Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-09, Page 211 1�k 7" �7 -4 K I 4 MA A r 4F 0 f 17., fit f ZF M"W 1? t low PDA the6hurah.whiob Lo Vve to. W lgtobjkjpy� the fift R JAR 16Y '6 the, survi*`1 church *h1ah b' 11' '160�ten whereva lu FAr I q , T1 M , , 1. . . . WT rillgwil - --by W 2%m FUTURL 1gy, aro� Ihoxi 1*6001 p of theelt -a builible, fit, gallglow howL - - 4 I& -A w 0 are ft 11 to wk a tte W A -tho" he murel, - boomided ii Men qy liven 4por by jivjn. 4L, Of Absenoe juture� F 00 f fisub what Mlash 44i k vaaosl.' to -of U e4e"_14 read But Me. -Old 09* Or NO one past i*0 its Bugg -hat God does Imquire.. ]t% 9 OW thev .. a 0 d" reed so far tfti Ada C rd, 4, N6 D BY TM I may look r and humfifilre 0, or Oro, P, AA row p" b i -0, list; It great Bob 1846. is isle t bf they-i"w-pen being- it A-1 IN TRkT InS BOB on' or Goi Wo uses 15 Lloviqifre gy- that 1, am I Lb r wote mg IRKS", Is relig! 11-6 had 'beeat Idy tin a Is. religion 71 *z Aiai ho.- In wbobW Is 00ftely he -has ha b 14 merolfuls 7 marmi them .1 pjyno with ev o A r- of being jus- ight th - �Xub AND ILI T Yt nfbabod 1 1870 U, X� NERCT cipabraT. wheeler wne#x Advigels' WITe Fm eat 1A I to Lsav6 Their Be A GOOD TEW OF R=G10 h* mothers h -1 8 glieses were US, PEO fulffillig God'o. to uIrelln"too ached and, s and IV ig.`9 buil �k"e 41 t1isolog*, - that head E, D'da, Of - 'diVing Us 87 SU at Cambridge. -.- 1' 73 U religlaw- re Alls Ohs ottrof, Remelt lexi:�-Pevol m Among Ithe' other Vdiradoxes, Of 'Jesus, IN 11outh or -Two �imth We &Ad he n a the. g -��Vol There jarefirst th4 shall -be log -&tells its made for. it* and' pler in be Rnd6 ita ob'sorvaktor "-Forms glAd Ultes—T lartiandDaw :Will be Map yv hen just -Thinkoo sitbo is 'demands 6t hk Virginfas and a' a N& -is In that mh4II We fir'et,"�. Apparently He 01ALas Upon a time.I-hE'a impimi hif to 9PkeAl VUR ji,unp " hid so .0,unw vat had a libi me ble th4ole'; that he mutt b thiiiferles (if 96ttiog Bolt bis soul by 06sayi -who -W Ington. -al ev, 'w W, —The N1eejm.V1e*-3KA1 lia . 001111L of the jusc rd a Ing abo b -he rillgioni,peeife There a I , Wun and wh6s t mail mh6.�are -very .6 pt 11 how�v Zvi. can obstacle. Glaolm-'%kor, "bl a -only th6 -home. servanoes, %is a -0 - I- ;0 . i * 1 1 b belldve a sm"Inontl* rolfaleu MTron th g to rove 044 -on ort on Suw. oh ulty� - " it Is, a thilb longed fbr'it a' X Re -d*mO%U � and- okmas of antfq, s) r P760911988 19T dt%y % ts, he -mu in ths, which.aie I over-niarry- I will never abir sn hour's dig-, cobticued A Ad Th ON 11 tance from - My- hit - h Cy! -I& -to size and ft adhe *ritten Sion Me own heai�. 11�, nor will I letr my us' -cive disks of g, scause perhe� ei PM Vrodv pot thelr� -to w or etiwj Is d b --cinveriati - 4. , j?,e*!.aver,6Aoe haml t;, rim%r ble serramn band 19110'minutes 11,0111t hile -from IMP Thek ifere he church 461 t is Futur of my eight !roe tenviou they have at en eubab] '_ wll -creavingly.. bi a chur&" of we, both! live* i bri;ug_ -tb at lor gbt and-th attoind ratfier strictly ta. the. d4bles ofttac a kThb6'mv� ear.g.rl, yon' Will 0srh1W the 11101tad P 10 Pl*oiith raligib� ad dot di, 4 nly obstad ordinar Ai fi. clateiied as