Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-09, Page 7127117,- it••= • . • ' 'erk. \ • fs • 'a • . • tp.. •••• :14 G • • r.•• ••••.r • • --7 t • r • ' •10. _ rhe no. LUCKNOW POS .OFFICE-. Hotirs S a. in. t 7 p.m. • AIAILS AR INTR. (1715. south 6: H & B. ISD'orth 1'2' 0 p, olyrood ginlough • 2: 0 p• m. Kinloss W, G. .47 B;1‘14:;i•th . $ aoderich. 1 Intermediate pints f 9 L. H. & B. orth 10 Dairy. • 6 Langside & B. ,S,Iutb ti H. & B.1,14outh 5 &B.. Sioath MT G.& B.N orLh tiolyvood inlough •KinlosF 81). m. p. m, 30p. m, Tuesdays and 3 0 p, in,• Fridays a •4•6 16 30p. w. a. m• P. m Lad the lect no' She Th and Sp the not sho vio 'an 't th Ph the dis Th pi all he -filitlatve, and -V Patron- ail didate. At -a ccifivention_ of the Patrons ,-of Industry of ,West rah, at -Dungan- non on-Tdeiclay' last, Mr. James . COri- noly, ofI4,orter's -Hil , . Goderich Tp• was olicisen to -contest that Riding in the. next election to t e Ontario, e5Leg- islature. rtuitp aletro. Case -Settled • We are pleased t slander 4ase betw Thompson and Mr. this village, has been between t. the part* trOuble arose through irg .of the -facts a been'afljuited to th tion of the parties in School Board - A meeting of the held in ttieSecretar day iivenikig last, but transactea, Was th ream that the en . Mr. Adam J. McLeod, of amicably sett1e4 - es. _The whole a itisunderstand- d every thing has entire satisfac-. erested chool -Board was s office, on Min - the only business passing- of the teachers' and caretaker's quatterly nt of contractors f fifty- cords of he school.' The the fourth de- xer till another salary and the paym for the. deliveri four foot wood -at question of: re seatin partment was- left meeting, of the Boar Lecturer another coldinn will be fOnncl advertisement .a mouncing thr6e- res to be deliver d it the . Luck; Town( Hall, y Margaret pard, the -ex-nun,, of. Toronto, o fl rsday , and Frtdy, March 15th 16th.t cklecl Trout e are t informed tfiatin •years pas law regarding sp ckled_ trout has been as strictly observed as it ld be and that • all 6 guilty of .4 Condensed for S Illeaders ation this. ear' tvili .be-.. plitnished, s the law rig rously enforcedf , Obey. • ' --The weath h .• ring-like fo he p st lnaz.raphic oohc 1 -' nantiti at Lawre rt ' - i • Pure. repared here was only a small audience at phonographic concert in the Methdt r. N. Boyd, j church on Satuc1ay evening" last; e in Mitchell, o instilment has been-, greatly inl,f-: ved since it was here before, _ and the pieces given oulcl be clistinc .s. , . rd in /my part f thefbuilAin . . wish is that Court.Sh rw owill each • . • yea -r give a similar opsrtunity for all to enjoy themselves. • , Cheese Factory Meiti ,Arneeting of the Factory will be held mechanics" Institute March ,17th to reed Reports ,and wind Up 1893, - ir.40C1L AND ERAL annual' convention of ai Educational Association n the Educational De- ar f.* buildingts, Toronto, on !rues- Wednesaay and Thursday, March th, 28th 9,0 2,9th, 1894. 1 ---Thos, ""fpung has started business again at his Old stand with a full line of the ^leading implements sewing - • machines, organs. sac. Ashifield young man adver- tised for a Wife; andthe first answer he got . came from - his ,sister. The. toktioy ,cneese- n::ithe I LuCk noir On Saturd ethe; Au eb. u: ors' s _for a.tgge Sheppard .EXfNUN 0:FTOitONTO Wifl deliver.. lecture/in - the * *TOW LITO,KNOW ;t. lather:of th.el hous.e, who is something s and p nits in c w4ller, lefkfor his onday. last. p ispouts in large on of Elsilion,• is aviscn, Of this oiiars and cuffs hr Palace3 o Heade Qalf dow belonging. o r. Alto4 n r Belfast, gave b rth t a calf on Sa urday last, 'which has two perfectlf .fo med heads. Th calf was •alive' w en .• born. 