Lucknow Sentinel, 1896-02-14, Page 2........... ­0� J Inty 77- 7 _;�7 N- 7, A Una, 66,19AW I -jT e, arclek 9WWt lead. th f net, 1 7, by, the temost. ILL q. -we � bottom rat eped at ony �prfte­ ;plan Above- hS., n --In a frailf boa work -that -should 'all go at- 4 eell, COME wor - --- - -01 they vv him VVIP Wr-M7*-T.ff a. mv- WbIC b conveys to it wAs settled thq& they- should E Instant of AegI1­ -to and take no thefir-jibode together or - ale. Vne ()a 1U3lb101V'-Vr0,V-1QeQi -11b f M think 111-leaft-LL� le tr''f f f -di Ight, AL11. 4A VA. -veto so, S It vf, Abe" �Bletwea� WftWA-P ght -4, A A 0 ove, (in the, coast of Prolvence. The­bld. Jarie.. Kolum wO -0 on Vnel' art one, false certals,extent the 9 m Pr�. fat , I P;hbu he touch -the Oallor, without login*-- an - Instant. set -'W a 6-0 d", t lie to lost whisat.. corn or, cotton in! aXn tvui iare- aw Adear-� d -Cu't : W DAIRY. 4t ground,1 her *Ith- Y vhe about choosing. & @1 Mr., Ktllum�Alr riot, -les"'Xio - I'll ta V L I rhw head I itizzess- leeted "from the 1 -beg' - in - Doveri, - lEle. 2 004"A A A A In the' tralo gArdeno 0 c�Cit. find .& f ft�W*Wb 4b ---------- Wroue the red �jp4raltas - mallufai0l- dt -vVe:n0t­On1Y It stands toreason that COWS will the dog -along. *Ttli-meoj gubse. -4succeW, It It -awu ears bleed He looks I had Improi nifyim vur­:- pro s id 'a- # - r vpiii . - Or'-prollt, lb -poMAblelto allocs M K th,kitterej of-, for thpin Bald. "ung Mi. ukanci ili-A T when -it is propiirly cut % 6 provift I bilk; a 'get m . ore One Riss"A PS gCii pinel is h I aJ Self WI from fodder --------------------- totftks wtbh- ll� Or 6 d he tured W LOOM recommelidattimil- make More �cp�taixit it sustenance Give me v . the 1VOIA& llbatk V10 TheN drawing up his tall- figue where', he :ten4 to.prolout. lb�e grwing-se k fast thatis ''bi J, b iglish 'Colony I 6ch'autfibritlea,- - k J a-- 9 cows bit Im. of th6 E 'break, tMa g atid, that 11115 Is to the Frei ,and: the to eat wlt� ease..7 with heart. " G1*8 M death. A�caa fastened In Aho,,, ht,. Auper -old sallbr '-a i wtist, little .&rmy started on Its Journey, 4- son. Tbp ihAftj jgard�buer 18- us.1all equal. milking capselvIt �Was found for no morg.'� - -1-2 " th use f Ifttft bla pald face,- and turning on had been born, for the r pro-, 9*13, -:w -with de t; j�rves him- aij Arladfiel PO possible. --Ol eut- odde - on't be satisfied. rte,3M 11 r -ill; V, - - S Me'Jury bla searching look, Abbe Gue. charmed to have an opP,Drtunl� of and -7well equip low harvesting his. first drop about the that 721 pounds t U ligh CIN Be rds -pounds uT' 0 had taken up one." _ the maiden. - e eyes are telling - dt! his travels. As for thb two *hen the aotibtlul light whicii peue oath . afte rds e -naik a 03 riDfIllcd pracls-pl',' -, 0 *1 In .ift -commenced- tby m time th ploughin& for duced as much !r,,As th little sisters, asz�_-Ri5ibert still callied tes, to t solitudes - hall its qu4rte on Alid coast of Prov former lit h olesenee 0 -True, bu he -j-est; wl�h- crd0p*V­ Verlonlos. 7 _s: i�ji'll take, It 'them, they -Ver I owed lif 68 of uncut stall�s- T . 7, Gentlemeln, the,prisoner I Way, bb must - and Antibesi seedh*.j�, the - Ne -1%6 vor4l 14 light has e delighted with IMr. en .betw oul- wbich'demands ourilat 3, Von out aiklng.# thus 96 711that, each will topid to a, nswer; the , prisoner do -6 Palmer. The- elder one especially Was ork as if were breathing the pure Il In the deconi6osition dalryman'Must Out- fre- 0 - h -r, e The beginning The situatlons� -in which men acroW a 01ter's , a I Iwo of. listening to him, 'If he ere Yghted by. th JOY- 1!�rnlag of all pubstauces gages are method for land ht. Wd -side . Is wnOVW Owe making� a I�jo. -fin dthemselies In. - In I'do not never weArY 0 as Ifni orooets of drea wish to be, defended., _ his quently on tbt, t Mary was at that time of a el' qui -sun. given- oil. which are taken lip b� r the fit out of' the � b7V g some to iWend him; I come to telt the face b oist eks in ITORY. lb f)f tsk, milk was 'Well ningtri"ed, by an'Ir 210man, the'AM, � sad that -161t, --0V0f The in tched labor. the consis M 4 fo fact b�auty. Her,sweet ese, will ta 11 1 - ham -beeii va d SW a nols- dairy. Th *11 t e off air. evew as the son absorb who, -when recently relating It e ild- They can'all 06 , .9 stibef of hia life. tained- the angelic purity fields �o sometimes lefw . I 'Angi 4", 4W a Ir t ture.' Many of these gases and min- butter mflk'�or whey ad,' re narked, th!s It I " hood'; but, like her face. he -their paw, leau!-. triarkable dream he," b. 6ent to of. ul tasks to converse, are need- be fed -baek to 1he cow to mai-e more ­ T)ien I thought walking � T -i I,,throwing a ftft -Around -a ne tools; sometiln�s they. eral elements are just what was taw 01 the.right, bank ct the -Thamess a child. I me- that- she w 6- still in OU1­ sing gailly, in order to - to ed for the feeding of. plants, a ad it milk, me hands ln�. tht hitherto remaluedi that! of g On th irgqt their and,. in tb�e opinion -Of many about -naked, wid curvC he single headJU -bear ta W6-ri It -rum into - the se4j, have said that VU a 112611 SAM is a 'wise provision of nature that dajrymen,, this Is thej?est disposition.,. ines straight "end when e God had B!4 the diver ifiever His 'Wife i pockets." In UC4�A I@ situated the'little villa Whit- ad It appeared it fatigue. rests. they may be made readily ava a . to make of these -artrelea. U climb, ze the ;13 - Ive Is � turning .9 eur-M .wan- _X_�nolb ta are 'a sto-te"i after lavitg. en, _ sbil ady. VrobaMy the beat ant -ge of PlePP o ed i her Hf� eowpaalqns, if be -has an has mal to tied ThiY Count -Ah, �Ineeg, Y.0 stable. - Its only Inhabitin 9. and man but to got MatWh4jrn T' - za* was a foot to be 7%e fitIft or whatfaver 49-AlOnVift and all deir -about slientl from thei the Y, � like ghos MOW& surplus. milk of the wlth beauty �u his dqad, for -profit the train V low sallors, and the houses which line Ielf"t t eri her IUI"- It he wan �o speak hollow Let adither -yourself nor y Me -pardon me, follut, butj -of th§-,,,, faeu upon whig4 theriverarel only simple two-stOrlid that had be an I think. -that winter to but - A n for -daIr a the pig. He will eat-tullmit- Proud Of- o dar �,are Illuminated, but the ralk Ine - bu I lit- woke is lost beneath the aj mor- of titles of it in all -shapes, and Von Mean feat Tjle - Counlb­Ow - -t'. b -but It Is easy to.see dsb intellect bad relt r BOW- -,moment - iLre In tot@3 brick cottages Idle waiting until -the time to ed aiE 16r the -to-do tle. She only knew how This that they are hihaVited- to love.! - brass L - by well i fesarf�i calling' EL lundred. :1aer Joints Were jw6ileil and,Dlitorti![I.. Ing crops - comes around again. get.fat upon it, if hi is young enough You climb more zan-once? and cheerful folks. Her father, who bad -Only rec6lved Thim an hat of -1%1glit. Ilmoal sleepless and nor Would make the season a ti elor at (iUall- Elder Berry�`What is your. Idea Of darkle6Wi With'the itwia,319hft,*Olk It to take