Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-02-21, Page 2M� il-w R ­ k 9 n �4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f j- I-ai4-Vidr&'Not Only -Be' id, cluttia b 89 ,,,Can d"Iyr bu daW dis, Inol In W n f MMIMIOW9 t ti Nor- EZ Ing qdoTv� "a said -fie "P mnwu Of I beov- al me distirl V-Zouble' inspired with din.", S. his jjInig&Ar beha"or towar.pp his nAy. forl years. �a aek!sv, One day. ft"A' at"a tid tthey Im -tub Ijj -the WIRE n - jpy� tompo gra and' and vague disqU Then -a be --- U& ane cust( ietude. d tho -andi have of -NoyMbbr. Disney ASK- and lie fell Int6 a UlaeF r kid - The mWE1118 to.jo -Mrsell;es numbed. blim om t 0 time irellowe 11kir 41daittLmlof the symimtom 0 �d to T'qu =mop a a' -umtreming, but -;birblibib ara,�MVHT, sleep, -I, n Tare We- dt- nay ed Robert Bir -1 iterrupted froT his business at 111tv bank- sensation Of tdl Which 1dalry tmorth 116, d unner of inore to arrange � �y the cute ifi &Ilk is Sol CO*TR-,9ST. t are only rag in the habit of doing Ot - big an&noc -s, 'as he one a to the marraw j�ety the no develop rAPIlly ,r he - Old Man it had LTU Hillk mot paln" -at .A and the iflight, art awoke .71- - I . . time A 'Jum folF omutty et Pra tfor W -ery i -When R J 1pt'll" tgt&liw - No cutter seat �oo narrow . himself ev month. . T bones.. I ob r M. Eeemed If an effective 10 ear Ig not oa;ppU8,K1- to undertake the jour, lit joir some IRIS firlo The only PrOPer 0 eft or ob For them a year ago. adjejne,aetV,,0u thlet Rionsys with felt 'too beau It., o the for. No lin hey Led to stop 61 his: Bon. it at once- Thus smut-lun- �� -Bionting attle to siptealiess &A ,and. besides.. he.. Wist in the gtolnacl� - squeezed elde by side,'of bliss they SoutillAmorIcAn KEA- for the bad thought Was lie -asked Is to burn from sugh and hurry� h td -Workmen, AgGeorge, where are You,?" id out. %8 �1�nixtfirvn of gested -food. ftemed -giv*# T.'ellef In the, IAOst, ight be ' st&MPE of Indii M1 Rik vot gus t I e forma on, LWto, 1 each -'76ther's beamed, ney - Cute. �j, In. a feyr-hours. But v L George. gerims will not oulyb6 are I I T -q time of , U a W, rOJ ai6issing M �ear as approlaollIng, ol am nere faLther.0' repll n the th- sprioll;6. '1410 Wbr es reiwd ljor-.ze correctly; dUt �w %0 and thei Ile a ell VAlera. � KIP proposed to aecOt ad IaF a great, M. 8�� Tills time go And -t saw, -that tub 1)o6r boy be It.does'. not still --tbOy- Will Medy' is I otting r [)f the iladiges, ThOY had to And �tobar Mann wel W. rei bd lone uEe jor a of 'pany. Robert. at- that Village, of Off his Coat'. had re of #aWlinsoed deeme healer, all. I waR for -the Coach -Ilu-. i Giv 0; Quart He could t 90 shoit: - time W' A^A bad ti�kea awn -upon t land..t At fact tidn. : a jj jejkly' banishes the about I Ifteen over litVall1ther's, icy limbs. dt t th feed. bran M&SIl.twics slot, luol aleL that Diego 'te C rhich was thrown It aspe-0 'smut �corn Is, S.o4l,and -Ood TOO disease It Is.& tilize " kidney troll - he was so P Orojju. and - :the with -. di if jcUlty ana el turq crops, but t hay or X pasture; �Wd only, it, but nevels falls here. Cape Camalat. near which the..Sut- Off, ride, hie,. that, the trP a mj'j�s from their boyme- Her kose unable day. With, t6, rostratim ortion In b;4e onjill of ;jywdereil sn', baniller they 90 to tie de- made up his mind far On him t � his beatt. frequeL.t - csuigil. of ab a. te iel had foundered 0, questioujid his brother-- brdt1Lers4u-IaW w9nt� thus Put- M But --now. W was entirely was lost, H his t iLe 1pf 11 d (t. gentlah root - oomyj cushioned seat HE -TWjjq kT-N -yul) HER- i by look and gesture. and' his -toot, on� the morning of the next oia Y te�rs. , Ing unimahL. John oo an one A r fi tj not 'too wide. T 0 verted. , The lighthouse. '%vlllch was in-law . i i uniled. pot in the mai It Seems for their Pont or r - did not exist at as bvident. When he Wks theY were at Marseilles (r -o I)e Con -!�. I I � now- in Use was ggle to his side wag -"y jnortlifl�d iti all.my Cot ouilt there late.., anxiet.% w his bay with the -bank- The. machinery, MULTRY, "I hever ---wbon -she hoj�cd to be a a-,;k*d her of the a%- nil bride *Wii4ed. y had to go. ured as to the resull RobertApent inteuded'to, be drawn Oyer 8 ud CanadlLu 1, slie excl, rhat- time, and the far i rews dod him Ovej the ae- -ppl. - 1fi­ -,- 4 e." can now, instead wa&tbe wat ;U his face lighted �1110 all at ham Lk 8 airo, iie For What' ploratic that - in orderi.. OF the er. who � American After a t thought edunts'Which were perfectly stones which a few `113AT� - I - as a#7 for-- withon't finding a, house. cheapty They're �Wttd- I rle�d. once, "d- Rober their 134 a- i produce 09' r( his fa - thouglit to W an unavotda and there Is' t,�,J� me that lily fiance -ever, a rich must lie very near and wilich showed that- fob- roosts,, W H)L'. jilaid cousiderable . search, bon 6110Y dp,§ire to b showed so much a ej&eeded onalhundrel et lue I eign hen ' hey THE REASON ty- If tlw farlmIer would . ond- reason why t de,,' h aid was In tile redelition-1,00M." discovered,, three miles jkoiu� the to bla heart, since he gold and law?a fortun He. dine(A AC his- 90 net really - e li Inves hould not o business for our-Unglifib -poeto are bjlru, not MR "T a nxiety a boul t a. the cases of thopsantl poundp Ddth he, should F�6t -es. as s L dangers. V WORS a queAtloP Of low loltil ad in t'coteied - liego. who appeared to Enfeebled 009titl vacelved fro h bmell.- on the stupe of.a hil � little about his father' house with I Is not, --and ­xnt gl�jce hefo�e I so compliments whichr the �'Hel who d 4�j tb,f#xIrMv arms arOu noy.L ba die - at the inust- -use-. Care. lblighto In I coust know it.", id the edLtul, mILIty find kissed it a -nt-pi ft large I tile- first time. It- feel expand . . th .46 U.1t, he Lges. of- the 2a million erL Ile tri!ez ap- wm $3-o. with in gn1fIcL That day, to] their X. high rtfint is tile reamon there are so twin brol. lobert"i mind. not spait, y ijuilt and Very I Ing Of doubt arose in 1-1. blinker did 1 6 In' order, uokt- -to consumm(ed by England covi6red tit t %ivas his b ous: e, very jjdjqj* kind never become rusticali. It, Wit$ its yet only a vague instinct. idly zi�ftde fOrtune,--and 'the following -havid"1010 dollarg' 'K O+th tea supplies leis than Oy tlrem.11 bimply furnished. It xvits What tile lie of- those jell- got the t Cows l6ves Clean fields. the 1311111 18ta -1 Take MY 3se, the, 001 in, down F,1XPLANATIO.N. with t' was. perliaPi. also Of day, - I n tha event In tatigtt S. 51jow, �Tltat I :Outttrio. .)yes thal; !'the j ofie 'per c near gaQd Til E eT gid -t' call a- bastide, ueb - 0 . Practical experience pr( of- I shall cloak '0 eountry Julks gs which God sends us in 5 10 0 offielat S, markets, nes 1 won6r.­ said all Eing aOgn the-�66ttary. I thillk Q Z. wil-rulu about Isilage I I its eS -hltewashed walls.. it root of reff th ",Il -age- ot -vog Their ----ne-t2 023. veattla aght wooden silo holds el If 6 tw tund W -rAtfl- sometil -,,,-pretty A k f tthe ieb' mysterloils- ways. Ate to,,LLO kilheirleanx girl 04 It'just doult) le. to, -ud %er of- tan -more Wit can bb Ic -n "What IOOU or jon --rs- Thore.was day ended tol))- f HOW -robs I's ised ITLL ducks than v lishma t h1la a,& dinner tilesand green t;hutte this first were obI19W to stoPi alce -rhis uniotse in piace perfectly, 0, youn rlt� spring nex fun:, chard, NeverthelesS, quita proud convoyaneelb. After eta of noat nor mitt"Otstilra to such an es tent UV one of "dttllg It, large garden. Qr rather an tir The Rouen duck our peilew., r - They w . ould h 0 riv- !