religloui. a 7 a In th6 divdrco court," e it to .0 theolo It will be a. churd, i of the largest br 1*9* g Up anibst all entitled i6o be. i I a Ono I replied. - q Mize ul Are 46 BOOM] On' hurc mp6cte r ligtoa then, thev ' ility *ill be the -ples. y -C pithii 61tyg called fi -to olty, as farAlt speo; fition's I patit . - 7 inake -hem and t 4e strFai _0& the. otcer 4and are 016ile paeslbl eIgst or T relio 0 g money pnqu�f pty bett a 6 1 _h vL 8 - d-;--. g: A i philose 11 f ar abasnt havii &s e of i ICora who, *btber thoy ptofess t be re gteui,,§ porl -u'- h 'rl kt I any a tat in Ulu 96'Wh dothe thit n% t ''I.;- yoiirself� twice y;aF for a nets liglaus duti", which ixiy seem reio This. do not '.piabtice r: uk.;, w) -. ? 1; to rozent I Drd III add to your of longba in reat Dqc� r d size. 01 steohntoally-no, called. and. they do zot lcofi- but it 4111 seehe virly hia�i IT h6i d tru -ef wesks,�Inob lo st* but. b a y . C�h gh and' 0 W 1 10 in theile --'human a a- w4 vour years. -Whe SO - more iad 0'6 OTY 19b VSM rodalovel.*. No 969,47er bears MIS, Itch value e a cle and -tender you to ind I leatLegiad 101281 orested." Ir6r. V thqmsel� U ax, I y In-weahly. 7h�y � eb for the'Ru3t f yeb ipjage,ost the iith prayi or 411 o1bI The L yourg --a 1887"by to'lial hViniolyr. i with tell jijo. JUD t1C 99 11'Mircy,y I HikM$,11t, lady, of arset was p4j.ke �,.Wes del� ef may hai a "Bews. Cobneption. VM mvL 01ewB, but: a Cars, p, esent ful 36-inali Uck secape A A faw Inatitutl ano". suoh au th c�u thy 6d:f not 0 r "tentes r eve abserivAtie o h world would 6ampel her Clyr L.&B und 'Ay U P t 0 k er Ti extrAct are s giv;en would b loo- ked -bpen as the last;- no' the' TBIC tler, for to be. NOW, lburely, religious as most- be 6 . I - - con rats of roll i -people. Yet per 0 if stracteop of enforo!ng the ab2ence _Unjver&#,,y of 0, the servce God. requires. e. -salt -gloul Gen. Was Nere.hm were, a law pasie , wn Share Jerome it would b an In, r wh1ah -tellenga to of otbe o fro it and. wives Inetrumelato GsAnythingis religious of Bwdens to 8 air childr this pr. �104u He Is from thlelt husban i"s o ..suri-obilgation to Go&. rk tb.jnj� &,r f -A in dfw w f inal discov- I ca isee. -hers. a faded d' t Is& t twice every require3i Mt.- 0 dualple..- all ted tih2e if h tuch i - of a score a t r we start, wit I P) year fe. a lil a Me ad -i delivier us Meg o bee W I- __ 2 )J.; w6ma tired from the Meg' -In ",the He levels tho: bingo- whf&-aro ust.; A.. as y -but homes in aame to -days ade lwgeat Umt1i it see me to me4hat It is ay- ho, -Which ataL f=M some C � fusion and- muoh manin not elig to c m ellitOnci of 4t000rdand ories hav' ttm^ Onco se;n Jones. tni�qr'-Miorhfnge, to-th wling 06 072 of mix d b cau' die - the. lu nished pile of mendi $so' 'he teleedepee in use at to the cold forMS11C ti� are readit meebw rit but. he is a very merciful content, In: their; would bea9me go 9 WA e. with the ler y havens -of pesos and JiAp -neAB* jEnteringthe. shire t u not see that itil to much� a' d talras at a r huilband is Vol ro'Dm 1911t. _E pi made outafter L t work - f al. W m bk r1kht in hh Can kind t or; but h6 has hjoLt ind bly before impgrits t allitte, 9 1 i