kindly tile f eado clills xpeiting the or ation, hardly noticed �tjmes more --dangerous th loafing. which prof ties of We rationaq but ev here faith? JoblOtS--Patting a nickel on ma)[49 Alo difference WWeh WAY tbe Four years ago a touching scene a 'sail edue e Her Its no man. on u Of cUrVA'-'-7w Ir4agatherers; on sli .,,d for several 6 plate and Je 6, crow forone Gethe study. plan, prepare. P ib havic- there will be- waste and lose If the th, - p er 'EI 011*10te Gone this inferiority; but her sist . len the saw was taking placia In this sintling sPqt. 3rie than: -of Dove.r. wfitch Shakespeare calls 4- as4round. the WAPIlghts 111111111tual"s to refure ace u;1"*V some - regular feeding is not done judI4 pure gold. A little boy was k occup ion mealing by a, l*d was*�alned dt it,*and upon m4 Will elously; -confided her !!drea&ul tr de.11 had had att ctlons TralifiCrIPt. for ston News an which was lying a *Oman whose one Occasion she had ud employ your'hands a port n each- If but - one or tw, 0 cows We mUked' He -You s4y.that, women excel melt Ri5lbert his' ehildho�d, a I kt'to feed g-valn. in intelligence., Pray, felt 1118 !low face was deathly pale. 'Indescribable the the KI day, eveh. If it be but to You it -,-Is, not Inconventer Behind him grief to Robert. day (From . . Q SNe was th first to perceive the his' JOY was a lighthouse at milking tline, -but -with a herd It you make that out? She -Did YOU W02M TEN DOLIA=*A BMT W & man was standing, his hands clench- e Ve Elm his m4ikren. from getting rusty -aad lazy. k pos,es� when his I ter -f ather 9 In Mr. -Hugh In is very. troublesome- Some cows will ever hear Of them taking women ttl- the The- rialrages of rats and oul his new hardly feli loi an rLA Auf -�68011 W11O -has QW ed, and his hea& bent down feeling which had taker 10 nd, is one of lessom 'the feel- - the, grain Win can be pretty. IV 7uolb "give dow V 0mid �liibi& Aw chest. Great tears were rolling slon. of 'mary. She -made inquirieS -hl ke - eper on Wolfe as IV, except when -eating Sit in a Jury? the be pain his habits and his char- atitut that tation whic this section. and men Ifi- said the -judge down his cheeks. All lit Ing of the nown always, inspires. best know4 it ift .,46itars once he about Diego. counteracted by any il�, gent f ier, a paialtdble mesa.- This to � the fault -You. are charged, wAtilb-ft -it, it -it Co. a bad state of with dis Vlest- gol-- to his vigilance in the performance Of but the fly weevil. Is a r6co zed of the -trainer, and to turbing the peaee;' - a exD- ressed serious fears All- wortil, no took the child In his arms and held acter, and sh land which, I, said. the -bra Likie A good t In vain y of a more,, formidable -kind. a.1fairs. all habits. there are Xdy that bottli e h -1 -ask how You maks tbil; oll I pain. it bW face to that, of the -woman lyl�g; about her sisters'futur liers ex��perrlf e at, theii, -firsti battle. edem wieft i gold, and his duties is due jille.safety Of t e -r - X41 see h1k, They not only consume the meat of ways of breaking It. It ?", a& f -1 beat 1^ v or a an the bpId.' The -poor little,fellOw Robert to i i part of eulogized big friend; he imprinted a kiss -on a forehead which not. succeed in completely -reassuring Did -Tom- craft sa-iling: In that the -grain. bjLt. they - minglei thh dust k cow with a quick, keen apPetitP. I have positive proof that you IL kinds, .0 he diethrWined -to Many eon so bra:vC and 'able. which- is never layed by'lludlel.07ds - Air 1 oivjlgla. in -five m0itites; too$*, res't and -k at another; *rs.' mcLaren. his make -it U - C- - was as- cold as maktile. and shuddeiBd her. Thqy, too, -loved One - his firot - the St. Lawrence with the �tw tee, for at. leait Itbree to; lame bac - 01W guide him himself. On . jour dy, for th Vis best oke the pol act bne Minn telling 'Robert i sulfered cruelly at JUrst bbr The only true reme a'and feeding, to the one- which -Pa: few Mks, tor foot. He had touched a never thought of asy. wife, has,.beeu.40 in xquarge, about.�- but they had and �Alid for a quM them lil, a dairy. Most will not reaAlly, eat applNe _�On; ficadailie In -4 aurpse, and over from W'DIMPLE MAKERS. all the, corppe was that 'Of It Never to leave one. anothen, Lrotm at gtramge -pain which :those; and in e onversation witli a other grain weevils to to tre over their call I' ' tha6e-and­Of YiDa"- I �i - the foddiw which 114 left A FE. Patins twit as rapuny. 'Ills,mother. hp (16slou too me with bigulphide of carbon. and 9 that, Mrs. �;2­ '­ � � -L- to watelk , together prof Laren 41� "., -- j 9 was - the recently I -Mr. Living In a'country bf v areas another Ine0a. It is the coarsest Mrs. Bellefield -I SUPPOS 'Units name was -Robert Bird. and reporter The c dear - Mary -such egrache"; but her'was.'y6thig 'that most. unpala. In and not In. 7-k,� t ii e -tWq- 1� entAUSI" she *as rapidly � regalR'; and -resoufrees, - It to . not.. itra table Portic Point Breeze 'Wall very glad when Was. -and ho'bad already lost lAi father- only -drehm which thes strong, and had so mueb m Stated that no�,=Iare i6in will be married 'Mr. - Home - PL But e the- farmers should have somet 1 of the- v�ting. Feed r 'The man was an old sallor who S. e &alth under tier daughte AL�g' the adverllsements In a oar* P Mrs. had pure and tender souls indulged in that he invide ralAd r6gre4- B-1 Ing -her old-time &ten; if YOU do. remove it if not exactly. the fatal moment I - I oundi There I appeo-riod 00 taken blin -under his care--hiis name which was to� blagt, soon tearrit ito preserve. Zi self-vo ma, il us of spirit. of � their -gurr viood ? Blooinfield-Not man &per there lateV -Of that Most- ,r,v, - "No 46AJB - -he gentleman *balo" %I.iht Ito , the treatment follows. the tendency -to neg et de- crellfilled. I understand It, Mrs. their lives walk stv a r Of nes of Do stop feeding cow Point Breeze rgther expe qwer. and bad tWo daughters. . Dts- One ddy - on his for: ations of mode r ediclues-�Lpr VI 1, to � y of all roeS dry. Give her th -money In was Thomag Disney. He was a wid was near., SeSS1016 to ra the . found V -his the 'daL-Y - foll��: T return from, M trip blocks vrhlcfi ink tails; btft the not cted -to may a pfii" wt the as soon as she g .91 . - to and to � ra0e. th 'ad any that it has din -herself - u requested tolorwa, )eloipging,�'to to Whitg6i1% Robert. r -ived'd -let the Doter. eth i It ihe-� business goes to sh6w WAL cottage ec pier Pills. Ask& tail, ry h nay lived In a enoili good food to steadily main 3 lover. Old,divers-- eeR HARDER YET. th c'oie � tOr ter frow his sister., with an en OU1 to . giving- the- Mc- b largely by attention to , minor a ijbress 61 !he' IWO, AS him. and situated were ed at his qi] that men havem -a fair conditf6ii of flesh., atlil'she will few days M yaged i1or 11 (36md Immediately.