�vold 15116 T than half Tow w3A ensure -,procure 0 b--egv, -,- ury- C a becomes Of- a I I! Ore ers. The -Old to to )4 - , cblckpnF;. them home.* 1W lit of fruit trees, and flow gle -tlpatioii� kallfies m Y havia- disc In any case, In the, middle of Tq!s scourge. 'Llitelint It overed a tr io solut y masO the best r this purOOse. as it Is Owner, who, was IL, merchant )I Tou- o -m He -laughed. h ed there arlete. walls. A, siq left t Lit very dear children. lie wheml t4 stronsir rapid Lrrower often at- j tile reply, "we- eat what waialL KarlIg Cloveraodt en ---t ou,'Iet them j anci they thought It t 'VerA few peoplia hi�ve a doucep-. [OUtL we can and ci�n wh Tiea, is !, will dry rapldly pounds Iffal to t1i4l .1 a ve a eo the nt wo IaL grippe and remain iOuu4 f0jr� at -we can't." a pliad"Ilt cure -"for rons ooa,r.dr ZOM I Zong lie jeered ' trong the insurane 'Z taliting1t weigh - of 10 0 ill 11-ary llvei sit 119, heir SUPPeP I tion of the*deadIY-eff6ct- 6110 Is empty, of 10 weelw� -Of.- wigest an to have t c recur- erate rent, and Ellen ill earlTi,next ra u -is the,,Pest.. at Ahe a tion.* _L :� 'I I an g6tto so !I& to star, e The cheapest -Bill SHE iLIKED III s their �cw do� pany, %vito had thought to take In an rs. 1800ir-lul, possesion, (If d. ell tile or influenza, which with yea houlke silptidd. be.made eon- lvbn had been tak7 Canada. Tile he ke," the 4! in, r sweeps ove e, No C ,POR AN ARG MONT- ola sailor, and In the-- only full will Mr. La U 1­v� main. QrDIng;,.* jotte& rlug L winte 10 tj3 15. ventent or 'the hen and for th ­ 1-1 - likb- YOU, Wok iii- themselves. 11 the success Ol, tile ea- jonta-kned they. were at th ud broken deep, Milk -but I The little ccilut'Y -A I how eglect often comes �from In- maiden luf Is wish to marrY MY, village I leaving in Its trall dea + haire from owner. b jhj�gly admit -lits W hich But 'Atboug )ng. If an ja lu�uimbler of silagO fast' nthjer-42�t,01U LJOALI e 0 of stock to- eat the an access I t I -and up it.s. quarters ill. to The carrying tZ� roams adjoining o4e mwtituti( imead Owls get- lousy- hate 0 e-vve I �apa, m�Imma. nor F terprise was assured- itil The sy ness er do, air. Ney less ard bd1cony eaujed* by s, -ugh to keepi it in prime condition X, had erecteAl on tile beaell, and, Ublus.and wbich �Oth opened Out OWa #no I& fall an lea Good racionS girl -I", CX- daught4-N I --..j - 0 lill be 'in a better. Biatter thirsty i md hun=T. a'j They week afteri tllt� work bail alreadY out Of it was not this balcony deathe 4M bhieago, in his Her AdOlr and 20 head lolls forms of disease. r of Aj pits. thaimi One long! and ad t they had, the me that ficult. It -0 its necessary, after hav-. fixed toi the wall. - From- -the whole* tCOAtinelit WOU1 tile claimed U . yal! -jbt�re -a fool. omily, Use �priay t0 ­a 'b 0 COS panic. And It - I . . make sever- - - -III way, V.0mmeneed. T 11 i -,4 -­)u-tIIel7n cliula-te: lAtf cabin. I direcily in- b ea. are a elll- I suppose cut :,way the floor of the.- g t tej�s de-Recudei me ont� Ill v. ilvely inipres. s L "' ' 3, . of grippe are t ur c0MPauY for 011 Her AdqTfak-Vi of 'o tD a at fects Clarpo pleasure Of Y( wife 11te) Is ion on Ing 1Idnj-b*, !"all Lot nil- - It 0 ex� lay few (kgs. and 'cc house breezy pro the 't urtyhrd. ach vlew- W silo.' is ]let well t ig. Let ih� e succesgiveiv each an Jor- duced a ver lived beneath to Tills hat! -fllmg�e(l- .. deadly 0 _18 the -C I A, severely) �,;to sound on the. hati its a pose more of ontepts "to thp air c0ndit0l, In the BPI! a -wirin and- rears ld now WILL Robert. -He had th lover., roll e4 Wk derstood I be ligb. 1' comfortabi than- twenty .... .... tired to bpcl mn eat. do for mebbe j roomy. ad and tile ease hasty suppei, and- they re a rhe cloudy skies ot, E'ligial ilin hate-li'Vay I)y a- ad _w1th less apprefiCio health than -the cattle k you to'be my wl Tile value y hens rlY. E as and ki then Immediately �wili lay �a arcti to as far its tile In, very efficient of the oats as weli as the ekip t iiun of 11rovence appi of. delicate inanoeuvrei- Dr. Bryce, tile radian pl- net. The !Ili- series as- droiii'llng.. his ;annual-- rq Young turke a year or tw:) 7011 90 F. NO and it-- " yield. will 00prild upon;L tile �,hay arly �T WOULD CONJEE- that he '%N - largely ugh last I S bLIU1.11ka lsome new llak6 them fast to a roPi Diego� sai(i w isli oftleek for.- Ontario, In G7 werul]1011% Latig Cilgffy. provitdw were e - KNEW Ism he -XiediterraneaU4 to Li with steep a j port to th I of the soiN yea r to 0 growth. - hey lav Ineuse bl-de sheet of t wittelt that -th&T- were hoisV find Robert b d no a Provinel&V prepitrat on it t a go d ust tell you, .0 th to sit jht 4he oats the ving Iree -so unlike tile niuddy Waters of i hally t up. He had, however, somp n Ontario, ate '80� coining in contact NY! shows ti result of, I a A NOTE are fu - will -those two or. tf %ras - jr:jMuggl MY I& grippe more A difficulty IE the Thames that lie Ckoul-ilt-Ile was k going to Ble a one. rom" vat's roach their bighT all rds. -the I full Of W-0 of these ail ell withotit lese opera j)o Land - lie 0 ''1 perfection in e th uders lkepjjf�g to any first -Luv ohstacle,;. Each t)f it' -bet ore- CIO';- the -effects 4.�: ached the- - years bid And, as with IstrongeRt his tile Ind there- 38 Wil :a produce -the poor, dear husbau-4 - predifted th" looking- upon the I th a 110119 9VOwing r. I vertisementrij Pleame mention would be it lOn9'9Pe- 1. Itossed iibout a'long� tIM0 a 1802-93-0 ool ejimat4 for the Year and even the trantillil- 1 , - . bar . out- c liptud As not prepared earliest egg calle -He- w ratigu Ld noI doubt and tbf ."st They have In as.rather MOI I time. Ellen, lug Ills eym a bi a% - aggrjjg�Lte of 2,023, 'Season. It th chicks. Ore -4eath. i's he uqt 7 paper - t Found 'ke yjc�w the ssiblei- t1D got chicks W1 shared Robeift's were tea Ca tMable task, and erves, for the le ficlently large 10 ma the fall it: i is ]lot PO than turk bid, though. for Years, Us it was exetted his. n jaIui,LjijrIze4! Th �0'%v for In he spr&g. 60118tit' tl-41i to,Take with 4 start. N in. n ',it ready sc ha 1141 16 to lose, for a epused hint scourge with. �Osltive ion �- enWh I t tell 16n hot weather .6 yes, iadeed. He was always 6ay' nOWL It_ Seem . I VIC much Witil t1le 62LIVage kicolij. Sleep- beyond doubt thousands, Dy is tvrn y,.ars knew -in 111 en u than xork It'[with shat- whother sowa,. early of from late and females large n'di -Ong mortal ol and both heart - -it -him r I Occupled �witll thes j�hip,' and ruill all ti ted to jat a 6LUtIO ate. It 0 9b "tions -with bot -ttes. *ere was - no tit there are h Itilut Disney - and s door open it die soon, and 1 addition to this Deep cove, rick to'greatly Impir ved it t. e -Oiug to ago tbere migilt aite tile Position Of he fancied he'lleardDleaC ring is required withi oats Ing he wa-s le e beauti- storm who from woiqld come lieir ILOP29 at mate i fat scenes Tile-, bz�gall their I the step was treading the. W I the same cause are le protect thein are of true. se)"Ic- ti�ue. and -sure co lie littie cof,111v st,ou -settled one blow. Ind coming that edustitutiOns- necessary to Cueme"aw I beat. m T l, clev-.' very next dai %0th such ardor bad been so long C. tered health aUd. ruined (fosts, aad from.