hsff W111 a9mijimes- ilea One 611 the Most 48-V motliera' 1"'evoIr e you 'The: 6 Re of nd' ri to be me ciful.1 his foolinjo ,,sh n - never havlAg the the 1, her b: a is diziy ai -faints �no Ided - -Of ginal lar -go buildings pe knew pr herself ups reitrib, pl%ce, sur nted. y passed n1ght rem is "over -lee. R b- than, tg a - obrictly attentivil to ech 0% life gro a heatle'r lead ou ljorL shoulders I f 'hovie dilrwg d -She doe's 11jer tbat "her t d by Ay en years. Bat the husband and .0cessfully. lous u ? i People who :eN18 not co our swcallei lig d ties )ry d le in Mt,t -Clark'a .6 W demo and thisdame Itself our 111 0 --sa a. P -homV q3pital t1moo this iq wom 'failed to appre- Ifte, observe, salth art of the -and perfol of fift f re.' ions -are at they,dannot afford to hire s y she is' th hereafter Igious duties &uct)llieusy, ti 100- the children of this an with b repres6rited &a. memo oult e Ciste h 62 hi k &n = N - by itig itmtlaorae a &I: You aak;r FIVAGrI . I$ -Iilftnd rificej r bEcopres t4Lu cil %xve rart y., 9 In -tp i liaNe- ere'emph --help, Indbi%nd &a t' they as % table hey� doxwhij this means d he will tell I -BIB i2 these t 133gi - I a ."I , a' z bystan t natural duty on her while the woman, Vq�' the -ton Z and- n t noy. -M' as. S I 7ou thAt In thlo; buildin but she e lr"A416 1 than up n the. elahtier n atteras ou h, W a Bay#* 9 &fford'� 'the to - di becim Of the o loeirts are 9tional n her handg c d -chirie fi3Oe d 11 -bom.: That figure rep e�tls juleti09 f juvitce a d m'eroy. . That is Ideas" of life, and feund it lw�oisible,t* T�he Mf ly e t6 Umif 1 0 ordinane jeiar _v are extra Whey lviy great- streea up membe 6is thb tk he wa of ofy ke.- lRsV fy is to a 60:11111 the- Ruoh lety epa, WA that jillistice, Is blindfOlOq ae anign rch ah(s 11-gaid one of a - keeppapovdIih the�pirorees' the 'world. oendit klu -SAbbatbi, ��Vs ti 960 k th Ing There 13 ei the. -',bV,-t1 oh t moband'an e I ildren mix6d -with _ftpwt1%1iby. Ildlug; g . L - i He i powers. iti24 fig jA isle - strese -ediclue r ient f she, the - e urstivibly a suoh like, and theriddre M otp greater 0 legs extent, While dt- and that elpfd -her last op; Ard a the medicinot But the ni4ke 4 -Ates or, re - 'Bat It -to . . I . . . d I rhby thingw whic 'me' publi th' 1� at Ing he ill send ar bulld..,, 0110. WO ke a horse in -went her wear A. it. thh db of MR' kind.- D4 or rola'a she writes to the usoheld pst.ei -the duty.;), 48 to Me religibuis exeraiiis 0- 014 dein her Wh h P�Abla- ft pr -cents a he� taker) deing your duty -no sacril Pr Pathetic IV 9 -re a, fit year) Ing Mont of round, and called 9 ftowb no- T -Overcome. Th om -th -4 weigh locure, so I o the llgrr. in4 more.. IV Disk 9 ddlidi'm advice. if -0 -you negloot 4 duty to self. f 4vate the neh Ing b an itu eative I e coy te ther' the great disks r quire.,%vil ho Ins 8 war is endless- misch I z e3pojad6 - of reore- t nboh bbings art Had ibis; Woman nth All)kMISTRATION JUI 01016: eng's. -eq. u n -.j*ourlm*-1 J�ken a Me th, TM to, give them th religion." was In theme bu. al thew among ow t dical awom-` rci -eptirely apat. from the qj�ftb th 'hig bt ngiD'g't o'be Mica h7a -words, the most t 