - III.q frientlAd
Ile river when tea -an ,, utogra till ILiter to th a number of years on the
i'ry :n- wf�i,-Il llie -expre�sc., a.lttor A.dia. door an"I ng
lot-11.1111mit; -1111an. tliv t, .1-y trvin, an to the 't to. BroeiL , ly,
h -f r.. -attend kPi. -, - i moudud Pclice, and came til. Z
me' tline lie- I vilie last- winwir as a guard at tile
fur Ld -pr6inisws to I i 12lakiiii, -v th", efore. SO Norton
fug! ives, - N
t ce -3. Gi -Tile go(
-the Czar. -ar to, disperse 'I- illob.Wilic I wa-- voundiag it 1'.", 0 rs, trouble b Im I
vfiinilue�, -it 41tt �6e'cork;nation fetes'at.- -00t)w. ttw 0()'v( -r;7- i tile gun n ild things Oi -this The- yofin.g man who hit great pois
'9 Lot) calue into to with � - Le joined the POIt9c fOr ve us Ches sions dreamed
birt not. - 0 beiiouslS its to rid I
dcuion-tratit 'the gifts of dod. This
-"fit eft Ile( ou�l reatened: to 61,100t Ill.;. broth Me -axe is a, That once-agals he
LiITI41-1111 -,Lit - �r,�he-rioters : er P2,v, I alay"im,
'tilt! J; A,,rie 'I"tilre. 'Vill- ste;IIIIel Aii-a, of the.Atlas le�rjt, filk!d a ove light;. Ile. tit lobked -it, I tIl Av- last. summer anLI had proved himselX' came to bliriet..
by tile 9!t. Lit XIW gun used as our dependence qp9n Him,
-1-ort liatuilton. U01 Ion was, killed Afid or"aud who as erripllayed at elficient olficer.
tllnk od heads. . Blit 0I)e 11 .110 Von tile .11ol w. 'I 4EV4 d ahol a most, tentlniiut, frugalitY, and
ill tho life, ha Bourgogne. Of- till- e,�eral WfJuIldvii. Tilis-ifferealled the I e.groaiiiii,, Gililand; rence. 11:11L. Ile -w, Tr -te and seemed
as a breecilt-loauing NO- lesson ot 'Con answer as be,:.
1-01 t;':lt-:1lI . tis;ll, -cw, - by -Il apoint w Ition, befiev-01- To bear HIM Making
,I wijil t -5 A% cre John C,
-I%V;I - All I-xelternell rt�l)f)rt ha, ;� brother months it Jail 'for the- n- patient� labor..'aloderi -
tq- C'M - for Ila-vre. _i that tile i ter Q tir
FrvnCI4 Lire. -bound t ind and a iiian nam- erved: two carti1tiges co
t,xI.-rtI fr Itiy- Ile d., clear ! tit - drachblis Ot powuer b, lorton.
I r e_ wito 1ras killed, was IL and the and and fait. )ay bg daY fore-
`oni,d. and linit to Moor litled
-1)n. .1-, l,, Ail-ia were, sav(1 tro( The Barries.-brothers ��fvnee4 ence. ixxq -.&u all t1tou bast and give
unto the
were ied Dri n for.five or r needi,
L, the new commander- Tl� tile' point bt the rrhe whole 3rder in Which Oul
('(ten MI a. P Lille b(plare at i - I I iid- Drigi. - a nil bad I ee �112 - tile
-iA; havi. ,IT- were woundild In tire heat, girljoner :L I -s ounces� of N9. 5 allot
-'�a y" bayoue -me." And now
in. Ally.szilli, . I . . - Gililaild had bullets tl six r bread-.Life'a mOSi 1:0111 poor,
it is 'if V e Ital an 1 To* t I Irougli years eitypil)"yo3fol. wl. h 'Mr. Heathe fai*r :has dast it gIOOIA Ovldr th# felt. Our dall: -and follow,
ni� licire- rolu Htimilton, at t4e- feeling mon neckmsItY. Strength to gt" It And come
-t so dl�sperate - asw J4 �p:ltchf; re tli�,ir 11111 ngs. bere.\ Ile. c:I wife. town, and 6o deep is ()*er to eat 4 --mil lie diil
has: 14',Iy t'lat tile I;IOSt 'nteu"`e -eXelt-- to 111.4--cilildre'll by the - first haz skill to eaft It. P as,'Jeaus bld.