-thai sit eyg must ha -Te akood range I did deep One La grippe is a d&ase O� the nerve and dryness. Oats- are very 8 s0ePt- j size. key are good Ellen superilIte[jkj4:L I to be table at all 1, V. , :�,ilj N 1,N cfj1UA(10 ions the house sucil jillaninilty t en be; awoke -U11 ndit ally� be fell off Into sue I hat the ta%k. Wag n SO M -P J� CO arrangement-, -t tilt' in les* with, a, gpeciall!.�-Vdrkedef jbio-to extrernes.-of weather, heavy estroyers. but erIv, the tile- much jacill.ta-ted. !In -thatit was daylight wh centres, forage a! and insect d r room over are, le us of SOWS O� � the nPonth, Diego knocking P obdous I dryness and udden i -1 V6 Plenty Of. kuow Avilo you Mth e feet upon the heart, alic, b excess ve -the -end that.- at hev fortnight a first descent One 1 by tile sound Of w.l,lcb separ- I irosts they t ha gain frO N . - �Jnvjl t1li'll. t -tier. tile mot the partltlon- ho have. re4-haired man' ill tile res amijy plight have 1111W� as 11 up and found ' I fered from midsummer. - . I - ad toisted.. agab duty: of those w gthou "Its, In liell ' ra-mUe. saill tile I of tile &jsqS W, hot Which f d -liver foi a '"r bte& `constftutp- I'tauraitt, tu -but you're ­alf- AtIll at whtstable. t luau, -.He Was-efillIng him It of OiLts. gives, faure �Wh ruing 16 the gue" W'tb i EMU1.4100 0 CO Lit& t no. tt vVere Disney, like- a Pruden ated them. -even a mild att CIL 19 td, stren Early seeding poultry and o handv 6erVallt alw-'en 1� and fortify ' the uervf! jit of tre usport. I gingigAid, z and 'telling h1m: to .90 ­ 16-rcles. For farm. I T%V d it aleaus jaSt 7 jlj�img, -, -pink autritive qualitY tO.-Ihe grain than the im n r industries Of the a- - . - ----'---Td— For thIs reason 'ers wIli' arrange be k " .0 1 - had the �c Ila tj itei a ie neigh!1001114 Vl-as--Llits- it was not tu Rob rt .-aW- that It was I this :purpose Dr. ater asowA.. A ­ is rap from -aniong -for lad tbor- has that which is + I field *heat might be sown for in- und lit ad.vauce,- On enter- t aptly �nanure - enriches U ill July the g4TA Size, which �It . .-. - us I -Ila Pi - W easing tfietr (1, yull f�jld Ll we put'.. attended - to the hik,t' �k- Nvol" _to k6ep'sitch a a enormo and ILO itened to dTess 119 ac more pr9n 3ret winter- of claj use. 11 sow ii I �- a .50c. of thought of - �,niidlclue; -there' " 0' -' look found him- JUSt- a seeds as at a season when quired the other. ore tit -it badly * Ing DiegOO-8--roloul 110 tbaiii any other th grow rapidly i,our .6king jjter secured Ind. oughly" to� -an I an ord* everythirEg soOn w. sum ju a badly otlon. the soil. blooni inary and cart -011 , - ! diagly he hadl that oper Their flJhqti0U Is and. . strow y, The oats are 'larger to littl els -for the bees to forage- *You haVe' sat by 'Ile half is enog. r 1 -4 re ded houie-. Accor lug gl -a season Of haven.'Viooked once to ee what -by W "I" i , guar I x� da wn- altd. of-h,6aylekw�ight, an Upon, and `2L cleanliness - I,- h, Illu:66' ing %- essel, I OuqI4d diselaveriad. verished -.blQjod- with Its e prolongs- th an gh for eful as blell. an Ell saili it' was then that a fflitit hol upply impo d the plant a 1 eharter&d a large ind to build hot ffip�ll r -cold. or us .9 nd in Makes., a, I y check." t cough a TI- Iday M im co ouritry.' a It -poel Ile tile irorrow ki stituents, Ilitetter resdat't1lb The- gra fes arje on D. --nized- In any e moored few him o lac -Ing con whIch' us honey tkiting. tthe f1gU d were had been Th I- ed ut-0111 4 iiat.Dr. Wit- in the :sprI so! divilas- abies and chiklren- The draw4n- an ; which j of. snVjng George. flour of' anew sha c nerves. rf . N. trial fOf b he mar- � cables' IeOgths from the works, ey Tile tt �red. able food for laying hens, I tL most T LIKE A� '.%IA on'the grou�Xflo'r. E.aclil of ard ei T11 -lit wer -19 -and Pills perld r fattening purposesi 0 t on Ito Ing' Pink Flu what t bedrcclm I t6ok tile precious IrAgrh ' 1 that'terrib! e 10 Ila Z114. r conditions gaifi couples baLl- a pretty it to-; t in tills respect, Is dear, wily (LID In 001-e -jwn llt(,Il 11.1,1 h,!en vo claimed for hem. rop uj the bi, The for quick gro �(s%veetjy)=George�.' ried Disney 'and RobWt 00k -,%V The barley c isti spring, VoLlual I -food )*th and she Iniv:floor, arld Disney I aifd. ..,when the. d the prOveo, tby tile voluntafy testIMOU­ d;,. Ists Of IN-ew Year's gifts 'to I :16e- slo metitneg on the, first and c i Imp-itientl.v .9-IT"Ited. "irrived," In with which tbl� sew gra# see full dejetopment In pulletiA you never use Ili W, so TuTilt glowl on a se th opped clo er and you 9 MU' Was 1 joi� dra dea r. iperceptible he4th eilles, x I an thaf of the vhere they'exchang,ol it 11 tored gra - of q turret at the I Mars who have 6;811 rag ch 0 ised) took possession :Ind London' Q point ju leaf is broader- mllk,� ofatineal, I'm Using eorn ing, on parts 9 one strong. age In pread .10 root bran: tEvery element require is eon- almogtM er 01, the bulloli thatilley should,pro- scllnp�.ot desol-ition. Tile boAni n lone to -health. ()at, and 1 Ong on I - He If I e,:jjrjor z se. The , It decided it.b -ti:ie o ther wa I ter. I IS. that Mrs. A. Gr on, OA Hull, t does'not sl inch well bal- 01 surpr, . , . i in a day. reached by an qj tairct F tv f tile trignte at to deeply nor��O- fkr, it rip a I talue-, in these, and In them all- pe -. . i built up )orter - Who, can elevated Post, ! ceed tit the slime wil of 000 wQ aner r r --ts� � and I' ti -1-rall that the 411gestlye U.va are the still r -s OJ lit -31 d old sailor pre e The Oull- �;Urvlrors ol -4 ere- Que., I o a w. P or- two weeks no wa- I anevu vluv� Mpu L, Were theY- cott-s r-mulsiun 7 -a -,v6ndow. with the cai�ei ere -carrl t' Or twolve - r, IlTs. G att6ii said t be gvertaxed in any --Slippers?. W11ilt S*ollor For this uftl ills With pFeugerg* ell interviewed he -ti Val lielPs one clover. tit; ItR 1110st orgam 5 � will no wret0beq. hnd t� to ab 'b 'h, bee use frobi his tlasses. lie co Operations w ad c Men and 1flo. ra� -Ong-, and rento, a] 6''.. . Ojit four critical period., -Giv6 right along, 849 111110 1 as ou4s -7 Ilefj,A1v 11-Welll i6.i-,ivv nnapittle to gf�,,.�-a crop me sp%7ol old ':gold-" eli aS n aid of a pair of g the. sea r xe theve. Tile -I -was always -let jl� I tak Ail The.� unheard of succet;% for n ken ro,u( I- 4� 1—Ish his W�Drkmen perfectlY. I +!hree months, !,.t in - healthy wpulan. up wth'Aly". 11 eatv Olean. must build- malued calm for near,, w1rok lift(l in en . I had a A ro M LCWell, lot IlLercy's Sate! Ilvr( it ,L, separate line ver, by Midsummer 1 "JLL swo maids mcuple to interrupt jige waves to bre"It over Years ago. �*-At that- ti I menti; tood rat -her I Ittill "CRU4eti b ipe, the aft9r from Young . CIO used as and nothing happened - the of Ia'grIj ISHAINS OF NA) �CCOUNT. -s pen iivipers- Anti -which bad probilbly been -lit Dia- -nli e:rerr row and n severe attack attilig.-' even If I Ig I them a epared fo ing.. foklli. ner- been usit the - work� About ever tile wreck. *eak And which is-- Worth the el grain medidin ell food pr r if, sometimes I etlVete of which left Bile barn. tllkq� Lit,- was ney went to Marselles.. ash oft ona of thO gi011n Of 'llum"n s, and no grain is grown with it. The ected 16 are iheY fjc��lly S11P v'rs?" a It, l� back. I 'k Policeman Is Not E3iP weak d e very first wit 11 Diego. 