- w a mre a iss Lickiiess and been pre -w -Db,. not Laren - rblPfield that' emphatic BY he it woulo, take a the river. Aft -or taving vp the iea Lmuslb. seeou wiil�Dut fail., -" Apti-'ude. pared to win ouccIess In More exten- be �all thij better milker-� when she suppose that reooWkW e c age. exhlb.ted h sile:is allowed ME. many 3iears h 'had given up nesw of us" er Di4ftey!s diree- had not If suc who, pl6ked �up a R -more dangerous. lose a moment. T4e. happi di h vubilcgtlon was likely sive fields.-- comes fresh'again. I great deal of observation and gentifffian In.ok&r to follow a to pick W41t- all is at, stae." as easy �to -see. that, othei sufferer. Ze- Apar- feet. -to get thin In flesh it is ebIng to cost. perience to enable a man mom -asee "qu-2 con; but agin crowns planted th,ee but more' Indrativib calling. benefit .- any. ething to bring her up�agai% d for'A race, the tr e evening, this. perilo life had nof charms for- ipart Sometimes have �not 3nough- ROM the'fastest horse entere his lidusO.' stable has always been celebrated:tor -_,Robert started the stin, said: " A -number -of Years -- ago my t;o, #A 'the English very uneasy at�-this ha him He tless i6fisideed It be- "ooln.intowhich That owner -18 using Well trained -he repilea. Its diving operations. and sty call.� and And to grow. As all the brains In' -his business where every- yes,vq ' MOUM, racted, avism, -they r iust be relpled the man 01 ciarrived at Whitstable, onhe morning eaih his C ity -.ds an engineer. Per-' w;fe eont roots grow horIzontallY. thing gives token of thrift and pros- - But divers are almost entirely time was a help- ul expe lin that IgWt Prfijft UT THS iSHWME EX!t This of the -next ilay. Ellen had come- to haps,, too, wasi afraK And � old for a cougidera, - nches belo, v, the i- )Iantea about six I te of from . jimong Its Inhabitants. -were swollen find this sta, wha o. do. What alone.t -a fact. that and YOU will ring t eeted this, salo laugh- less invalid er Ints d from POkity', t you are tr" Industry' Vwaa -little followed at that meet him. She w%,,& it. 6usid- , rom who p distorted; :. I urface to get moisture and foo - , I,). a;ny of the, first class -dair� d - to to pick the 1102110. ex-, had nothing sfirprising i�gl;,to hi wor� tharl'onee: and nights were- a eep- things If . W - the soll. Supplies bel&Vthem . re time, and the hardy fellows who iris I - I to r- and very - farms of our country. Such a man U ydu want to 0 4 --re pleased to notic that 'the I tite sea earned ering the libOrty 'Which young,, 9 Look �"hejre. Diego, nd her app Poo Oiit�d net 1 or the at� to going 'to win."- plered the botton, b I a an has less, a din reached. If he times. It h tb P ban sent. a quantity *1 insiead of tail- ! " J�rnc& �diver-. ickle. Duriuffg,� Is years she -or n9t complaining about t Go eat tion, their enjoy 1w Eng'and. and any fear -he's no good ft h 4urface, th6.v grow - more rApk ly, but f intelligence rather thar, INADEQUATE. Bak Powder manufactured by �W- largo salaries, not to mellil o h in -the- a problem o V fffids, which were not, rare. !ng Robert to the cottage she fol- are en- invariably - die. it is the. aiready wise man- jrhu It 0-4 Buffil of'Croy4on. and Con- Ililgenqe lowed a pa Andfi;!Bide can make pia4s of gur Although you that of expita-1. BY dint of ecoric th which I ran along,. the fa m Yt' there have- conclu knowledge; Yes, Idear T' - j"'th the Ashante- ez exppilitiou. imy and intL crops- who seeks machinesi %�hilst-HoLiert and[ I go I),. hIs more,,TnoneV'in a small capital.' beach, Swine are necessary - adjuncts to a in earnest about, going r- zi�;J D10my had - amalssed 66 Ate Tok, ex ; than in *heftt, It Two miles froni the village a -low to [is up the millions for YOU." maiy -pot be x9t, to and bad become the head man of a , Six monh - I L I' thig - cereal. We dairy.- and pretty proAtab e ones. Let -ERACH -or HIS WIFE. COMPaa3r Of divers; that is to Say,. point overlooks the * sea- Tho view us passed in tl� s. way.- holly abandon '-the land - of the little fa rm� be used t(' war.U-if agniffeent. The Thames Their- timel was divided - t%vieen the it L is one of the vev best - ' Why,, certainly I am. Hope MY from here Is in kr6w that P19F1 oo -lonely-'* he treated directly with the' c0u- )POSite bitak Is over and:the I "happi- raise food for the- cows an'! ittle- darling Won't be t In the. wat end -of he salvage Is so broad that the o: i�orks at rrains with which to: Seed clol; er, and' kee*-.� grocery I" the cropt hardly yis ble on the hur'Zon - afid the ;wag tractors and 'took over- t I ness of the.. cottage. WhAV JOY, On iometimes the dif w�en a the cows, and looking ror his wile, who be cultivated -with onl this end in �qln?t tijj�k our C!overnmenf does C' tage ol big - absence I from of wredits, at his own rI fer6nee bet (Sh as, one In a great struggle ag ip the e ood add a poor seeding, of clover *111 roots - and d - 66 SiLturday. eVenhig on th flvhel elder of his girls -was naW white BMW of the ships 9(:, fl�cks of arriving" ew. there be gram,', v Let 'those arei� stream seem from afar Ilk cliff whichl overlooks Whits�abte and -mount to more than! any loss e that Iblc it We all Ou&% ot er O'der than poss chiefly, guid soon gralus, -Mary: ghe was was three I's. On- this �ming the-Jurindows of the little brick L'-�rWnly does k with ter- $100 of. his money. will yield &Onlous an Ellen, her siser. U the- wheat lts,61f. -. rock� pi)jut, h6re she cropO of almost - bert. w -,#.-the Set- Ito go. 1i tmulm. shis.,eloVisd It a The latter was the had go often, com. I t-�-ft '1-14 tlousi-- glitter -in -the rays i�= .. 7z rs- younger. During the - ilepress on mark0l� gar auylt:yug planted. - Aced -1a$edi$; 10- aud good- child, Ellen stopped. ting sun I I Ellen And Mair.Vf usb&L -to "But it -it doesn't seem that Ite. Active, "Robert." Said she. "I have some-. come out and meet them. .�owetmes leners harehad rather the best of Well, that, what, Dow urg -bWian s favor eh iss . I - -%u teabperen, "Ilie inherited. to the bargal WILL BE HIS OW FATHER. ontreal. t old Tom US n and have. sUffe v- , . .. a wonth--4sn*t, that Wb&t thing serto they hid themselves be a�ses of f rulers. most eno 1, em. tell you. Mary love hin4 a-1rovir r� - - el ei Mrs. Baptista ina Toung -said, her� mother -s, character- , - of Iia:n other cl �lt. they allow a widow ugh eaW. tOL willow trees whicit stood by t4ia wav-- Gen. Us -Law's Odd I Dego, and she is �-ngaked to him." and Ither king rhis S �ioib because there is sb'much erlson'S Brother -lo -_j good -ontrast 1 66'y Mary formed a perfect c S tide. Tom, would stop- the illorse, and the business, bulb beeduse.,ho a formerly He LI04g.,of irofft In light: i her. With bermnonnas fC0. Robert ga:ve a- tart of surprimp ulfitioll.: of a, gentle It Is so." she iiointinued., %vith the -Ptobert -and Diego would took for Ouch a 'raxlety of profftiCtS � at (John has quit talking War-) to deserted ed up by large blue Cyes e m ng lie rees Un �l suddenfY rear, that the fail- A letter to�the St. L6uIs Qyfobe- as -;Lricholy expression Fhe was as same compdaure Mary- t6ld -me Yes' -th m 0 t t t ill.sleasons of the .3 to t er. and went to