'ellf vell. 11 S.iys fle ce once gent -a where 'onj all classes that business all linmedlately
(_-ell -ra'Jv -1 laretary of tile = IM
ille ' there i S,3:kt,.8; , -anti officar.4 d ever -since, 4re from God. -From Him, t116 sl6il- In
kt tile. nxt Is (.I po�al,. witivilit mont prevails re,. aild- that b(
olit.,- verta al 1114111111hf. 1 0 t To Its a t f rioti�)ns denionstra- !.tile vithoritle,4, h6rn. r(%side, His soil been practically gaspende
Bee.d, the sun, -jhe 'haxves'L to whom he gaye�-
S.- were. a. nurnbef 0 ll,,Tililt(in Spectator 6-nipank. ned. here Thfa-some,of th
im, ill at -the. fort %t,(�rlt to his. house Th-py -fund that j it liappe 'the
!re is to fandl: 10.�Thes A.-Jiorgiie- us our sins -Sin la
s le, Oat.,- 2%larcl� n wealtIr
duringr a tlf4 Al" has a -him
w7,g lie ehnm: - F with 1)"tr""in" the Illilit. Tfivy I rriv]. a
-ier, 26 V 4debt.
rhere i;.q from I'm folir,'; Ol -tile. n w.cre living.
p derlying that the,nirks 1 tion , 1"a .1 Broc4i.ii
or tll*' -sLPfific ell;lr'- -,, reev*,A-MI liel-0 liolghbor�- , g� III. wife. He wa mo� ed
i! 'I eoniiniftir mo Aditlef . a: riotous'.dembn- --ea lit, tile Second a -bout. . a foir a fooL or mad, bT
rets Of the� re'dan hollses !If t excitement caused by -tile errible Irepresenteol aS
; 111:04. ItIbii )e that*, there rclied tile . age. aille if ills debts de A(it
i re ly 11ad bef'ri y(li rs of Chief Rose c, trag, Lud clja�*ed stealth
bein- tlat f Abdul 11anfid- lite li�od .1 w lonlid six oth(�l s. qdy of yesterday, which resulT, nothing to' Pay cOuid see
or mn,,)n was I&IL-k-bell.eil : it -erou-; to) tile rule o I 'an(l that -' 16 1wre --ironi Dundas abaut five years
May straflon 6 dcajh W peiiier 3ioore, the forgiven they must Or openlyp, ampd others be
("It ti) - -Ig') and Av-,Is a, herb insti him fore'Ver.! 1 is
.Ileve,l Ili- to ivg�� t1W %;tll the liilf--Crti�he'd Arnwillar., w11II fleeing.. * , -Clark. 81 is an WaBt* 'h* substance *fth a spend -
to iilt*lri(1'lle to reLtore stiot ` 8 Illost, -capawo officer. h's do or of-tli�ee Ot 'a ad
lacing at laeat
Alanyi-letters b'en '- :' th t gleg;
ie rev olut ion't ry v" edside art-
:19T.,debj, a just debt, a I
as work. order. lilin -to Jea, r�purts. froin - Ve
-fiftlil s yet were tempted and -
a i it4lillill for 1, polick b
I , I , :11ou-4 t -I lit Vi, I"* Late"'t ills 11 P more or legs seven Mathew lie]
lorder fle atter ire �till bl',AY u ed Svkes'rec0ntlY'i%r .9 and wounding
a. Who lins-ass M I I '* 1 is sear&IS, -any. hope of. .&bt.- And 0 e r
gra-ullizeme.1t. General Baltiis�or f�dnes( IV ntoriii, Is gralal'Yaubsidiag, and tq-� grcqIu,1.:1
)orlino(l. 0 n e -how COVId fe ea- drawn th
ete.1 re�, Pnt J-1 guit ("I he)r f- tile. Wgill Ise
An tjd� Jwl re: -pe . ft I- probal. If- -til.-It a� I colljm,.IIY(l of tlli� Italian troops in a plctl�re of p r, iiirr recoverv. "T116 affair lihs call, u is getting back idiis also forgiv`&--e
iir. J,)Il-n if 'Pusation W. day tile tow thee for. p -The ways o
ThItby. lh - the. pers* n det-n t in At;y-iHi!I -1 ItIt lier bFinkrupt rica, is prepti-rhi.m.a "InTig relJfort on 1 niorning-lic folIT tiow-n.- and il aut, peacelui sta�e. The aW- treat iolutiRad tw f sin that liad sot -drMm-
I a, $; normt ? pray -'d -tor
u1v ( n Tuc�;- �t of the -*h1cli "Ill' be tfin igtj�lf-& bn' his. front WLth tilt'; '' PrOfourt n-!