'tow. I P,-dus lil ii comes as ex rit Pr07 A Ne. igiesfionse From th s wpra paill eVn4l.-tr 10 the t constant - sev- Crop, thet, tired 4A ftn�,of­%var.' The with Robert Is time- 161figs Who efore, n at the It, nif,n, I stornaell. and almOs rer cheap It in y be. it �HSV6 Much. ill -11 . frii Ddnd myself SO ftt, e year's rel- lated as on -1 41- e , they, and. each ti. e, his ball ice gments. Tile wretcbepl and whbvVei - CRIJ6RE-\ WHO SU, 5oc. juliSs" thxee men left home at silurl-S d 'ikking an�enfl physical examin- I SCOTT 4E Bo �-i 7 RRl -break- ed by a lint -of ten crouehin- one nga. nst tlio otb�r. spoke 1. ere h6A aches� 1, to, -tter than scalp diseases themis% b k . . . . . . . t was Uh- to be, lkl "Probably tile From scrOf lous, skin or Used ill) - th, 'Golden. OUL r tell. -I .Passed the day at t) e works jni�iL-ea at one plet6ly ft, d to get a clo I I the-w6rk- s'a".tnl =ad- not a r(I nnit. hnr(llv q - reels the t, s sterling. d wo r tiumber )ut the house 11. of the I n. i tiolk is the one most dreadelli PY al)- Dr. Ple: Lrifying the fasted under' �Ut!s with. bI t do any work alk Ought to b) 9 '.%Autu protected tliP ,in another.- When one of thel My appetite STOCK; nitill S�st`m- mefi.,Wnd only returned In th 0 a Ing -q%V­jj- 11IV tile seft, a �Ojtt6r ho -5 had pila ��ts for places'on 'the 34edical Discov, ca who a evening. di no enj New York ery. for P11 are PunY, ess vvhen supper, awaited them. Often OI`d` Dl,nev blessed Hilu every evil'i rM n rrlc�d gone and I had, no relish -to I'lie hair from- -the-- mane -tall- ion is edudueted blood. Fc r childr is a MUTuAL,, whil.Qt Flilen Vpad 1 (11"'Wa C a . ery fircim had- Ills-d0hth dIA not dr, -ni thoqe wbdue lives wpre sp, I pale or Ellen and Mary came and walked on with. his -'children. He wnO A red. It tiny kind of loo -ti. For, about a year of the hdr84a Ls made into' hair cloth, I 'toro This - exanittuat Weak, thf" Discovery tireir' twesence was -a prayer In her soli u voice. by, .-.A. H. Brown in 'a little -gym- p Loth flesh and RESER-w-, -The beach. and rek4cing. 0 o amF016 8 s-If­Pre,6er- i,coutinded -to be thus tortured. and that. which is �sbortiar Ig used, in tou-.e which builus 111 NO -am ngAt ars- *'s the htntel Instinct 0 *11allis. From a crim- W t is said of it for elill. I had worked forty ye freedom irb�.0 pain either, In. on the �tOP I ha 8 an Alwav% a sign 11,r at' m clutch the j getting- no .3tuffing eU411ions, And c �and the uag lG6r of th esigned strength. Aults. A modest independence encountered ITinde tile lad tiled differant. building. It 1r, an vatlon which and daj or night. a 'the hoof, -Oil is extracted, rt d dren appl-'e equally to 0 the workers. -Ills Caree -rOtl) lin ndq [ itia, Tou s , toll 4,11vays went W" -in- pus- rop,111 ennvn to con t the stre m;Useular Ellen almost and sat once, It tile - end :3 iedlclne 'prescribbil horny substance is raold lb inn n- to mgth -and zing,: restorative aic,it sets at Of II 'gest Klilfe hand 4 fortune. .4nd he: 100. No bum9n re�lfnlx laid kirvived kind o good. 1�4 aire Made I to pplicant. The aPPeti ses of di ion and a on a big jind wAs, at t rers 'dia lopment of tile a] work all tbe'Proces Assokisfian. ffif. In the shade of Ina Ili, physician but they did me It U The tib -i' and I noted by'a s Pau into likt`, L c : tilpeg which grew' :,el,�Zmcu if this forturif now Robert Anne-t1tollfrIlt Of vilx' e series of esv-everY OT9 'orL rin tliw leg bon - i be lopment I �L - -the thick mast� Ive M to [Ill I biagan to bell ve �'-Ila t medicine fro nutrAlon, rO health lef . jjIQ I-ove- for - Ge re 9,-t;rO Ili Iways d t 'e 11liaet, f ghost, waist, abdO­ - nil nil brings back - anti fry)m their boa:ts fbeing .1111P tor Pon. 10 as I a ake bon 0 1 z it spring would not curia me, w urned,t mef surernients it action, stl�g�Uhed' white is, hil feared I was head are h meted. Ivering frofn w B- 6rtler, lao re nlino4t 111111PQ to ur, Ed thet divers di, durfin-g the co.rijgf. to ,ittenint nn a cough J� tr ayms and legs. Tile data as tb . In' reac ,Lha TT� P,6mlneil- tile re6! I trad A territill after the Flue L-4 , men, t US many I in cOuval4 v&ls. which the"bree strength Is seen �ng,�rippnLallg FredA.8601am ze caused taWave Ilians. were -rande I en the sible sinking intO-cOusumptton. One day a c ul n Pense "Whes red by, actual tests. or .sceuce froul, t -ningS. 'Vill d pirui*j­ It wa t truction; we' need -asting -A above th t -at puetumonla 'fevers and o at 110 or" Gal 9 Presiftlit. heard and read axia told, over -r-en regeta- Summer eve cer- ther w, bi a like signal e den mia' on wfifell th,�r liq friend advised me to try Dr. NY Illiams' t M rag have been ijasted to du the ga ri gronn of -ro�ka 211-11711:04 "'"en "near 1-.pInk, pills. �1' had sawh6re.TWe tali l-Anstruments, and wileb� the dl� 8 edi-y andsirely invigor J., M tIon. Ck points. it spe, at fatmce'r'yam'sec, hing day f The silvery .11nd %vl,O;e lit" had a' Our itock­l _tLxj at_ e system 15yrs c0i e I'very -AlowlY a a' 0 bv� to I shelter I ed The wrl above th the. water ri r ge - I much about tills niediclad but ; -,glib 6i - that . certain marks- d - buildS not g At a cperience-ar e -L progir, Two 1, and oter 11 UP the whol all j� wits necessary to, I light ot the moon blIO1 ftpp-a�re,`! bpre rni t-IlPre. cure for my- I I- ter much study hud ej e ates n -A, ts of It ag but eTgry kno�rs �. th hd- le itingale'sang with I di ag the 00 Is re- cause firs.. Before rees U nlgl hi'MR01"s o6t thought wor one ol by a torpid To s iotm ei -o, I :t The te v that ft.1might be - 11, 1 percent Oi 3. r all diseases, n of -tfie wreck t Alug qoUples 1 er� thn n the rpqt, rearetl t i bight.bull I rea �hed - a I FO Natural ascertain the POsitl i eartiln.in S, -self, but I and needed -18 149 at the 's dYSP81 . r3 one. tlie 0 - blood. a, psia. st to n clear voice.. and the Y( above the jupply. e 6 - " Disney would entrus; reconals, sometimes- surprised themselves - re' trying and procured a F of boxes 4unny fddo, located a cok led. I liver or impur, Iptions, it J.remidi s first istrimek oi tile -foremost can- easily be -given Warty, on .- A man. for exaMple, who -can make . billousuess, otebes and eri, 'Life ilgitrane task -of pert t,rnilng tht this ulaguilleept coun-1 Av,,nger hnd after7the -use �Of -L AP"Ple bl t 6 faction. he l ilc.wea Rollert tA) ae- gretting that ) fe(ji -ah ipiprovement. ir J t the Machine for testing cotapit"." lei mie -in wbicti -thev. ro�k which form,d- a Unit of pr&wol I -4tock, sance *. but 1. A a iFO1,' I began t( -pleasant days in Winter. 0 m1cls' I the'. dial -on the giv-ep. most perfre in the Wii*W. r-e� in no ; keeping 1 try was hot towards tht T -I ls;a Until I lidd taken r of the lungs reach 41� - - - . tO-7 - - I - cont, in that test- as In 149a�- .ompany him ler tilp w.nter. and inded theirt mj�tako � is 0 ol new bustno All. was ready The air apparatus were to livo.. (I nn, boxes *lien found mysel common pit venti- tile. capacit� 0.000 of bin 'half his dream. rook extende twelve and. v fj Ires 320 he gets 100 111SAPPOINTED- aness In forcip. ppet d Each Xo-, IQ to )jImsell the tl 0. 