Og- ilir -bat he *� aAd mi�j terday, and Y ur friend is, to come to- childish A4ughs would burst Out; pdrienced excruciiting tortures, the ..ire of one does not ruin him'. Democrat i rom-Port Town-,;ead, Wash-. A BAD W N 1'. Induced her op -quiet as. her sister was lively. P of my father. here. Then ij6y ' would pa -Y or night. She IF der In the im498-S& thougli older. -she ws plaintr nu orrow � to ask her hand'o. they were t In never, ceasine, da STOCK. ington, says:. the Is es Us to wlioe mind was I have �a presentment of evil, but It jump out� kLnd kiss their Wiv ', and had- the benefit- ofskiiied medical ad- -of the constitution may follow In the her Sister s influence. Most of plie cry for the ubcessitY Lex-Pr6swent Harrison's bro.her-in- :rack of a '( ordered 178tem, due "�',t is -jibe arrying for - not too:late., and the mrriage will take iples N�iould walk -vice but � the -ire . tineut afforded no !i4offlo Robert did the two Joyous c0`1 aof this city, her� worthy to share- his Place. DO You think; Robert. that we together :to the village, n to fear tha ng of stock t�be I all I& 1v j Udgv -j. -N. &ott, Don% ny 71 "Family. I shojild- swti m6re.deVelopled, and the t her or the sacriffel impure bloOd or In"tive liver eliet. and we] erie b t little at.a. tsuLla, gatheXing . the otlier�eveu­ run the risk I The- proprietors Always deem of *Wwer� with *)svenvhildrea�w -ca them. d gootte 01 -0mes from regions Wh Dr.- shoulit marry too, go that you U wed slowly. bilind- id� human aid ter- e. ly that pie eis Discovery g�;s with Ellen. fatheir topo re was thd ' trouble' hei read IrdVsIOn IS Made for -w I 18hete1r. ing, dis.coverea very unexpeet d re Golden Medical e -ht up aid me',- in protecting, mv- sist6r?" white cloth On a number of 0 e&sloas I had WWWnr �fjt, Paul ham bm move And then the the of rheum o inter to become his own take -all the chauces. !rhey make a three children were broug d that t atism rhe anImals are supposed t te wa& aboui 6 eVing his mind The young man was a covering the supper -table, '- and n the -papers of e togeth�r. and on car: selves In'the. fields, woods or di-, iather. Tue subje6t oi General Har. itraightforward offer to return Your jelear fire' bu) use of Dr. Wil- -them 'Robert- be could not find words to reply; but rn4j in the lluge chim- being . ured by- V And: there t4a.v must risons appruaching wedding was bie- keir-remedy falls to bollbfit back to those 16yous years, n Cat last apIdated heds money If tl e old he toiik-'� Ellen's hand and.. trembling. sation, In- liame Pink Pillej a d this t often thought afterward that th -them a ir own. Ing discu�, a witiL rty of iriend% �'ney, and.1the lofing cauver -1 s- a pa Borders and allsetions Icissed A after ViCi t determilned us -to give dulged I w&l� whils trihl- ;iave plenty of fobd� to hold the or ewe In all di gVenigh Custom was a right one. Of wnen soine one asked Jadge.Scott I! due to impure blood o They., never g r inactive liver. I brought you here." she continiied, Thomas Disuej smoked hi4 pipe and. She -had used somt three boxes before through %-48SLV No 8 1096 pbserving as a feast the death Of the* complicate -as because your pcor mother lisked- to looked with teriller eye a hiS Child- any ImprovemenC was noticed; and The question"of ihtering sl6qk was that woul(f not sThe germs of d -'O': e,Circulatle. e. by Oe 'that she r a long time OrilY a sentimental and tangle up The limbs Of the iamily the blood; the liver is the filter which little beings whom God calli to HIM- sit here . long ago. Swear to - in ren' For i Robert. the iv e universe then we began �,.th note q avted the bit ents ha' self - before - t] her mem )ns, but to -day rs W troce. For a moment' the q"t#bn permits the- geriM to enter or not. N liley,have t bry, to watch over Mary Q1 wa; cont 'IL S and"that her appetite dollar and e He was thirteen -years, .4ined in this bl erd CoV slept better. th ity of the lobd pure, o any -of Viese had nf ry; he w -liver aoctive, and e . as improved. T a, the pains krad- nore to do w and The terness of lire. 1th lt,than th somewhat stunned tfie gentleman, his - first sor- your life. tage. to is" , a. then t lie party com. t' to and-yod'eseape disease. n for the.poor brutes. menced 4 to - ry old when he experienced 'Robert swore, and the two young to :subgide, 'and after na - e salior took had uo.fear for,the future, and he ually began and - loss Since and -run debilitalted. row. - one eveiiing the Old -bi these SIM le justion. 61 profit niai problem, Whein -you!re people, joined forever would have liked always tol live thus. tusing aboui-a, ddzen boxes she was solve the matrinto down. him on his knees., and said to.,blm: 4e- argu- we lit ow a took their way -fiad"mark oney alde'weig in the de2pewthey went -into the Aub�ect weluk; - and -your it bel gaw your and - touching words, But God ed out his life, able'ti) get up id walk abotit. She the. in h -Robert, my child, you back to the cottage. ifitited but 6i of the pills for a .-n6nt, our flockis and berdsl have, a -'and healthy standard, you regain health. le. 7V,;ur father died. and this happy existenci continued - the Us— the inure mystified they b.eca;me, poor mother d eeaslon- happler time Of. It. 6nd wholesome flesh. by w f ath- strength. 13 hort time. line - longer, - and',�altho 0 finally! it was -n the O'd Disney was J...y-u-;Iy surprised at �_h giien tip as an u a 9 of I finds - I" Itbuilds up too. far. ver far from here., o lieeing his ad -at Dover the f The'stock raiser constant le. th Discovery. You have no opted son so soon again One da3 ally she feels V01ages; ofthe trouble omabie tang Several of ' e notes using the other s1d6 of the sea - tit his grain feed:gops fur r by an nauseating Cod �6xi, a! thing in changed )ut poor Ti3m. and Robert- embraced him i bUtL he Was so cielved a letter from Lo e w6dther, she, now en- th made -and calculations formed were the body� faster th one in this world I Ill I piness that lie had In has done -,rinding or crushing than hen W e Liver Oil i6r emulsion& -he lives you will be treat- upset b P which rarely happened to him. joys better hsalt4� than. she T,ougji fh,� art presery d and given to the. press. waAt to preserro an long as Y Is the evening he told his isons' that for y@ars. a - -caA sleep as sot E,�eh t f much difficul yAn giving &ny explana- ad milly vhol,.