;smil - wa,,
bill P-19 ell a W -IV swlde A% I (I rop thA battle of Ail(i can- lihrdlY. bring them- aflair- has the 6ngrorssing intd temPtstiO for ed i6ff sin t took were rob-
c,inil'ti in, I ta!Y
t -5 ye, 'Lnt!,, ;I -it a new pl� promptly -as Ill to I warnirg -to j)e4ieve I terrflilb' in' raliqes -60e I tha
4;f 6 ars. trillile fll.i. forArn roled spive" and- S above es,
,,,I thk ossible fill -nip." �. ti "it 'Suci pul) b daily bread 9thers, bjes
.,ve or vnil w topic oi conversation Since prh:yer for thb -for-
-day evt:ning. 4 IWen,enIPI6;Yed. at -tlip -evs�a'ry. -Aus- artini-ilt.liere. st,,i anti' deff;nA do6d could be don"1111 ted'ou tile. to -day, and the t 2d killed;
Decea-sed had hinitti;rfi-xv-111 thec, "I" if( neas yesterday afternoon was prao:- I
n t tile Wai Dep ned to (JiAw * -us hdt had tolled
Tie tormt An
tout year en�* tr -ell ED OUT. It it s-,11,1, -tie, ['tic -.strei�t in daylight., because of i1t. The .eneas of aiu:� is meant Some t "..eir wholft
idry for the � J, i"ve-v alixillus to IIA'Are 4;1 1 , no, I gr ally paralyze . .1
's t rk s tic ming, the.past, so is tne-0 it were
gine '(I it W!" , when ItEu, ,RVE�s CALL Tlo,,w' A -Brockv broad
a t 712 -'ehargels I - ill - -tile,
.-I,rilain'lorm. nlimber- a Ia feeling agai:
And ll:ltl j- W aTtiante. e. (ICST) tteh gives eat tll�'murderer. La.l)OlxtT,, coucer ra,)zr unwilled
'er reserves- of 18 fuller 'par;lcu tj that is also dyiA. against . te-
he fe-li fi-rivard' ..Ind Ito e'fli ram. -Ill ell. le a bblug called have - jin snprif! n- to ilislt4e following, was int-euse, mpitation a vV'eaPOIQOr the
ex- rum nwn, are ieni SKIT111 _ra Of the y rich.Nvs, and. began the life
S All. jadg- -uncertain eurst
lleart faliwe th .f f is stated that anti hi.- ing aliukit 84) 00( , kes'l all-'Oi xe,. that we maj� )10�
plreW Emperor- Wffiialu d ther y .. t, tragedy rellortf-ol y the better
f "-be:Av,,n - - ei gerteral 'Prineipll� 41111� 1 , this Out,, alight Of 4 MOIL - of .1die4esb, like mien froin 'thk
'I" dard:-.1int it is feare S` Lapointe by qne begins to
-death. He ;,J�Jil ieaves hif-fl.lier. PrInVe to tit 8-t- walked. 0 -town t1lip. pe( prevail. fall. again un4er tale I
1, be �seri`Qus rioiliig When ment of
Lod -e, No. 5. S. breecli-load- 'LangeDellver us -from evil -F 10 all
d �Wl first.
in Ia rge niorn I -the murdere eartb
WILL,- at tile diffiar- T U4 Ing . rMe - c i i's 'wea the
niustL -414IN -- shotgun. and the wicked" fascination. a Some hild their money I
I, en I)r* 1- haitged I)(- ])A Z .�% The *icti 1a
no- family- I;e - lett!-r�; havi, N!ell ex(* Tile pe6ple - ;ire ',Muk- ing doilhle-barr�fied p6ji. are ah digit as well, in -fact, I -
STATE.- 'ut: clentr0m. go of of sini from its blifIdness,
.. !, til.,tii iltirlri-,, Irl -W 111"Lli. L . . devri'ved of I tj10 E.Lrih. 'or -led io -take On' a car bettor, - than I !.%a expected. Chief! able results , - , I a root
-till- W ek, Illuringr greally lit -being . . . .1ijrr,i,46,7p3, u4lrfptj�t� lit prole(h fritual-
G r(*P -has 11K inr and - Inset From which should
-mor -A of f: 1-mitge 7 hiske7. Ile' 11drdliess
(',,,v( � r I r Prilwe. I len I - just n6w AT I ;fl'Ly been looked seriOUBW isibility rom its uns� -grbW a1lower 101
nl�,Wt-, of ry lin� the'lie.,*.d. I,1lil1c�,'w1io ir ; ordin- Rose, Who was It le most lilon- from Its deadly fruit
nnsotind mind, but I wasthought yes d ribe v-
.4, ol:t-d Tt nildni--lit. '-it-to th" (Itivea. a I s, each M. an
-r r it wild it all tj� -at Mary;
place i ile,
Wi'kf,r, T'. S. b"en arrest�-_ Now 'York retort: ip� � hefi punishment, from at dis
sett. --cial I 11ron. as of
d urtAlf. except w jured, and Some kept., and'put it out
I,- ar Athitira-I I.t;v. will)- .1stIR tile, .�ltllation 'becoines II I TI j, arlis, provel inoffk- rday . could, tot live any -time)
Its nry te
e dn he SOUL trOM
hour pal 9 *-,c01fi
rfine P- God. and ruins t And made men Slaves with it th"
r)n, home If-;-, aj,'i,,Iati in witli tile yf ung 111ore. gad 'inore veril(IIIS. Tile newB- from postbu says - Pe ee' I I liquor. - Wh q ad its
,.:e jileti if y n t, e ililder the'irfliterl aliflit i. -vear - a Passed A fairly at night, and t honors ower, its shame
lirty years witil -abuse', L4 Ig tO.%VLrtla the earth at -111. tids. eondIi.tion,. go out sigime hope Ito.gulit, Its P had been free.