1116bart l r a good al -theni swee: the dial f or ties strength 1 64.40$4 -01.5 deatb elialms -1 baf-n tried. and the -1 men traine 'I Robert tll()ugbt of ImPrOT til ny I ting tile - Paid In 1895- 1� v- C"u, (I r jWl'tion.' Tile hows, belnL free from pain, with fe! lated. gs he must have a record of objerved the Mau with and its well as ever f was in. i a Aine-licftil st4k raiser ',Us aldsinco-bU1111- of bile tun a 4 825,60,01.000 death eIRIVASP felt and. lead- rpared np In 0 Probably the test �for the arms hat !Ind II'Inked tv e4T Efill. - I cottage, and of buyIng nea, - air a -While th ed . 1 1 2& the ffbill -tile n (tross asapts, W-Wdftabie I the ji FtrilkIRZ. bef as; ijile result of to be time t "608 h - `h lint fear. and i pretty- place 11 1 LnAt Decem' ' I IM ku increase I tba stern. torTf nwll:.v I)v- ibe shock. I was iigain -ta-ken Ill, has RbOnt ""'Ind lit I main, the 1 most exhaustlTei' TO get 100 to remind YOU that 1895- r1JW9 -pthq �ot the .-beef Cattle 4 - the v 1. -4ough he had never as ye E�gllsh flarm I severe, cold, 0. to breedhI01 '18 -1 hate called insurance j net suelgiia, Ineo-e iiAd bu f it wreck. ingtbe quiet lift, of dell lind pin"ged 'Into thr� 11 tried no experiments 9( lr� to- put An- i just hang from a lad- busband's , sliness In fore* the, interior o Lring to may time I tb,. Applicant n prenillITU �Ou your Ovef 11, trates ere. Disney, Nv.1thout da fpw vards but1this I sca.-City has 4riven Armoil .03,goo Inen,kers ju"rested. light whieli.pene s6me grand 1 'The p-aw wnk 0-11 medicine - but - went S,�Uth Artier-. de chin up to his hands. already overdue." I '. Witt, other' and pull his to � W jjCXjTRjrRy. Wanag�r for Ontario atiemPthg rock. a grain lower and that the fwnt so. tht-ught 01 la,-ge packilig hongi�a in 11, the (liver ;o Dr. Williams' Pink -Pills, e it it iS " Was ilie irate sulldenlY ia w 111 ch should: '- ta-mer - went I�tO tei i itmes. He must then 'to i FreellididIjOin Building, -Tiorolno- OAt-- The waves. from the . on paralle 1-1 don't car too em,� se me 1 ans y 4 - A gi- 0tvICHoL managej nost be �irer; "I'v6 told 'A "us &r staxitipbs I nl..�)ngst these I undertaking elsewhere, straight I filjfjgl.iI. results as tea. T%e r band y - - with the r lit elf *ten tim; who makes It is wa;, iorever famous in the hi$". Tht- PKtr-rne end oi' ' lw-'Tlrlt moce extensively.' I m -d now, that does -- M,- th1s. Testis policy �n -1 If _1 ra, RrhislMd1uniffia and XortbwWest TerrltOiieS t tourba you can see -I rs. T ew- ever accomp take- ou, -it at :Ili there I make him mos I - -112!lrel other cOln- tl' th of back, to tj tile. 4b n for yiJUf�elf- I have such But tory 0! is qIlinwreek-1. m On "011i -an. black, weird Ilte' tr, recall -a -history Of e.dg&. It thp in Pink. 11ills. tha not UT aj imade of'the stre -lice -for.Quebec,12 WanV"es we A� 4amp ruins. -old h prof6sSIOD. t I it�aver at eonot have b. iY ip th rooInLr faith rig tened; now W1 pamy. ot -B 'ET llr� ' uscleg In t116 WILY. �aijjst fear, -,v. - - Our D Z 111*6b a' He loved who. in 7the rf-ell 015 �:014t A to- be 1"thou. a, and leg& the madain ? Tom had fortjj�� to t a box, and jr is a tie. �l . myself W - - - 4 � 4. grip" Of al Your deljl�eratia Pl.;I;W11 MR. xontil&tl. I take them ­0,eSasloi�ally as a fai abdomen. T e I olfice� 6 vulu 3ftnage ud� it was wlt46iat, the -,:It- 'e3ch of " - AN16 it 'L rfl�rXew' ­htest fear Pblp�s,. tile bold (11% onle I 901AI. stock to se7l na"I -and � the ruing reig'n of taries if., recovered Fevoll: thpv 0-ollia on I tilt! I t W01"Id :t and prem- 001 IV a filie Wo 'til. oniv rernPining -juuj#t. be ;nier must C Idate is shown1P,:hat is calidd paid your Es Dai of uneasiness tha:t, on.. rged hold Of i the e,. It wa-q and I will be 911doUll My experbance _lnd CaJpad�an ft 1 fkaud.' My husbalid i , - A. -St. John. N. B. the young diver mj�,16,ns from tile gublhe, e,-r+filn defttll- olnp other poor Am CAM 0 cam traction pull." and is also most JUM thee 30 last rsL and he M - `p I anisli galleon, and %�-hose descend- en-inj fro F ljoe better 46 91 gev-en,� yea w. J, XURELAY anster f0f -VQva ScOtIa" rvirt teed it ablefly. in the.month of May. ch ten 0 will prove TiPIPfill isti-t de4,d Yet. er-father upon I a S nopj�el - - . - hough I tile circula- . itati- X-genth Ili t A icult. A descended with Ili-; fO',t ants sit to -!lay in tile House of Lords' , :nd Roltfrt to em I -sufferer. - . T 1 17-. final 4ast :of agility I catt ation under of the Sutl,j. Diego waA in john t;ann. attened to mAkP IllQ: 0.:- they a V are U beat easuremelats Her Irrit, TIP lift ow ImpottimIg :ma4e by jumping. All, m 741 the wreck 1 fall- WI)en reasona el. - lot the foreman. and he espireol to- qqual br.9 ce you or sub- -hWore I,- 1--i strlengtl the -full trade jamalud for s obv16nL4Y marcher I i prenniratIonn. Pink Pills isl6e �thzkt ligh, bulls, Fwery�day at a itaken when. the men - lire stripped. stances � wa _pne of the boatsi ati apar reater h. on th-:� other, atteinding tile thost fa-l"Ous There 'were g, NO 'Mau *can be appointed a entUry, Who ; d--�Ira pjtocrpthpr� ose evef-V j' box.- Imitations er at Pr POliPB;- Mk -Me -UP. Joht� Sloug arine treasures 61 this 4 1 rime, be in. He ell mark'Is on Lping apparatus. - 'i-t,.b the got re- ol-Ts. of rn!ip. f.-Lq .. � - Per- U11"ll the 94PIY- ho does Dot rebeive at least u) the air -purr e w I him Pon -W e t to tile and substitutes akb worthless Ct. built at Wbit-Sta'bl The ad a strong OnP. I ride ell, hetbee One 0 a hAnd. Machine 0 )n, La Gr.IPPe, l3heu- been c()rrt! In, ' oW na* w cent. In development and 6 soundings Otis. -d just On covered by him from th.e Get W -in with a per A - to this day 14 -own 1)0(lv b. _ps -danger common m9th Lung Dis- ship --,Ind tbt Other to h In the develop Disney and Roboirt IllightE! street, -which i�i o-- a er p x cent. in strf Onial, 4nd ail- Throat and he Sutl I :z.he I, ad. been �ed In't A DOWNFALL. 6 nelgh USCUlax condition Is -CUre ,0. the iken. calling. out ti,06.0, - grIudIRg the d by Shijoh's.Cure a; the- deck of t "ten or ; . company of n ent test m eagps are i ­ -, 7 ;� - -treeti Rnd IP - ll 1.! - - the soon gavip Import wrecked in a shallow s116' Zlego expro%sed very -dhfereut 00- 1 to Georive. not to move. exv :years k 1 3 9� E. in DnIlar r tile Wanderer -Yes, -!lAdy; It f t e lead to stlock qr t," extra =t factor. In ' the ------ I than- wtill P8,V f rengtit test, 3- ll.splY- THOUGIEET- [)Mgt clf water at most il-wealth. - more Agility,' arm and leg '41 001 twelve fath4 of going to 11"'! In a f Pw Won& he renchPA t It Ran "0111 - 0 off"Ted no t'was' jug , Do- hot err on th� ity count I ,,nto the Aires." Diego lin, , 1 01311 1 but s -he had sunk fifteem feet of leAdIng a 1 j I ousA-eeper - Iloor Nier and opoin lung capac tq glippery Pid in parls or. London. ,tnd grind to P peks but labOT and expense 6 finely, an 15 and 1 C.0 u, you let ine have- s. which had come obert infirrowl:v a,­eqpA b -It, Otba tmd - ticket bottom. The bom;% grand life there. The fajIIIIY waO 1 linl(j, find R the *Rvev nirtej., uUm Old r extreme. entek�p I stoulach Imost Important. Betwo 9, tDrliE OF a be- who - Pam the CATA were to' him Acheo I i1ir detmbed against it ky nian! Here is 'per cent. of t" 55 'lowers, and th:� rt elk 9 the finer to it -on Nrant Seed in contact with the rich, and according to dispewed t tel he Was an excel-ut I suppose ? mas% anad' a- - d&o b Why do Y that number In F iy shattered, and tbe Tiolelleb Of -e work to- be al and mental examinations fa Into shou I For. nuft T i'Religton. t!!ablit n -qual- gyntakslunt test. a 1HOusek i%V _ -the preference -tst" an er eeper-Relig- separated the ship -rved AIV d 'olm her 9l!' -S-equit---tes issued for r vast rounding - �N I, be isho-ek had Id caus Ueeeedeil In er to. any dt with, unleg,4 they se ji�iftnier. FTO F - A sloping arted by thS uncle t� me in datvad alst. The in. inereasp I it find flan Kjilil.Iie, I . appeared . 