- Of Pie existing relationships Judge ! I , . u e ays 6hi wlihoUt- waA 4- Pensts cure constipa- ed as his son. Inking of tfon. When e worth -v Tom under-. they WqUid Aft go back 1 to Whit- aA ever she did W-h�r life,'while her iows Its crush d gre Scott Is fully- Informed. - It- was in Dr. Pierce's leak - here; it is- time to be th r biliousness, Indigestion. or ap tause a bt -,.von. To -m 9 - ti ch: wilt Vion, pile clain -day, and during the appetite never -vo" better. trying to locate the limb of his own 0§v.don't stood all, hi co -1 not help crying to I took iation, the pilices of the stioma tble the next #J 'Th n0aking a man Of life was was - evidently- ' verk up6n Dr. Williams Pink Pills, as at tree a. going to take,�YOU Mvself to.Dov-' JOY- - journey : he no orrow I . - ream of his whole ter lhto It and prepare I or easy I and -headaches. iv, *-e ski _e ThA ifter the w,-dding shalt have dyqPeps AA about to be accomplished. He only pe6ted ar- wonderful medicine. for 'L kikothey 1!s4mllatlon- though�ful­ This unexi takeill plaw thaVhe became corifuss6d. ed Ins will Id to :ve when Tom found 'himself and -I -feel ciartath tha, oxere se, he arrived at': these - con umes of turpentine. are sa Lrerms conSuMp 'Jm - -_� a and It sh, e middle of the day After �several -hours of deep mental d all entrust yon to my old made one couilmon beforD giving his rival caused great - joy at the eot- have done wiJuderg. In my wife's came.. Eforses fed In th HEALTH GOSSIP. thri:Fe TheJ ArIel. who will take 0aptain ot the U will learn consent It Was. that his children tage, and t it Any who with b�rakeu and moisten I e a where yo t)e In finer conditim ni than cluslons-: I am noii, Gen6rai Harr* the worst. paroxysms 'Of and many at home a n his two daughters"de- are. affiliate those fed whole grain,;. relieve. to P ris, should never leave him, and -Robert d as, Ishe was,. will give -F-retch. ruathematits. -t n in they promised fteely. light bko back his habitual cheerm. th a "good trial, equall.*. happy -re- son ii brolther-in-law, and Mrs. Dim-' whooping ough� d soil for Wei* which I ne em m- ti "'find 901? -,�bther tbingg s great when -was s I therefore give ire thethivat day fulnees r supper, wh;ba'.he Ults will fo:lovs, a tired conditto ated vei knew --se cup of tea: pre- firelely. hoping that -it -tich'js often unp�ble to pro0ek my -as a But his surprise wa ri"� and e'sto T.dek. his prospectivd- bride, is my A jump, of sugar satair with The boy wept bitterly the next handle th ifini#gbf two litfAe companions. Ellen- told him of.Mary's resolution . ted. ore the this testlinonY are put niece. After theT are, Imarried, vinegar is highly recommended on kissing his and they d. swore a little. even, somidl-other sufferer." th6jood put'luto it, brother-in-law 'will be�ume my ue- hiccough. He otarnmere pared;, by Mary, and -poured out by - will benefit remedy for ati'd hings ii:,bruised mado :with a very win -and started on his journey ig testimony to rk-agaln-before their r tion is -1 my niece, eo�oqumtly, wil,' If you wake with a headache every pliew: ,in, r tinder hh, breath, and ended by saying Ellen, the old sallor could no longer - Mr. McLaren% 1 stroi ard1s 4b Threii days - aiterw y cods -=4 full heart. lalm at- Dr. Wil- ligested at all. morning tty as, -a remedy the orinid 0 eat 'Emuld^ ot thek b -if things -were thus If 'Mary loved re 'main ilent. -proves the c ade th tabla become my sister -in -Then, 91 -better he - was placed In one nd cl' ' ms Pink- F-1119 cure when other To mae- cattle f eeding I?rpfi the young man -a' if th Youngman otl�er- ientilb6tion of your bedroom. Wig ained there "My children said- he, "I have Ild t obe abe to -keep. -�bheni Im- c0urS3, I will become my.6wm br V Sco. sehools In Parts, and rem o " 'about a matter al' 'my ce*s brother- he mau� whose motto Is " a a" 'T71e-fIrs.t,r4on%hs of his was a good fellow, he would have no'- to talk to-yu 0f medicines fall, a that they deserve irou mug gain so hort oi0aw, and S obj tion, to thls� marriage, although.- very - great Importance'. -I. -baxe. a to rank as,the greatest discovery of moving. - -constantly. fw In-law. life and iL erry. oiae'! and who takes IiYP70P­�00 ere cruel onei. Robert- -nouey, and every poun 108 Vllylfe now i life The d t costs as s -.will find that -no merr!-uent In a broken. to tell thiitrath, Mary was no hOVAe- grand plan, and this plan Interests modern and'imedibal science. lowly contibued the Phil no care of his health infiam�d ituc me "I"'& victlino the rAr replace as: It would ito have ier wild timid- kwpen h as It does me.- This. Is: public hould , kdways be on their udch to sophical reasoner, delvne into the ti4ere is us tW of children brought up at home. you as nine sul�- dded sevmeral-pounds had the an*mal 0: Word of While he spoke thus, stopping each -iffliat it'lo. You know that, old Tom guard L against imitations and ec is future i little deeper, :'It" this con- down body and unitrung nerves. 'b es.'. The thue to t�� ipulour 1)eep -kept thr*fty. The one :o tem nploying and he dict- not know a moment- to wipe away a tear. -through the whole atitutes, which unsert k It. Ellen Disney Is knowuL plated'union should �be productive' The foremarl'of a,jactory, ei pi�rench. This was ample reason to rs of extra Profit bo gek th7em ready for war I bef dam r the.i -ancestral hitt, VIT, had called Mary, who fdll,.on his neck of tigia4d, and. that he to always -deale o by of a. claimant for the 3,000 mew says that In pleasant it e sexious Urge idpon pure ers. here lit � no From the-'earcass of the horse, =r Make hfm'the scapegoat Of the other in her turrL -This was too much, and� applied to about difficult jobs. - Very e will be my nephew iand also $1Y weather they turn out 10 per cent. A 50-0m* -To reng,,th to rei as" or"'just var'ous proce�aes. phoephoru boys. Gradually, however, his Per hior.- n dozie. poor m had no at well. Here Is- a letter from a- diree- Mmedy Just th ealfie of otassium grand I Will be; his uncle and more work than when, it Ji stormy Aecutors left off troubling him. Robert -He tried to scold his Imprudent daugh- N teof ammonia, cya nephew. n as -good" as Dr.4;t IIIlaWF Pink�Pllls or otherwise disagreeable. is e for an w4 tor of a maritime insurance eompa y iwiv !' ejaculated =U94 age his- granduncle. W1 was tall and -strong for his 41101 ter.4ho had engagefl herself withont with whom 1, have aIl -ready done some and the genulnu always have the Ind Ptas$lc ;tel:l-are o Ine AlI the �ithe persplia- full trade nk -neat is not, he *siieceeded In ?me: -more . to 14, Dr. Williams' Pi co snakinig himself re- his consent; but Phe repeated -so often' business. He proposes a-(' sent to Euro e. The the judge, aw-he. w tim6 as --he cordovan Is made tion from hisbrow, thalp will como'l- iPRILDEN`S PENMANSHIP. -some. reflaction. - pills for e*' on the wrapper I.eather -known 00C AW $#A* began to mak6 himself understood. I He 'here. 'Now, sopected. about the sAm( In her &weet voice. Father, I love me� but It will bear n over he rump while cate-mittters. , Just seeiji The St, Nicholas Magazine has re- ind taciturn him."that he gave In., A ship belonging to the East InIdia around Is rom the ski er -is soft, n I is used 'in order to be made undle 4nd grand- a Bowie. became t4en, a studious a the other leath celved *more than 10,000 answers for The next - da� Dtego�' arrived atr Company, the Sutlej, has bee uncle to one and the s6inp wrijorn� at Drinented him nostly for slippers' and heavy -driving. the prize offeied., for the best. corree- THE BW14TS:611P SiAjORKTIZ& try follo w that I am my mubt necess,- tions of mis-sp6lled -poem. They t, in Robert was rather �dnnoyed at him; 'glOTM .