'but , as killed shoal's af erwards by` th It was 0,„ da .1c red in (31 and was apparently all right- _n o_ er req eats, save having ; ; the two hea s, Dr. Tennant Of the viI age securedthe skin ef the an mal and intends aving it. stuffed La toise Nieefipg - A Lacrosse inee ing was held in th0 011ib, Rooth, .No. 9, on Wednesday night for the •purpo e of re-org.,nizing. for the summer, Whi h was done -.suer . ce4Sfully. - The ---T :- 'it llowing". OffiC6ri i were appointed :---G izE..Smith; captaini 2: i Al. Miller, treasure ; Sim- West, ee.4-4 retari.• .itrioiher m eting will be held: in the Council Cha is ber on . Monday mixt,: -12th'instt - to. trange , about MO holding of games in thit village on 00 .24Ch :of.. .Ma • Al Lacrosse player* and these int .rested in the "boys' il.i -Convalescent. , _ •• _, ,."Ilite " will please attend, as this is this ' Mr. J. W. Arrnstra ng,- Jeweller, who ineans by which the boys intend. seclur-4. t.run thee team. , 4iirit,ng .: the :has been Seriously -ill with congestion' ing mon4y -o 1 of the brain for tnan weeks east, at, ' Lacrosse. season . :- , v . the residence of Mr W. Berry,:of-.-. . : -I t. , .. .! this •village,;- !las . reatly improved ‘-ALHorne " - ... rately and was able o leave for his -The members the WoinetiV •-• i father's hoine in Flo ert_oli on :. Tues.. Cristian Temperance .Union purpose , day last.: He was a counpahied home giVing. One - of their-. popular - i -g -At - by his mother and. br her. .- . His many Ilontes ''' on Tuesday evening-. next: A friend ti- fries- in Vill the will be- glad to the Town Hall. ., The pr The admia- ' soon See him back,- lly restored to sion will lya. for adults, 25cti. ; Chilil- . _ . - - r% his former health. . ren 15cts ; iii,roceecls, for benevolent purpiws. ,-Tat,efrestiments , will, •. ;fie. served fr6rn ihalf past- Six ;till eight o'clock, after! which- the following _pito%. gramtne Wiltbe enacted:'i- ' . ). pills and s quantities at T.-,i,wre - R. Ander the guest -Qt. Miss Fashionable tie :at Stewart Bros. -7 - log House. • - The' Liicknow _,._Odi'zifellows will . , _ • - Iilcild*their anmi0,1 ;dial this (Friday) evening, in the lodge room: ' -Th Hon. Hon. : W. E. -Gladstone has - resigned the Premi theBritish -Parliament, ancl- I4 Roseberry has :hai. ben appo*ted:bis.r.ceisor, yeu want G -hat go to Stewart Clothing 'House Good Tem 0111 not meet or next owing -owing- to .the litome." • Mr. W. J.'.Leadbetter,.0 mpbell street, has for .suitable4 welling .fOr, 'small-, Next door to tO *air. & Co's bank. 30 days Vail can get, SpeCial. hargainti. . Carpet Sweepers at ':Lawrence's.; The auction le Of farmi stock at i -16C, -1 con. (W. D Ashfield, the prO- Orty of. -.Mrs.. .A.;: Mc Whinney, has been postponecl sil/on4aynext. • Mrs: Arin.striiii' g,. her "talented class of p4i)ils, purpoOsgivi4g her annual: concert Tuesday, March 29. A good, prottrOnnie is in. course, of preparatioh.-, . large game i n Like a Lard ..March: lst came ir quite laii.i,b like; but -if the prediction of some - of the _ --- rofessecll . -Weathe -wise come true - -there will beTsufficient. Of the_lion nati- lire Manifestetfnefoie the month is over to Verify the o d . saying. Prof. HickS,Iof St Louis predicts 7 northern blizzards: anesouthe n cyclones, with vlarious other comfit' ting weather lux- uries, such as hail, t under 'arid light.' Musical selection Messrs: KeY & r,e,t* i ning. • Notwithstin mg, all Of *Which - many .peOtile are of Ithe opiniou „that. Addrest ... .... '.•: .•.Rev. Mr. Mites: . we. shall have.7,an, •ea. ly :spring,. Solo.7.....,. :.. '." • ..X.1, .G. Murc160h. ,. Piano Solo ...... - Eddie Smith. • §ilently passed Awa . Solo.. . . . ' . Maggie McNabb . • iate>Arciiibald1VIc101an,Of this village •Fan Drill.. ..Twen young ladies con - Address -... ,,.. .. ...Rev. Mr...Kenner Mrs. Jannet. Mc Man, relect:of the passed quitely away at the age .of - 57. • dilated bi Miss Emma Kills - years and, 11 ..months, on Monday . I . morning at her lae residence, Camp, Foresters Sficial bell street street east Deceased was one of A most enjO•yable evening was spelit the oldest 'residents of this section, by the Caria4iantoder Foresters ad and was held in higfi -.esteem by and their invited qiends last . PriOay -: whom She :came. in contact, whos ett.ening.: C4iirt.:- etwood No.. 50; .0. sympathy goes out :to the -family in 0. F. must be in a I.. . their eact. bereavement. :The funeral, tionjudgini from. which took . place .on Wednesday, ' to concert. Mr. ' J. the Kinloss - cemetery, was largely filled the chair. . Ti attended:by friends and neighbors. speech he wife -a ib working - of the Or - stantial. reaSons w that- the. C. 0.. F. 1 flourishing.organiz ion. Re*.; . :Mr' address, bearing IihilonthropiC work Prayer. 