Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-09, Page 5717 L n Y4 r1t, i. A A Z. 14 Mft TILT - T*611"vyev, Yearow Vs�"ovis AQ ''Hom a A;: I selurte IF". by 96' 7,� guffe_r6d, f6r 6118b ISSUE -NO 11 We IFT. V16- -he t6inance; is ova i� , ) ip _41 It ig'danem-t CODY G Oreides (fornwrly. ft6 ILT I -LI "v to SAY ON Novi PENSART Vor Cupid has slammed- down', %e �over _the n61i p�jnty of time on his 861ne wag wl AAd vvrit ten .1 - 4 t 11 Jay S Qafttkm6i-�-A beaft" g vith gratl� hands Quite s I her Com tuO promj�ts f hunting 10 �ja$ ConoeivOd *0 idea i t is -the- tale lie hasm p n, he weiks of; an the. prominent Sift -for the -par- tbrouib Sweet, short.18 the text for a tomb, ly W1% to "to You, -Twelve- - Agfl%L al -th that was s n#ton osi of ga*�ring &AU the sdj.sotive utpr+ Of love rLd a you �Anieilosn authiqrs Engliih and a with e.'Pera-nge' whielithey qualify the, w cbe- 65 Is. 61le 'St signs Of I though be -.a long st Dry, by -an Then a§hes and, gloom. and Th L t It'm F ME" old kisll� The ro. of t fil A serial never to stop t "Fag pveA -in that kisses "k FA sulVof hI6 labors I thought he Wag wi y my phy-, (391A,'warm, loyq burAlA99 ChillYp Poo !1.1 lk Ory,. .1101116wo t liealth I COU&S, Coldsw L fragrant, to did coah And not for the show- DR01 18981 CAME i fibrentIo ba Diseased MOO& ritini-for lot with two We ak LU blissful, meitonstes But no. He just scratched a I rKc A-ohild e&#. caudy virVy. ad not be IS most A That some fee poet m 1ntek?c&thg, fonciwb ight sin serious m tter sips-nalvel ones if 003t; Woed' long v (It almost woUld pass for a pyrhif) - . . . .. I loull tiader, be ft e onths! 4ifeemblings ' 4J6JJQJ.0afyr *ttle, short thing. 013- provided 111� A 14 Mell.fu)ns an& Opod recipe� entwith distr guiltiog, heartyt trantli, fresh ir Docto� -cleat abu d %noe, -situiday afterneft % suffi z .0; r_ , tho:m9dIngs breathink,fireq divines fist=19j T�hbught%s ngohainLoveWis eaving 'red bet tro etc It a g �d )Ims for It And e ore eroe's Favoiz.- _h&nd., ror str to eternity's b escript gladi sad.. -tupdrflotal quI669 leads fends _CoUff very orM B-iit the shockles -were very d cei ing, .0bacher's sugar tl,. besb to orvib�le, do- y- ost ex" nt,. perehing, nerva I Wo Iiig, loinineuel, ferve re -mothe t I go through life as a so ge 1 t been for Vou an Y, '-r medt. &03dong dy- to begin 110 mmend Alas I in Love's book must the re f low a gobd as' ith.. Nat the white �iue- I W�ill,reco dy, noorefi wo Chrioti�as diepi, the pretty, n, nowe k I hesvenlys, ixe Composed of one -link. =8 in maklng'thd 8VO`8tJ6­ kus. WTUON AND C 4, trio oil' name ail 6 d ceilent health' d dm bbil dreams turn out just. as ho ow Engligh Wend gives a pretty ceufe In -m r 've, and my ousi 813111188110 stupefyingg, alights as I Y legs, KA lit e= your ao rawakeliv, mute, iavishin, hc an a que of 499or V -he lonf-r as I fit ge after page of ene eg rtei oil �'Ozund Ing, electrifying, east%tioi hE until sn'W lb,444!p gra upilty &'. It any doubts th*. 