11trooklyd. Turksh- I-,:krtY- t ti arily papj,rs, 4s I, rule, are filled Ill 0 adVaneii 600,01,)0 11111les wrence day. the docto 6
I f the 'proaliriom pace A P01V at ilie St. La 4s im- doom..,z�Reynolds. was broken
a ap - he* rah4ml - for Ilia reco+er of. course, it ig maA1A idre=
lie, (-,uh.i n J-0 et 1. As a J) .;'v i, Of tile military . I - C . casion threil- - those hot CNntrtes TUO YOUE
balf- tie nlqs,3 -, I - I 'Juill. here, q nil on th'. t oe le tel WhAt extent he Midnight -In
&nil. u .5. 1
in- -I �kirlil niall b to , do'ne with - his grlq�
T i-,fi near I tlWrl, to ClIll"' for' tile a -da. POW le to
i niinhI(-. 11 1-4 - the earth 8011W a gpu� viiielt he carried. n when it Can 4! And lie awc
re!--ort-1 k"11011 atifi( --k A li-is condelilliation, rimpaign cours .it may t I -t- is injured intelhiby and what
n 't �o
)f I com- It is 'commo ike to his immense TeUdIp,
-ill 10, bw L. n c. i the nightA'-SdOtt- 'and cried. �`f%e
traine-I i ipl* � - I Which rliq�'-AhPi I'll ly, Match 14. P-fOfe ujitev, and- w4- lit- Safely, to- travel- it
N it Ai-itll'a leap, ring Saturd, I Ar.,:,-, .1 noted f0x�h plicatiou maS rise from these wa- uslIal And wept for .1
Ponkfret,.'� If; 11--, Ill.:tInt. been 'Cori (I tic ted. time... the Stz, --Uaix4, a, shol gun -on. Ills tramp re of
-gro-Iss! i 'I Lease: iner, of te rsitY' ug, y enriled' dangerl now. will be Lead me Wire IORv!Bs
(.lit y'-stArday. and gal.-- ;0) lit w..tIfolJt,;J. All -sorts olf. ell, I rgf-s ; (it ju,,3t- completed -lits nts juries. Title g 0 Wuld not know His beheatir
hn. - - 11 1
fforrila, lial' tile -conatry. IIN inoveme �vqtl tile -Jews t borrowi ts from
-ire. m ide, an(W n0thl"I i of frout blood pol re' What c resTLl
4 fear.. 1 coulpctonvy -plIblic In `calcuit rbiv (A -diol- UVW tile one Lan,16ther ; and. certain -rdits a
�be bi In health � lit. el �ran Soelal- st thoromr �ktloufs -of tile. 0 1 dtirin-- til p., rly 11.1 t of the day Constable T1 'ley and Dixon, would flowl
sheil in v Ilia,
;1 kl?mej, w Ch was .,)ver no Seri- Wa down. v
short of the Mos ed by - As- I rit"not known- t all ev�:� N. vilen and upon WIL"t lcOn� Lt lean. 1111fill
The nill ana. fa, t,ri s otstabli. �people. : hi -.It prest - well, and _41:1" 1 must not 101kow Him, bu
�'aIV.J-tJ0Tk -,,t if. -flI4 1' 1 -11�tag, have vestipfation -will Satisfy thia I lie,-.ol tue-Lick obt)e� . - Indian are d'11 be done.
, , - - - I trono jil
the it. -If stat— I'v ner Perri gt '-I d
tit few rinnients aft - he iqAj-1t it not the lettcr. bf Ms vill.
fflilr Ill.nth.s, illiIiiisoni ret�-i ved -this A tIW 0 belated, ken
1-.'.njpvr6r, I and who, ]�Ai. lost
ln�uti--1-9 tht! 14� In sleep,
ten 11 - . ellilil that VIL va elows -pol, irds .11NIAn9v I "how'n
I, yi, ' t: to 0,7-0 J'Wr- RILIBI E LOS�.4BS pEARI ai-- j.,i ap-- 6US results a anticipate in 'their Melon, this'lls to
Un neat for 1 TF t few ddysl al"o). Hif�' had riinq- ror noon. lie-aladle li ther wilb in I-lls. jourEey Seeing
the -: - lit . were
-80W. be in,- ! Furtli er- dttalls were. Va 011 Perth cases- As..