- scholar. His comrades ti WhItstable. wrecked In the Mediterraneani tfie coast Of France. Theire. In ad theh� -pleasures. He preferred study -was to keep the hogs own father, and-ob, bla,)ik the wh9te -Tur- for his want of frankness; but Diego B"ed;(h Rollgloiii Groundii The old way came 1from all over the world much hope of making anything of it, "Xiiiiation their noisy games; and his only 107 'n light mflous Until a,year old, then thing, anyhow, I am ubt'golng b;ey, Rgypt.'Euriipe, as well as from was so Aff 2etionate towards his friend..- for - it - rests on a solt, bckttom�'and -it Destroys Itil -ions Liberty. OU13 . . �. 9., . )asture- -one -summer. and beg In to fat- rack my brAIn over 6therpeople's t -w etance wits to recellge, news of big dear friends with Mary, and so �anxl is supposed to have - sank deeply, into home, and I so loving Udge Is - ith great relue at Whitstablo. to please old Tomi that be was the sand. - The insurance people A, majority bell we- that Sunda. ien at sixteen Months.. Now We h,a`re troubles,' 9 nd up Jurhued- the j �hat the combi . ittee Is forced to -admit r of his r -should be obser-iied as a day `oUirist- the spring pigs ready to bring the abimewhat-exasperatod. 1� -of the sixth yea . - Ellen alone- thought Lmig trecover part -of theli 6; that the penwaship of theEngileb At the, end or- ecember, The Tol ni. result of the Union wa. stay­ln this school, where he rnad- A minority do n t belle -ye in a dax top price In Novenib3r' was rather cold towards him. osses for�them, and they are willing and Cana&itn children to better than long and sad ship, and of rest every�weeX�.- As &.conse-quence, and, where m5lilk can be ha to give Ite astonishing, and tbe judge and Sew Yo World, passed go many precede niar- qu own.-, learned with 'The formalities whieh ii will close their plaee-Q theni'a good start, a el t of fb� guests sat down to L ffgure It out that Of our rk houris, Robert riage are not so long In England ai� ear wn risk and peril. some Perso!J' - - -- r -father Vad isum- go, at my o of- business on SAinday, while- others :)oonds to attained- at*. the.. re of six agin., irriving at the isame conelm- TAMA and im joy that 'his fosltef % and It was agreed-. that The,�, sand guineas. It SHE NEARLY :FAINTED.- tz. the two couples s will- keep theirs open. Th ose moiLths. clan. Thf some one n8certained CATALOGUE OF onefl hiih home. He was nearly nlue in Franc howd be -united. o ose-who cl that In isbout half of What I'PosSess. The -teacher In oxii Grj� Seeds, Pmt of the public a man; will find that. iheir neighbors are -It pays to push the ani hal. for General flai-rison would!' become his A lady ty. FlOwers And -teen. the game day. after the s den -with cotton* but It -not changed, and -kort Apace $utlejAs la getting ap - advantage ofthem in the 4 st d"a eousll� of his trying . to explain She -Tiinn Requi4ites isam4a but his �*,efi�r-t.had of one month. Tom. Disney had - to laughter, for It makes *the cbeape own nephe* an, O*V - -4chools, 'in contalus.,-ajso A.sum, of one hundred meaning of Slowly'" 11- ed 0 wa.T.of business."dicousequentlY will `�neat,`lextra time requires e" ra,"food son. Should one be born'iind- who wll, the word in''G, n a the recollections of the e ttage still. relations except two cousins Whom he -thousand pounds -sterling, -in bars of 1 .1 -o. -0 er fc Rilre vs occupied the foremost, place in it-� 11 business and I support.'; there I's no P :ustrateo it by walking across the Itobert- was, absolutely- �p fit from If Ferond coust-I , I . 'fRF's [TWJLtVAT enact a - law tbl;t- a 8" * -ro never saw; gold. if, we succeed, It means wealth g on SundaY. food which Is- required 'to keep t t4is- iloor. When she asked the -elms to Thm Disney -clasped him fo-r a long that he had no need of his uncle's couw ruin. . nd In so fax ai alive or to pair the point, the went taint - at 'Whitsta:ble fall, it.means, perhaps, the -so true. nd his When he arrived - alone in the worl(l, and Diego declarled for you- and -your children. It. we labor must be sh, pended - fa tb e r's nepIfe § sudli 4 law Is b9sedupon 'be animal liemprel e su sl tell -how she walked -she. nearly time in his to -sent. This only -relative was at the 9f the economic 'fact that It is better waste of the system. This Is a- Judge Scott agreeing to I inish a pal- ,d when a boy - at the foot of the steelej arms, and told him this is *by I wish to consult You. -logged maos sisters. They were b;Dth for society at I th it one- day in -f the extra labor In feeding�, if his ests would class shou M 1`1 embraze bl§ Antilles, and it w1buld have taken At this !floexpected stateriient.Rob- q is I atable b6vdrage ted, Bow �Toxw-m UT. of tbem, Ellen and Mary. so tall and much too long to bav�e waited for a4 -- tnishmeni than emo- se�,en abou- day of' cessation That cheap corn makes the cheap- li-el)'Invlol t', 1-h- sl&et- -, rut it fell er-t felt nidi;6 as handsome that he hardly knew them- answer from, him. from aretive.lati6r,,ouch legislation It! -1st pork- ha,its limittition4. It may ed ont; and? has been_ ;Iven to -.1414e - Pills do not cbnatipation. 1171hey tion. Business, and especially- bust- i - I i I ­ only aggrava Karl's Clover Root n. had b6come Ind it - nese justifiable. Whenj however, it Is based iot prove so where corn Is' I the only pressi`- The two childr6 Tom was free from prejudices, a having to do with money,.was upon feligious giounds-'it`come� in ration, for theeahli of the herd and Tea gives mattered little to him that he. had so trange to him thvCt- he neviEfr gave ie t regularity of the arwing girls, and Robert was pe e two sonS-in-law, without lamliy -and direct couf '.he quality of the meal .11 M EsONIS DASH. so taken aback that Ire He did not. know [let! With the- pripciple o b are I-tro fac- -bowels. t a thought. "d the rights . of -intelligent feeder 4cies to advance; bat.Ellen threw herself 1religlous'libe tors that the without fortune, so long.a§ they weZe wbalb to -reply, and he thought,that. and de UNA rr. conseleuce, for-.1jinay have no rell� liot overlook. DiseMe mlss�elled Word to and. -Mary 'honest and read In Ellen' eyes that Abe shared C40UV]LCT JLn rUgaL generacy was wthe Result of FO, first of all on his -neck. hard-working. When he IIL,. gious 10M AS HE Lf Oil rd to Sunday �ertalqty f ow an exclustielLy Cora journey to London he followed her example. hh:d made a his indiftVr ience. and 'therefore, while It liet. Old Tom's affairs had �rospered. -no longer -donbtel z that his daugh- As for . Vary,- she did not' appear observance, Aja Ingenious explanation of tlit With eyes like diamonds. rubY I - I - ph -for eirienL to have comprehended, and she POULTRY. The salvage of a -ship wrecked on the ter had made a good fig not Uniffl=0 to ask me to dly action of Dr..Jameson 1j!gIv:en by the And voice bf silvery tOnO. -ht hitn in the * engineer spoke In mu" renialned-.absor).ked in the eoritempla- eWorm to regulagons made In defer- Loidon -correspondent iof the Bir She has to be'ln -keeping, so. 2ad oroug cl I While wheat is utdoubt.