'ame and oe *46 feverith, fm:medi# d 91*0 iLy Or. else was- thit -little love p .9 R44FM ried, n%rc th C -took but C% c opo�&Ul p. fe ta of vtrtak and aod#� slfb0d. Yours sinerely, fa0hiess ' `f -Cod Or M, :cr - - Ian% libldine, ivy Listerly, broths Ik r � L 1V Which PO eg, - - - I - I . f ste. l4sciv eaija -0 tap ee med Inter. Deslgned;o a sorD ofLa togeffie flave ly to PrO6 vith! ISM4 juibe Th6 rest to be prose 1 fi rla& Drip 'these Weakness- 4*1 al. Th p tai�, a' and . eur� Jjd_he g&Veril, UP.St es all of and grate a Vory Wr d Cni rted a utWr abmb -thf�a in-JItes on L b %9 What hap if -this chain that es. Take it,14 in timd, Ao avbrt -Qrr n �%Ird, J a alew evenn lilghb ANVI As prose or as poetry rank, and bake rg va k �6 long as -'the book Cupid staftecl -bravVn Md W1* a. trbAd. ihin op an, Ott h the Usts illness 1,1 -CO4 Be not left a�blank I The wh6i Fruit W9 A min 46d 801 ak-side Vo 611*9 end rse it. bail wa itly r over, t4e "rl Tht d Uty tdi O98feoei rate. known .-One mocha Ay Creed6- )f And&W 00ten'. of- Win colintTe ly. h re i it -the' menb 4ioc t#ibtes tfi oranges 6 , I. - il I and pl bho: ead'i nt'29 n easy.w.6y �Mpp You ask me tb what church 1 11 -h kiese are ;,rgrites.: Herets 9 :oh.opness sin ior the P1 Tmej ho It had':'l P' M0 sco, wne, pi and f T, o none, and yet I love GiDd;.s te Of avt Bel t9le. An Dr�ggist at Whit e f six is go .9 a re d Bs%t - -My life is shap�:d and moulded by a -need - for their use. Every hoosekee ce pir a ch d -add A bal&po�,nd pf -an simple that.� a ma st�nd. but not at Iff th6i they 'the MOMA yund should nab t are a 'par -ot MIx rag love -the hving sdurce of alli t 5 fA!r and atir natil t1b u r 'we VoT - AM of -at least.,one meal every, da, . Jfte'* sie "li: Mrses and CattIc 01C terad u lovL abd I try my feliow-beingi, try S le -g _F'"% SAL' the com y sorV :of dra 30o which use Didek aid- ua lit one a lal od' Purif* r -op a anLf%l:& JjW inch '31PIrb 0& but- better tM And beauU oil earth, in sky nd �wa di I pen bsklM tl 44g of sprhyg an W: to,niauy To do -as I woulcL them, and I a tato 'TOY DICIj & �Co., R. Box ft.-: Farnis for $10 (4cli. -.have them do sugar -lign" ov'or: 0.�_ U2, Montreal. quiok oveA to ti 0 or 'km I - r Is- 000" mra ai4d g"w pe"Onos and -Will do aws 144 S-2 th7 I. am not orthod= in all -my vie s�, noaesBiby �for sueh a thing. X should 04 A 0% 0% 0% Mu Run ra tbW7 7 I[ Cainnot shout is praises to th brm t, ob -hot bkown 0".7 in I UT SOOTHING 01, be-, uin&iatsod- Atowev that the Yot fam iis childr I . - - er,, �! .