11 dipcovereil two parts at 'the w destined t(l Tile ofily wily On le�dch of 1 k is rad storm, or cut speculation. -ined tile sum- 0oustantly evolitheT, 'etAltuation. with the figure -bt'JNT W R, , rllt I It �- -, 4W. live Bradstre $UYFRS rt by the IAn0 tor -whIch- he ga I dream had been brdokc them otill further.- 9 -, of the' it. -of our live U. S. ex-� as a k. 'W ninunind I loW­ -Yes itiL AVI'IS One Impr -1 his oniv the. d to him tild co -Witnolerer JJM tK) DTo atthe time Of tile wrec; Ellen anot - Rob -rt -1 -tene I it. From there be co -%bliArglars in thekOun- lacks de- dr the past week Bradstreet"s says cheeks. hIs eye P.bo%vq of tile frilvit'- -,%Pven men -t 'successful 'f " after running r b .1 (1 mo., Goo,4 v V." �said: _ - 171 1 ,4tijmpg of them remainc a kind of terror; but.tbey eOm and couldn change., &broad The The �agent. �s Disney r found, tile mam hatch- forted theins-IvEms with and t at To I I - %Stesldlj�2 �L with tile thought tilt citing to her. - Th After, but I got Q11gion Lud edther at, home ronto jobbers report geu over ail the tiekets he had leItt the eed �eud it. mak- lo:Ke, thaster r wasbe& Off -Thankit. WE - r andl unchanged, and Had 116 his MOUth -OPP" " at the TOR". ONT. "ton likes oast' 11 trade quiet' way, and be-bWan to dese ither' wAA a eon, one after the otliff I ,rk at pile trade no morf, Americ ached enor­ Attv"ON THIV PAPER ildg sighs to . Robert to - old diver aP- agi him. t1rat their f, gj to -,t-point Noe blaiv r of failures follGw ado fa r exporli 1. Increased UUMw of lAs fortune ' and tile by thP FeR.- Tie, M. -e.other OW but must be t tile time with greatest care-. peared little - d aied to inhabit _ a a rock the -rope of which ti, y,-,IIEN A&D LAYMF,'i� UNT" Mons propor es. wide 16Pel-W" They advanCo`1:- t I,F.RG ot4ulon. Ld. give heed 'the renewal Of ulereantille, indObt- thing." wit'llking backwards, in order to avold town. As long as he iived they on tile wreck.. airiA soon be I I or W) I Y 11r here is the R -TWENH-SIX I . -ow - - I - A our -to. Lss of their heime large the tarrbal. ind q AlitY 0, 1 - unsettling at- handed his customer a ts In. that -eeing reorge risking 1, . .0 t[esses have had an breaking the- gla could always feel certa. - of-, had. the joy of j�. JoTheir.11-rRiseset' r..AgneW7 to the - bealthlin is reported from Vomit- lie 505.-Llournal is - I and cn the IPIL twder. prodrc -the f.. The Hke -k Ila It -1. but from Hal by e suddcnth,,�Ck- 0110 cottage would be the headiinarto!"t. tile, To llazardous ticket with the nUmbQr V Ing their- himself first of nil by tl not r -stated soul to- Prevent it frum. becOm pa it and Tien ell Bisl1op Of rr "0 u ob `thcl n Mber as if&% :It is jul. A-musgut 0 a etter.� -C. L., 'veakent- i th CARS the other never t ng tO 1. onto, Right I ' ' ek duced. which leav6 tbem. Taki quality of the, stock t trade is Im owing to an N jr-pipe. the family,- and that any object, the ropi�- Du N entangled In be I would hand along bunch of i D in th "C OF' W ready to -91V they both tell down nd-Ition, of tt p4o liELI'EVED 114 A IDAT.- It was not It has big wick. A heart beat.' iration for her buspand, she I ills lot, and Ova Scotia and New. Bruns 'if Aobert's admil .1, as if tber-.W-erei sa Withrow, D. D., titring steers foax boa no need to -to M-, A's, jeltof8. Who Bas Lived On IN Du The lire-itne.. irk order to 001 'Mary, for her Imirt. exPremed tellkz-The foed(Ir who, h er, and in the 9TAND- hand 4 r tl-t A. Sm 8 the signal -to draw up. - [ Robert -rocelvelt; a 1p-Lding-.Miam�ers'of the 0 wish. - putirely' absorbed by tier him in I nees to three of th, good, young, sinall early ma- to ;r.d,,i throughout -on theirA ved. Faculty of McX,[Agt,ej; Hail, and Men nd%v blockade in New undland has AK - 1 he Ahou,-Ilt Only of the ftV6 gone back to the days I thank Ocir B G -Ilue the Rev W-` H. rjoIn fear. an( to seemed to it v hid only changed their jing tbe.Metho- bins full Of CO )Ut. of tile [little r9n Ille a which he was going of her childhood. Her mind.- far from 'I'And vet the, d tile most cknel and others, as represen epoken �that�'Ile it i jije ked distribution I of merchandise in Farin IOt'7`0 Year"' Tells What GoidenFleec hich XA43on contract gach 1 man&r ot death, am all qf-whom haxe j6k - goes tal clearings'at Winnippg. ejor the t the � dragon w seemed to 111, rock lost dist Church, r. of the. orIn when ills stk Lit; iiinias. To Kn!%vs oilur. Agnev0s cur win. the do e agony aw-41ted them On t -high tc.rms 4)1 the m4its Of - D end than t&jimed Ig-tiliton. Toit errible mi the Uttl ILL -olito, )1outreal and Hal 9 I powder", And unite too, ni be ob f -ought- was day, and 6 the gen, -of the six iarket-tuoty.cau 0 10 -W W - legs t �veloptng. the forgot evt I p WDER g diver rmerly known. glien In tlie Agnew's Catarrh1k, to $22il049.030 for the 'k, 111e4tt. sight which. tile improv, I have which she had fol middle OT Y amount awaite(i tile Youn -renialned -on these the Waxhl endorsement of- . Flarly Ma hat ed one fares 0 ed t4.) certify t: SIBEST FRI ND da ,e witu from pore Mek, an Increase of 22 per cent. over mkeik vessel _V to Rob- unfortunate in 1p who I tile Perli-: -tile- well known To- "This is - Agnew"is I HE -coo E on v a -t worry ove the cor i In. the si bitishingly confeps' ttempte lie by� - r leading I - Dr. K I jeads. DO ttles of I into the Gulf of.LyOns by one ort thift. 11,61' idster could uo IQD96r bo-Ird, four th die' or, cent. over. -o bo Mr. NV. beat It. �-Imigh 814 1 -week, 11 P bougIlt tw my ivif -S SALLKINCAMN if y Drivel �be. The two- e Smith, as 0, who LARG9 T. e alon- the r, rhalist, V4. g ul rn oonding, week In 1895, 17,per cent. Heart I or rc --of tflosa,gtorms which are so danger- She had almost, I&r- ous: paEsrig ot the into 0 -it must up. the Co- t1b -a 1.� Cure for the answer a letter. t7thav had n t 'Ind -Wi a the pajet twenty Ong -4u- tile 3,Ledlterrauc-an, the- Sutlel gottft how to.write. Her_ Uiliaband, others felt tha rep= ng thellaShien, - lay- -grade yej x1in , I - is compared with 4. and 10 Per has bien troubled for --the ad that. clergym6n and. uajjtvy which - e ;uperlor. ikm r beam ends 11 114151107 str2bgth-10 attemp:C'lt� and'as If It t t I It. over the 111ke k in 1893. The yca"! with heArt e The first Koroir CaL does ha;flbe hrOWn on he vrever, did -not seem at ft ;he - has ]lad 4t bw rellaced Uls 10044, had been t tob- , rtrture-ov th-Ir eornrw'e-, hall- warn- ar oula'..Mind touching thif Polindo L 0 rl matu 'you can top -busines failures reported ges guvel'reltef, aud by a frightful &a and almost every about tbl6 Infeillority, find when dep, tirat their inst hour had men are 1 4 !Ine. Tbe.trutb goes with earl ) lig list of few. whit1twme it hia mrs, Imuft itoricjs d RAR ��"Other lot I 11ift -anarapdn to st, he said- - I me ill �l im I' week Is practi- eneilt -,froul it -t h IrOuk all the aw s4pplies tisigooft board had ),rlisbed. The fish matured to -refer ed theyn truly,mei uses the medi-. the Market a ad ge n I tbo DomWo more she ever did. The remedy Vt. lurnish goul on tilesr let go their -holti and cast Veryonlia Who it:. , before_ the serabs Will I ady, and ad picke-I UP among the rocks l -were 4Wte clever enough tome. is that a abs iwul, ek with a total - that women u qccoed into a). v reimated - this doe Ad heart. ermen Im _r cine has a gOOd1w it iilif. with 63 ae , ke, Magic On euwiw�-Ift makes.pulluta And r -1 - ', - f' a 0. this wtificate�." already. ot their. Ow Ord to say for tra price Wt eak a. week ago. a di�ear ad bodies- of sailors.