Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-16, Page 87 a T t A T AL T %A 13 e ouhlt Fetd art. I 6th -yv Sen -ti -bh rhe',,�uckn-__ -1r,;tAC 0 A. T= WF ti t9,CKNOW POSVOFF1094 - Fall ofta Building A Uood.,, r graceful-!. at tudes !.of the - -Jklifferei Tho 'Presbyter. V --�itlsnd 'vi1r 01-- r -'h a hail a- ve .1novemeo swere avu Sunday' B d y of to� 7 1 hn OY FA ry re-il t skilfully ..,pertarmed. eWetotiat W n ham' . next egday,20th Ho -urs a On 8 �ed4y n OrD - quest 'the -members of* inst.,..a 0, dbw'sa: -the. mu fi-�ratiVe offler -to go to �T lito 'toi morning i� og'�- vy - .11AILs ARRivE. h gale ble t the -A reet., ta ic0i I bo 'held 4 - eqI 0 -rill' -3 P -M Ttz had b e old Cameron again Anniversary sery n A0 e on. Lin� st ki & B. Stiutb 6.43 a. ni. the iuper4te -dallcoi.. of arti�-, -n n t him -mio; mok: a, d tit y� J h% is hb man took the rm And on e e - ori -the 2bthiand "I to, .144 t 74 h e for - their' kind 6th Fid-Upa'Aidul ii�� --given F fough 2.-30 p . . .. ii. bi.,) litit dbers'r t 011 'the -rreet.& -' -1 ho, 0 th ir behalf 'I in aptiib Church & B. Norrh 1230 1 Ell Ved. b f, ci�,J I mb fdo r Flolyro(id with Oe d'- -facing - weal]. Q platfo th 13 Min .0 ry - than e aud.i ne 'y an - he!p-1 While: refresh* -46.xt w -11tovinty 1 as; 1conL-idersibl' shisttered.. to I '�Ym d ars Kinloss hiiii aq a ci tiien Y Path ek. W. 4. B. Worth M a! A 'o'bac m4, �:a A -Go rich a. Horde oging d6ne diate points- the. ladie vi ent through thel audi e Is -if th-dr' ay ..s n aeci ing -a Ili%-ery ita-b e but'will Max Wi 0A 10.30 toorn 0 A th m -,call,oii - -oul. Son A n It'' I' ing 3:49 p. ii easy, -victir"" i , -_- � ! - Of the wents `wi6re be.." rved .-sevr6rail of Jnt4rme 9 00 P. M, P. A on du 'One" Wbo wants paver h` e t �Vt esd' 'itiaht !a to& & B. North . . I o ­!­ - I § I icitio-cirth tleme�n as h 6pomry Tuesday�iiand. gerious nature. ace to d fo' a. 0 e gen want. it 4one--,ri PrIbes to su te .110-t Jaow so.!, L.- I;. --itiloss glalicel. at the Ii t after- Lan,,4side.- 3 00 p. m.;-- Frid, on Robt Ferr inemb o the'times. ;h been qultq wa s4owed R*nAway rds -�Son the h ik of M r. r r guest a dding Y ad H. & B succe Ouse, of Ung n a, -tea rn. be. 0 r.. nzip.- at: 'IasC ay. afternoon., f -M e j fond, n south lie M ff, U. fl. -.01 0;,30 Pei P Mr Job -C. H. & 11.-Snuth- LO ­'00 a. m. :he r iden, c Z* A riday' -.to join his I -T!j � - i— . - � & . wa 0 in] ss& sidelef bn'Mo., -Mrs -0 C 1%V G,& -B.Nor'V'zh -20 P.- w Mr. Thoi f, hersoir of 9 th * An Trwit), -an' a 0 T an cKenzie.. in LOCAL AND �.ENE so P.M. . ard and D' uncle Rich' t. r Cr'o -8ed fnr: stable - A -froift h -�a 'e.,idetice 'Vhe0eq oon RAL Nthe th� X Winnipeg. i ni,. str(-(-,c Wegf, -aild rushed do%4n the, -hid wet eJ put i on,,.thp. o -the!l barn, fl or qf rvic ar c6n4olmxed for" xeAtluel lgieade --bie held L e will' -here th r strek, e fi whic ayst built. 9n -a fe ;the B. to Stauffe 4V le. -f-6 t'h' w , * * hi6h! u U eve: rea ch nex-f 8 nd�y 630. nd 1 e) ell! a -hind Chur' iahcr at W11pels. Thqi theit It is posed-th- the'116,me'" 7 s became 8 arf DrAl n- s Subject--4:Four esii�n' - ai e -a ,crowd i team Arffistro ran treet; tu rn i n a d.o w ufte to Carrp )el , d� in on, JU id thei Y. Cone ore t ley callip, answers invite-di- LrdS EW f. -All are t Sl et W a d oar' f, -bu'r tL.t,he open and El )!a, I 'acrosse Of Win h am'- ----Better- than ever—I -in oti-l- Ote V43- 016. 