-14 a palette knif is jtasbr1gh0-- SYRUP. - flexible sure we are W1NSLU_V1.0,., a- hi lift ffiam� -AUG welt, ,"d that He shapes our lives wi hvurpow ­ enly ratlenal and haalbb I woy to slit MRS un -itth DR9N,TEETHINC ''dereac- 1. Bmls�her -situated Owverde Mr then -Wagee ii. to ."Oub tho'm or. so the graw the paper acoop out the selt con e, tror sate by all P tm6 25 Cents a bottle& In M%tha�4 Wsllav�bv_g iw4 wind' out the jill and fte I thi- if we rea( out i he ng an l9b the 1pil)g ki a -Ili a n �h 1ping wMent hi the Mouth -of -fibre 1 0 'BANS* t neb 90, is hat 11V PTkV BE" M. To thase who fant and faJcer b e way— su I V�hlppe 'the even to dr' Ipere or, 66M indew to digiath. 0, to the -by dur sympathy and kin gmd.'put e Wd dry sidea to this Mak a Mobhoto 1-101 Some, - sorrowing -heart fin, esg each saing oBe kur nu nd prepar Real-iEstAteAg n days, inia, a the to friah it e ts,*Averl�, Virx G*t O*taii their obildronlis'allowa 0 f oralije�, Pi I adft geu!ervad 164017 Yau Mu t -have Brez"ll t65,000 acres each, &a& those and other ore Anift if we ever catry in our hand moth ithat Farini,'for salej'50 ziubai_- p ecomal, h1okory until And almelidg, 461% Mi, - , 0 Have 150, - - .4 The ma�ntle eet.chariby an g�ace. -dlildren olet . eat-. thoth per waye rito 015 per, acre; near Norfolk W -, Rich 1W n d .6180 wal, t Oh-' them-- rg. IL Eight 66ins Oassing To. shield the a1id �erring on s -of rt4 eea * OP 11; If teaching iq per d in. T p And lift them -0 to a e-Qaurr ae zl?,'but b flas en4ujh t hem da'Q. Catalogue with; rie of farms sent On 0 101000'. gey wi ihona! w d Petersbu oni�n he. -a $hall w 6ran#o at -breakfs ei the ACRES. of sbrew the hick O's-p000t loop applic ad believelf ou 0 ef:,Uau Who is convinoed-. tbal 'coffee hurts .01 r incautious eet tim pan %),.i hal b Wfth 'R OF LAUD Then I a M FO L vain Olt greasibd T . - , 11 Should wandtrbut where thor s nd thistles 09 ill. be found Gus ofl, the nie hii hi ivroh the- mi%U In the fabaous d satisfactory sabot tul Wheat Belt of' a_row t b4bter mix in -for,bb: w t SUd the Dakpt" i SOM9 0 ral phey bh--the th�'rst whi _�m;d lead us where: the living atc'zs flow. a we- can selt.-Y. im He.still ould.folow us.with bo n eis love,: on d -led - o' )go and 1�m in - pool and drinlk': coffee, and -seem a o &fford -in lands In the ni6it. prodActive. portion ot A o? finely -chopped stwied dates. or, , quen provid.. or 1h If �in e0m am. For I siie lTe DIanted in our- 'eats andi of United 8 on reasonable term& -For' UK Boll your m%ds of i*0 pa h1ch seeks a r4419f to the lassi tatm sugar an d�rop of 31 culars write to B10KE1 The-1-Inpulse d by day 1ADB&M s that move us da. a Mip of waer" uniod a, Broww" Va", Tvinverse ic ca eakness L Aad all our w n uni erE tand, IoClonty Minaiwa6ft. th- Wha tes 0 n ot� If r. A of Ha'w�ffi not le -t us drifG too far ELW,,Y. pe 0 ljtisl�ed- l4moiA j41 -ca h' d th ur over ith 10 1 mple ci a-;, rna?k- i Ao 4 qui;zea wh a 0 n ACRtS OF LAdD 0 a to cool --before, taking from th6 pa� rsalebythegAumPAun That any little child nl&y und(rstand, Aj2d 1 �elieve if by this A Led nit' SOW and I t ard s Want -Cures L Pe � -i - ;� . A 1 0 01 Our fiveg are. mou'ld-ed, we at last Ab411. find 1 4 W. DUMIM RA1rAX0A&_, biekla checala�e duAmiels araut*aigy, much ;&.V!.