ArnrY g!Ve (il"ll- iellstur ail lie ell. after cuiat 66. c pearaw,(,.. ilits on wou e- t1ley are -all Out, Of e
"e [jtllirn�- ft�at of the " NI arch i I St:, lug in' lie direction Of &son I realize hOW'MUQh better 'tWere to
eventlig concerning tlie. de a new cbur�e oil. A strong re
-ake 7
Will (.�r'tll. He �vLs carrying a Ori.. - -
�Jle -%va.i 1,lithe ves-iiin Lasts, allot i E.), - istrept, walk danger. It ay
of Adowa, and I King, -stree -ills wf
-_I.el in tlie United State, prisone I w- the battle. away frorQ thf, , Should Ka. -re TYrOmPt
th,, to -Ica ve- for- it to i Italians at and for Lapa P t, . the murderer, keep 11as be-
bave Ii.ed :1 1 the Dimr�,ogne- in in the- most: alarm- how. -- or, . the profe,480",- -iw was tifat he -cam live O:i;-jhe--fr-ou1J16 .111MAIng 'he ptr0vWefIjce
Ile -1), rrel
rns, lie i they fund td corifir how, ;110111)le.� n le. -I Ahotgiin, and TUE Trouble -me n The means t
Caurt 1110::111IFt (it the Fnghind hviort y '11 ough -. the list -a?t Of. -1 I'liV al parties- whom he houg ') 'tjie utp�-?,Ay -o
$'0o,(I0o for -tile loss tile Ill)(, djoui Ing r ports cireMated. AM onth. 1. acco.4ted Ity Plover, it not t ot. Doc-. hi ibie both 01 1 112%
lia r.* for s k6 of a mAli like 14 idled with sh m'lnsens stowed
slim bowelis were ome VUe -purpose. and
eil I,eldud of frieridghlo: in
torA 'worked
not be Plae exact. number of menkilled Is nat..-yet m �ewhere tetwmn 'tile Grand yesterday ti-Ife C,
A1196's carg GeneraP.Baratlertla forte in III0 figures the comet ina knew. n V �ktli him all .4m and claims Do - ubtleas for a
-119- 1 TrunW de,) until late laii oo be
Av, I, lie time. announced. Us. ot',l nil 'King, street lie and- ciftl&xnoon a It night. ned.;-Wo learn from traVelleffi tll&t 1%
.U,A(�st StandIfIlle ill
The� sikteen: hattalio(as of tile Hirvlard-' denly thr�w back his- headi gave. vent "a-bOilt is usual in the east for a whd)p fan"IT The h, umble agenAY Snd4nstiument F",
land Wits corn, -d it Kennebrink. consisted - of Pr f. Mckering, of He had to b� sewed qsp- in'
plet, . - ISY 11UT FEW. - X battalions f -yells, 811,1h as fak-hanters MI 0 - -e
It is 1-D-5, feet higIL wfitte troops (Itallans), at - a I�st night the -,cjimle room. fieU Others not I
-,obse vatory-,' Aras s6e twenty PIA td sleep In. can- Of good to futts"i T God
%It Las week. for t oft cc . in C.Illing to their. dogs, George M f Hamllt6n, at 60h- Ing hts matt Enough to mse the VtS 0
t - batteries he to e7i2 a 'eouple.*. in wa-'s
an Oc ;;ho lost his t exertion.
orne 13.5,00 rivets were used- in Ugly lilril-All of native troops, and twelve news and - eked, if it Were- posssible of allots on the floof, -ght,90
d The volfulk-e -lit-go !PC an .15ince the defeat no and the barth.ta. meet In '@Ol- anti 'then fired . Will
-Of - unfort not-withou
of artillery. was that tow the win -al to, -I Wilt not.91 and
its construction- 11.11 Z41-dNeream. neral Der w his way � the town: this morn -
.n . has been received from 'Ge iisio He -reply .;uch, -e Mr. Co tinning ards life, drriied IA -&,heart at pea&.
kw.wn if) was coib- I All He rose up with
perseins arp 'T. bTigade-, which n Kin-, street. h6 -was ace 'S. ffis oppbr lig
Fi,ur bormlile's thin' wiW certainly �')Stedl among jug and ke his father's body tanItT-his per*v4a-'vc-
tit(. A says: Mr. lit;
I(.St tlieir lives -1-4 tlift rtitlt 4.1 Ile lios Colibul- posed of -seven. white battalions and. fac, he continued . "it others,* by '.Air' G. C..:Cumming, of tating his'0*10 iiiabli- none of thedeWrV1119
Ro-nigght. in asking. and 81 And th6nee brth
'in the (;enesee flat ot.l't:ea. . "d the t ltig'-`4 4rtillery. GeAdrals long eriough. "ch a -tllilig� Is- -well, and. who, bZk Witt. 1-1-' ud,, afid:JbIbIlding
of all 1,v jo -knew ft! iv and a jury Ity t rie 0or
fire four batteries up An in J#ao opened 0 BUOPIT a 11
is feared thIlt tiv., otber ';I neni I, here, ri-tixfled yeterday from nd-their bri- Lppeu, for there al_in: n by nan him what ques lCorone r Vaux yester- that it nitz I tfird0--b -him, -LIver empty-bauded from his
it bt be done
i Albeitoue and ArtmonA a praepeally sure to W e, asked- empanfelied b went
Ably ill wt to Wash- -1-9 be -
and pf,s. are -several. ov
ore perl-i-bed. Lag, and At bitsWhIch rasa ng. Lapointe salit Oh, e Otjba� er
1'. -ficial -vr f gadeA.are also miss] comets' Or he was A01 a After viewing the reluetane
;I. tlir(.e w!-k.R day afterno, 1�- As WnT-his 1)0= UOW4
s1nart 4*1114�agol r%nortf-r fivii oke nihila-tod. bit than tile )n," - and passed- on. -c -and
A --y Sit - ire0y of the lieved they -have be. -A an rbr t earthils. or re, this Inquest waa ad- 18,Ims of friend9111P
Mr. 14-1 nea 0 the just havIng solme f body of Mod comij all the
al meent lilt �rmltolial - Cloll The offices jeeg of nil the semiLdiamel ' coraejls� 1jead, 11- went Scarcely one hundred � feet Afonday.