0 ne h ends Lu-cknow. 9 ating iid decoes to a'- -sttid .-near -McDonai 'w -h Willis; Wra' of th.6,11erosse �Wub Tile., to.ngru t' a er -hanging .,In a] I tho liable' Imi a -.on town- - i - offi- of latest -styles. Parties fit t itig lip th CA IV OE : ; ke hitd: o b I off and ac e T h 0' h nEArly tkifn �rok-4n­ the b'- k- b -al pap 0 jleldl, 11 Gou on. T ay in to n who.�W%Ssi tingi anini�l Mel) ur eir kJi led. D Te -In . Irl -alit - P w e wa.; M Ah pi is h. guest o Wi bile rs. 0, ast a co-arviittee was-appeilit­ in lia' 0 his- h arg I well e-bIll C n Max. W h6mes `11 -.do ec qn1cs?': I nstitute -Co n-ceft F a n. on -4 -fail tohearthe or est ra 9 erience OW hott-I trb ug' h Wil He haq morie e ind 6).'caaA;as.t6 t a or the pur,)Qse wateri atth Kale; C -V 1,NU-ar'h:2- ter work n., -dding bet" -fig -the' T r. -tit -Y, , now.., all 1118titut fuftdi tt-)'hold tmfis in er. Room: will1tild Qsin& --ent6flaiii-inent, 1 4 ag�' e o T �re. g. us Me n' 1 'e lad'to soe-U�, A�g n mberl of Luck op�ites e PI-Pit3y rainm IV. . 11 'ihst. T4 e a:W ieg i 9 attend ig: th orin W ith A. pbell,, -1tiRtit te i i i'iv :R � ir 6 i , . 'of .6drich. Leod, f th TO I IT ra ,iy- ey6nitig .1 tba -Alay 24th. he 136ading -The -Pap'ers su: the e d 4 Fine Ca'lf pplifid., �6r I - 40 U 001) Cam again.;. an Euo i4esseg- Ois' wepk. Xr, of the 2nd il- a- . ad' -his .01d Ar� Al �ox.! Pate. r4on on t :--7-GIO re, Gra -0 -0. e-5S1U!1 or Huron, -sold last: week,!ijo 1"' McLeod bas' seen' selivil e -in t n - an r 66 r 48, where Jbhe climate -- 'd shorthor't et el all at� end d a le to- K* 'town 'of Si�a4oe tind oijae arper.4 nip o S, I -t Potche;r- i - - * - Wa n0s of We�§b--- p -0 Ile W6 (17s Fa 4 ohn werit 6 W- Weekly L" Jbi of the Dli,'.D. Yule- Lrdiiiq. Tuesda' y nS-11 thorQql, 'e Am,� ican citi literary (re§t -21r. 'rd Hai �01 ssl0fl Y, Nlrs- In - Mrs. G ant, ell of her cousin all t 6 tin ouths- lipa. V re riab 'M 'ell e 31 A Na tritn6nial Tiff orth' Amorkari RV4'-- Moft' oed - wfU him -to e %If,- tl�onths-otd. Thii calf iA� M-� appears have de. h "id ve-a i�� Oition. f instr of -the:ltea -calves of bis, e Ni w,'Gri�pl J dap - And, - i U en �--We 'ha line f T6V tol iand eeds- and. Se es th-a- -ire ma rg -1 B ce uriq, -an( Re int th order ii ru- Co I woigh,§, I)e-. t �4- eVen k16 -to suppli� e Co nty, �,4 -Solitli t is lnp,14 Re- a t wi) P.L .. ri . �J � T7—Now. ;S the. titne.-� We' at-' -d t e a t a poun t e an 'nd e: eady for,$15. Call a *rs:and- e'keev, 0 ape theyn and New' a a ad twe You pari n a s. ciw Ill. to takf! -V Ir t wok in wil-I be con c aW -aifd �most fa,,; r at -e* co i ositor hich, ntory. Far XP cc--slon - t mer -S lrgsAftute' 06rus- for- th vin ed -that th t Do he I st hikinable finish. mobbiest-rgoqds and -the 8 Room -0. pKee - ( 'i � A.' i �d in is f the di- r Th e Farniet t WL- I 0c. A- meotin(r of t Is, 8 'The R' be M . In" a -t Value. in in ftd p�per hang.ing ounty. —A e t -e nte- I kIes­ts 611, Mer - ,IV 11 