- A Val -viable Ma new' Itlen ol thg Beyond the sapi3hire sea a ha, these e ob-008IS00 all. I To A COM.7FA.�!Y In brlz�nespta. Send f0i *ape aud Cinmw_ Irardy, -in Bos n ored by who 11k A 9 ral 04 map of 1 he 66ut to you —Mrs. L. Olar.k transcript W Panneylvants.us just been Is !294 from the. ou�pful for. two caps of grated, ohecolaW and. nt-of Internal Affil b* J. Satten pielono Be F �*sar!14 agpi; Tur WONDET OF THE AGE two capb of swsat aream wx the molaWea Wall, while pie, Addim' If HOPEWELL. CLAR If I da *th heiress. tb n sit on the and choco�atett a smooth P2 its with M_ - [me -and oan In the i T ACTS LIKE A -CHARIWI stairs, ara,$ $.ad beil' hAlf e� h -aur i . - Lan a ths ore es d 109. IT AFM n- to WINOUT N�m And'proceed with much to �6an her, a ol� one cup of br' nd, 0 a ol� clu e It, wskes your Haoda. Soft WhIte. The mas. bound to come coW d powdered a tvaspeomful, of affairs AUA vabills Wives a hoothy appearance to thie Nkt& d' linlMet the ieft and pus -cat m, er;J 1"lar S Restorg Ina p4rry t, tho nilkburo to eatencer tc S e. Pour *jones-1 ve eea earchink y 0 don't move, M 4,-maik, wbeik nOatl s buttere di fixt 0%46, aia 7 -CUMM of by yoit, de�Lr, - . P, I 1E 8 Eleipt4c' Salve I WAS Acute'. Broholittle NOW.TeFind MINARD E[lih ad low--aso im ri�dent- illy cold, Inte' azna�lk square . Ttanspirent Oars jnae- no. equal neat Xboam6, Thoughtis warift th �0�d Cat s;� als: are.�apids of -the cl bot'ea un- 04wkJr (quellng) the world W Oar P*rup., 0 B if 191andfle J. M. f ld sores. scrotulow MG -M14 I Reallj,. I fear ]HM You7n catch dold—comes, love. its oo emen, v WA OURED of F!oW IN rgh t11 it bardena"n aeld'-water, 1171ored WIth dbein% know-how the other al ltvib& an DINO Ne- 14 chilly essenoo WIP9 Cho all our, so ped H&Uft 00=0 BOIL .1 esjxm� t ool MINARD'S- LIXIMENT, 'the -1&0 lavor is need Add a1l Me - o8ohineAl a 0 lurnot PH 08 oiobrg-nd find Out. t W 1-th a widow of �veal th I chance to con- 011* Sao Nipple L, DAMMA. and'.tha ffqu�res are delioatidy-_'. tInted *hen Eby% verse, In"Iea M, AAk y0v*, *AM CURED Of Gunivitlem-by cGlda- X60. 08 And- creits &most ple.%sing pre., sion, ftard'911=611t 101 ID Fri "060 k MINAR M: language is, w4ty and poin d a: id terse, -Ore,,. o&ndies- 'are WS LT 2�1 IME NT. -T -She is juiir, b6t the point of con essipn 'out' th: e are thel seft Albert, Oa,. X B. with king at all es Now Nov�ls When a friend. takas iidr o- with a blatalik balls"in d Ur ruts to be- covered - "With aside. "Sk - it -he Mewing novels air* p at*4 t9 be. Melted 0 ell The nul- for thoge must Yes, no do�ubk dear. the ma may be fu n a*% 9 tied iberbly Eau a Me U csrda ly* orsoied, %a eikd alf 191101ild W, .104 - Bilt, though wer of'our set, - t it ban't be d False f .:A hied - goat. An excellent Ord fs� tho i�� by- tho authot 9+ per, ey. Go Fire th 0 for mon 00111pe That he% knoWn' a, be looilki ore khe WO pounds. of DO Se v4m te't6 -boil together gra. Raisin Old Ten�nyso]n t4lked of true ile s nugar.all a t6ca�lul of -1 watir -until it i�b and OD MI) -rest; abhor of 14 reas 8 to, throads, ivar W"Ibh. v&n1ll&,J-take­ the siuce-. s -as e- -IF 'erwi -a t"I ft- 6te- of guch times- as 61 the, ityrup M of which s He'd have:foimd, simple. faith!, do nots an1fro the fire and ::r,- t I mplisteset of our 13 advertisem��n T r UtRV9S SEEDS as the bdstt xemny, 5, 4 Th4 sit 6.1 15,* Aftd we wilt &Ue* p�u twhat zt maolilue,W&A, i 1.77 this Year, Phd m4kP uP fo Tim e it, into �bsfls The n4d In r lo�t time U in -the way c. If ent in aU a4ow time Zy it at - f p easant 1.1 wr halt a' _VM-Umtr - rney ch I for 1&44 will What iswelcomed as.far th most I and1pren A6 the #resent, day it bl*%ted 161i �'Ferry�s,Seod Annw ae idi.sr s2ibserjUr to this pix by --glyie YOU 111all.1v vaivat)le" hints _4�00%00, 000 mile sra'� an er iminediate wbat to �iase ari(i how to o'r and r§ favmJvh* are Ink 'a sob abioL V lim, togethir wfth ae -mine is slight - y t m -blood it is. AR bid i u -Toi, is the &Id6i. rel I'll A old, i a ai -dataq Q1 jag be! 0691. iy In Gres it P rm not lack �X L ' fMeae _019 b%lre ri As.9 dipped igachine 6 Britain qiie., and.ftoz - rais it TA QLVALLOW TU ink -in qualltlesg!,!,ntl�, TOWAR�D 4)4z.0P4)URNzWLA#GE-SEZE, ALLS EL "Ej) C' -a one cber M 0 4u*b 'or a :,phe- ion'to be.,h4 froija no other Yet rm Wantijig i �t& substance, i la�W e,,ied ohscalate ai A becmo 4he a four -W.0 se -half '-of - thl I source. - Free to -all. ORTH $M OUIYL ond Feed Cutter W buy one person. viz., kold, it hodolat s' the�cath payr 'This make nei�i only $15 for this Fe6dfkftw,, D. X, rerry & CO. AAd in 466,nsequencd-r-ink dbt im waich ill be -found 4's supori?r to IMLY now in Vi so -as r1is ry Jic -Yvei7 ody likes- nairls sno Whidsor, )rmotor was to anythirig in existencLe When it firstppezr*4 We. A an ive comp ors an t is - e4ly gam- arabi Dissolve six HE dw dr but. R d#T rom the e e a r, the, -steeL p A 809XD*PJ&0 a . . k d4"'I"VASSERIS W"Ift I ie trade lu -ee a kennotor on thfi-ou 9ti-bes,into a 111019 b4fling - '.V Farmers' Friend and nt Book," I ixeod and Ste I fing 'Tower h in dwiUsandTowem Thetalent hichth ermotor armge ing aud g, revolutionizifig, oldi & e windmill bunum rrovisloa. rshould Be for It as- water b us b4icapful I enough strain presenting gewate -cotLn 'a y aS S]10W'n 1"OTT 1; pUt transaetioiIS' -4 gheet6- �etc. st the world, can bet ed to Man elds in theagrid Bulldifmg Progre so and; add &,psuiad and a quar r of sugar,, with yearly uuanl 4 Highly6commended. One as all C�Ay OPOSErs US -0 -Wbafit can do*yAs -w implement line and -it p _k _ _r intooi b in-maris mid s,,Dir o r the fire 'until -neatly . 7. i - sold -in one n stiff � I 400ebPJes 0. 9end bp�r -,tpa�nuifibor-,Ofarticiesi,,niaking tbernisteeland ngthaza , ; ell 'for r 16 am& md' f6r n kal - -stroke, as vvras dme in the C� And -terms. U - 3ing V stiff take from -the ll�a azid-,'stlt Circulars GANANDQU� I thiir fin4l shapb, t �f i I - — - — ----------- of the.Windmill -and Steel ToWer. aud it proppses to ftumld& spa Meat- hich to puerfebt sound,pro"911i at least h, It lot' T6roubb.. them -at a greatly reduc6dpri-- ,a, sud thi roe or foar nitnut. Beat'tosetl the*hIte Cutter.j ly be furnised-M d*ffie. -b bl A ThisFeed and Una geemsve be 0 THIS MUSS QV 4 the oove terr� T GIVETO carrespo4dent. �of, the' n It gi I - - Wring aside t -..)Ol. �D R EAR, TH CLOS q 13 ADVERTISEXENTS A CASH VALC-19 OF $25. W�.shaU speegg da toblespeenful If coldw0e.r GENTS--�Our, ve Oft W Endorsed by doctors and scientists. Every,' other articles for hich welkili ece I t e Y2 fab% a pt Irbse aft is memb w 91vail t114'f 9110wi 9 m0bkk9d- 5b roh", fl.%vor. ith a -�A B!,b rStbries17: i v i tables j PRO of VADI'll Eirie $5. Manuf -sing e eopies of em. in part� rmeat. One vvfll be a Sbe& lumn-� p es,,Ltwo hunqied home shou14 have'one 0i 4"W� . - i Hand Truck, in w ich we feel a -spedal twide in sh�_wjvr' .11A as -jrevAers d tipVrovers of a proll on t - And six beautiful ougrall Igo, * Only f�, , - St4le artic1m Ihe *aft bo 0 Mal tured by GAZT. 4ELAIt CO. ftna4bque 0 skin, td ir, to 'a vory z? ulti 118 *011 0 -iug%r a an awl I essonce best. until frost th Ad otTe Aouble qo ?UPEN c*3QiyMW4tei) uillao alga PV s -7. __ AA . qua ke[a obit psat e. 9 sob . a 9 1 nt6A *9 discounz requqemevnit %vith is WiR be ridiculbusly small. �heL, 0 ft -of ttLe $6fid sixty cents for pros ifh m n 4 &, h t r Was ruAgpn' ilinLg'W&t -it. Is.- liquid- .0 The third adveitiqdment in this Iseries will how a swelcow 9.1 iss OU If fire in -b Bradley, Garretson -4 ; , eul�r- Saw ud Frmb, for farm nud sawyers' use� the bididing the b d I a I m, a. n d! !s!z a Y p As rag*rda 41 s if yary thlo'k: PERFECT P0119 SM WITIt-PiRILPECTSAFETT -QyA=86 _0!0 0 _W F us with v6ry much braw ss power than ard�nar urn 0 �Aj 9XCF4-Vl19 A&,and T�U ort 14W C psks- t4- witli - A oteam =r 7sh;; Ilow t and better §aVVJ to', 6 undeiaeatk -Itha ard-In4ry. Nil Cor- Sa $410 SAV AIM carpito on Ulm. . . . I" 'I with a fork unbil fully (iqv�.rel,i and lift R -A'6& �aitacye, J, cl RAME W14L 'HU GIVE Foil �$lfi ANP FIT -n - tow COPIES CLIPPED -AS J1090TZ OF ADVMISZ,. - carpeb *ill, io Qerb%ila ex- t4 ia% jao 6 RD R' RD lop KENT 3 whet re going to make dyi mp6l by --A In lomfflties to butt i6d�vaper- , a I art H. imi the object i4 thts dL-11 L' but, to- For a mend oibm C6 put- i8en w� , ',I l'offers to.,acoept copies Ad thegek1vzL-. teilly eff&-wal pr white of an. 6gg, unbeawn, ilit on a,unt- make 1i is V thing ting th UA 0 a rs c t Ufa the fl r, and if thst to� do we4ld- bo,,- WiSter tisp ents in par- payment for W= in .,WhJO4 Ineet half.p1n, Of have die rgied- �0 I you have any thought of -using a vrin&.. i1ei thtni td' I Is not; vilready cotinter-fl-90 the Cow -I U0 mili -this year write = at orxe, stafing.