'Zou stroU about the and posil- i neri GeV - e to d'pre ant ef-the &tttac 9mall 61 rip eitttac mt In qup ,t I ilembe# of her famally, al.. e would. have so- 'I'; 4,�, � in bly njaj the outakirta you di 3'r another 0 opUtisn'- and'pre df y - ' a , dentusted. her value iTm ih,,,,dr eyes, and given se In light children 11 ligioup It rature, reduce to UOResUffet a gj with at, number of -tp Oro t the hift falli herself O'ew. food t ppreeli pe-iteat voik, but P1&.VjMi on the lawn In ittas fro t. era. io- ro it they do ott me%n t t 'ad Al ,er to make ovOr owns tion foLl in4 Abade, in oi r nothing, ujM ps ditlioulty increas' Bat nelbhor tr C-ture to , eremeni bu�Ahst a d6tit -flam- i -and Its r fthe ties and autles1rem which sh ieq*Aire the aaeofiWg of th a not riqu c. of othall a eves into ti�o stylei of a. The i aisk It is th o d a how.. the wom p syl for 8, kTH16,�L prjjIg these ae��f 1, t M0 _are PR 0 plitifu ab, acertain. A.I. crough vc;,rk have a#. h it dyend reqi1re ther, wife,. husbind nor father. should =pbansi, The-childron- -throug, its thin 0110uI86--in 0 arease of a1ze tp JNCIPLNS�. IN. OUR CONDUO -,.a of Inthau- hethe 1N ork d ihe `66i06- UZO (10 lbiag 16uel eve that the fi emu atd tb1m -heme, in -prien oerding --to a d ef ju and. unfertuantep.- 1hey sre-.ci�mf t 6 ilylodisdg. 081tt th, factures bu�'tb streng �66rsvonwiers and 44 0 1 Who Undeet t o Aevoted y ar a -the ra ot ud inest Fe fegg clethe#2 tough% ote. 'S furatehid by -!Bible Its frt of,dialllusioineid tell, -aid WA tkd rest "of -alwa It in qiiit ile�a ota�&rd- , Which pproves It -self 'to th 6 hearts in the world ate 11%ble to' conform to be 4-IVea U rellgi ale held - In- con�cjent 0 ver, lb can neer j1haly t1m I seem- t, 'on -habit, and to --adapt Aemselves to e4sting nil sue servic jud 'm .0 0 the broli n enlightens if , � I- ore Bti WOM"' *2& place vwwion t a not the it jh& ' is go_ tit 'als otherwise than n who 'Was a je� o4p and -ambitious mankind ju ni e main'bu-sinam. 'Ib I girl, glug -_:elrer morel. wa4ri y --at. bar ircumstanook after the ftst -loneliness �spd the 10 just, JEO far as he seeks to eat0lish 'Wrench oUsepmrationl1rom. loved'- objebte hae- . 0 - - �Slayrph a. fitene of dutiev�.�' gpiking more. A�LL ABOM AN MMTUTION OF -tight, In his relations with ithorpi lm�phlcal 611M. 0 diViEL Irritivibl more camp istning',i in sorength v0d - paiecd %way into phil.t e diVjaL dac yott- ask Eome Zeir 'in that actlial*9 I not heoreticidlyi he divin Mhen follows time 1. ing. out after new linterestmug Iftai Hug for Pteple -Who -]Love - heaftf until the day shall- co;as when 0o, viusg`6 ab uriiabd lateresti, apd- the formation ity. br out ti emoUL L . - wis tl_�o dbulld .4ufri Jewelpi tiriedm erwilli Then' aI Us f.y ask 16 it eq w habits s uslly true of -in�an wh ci�4 4 p lwgv, he w1U y(*haps tell on the of no dangeitue Mack dia46nd ib $-to LA a _,hat.1t van - the nl Ord w __ -It­ 111 watch aR nurse by turimes, The q ame -have -strain of mei bell d deote who b be d. �M= t them in a a dy - old 'life. tN r no d and p b - f 1406--lwl :c -jauntir about -the -T isUg1pus lueWidtlen at 0o Is a house' their 01PP98 0 The viaman who as Demo p 9 yars agoi will be called . W1 DAd for plestu urinj thrae" or four ny rato.