be. held in Dunga- su"rpl -1 . I- 1 -.7.1 P c . -f 9 devoted- to t :dec'orat' ric ay IS, -Opell - aii�j e --to the 1u) li'each nd , I Cam' tion on - F TVI a - Nv I 1� n� -the e X ev e 'i Wi . . P% ee a aturda'y at k id I Gt1i ea pic an hicii' -the follo t e' d R�oiil or. Df h r he,, ge I ebi ell .......... e. Pubho -W i i ternoo part Ron. k, rs It take f --D 0 don, Pi�o ean 0. -A. C.4 Pddfel1*.ws S-d�ial, A -at WinnipeX - rrested Tribune- is fall' eg! 9 d r 0 WL% ddfello "re 'in - A. Carrie, Wingh�atn,� J.7. 0-arrOw, p ddge i. I or arrest- �a rldge,,who'�-ca-- tnetor;Afknitoba Ile - rio, 'is filled on and w ill -Ad nonstar,� The W other. local talnt ni L '' knowl 0,ilta V 6f in'th c L -y a wit; Il � -!'A h4lpy 0 The charge 19 ineetimr. .- I ' - und Ing I dr. s at i f r, for�er - gitt Y a' h" e -r, W ­Escape rh'- of the i 'Na -ro; ; brethe' wrainst. him -is 4& U-0 I 0 d0*11ar f 1461161- W Y- J'arn 'tb aile t9,j t at our respected t wA bij.19- to t��S' twos -to t entys t A z�nna la fiVe'io. fiftys.' -Tlia.Tri t -�or Ina il, 4r. 1). cDonald had a and 060, - F -of tild 86C414 �uiie says Ely- years -p esc ape fron -18t tile -00dfelto.. lav, riLq the Lockeeidge isi an MIMI Tied �tiaan-. im n A n2 du s orl h - %% n -iet in� t,11106 - -rivir. H e' w a rece.nf. fres�l 4 RAt R and Ven. A gat s previously lived 1 .0 of.,, th kl or lGri-�W'old.- -His enj b idge a- t t 'fc of r ich y�he. -cousin.. Dav4d,, Lock r fb r dw'llin -,and while in- -'--t ie", It 3 d1so under; rest for t sarA4 d: i Tk of floatil g cjiarg'e,. f h dino-out- Aftar -fir th bad. 1"Jeen 0, a orf 1 au ar ag our I gu.ests serves W bei�, lo.st aPOdd� the. ��,4 awi as tit His ba ane ar 1 -ed*Jn1i �-know i )Fta,b]Y- q Lock oe nevc e and'. fell into u -to, 0 fi ily -tor ant Thanks e but understa'nd, b r Pasb vh X am bha t64 11 r u aneiil judedl­hear�y -welcoliI6. a ddbn the- b6u'1id­a`rv' s�trueture of tf ie, brid nattie forw)erf,� resi M, 11a own exertions p, oura di -1 ­ -of her'e near, the bia P 111) OC i d ins. roiental- east a CP . p. on s ic, ee,cbe--,-, et-ci., was, -01.0 wit no -thing worsu- -thin a 'o . o h W ite6hurcih, of 'the. evor- produced by I b 'Bl' ti b e ms- Oider Norniniates Hi elf range ossQMs. of cFh&r-. iblio ve Ji r e inatiagemept. �pf 4 n ay 11-�A iIit a ma,nifeste' -in. son, 9.. Nednes ht Ab g us' efizie was all tha Ms. J a 'd 6i d.,-' ;th -non r. D. N1, Sutherland -of Sau ge bundd choi on- The�Tesideuce 6f Sep To%tniship,is Out n1t iss, a W d -last! weekA P6r - Er d those t Q -i 11 Ti -Nihi 111L last was; - the see f in es, in Q .4 nP.-O one hLo�e takih6 par the' n he 'ays tb4t'lie -wilirun as. appy eve. w le ajoi Ill 10, -he -ind tits hi. h -:r ice t otr am pr iile i�erfi pen da;1 t. candidate spthe: 4pproach of fair maidens -and eitilint 1pauX,..-lt 419 or t1i th Ali E is. tn wt�a: P -e bei ature. -Mr Sut.l'i. -ag the ag I -of 1P iv s d Y i CAUTC LITH -CO. Mrs.