� g wedn a p6uhd Of ingf-br.; 11t r 6t Y19% Ived th, stand -ten on -the what you tbink you wil M r answe Court. joists'- it inight r the p pois to All In tite t bpI16 �ud alkim. it 4n' Put - ItI)b -Pumpiiig or -Geared, andif possiWw.� we w ; Tuake ale and WeRal ion.;__'P-ETK ill you -a liberal offer. AGENTS WA an 41M aw I Is on th of �fio lathe whtd hold thd'c6 - Well..;, , . - - a -tot , 1 0 in until qiil thick-; pu� Into T P. RFA� Olerk. oil. etneatb, W41th abdab reo in ers of Jb** now; -The Vast yegr, thotigh Qne Of Alis 4JrJS1 -do, atit unparalleW finand4l Ing Und , & 1&9& Ste pWas -it a po of blanobed, a] all 'bance and busiuess cato cottons:,then oh top In J "Pikel -one c�f grea peurth mfxbura on butter d plitesi pression w -w oald bw b 11 strip -of #air fo;b shoald re, nail wity to -the Aer-1 motor- toe The fa* No - D14pp oni OF S- NO Co. in the raw j, KINLOSS Y Do. you wftt to. 7, that the kerinow la the floor.- Whfa ffootaolly prosl down ewo R MOO the sound n that- dir zn L pleasur"r m 6# and gent IV -W -six yeam bw W d reqtkira C-1 000 -the use of, 0ai &roe fr6m Oat ar, the, we P, FAARR 8 0C. AA rakirds th rn cure—Pat 11-1-408 - , seription*l Ineled PRE a books, Ic *t to be studded with _veitiq� . 5 a' 116v A McKay, I M nalp a o reM9V_90 fleo, rubbbr go6dsi, etc., f I-ebul 13 Excellell e _&J tnaza-90 ex: or art; Exwrxo�er. Pu L 0 00 0 1 D a me lesly In sk sy 3. Make no ; � - :1 SW:ITO . Inqh.� ipsced is We CUNNE Inches- b� Good A0 -ba either a e in, fT d 0 w. ablould *, or, cv- C these er out to. At drqg&t&l C and- the Ivire ered with hettic go- r D IAPIiOE to one'stmtk IP or� Its lanmev�! the 'R.S TE Ivi e Ph (�e- P r b as ro* �Ap&ces �etwee'n .the lathing wid raft 19 Phill" W. 01mote I 1A i Gay-norl in with ML. [muded gieadytwl el its 6eneftt awl I may mpb A is 1h, Me -of frozen b all th dj a Uan) GO broug-bt to its fteloW-i wouldd! as Igo ak6 thlis ADE E, eCeabuat.if the fron�o a the- studs- few and. anothe citizen is filled I RUSH 0 eson. an a enormous N,61ume 4!t 1 0 P. n business. Eyeixt the veM,- :3nore did in t't �o I the on - A.1- Fe AYv T N1 ill -that 'he lb in w4h regrets -were 4vided with of 0 Jojg� prices- at whlich vewdfl 8 jolotes M Gayzibr, W §teel Windmills nd Ste&v o atreeb In t ro ',PLD Iddl f th - IN Hen t -the inost per I the si&e; as Indic for 0 rg, made in m4uner, vf the. inost �perfeetjna3j, niole _�Osn three �ntho G API ri teriatf, and (;*LVANIZED-AfLU� , t Of 061irso, the _--wallv 'be S r &,4_LEkce e a to It- dgesnpt take 00 oilan Barr X. isplastero'd. t air McKin:- COMPLETION9. THUS -PE 9tak6 away the trin a Young o0ok, me arkangem 11 - EDS n. PROTECTINd EVEItY rouTloff or 810 is uld