Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-12-27, Page 37TIZ-F ___ - . ­�,, - N DR 4 4 Nii W& sldenc�r I* ilk th* Iaw# and th Via Without ifietr 0m -,men md "De D rl t4ey 1pft Egy 1�ad BUG] U U Fr dent, 64 the -Couu- thC ghge--had given- them judges and ut th.�Irj _0 Samuel, they as, .13 rd. ter o t -the Iftjerlf5r� -and afa Ulill4j)rophet In k' MW_ -Und6r, .-the rej)e Afttruction Of Oe4gluw, I is - sufter- f9r something, else. Noth-- 'thA �h A Con­estio� ia4ds ROV4 T18 Dream of the ffews Of Of the I brain j�lad 199 t a,klug will in t'th & Te r" OUld tive.a6ticidAnA "I condittOn.- its sefrions. re the4y are that their kfifniolp"Oe w. lif)Srts. But7belo n .46 �da 4W Ukr-1-1— are wo T119 Cubian Insurg uts granted this dholce of king'. tbe' -99 arUA�T !k-,WVIZ�� aAU- -be; d it is red.1 wmy%,� steadily, &U tdvanQ"ug Lord- reviews before them His - deal es Af 111 a d tIf M e.8palAsh - they. USed-to.ha*e t Olifits "Capita a -G WE � _c4 T,�OOPS Uniler tngp OTer hem. Thou His. gives n. - a .00 cirtivy-, r, aal)y 'PC's W! 11 not be I !a to k in !or thel a 'i R-gul . JV�;A ener I de Cam- tells us that 4 ft- among the he best ;r ivim. T d: 116 lence tum., -ift. pi"t 'y Ott f� Ornet on 'IV -'i Of �0 000 x- I _rlmdx"t�_Af A- feeling them' --king. AnTae' -fain MO � 'a Of'- unea-i-i-nes a this very 4ecakon -the Th. 9 Its H1sslQn---;T%ir1etle8 0 - if e' ry, a AU Soo m- as Akr V_ very, a --f W rdm - itho In oyances�Neee zead: E RaT4na­.- - t� �10 - o1wrily showed Who.-,all�,ong� the r lAttle life.brooded a millf 7-00r,p nuolit, in e Fur osa ubles!- They are Al I want to sho TM� 20 !S bir bad in -and-'thus -audio:ate a o w6uld be obedient among 1hem whe Tro I Ji�lesslngs In G d =ADA J[Dsqct un Sol .4 Thquglt th IL yes.,-- -The -,art, Itat -go u -the.- coM �jgp� SgUen, trip bers%- an suppr - - - I . I werei granted a' kill a-ty in BLIL11WOML 1: Thlwali. or, Talwa -of. the -side. The hornet IS t T 4 4P tb. funyor Disguise. Hve-150 the wa quicki God -b n' poit "k sed. it hangeableneas is clear y lt �-A u I p, lived I o fmmn t gr -very 011 'be fine aq a Dri. at weat�a ma. chose fo .19 a ff, found -- lWat a king o6k. -He O"r-Jously op 01:01111or of ileterbaro, was ougb Lesson--Vn.. -The chan o- Waus ington despatch Say importantv t4 i) by -, t it C, Pope, 'a mark d I Posting. e st4nip. it I is, green' _ ge _Prillted -iron, 11 able was. Tal -theine my. They III -.spldet ted t "t -ilia? -Yi4ut i, in- spring. Practib nas on aa W( r bis setmolm ii 40 g4rfti i , .. )oden bloct- .0� very but a themselves, ready io fha 14e atmosphere,.. an 7k�� I he I -1eftzf1W, oi turkeys were -dne� e 'was,;& -01ROUgh -df 140- soil. pr _to --- - 11"appeal,tor diiets of. tt. Q- 19athe" AA 34 itude -01, .2114 bout 9"V-) ad e Petty Annoyan es � 69 'Life." - fol, your 'many U - et.ter t peunds * - thlai paliect. chit - , I h the sei%bo most eople, name- God sends the - Ofirio, only. _-COU'UttY t6 *�� another :Muis -Uge- no. Thoug)[i 4ifferehee I is begini . 0 to from I& 0 Bo5stoll. ,!a e Sacrapa -t 1, thp Xi ol�t� Saul sto highla hls� character, lie upon us to - kill- the a -bfi ' at nation - rie�, !, but-' pad front _ r�l 0 them would 1h Aro-.shh1i proba;biy was elected Mayor- '-ttith ihe '11-1.; 1 e.quipped fell very. I �W. Jant"Ut Pop-, Le and -dishonored his offim 2 -"'The - Lo thy God ancl to- clear . the a 7- Z_ncehetto t.7 I-Iis t, --t was, �r uld p- t a7little- extrito, it o41 tfieIr not mend our Ways- antil -OUr cheal), 'Once., -innipeg. oy t tu mal,)lrityr over D. -guld eret be as king �a Od- as his Mhke k -Les. �W ill s� id the horrret.`�- elit:;vIi.., 20�- walls and _4t little -xtra emoroldery-' on lancla Are BOIL*. Poinferred on Mgr. 1. - -f Th INS6 annoyances I tdjken a ev a at I lvq ollj,; has ar bed-lence a d dec t led him to ruin. - j p, 4tid th� inui-7 Mv Q0kIaabWnddW.--i I , It - their' slippers. � - ' I ived -in N.Vak ingtou� .,In,l the In ee il; W But. YOU is ji "%.by' JItupd-es arO roduceri, th'-- -_ '�t 'al sdems. as -if _t1q COMPelled to -look .1or 0. Al ere I W. lye Whuol- teacher. '%vas 'God's c at tbc:fI' oild does not Cod give us all the Op. ponferreq a;e sufi6rs think, to wake tis u Ille, -zucchetto oja rat al)-, se -thino?" -new occup.4tidus. ' _t - paxts.',of E" a gre4 re U_ PirOach of'-11�temperftncre.. faesson VIII. we same in birde _--0t-,ftei t. g - rope even Ittip -roots and stamps Of -same 6 of, ei gral -n so lively as lit t ma the new e�ordlnal. 6termined t t* the hu gy.. There Is noth All.. I betblhk myself He �.Is - Wlser.s it id x man,,r4'.ae a S� tll'*' in- would ma 0. in I- rvit i� opartiole It bomb rd ke. fools -and sluggards ofl-us "'Zic. Ut),Jint�'- ree_e�ved from. V.1aqiyostook of indulgence on the trQe* lnidetgi� tiesimear.. for tile Val- breeds, -.11 b, 0 -T t 01 C&AZO -alti, and rMe t be- f God's child' fields No man pats his Uable proA[devs; In. --theiii-bil, turpen- 811buld' - a am ered..; Oth 31 M - V - ec� deficlen -in the moyances are -bestpletui-e in the portico o Vw0tibulo t e, crequi tAi-khaTcoal, etc. - "ay that the sec pf%vrelf ren 0 Jackets," and I ,ill If"wehad our way.' will address. it z-ei- tw- een Ru u. Davvid-11-i".1 y d*tbe lidliard 4hd the vine- blicif strong drink oriln,toXiCIL I � ssia, and directl Ifite NbN­' J itk V. -a ChAllf whicll'!the dev;� er4ey us. �to sto Ing ropo f fastens thei Vestibule -he ven, -that 1:9 llleeung,4; In his- c011id-Luency llt�hed facl., and- thi acconi- -yards.. The� Colorado beetlei the, Ne- 'of the fact that of.hl L meant ils worldi to ins I -9 y of ple Ing dri 4et t �'s house.. God rX tbef a -tal-, ol-ell; ut.1%Lr a braska, igrassh6pper, the to 1) 1 la! 0 O�W-. I lar-Mers must .bo at the of 'Maintainin rom t them to 4ra- theto -Iocust_�he sepm everything ith 9f ligreat gillery the universe to &Iene liament. railwa be,only of i 8.1p --niust be called Jens y Siberia U _g I or I universal xiotifto blig es of one wa b- '_ _,_ 7 V In. The first to earz 'easy, d- Oth' qUeoti6n as to' are- a nol Ifarry Drake hroug,11 Manchuria'has been ordered.'. to ',etern ru� ki�Ld Or a the at- -df tWilock. finally in' al rd i, eem to bb a fllled­�IIYO-vach for suiligrg-lini, zr on the worklwhich,*�as be- soft and- 'Which we are aspikifig, lk 6rip, tile he The steps begin 'the use of iiartgLtIong 0; we� -must '40t ow P6 -ago when flie-ins0k -be m4do dural4le will br-lgftt happy, --latesi. despia gun aggs t� buzzed beaven't We 1h a' lir gomi- ir%�m Wind lips � froni Cape, I Of have If too igood 4ri this World, or- we iv4�, bealihyr�� -homa w4de, drinsks. -uned around- 'thle� -out of! lNoah't ark 6s the (�Q.or was tree sends th be -one- Of I*fe sor to. DeLr('- ('oast Castle, -in Bri Ish Wer t Africa, oil w:, WOUld"want rest to them. 