- btt d iAowat can"didat th ''8 -E , u I a I w a- soils daughte J'bhn ith S a erlaii.d--says he ha's au 1004 a supported- rj- Atinie . the in. the local cXenzrie. of e t con '.of r on, ­#obert'.H. If Davis tionl� and the co,�se ativ'e C'U'lldidiLte in Rer. 11.r.'Ual' ies I eesw4f nd ros Xi colm of e per- and. S gle -her actedias Fis bridest' Y. 0- u re E 0. El i B K -the Pominion B16� s that'unlikp f & the - arri A opno eremony. hay I man never 11-laoain -th� Ag-, m iage.c ceive a fkbsh 0 the lviih' he was Upply f -those,daint rubbers niti and W Q T-U-�P *hi was of �-.'With- ioe cap,, chthe" ladies� h-tL an. 9"01nient." Mc. Alex.:. McKenziff-� bet.i in .,Ve been enqui�,#� Notwit was a �Iargo` number of.- - Theri guests cl iier e i6f I so Mae 'or er 'he 4 the--OAtHo W11and Presbyter! Pi es We 0 al' hL t�W cy h sp-nt -and.. therpre th te. ffer ilgo pre e& ts', *ere Lva e 111 some an u e toun'g TO ay eve speei4 o'Maittand Pr�gbyt ous) liand I I.0 Th�- d sdul Th' QriA1 W. F c ety will ie� i..- th P _..Ha In th thoir, wedding-tfi Un 'perance P qu T-desdAy 20th.. one, C ROQUET RUBBERS un er tho' aus x4r iriL e couple tool� the� oarly trat at,, -,V 7h.ite.- hydktian.- church gha I -. . -1 - I M.S. 011. church -for .0 istiani To 'nst at eclock de4id S- h h -every ed- sficcesi i p M0n rge 6t8 and Shoe.9 .6f &H k 19. n ds'- 6�' h ay and and. 4 the d1f -begin. 1 7 el 0ock 4hen thl On Frid sL m Ja -ml ThapubliQ�', ting in. the even, A­ mee Devil Fi After Ringihg the -H of ftag v� enry o Ck d oU all th r ..ed hem6 tiL pri ight tofthe4 Mathe s- ok Ifin-loss ioecei AN&Oo his ces re sopiety will b e W, prjayer. COJUL bytery, q- 7esenf6d. to the Pres anj brother n 11 %1 ung -1111 sh b e inloss, oedo of ied -e $10 -ary addresses iM Octrepas 01'. t -Ube,-delierie evil Fish vaug r n 61- h address,. -gave . v hb n'the ch aid1 an ha of. Gel ev. -1). 1�errie. 0 . ia L near the ion of- the ra V�Aibift n - the gra a -ss6rio la ry hel 'T' V1. R Mexav :FT' M. &OC.'reta ' -,of mouth of il�ei F- ig a ()a entibn d -in t raser - river. d 10 .-co C 1 9 crea s --.weeks t he 0.� All are cordially'invite ideous ro4ti f tur - e Ths a fi n h' usually inha, t bitlth6op'e' eas throu� foi th -4s O.0 e ve, warm p�vrt, o al. ps oig ig 'he: to a t 'ht -t r4ey -the ii piring the Hay. -i. obe. -the- the GIL- en work f ibitiolib - 1. . . 11 tte liti e- aIr t1 -'c ttl . 6, proh is'said that clertaih class of, fish. Lit 6 1 re s. - rong plet includ 0 4 1 co, to ourrep.)-- b bso�i It has n shell and 4o k- but iol n will do any*' ke' e v -has Y, r vh she t 'b rt era edd u'.: its back'. ' e-- less ed he I* Y,, d ne. re�16, e- res appliedi moreipr�l accurat hi sh nd ex� tra mbilley;. i4nd nconical; s..6f horny subst -ce U -sometimes,, ai k. fo i in. f6 PO Js sou d and Geo oge Nbg' which rm,' --is to"the tillers Th' sajig.'. a Ve of i he soilo'L e ry,. )f a jel ly--lik ce -cov a thi Bl' n says.: er n --W h n_ i e a ni a rr each a we -ri - & n., A* us Sea�,`L'Ll.v T -Trade U-Eiiieti t As t 'week bal- e -with' bariolle a [lode eiv6d i -dntrc al -with a leath ry 11 -yl- Th h'e' wits r6c' artily tw `D e tneroq, h dr6d and -pI fins -6d 4- if 1 one han n Q -it -1 i- . and i stones iiiibodded'in! -the widd-le 11ty a d inpue instanl3e. a m aj-1y' e lid, pairs, of f5llcking cups; making ail w 9- W med'ns of 2000 in -'all. y Jasti ei a effecti id of a bai �ey- in. 3 u crosarc cal was itatioh ad, f, V -drunk m taken- -from the su .Uas left