an ation' I)i,lnl) to -Nlr.,- iplicatiolis, and residen �er of the neee�fslty. are felt to -the fitil
d tl Is to tile alleged. I ministers are guarded, afidille guards 'a I timethe earth and comet liel-ond this 'poinit -until. lie reached journed until tngd that of the 10. 1 say unto You W6. bAm it BRIGHT -T-HO1YG1!TS-
Arinpur, an en wr,,t' S ; It seems m i stri
11"I'll lie - Nvtq .;tn;l wis-1 a%K ,nd 6 which �b Ulnowi
t so I!e -rist'sown mouth. W1 inotsueceed-um
e proposed liave been doubled. -In 11 Inly ne etiiet! $ucll Ilm Ifurphyls grocery store. hy by -Lapolut at Rrock- 1irjDm,M - . -, eft
U114 til if -- o r� Kl an(l Perth -ton peop�e sh I all Hunum Society -car.
ubJf,ct. AV . tog
:tnti-ltriti.Ai at the p5al; col
-as -news. thororl,rhfar I PmrtfnL, r I :, " been from
of �s -j;h6utIng _ r. be ra�-.. ng villep, thre& 199 Id have gis F.ritherpw mind, and In WhOin
of Cawvla in the main 15 enoc u 4, will, Itowevei I at tile corner is a'.due regard JOr
t_* hat' of the three one. -must men POSsel, the Individual
11ble to drsl)Vse tt.l(.k on' �Inter�i f Al)lnet a Len. WAV
R for meat f�) r- Why. o and'then �e ac�ept t, I , . . 11amilton. ani promisPs are yea and Aim
p le crowds AFsemble ewry n w -0
The ct riti-let:1 1-611111n, lie sIll 11y.,smiled: V Police �ilr nelilibor's -godd, and
Britisli Nitrth Anier:e"T thore 19 -�d to r 8
tit d Arw-.ur!. t
happen come p to the OP- I Insist Upon
thing 3-011 read of eme"It Other proba in knOw aw
ju�t Ircen tecf-Al'd, :I- try, only to of yeam,. in the- long run."' Rose Ifli Godgiv-
they will occur once in. lie
the downfall of thd 'Min- 0,000,00-0 Ills tifille, Cl I of e Of
:!oIle of that sort. of tallin- for hould h killed outright,. an jot only iisk, but seek, Ill . - &Ij success, Afahe .40118 Zo
in a few is be. dispersed by the- i%Ve LL; .-fatally injured, and - eans . ; anit fw:.asktng� -and -S�raklng' -will UOV'Ob
'been -quence injured tbaff� we must c
have I �aklng de -essifti- atil
go, will furn:01 111 the - rous a "--ests have mie of Such a col� �po.itite tkqrnel. and Lapolut, t seriously frO49,610- . - .. I A
(if Cidra pnp-rs. it is, lilot atf all re- i)dI!c% Nuame ontinne Pr
AAI to the c( the third mo. r.1ght&.4ev. Father
"J,,escortlng the 11 In, fired, the charge of d
silited and canne:t rueat;; ril-olitired." eogrilzml it Waallhigton. When We Iliade, and -the police ering said It wag Ili!"' liberate a, any of the I Ing seven. k1lock_1ug at. the �oa-me. dootV aft we
Ptof. -Pick Md.
Of such he V. blickmilat - hidging, In Ills dead mani 9hall at ledgih - preVall. not 'OhlY by no more -MvIne
out the lingoes prlsonel:s to:the different depots have e f4di�want- mt chest, -te billi ars
"Ma-ITown to gilt pos ble to estimat Mr Pe r ore, the Zhurch
janlie,s W. -sqs - roug I leilge of- the. , state ra - in Hamilton, re )y - i6tIr 'parti- nes AudbaW
Illy handled 1108 Of ilgkiega- throat WWI fiftid. In falling to till) lived many sld Orayers or eoncert, but I thl#gs thRtl -tile -t
ti f -re- lit ver --th! alk�left. Rao ambouri
ewer, w,,L,,
br up, robbed v oI at t been In. Bev eral ca �lljel� pushed an,old man, Ing
tit -04t- out- r compo-1ng a c gr6iiiiiI tile Beside$ -.a but pertioutt, - - ixd Z
.1-,0 ba one of the t tnke 16ug. tiv'sift by,the mobs. Von Of the matt?: on King., 11.1am. -6treet. en. ar - praye imp at the ration AM -7. V-90
iind it (140PS DO p.Ist. tile -curll d.