'I!here IS; moult .1 family table6 n6heaven. ckly. They-� b th6 de no better _eWn- r -Ch t d I John Curry, latedf tila orillia- Wdleate that,K-in- rempel is. pre- w Vilinly tbo-se paren4 Opened that .th rik " Pblyearp Was co#-demned, t qI0 q4 et. � 1-, 43 be-buft- 0 revf6nt1v_o of hers, and *ieep, 4t, �B IsT. Chusth:,* has been to �aring- to off do'ihiis 'hope to thus keep th, ln-.zn 'text the bornet -fiies on its want. to -,corr ed -to death; ; T-116 Stake, was planted 18" It. Bon t a.0 a I L er -a d S.Pr4n These ilibuld -.In it's otioh and vitolent n -its sting.- Then I 'from the others, anti Placed: arlou . him, the fires kin-' -excliisiyeiy. tened. to ft� The thg6ts e t he ground sep n *ift Lord sell the "he. Ffe w ffts q or three biS -family- froin'the public houses. But I � - IrnismidiU It is a specie� of i L I eir xyt. thtn� ifer a at bborn sistance h shantee Iftla, they .4raw, Iniquity. withl the -cords ga�jp, s. I thin a ed 9 n D 4xPeditiOn will ndt 1 be - th walk' vanity, Is torture t. on. us to ­cu cc ni!� oaj bred to the' Britils an t lat the holes In t butt, 8 astorate of the Cornwall Church d �q Phia (;w4'0rvAtivQs_ -have se- Were ful"with 6 .4nd secure h__ an fk U Mx (ilea CAm rapi ly pave? he way its tou to inian beas Je4' pbell a4 their can- 6ver that at -one th ': It , , - - Peat dye. -t qr dledl. but -history' tells us that t14 flanies 'Plug- The 4 ee � U are -did 6 ior toh& AlAnitoba- Legislatum- -pebt rol]. i . . a 'in 4d tG - be. ex to aln ha -all' seen the cattle :run bi�l- gymnasium -you. t It' Ile bent 011twar&llke the eanv" of a ship So,'far aoj can be;dedueed from Iiihe - ul 4 God's -dis are care-- 10 Ing -the cut- of � its,: b4rg�upright bars 'paralef 0 the on ho I10rIC'- -id. V * ' r .- lnastoutbrpez6.43 that the flames, In. periments, conclusion is that W6 �lla 3ished ones - �mder lancet. PU Ile g boyhood we used to stand--c!kutious- e4ch pther for pe gs to b 1 aze, 6. W111ch - 1 U hither Zi -ye away, ji, th Log at the g Th a wall between him and his enemies. sufficient iqciease of -crop -.to cover el t a navy by !(lies to They are� r jQus In Hi ly loo Idbulgi iiic-s�t bull.- the gymnast takes a p nor corn will,, rptura 1)1e lis' com- n f4-b�. Ir 'Testroying'Polyearp, were only neither wh" �Yialr oJi t6e Til )I'd it -r e(�nxr fullk conoe I bles oi or soubur at g- thereinj . . the a sight. xteA(l Of -c ,sonburg to 1,ort k.ur- RhiPbntldt-rsi� for evo-y- -,fotl above prepares from tho tree branch. and vw-hile weA,and lie begins ch hand. One Inch -at ch %000. 1(of tile thb: -Are effic g at the..wonderfiA as �ppual. setvide to climt, They had actually t. -s o & m4kiiig! ju n nd to I ships W1 cover- tiine or tTOY -him-- with cost of ao. artificial alberial extant -W -1 Were -104111 two a the pohlard. -ow ecaalse Y faithfu ' 1. Inches, d id, ge*Pting his prilees now;� If - 1,00� tollstliat Ily engaged The flames wouid not' Iflust do: Inole ku eilo nlak6 1.0 knots one this is'b' strength-�Lkltured, reael es -after a-*h:le Y bearer, I -W . een herbage hosphate of -.111110 that - se I king,. aw4y.. The the- And it se(m ratand that and bones _gTo UPOIr rich az; Wil- I -our. the s-ub,4­idyi,l*-,Ing 1 icreased , It il�an acconip but He , r; us., a irle Prirate 1116.1 .- e does not In Ing W.e.1were struck witn so*eth"in- touch hlim Well, -m want under the gr 7 rely t u ceiling. s to! me _tbit- than plougI4 bles, ii t7ens -of lishments alone, �1 Ybu to Uinde by God's trace r haul th-q rpfu0e from ta" tunl-! *14ditiona borne ea jn bwarms. I It 4as.. cai)- 'these "AIDYanees in 111 0 ri I .. . . -- D . Short, actual JA m s d. ov �r hundreds. and tvi-onty or. g.viiinasiurn.- each. are "W-- -eggs. --veiL -not burden tcl'008es them early and beatbiwa-His e the flames of trial, Insteacl of consum Cnil tile holiday.i it,. rit uPOU'sUch as will be troi3 to-- Him tains un�,. . let I areas a 'Witste v iini tes Il t a -time. converted into Ur soul, are onl;�-* goln be -7a p OP- 'Wor-iment o of _A*ny. sor which a 'high price. - ril thtt-p sbe S'L IIS-1)�- and H is service. Lesson. 134- Though d with which we are- to cli. mh let efense and a canopy of bIL- T. ­hting on one man �kill *pro 1 1. bti3rd,. tile St. Peteif higher Ili Christi In -g. God is goinir to fulfil'to I "On the gron th&nj all climb hig! m- - V 18"i Ing f d to tablelml= wailyo' Dominion 6:1 V_ i Da d and ThX% all 84.ur ourt of VIA flid-, n. [the ve to .9due4d seeds mus� be 44ppealm - as 'he Promise. as he 4ld- to germin -al e to r 'Oth Iva s h red ured e sell ence of blessing and "t, Y*u tile I very deep- -to �reveht Sumed albe 40 at once enter'uponhis," -Wee 'P'Z�2 thi t- L attgInpted-to c�inquer a i�LXeL ill 10 n 4ttainnio a$idn con - the, office of-kilag, his I -see Patience, t it Ile - ai"­ co five, la Y, but t -)h,,iht,. 'and. t be- cultured in fair P61yearp, -"'VVhen thou walkest.tbrptlib er re.ft t $_ d6ith ifilPosed-upon ;t. girl 6 -Ptrb Was Prepdred , for every, com- h he ele.j.' t en seed m&Y be 'veky -grden. fa-I'mi 4� or -the- birds proeu the Pre�i, hearll�c` work'in� calls no though the h - the Pdrsi, W11c, the fire tfiou Remember -that, - wheat and .-oats, C. years ImPA-soh the e i on which ws rode a child Of. shalt hot be bilriled.01 Not the 1reCelve It Iro)n -t lace _Man The -con rill, If. Y w W�fe as the to ogglI.-cut he ault4-by tb hiid- everything - d6slralle an, tb6 _e know hl arm Y u- nientil: the ride fr`014 God. itto eq*PiL�-, , ofe as e hornet, so that h4nd o -; _t*1 Munti- showing, that -sho -ed pletely -Public matters and the-eircu 1; - You do not upder rd. You'sball t the, -dough itate,. ma;kie the O*rnefr, but tiftpyg notu . ten stannecers w4e w ar y.- wa: ing m- Ore -. to 9-E t, -wh 't won d f -you will'bleSs God greeii -peas ploitighed -it iucrea*,e site In 0 h 4 broken bp all %vits no �aud th d herea ter.� lif he" star intlgct stroyIng blr4,1 ti�kder the c6ntrol of surr Yimp aven good grainj WZ oundi4g. vid. made I ieged city w, ThE? you want - th Patience? for the'llornet; d larger ere of theIr. - food !a com. I -led hf-.r t tile.be a 'ear.to the -bee is _resc even inder will .. zx,6w 01r -it aries'- t") begin cc T e on I sprout an cover 0 ToisfUt her th stand most -faitliftil rophet, burn ng 4nd noxious in§eot Stun- out -tlmd'to cul ure-It is wh� Y d 1, of.im with vegetal)n. p Bethl it we W10- - s Partial -to Y'Oung and It at L a Ilittites and tile n YOU: are liq d the, ground i s Posed 'jai lnseet� Ulasguirl"th to al ew Samue ossibility -the 'Cariaatlbes fro --a!)Qut hil Rick and haj_,de. and seeds,. w-Inie .nd-d e e nd t0% tli6 O-uhtry. 'What, Memnon 1.0h," f I d family of ir c -qi ler - ten. n t I yl, -.,t to -0 to kill' weel we must geese aau Ze tlit�ncL �tv_ the iEART -T 4o e ar*aine being one tl' cattle j Q d Spoke. (liff iot of War could. s%v o r t th esse, Ye�. You say, only bad ti -Zen fwjere each svit- r3UPW at; Napien e e y t b -coxftont to mow t em. * do w -n- - 1IR 1! �l c U r ly ad. erently. !lid eba I not',acconl- 0"cilmstances of P ur -*.:I I soine ii ell to do ma: 11 1 Mat befoiiie.tbe Seeds have ripened, foir eir''del oacie'S. Thus the� Penitentiary. Jngred a cart The Go(l's Mean i .are effe done bv 4incture I-Avbuld- do'well too!#, y . ou� liad that Lain shQr born bu J. Cttlall� However Pith the 0 rnor,' they. In V Ill �Oet. The . . a migtkt - r o it these seedo have formed at all'th6y W Ch i"iL_o Al -.r . ....... a bull, all] not admire , . _U Ippear in- theL,,S.Zgllt of 1104- V.7011 S !if I no Jworth d ton the Gove of an Lord si-nt (lie Y," "If It *ere n66. for will ripen�af . the,inowing. We -must Useful I§dF%Ve an aerve Im if nger$ ; and all this g iftord nil hunians. t a -r8 full OUllivtfid power.' nets. ter, 1. would swim.,, W1 Thilaks, of not -risk thI4 -kat in Oes 1 1 . Cxpreised that fac-4 1w -unec remon. key, 0 All X_ A(,Ssip- 111, - or Could shoot- 'Ing to mar _; 'L(Ot.181111) T-e§40U-X- NO.$tOne which God directs -I'viR fhftda when -,ve'are- wq.,4-11ed-by- this ripe*n vy 1& were not fb r the - dharge.; g.. nor.their be end As -TerY de, greo blown about- but- a tbeln'to sirable at. �_M OVer - a Lt bi -it geitier n d(ep-in nxiby­ and arme s,�t -Who 4r4i- Most (nt liame. 'hom God ftrms for'buitle 'ever e: for Yot � to , m 01 in the Ill in eouvenient fence.. Tlie� tile Gq�vernor ever falls withOut'certain:-gilceess.- No �e;�dth$_ of'trouble.''n- be- I -N%_h1en You stand chi- rak Per-Ioll w �come chi�alrlc.'and we. assAilli-4hulu. [�;p-,66S is the hPu1sr Reme0i, cook th a w. There is no: item which we could less with PO falls a V'.Ctilll ta- failur We. get. �n. the high ni&ttled 1 -ward. the t 4do -not confine them, i -1 lins 41 Aced of great headla Ida'of 'Chris w th pIt:i:1jliri&-' 0 e. The dppar- .0 111111wiall f efit-insigi.1i4l ur cour e. and we make a-'&avah,.�., t Ldol attainment well alford �o havi withdraivu from tO11 tle k*'d, but of ten try their dt 11T, t agi or Twenty years F hand wi T ean'Ztl lit -God's liciatrumezits, SO! as t ::hrist v if"lilest. 1101-�; cod- surplus In it,�; aecoll ti; 0 Only W charge_,ItE them. a with I :Md power -of hi§re;sr�iicWtUn n� In twelltv 111M -in. e fks a lity power ioward. nd if God the Sdff-fted f our agrleult�ral system -. than-- clover, and hens, turkeys, dack$ 1�vo H e -iloatliu -Ara tes hill fl�i sl�ifior _'tllej -T m:9J, us we -1.) lave fellowship with and ev geese vicipry. "Dar d w ne c0me otit Stiong-er an(L- better I tdr Said Be and -the fax Oerwhe. does not depend .,81)4. in - ;l 'I I es: his sufferin AnOds. The ean t -h -Us Cum and. his ,4t)n )ite 0 147111su. -liondi- as' YOung'And fair, th' Wh blas fLir: I.' NVLhing on -it to ome considerabl their an but the in e extent, produce; g ost--.4),b. least f and not at a It Into i. -But, UP A, We went-ir I . cost No ture of twenty f0tir iii ruled in. military Mace will- eve- Irk9d Illion ..flo�rins in these in tile. DropDeladsit jiny Momm, _Ayet be was most ready' to annoya "d rK r pursuits. bld Poultryinan Will at,,- Pu�t-lllg` the c' roces,.of life- -Out of us. the _c-Ilr ker-- nd t1i, in , in whose )tation enterpris ins the Trouble. - ­ - 1i - _+ -nc.y a 'lag. rojo� Inake:lt pgy wit], urrc _-4 we 0 a It �In , 9()14 basis,j foll these toes too small to sho-St-thp,-,, verea al bave formed- V is'tfleory-.ii �ao place, is niaking a tempt f r Id jj�Lj_e 8F.a-174-d It efilia "large- the ad the pros: ow God's directionsi als.lgn(yrat436 things -any avoirdupois -Wel-lit. -�,6g4rd to a breeds. It Stir ess for-God?s design; .1 annoyinmeand vex: (r, rom the' take. � C on and ThM. for':Lqt)z;. Proved 111.4 pif I iout mal Ingersoll. C very iverlous Ott corn thali tlici Pure costs 310 out" kil- 'kallie t* the -!khat; -and - th6 -iniftes,7' Lpd the :-ifftiuns.- It takes just s . . I 11�' - - �- must both c sent - that clovgr be niorre, t keep Ithe -bestA -AQ line Gods hronlel Public dealgAs -are often aeconiplish-' -fli sj'� apol 0 nuch trouble e -IS,,000,000; -del>t- �he wasps, and- -the, I ornets: III t us for use'fulness and fot.fieay. DDT. ,orins. ed througiIi tl 8 very in 'That- d Sound -inind fil asound body Oruw-ned I'M .11' bilngs best, prices fl eans which men I -oth Remember 'will taot er ''ords. It is t Still, ell l'he only queit Good, well clover baT Contains that fee- --;.tuv-e a rich prM­ use to- de n h6 SMAII,r ion Is whether m 16'One of the.tiest and, grea�test. 6d ma giftW �ake, q 'ft �trc F. them. G kes the �ing ann -o.. life whi(fi'drivii- shaIJ ti There is hino t6 , lyv tO`1L1,c:-a.t T: -a-:. i-verhauls her. I ra 0 #noes f our ake it in the bulk� )r pniVerize more nearly la perfect food horp- ig: UVC -W th, of ma I t6 -praise Him.. I* ob - us d of -a- ration in not prevbnt*_-:,eT out a use. us up. Ili oe d - granulated'. --Hqre is -one -miri kind Providence no o anythl' Ir Wn. farni'di. SaIll's1l; sc vere treatment t b`41k. - His' bt 4ankind I& E oward. -conditlomol Ilf6i"'for. so -me g -:1. es it in ;'the on poult y 0 all ages.have eought, theJ It contains th. bulk add nutriment he, take- Advant' 104 e Be gro Ing al Profit, ne wIIL deny'- proper bulk UND fill, boill, WAS gio us:*# ''t Tarlety- esigned ti ry' o overcome his riO j-- -iir-oken or -his eyeti AV f. life-; liavib hunted for some. I rpose, God -hat S.?6t ght I, 'PlAK but, or ellx1% in �righ b prlo ortion, to* ma;ke it an methodfi or awful iityl- befalls!. indan -for thb principal feed- Before love -for 4nd thus. bring him hornet. �ther A calar ;�ft V�i T�.:- vtm.-trtz .80 In prw avaikable ite f, under 1his fathers Powe� as to re t I. fit Ping dressed iouW7 -It - 11 LiK� _�O�N_N �Ll 11. hile the 'Vast maj4 rity, i 4T1SR_'VAT1[0�qAL ' maik In -the first, place t ! w Waging- health, v.4or and i A i I Mill Of peo-, I lor-ho uld V .1faake �him� I these 9111211i S, 1)-16 take h V=hrive in fact hoped that -they ` M9 cattle or, Sheep. With should dry and 461d, bat -_t:dt trumental in the death stinging 4nn6y*anc C, thing -piec6r ieal,1' , Which., h I mig t R d 'k 'of Da�yld, li- 'way would You ratlier 1 � A a Doe; 29, 1 in 1 cloveir,'Iess.. ain is required td.1 tten, frown. hek 163 y 1 Ing Ove It? of gly in Pae Agiod, i -&rt- _1 t. -.i. -d vi �.l r. S I - 0 4,1101ated - ki of Israel. e shape of a nervous U I r ere, coullo - in tl� blithe- wine &U a.,nimai 90 a _d ti.' Lvr[IV�Ull. was, -Ph -ourse, in lecernea.l. -Bet fer 4aye live or with tkny 6ther food. froxt -1QX to U VIO.- as -..tc!- the 1 p 40 doubt f'ao mtlo�n c Pounds, e r Lid. 9--J Lidg. vii. i d bright, but. one � )kind oQf W1fl iU.apVik-2j 5 'Rut i. 16. 17'. ;1 Sam.- Op e are pl�ogtratcil u­ler in- e u a p onathan was well ken jaw; mark th�� )dud bii M. i ;:i,, alAd - iir- awa:- _qes tit tter 10 kindl vLt� Ol.;, d ill'th Is mpatlfv but-Nvh-ri,ttes i r4e cy- become Immortal." -of g06d feedi in keeping him -nini als f al t P tio etter squalls tl an 8-10 50, assar d typhobol drink When a I&. uler expen& an ,&ee4s Joackage,*i4- liner of : - ' ' a an itniputa,' .51 :�Vji. 3S --that 4vid must Os,6 Pe. Had lent IiVelors or- witW bi- y- blisterq than weight e wind-*, - there . eu: in lee !On, On his- fAther4 getplefifty- . sy .20 And so 0 m(y, lace In the Dox"y t uetur been dj,4aster, ne a e �=V BL P4 anybody at -is ere may ibe�a 1413 176 rt- there In 4ht have I ff e lo *11110,41an can bar Wicrdl w C�A"i�. L �"kprlf a a n ence of he is Am vras� t i� e qh tors isak, 4ind the fa. and to. al lob�bthy' nd' homeo- dly., bor.e. to.' be'do ii hall the cargasseidi-*Ill no be:.,V could �;:I,-kL es -Pa 0- d1ape- 120 107 El '760 0 ti011 Was solved. UJ Ill S :ttaln ihat coveted _GZ rybody* lit- I I u it prize oxpense by d waxm - ifibeltmir. God's lovei. I .-eve: �ays� "Oh., slit"s.-otr t * in this! matte - of -t�6uble this side -of *P011- ar#-Vai. workh -Boel- hem On] -eopathld doseE .44 im, qfil f -His f t, the- bars hom ''all Whogii - 1043 4. - 1 -tact. -a. gift or .11 Savi :)r man is seen lij- Ill ti the -.eternhi world' yet It is bvioten t- do Againit .h e nervou�� that's.all!'� -1 ik6. �-m all Pei- he* cAnnot o me. Fivb bus&ls of )m; stiet (Jur.i. P _� to in h vlvari ' her than; some ma IMTLch-- Pork- or Die o lilon. 211 o a:b 1��tlll6hcm.; te y b�gdttc - a�y �Its Pf annoyance M -t FO,'the' subject -any. coasid- L I*V i 1 "e. _VI rpeh Son- 11 else "Of love had been Lzli-tt' Gligal Shocll(�ih; Gib— .-'spen la Eli liscord'of - mush eration, thit Mbdern 4cience, skill a4d corn W111 etal. - I - throat, aA �a- "1 01 lirkockdown dose of'cal&m: ty. Iftstead wftha warm, a d -Iugs with His'people, 'L 6 iqrt cluartersi as r L"t lit 6o In'! lit. w Pea-sorai.-Th-e fwgel 11le JlWib; wa �o -e i , _e thund�rb It Us the hornet. �tLv he treatin of the ills 1.1 . harmony _6kween the sb;6vI- -:1-11 tl Ih edlitktion in i f lo Vs -highest. V -give ent out TI; .11itlial4es': E Isam . ov4 on a c­r,t: -ans- On w tord expre�sion. gl t flesh - 10 bU8114618 -dim. Wkere 'kl -lit-LI-imPist ( I11lrx!lL IsriLP-1 : OideO -t h- thie same berson, If ybu have tt bAnJE- �you w I Id. a -1s; helr-tof, have orked In win e ga V16 eii no roi MAay a a al 14 k�ept'-Over­ Nei Gin. for selfish. i;reat, deal' Wonders in restoking!the human body' wer, a- pas� [:.frorh. . rather 'that 50 me I I es13 Ing sll-ht-, thi, would er only to topsume Inore-th".its' tfu Now- jog. Elolo ­. f ox!fi) no -:i anvf-s ;I with che6ks. I Teal IT Saul; e� interepits. HO n - a - wotlolly jtand� the -e ie I Beauty _02 _P_,� t7,)n I t� -1 -l' and.'.hio sons 100 to Its. original "'form divine,' and in worth. An old animal alwaya'iiure. I's Of BeJl­rIeb1Fym;.! Pula of ade� it pt)s I -two deposit rs "do' e' in 81 ble for all e - -OPeAs tie:. oor ior tile 1. Th e than 9 many sufferers from untold W her 'Inge is ep_.i mity -to a vept -ALWay and man fact is. Ing h the va the s 'me day each wahti Ili $1o,"_ bringing thViii bae� to; health - in. tbe -,all t4.An- iEkt any other time. I,.; tAl 1.9)n- Nr. ry ; #on st ni.Ofjnt;� -of -the 741nablep, %lar Da% d; Goq.itll; Jon,., U to have r6lievin t1a - the h I misery, to be -in. bottpr eondition for kill* ieplk _iesus.-' nil -lit bo I -om -the -case - y!X4 -4ough happin Uo curse. p�,ople in, t 'is country* are- -v, ii lorkedl, -,'In. this latter and N nta-i- �on I.- gl of a bro n d fr ess, and. giving them ves is a. The iowl* to Hn wort -Adl-tlik-proift,possible has beeil made Ines ee view V and and; their .�erves are the ive -and look down, to the Ro i 4jid YOU fe is Indbed V- -1rem moat ot Gur worldn' anJinals dur- Zi (0111- 7! t4le.1' were viiited "d ltitll,lj� _k P t tile cellIftg bef f �: A POME p hulillii,_� 111C4 _g that f 1 11 characteriz-_ th 9 �Sl e Oldt: A,grieat mu tile e You look A'. ease in point, -in our - own -the summer, a:nd- -they illiould 'n. - and 7 by tile 6: Ie;rd i and sple h a in -BEATIS T IN A Fla4y ent wuo h h u t rather have -be diapoised of , in some way. Ouir old Inslsted-*t -alt h 'beca e of theii lea"ps with -110y- saw the re 4e did Y L'u -ill drafts mPokter of�_ the Phronicle wanted bc wa mnly e -W honored by -hea-y- strain of."Leyden, -%vlio,- whe-n -lie was )ntO the safe". -Now, my f ends,ivould town'. having -reached the ca lng il'beca �5 eu�y rs j�f Fow' The Canaanit 9� told - by hig Physician that if,' these m: I L t -th the "seribe -greatpat expeWe -is oiten. in -mainta3li- Safer bank I W 'i n Qr -her tit(. es. On'.hi�arNitlll� arn-, I'd glOrY .0f Ws event -and left Ilea- not -stop *o' bf. oyance on you k. -6f -! fle�j th .119 they rmnk while li�, determined to satfaf his curloolti �iag ani is *hich do' no h than her',own 066king t!.,.:I- ite- - repented and 'were Obedient to -0 d their praises 'I:. lie -would 'ed -than - ome all ata-ge and up- by callin Diu pay. t e -19 apparently -on- earth. poor' heilln ,ge t untill the -ileath of Joshua. Thlen tile i TL furfil oil 9 'On the pArty.1whio had -ilad -way. vindicated. "Doctor x�bether 1 .1 vo cr (I t�.. 4he 77 Bu remember by tile! Ifiteat nove 1, ur- endurance?- phecy. c C)IAtr-v- anti gr`Mved tred 1117 tile 4� h ee' Mat Ij ttle as well as - gr die 'bestery. t had- 'Jdst 4en"Placbdifin peopte fell'..illt-io. I(, m0nt; Of all pro such a happy experfence. and Investtw . 'IV ithoVt any I gar;%of. cPntia tiZ babe in tile I niiist r. wA." Th(Ise eat litip, manger. at C* 4es- 9A to' for, bifnself. Ilia called, 'at t tirue e J o y, ie(�ding lies Ili coun 'orld liv 'f)r.6 re.,L Betlileft6m. �ji j: S -equblly reqfilre you-to�tru in , Irist he cm m in J. >. il,inn, While they lins (�Ver- 0�nsitive POr ull", of wit, I :<w-ak the the when tipon cojEle, "ns every -need sligauld 4 Num. York W, have fo&_ succor and -a deliverande fliorfi. im- reporter pera heui. Lese, 01�fcs - to e a bl6oding ­.wzil The W it. pgt ( t,(l ra4sed ill) j rul 1 se supplied trio would - be t %I*) [It I man,q peace. i� M -t at- pw-s -tIlQ , yoin- 1jeettred, tbrqugii fli�-*s love to light d 'Ifritability.- _'­Phpl'�l wllt.-�. 4ona ; in other- words, early matdritv black L tiie I i ra nil Trunk QU I Patience an _ngs- NOt4W— Z victory Ili 0 1 gave, to is- t ' The- areat I and kejap' him in p f �!rfect- pe,%ce Wllo$e��mlfid id -tit,6 passpw�t to success. 'Tile sue- -uOu , thht. Ail modern, *women )r - tbe_%,�­ people a 1, JilCY the- -jr-c f rel- g . "W'. .. W.", I ' . - 1* twomen ar I q, 0 God app -ears, ai) -stald .oil theel. 1-ni the villa#e of cessiul ieedor ia the liberg feeder, who black ;ry. But thesel, Ln -axm-v - list rael the it udgge Gideon, ;.-,eu�arly 'explos Canaan �Iamefi I n, tradition says,: th-,re W g -an ites sx)oken of ,'it tbe%t.!.,tt or —is 'e t V, W-1 t. I, ut; iree hundred; dealings -w[th. teeds for inimpfliate resultsi Feed ings A�-e I[ to r_,�t i 11106.f The-.11jollanit.e is invusi rs ever, av -11 a�L N-ve belibloly His Ili the contpxt-�-thisy a ver_��-thln. ikc none *thke;-!seV.40r, people throlgli dovering and. are v'11I!!! n0le, �oh of rats, and these smaliijeream. Right bnl 'Was com at all wasted 'whell. tock is bat,holdfag. its o thOlf *aried experiences and- �. under t4res a1zhost -devoured, the .town,- 4nd 4ng- -leg, # tile UtSide of each -a pl-teo Over-thru -points. "A�-d 1,11 il. �­Ift A10`1ior- PWXL OP WA a ltrt- rei )ved. eWon IIL.i Pvculiar� cilcumbt&u 0 ' the. t -the c4t�st gives the. touell gn ace') eca. thr6ugh 'all net.". threatened the-.Ii#es of the pqpi4l#�on, !0111? moval of 1?6es from a little POC w6ven On the istoc&_- rg Of the 'Con- 1 ft90- Ili co AraAt with this 'Lon of Ruth 'tile -Mo . we see Ag4lfi, and the. stoty Is that a j)iper pame enAre ep- would ensur Ing. -N r itOss, t th6 wiedkne�s jlu t ie�. sr.r.all !!,s- t ailnoy:ances heighborhumi iff the ea- ve few i-wom Y, and tile ilepatzi- faith of Israel' anity, in- th a out one-day.arrd played aVeri Swebt. !� have ekets. in, Thn) the noble re eir. may -come to.; us ift 010 Sll.Lpe-of f �ienasa Ure failure 0 their p fo oi -chard -and mezi witi -.41 lin f �Zk-I_ in! peateil fallurij� tom d him ga;! eupro, I-OWns - and _tl e -exampie of I Obey Go0j, holy and kciruain: tune -and allIbLe vermin followe Idresseg, ftly wio. ­11� ner mothe w law. are. al W*ays jl t Q Amid Crop. Alany d V48 -eftditi 4 r IloWed. him to the ballIcs or the N.�,e was ]a 1. On of affairli. saying dlsA eilable thl"" black al& d to, fomake 1.11 her Iolols, Go on A� ducte depend almost, wiIally -PPOU rlpei� i(tow-n sent ff r. Then he b I-V Son, the lew -a blast,;, and the ioutal.4s, pf�_c ple, to go to AativP lands, and her costl,.Ie.s,t some;,. peopl--,; You - ca it ti,,t . Ile wi th for s ito 'of Seams of I gift v reet -ed. tnen theydrapped In an the V- -pollen -carry.igg ingeeTs eIr MKIrts, like Aft Zieviis Bethileliern'to 1( - [v - H6 U.,coru_ half an hobr -but, 'feel elleered 4 d 4 )In - h ers in. wittk ;the, i plimithed im tAngs rivelled throligh forever. Of r�oufsd this, Ii a enough poel.-etis. B-ut &e. VZl -OP16 Of - God. Lesson J JE[Is and comfortl�d._ Th+ -n there are' fable� but for their fertiolzatiba,, and -some of ever -Pe 'other -the A d -er for -these ib hoad V. 91 J own death. ranrnt [I- wit - h . for . five sw( fiev are �ett Mina., - al -es alccol4nt of Sam people You I wish I coW4,. on the, et pute of e an I "d- ey on t liel's tatY, call to be' the -go*p -aW forth 'all t ie n�bb isits. if _r4:14 are kept at home bi (-;Jr _el dr V 9 1, T b A stoekl -r! a PrTphet in Isr&e-,. minutes be-ptc _N I ric . misciabI6. - f - Puckets, "e knew the burro 0 0. wet season 1 -of bloo"ngr the c uedicated to— Ile. had e.1 '*iCKEV 4"N10 PLU-11 I.VOL)EXII. They d4Ynot.irfean t- distur 4nd wing annoyance i f - rops reason- and all aboa�- it; he b- YOU-. bu You to tire bone. IV= to ex-, 8 tbe, 'are -often short. it- "it I take a aiag Bervice o t God -by hi lif�e and play- them 40wr v sting and dwelt In the eanatuiLry'-_ he� -farm ha' plain. t Ing - Here i To -at T1108- Khther up' H -th­ Yarn wh-I h�_ the that those pockets were 0 liva How t.i Prisile - 14�11 c -di-pths' forever. Every a honey Trodlicim J -16w many tou e. . - - -a Spin r-rizI It. They gather as did WrXhurch give. -and o eii hundreds of pounds aluables. 19no ot theaigh -PAcat 1 chL . . . flowers, and o made MO IbM Uod called jla,and gxve r it fv�- reaq. gossips to. _his plcture'of - 41COtop Busily. at Work.'- 6f 3lies for' tile- bees. This- repre- PrOmPtlY laiiied -that -they r_.6 AIL,- E! ni;A� I gappose bout aqio� sboe shop of *t:.LJ 4 -about OP - Or :his sulil .94 "Ileart'of the Andes " ts, n Impottant c�ash_-Valuewhich. invended.f 'Women to- 3 Straj vprsuxl b t your. business, ohn- Toull, 11 a wnd.- -1 -about:yppr '-w-est an(4 o by the ke7eping _ �eep : be� -ed- r t4e..*can- 'King street n entefing the. nay. be saveo diamoiic* -ttle �as saying: "Wh - flo� yot keep m:e 'building the reporter lound -F, 19liwayman Wo alYQut - 50,060 _touches.. .41 11��!%',"about 3roiir -church, Of She ask and thpy mb*e your- ear -",the y bees, without Pne partiele. of- extra What, -d,. leaving a -Iiito which tljoy p I I )w .1wro trembling. with.'that Aenc so�� long7 !TO Y.4augh. ither of ald 'ivep Pro U1 Oftinage..toja%id or crop, -but other- think ol-16 i t4� Ilea our as he 141 familldrly king there fo fjd,� IAW'.ou V1. N known hr, T. mloney, lor eta us a e Why .4on't ydu.put it on In ne da�gh9l'-- -.town; busily -at work on a�. Wise goes anpually to waste. As what P40 even the most ex - rig nec Iq I , - v I Fliarp knife, hehrtil3� wher�_Ith6y tell youi as though "No." Says Mr. Churz,h' -111 no�fr "ho' boas f much as- 90 pounds -of honey'"" have uld Aa. a l as' ivell as i Pair. of it.were 4 goodijoke, and yqu laugh -too rie (1: wexpec 7 ' _0' .mer -to a eL t iirophet� -_ At this time I sr&el's cut.lig4tlY t Ji a sl:in of tst t h the If— at the --.Out to make a painting. it -will tako �5O�000 h side. Is a humming -over t-' �eh made by a single, colony in 10 le -a emies. t p. agn jolfit, I �uti )aot; -_�ep.; Ef These peop-:eL-are brought to our at� -i 06 time 0 a t in 'a. of th6ie touches." ' An y h e7 Pill hitint a. came I n t -too.- d( _40 4 1 want you. 11imself the tune --of 'a. e c6 in wil the Lord smote them a tention n' the. Bible. In the bobk.l of -friends; to underst04 tha_� lu is ft them -"d my- for, by the a cherished hymn, ch Up -stoe -and 13tock- either the th pper Umm It V an old: maxim that half the h. 0 weight f many Wfare destroyed, For thim v* 1 don will � loos Ruth. Naam. weh t forth beautiftil these 10,00'annoyances � Wh. ch, Under Way, 14 lit'& youjiger da are made iea4 woode th he. M - Toull. was considered a good IocbL1 attle is p4tting Pictl re. f -yoiir d0d befu ell I skewer. and e �ly pull tiu,.nl out. " 9. reacher: �ounlg or did 'into - winte rters r t tory. Sfimuel testi. e all the witb e'fi esit. of worldly. pro�oects,. God.are makirig up. t hereafter womendrexsw., rr people by aettOg, 'up a 01112111 '�- !-Thin cut and into ahother land. -but, I After life;. to be hung at last ill ft ries, amo)39,'the Methodists of tbli I r qua ed Do e. vening will ;Uat to dow-, A inn i c thro cartilage 4-util ligeks *to " lo �k­ it.. etion.--a-ad y filled the pul- thFiftY conoijition., They are then d leavo theip atrxyvingi�l een Israel-Athen regained- their t cit! 8 awh'.e. she c me back In Widowed and of heav'Efn, fit- fdr a freqUentl to, d' Yuil 'am a,"nest" io.T tendons'; pull one. of' half -wintered 4a far as the iconsump- and . jo Is ying, around --up -t j. jOr v !1 .1 sic Lnd poor' What did'her friends" - God, knows- bow- to make a p atu 6.1 Its OF -some. .,Our loem chlikelies in a Voll Mot ( Cl - in tel a at u4e, unti . I go Into a sculptWs stud.o'. lie pas-tor's alyr and md'!,stpr I Iron a til , , )ve -in all food #oeii `- to bringing see( bu;giora, but -e 'ra &I W` 4 !aTr see of the vray th d ol* h* -she: Mme� to the Once, -lie still loves, Von. of ward t10 12hillistin-ew Letis V1. d cityi? �-i They. Ji6 h preach; or n t-'�Ai Sit chosen. 1.6even. this havi. inatle of the all him shaping a. statue. isei 01 e*postilate on' Totirlilk dow i Wh Y ne, tited 'lif a e best and Ili went -out and - Instead of. a e ng, hape.- A td�,A! r calm ian God pe, of Kis than free. rations of pumpkins, Stoft did: they--Ao? bL'hd he gives a very;'gentl Alrolce— -wag Oordially hd belets. AM4 every DO -WAS tile is ur4e% ost tendeir ld and a mallet Irf. the other, ihemo- Or favorite in tUe to o pleces of tile her commoh sense consolation,, blieIr je*dU g "e of th F'V`g - in one iia a greater J�elp, toward this edndition - �4ess thA lWg.' Saul what 1110 'Scripture. are giff was Read the, book of ' Ruth. Aow ugh- c Turn the ur� ey --On its 1) click! - Uld A 4 the �rlbe (if Benjamin- e Ymne' The-reborter I least, and ellek. 01. turjlips�. 4L -ne loo&ing man pmd hu h6y threw -Up�`thdlr I MY, VhYr don't Celv6d. - and On miLkIn his arm prettiest ord make 4 long- ill 1 In tlle� I - of �t A ter of .1, f% 11;ck sa _:Na:omJ?" as ie 'lies, uslUess, the know harder?" 1?� lie hands and. * Id. '�Js this -you strike Ahould have a; gen.erou guppjy of: -14 eve QIOM�-Vile Ink e ehangelLbke an Isrefer neck, Ind Ink Id, shatt h people'Vvar old man -a-- countenance 13 'CrAmm. d whic �dut tile r that'-wou :4.r 06 �tati e. can't 011I.- f9vendet Am -The voeketi vii ted. ariqg'i -t -the do _Ioold;�'When I entered theq yes -to op- witla- mu4bh as. to saw. "How awful -b d You rl litened 'ilnd� his e isparkled tilat dack �Oiv even trs,,- I looked'very pale for after a *h' `rg��:at 'It of- a vontraiti,4_ . , A kiag! -rule over. th ui� G Out tQ :,ikIn -of ..breast% -that wa I �nust do it :his * P -Min the na are of -ts 4 blue. ; anted their reiluest. L soil VI 11hinis do it ith dblight, Waw Interosting.to even -we are these &rd g1ways the- gr Cift the with - the several So'he works on and n the eve- of a -renewed, industrial color a are elaborately iembrold allows w changeab'o men re. I bodi-, billi'leave . -e skfii lung 1 featu"res-come 1i al 1�* th-6 oteethe fervency with which he vol- er- -8 of as bei years, and every year for-four,:br five , . . 0 t, id ever, od Plat j , ros M-4 him I�U enters the. gtudlo,ls�eh I nteete aid,. for- the sp6ke.of -and vAe deg Saul k t It am hie 00-d- K perity, and,ithere must be a rap- ed it ilk In -tioraf year a. hundred times a yedr fva:s "ISO ext. veiit under the d mand . for - - good -Ore. Make: the S, a�me( an -,fag-- 6 t V.0 time 'soon C.91"o %V 11tv; . S - 0 AMUAd Ile pocket; Is..a tip of thd br, a$ked-If I ha- ell, God has your otill t Z011" -what he couldt of o' 'tile ciiiwtea: W ad tke"beat class o mell lie d' eyed. U d- and did Iliat tea 04t bone; loosen .4 not the consumption, VI nder it d homes a I -meat deep. Of embrolde�,Y.r Whe I ed. Procass of developnilenti ane If its; 'Is case, n We will,ler, 3 be told th e Pei' y and G reject �664 them carefi and 1�asslng t oukh tbb roo the n his - o* pie__tQ obe ..reject m I �Would little a _n , Words. He . aald ,stock at Incre$$6d 'prices. The�-Way woman, _190n�ptlmes hed � people. . IftrioYanoes and vex- Xs a Vdir . of, t1me anoci Gut I , I sigh arid. say, at! ns-pfi life should be -led . by American skill and Pla d gtLrte� elasp he- him. 'lie -had sought his hon a: ullic With a sharp ts oli. , "'.A-wah, not lori; for thl' th-at i!e chis ling out years'l- -was subject _,5 e�pdxed the eneinleo of 0 :--knit-Nitht Akound1the larg,0 intest o worloll'-.1 I re- a your Im' ortal -VOr twenti -afid = d . w -he Ines it enterptise- We can raise enourb, t'W6 I I solved Ili thos;' tirfies that V t�.�.eir In nature.' is ellelc cllgk, d1lev heart trouble And could get no re- the' pockets m4ih rolls OX told to destrijY th IRSSo --Cut the oil n sto -of b h L4 altogether - he witis! and xvl'ulc�- Y: uu ck to-- supply all the lilariets ins 'a 15� 171' t1lo' ni;ersatim' would say- - anything wondP why., some great.provI,d6fice althougli I hAd tried almost: evr too valuable sa c Ik Llie�rujii.p, and tile -turkey d ril. describeii th6e terrible Isery a Is' depressing, a I -by the -hell) does not. come and with one � trol4epre- thing'. that- kind frIends recom- the world -if it the lCuid,the 'world tq- lose A 1-1 -.in a 131160Mly _�'rax4-� Ot God. n trolley itustruqjon Which must ce I IWve kept m-.. r solution. Thos' P - y�u­._foir heatren. -Ali. no.' ;God is afte3C. _e. e peo� loal, a ble'of whom.-f-9peak reap way. And,�so hP k b thestage ' -Natul'41lZi he-.woMan til 01, U I d lad witti, h tit e akin give me some '' di Int6inperate ones+ The ould sometimes y -alclah are. ed th' me.: My famll" - lilly Patastl!0 kipOa t4e ar- sponge :cli l an. bind s3.Ys that I not th4- , When youfig t . - ho Is ac- 'deeos - ti . If keeps,. op. bY strokes. of -little, veiSatl- ne, that woudd - Ix "a ifte custo I I of, tile drtinkar,4 e 'I Was -.vP _. 0 ndependenceIN hould be mea to carrying'he io� -In fbe treat fiarv(-st field or I(Scour- ons elp.m -for a srolii � I it hue--God'is' exa,lied abo "inou ant dry q6I a tie r a r ea , h :hl& hall be 9, Mit wil tacle for angels allid tor -Men e told Ina I nil tioAs to -the more aribe.9, � w Ckly. -.sponge out. a i�_-day .,vou greet th until at, last you s glaq, 0ec- �110-Ut Perm =-ent befififit. proper . preparApion -A mbuth pre- -den In.--,.h6r stocki nu- at 'anee_ . g*,TneTt Coupling ewekry - ei7il way-. M terls '11, to reuiove tile, , clotted With --a. bilarildVs- "good imornlnWl weaning take t6-%pddkSts In Iler -istookin- _ght drop dead at-duy gs, dud W, (4owu IXOW Uod chose 'a king- to r I te, blood. Vol and 'I' r *"I- - A W - un may- Omela and 1 tell You _T expected- the calVes..pigs, lamb§ Sauk. SaInuol wpa i� bit k it ird - u tile mings. 861V -1-p t 10,0me f0j.& A the neck -they come buzling-at-you You' know that a- largo-foi t nay - and.* colts, re--' 'Ala r 4 Qb Y tas AIQ � - t_1 -tile onlY., �vei is t, at a oft r -_'4z' w k In- ln�nrmalon. 7. rhe, Lord be spent lit small change, and Vast 61 do -so on in c6iVe-the better. T.11b change. wilj ever A e0aZ11X1J6d--gr1,0f ovar c' seat t the legs Ili nit.j9T. 141. a-nY Occasions. I had thbught of the -ldea �,b A V jell slaul lee Tim- iioj�d -in. gent Ille,bom t L. amount - of moral'' character may go elu t a dr d o' -Dr. Williams, plak'pills, w not be tob Sudden. They will 001;911 it -is 'neas an jctpa t i Ifint ono, o the -soil �'Ii largo-- patf,. euin' tile Irvast .1vith a seerso many lijeople In. the- away in - sm e hmeyfJmt:came 0, 11 7' - I' - ut, but - I- had used so Iq the brain T f not ?ob!"kliug. Tile Younge8 P (-,ce. 'of unionj dtWt'it ;vitll- pepper, world -Who. lllv� �ittle tr9libles of - life - that are hen 0, -haT�e Wben s. -- It- Is � th loge so nine flTh,_ and :will worry, I to say all d6letlo� bVen bOft ajlywhere but dlsag&�enble -4aving -%nY remedids -that. I Just-aboutlost 'less. of a C cut Yai*ee, A$-tkagaine om none SO much ak and Plaw, Ovelidt* Jail t th.ings 4 Al, :more effedt.-uponr you than thin n d W' -te sagreeable (htng,, .-Io P- at. ones. Ith �`hi ever to be presen !le fat. taken time y the totkulgip are, turlif lif _. .1ath- ti Was_.,chos��n. 'od kne* frow tli4L- -col _e.&Imoqt6 �n my weak A swaf' ousts *11 1. ki a:� gral - nri g of thiLt klnd�faxid Made -Stamped Die Pan. put- a er m0ments m,of d-becorfie resigned to '�Ienti asA q)n. dirty ing sgti�js; rmany.1' but the -k,now.- his worth and allowed all he -other� b.%If Pint 61. wat(ii'. Whielf you liave to believe W),r4t- a. man- sald to � me in' field sooner than the Incurf,16 of' three o1wev6r, I -came -jai late. In. dirty apart P to paas�- or four cattle.' Ybu s a contact with 00 utensils - dangerous f &It !Chose , I . - -jinut 14 ce 1 16st an ALUM Mon say icy, ore be king, bsol ved - oiic wa.' )u onday mom -� & David t& d1l , Philadelphia obe.M Y that had ..used Pkkk Pillsi 'and imbn, ermenti -e com- f a -lid, att'this, tluie,.- He�, gav rull.it-ilit - onful 6f�_ 'Wllt;- went to gpt-t�he- Y child,, sinde'l lost my -p and in 00A.ditiobs. Which "Asult Aria., E:d e 18 Spirit 0-, a very, Otibvea-anfl k orse hi the!llvety Jn Op ty, i ho, assured me -t re _�ia Iiet thi In new measure to rebit u 'Davl(k b. evr4ry t4- '.I- :e( -%p, stable, 6ind -thl - hostler, 'a -,-plat h - different -man." B t -you" hart they had been t4em t)ley riapidly. lifemasii-, in num- Thb -elderly, _q nutew. in an efitred. by their, Use,- Ihat at I i4ndlemiggrants arp, do not-rerognize the ttlar germs ai& to me-, Talm4ge, I sa* a4t evil 04 'dedded tO give them -a trial alsiv, A -d grapple w�th, thei 1­;eQA-6U 'X.re0Qrds the first ublic, -vfc� rfe%- brawn, cool th, iroilii � �� P I IL-. �Ire 'a-ble seeretin "2 a. good alt - lie bdr. These 4F nd W 19ftell the sou; prmched --to the young m y -- lie - anno g rokfdy COSIL 7,#ere th whic -134yid Woh� Wit es- yahces fhat are he "g, dig- etjid several, e C&Ust, g6t ilt it" -wititout r _In ly?", 1 !§1114; "Yes." He sa No cutting," shapinj,- spi ting �and thcij� y'leonditign$, holds ten Use. an's- 4 --fallui erjoining Your moral' t a -u.4e-7-n o. IkIng them. I contidued Someettludeo cfirner� A a quall es. i Rats -use the mas-tery, a no 1 influence th -, I la -pound. �t!y,,- witlioUt filling. V A41 je VOr -at ranks ItYr -Israel- ag lost t It will requiri6 tvvoj� bouts to _roa�t L V. -r, le Mid 400k. niore islowly. terd glng years ago I csomm6U6 'whith under cloakpi t0J -h ha; wit ut be' ove a. fiti laetle' foy jnvlted�-' David offered to Ji t. in t11111 lio oxeb, a# _1c0ntIR=1W., h Allial �I had take -has. bet Th n maIr sink a. ship. -One -lur er 0itch n eight. b He la the aria Dis e sdiall eet a noyancee bf life �ed- giant, . 1 1 ... I . . d .a*l quality of, r clares del - I tile Inrd; po�ir the fat ftoill the sometinivs cc may send -destruction throu a am no say -that I ba�, i he got b. er �st V �A I on %lx)onf1iis to physipair fro D19c�K iver had -a Symptom -Of the d. ompiltation, IhO -number CIL, tivote Yet lie slew Goliath, allot gai ied entir Ireonaln, to-whiell add-tu, ye -A Yankee by qarqrui c having 6nly, his- al ng fur z weaponi- 'pan, allowing two Irms cc M orAocal w happy to- tabIc - '06s� not of 'storehouses.- Catherine'- edict IIW.found 'that - -ut- -Womenh.. A 9t amo nt Ao' a e. which Isease rostration, but- Ag a �that by o tableHR'oon- sitive p got ber.death fromsmell! �Js Dnous 'Ice- and I. Am donvinced, #0 can pfoduce -6 o)-. are never,;Anre lvict6ryifoJi 1[srVtel.'_Les ter, at a doit or 1-3 c6ntO a o d. NOR zuls* 01 floqr, mix *ell rose. Columbus.by Stopping ant a' - t le blessink of' God� 13Wk . Pills: tured r, P Un ralone 3t ba add - one � pint whi h bothers ou'.when you- *fLnt to liolild'itake just such 1 [IF, 01 168aul - a C SIC Y . fArmer -8 e &a picture or he w good ntil' It a I fl- k t ix [ U7.0. Terhaps It AS' 4 .6leck -for � a piece of bread calculations. no must find the weal; ter 0 'd rejaeted him.- -4-toCk, stir cenktantI7 - u k_ feel! the best.-. Ing* Tight.alab a. that last fall stuffed odow- poQnful salt, headache whit] h water . at a Frandis 'With -, rheumatism' - I �� e ou ght t boiIN, au(l, __)no tea$ as been the: plagu6 of n co vepF was ed deiatr ;his owusoh. bee 3 e would- balf led: to the discovery Plpees in his mapagerrient., a* rein- -A t4,'ak;PO6fIfl11 Of k-iftlied boaquet and cc_ 11 w which 1so bad' that. r- could -th 0 "the u of your life, ani I you- appoi a Socialit nt s6pe ecame yer, le uafiefi� jr,6MiLn, PPer, strain- nd y.'or -Useful'- And there lig an ltvtl -6 0 n t be-- 91 arCely Walk -fro nanclaPilib -And migii 'Of nerouglY - belped him. L it h )use In my work to Ue enable a farmer to To R.901 A -ffiub- qn XII� at 0 -clock and for a- long time I cOuI4 slilt Big that el" for its I sbrve ness and- who'. tw change irieU the noble David wi -had a lialf salt Spoor --or, 6dy 'm. b of pe casf6rr of mirt4,1 It 'ipquires tbiralfIng -to' f- ace. the a betw !,n lishing -b�vs shep.�- eL lops: in 'G _you canti t make thill two-_pOtner yot -SH PIX M PUDDI-NAG A gs and ever A get out to churck.. I tried a nuM, ws which a cords oui strikes tht trifles and I I the-birill. of Christ h,3 EN -LI ir tippear- no f figed cofiditt' evda Were the 'firkit, 10,0 eaID4 a ear. I t tb i eive the� Mneq. Perh Mtfull aisters,-,fed and' never th-th i� ill Loi. A Two !Gu ap.q,. the' trouble Is b Now. -be careful -to let e ir -of -things reco ks ti. w- essagO. and they at-o-nce a read Inca I," etween annoyan �ion of thes mmeg2ded to me, ng -all, Iievtr T;. t ear and t orehead- in the Shape ces go throu h y soql un ne t lit 'of f! r rZe Plu al I;uddirig. -e ated the same, dievelop, the o eling odgI& tj even Ahi� th bit received no good from their -use; ree., or f6ur pou4d e -Inii ews a4road. 111i4dred- 'recip"e. s6st -bf -4 arraigii6ol, Cb 6 dridgi ter so aid Y, -plUk a, * day in lier 're , twinge. Nobod' mpel them neuralgbc� y C4 -th the Queen -the following was see ft myself one da or� symp, thize.with It, but J" the other T)arply. getting I to your spiritual wealilldl I"RAUTICAL. 8 awaroied t its e, sOrt-t6h. Ii di no a reservioApp 1- 0 Much -good before fog un d of'raisins, one- t the prize., One potn time W en or a six-Venny. liall 4 metimeis pro t 14 -pound llst�, Tile f4 f C-1 - t UNt 'ir, orree of. 1U. ..1114 SI )d .4 ; xten(led merey:to ael anild poun(i suet, el fL t YOU want Your, in �o Y_ 0 le.."I'll try. -them. again, Ing. duces "ho lqpl�pd. fine; three-- e ect -clearest � fLn d your dispogifflo JOckiaw, and th clip of so great -- is -see" qu gave In. -all it I-ri . 3st lifini- L in aaether fair triai; tibilt govern ft SO ankinown that :oat toad imAtfi. all thf-ir fallures to I t I I diViduality is TWO r 0my Jf I e and the laws 11 11- arters pound Istal brightest you el a Ish arp� anoyance. may dai ria in;1_4�sson I., -'where the Sol keen, -dis- JQ, e broad tesimal a YOU th, "r"n "T ord:'. sQ DO 'not let any'a-uh iya or h eumatism Buell lVas Inade vm ce0ting th St. -he L orever. the result -thht-the rh AAd In i thie j�fti "alipps by the angel of th VIS`kt crumbs, 6ne-quarp',j:;pOund of br'o- con C all gone on only safegiiard. tO prove 411' nuMb, m-1 o.f *.omft I I - 'i Y QyoUr ou f Ith- h S1, fl) -1� r9ahim. Lord V) sugar, grated - riftol qf one lemon, one- the hornet."' - perple�klty cbme--across t of my bon,40i, and Xg fsrae, things, -,and hold fgst to thit -which .Is. takin billai ,_6 e fiot "been tWUbled a bit -.-with it ftpq bega- to the Everyth added quarter po flour, one �pound of Perbawii the -6 d' _g und Of small Insect annoy- Out its niaking you bette�. gor, . - o the shape l�� 7of a -'Our old in �bl. p, the- W t Currants, One-half! poun ances will _e fii -government- does no t 1p k b lit a tax o -he thought .- I er ,t �, With proper- facilities", empi -re Z Ownces of -it. rpi- tij&-cau pint -'of to p 0 ai� �alr� lot of repe A evi-I (gr4ted), ft,e e, omeatic' Ifritmlon. littling m I;Plyll tP te solelli4ity, of this loomalo . _: Everyone,!' said the There was actual - d of nutmegs. �t t -Ink. lit b _ntenc .� am d e- a he -.waxed �Vam OV PrDper food, Stod 1* 99!9,! one-half The parlor and 2--Oqaal -artic;es. ;w__s au a a God rals- brandy, one-half pou4d in ifeed the kitchen do, not -always, harmonize.; tial taxes -d) -not mo#nt.to -7 a jilir.-.ou e The Individ his hap COWEI aua a -careful -man elent py feXiM10n:60' - Who Anowi to i a ttend th FM4- - .6 wi-�� e jiidkeii. In Israel. -M-Oull., knows- that what 1110 me 4=430 �aL 1:4-j'f died 6rank vice- and -16 keep 0 'father enli, t4e dofflairg will co T -M a and ,on ine. God a prevailing pow e' peel. much, but In the. aggh gate It in 11-1bris - all. 91 one In for extra 0 ay In-Win.ter-djar er in behalf of. * Ltest questions-.iot the- ancl IN Is Q16 trath." AUtek th OUTSide -'-bf of: curranf I . � 0 to tke Clean, h' nd Of, thp gre, millions of dollar.4. -An 1[ koUld co _y_�l I be drV -in- Au_� ftoulrb 10.6 Ji. ld� -61 16� _y �ftough: eautifully por I eid in the 1:K all the dry in- ..gh Thel &_ , I_- :�w -,.q oJr. am 014 13 91� A, al$ people Is b a. - COUTAry. sonl� ti C -S liave you, 0 ChflsUali, ilao, t j.hi Tou]Ufoe, his kin-duess and eogi; t6ne raisins. sid may be, the U feo& I Ii ort, n d- -a 0 IQ It Le%on U., where Gideon so arroganoy and ariff on-ev the rep6rtei � left- the -shop W.1 - I V-4144bled the - L"an`7 Ptrnafiflj� Y- gredients well t Incon eratkhe �s of t ery annoyai ce;an ve on-- -1; same opWon �w tei 6T A -leek, reig"Rrds jilt God's directions, her. Beat th4k hich are emPrOyCrs;.,-but; *hatever be the1act, 'that - comes- through 3 our a ai� his U d1l 9.1mi . eggs, add t he -tD� the truth ot� aIry Loadaff. VILecompan- .9 t In the brandy, the _we all admit here are these 'Ifisett --might not anlount to much In frigle- tim6 for ba, Mq. Only n .1 statements, -aiLd *1 'd '-witit Ift pf--thb ock M- fivja 1 Pout them over pig d eta given May In the 8, W "m the. Coloiradd --tho presence ol God would I ve ever the �dry inkredients, apnoyances out -pases.-but.In the.-.,. e U, bellef that from, ht§ rugged, nearty, well it and- thorough] 88410 1 wo r an or or X n h ging 4heir. #y, ana athe con3 'to fromf the 'culin&- 7 departm If the! "a great.. revenue of al dt h rful. idisposition L OIS ni- It Is Uu- alarmed. -such at grea 14 1nIX* JLack U 0 a Ura e. d by 17 ent. -a pearaaee and 'ehee thi iprifigw-f- be 0. for,13tr6ell ihe-.he-.4'rt of f old. gentleman 10 -still good-folf -six eA c US MOO,. 'MC890' cauqe to bee eir own -will makeabout or VMS Not C them greased, small kettl or moulds (tbig griace- of God b� not -in d6rouU'd I )Mato Ague it even out, of v� nettleii i nd it ou e In yea=_ Ul,.- -contente the cheese Ma� 9 ...'Proeeft, 1)0' oil bi�. to t a n. POUMITS), and boll -the bollifekeepei, bbef cannot maintain' of a uaitld . V - . 1. '0 _. JUT, 10-ir uu _00 ly -a. am amotmt -Of Auto -- he Ullnes. CbicagP deitreyers hat God for'six -hours,at* , tilci time of. making, 'her equIllibrIum. -the gTace- of God -in Your -70 n- 08 ':1501 o handling ever asisjsts Ills o4edient ch.. reir. The men coint'holfiel Ift: L, th. and six hours ..hen�� t; Q 'k -Pills. _d' �-4 stocks, "d he will God -s. pidvidences - ever. rk , tile for use.- Fit night and h -ear the story of �these" get Ovireetness,but'.Of tIa­wh h_ �ffr. .*IllJAmi0-_ Pin -the, I value. _1 to: happiness fo� al -I ho, Will anno are )peala, y n cold M�k a Serve with, hard", prif brandy ran Yancqs,and qtberwlse I iLte.4nd d -buliderjuid er. when.t s thii, gr4kft r�ment&forsonrethlng -w'' CO. ka-Y. "Oh, these �home rrl t g atest: bloo w Ifta k7r, 1! L4 arrang My bles vird ve- -Y - little'thingst" They A returned, miliblonar nerve .,re-. cep in '03 are small. -small,. aff % -ast 147 e th4t a 'ObaDly ater lie hasp be guided by them. F He �J - . rer - known to viefitm Is; In er falls I SCfence -alld I Zen iftat Is A. ei do MO- to bate. lafmruments, to car�yoa. His RED CHE EKS Wasl)s. bat J 1hey c6mpan�, 4f aibienoiurei s. of kideatidnableiv, 3 nerves -were- 41f u t k-ept by 'Ybur dealet- thV-M jI nevr U010za EVARY J�UNDAY.. wl Op- the wheii. 4111, 6th " Tia - - -6 -W �br Medics fa% A U 0"Ver, -sting. MarthiC, n- atl by, files -A — . hen work, aii-.1a seen In-Lksson IIL Though a Berlin fActbry girl� strungf when Ganges were stung. tt Ill be swine. - tf WOrM, �4. llow_dver., btfi Vi - _!W ­ belongs "k a V I. I d Mam aurt e. ga. A 99 -, 4. : side, God has somc� W a the have'.Seen. th art a. rewn a bax oe "Idi X -59.-b - d- t -- rushed in; �os Ing th4t.111fest th9t regloA W beita clied witl there be1amine andewar, anJ:IdOIatrY the ciedit of ha he hizlp. are It Post paid; ri JI ra Christ.. _to� b1pt. ce mo ffi�-'_AN lid Ingl1bund a newvos- sedl are sons in servia.. 012 every ho are Metit. It had- been noticed for tens of- thous MX Doxyt q :will g1V6 grVIV -threat ak of women 'w are lWith. th.61 card dyino, ptung to stl-., 4ect ann he o't virtue' Is o -long time that Dk. - W 'for,. w te Qne- 10yAl -to Him' '$ Saturday she al in dz _Ab In r ira R be it God S, -love - cver eath by t)hese::::.. byane T ne "'WIN" IV W rve n ��. -On IL a P-, flAtoe campgIgn ma 110. ftlift.-ectid - ­W,.hIIethef6 of In would compla1w, ap.put Aodthac4e, terogs dome6tl annoyance&,* �!!The _piieParedfdtth6-gr t-, Ambf 74 QWW4 ATI tef,. M�a logic, ;0XVII.-.- am , I, - ft�; Lesson -TV. 1�amuel, the I d Of which -always e4it#41y Aliappeared Lord! sent th "t ga Pk t -M - I 11W%0W_ _" riz.,ting oner Yet- Is to conquer these' p in Mg hii e. b et.91� -amall e Th�se e 'all I s 5I -3Z 40 bY Sunday *ould Ydw plape them V1sItw.1 pfince, Els.- devoted Varents aiid.;co U uto in morning. 1 -As soon as Bat- ect disturbance0l, may- say of r d shape ualn0js -Ir-- rkun W-16'.9'' Ain '11101Z-71el Ure-.�a me� n't -of b also h h, Emperor the sery e of the Lordi w Ot, for- arddy c mo arpund.i 'see to load, his' 6 thi at 4e woull -be 0 Ip- gotten The I -which ritatliona. er are-. men bet -fliet-begautm- wax -pp 1W40 ed up* .-M 'a r ftid��Wll b X the 14ffi� -'6f Am not _611; &L-tewd erl witA A FACS swatied In bandages, lr� aud thr, me and _to'11,ef du went th h 'a o1i of -boa,_ Ich gave It, bift ; pthLirwIse aftendft Honolulu. He. gair pel and 'the 01 'Sept inber, 1869; without-joilnit,�,"', t 3hMf1nIt1,dU---OU--,4 43 0,400 - ht �evex 'WX nd, love caw6 _7 e -A WRY"irb _P, hav ib" _1� * __ & 0 _4 't A�, af& sa honore'the ce, who �arf,� �..th_re iomea ... at, - �� I _ M 016.0 U #It oausOld 0 MOT99-- .1-11po A til - 4el- PULIWY As usual. 6, beiis 4 `71W 67 ffls who, a by�.2�1�e 4 ebwaff- rftv",� red a - 'eT%,;*aM I I a, "n boa MW -pat ig suftbutidinW, devi t day fa I'd* A A Ulm the N rifts.10- an&6 Y_ I SO Innit4ittAlff .0 �_ wmA MO U