1 .,.; ..- . . ',..•. , , . . - . .. . .aormititlh Chairman's 6.:.......... address .., ... -. .John Mills s .,..t. e. n. Pa ::A.Mrraclisietudniize- - Vsoilooli.n,:..Slo.,..._;:-,....-.' ..: .1 I a. , . , Reading:: : '..-..." ; *.i.ifr .:. ; :11.- e.' ......Opegi81tin Duet. .7. . . . Lalta erry &A. Davison • c,, 'get 'a faskiionable ros.-L-The a diplornat. says . he knew . he had i) - dne- fool in Ithe. family, but wasn't Aware. that -hie-had two.. - Lockie says the Patrons will hold 25 seats in the new Pro- vincal Par4ament, and th P.' P. A. a+,cording to the.Globe declares it will have ri equal number. If both pre-, &di s - are verified there will be-' 'little left for the old parties. ystors, Ates, Figs a Oranges, Lemons, Canned IGoodq, a d all kinds of . Confectionery and HALL las)ii-s 'Ana gentlemen On _TliETTPub'El4 EVENING, 11/1A.11,04 15T1l Subjoct How ,Oecret Oonfession to the • priest degrades our Canadian jlonies" • -Biscuits &instantly kept in hand. ars-ofthiS village Tuesday evening - "At_. - j. also luneh! served at dystets serv6c1' 1 hours. Many sty)? at Moody's I io . • ' LADIES ONLY f -401kT• F RID Ygo. fERNOON r MaretilQ,tia at 2.30 o'clock. A lecture will be delivered to' I.A.,titEs ewer on 'the aub- ject "The mysteries Of Secret Cpniession, or reasons why priests should wed"' • gi liestaprant and Confectionery. ',Down n • Pitt4iiirg the charity, a thorities decliiie to . give employ, • s lt'itTsa41 to be:a matrimonial booth: -tr"2 • FRIDAY. EVENING i Lecture to ladies and gentlemen 'on tlie- 4 rience- subject "Three 'Ireaes'. Persona , tne ' L . - 4, 11 1 • , ' el i DOORS 4215 -:!AS • AT el. -P41. LECTuRE AT _al. ' 'n the *Convent " ADIVIISS/ON OZENTS. * are weldome ent to unmarried men,, and the re -1 March 74. 1S94.;: althus' •• theory was that times o:-1 . -QUaltuy ,a' nd ',' Cleanliness' make a plenty were pairing times, but thw-strong-eor4binatio4. This is why the 1 ise Men of pittsburg nim at at reversing Beaver Tibacco • is . the '.‘fife;entlems;_n'ii. that phenordenon. • - chew." - gentleman's _gold ring was fund in the village on $aturdayi Feb. 24th. The owner can_ have it by proving property aid paying for this' notice. • The. . regular meeting of the Vtroineh'i Christian Temperance -Union will be. held in the Oddfellows' Hall on Wednesday afternoon. next at 3 o'clock sharp. Temperance workers welcome. I. 'Lawrence always :leads in pre- pared, paints. The spring stock has. *now, arrived and •is large and Well -assorted. , Now the time to .buy.. - -Mitchell has lost another- of its tipleri. • One morei .sUbject 4as been to-the -Oakville -Gold Cure Bar& tarium for.. treatment, and the Rei, coider adds "There's moreto follow..". - . f bOys' iiits and keady-Made- suiti at Stewart Bros. -The Palace - • Clothing House. -- - • .i: , •. . _-,HM.r..T.:-.-.W. 14_,cei, i editor,.of , the Mitchett:BecOrder has issu.eill an. ' ad: cliest to the electors Of ,.:SouOir:iPertht -and :will ontest th#.. .election l: 'on._ : the •platform of 40:1"atrops_ . 'of - Pidistryt flouri shing cOn4i-. - : In a few daYST. Young I will have . . . . , . he, success of t1.4ir, a.large stock- 0 the cOebratektWilkin C. 'McIntyre 4ali- sOn -'plOughs. .1 Farnaers, see lthat yo the .Course •of .:)lis got the genuine plough, as . t,i0 ' is -sole `ef otitline , of ;0.6 agent. Next - - week . he - *lilt have lit er.: - -The, mooit's0b- ;40oci: stock �f clover ' an timothy .seedi re- given to ..p*Ave 4. - -4-A- Walliertoi- hotel:keeper ..W44 one . of -the .- in*. :fitied,00-.