- -.Whd thempelros -eath through get - the ON the mutilat t -he, Is on. nif of the V. - I �5 �, �'i i�) �Gho T pr iv elves by wv�llh- the truth. Dieso blinself %vas One short P J D&IRY. a year, ago, 56 IYFO I am. -pleased. to gIv6 48shanivid had- tried to sa.e-tbems To tell A- 4.1 "'led Ith'each"bottle 0 kpin �NICHOLSI he je- to In - Ile Iffe for Ut se 'it -1d 0. U. 10 1 7- !, tj rn te id it )d it Ae 26 the blowul J, the' greater part ol W18 much. CjjaUW in manner Ruu -v- H&If-an-bbur niter w ree; years agQ, min Willer (lit- Is and. thel-v g, but surprised by gineer. Without pmnt, Robert and George iiiid rd .4 Catitirrhal po 11, businei S. - t potwbVir -n vation. , The -poor M - �1, * +.be" .-,of. D.-. A`gne1W ­ar the surface of *lkingha 10 - foolishness - Atbou 1. sew —engeN had bec att, . I death nau , s,01ors on blift 10- 7GUIS-Pow ".1mull.4 [ - . I leir cAMns. -and I without fortune. SaW -v- e,6tvel three fuses Wit . when tit the-, 11twIllusm0al � Is strength -FOP IS Idnilab 1111311U left them thera - -Ure was ening up. be fourth blue - 11 - !-it jelie I- . death"in tl family anil lifl-d fall6d �hlih tile na Pathless and� dw AO -E. �7116 trea, J�re him the. prospects Of saf pas�ages- 'in ten �mln­ it. , Do nOi K yes -the sea. hall ell e udder; netilter ' Ait"le nor tell HIM A -1,rEXT- guarded by c6rpses., an opulent eltistence,.and bis'language on thip way,. and re ghtful to us V catarrh, s­lt 'Int'd, -the Cowls' GiLbL. '%�alked Around the i Boa ta aftlam i upstart. Me gnifed him. Tilus there. we IT" UteS, aud'.Per-uii�nently cures, mat- light - hich filtered was already that, of ai storlq�o thu"t she a glad to have worthy farmer in the northeaA� Of Ui !le an air St*b6CkkXb By the -Colds, . headaelme.- -go-Te will. 1) stg I IL lever, .., I _it.toothall j)layer w4t, d sides of the coudu�t, -however, had remained the five roor Wreteb05 *170" led togetber hay favor, it -you can- land had a I'Masher" Ind somel- I . - I through the . shattere T a. He and tO ,Ind deafness. me to I her relift7. �oj-- of Littleal. curlOilty, loolaug blin %1%velling. le bottle " d blower sent on ro- CO Ot the. one to iIt scapeg !who �waa ail -as he filight have-100ked A �DWANZA- ,61p itob2rt Faw them- above him. same,' at leak In APPearanc - for on the -narrow ledge of smooth throat,to-118111 8 yrt, Alo tPis Y-01, axe 11, mace �ou CALIF'�OIRNI fike floating phantoms. - howed stilf the-sapie. affection slippPry'rock, which th an fil Aamps oir silver. Univer- b 0 he was &boift'tO PUrCb`alW;--. drodiall him. , s friendship for Rob- foam. Of 10 C6,11ts; 11 -u der graduate -4t: Sberdeen Univer -f'v ea. Lad clung ering Witt, "am - T, - Pasadena's beaUtRul Ziis-halt f th'e. 8 his wife, the same still COT celp? milk , to :jOme. lifted tip by 6Tj) N,.o. 44 ChuTch street, Most -good butter makers prefer 166.16t - hoiIdays on ndy- t grasp. same respect for, Disney. W'veg we" ar. Robert S. G,. Detch t hd �ntr minutw .111fij witti'frap ic art, -and the me slight- -sitY. When 'L hat is it. - Gage 'a;ft* blocks -located twi to the Ce crealu should beco oung hopeful.'elee- I to I'M her knees Only spolit his The sky bad b"oMe Clear .__A �ej[ej Court I ; there vlrl" not I TorlointD, that the n the , ft . ad as Yet I-jM=n46d the horizon. x foot. ain't ride 1, a mother on Fortune h. but this 6#.e oceasto -the? Further or ty aeld before chur imigh (into I a sto of iaA As f ar as eye I WthL WEDDING. ion Ot 'he thit line mow still holdim, two children III her manners. A IN ed. too far.' trlf*ed some friends in the -farm house RtV electric being built; Was antumn, amlish. Waves ihould not be tv announcing big Intenti as �Rub2rt was Pushlng is the beginning of 11 rl'or I -2j",M acres just- subdivided* are bar' of tjle�Cagos wigs eom-i could reach long, gre, gluality _seized acidity 9 1 jell for or Wr it it Is-- thia yield of butter wNI the Church" ffi-at be- 4!. Very inch (if it." : gAiini-offered before Wareh 10th;,S)ft "Ide with his band t T r( roje and -and - the- rock which 81101-; The awful 0414a, 'd will eOU­ 70,119 f� for VeIg about 190 odd T' armis. J as, he long.. loose theowreacovery the I t- gill al woman U week- or, so tit,- the jLpV ;�ould -1 " - in Other dedr- I Willett we're remained On Men reared I !-a -young E, L no r f1i a. otiliards, and acreaV n novel- wedding.. t�.- be so gre nt, tile Oil -0 g tile last prof�assion t to I T ig gir le�e ' Tbere still tered tbe Wipwrecked u%awl a ;Vciul mids, she- iaol a same, to -a certain h#%.e expected h o I reek that want, tu ex tresses of thai P 1,61 a Cb ��rgq of the -t of tile gloomy Ills liabits him. DlaneY su%v -0tum. much able iocationis. - hoe, -*I joiLting arou.11 to- faint. SU sea. but WILt ell,. ney-1 sell aloirteAmi Ago, and riding liabit and cream and y, a fine young man As cride sho.wore, a butter- por and tamsetes , to cho.se. ;Tbb oid.�man­. 1 ' ertatIll Bunter told'. fnV.est, I guarantee 130 mistake In tuo young Maq %vas g adv&nwgeouslY menstty,.- 16 -ried a hv. 0 V the from Sw06t of a rich fund klan? I - � -40 OW-Mid(int his aria and dragged damaged by tbe. I fin bad'so a knowledge of these 1-1Ib6*lertf ba ` and eat Luting good buttetrl't be 14 *,lily wl poissess ffandy Prof Add ns tie took ho.ol 67, arthelegs, Could be Robert in Her at- i,. I ala, hisself that felfer's In his fourth tj ' its. ress Im' wait not at ho ad that the -crealm. 'Warm, sareasatic or, quietly ie- atine A dispbrsed of. Disney. W 0 9 orer, and he bellev a crop instead, of a bouquet. spats, (if dir -sbout yoiir o al fOrA, South PiLghd8umll; Cal fitim. 9LWaY- ft M. covert Coats, if cowig are'llopt at I -times lad- ;yed I.! Talk e.Lded bi-- way arry to ai=ter-upon the 81% "t have struck 01 ndants wotP -a--- aturked, "Ay, list, dae ye that, te RU Avenger in, The bid diver thr ith mar­-� ail in a h tho rocks that tile and white Polo - ties. if never -x joymo,nt of his new riches. ught d wflistcotit3l comfortable, and Clean t for * your -through thl's sombre maze w remain t - n1til the- -sea bad Well-known the Sisters, re �jkauge at mperature or die; and I,jt kae, ye a te P en -1, --watil what may-thdt cott,-Ont.' Shorth vellous certilittv. Th-� old had be it -beat to nallon call the. Sorelle, bove -blore KtudITO I i1i . �FvOlu Han4kilton K�egaird-. sed to I and waste DO 00- ill . sermon. k -�yuur drugg and and Weplas -nt situated that it had Mid winds. It I le 4tl;diant. "Oh !"sald At - your �phySktanp tin it ij quite PO9- ?11 queried 11 W-XIt6f0r.VAM6UbX&- up everything j?ecause of the two which tower a Ust n a - Zompar given exerei it in the story and your. friends abQUt 81kiloh's CUV6 i tiMght - by .6 �1 depogited I coA-,?etures were get on. They will' TPcOul-� It,_- c ptaill,-s C"Ibin. J." was takm the Others. it his Ing'ihe GrLiSt.retnedy Which Cures ergy.,at all Ok bis father, 6tyel1l for beineath, t -agreeable to �jxty nitles Khenwal res Days.. that tile power of mmilk, Be -,And the Lord'opened the ConsumPti (;j the vesSel Initnation waii Flit I tigwinonptolb _ tion� may bj developed -to. time two salous -UND11 ex -h-tt, tile S:"rlx Tills deter a much at- correct, they were at le sible to I Balaami, Africa. mend it. Mrs. I ad to sve tached �to-- this - be ItIful but, we �nmupt -look %vcj,.