be carr, ed t mph Th6 as' a press 9 f 'THE :K-ETA4 it is pos'�ible to mye A fe!r" out as rqg%rdsAhe caffing-- M, tents an each outrit, 16�­theze few C= niiirrie& woman. wears. th 40 o 3Kinno,'n. Poor web 13 a onOL Jidl A dMultyi_ however,, a ea rigard on thq 91ioriuous utfiti 11 M iiied ziri�ber of'* FOR A Ph4 A. MCK NMI sf torytotheAertftotorc6., C to the chinineys as. there 14 no*- thedva- _d ved more pleas-urerom the - verf eri dere a =4 fiom -thejk r ux�rj ever. it uts its nm= m% ID —E e sound going tbrefigh fie 8 It Be to "the. TAKE --Ba b takes well what than from th Money It make from its enterprise. N -e 0 -1-894-.- 1' a K imow of - to vrevent a 0 Mal ountol reatj,,,umbef anN. other when thb ohlmnoys.ar lope In, w1uter THIS d- Fisher, -Thip year, bec'aus6 it buys its z4aterial mon viieaplyana -Roulston. K. okmous iftcre�ae in its eVer. grADwing -b pects au an 9 fire"place 139 T ts p*atrons a -vaft Iiierease In t4e qdantlty and timfil, but in -- the summer 81 A -FA17r—E - Web- offers I qnwtti 4. MLeod materialiemplojedin the coustruetton orits Steel Towi�m Tl�tg coin be revidlly� filled Ii) with a a ori out JOHN R. Webster, Ocoinp4nying diagrA%,,2 I-2Lx2 the smallest augWt so P AR that will bb usod b the ebrfier; posts of Togers,,eyeaf* papery, O an' 6kn%vantal %to of thi�t 0br kL Finloq, - t th L " - - . . . 0 yi. in her, the8-1t,-xvhe.e1. Forthe18-ft.weuse-*x&. xhawands-oftovC, Serbs orh1oh *f1l effectnally tineil,, E. Fina'lays, it. Fisher, cOo of Augl -rolled d very straight and ym Fe PRE T6wgrs, are -siow being 4elivpred tit eur vorks. Others wbo bave. 906ge of sound le'thst dire.at 6 Jew tons, and therefhe a -year's supply, of 2 x 2 jang) thqyaro using.for 844, 10-6., aud �even w Barr. read this par-agrapli with surprk�p 4nd sorrow, -since rev givdn thoju any nformation, cm,*7 %v �At, McLeod. MoLeol ""Ify '94 6 Fair use or proposes to dfstr1bu%e $6001 W. Teev 97 prive3, Mehtehikeff, the lalit, of a no W_ D. McPhoO Tiliei A�erm&o*r -Co. CASH W VJ JJEJ k. Rusilan heave whose feund W tyker PRIZO for th.e best tssays writtqi b. Wife, sQh ar-,daughtt�i 25 of a famer -or: liser indmiU;�, kmsiwring the uestm(+ I_U8 of a *pJ60, is dead. T-houkh a, 46 WILY a Wer not sHouto E AN AERNOTOR 410 p ro� Wit. -I" For condi c 1. ._t_ 400mpetition. and amounts and nu beks ef� d or sin the averitge Win— pie, the m zes swn worse th I $1. ottle. ticular' -1y attena, sto the:Aermot0r'Co.,"()hicvgdj or to its lbran-c Ninder- did n ga n� his p'ro-, Fratbfimo, Kansas C Lincoln, Web., Sioux cit�, on c nt M#,, -by hit paatr3rs bub Motia r bub y 3etr6ytng a eiv York 1P erlacy Flimping and Gearcid same, price, All stoei, all -calzhi zed4f* i d 86 1b -c9WpIrAo*.-' Pie 18,influent 9?b t- it I it so ComPlotion, delivered free n cars. At Chiiago andippyd k -f lai lie ahy040,-anywheiri� tv.6 foil i Slid 16 -jest I cure, '$2 0 (0) lot t d 0. L 4y