- for :refuting t� admit the ions in in theI)Ongri, license inspector .-t0earch his premises ills -gave: a shOrt: ;The -hOtel. keeper appealed to i -0.agocle riP4PallY - --co-jhe Hall, :but the .courts refused rredressi' , :.6,. We li..a.li,.e...onlr a few', . mirel,of those i - of the 0. -0, F. ;Toc:i . - - • . ,.. - . much praise . -onnot be given li„Ari. ...issfi.)1,9arpet Pvreepers : left 1 and you monies Band: boys they :did their part to the- entire satisfaction of all. They s..11°414 :Pt cs.ne4qw,' before Otimetkeing your i Ter.in.g lulus!' cleaning. -T. Law. always -cheerfully and courteously 'Tel - -: :._. - - :1:: - 'i.. . - sponded. t play when asked, ilhe .rpnces.: . .:: boys are fa orities with the Foresters. Pa.rtelif- leaving i'.their Orders . at . M i$tes.T100 and Smith 'gave very fine- Stewart .Pro!i- , cf4),n rely on gottiAg .4' firit-dt,s:suO.H.Pe .1'14ace _1 Clothing. instrumental selections: -which ' .i.ii.ere. • -Well received.r A Isolo : by Mise Mills- ,.: 91M.;*- -P-406P. work don o 4s Willa:- ' :._ , ' and a recitation 9 -T. Reid were much ' '- Murray'i NOW Bl.CIF.. -appreciated. . *. Reeve -Tames - - kiihs, . , -If, you intend: - building this syear D. --1). YUle,landj Ines Bryan-ralsOde... it will:be to your advantage to -call it : jiyerect short: ,sp eChes. The latter- Lawrence's .. and -:gethit ; ifirieek- On complimented . th _ "Ordet - 01..il the -.Waterlime, Portland CenitisnIt- Plaster soundness . _Of - th ir financial ' i,14sis;'•aris, nails,.140,-.1,00ks.,.-gla.0, s,,painisi. and advised' 11. : piing ',Olen oils, furnishings, ,.-etc. . : His, stock is to take' aclvanta e. of this excellent 4z.0.plete and prices' right.. - - ' :-, i society.': A, mimb r of Outside speakers --Editors, AS, a -rule, Are 14'4 :heart. were- . ei,tpeeted: tol !;)e. present.' . :Their *c1,- and. liberal.' --: An exchange jells of absence canted,. ii :-doubt,.- some 444-7 a subscriber to a , eettit* paper . • who pointinent-Und r the eireuratti4-ces: 'died tindleft.fourteeu , years subcriptr the programme wal1 that -con14 'he ion ..tinliaicl. :- The editor appeared- ., a expected: 'pie b11-owas. 014p,, 'the grave as the iita was being-- screwed; tuoui.i - Too tnucii, - praise ;nit: be down for :t4elasi:, time, And :il.ut 141-4- giire4 - the IlitdieS .: for . the - - excelent1 linei.duster, a-. - thermornetei, a , :paint repast - they .:Iiro ided. The general 'leaf.- fan .and:a receiptfor . - Icing .40%. . . . . , . s,.. .. . ,,, 7 . .. _ ' ., • 4 • 417 ••••• - -Cutting Dorm The • Grand- Triink, not _finding en- ough work to warrant it keeping: the .'-freight train on that has been making a daily trip between Winghim and London,:, announces that, hereafter, the train will only rum ever other day. Trtiat is, _ the train wjill leave. Winkhatn- -every Monday, Wednesday and Friaty, and -leave London every Tuesdar.Thursda7 and Saturday. -We - understand a -big • protest- it being made by all the tilif,ces-along-the line against - taking off the trains,- but Whether- it will be successful or ac4s hard to; say. Reeves and Deputies A re6ifil has been ,presented to the Ontario q Legislature that ttie-. total nuinber-Of Reeves and Deputies coin- -prised ifir the various counties of On- tario in 1892 numbered 1,149,L as - against 1,093 in 1887; The aniout paid at indemnity in 102 Was.$55;456is• as compared with _ $54,235 in 1887. *; The total amount of the assessment the different eou ties far 1892 was .$601,447j58,. is &gains 1 810,000 • in 1887 - es on the do a in. 1892 aVeraged 1.881or- both the year .hamed. - 7 Siincoe hasthe largettiminber of Reeves, with .03. '0 have lust received a fresh, supply f those dainty rubbers' •vrith toe*cap, which the ladies •hloive so much for of late.• Alt .sizes. also special value i CROQUET R - • • 1 • , arge stock of Boots and Shoes of a prices right - kinds on hand and ••••,111111111111, Is_ onl their large a ock a few orbs " to be cut saws cellen OFFERED FOR THE who Ng is SS saw rice, will 0 calling ey are al 9 WEE •