-k w6uld it al from Sardinia, and olit.of the route Of veral _and in bet ved by All prospect the Gurth streets, A MONU=- NT. TO EMIN. sii)f-. hy rea:�on of the 04- Ellen had made herself 1 �;,03ff "i ej in thesand, Robart.,for be had becoul ninety-mlles �orner Hunter and N�, would be tie -P:Y i'll lle(I'l country. from �the coast of blill sea., 4 nilton: - "86 th bilith of the ass." 'had thus in Iflicted with health find final ; od; ships.- They months ago WAS ;a Ina WRONO MAN been iml-014 neighborlito - death T)Y tutional or of LAJXtD TO IMNe III, the peasants -la the � of deaths*, ily oTipplb� T116 Conati" H d to erect &'1[4011umelif most hideow -which comPlettl ter Cows ha : - it -h WOUtil 110t 3glisli lady, . .,rheumatism, Of �s'to6d before tbk OPON ,mritY w h vor and drag olit they cajled'her the good R t, by cold. - R uniatic -Cure of the finest herds The apadicant n - in lifie Silesian t6lW6,' )nie...South Ainerican he ar ched 4 -ttfe thiree unfortuuatev Men .. r with on to commemorate his AnC hunger. by thfis .­-ner hand. to lowed iheill to di ; degener Ing for Ye contrary had and the Poor for ten mile,. round ku One' of 0 me, 1 procured been stehill1i ddlin- aytgpe Of j�o �Vnu _op the ease -4 of Ingot.4. Tha late a, Robert and being recommended t ett of co as t�rjdt -I have seen - naturAllif, traTeper _mto"d- , Sul% U *% - sea in accompluth- her well. the and'obtailned perfect relief through the pra. as Mane, g1r,", hel A. as, a . win 6;R4%I-V*bbU 6t *4 ie AMY tub le ' - XW#dtftw--AVT1 -�' "TA%*5`,'B3MT- 0'0" Geo rge wa, .110 'di of - , 1 ..4 . - I stg-jWtUdal LL_.,jjda,ed. aild baAA bec-a several, times Who shared a botti! s -with--- stuffing and tetherl !F. - , -- I Africa. rork. seemed to have' been- The- works 0 wjI6 had a a yomg o0ficer on his e fittit few doces. It I ELY6. strator I Its V 0 f4well, that's no -affair to further the plan,,�- ct che, visited by curious Pe Mal 'join h*-ZegiMGut- h rheu- u4lly� produce & zaeol 1- of mine." �tilie. 7WA -10' thu t 'om ta to telitef for opl had A -1 0 re Out doubt tjj6 quickest no st 41'mAke - Your triLeted by� rumors Of the Un =dy willo hardly appeared to �be mo ---,w . "I It viraY4 -T11k' eligei been at The � Db I and I heart-- jXersoy -animmillil the ou, an"t- )X E BABY 19 VUT TT. _)Aeutlon -entertalmi-alb reeqmlpeA - - A G smue rucks dertakial ju!Y family The',Othem Weis Irish juatism I ba*e ever seen to the Wea i diver@. rn hail f*truck on than twenty. Id it tb all snJerers; from the rigor of Our� thor Man IT Y that old and-.,Wd -iR Ilke thW-kind of 18, d47- Be - W, , . **b The stel L.,ed iip; lint to- even been called upon to jall,46irm LIkS Robert And Georte, thtough the mle sure hud Use d kept,'it ral ee of 0 the chande t disease;`1 d - rerAW- Y, -Mrs- Wilmisloves -abode t �hini. h ---whloh II& oi ille ship the keel their modest an he authoritl they owed their Uves t big ell nature. tric - , _4 f4r -40,04 -0-4110 Ward 'and the the department, d which had placed them -in the W UTE -CU FOR tPOTH- lug �Syrtjp 16r teel. I h, E lien acquitted -fore- laulkle produces -It -Cattlef?. E iall stamp e on a .4j,ft OPj)r-',W5 ARE ORDERS - will be" bet . 9NE InKUTE CU soj) �jias -the. -child. joltens t1l ofi. 150 ult*ffn IOU -had restell t1l.tt, �jlj­ re.isel I)*.-- herself perfectly of this task. -Som Lin. ctrM wind 601tFIVia bad qualitY of Dart of* the at, themonlent, when me a variStIbIL oorer. W lkm 18%1111W 19 Magical in po r an result of the, dc -too, they saw An 014, Highland' 4 ouble them, sergeant. in 0 [te . LIZ -the itg!%Moe,� p -_pt ---dy lor -At ded by its tWo extrumitie. In spi -she @track iching.; a terribld night of the- SCOtt�sh regime ts was igoing tivdu . interior d pow.eir, Pene Ing., 810 Et4liell people a.ud seazl6hers of tre8* times the;dalry bee Ten -ju Aud V ght to we that all, 1 -1, -,o uftht 8PPro be pass r" than befOr - -in the �best rem" Mgt brukeq %,�jfls the weight thle,gtraagers had tbeen tho object ad without 11 e his roundli for 5nee tho.diiieand cents a N in - the barrakk - ter -breed ratinig at I a Cure Tw extVIATle! its- back bad r _in Cures f the c, -4t "16 1100P ­ not or the lights, erehlbUt, lies -n lee u.; It t j ipat -0, argo, 4 LID good-wt14 ACCOr'1111194 the wl"Ch M al' eadyl 61 , I �,rm- iliscovery was of genera hv. of ancelor. for the - r .14 * - to a roonj where- he The secre. I herd lift'. tab Aln -t. 'Norvilin% AlAUTIV-1i. - ilm-artioulml U911L ing sneir mW ivr- Gignpreare 9b rOOM)8­ -the -profit- idea of PTOlMZ chance of being seeT A'* -e div '-4 to theirl. saw the 1191111 Shining, he Interior- a "ISIMMM QV'Uttv j- er ,:jgjn, remody orke, anti 6o�t feed 1 a J3-nprove. awt - I deg A t t valuaD no meau% dISPleafilug the� igamme time an the light- Ttey thought he Put: 00% that light e �, -M bp. Uped Jor T"-.ommeu&tjoIk- WWAO., 00- X MM ae with a lever- razed. the - r I - - S, to "Naaft - z� . 111, , t 111 ;1 .:-11 .08 -once ed bY It- 'Irmed each W hin'f iiaor. and .-Dlego alone was "K`J much - did not speak ;..tbjey did not 9-rps roarc� 0140-� d i4s, to] liniandl deMollghed th(3 cit, father-Int-Ifirw3ill-, Pre#" t&ey, waited with there I, ttu and 11 1126"il, T �k Irish Z.3 A-Almnegis (K de- k It,9 Cowell c6utatla ar, and ��j6 they ;en In - his Ad ad�ove r'l-s-n 7-uUtll0A%*1tLC MAI app2-ared - intact r�b '... - -- [- did- not dalre to One of� the men sh9uleu ut- untrablu 7%ey con- euce he ltbiiVefore, �" Some G liffielity. ate act, "oiler anY-' 'bulb he gpalr� W tillft Yot he mun% 1� 'h9a 'I qy�41zed ca- . on opposition3; jug officer t obigeant. ill 0 a -�Itht� , � '. robably Ingot.4 to tile vatuu- OP & .40w, moder. lo� t&kei 316 Towarde #veab Not hearIng very well thd sergeant INCO -talimell P asked tortalfision in a ,,,a- food,-Aor, they lot'; Sul thelf Teddy .4 sterling Ains earo A other 0-41- - I* ;:lie-, h -b Dgand Pound, part - 1, In the - WOrk, began to QOMPjRhL' He W" jmio�th cried, Mtn amr alm --badre� -A 0 0- VT of ten they could only further Ihjunj­. and he CWled 16 'Hil T-Ut it that.; gnus., his 9help had nevor A. J -0,7"jifq first visit at- facket'- Wh 4-Araina 10 -%t0 11mbs grewt, 9tiff, his le 'o -U11, kv f. njilk Lv� wlts4bliffiekx 14' fort the prefience' 0 been of Mt k On 'tun t the treasum and as use­DWneY gave hllmi�, Thft his' and -eyes closel. Tit; ftL t Dot establish- �X OUR A tieir wishes were realized beyond tIMS as he liked. 1A tirm beftlull set. oom leqt Z1, -trips f was hib - - ount Ilk -jLud lie roltea, If v 'ot eon -AdU99 � - %U6rd were the ship, for or, two st,- hopes, ta bq first. he took One eir heir Is into t -ili-tate- t bWn to PA" -hl im -k fth tuated-, to fat 31arsell ea, then to - M&td ­ -, � ! - AM W at )ne 6t tb#14 stfrr* a ft 0 Me butui soates'! gr#0 1-b er.- days 11wa`y­ ors., Onlaw- Ung Ott, the mast, of gold which jhWmmet on, - I ` , �i - �-- ­,t*,�,, .604"! T, in the- Wwdsif A40 bw to them, Rober. I'll -- z!"- iiiass nuilente,tit, VXXI. 7%0 So-called MaYWIC MMORMI an