Ve wall ention by. n-gy i 'seems be in- a p. er p upon t he'r- I -td'[w tt, --Alnythj ful wos i iste le Id resort' -d ith rapt, In ne ay -and "% -$010L elititled, Iv e 0 0 arge pe large die�nce. The ed -OM a o ched olf- au 14 - _ME 4UTd c hei 11 %A s prey, n at he rsoni "rder - t* eyes ar6.largog 8, -,Go r Merea.t we�gh and kel 4 iightedi Sh very, t of their h squeezer- more m ne c been. f rie�id to r 'hks d rk- like ithos -a st m whi n ino�in: th.6 d of 'pu' 6 C goo space with The; Mouth i jaced''In a. e- pathok-and they are entitled -to. I p - st sold- at. th d taste bi f closed by ---thb arms. It con" tg y dv t "Albion - n othy. r ai rq'igh'-dier thin m. IP is- a bullets.- 'Dene9th this 'beak.. like that Th qngli)g lof Jn 00. b "by which it 'f 4'eds. It m t" . 51y- n and "ith a e ge -he ��theiring- w t�ir4kdy Bar' go, a a Berr. �s Metat in Types o a. Davidson and, s L 11 thick 'circla Iip. around :.&n. orific. a n munition for' the i of a. parrot, %n i$ a power n I e re ect A of -anew and flee 4ike -also has�an. ii ik biag 1 itg� to n ed anY,';m h6tnperance wa r4are7' is; the'wam p alde, in - g -e -e -hi s illey ers, 0 h OFF' 'REDTOR THE -L ST TWO p!y. in'terestiri i Th cneatu t EEKS tt e volu apAuded, ime �as,a mean nee'. It: -has -two -K nd QO�eri­ 4- aboub 15-0 pages, defe n ey'. 4 eir:popula-j! -1 qaund i th St e -p WV M merou- peri us and! the -men s oAiftW-for-the''sel 0%-. 11M. -sepur e ee ions 'he -wh' ish to E '­cIbth eg stron r nglish (with ne-Mi th a-'U� -'If' ns u ra �tions) the. uj�e .t. Q Th V. 'hi the; ind as'soor as: - al ty endhor6 o` a _he w ch- V 6 . Y- -Rev. R6.crers, and Spild at the'16* the Fis, See ei&r - 0- f the' JOW - 8-8 aggil it On do M M jects a quan''I -C *rgL -P in'a *d' 14 his inky: tt 9 Y. t To ated mia§ A1."h.-1*'qs-:dul ike will d t with".- aVidi in I. i0sob- saw a -ver re 's il ren s an&chi d a rea he w, ter L to' -b C9 ill 0, c I a escape A r, -.-� ce. i -we re. fit,, or May b Ca' no I ry -was. sorn st and ;I e in e read consecutiviii Y- Pre6ia. -b h tr nd making rta -Y wit the fiss ire I ce- W -Ed th '0 pro e ught u.D �n- -T be, use 6f this ink I e and - H vinth a- similar result in Ye teryi a- s: me,, V: od 4 texper CP. 0 a 4es the "introdu og: -f : perfo Jil@ig- T4'R�e'r� r a. 8 %v e, r Arrot L i er7onry eaz he rOst-or travel-., R ­ om-1, - - Joredit up Y,'.C. GEUT, de&n,6e- anc ball* a ns of 2i . I b ien t, - Pro Potta illustrated b.Jt - '-the 149 tao, wr was w an inor -9 'adapted- to the coll.ctinor "�jhly it'as be t Poi�nted ff 'h a-etion. -speaks �British - Office who a -or sh Of, e shore -ing ij'he are one d' speoc es ai- d evening, b 1 0 Pi it., a -is snow� utbe 1fresent, Junj6tjoiA� in the. history f Pro- i L *Ihi e. p&ie n to' "'A 'lute Mion ik -could d't t car r.th aim his t w d -j This book mak- be obtained 'c evil. took-' .-and, -4quirte-d7 ) e P eir sp, 'firchison's or Smith's bo�k-.,stoies hi-delible- .'-ink, 918� at them, 0% alrip - -the 6 -6n was unpresenta e Y.Sl i ng thom in. an it ­- I or t�ri 'dingL dit t to "the., auth' b )erba�i On Young bl' ap- faini -d c( Ma an#ndn P. 0. -a ladie� pear uce,*forev, ducte b y 7 ne i ti �ne d Jdlin i - dp -d f W!