- mercy tampb of: jurtice ani the, or Is a hones IQT_e for, h_. 130. at a' liths a6d. that k tave and- Honduras. "a are more, .1 onthe Dr. aving husband and _dIv1ns4 mopti and the merciful In the' ya, of Morey. Black, pink a4d gol4eIRL'kear Buts, ais for rQWon,, th fulfils req* rX :. ­ -chtl4ren 0 their 0 devlcr-� are tollne t emntg t,- I v li-nob making, a props Mercy. 'M inatead, she. ii' vAlwable than wh'l _*Mnr bulklln^ th buP a v&f��-"ve- to his lo�o of; her val 1elt- at 0 CIOUS stor e -y I6_.UO Ju E JOYS OF W &NO* Eumeraid iVer-e of e B�yv Fhlch art at wond V'. entially.) fAao h f, to elijoy-lifs with Ateeples PD%tkg dp to tk mercy are its hin or AMU d -a possible that -both a liong 1,.6o6 regarded as 'have ous, wh 6 b�ptlpme an circumcisions,' i d on! vad *1 b: ii The eme-jeald h 6580 to be Imi L*R,6jng: 1�t !mist attempW, and we nave mar I - othek. c eialeb are 9 the m' ore superno may find her a bar to apt or husban and chilld -Sure 'I adernme say time vre 9 whe6 she returne. It for Mother and A not th attem -and praottabo"Ma y -eu%� ia� oi riligion. If ati at t] . ke ath -pted tteMpt WeZe to eplay ot o' in le Ce fie naat. - be no hic a nd c1hown *6 merolful or the just Bulliff-A man -have t a go I attune to; t alad yak the imUtutto whic wife dies eu A a fwl a d Eut b a 411, if I Be Minue finultes I' the them out iirs not const Gred refffaisim refusing.; him U11846hil, 6 proieutt-, 16'.the 'few Months,; but t DimDonds ara t.o 11509 h9 h9i hat now habits of r go, the e been HolUnd. of BP6,tt UL 6w,"If you he has ei. taste 'Bible in yi shou onnelves, a I It Uim'lu-the harp n%g. an4 In th4 11fe are te6ied dn"Ino euih a p�etraated ab had a U eket,-you Id skew m*ht turn to the prophet _M and r�ad li�ph sence, "Ich into with a later return to An unoub 1030RANT OF TH" RkLIGIONa rfero m he siye stoat. these tv t Ingot - ju�v-, What it woul t,'be III to. match.' ay a valmion the old iy stem. - Ib is one of the greatest to -jGUVL b4liefi - doze.grubg 6f 11 Xs* as a bit the bomb um b�4_ tim and mervY. He evi F r�gards- is a rq.y :-gam ob butihen. y r fish welihs Mistakes p4metible. in lie to allow one �W that le fb;trxL 1BU of t4a _0413b4flaile: that' one should The diamond I A ht -at wU mc -Bubur to Along withbub us; thm as timly rdWous. so ye they Pro-tt in a b*n- is worth a levo to arn how -a correct bollefabout God In "Ord -or to a. like a *piece of 0 o eor 9 hat happdoo when Ai do$ your to- protrao., r*quIrom e Mhey. we hen -n',, I tw theumand peup *hen, t,99, and this Is exactly Every gem k' i4b hVid -hoo' is of -God.? A! few thqu _& own TO -11,6 thumbli th16 ot n bf month take,place. n !ind one M f 33b dom t Ares that b A -big I - a i6f -in -0tran trand -teste years, age a Z been f ound adn eipr&e' Meaw rhile the linilted &bsence of a few t4l U4 humiUt. More. than ths ow fift ads,.�ovo Out GIod by- seme sort. of 'n'. ugly to iag�4i to1rhe 0tI0D'4_ff1%&9ad,1e bo ibvad. to be re - 9 M p fe all elks W -vt liv. ail, who bde dentribin samet in ter I t a other we -the hoqgt with to fuels audy fer thl y -a' surdr, t a (Ehst is (tons to this day by - - e undevel )p6d for 67 spinsible JDF toqjw�46n gives IV aw 3, that thei D are t only xtie em.