- the - tOL owls, If - fed ajone Dlego. It was decided theY had listened Disney With or I this. - Jameson, with his men., wow p and wtiffea-ied buftess was offered to him. His idea part upon me rul produces fat;. rather -than e, -ga, par- w Johannes: baby bad crou ka his adopted son as a abould Ilvb at the Cott e I the time evident attention and a Itation. - - - 5 waiting for 9ome word 66 to"t of, Ireland I _ence to demonstrated -dwinomic 'prin- ' ardund or- best b�Vaneed Her heartls�. W precious -8140118. I*rgw-protlts. and every day fresh tion -of her hw4pand- - Who L for -- his )pst.'all �cordlng' V flattering- terms of pupil pdpleo, it IS an -Outrage -to Impose ­raln -food I It mwgliam . Gazette. Ac that P 0 WM tq tal .9 es founded, solelr:on an - but -when r iloh's, Cure," writes Mks. J. B., On school of - titeoloo. Equally would )y 8 wished him to be- being, and that they -:hg 10drilorm. one breeds, haig. 'It came 'in a telegram worded "SIBESTF I psrtaer. and he Diego took upon himself to answer Icularly in heavy at he- woldld household- DIsneY aving declared for all. _ He aid' that the job was society e- violating sound prinelplec i )alanced with red or -whit' Martin, of Huntsville, Ala colue an engineer, so- th ID� clover ' thus: Revolution Vrried, In com. cool 7 . f it undertook In any wA producer, and help him Iii hIK- using It,, an' d I - � ThO wat -TALKATIVE.- SALE 111 ZA ADAj undertak- that he wag rich enough e all to6- good to think -of --fet of liberty ould spend' mj hay.- It 19 A good egg plianee with your desire. be able to ==be how I sh lioth have 'the merit of bei easily 4; W. Longl the telegra The telegram ey, obtained-. his children. that they must go'to'tondon and tgure.-�49,n. at receied. It was agreed that Robert should The day on which the double mall -actlially- sent from Ahe vuleivab'39 -the SP VO -A X -RX make further. enqWries, An enthusl-; in February Canadian Magasine. 0 e esburg 0701& 11M glow bw Tiage was celebrated Aras a 'grand one he poultryman finds th ev Lon- asui pervaded his words, he a 41 Resolution- car7. And the censorious- go'ajid complete his Studies, In; Disney was which much -c -iot wash evry stain from his bas- c mmittee was. doU glance; LW, ISIMLO A bn---- Ine al- -A BERLIN L e was not and di for don, and that when he had obta d fair WhItstable. Thowas surprised Robert, for Diego had. ADY Il$UKED LIKE MAGI ried, In compliance witli your desire." 'h content,'with the amount beloved by every one, and thei whole eg a I h - market inade all'the his diplom& he- should come evinced Very little liking gB att night. � I , Thitt "v" Instead of "a that she which- Disney populaticin shared his joy. It WAS = _ By the Use or Soutit th every bgg nust be rine expeditions. It was agreed morlean Nervine -A- Is such difference. Xameson ma�de his plungf, cod rect -the operations be sh to clean, many Mantated.- The - old- diver had all -the easy to see this from the igor- of the that It ould � accompany Disney plirsenions Case told Ot-by Mrs. J - of thevie, eg-v- nuat Int0t the enemy's -- count I ry, expecting 4 of his profession,' and- 'hurrahs which Were shouted In -his London' and they started the next lierli 10nt.�tubborn Face, thrown out for the hometable. Rub to!flnd the settlers ID arms waiving The best tough cure Is ShIlolVe Care.. lam. of a, ldss shod -lie -�qcgleeted, c6u ll�bqor. and the number Of Pints Af- Rt�e bing -the- stain -with home-made cider for bis qoming. Tristenil, found A gli is dangerous. -Stop desire to, grow- rich was d That Cannot be p6nCroverted l6ve of the consumed In the garden, for Tom did - vinegar will remove -every - trace of ilgelig in him than the During --.thefir absence Ellen and only great masses 6f - ja�rmdd Bnerp it at once witli Shilob'A- ractiveness Of things handsomely, and. during the They _bad RtA+ rislks do not a]- imish, and leave the egg clean The uuku]Dvrn and the tv, Robert Aftgred- notes. the b1c barring, his way. ; i Boers werr danger. He- sought hazardous uiader- whole'ay poor afid rich profited by both of thVffi a vague presentiment of c0inIS most tlOss- wAd shining. '4ully prepared and expected his eoni FUR As TRrNMNG. wiys M* the old sanWs hospitality. ly with great eatis If -eggs'are'to be success ally, pre - takings -trOm choice; those which harm. It seemed to them wiser to -fing. This �rays�B the curious- Silgg&- Happiness cannot be described, and remal 1161�3. Hal. -breadth em" 4erved, they must be p0rfe ly fresh Ion. Had they'anYthlig to do wttb Avoid finishing the bottom of a glused. In spite of' his n In thla cottage, where . t I - I thers had r the remembrance of the days wh c es and mira - I portaht It ay be effeetiv6 11 loved,to descend -to the . bad spent so many ha IT culOtm when packed. it is also . fue. , altering the telegrani ? I � Wag It a ikirt with age. he stl followed Robert's marriage remaln�d fortune which . I they . "re o acto f r dom from disas- that they- -be - slightly e arated trap for the Engl Ish _ ralillers to d and add to the beauty of. the frock,. knew e t6 are not eh them on In r the qnalu Oetwl- wreckage Of "lost ships, and he -as the - Image 6ther in, the boo orother sh L any how to disIcoer th emgravbd on is mind by risking their comfors had.­�Ino utcOm- from ea_ o der to lustItY tkut it Is -sure to be more trouble than better thaj 'of thei'mosto perfect bilse which won. It is in' 'the vessW, pd be stored In a ic 01 place. -badl treasures hidden within their ishat- a temptation' for them but if they vulgn.rlrm of -K-rugpr the Its worth, It will wear and I Man can taste In this The rued IA all world. teomm. Hq was lea: were of one mInd,- upon this' point, 311 - ways of Ate A �,qu6stion- upon hich 10 ultrymen tortoise -put out his they would in addition-tas an unpleasant Va lift. M tared bulls. pure wid elevated feelbW of conjugal ttiat Berlins conse- -.10 not agree Is wbbth�r -maleil- -cut It off. e stirring up the dust a�od -no 5011109 legenda of ey wever equally dete ne the sea. And h ' had tb . rmined' to., fol q ie 'ea difficulty 1n Inflaming RObi's lovewas born In his heart and filled low- their - I 11101t -GL'60 4hould - be kept wit but the h the "ns the undeirigarm"bi. ft to the brim. Each day he discov- ather's wis Men and we. may be- the custpip as con-. THL? U.- a. youthful imagination. 