-few night Ill jingo -8 wito are in official : Late to-idght there wha.a actions Ill It wei a�ecept tbe-modern theory," he mvined �-'Noote* iorilvar& M 6 Moore, 4beouut.- ameking. and -knocking will 11k. Y"ar �d As--�fhe �otlier. 4
ret�ts of ('h1`e;lf-('1 ng'. '-Lflpoint fired.. his son'y r Idst as ga(
fashionablO St gt�ttc-4 -(,ovprn- I coliflict b.0tween the police and ft mob 'h vtk itoltia
of an electric 121111p. lopl.1cf.s. The T'nit-.-d and if tIAIs:. th4Of7`- b6 truej ner of tile ant of thet ctator Wintilig -CO. bd.--Com, COM. wre b1b8§.ed-1n:gabAng �t 0 1112 n,
eveg h re
tile filti 11"Wilt a imakLng �-a �Iflug depends on thesize-.of,the agal koorel fell dead.' Alonzo ters, at) 4
Il't., has, mfnt lk aecidodlv trlenitr to Varifid. I blich med, bdnt Cipeu n -and pany, Mr- es daug 'a son -shallt
-of Morristown, 'paits-partieles which MN6ore dO, t the PtOp ee ev. ic. H.
t -P W �In their home being 0' thaik wbieli the, frillind -bl
A trai!iper wllT S!Ioul.,l it lie oth.r 'We. de lonst%rt.lon before -the palace, The i jaitnopt. alongs1d.6
-Ind sep�drate solid Serviss -wftli
dealer ef. side in this
In ped with -&en -to
Just received f. -Orn a flkr -tell -yn national- flag was carried dra f the mAin part of th� comet's at- the time, but'llie esdaped the Mr. Geo. dipcOur" url -the '00ths
No. 108 Mal street west. of the $iVIO Cd T-KnOtIs 0
(;rder . for 4)04 4 ire cerfaint y'anix Ions to: ntiriro `bb .,X�tays are ftut - U �M.
0 cries of "Down. -t �'altogether. But d of "A
Ntontreal an trfi-4p., rvlatl )JJ8 and tbere.-were S. If they -weighed -tons, the of the yesterday that. WhIeh one could
order -of the lend Rtat!�, C 18060y., t ey ta
.1 on'a better era )ell M alto who 0400re went,. Brockvilliii 10 j (
. I - 'a
iunkg.'the rin-dotis W bel MInIBftrs I". "-Down With '133 . I e iftmIS t
Irst order lit doubt, i ment very- aerlouB.- but d.n old 1ndian.-named -Dickson.. at drfett��
filled thl, f we wag not. �so - fortu- afternoon. father ;. 10M that W-blCb
are, witho iAe
bark ltoil
he bas-ba(L 11- th -io Baratierl-l' - - -thly 4at] SvO4. to -that A
wli was also cl( �Jce Charles hek t-ruth�% 06:k -an 111atO,
thinks- it on still rn6re friendiv te.rm; Nvlt`h V011. Cr spillpe"Death the. partifileo- )se - by BOBO is a e does
-ease,, and -beirag received if -11 seems more likely, chief Of 4T 441 - . 1hi -6
A -10-
tive fill VILA one. 6tp Itn !r detalle are Bult ilate. '-He recelV;h a- portion of. the birth vaid during hla it Father A - bea, Iiid --they -s"__
with compara in t A sirp 6 "livi. I w' 0 aTiiall as pla, heads, the re
'Y to Fart 1. which the p Ailinig f -4 4 - ----- -
1j, _ stAg- -Scotch -ty -1 dd,
ih, .-- -
grand of - - - "'I " "
t as eas anAl are -at -r. My 'ning cf Violent �e&fies enacted w* be simply el -fa,'eo and lie f)'"
Will be almO, Ch -0th" this ePe OrIO large �
-arr1q. Pl mete -10 h1g areer --peace. 7 '-k 11CM
-lie has been 1-9. Holy h
bms noss wnq Woung Mall-
By this- tin
'ryw)irrf eXcitp ailed. -the known aR at,
which the Goveraf -.orp "al as might be'supl)060d,
m t has heo is still d Spirit,The Am - 0
GXFAT BRITAIN. frl�-ndly t0vi. r tbeTe, and.1 different points all over gered siift fell hew.vily to the groutfdi long 0 jot' all p1se MW i,'
61 ft pall,
-'Mdde offieial ove 'A ft -
'31r. Campbe14-Bannerman 11114d expres- Intelligeff cap- good- gj Val er tn
went 1 10, Owl," C4�Utllfued'ths proles, [e, ifts which 4he
d--A;*y -the
the wildeiit
revent the 'Ity. of that comet ment pr-ev. terviCe On Irlaven �Dali two
rLiamiefite'tO eve ),, 1 M -Alik' -Y
impidrial I'd IV feelleg Bought- In vain to P -bestow- 'On" a Ing -
1 M rotherl h �opslbll
Motion IA tile -4,0001 Ileartion. oua of these, 1 9
-tile e-;tI"I' j tile The- most -sort t stin the to' of. LapolnVo gun.- his e first Md
,tr sit -king the ree r 11611h
Ike out of - -Itelli ada. %U) tberlli ".rtain earth Lai realp shhlrp rp!)Or the -EdID13ili jJ4 police� �10 and With child, L �-61y- `ftl -
towards Can 1,ells, the horrified excla-
pens on to tile -Duke 6f Cam- 'n as.-I-ndicated in the earlier de -Ham- itn =eo% �-a:n-* I d,. �He --Aul
I -not so great. -.-So far as oe�enojoftgl- i ruw b Ibil urtfil" ;,Our- to
ellilce gAtrist probability Is in 4xteelleii camp to Df.