- Aw 0 0 opportunify, to wits the n 1 thb I tb imag 19--JPL th4i ore noor. Zut no moix mae thetr W tuvi one. each other' Mile Ielan&q, ad to is aptn% an ar,bgAtilli- In Obberl v an -a cond a Wap G m0res otmen. thid ore able m devoti, In -the nother *ayg mUnly.by prepoeltionei. Aem 9two- -cou JUMCE A" 3CEWY AND 6 t - - "t tbe. P de grace: Itb cold it�.61, fault -ad to aa Im but it. m4y be tionO t Pliiy,.In the ret th%b Is Mae exciting A bilioted tene,,of It -we-hold an-4bj0pt, loo -near -the'- eyew1j. -Itsi � o 4 roun. ote th&t9 a6tcording t t e &ccoiding to th4t Ideas then o the- insdtu- Id- writer to describ the did �,'�d. despair-066hurnin 0 wl� firupintosi-;,ed the olg U. Is' blurt4d—mb - cannot see Iti n 0 beantle- If wi u we m opreat 33 are In and falling 9 T*n jutio- and jrelfgloui f i�rtlshod no by' the �Propllbt, 9 tfarenoughs T h a c i Ra tt L6 4% v9p, f0a W a holit It j 12VP1 weight not I :qivalred: A any eime -that he vhall.:. of gems, Is a gra of Wtkk fa to gs Wow jUat tfi&tL in 9 far, we do not m- It IlEkke of's windintlL as g thi:: b6m am it di tinotlly . ;o blob w6 corysorb definits Idevis ibou�, G Tb rl -list ly -of- lime 94,. but b*t e pea do y t; but WE at all. -it Is jutit d6 rt Into, a W mf thisy dioa with tyho�b We love. OM .000 he ohsII lk humb4. in this Divine prei U�i -readily affeoted HE" aud-bar-oa Into lime. ontir alings to whersie Tke-- uninterrupte juspecUtion blan --our butb vielon—the ecossional-absenite r6id to them cannot meastire-GeMs belu6atid The restl is v rn ftea vot bout r 0 &j ojje the 11 ar d pureli secular aft r -or-PJAM rMa 0 And, wilik e wood bat iaox A331M to AIQ for the M0 exhaust ubjeot with '11 1 eiio 0 br1r1g; slit Its. .6f theii" iel*ffest lance &gat Rt to stomadb,, -dlenr and bright to O-U'r alght—tho long sop' req ire. *lails the churches me y religi- We hN idelas coneetning' God. Ye the beautyi, I gle hetea a It home tntil g. etrug station hid(s them ftom view. ADM,: -'subject, to much too grist for defilate, JAS is The Ueat di miond -evt r.-own.wo tef Thai if, dur. commim ion. And ld� and- the bluk ba �wts ever' to Thert to no ove, n,6 tie, sip perfeot that Is b expeoe 6e eneath. not ad-,- to sethe -degxe by the first, b 0gul lob US common opwon.: Ee±spaweieedto have em 1111011 tGjd!,&'oubsf9tono9.. Itw6uldbee nj.. Grea a, lividtwhiit%h. n Gry and arrojance for" any mah to claim thitt 795 carMa, AL. I L a or. on Yeb all the excituam sud no one streaphend and pir-ified by the sea ds Far it reugtm we alwal Fa to' -consist In he- kn The diamend bs own God -In the: aswe :86=0 th era, and w1p a �!net hold an oAr W a -a ore can and endaiDger all Z . : . . tr ISY tell h9*6zelting it 10-1 MP3�thies-lie ELLAL WH W EZLICR UAOOX. the World. 0" we E perhaps-, a tg.� poor hunts& crest. m.- The*h *JNIWt Dn' bute an& things,, knis The knowle.­ if did who ha id by ti�elblrd d auch 1*4 Z 4gL� ag it -religion to- 0h per Itegieth4r, IsferentiAL nos of A rellglons 1 L'e.v- the -i BrAzil bsivia-,yleldod ; - � i . With Rt 1 fiii I Uthe d J0KZ9 you eyes little larg' than that of. a 1, cannot vlohts and.. 40"r . -159000 pe% bag a #� justice and _000 valued ab lk% while fastings and like have who, 41 107got As always beemi morne or knociated $100,00.9000,__ ova me"]FI, who. cannot adoot the N t Uvowsawir supings -Xeuts� message To. pwbaps -ex n gad -to reVen, they havo-nob Ito viewf We divine subsistence. ed ver An deitji, in ban"s mauftafts or eassn"i its out- cc Thej simply cannot do It -becaute.-th by man* but The Bud itno the mrj&# ostulq. It guesel tou h aim What Ut r overner. of VW&M& Anit- 14 Iff, a -minds cinnettom diao� � whey bo 00 - on In 1866 Gilin, Oen G sup emoud,, or An EngliAh wifter aiiy* ilkign of of las, of orade, . V ye a jokia - that cost him over 41al n �reat r Is d OF BE LIGItN PAW in ut they Inolino to. k how the $3 tud-11 $300. -It' liall,for enef the Ers:6 cible, des- tId ib. -I 8 Me 0hen.native fit 1% Vrr or 6� or jT101 BED 316 ifO tW4 nothi placed 4jFj" We Mgt 90 out of our Bih t THE H OF A­CON"f9 in nth., ead f _v be to. nee on paildhou that went vAnder the oceau. fhe MY whon n dho that he platesof first, Atlantiee"sbl�p. s o4mplt i source, for d As on averad win mlf6t.100.' -ph b6an -- --the -that a1atpatoh frem t d .-in i858j -her blim embrace an eplifou sibout Hlba w 1b. was alleg'ad te atevr m ty have th,% 42 wh hich quotes Pla Va rat and' jecal and -tomforary wands of� m *h1ch Ig to th6m 1 .11 th6j -pliab'18 and yet durwo 6- no a orewti6v, reaches, the zebilk of h mposilblie. Now, y tbArnta ut 40. iand Qa6eitt Vloterfe, w"I thei firob seat* ever. it. U iindent' b;*w*j -we &ts, jva)f werctfull W1 Ole wam- olsvi 4 Gods her able plia for I amg and h* to thelit It* Warrant iha _61d waid'ifi ibeso n jUlfij the re4theme Au at 3eds 18669- ",d- majiy were a a skep- In A, tea6nd osbto was 1*14 and completed 6 lie' 'matt� The' Aight to find a the part of I on nts bad go *ordW -The' in its - -of Issr 1% in'the firdt Inetwo. n a PO we] - L . - -ticil of tbe tesidt "I kounga to Iwo SO -we] fool w611 sis- thug 'W'hos 1 '10 eKind Z&V us tco Unt te�' It -to th iWd mine 16V ot a a 1=40 Uwa, if ren' d the tfift are -to be con. 0 IV 9 .. - . - I U being deth thi.. best thin Ameimg'thoi -0 help. -Iaughbg 91 an stic _G4d. 6 wto belqag to the remobeat 9 4nd.meray, kneo that extite hi PiO r heir 78f' 48 i#. the diffesti6' 9 gratulatod open lovil ? .0 v"emlji 6-A'tbw Interest lefi of what at the absurdity *f ifi 04verxi writte. 162 C nk with - pin up a P an %uM, sall wheA 1i a n reng on I -am nos&b lisiO; k-eavine :.1d of jhj- betwo relflif eiad, theolojy.;- Acdoidlej r!p g wome ke* id M - In b w#A y the company one j0d Ix to 0 t It b -no y­artof the divisio ho can.- ; be that vaiybedyi o9if &SIM& a des Ignorance., blea little "nothiv givV or p U who $10 a words Gjl& men rtte Of 1 im UP whch bw WI* enthe t�lsry aflirm that idea t wenit ml W 011 to 6 to know'how Gad 1 oxfolts t 2uZope ak the P%tr quireme stron, lion h rev Whi eff: if one yous 6ad tired, b tto, th4u U It Was i6 jAs 604 it Be IM haj -d-iges 9.A belonk to' rell QVX and, An U110-111 lnto-j�o7 1% Los I above - as --the fourth e, as th*o*n It'of 00 ration mWe4t Id-Rowlidir will ---ft To- an does a n n up a 16 child fte h at BUY us op lagraph off &A M I -oat The lk .. Altaid Ute CCU". - 9 - the 414- deson!b Message a- dim a ht of , no fesl� that it is rerjifiod ol -us-- -be, like a hot Into' sinit , and phys Dafiviii :and da of owe*er, bi It aor- solid eme i3budded ;i our Lpror thwbacki the _Zho am to f n who I a repo$ -Th 1%8 analwat,man or th 2 - their DzNVzR, Coloi j"'&L 4,1866. vropfoont.ii h1va -lieve, In urely i tftoir opliflanir.- iiho on. 11k Lf)ujj9 % of tWAT4ws at ri TO A-005- nd- No, jwwwy enaujoi thavilho rld fe big'afta 'Accord -roligiog one. is'enti led.,t them, i pete6li Bonspitrto, ae of joed Me who ha fi, In Emperor. Tallerlems td sEL 46 reasonablyi *!and a Met- Rhadise, pipi i the *ua Is'little, �'and tha stara leatt Of alle� an; op wit U. -to realize, that e one Grf the Parls, VAnco. eproll. a Y-61 lglaya t of 232 . I F%491 Ut. B91170MIS alone, the 1P. � ty tfl;*, time go" on conoerabg indo, of the In slight is tioudy 018 fa a" enlighten- No interfdroce wll�, be��---*elorited by- -awd-onq ot out; to'the t �b -one i 22480oge a. 'the twink. fdarth. to d to W& a =% 14rwardedlo dione.. t _� �L ­ 4 of`!X411 W111901 Who M 0*VZfuIL than -all i V Attempted readu C at gy 6 thei mori-- in" Territory. ju =Out cmva 2106` the earth antes little %.lot And tU nuies dUk imnunsit d he m6k The W" pwfc:111� n y bhhiDk thii amoss the -ocean oind ouffiring_ ump4kible Un little sbam some of th greatept of dertain orefore -Tork and *mBiUMM niod it of J& Elo, the.1mit, becomes ri and -.the firob HAS USVWICD IMSPIACE 'Who - Ifernia woodpeidite anu ikedivibi *P91"Iftraost . U WiQL -6 N , *4 M r1bg to aAL By the time the cm -drone t- Eight Id t in view of he, ofmin -hiwaiers v6 Inteirnat. I -it by to a store 0 . f ib able P11 jai. d =01) fe WhIA rIghtfully 1*10008 to tellglilms -Wi hei the a& r YOUs i astdg Upe "But' oven. -if. the N doetiore W" won 'd g -this mfth oharbote anau&vacke adbor nioma- och- entirelyright abou three &=ad odd -6am b its 161 silt d 066 And ly, %re as ad Spica 9 '4 -his. ago I deve His hi enij alternadve I think it to th" Ight, wl�-h tbu 6 know belong. to tb6.:divIne reqa me Fd ratbx the iffill- hspj' hofe go of, was- -Jedge-_ hami besA Overturneds 'an& In. _f"j .8 would have wr jlke Ube T Is 51U. 0 "fee. Abor ZVIWDB&* - - 'Inv, font -hat G his admfral'b .& rod hV0 itisad W od to 4V find bi d "OV Threwthingst therefers, *06 -'And-Us did lhtlo George, asy - to Owbut- to di jusey"to love - and Latin it - Jill 11611110 olf", Gout sn Or '08t jmg to reftlen At il tim" G" sub ifn a u ;-I d1A 0 w th *V1111A1 tilluell! 7. f I , f &*4 ewf;' to!i nbt tell' a Its had i riaor Aim- 1A _kelfevo Wy Uds* Much N" -ift repre Nil Into E tho' �s, 6t h t6h t V tiou, in the persons y Iman rg -blatit for ill d on va Uj ton Piinoe.G., Whfoh tho VFW* b Big Boom -as UA Novi d M - 4 na 0 08 9 1110141btles.. 11. Nbe were dople I 504 not'swelipot. 9 nI# -to bla*ii ft y &VItft; Alwoulk pe P - 11 , on 2.4 sire. tul V4W ft Un 0- 1 t 0 Nunt Rosati apd thool, 91 -0U%* ad —Le di Irow i ,Am� -a d Usa 10 -0 Aa ine buffa Jammu ta 161 =I=. 'h Of ous U M t p, FOSTE, iber6vle an DUPU�i 0.1 is 15:9 d r 1 a f he g - the; h 'd m? Ats; w