Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-03-02, Page 4• 1 • rine uckno v et1t f1ei, Bru; 6176,1264,6424,1117-616-6,4W 06-A6,6-.742.447711, ,666. -44 tau nty, F ridgy, Marchi' 2nd ur Mind ' E LIBERTY TO TTpR AND TO ARGV E fFEELY 1 CCOR1IN(4 TO T1 K DICTATES OF; CONSCIENCE WPRIZE ABOVE` At,L „.-04TOR LIBERTI S • t- rt - •a • a t tt -- fictions reeve- o further ha . ser Rev s his : muni The n could- be the' local sen 1,the houl-de the same s that of • uncil'ldr, ' back P by the lification that the �andidate d at least one yea in the r '.De uty-Reeve's ehaiir .of ipality ination for these coif cillos t �J made: y the =rate g • ers bf rnunici . ality; ° .and tie clerk name or. - names of those• go Luo4nonr, I = rot and, 1894, '11T1P opiy ILLORS - ?*. .Inf the Speec 4om the Threne, tth.fli?art: d at_ the o ,eing of -the -Ontario f filature, no r Terence was made to ny Measure for t e idduetipn - of mem- bars 4f.the Connt Councils, TKro ' r , ree) ears ago t e Hon. Mr. Ha idy .ttrcucec a bill or that -purpose, but ).v_as such a ioni►licated treasure _that the public strongly. =condemned .1 Ton the on. 'a promising t Kia future date. Ipartai ly - not the ' o knew_ .a.- pliuni -ipal matters if the r promised F _ F ` was. to be alo g he same line,-` it -s • just as ��eil th ; t the - time of the 3 e lernan "withdrew bring - in . another production .of one gr - at deal abaut an he proposed ;-bill was legislature is not (fussing it. it does see o be wasted in dis-- 4 s .rainge to .us that. ofy: the- ninety menbers who coin-. wiz Haat• body of 1 gilatures, no one ac :competent enou h do bring forward suitable measu r j to --reduce ..the .tenibers3 of the qounty Coincil. There tis .no man ho ihas ever.3 been a-, .ember of - the C unity -Council, . but -conned, that t e work required to • a h -I e- lone, could. 'he .well - by en-ethird ai fp resent. - We to find. =with. the � itnty.1-eo incj11ors,. VieVe hoi4l -them in t '`hev hon iestly .per. �fisgned 'to them,. e trouble_ is the ger them to do: . Bruce-- we have 4Jounci lors, enoug n1e +PeovinCe, Fel ability, where tss,oulld do_ all th tie that is now t tae an years go f1'L sending a repres c in r. inur .icipalit - CNifuneil -was a wise lend -id - position County.Of Bruce to- -d corn ; iercially :Vale nnaFznent of 13..y: ..the 'rmeii alio sat � his - With the ma road- anet debentures with bya new' coon °moi e the combined- a ofthe leadin Caul now_ with' our d Vii} waykand gravel — thin ