Lucknow Sentinel, 1895-04-26, Page 62F r 7-F-1 H, - k Q N -70 k7 RAM M_ I N PV aekto L VW� himsolf, v I, lux! WrOM 0 �ili 7- r._e L !�,:7� ot We- W -k y iw� -g, mou MIN U t i C of, rj e jKmens-veiix, vr' Re.- 4eacll 449 ftle '5M Dr ng v amus foxur;a. betw ot it �W REMORN1, t4k- _i�rdenb.- Of. . I . W�� ., 110, W t �2R, W or Per 7 -�f -7 'the I lVeri ing, a U n littler Ward :I*y, -,mm t lit -tr 'Ay & MV _-N we must I a sild-, Said aw adver- u Vp ca 4 7 q, 6ol thit-, to fit p�r. ab, -of a d la, A- - - - — �Iueoa whode a. had the - , all lita %vad won I re;64h%t 11T row, i1i; eme Was setth d withou vaad �oubof.w h 8 ectadl' ralif6je T ty�:_ Ire I 4 Z� ilboked' ff! Wal. 'No pez-8 excepting shee i'a bacir would yb r--: 0- i�art + 4 A— IG Ulty S ton, _00W P te ()N Oxford-, Tle; th t�_ 1. u t th achera ti :e M' if, pitying 2k da- wa,% Wdst h Id Ili* fatq on her guorance a, proipptly ad vbFy All b� J�L -p ron oilrpY. the con. Asbfield: re 'Wop- Itvi as&# ijoith.en- -A I D out IMT e t A. M: �?q -ej fishing is the -the- __: e- orde1v ut --withQut on&,�. as tV wX $1% re hiusim lv�. Ve , b P U-8 Men On of do` f th-rs"-old sidim,_t i jpjik*q,� hi &Aid- �-J- Pirdi t ]=0TGR.S,N3T10E-. N_k IM W4. -,a e fty. b _bt e 7 BOR o1i Ah&h-, D-UT4y1br isp",__Pp one, h haglit 3tr. Turtibull, of Goderich,.he'l� IN THE NATTER OF TI IE ESTA TIP A. vvLu V cu 7 -7"-,' a Be v -ed popul�r ly 11 X1 ay V 6' � y- J; 'se in 0, "th -Th JOEt ST-M—in L a F W-1 ulj 1` :0. ss n4ar. rvice� `4RTH-M MRAY - ,,�,,.:nvwn T �e OF ELIZA -A ne 12th, the sife or IV& nston. of chu ici Idst gab f 'n TAE OF. E4,tr an bath. OF- VILW- t o* -as the. hdt We. rog, 111wrl'.. n -L'LTICXNOWI W-11 L1.81 CLOVERROC T, th4 great Blood Goddir' 7. Do giveoreshness and'icleamess to Ti and cures Ca tis %Tions_ R 7 e on tip 2 ts. � D�.� . . i - 1!4� ink. Ity -on. _d,TA-T_' itkodist church I - bi i W _4 I 6v. Dr. Potts will �preac6- in th I- B if td e� W -h ae it lad b on Frid%y even . . . . . -DE MASI - 9A the fo %24 y6ar TICR IS *I M-REBY- GIVEZi... d' -.�Poys in.- rds 00)aw. V.—For-sale, by IRA PuRK. jDAYS. jQ0 N Y 0, -A- child tobt. pursu�a, a 14, e;s 0, we ha"ve MM- jr _.kv ic6f,the Rivis d St t 't, d se -109 -a ggr, aiid,- 4 1. boti ider --s*e d to 0 M—a -trot t 6 "an -is' ll* "th' -SIUY;h at the 9th con. of Wes Vaw� Chup.Or 110.. that a I creditors e? t H vi lie other i persdus � --having *ciam %awr delmn 4 altos *hisleg,--badly -broken,. 1,ut An ..9 we �Oons con 1, h win win tb MukT4. Ta 11 -pt DIM on -C r6lue. rom ; IV wmia�t the eitkt6 of: -VizaVe -want any ifistj -ticy ru Ing Y, t 17A of thejVillAgepfL i _uqk4(iw,jn 1 j6 C,01anty 9f w". uder the treiatin'ont of Dr. 8 , �.. f., . i .. : - -11 11"! h it 180 ;,.arb requi the, secon4 da# of A�rjj D L_ jL A� 7_f - __ — - the child is doing Ve 'S r. - _.. ­ , - - I. lry�- W di whoj died*4on 6r kLbout tliliy- Division Gourtheld here on ojL .. 0� I'--- - - 01 R- BQ TS T 113"V-"' UI -3. S deces John A or Brueek -,�!e m ff to send by pt�t e-R4id, 'de iver to j § Wid a IT fl, 4d, �f- As usual the rh j ecul and testament, v it V onty or :the Mud deo,',ased, on 4 before I he. arge an were-, dis- niheir of cases wer.-. theiv Welsh, of - %Vu lin poer. ol ice -of tb a tor's of%the-lals of Uh D i Sala* -son MA -3 j thos �rhb loat their case, Ha S; Pr Ir it G�, it Md. 1895 Yet a disinterestod -1 per atheir-names d&esse -tin pariiattiars, f c ot but ob erve how 'impartial - H IS SP I NCI -their Qlaima.pbud'the'n4tilie of th in his d' t-�. was His in eeturn (fa .8jfij..jh haVA. 'e' A tha affix t ju.gemen n�) leld 1by ten4, an 50 6r Rehliar will-bliortly move -to St en n ry 9- blite t 6 assqts of thel th Rid& �n here he has �Orchased.a MEDIC I AR -said de� is n -Frepared- Hoft r ace PQYIQ. 15th day of.*q� �ha Ex eou tors 'and Ex( TA99TRE, W_ cutrix.4 the �aid Will,. will nwlee�,!' f ron! the.-Milline I S F d e, e partle entitled!,, thqreto, reg -in Toron elbee itids %Udnq -only t the clainis-.of vhioh I tice;- ties ibee lqtest no' to show tb ve receiv d' XV. M: and th� said Exe6uto and cu AVD balfabl-4 for, the-as�etg or, Say pa 11 Pentland I -Snow t erL( so istri ally pi rsou- nojic,�q inebu" the villsge. ate ito f S-nriiag Millin w ose cl, cc i I -not hav6 boun NEXT No 8P i L ceive( at th e. of distribift on.* fte. t V 0 wa, 0, Is 9th day of April, 1800 - JUST _ILRRtlttD� Dated at- Gdderich, Illy. placed their orderq a, 1U_ L en ns, buggiesand 'car GAr%,ROW & Prtoul: rom, wlilD hAve B -t F 6--athers, You. is These atttiew We r ox e nr At X: ur CST HER& Wa -s Buy the' txecuto wid lexec, afV KR NO 01 to d o4y n 't. �sh will- bereadylo, 9ho pf the e t Z it la est style -.-in o. �f good-, heavy tin, well maife iance Ids - 'for ti gui rehaser. 1, -his hd mg c eap;. incaps: are seil You can a. -9 a.go6d- he"' `d� tt OR] el factory ca-hnd made C- -t-ed'to- call. 44 extmine hok 6ia ter buv -v6u 0 Y i� fae trIy inilk G'Vajloii, Luckit Th nvi good X th 'of d 'th rubbeirietaliard.Lb IM V -go, y g before cgs 00 e n k` A d they hope nbt to have lots of now, a id 0 ereas zSOLD BY: of L - ?_ gol 1 i0iie, ok-t :ZL alf - a that one season ouf them, hid ndse( flem anyway- r the fij&MS either i ft w the- factory starts.: Call ms !%Oeciilly iwbuying'rab�er garmentsig-.4 fllor� just e 7; n Hai y Days.. 4rickilloizel. HO -Use 0 estfill1g.. S -G TINGIRELOW ZERO. fli at! it 4ttelvlva .QiardsF for t ed -delborift open -I$. Owl ga. w1b Undr'em6d- I 6u cam buir sideb upon Man 6tiotis. wbich $1.80 d K.W. when yoii c tribul. y gp�ejlidid, assorthi 11 an. buy Md %.TjL ev-msi tables' suffered in �fid- hopi- (�f pj,oaj� j - A ok- finish Arith four d' Ired '.0 i an am an money it id -641 Pat YOU. i*:l meb(?d --doH, r. ces Ai a little more leiv�s $5.00. L ddl im rqvement, w d rozen, ont d ii Ilea d crack Oi! .-got haW - the� furn- Oder ess, with se*j6d Berry,' (i at d uch o -in in LadiW or _Geutleman'i to or little. has them and can, selll tWe have the aFgin. He buys his -goods 5t goods �aa, that sp ont in in big q#antities and 'theiefoje -at- bot Tr tom pitices. him for, all lines a -n rn t e. LOCIC LUCjqV(t ALL SB E T' E.SDAY "I �apqr Hangings The lseidsoll'SF P'�$IgIIS 0'. T 30 �Ilt J. C I - - - - ait, Esq., has rettir'ned from* L016 on %.o Will 01 e you n v t7 I week. He leave4 shortly 1 1 av was -in the -ar; Tor 'A b ation eircul D& I kvhs' to' buy' 0 own v eneral ind it pri. e a�a -9 TLE fq til ipo the Pacifit, coast* is: a coinsideiratio� ou an. I ie. -1C I ee-helor has moved hi�.saw %ill supplied at lowe cost th i n "d 'c!h. We will inisv'the: *old- titV CIALever before.' Of 1h 9? 4kigi very much duritil the com- ON -L F.-Av E -ro O_NTT0 0 -D.- -MU t; - - __ ­ . U d 'Buff ofre!-k or 1! nges Z- �Mak- AT ici, Me I o months, Farners (sho 0 ng thi6ir Spring pl6wing in MA j E99.8 th! d1at and Ahe 0- v )Qrljo0* d this week. It is the ITOBA jas.' -many B tt la�i qik knqwn here -fol Q U Of tj -After carrTirrig,on 0 re. ever be;seeri jat bu'4h C451oniat Car'wll- be attacbedto nwa Iuckn %lm$s for er shown in AtE Re,, Turnbull of to - yea now- the- Ry. Ev F e'ss leering 'for' paSt 20, Th Marl, preichea- ol Ili! tulnertius i customera W. 3 :hurch,_- Goderieh ito, 3 1.20 aeon, dat(ly excel ti-,$ inday, ditring co 6ep H. enino guppo oring thavu S -Ap t. -*y jawrence aT n 011 c hi rch Sriuda 6v an elo- ri oially for their he na. quoul � oi n -d and i d tha :6 ghe dw yyj S1 Sermon, SEE 1 UR BAREST. R_ 1L.WAY Af-ENT. He hqs de- - - I j t inter6it g For 11,Vh i Cd s mse of the word, 6: a full v 64M tb n his n in fu re I hous The Hey. gentlemanf s the work m a"A G4 Und o onnot, fo r* I*ay -be -UNI, AGENT ft�wl' aid is 4URCHIS Put VCKNOI L fff N� is PZ, m feet that sliglit 's)lock 'of earf14 tut IDM�EMO CAN 8- LUC 4.j;Q Q 9 A A. It ' 00K, KKOW' K _47. Some' also on the w froi x laldimand, others thotight 0 Positegentineb0ci P DA 1tC=,.e nore in. t1te direction" of the Qa]�%tal- -xi hen the"H-ouse met, .,UIX K CA S c4pt. NTE ifti longer arrived in pqrt early Mt w6od iIr iro "Sunday n orning�. Harbor Master _10.1ilmo. Rilsioa,- presented him P business anc.9 get.t ,re at Liberal emA new silk hat, b(#ng: the e 41111001a (Then- th is Jargv n r S"'"'w jg In U EGG- TRADE. on 'fadtion guaa4tbed: ery, all �repixrs Qf mach v of the &jdinel. A- D PR El 8dyers.- [P ' :1 Chu d D Mi u _A1 and impienionts. Horte- T Atten lil 1:1011t6d to 'o e Atten ur -8 --All fr6s ominenftni L . . - I . . b.. will attendance to bayL b pgg season 1, tUesday Of "Oth permit 'us to Diamond e va ,b at C10, a Agisti 80th Ev ry riety.. r. Fidid and- Gatd-en,, M�Mer& enti6 -'T*' ' thy' e and cles'n. ;IMO 2 -- agai-)i ca y bur att n -to the im- kuploy, 3AF-ednesd %y kindpirdine T-hursft i And St OL US D Ali T !L,V lot le. Mandlin one prttine. g egjg� promptly anC not ding them Undibrwood, FrIday dra Vil -0 Prkeg -and Ask Ur th portAlglin -Saturd&N ey 4th t lowes poss In.this. city last Sum- Mohday ecoinO FAISKey - Stb� b a o7th rices I eggr were -mertholij­�I!Uof dozens Of', Glamdinls sd, Plnkbvton Tuesday Gth A:SPecidli ible FLOUR D W senttol Ike ( ignip, and a ow oth. a di��: wer 0-st !9elless ares. . . r . e- jhfSj;VV,.,0 Co P tens of thous- L Tic fi u Von hand 1 0 T1=6d al W_ 0 aads� of alm. u 'Will b7l Df iy od, souiftdfat or .41 Will a _1 lit ur,. from 7 years or&.-. Will a faiU y ai4se 2 reached th&. market P?.O &-few - and it requires -care e k4o� and In Grij ry- t bec. high. graue -J'11 and -*6& of idl da". if, re ief market. now 16 e, gr - 6' - old. rivera, 151 16 ,gs i d bu'r feW'.q all li'lips. Great A* I �vercome the disf eerie oriler but all" ce n if the I gg is 'Fresh ly )pen -W a choi iskill is vai 'BAKER. 6n'd- 'eu it Yea-ches th _U DERS16111VE e in HE L EL FOR -LV t �,w ot e packer. AVE 'POR :T a,.the litest. v6r�gb. it I's n T Eialle e -nan i e. CON. F E ON E ouil P'e Jimpress upon ask yon to M WP t4aefiiT, e A the Idilli R 02 dwth ill! f he =el. h� al: for V1 )f and le g t 0, i,09 .1300t .0 U e U 3.76,]Mejfs.j&e0d. 'Wot dispose )f ph ir property, pTomptly and r d not ih- f0'r- la oUr. rib ents -e- '08 to imp -nds-6f Grocerie 1 to best;, a:: of them to while to _6c�t MeWs 10bg ty -boots - purc S( t -d jal -1 have Ws sprin iggs promptIv 'erg., F ti lard _4 auce jg yourf t& imPOrt- Lime s:jld -a c in wli er Goads'.Vdlivee d, -ya an -they are at d re 140 -thei LS" r diaQ.02104 NICHO .I also be -all K! M P1. air their 3- regulw] V�. rgpr shipm L 'ANNS -i value� k� 41 Cane ot or holdi ig f a� rise, in. PH&e. Th n_VO YOT e or f� 6-ope.-ation of pirg(jue already MatLe 'd V- -k- -in& ers, �ewon 0M. U-ja business is now largp,,' 061� all e Af th W d matw He on- .01 E X VE- Volu 'e A Oatmed, ga one, ix t# All b A. bre from our & -eL We wo a a ee we,k� -jld-, elf" ble, for re�ftrxti)u 0 IgUS TE local de &-ol nd exporters Aire. -Also 1pir boaft a rp All are Ur LTY + D ON ek4edr ask t e g to icreased We- therefoKe nd, t AT volt V it ruaybe fa 6hin A C s, to ittit ank farin er int as -well 0- JUL Weat side. (if A _n ieii own I erest then) ar. write tor -01USE AND LOT kway* it tel -6st of the trade -general I and set 1 4 f'- lbettstreeQ Luc ou kegiater '3 in pincep., io, keejW'sery US in 14xt oor to, Ci in ice i., Phe house is two sWries hif-ILbantain tg erms TU: La' m&or an f co t LLE Co, S 'be No , j 1. .. . � _, r r 1 -1 ' 6' d t ce -mands. 1�6t is p,girtL of Park lot Nh 43- i de I ";Ie ditr�inv' - 1 1 . ly, to� gi re th s ma;tt�r.tle care a 11627 the -M li season. and ed boar -sev3it la*eooi last iii, hall and kit awill C. I A a V 'y Truly., _14 scre� lso, the rest, of eat P. ainiog.1.3 4 a�res wuh hotise lit Thi he P. WRU-. mjiiy 0. GuN FLAVP high.comaiping. six rooms y, wilI bofor raw Tonxito, r t --Zn(t, ime "Pit nLIEF I six 7ftURS -sale soperatel. the roorpfel% 'er culars-amly DO P idder disj�asea I parti T.9 A Nw. Mi is - -CLO, 11U t hvurs -by th, "Gitk_tV�96u!rf Story KtD__F d Thi y etl], I Dsi on Post has a good; is new repo( dy. As -a great -th -fup iqtegi 'tho and Pd-- JEWELE light. 6ri-adco �e olu ect rit, untof Y - Ug,_ y of Of tug promptn in reliWing am lin the A P. bacli,�sffid ever! nawajaper f n an. preacWr ap -the ac kid ti of the tint -h said: V11 h Eflito,rs- da're'L nat tell aluiost-imine tt .94 _d� %,ld bv r ae the trut) ye -u aid you could not and, ern%- tht- is, your- -me( y, i in malQe-r fivima ierievew che - in epegg and ember of th passf Proa PF y live tX4 per would b& failure. *-U-0 _-_, __r, " , 7', Tj e The Bdb orp -You dre eight- h ed §ii- -B 0 APO Of Ul BUT 6D G ;whole-frat rrm-, ". Ur Aloreo the im ft Rld 4 u IiIi r who wdPat all time; QtA kiepp -treet ------ , ikiio' ERS- W ANrgo had ile trees, d� I eircurnstattees te'l tht., and I% g 6out his 9 FOR TiM alive X the bglg ens iLt ilie fe-%v ab test factory decupy hii. 0 lot or dedd ill not : UlPit -then.- hoi of, the whey, Ifertandard,wi r6e Med, uy, if' the up til 'fto dolit 4 donr�_ At 3abi press, -nnct- t Sunday, and I lac lug �� 4, E JUU Ttjf*jj V w0l. Ond: n ce-s-sary to leave to*q in fit -hit xvith w 0 -wash brumes Thti 4eAye9t`6t st �r tender w6rds, - magn. fying tit palpirL a 'b pecitic Vie he poit go." a antL: after. get acbepted. ift r not n 03 Sm wadi tRy HUDS )N fle T he ones. -,Box 4! 1� -1 uckird-w t Me gr avestonN aro the k HOUSE ANO 1W 0ALL, mot ILE PRt.'fPER7 my son was -lift situa e !ase. 'Tito gh dr�et. L ckn, -Th h adb and Wo gqa f4 an(h 3 Be N, wero