8 that he left Three days afterwa�r:dw; Disney whatever 0 re b4ttle HOW' -To MRE.,CORNS. nd hopefulness. turned- With Diego. The later was worst form cerns, the griiatiir- part lie ypsr, The wed new qualities in his:dear-Ellen, men - wnt - , with' some 01 the 01 and he blessed God who had -permitted .1 S of di ease, and eorde out while -the - hens Al the flexes. We havd here. no censqrsl4p of the full of ardor a I k lIe moultin 19 Ion engineer was one of -those radiant. He hardly -gave himself time -conquerors. Easy S it you go about It the - at - England her to choose him. -Mary, who. But, separated, - -press. that ubiquito q§1 Lont was BUV outcome of some Clever. pra tical meu th to get out of the trap before calling qhouhl be. US,,! omalvoro' 0", the - best always. not natarally- expensive, seemed to be slight- Indiscretion -will lead to all- -*lit wa-7- care 'the out to Robert that �he at r was Un' It will cost a. little mo, to keep - salacious, mendacious, ve�al. goss] and testilled a tranquil pr and unddr his happy also, at dermining of - th I te im and there Putnam's PahAe" COM- Extractor od Y0 the 6w; upon a variety than to keep ping, censorious, Judgma ull, c [a dung Mau 'Joy, Diego was full of tenderness, -and gettlecl. Disney; al� wor* -will follow gene dekility at -or born. bift rous and Wp. -0130M. *er)r happy. and birOwk;' tfibm holly upon wbe tble,- beneficent, most- gen I Acts made rapid progresp. never'falle to eur6. in twient*.i er; er; d taxisee neither nee began for 1Z the future owned -on the young couple. quliet, seemed also -to b u end, d10 ehamplqU four hours aim A new existe far better 'in tho WZL ut to- piLss a, few - lasted two.months P' I that - It will pay , till dispensable -Ex- Every Mouth he we The honeymoon �The old Bailor,. as crafty as bold, had It Is In cam". I e this 10 them bettet heal it, nor d1scolutbirt., Putuam% Corn ow, days, Of- WhItstabl% and he often during which time -the father left Kb-' ',allowed Diego to go a4d a�e the. en- it will kee J#Ueh More pr -,Tl:ntq In all cO7t­8'6i the fower whip oviery - . oductive k and umakea" ': Into wonderful -bile o great disd and them p U tractor extrActs orual It In tho his cOm kineefs -and Insurance it make nA edy, outh her had ac(pired ne, gets d- be upon ce took,­wttb­hlm one of Pan children to themselves. It was Ellen kents. In Lon -entury Ainerl than they coul i a cUtinuous -pholograpbs the fa i _1OcI best V4 - teenth c Mrs. J of a ode orw. at no idle fiusbii�ud..and that It esealied V,,,,Lk, project and every law er' +e -0 tons. forl, Whdin a- who. came to her senses first.' She on and he� had- hlmsi�lf diseovered, can Nervi u soiqe of Its ery tries beforehand every i, ov affc;etlon. Dlego, Palm tavern near the d' k a sailor est -Hallam, wife" ameneag. of- diet. r HAS in f. A building with d. �Of, &I' 1w, orvy warm said, laughing, that she Would lia c work great shed r chu b his name li� own produee merchant, of lBer- so -good -such wall ---was b waa And a petty[officer wh; an an. Eng I -,he got to work za= the.Suslej. In this low tap- -rie-If -A short - time appearance,-- will heap ke dqr I'sh father time that-. though'- it does hot nia an state of every name and atu bn -to be lttle doubt t an t1le, Antilles of from lin, Ont, found r and avThe court Th&v. sb" of glut since complete] �uh down ln� health. to be SIMpli bb and panish mother; He 'was Mary pouthd at the Idea, Of I r room, @eated' before's glass - _p, s -in ! large,sen$e, John- B. Robinson, AM& U armer than ou6 with a gable roof. have come -forin;RA- -the richest *man tri he her liftle husband; but'Robert sap-' he had* learnt more In �one, evenin Strive -as shia might shevould not gain -There ipvtH,, ace a enclosed I 6f -the pubIlle orphan, and possessed no other means 9 -be ri�glster# of the dectsiOni less, sp, 0imma-ted ut $ all allowance which a wa- ported the proposal,*and Diego fdl-- than his so4alu-law hall 'done In three Medicines- fortune Ile, a were fivirdii In above the, - pr loson -was W -iftbt. -Hii $ban 6 8m, trength. [ eight feet high floor. If[ _ess.-m-The Rev. Dr. Sulthpirland, F"92 78- Up' b uncle made him. Like Robert. lowed suit. days- -In tho- line offices, at Lloyd's. enerous. to �$g was tlmd staxted sailors had lained ness -remained. She s, arriblb, week- in. fout�and slx'lu­rear� 14-1bot Bid-, bterlan, -Whishingtou. D. 11P. kept, lm tht .0ranio antit, but A Wneer. and Disney bad. Just at that ,Ze t ,y intended for an ef 1. 0 rt:p ecured q battle cut. *Ithout stai b -he e n't - m - pe Ing and scantling Will a,." uj difid o, . =k and professional te the post the uOf similarity of theirstudleg- an office In Dover "for the submarl" of South Americkid Nervine, ind'lu her. w - sidesl and- ro4f with Me and- bfw -vVe : Ip- lap, Well swonwwaw bittened, ad the �phip, heL res aste. all L lined A SHARP uET64T was' decided thiLt the two 'bottom -on which she reAed. Aike theft r Or OR lines workji�eonnected. with the pier. a tion of the first'tie which i the Own words tilt -was po th, and the sh Din. magle. it resi4r6d me- eieb�ated R& n laid- ifie to perfect- with building, paper�. The eminent and -c _We ey. With ade. preachei us - WW: was, at that time a hanal'on- iavr- should serve their aprenticeship Stowage of the carg4i. 'Disney lef t eii-Itfi. -anct. I hamb fiever, teii'b�'in' The poultry :AoUa� rit(st b m lbrlA�M" . -them,- bitying fully mae uo _f -'r Mind 36&0 _L , a�j under. him. 'Tom w4d ths was 6Ot his mlife. t6novir-talf, -slender. my littl A _go Wintek -eggs are ted. dared PoWliely to express' It It *as necessary'In addition to know gPir 'nd convinced that It Whs'an--excel- 'her..* effort -to kd8P -eno LInd1A'b&utIffil Aft a - g, iffeiis will nbtia 40 its to the chances of the hudertakin . . air .,,eiT dark C01upleizion,'and.black W -es enoVib to be an engineer.. and that was-troUbib Intli, summer complidilt.,' h ir vJ lity, -Is,- to dure Ing of 11M and boldneft. HIS '6 -this left 6&k a d If t 0 And n nervous 4 ce, -.c"rmed b r GIM41tongregitionattralt- le,friendi bargain before leaving London, and -W that 46dwed Indift - te aii or, - Who, knowing- his how to. walk about, In the "Clear sha, lent onei. Hel� wished. to eon lude h ff, 4��4 _. nUed In him a ft -A, - 091, 6�, If - % - jai re call,the bottom 00te. - I - 11. - -Undermining M.: sion -'go 0 ..W Ir. M.z�la t-,.. d� Ike A 1 i - V --w 'bl Assi I -' - Wes �s 0 yeeft 1%1 dow6j," as Vie dive of' t Or 10"be nji A lio lit too, tor- - of the seoi. - In order to save -a cargo, by- thei next iday, with that, simplicity Imed erm. n, mlil and -le 06vek�, - ry -fig n6t equal. and. -7 :fix strange the. eleverealt, imaelifte: boldness In'which - the - ilgilib -leam _:Tqi6nt tice ,h bo 0 Is�o, hands: arf t#� I h�'hgd Viguod an agreement Ir business It b I . - t� y- expressing pilageL excel In -the still of be suld to azi Intellig -wdi- ed to*4rds,,, ZOO rb� Vr", Ott and daring Of �#Te wa, Over.: hem, -it bank W. lee- 014t MT7AIways looked: for*(rd., afoheqw h#,111 6; 13 - Wo- `W"W-ftt� 3OU1I1-;A` 61`1 M a Lnd the bitfAm -miawar e old gal or - �Z* esca�et - Die --had' handedA e� 6§qej Aft'49 t. -T-* ,a ­ , , - A, compan �w rig to y md -as often bulff� W, - 6 a alling.. and inm --the ama vm ung foreign A 0 Im W- 46 -I �1'� Chan A4 mozziplWh6d; bew -Thli `4 1 d -4114 Ith W -yet 'it 42 6 e IP W -a TOOL to once niade the- cQj an brother- at. WbIt- d01.1"t h" A W, M UTO 1� I inert pu 6nee ihd