IV is no -aniagonletle fe pcord be
vhIclf it,, permitted to not nifth. . mations OJ the Bars A91%, -tefeedes, .40r, �belle*ergr, Ue -iwd,66? -'�01 q -
b e Ity is t the spectators and 4
ridge ecurred, at, I some -otner.. fon 41.10 -part of, the B-Anit.--A OM
Mr.. In - , re
ins �frffrrilfix I)Vf.t therd We know the probaM )UT �§VX Oi tweiv 't 4101"
here. - 0 - - Iltonabi to
11itteT th
F S,,nierset has sued oryt. Rtnry -about I send, from 1% '11880, ho Ifts appoint.
mad rus Ing's
w rfing O*:%helfi�110-j,r
Lady Henv Search of AV where 80,00 ca re -on
0 persons tookpars in the
,l tor $25,001) rtre-0, wbich e Iro tive. At -.and two
-William IVajolorf Aator. %-Tn - cajaqts Striking us'�"` . to -e % -here, 013 06tirfe.-m-03. IS
from '; 'disorders, %mounting -to a- Popular lip- n horrible ed tu . thW1
papers, Jim t6.- a a -Al oat bWhea
thp rol= I I
putation. by 00 P 6: - scene �hls rest' AW
i.�6d to lier re: tjlp ',%TnntrlaI tg
wo s'publighp(I In of that city bad he�reffdl ngs, 14, 1i the med:� t0b6r- A
lu damAges can' g. The police
the pull Ma -'Tqg eJIakq!l from -sit-- It : tat- -b A�'
to he town meati rO
Gazette 4--UM��PftY,
a remark 411 tir) h14 b, Veki Ing%
Tern -Xassgehusevta allow a'-ge1v,- .,Weie,�itat an n -Ili,-fte crbu.,
and eventuallT their banlita bring the ek6wdo I -.Dun- PUTZ41
,161d the,
not, loDg, ago. nation to situation, under control , 'and - were forOOd - t lce�.* I W,
50OW'Un. - MI vwww!�
Ca nada 'after
inagistrate, bt: Ing un"10 forced back to as It. charge'tbrough'the streets *Ith-U-Ned -MI galm tc
A: London � - i., r' M�c
,) by a detee- 'er- 100W
hig _Marg tl being tlowq� ta b fore they 1$UCCr,0UVU 0— �11-0-dv 's Ia— - -
-write. mAde
and .:SO MutrLf IT) Up. :Uep
to X
Of. 6mmitments to Prison tf%fe Is )III-no"ISPInap". 0j;14
at I. am pre- aithe mob. ha 1, M Won
-On th - 00-' 1YXWV
is not Illit pear 'When I 'tell ', SUmM&ry of
held good. -Lie . 1131 & 'T nomeux
ihey were tir�-T 'thue- to . In mte-r-,"Or W -------- ---
ared to. papers at, cufrif a, gri Mosier: 409
mte, but, nas -gou!L P.
ISITO& to, qe6if Ilia fkt,1,r ni F
ei yo Iniqt w- JILL lorenqj[�#.- Tuiln�,7--,(3,0--WO;
Webb, - the ChIffl 10comotivei eu- sury ung V 'I
fort fliflod, State's and odl-l-vealft:4K -b
tne London & Nortnweatern _dnpk In I tft
Ar �' PL,
few yeal a P,
cts, th&t ft� !0, 0., 1 a% tst
'be run -td:.. Ht afttgp� -Thl
alus wlit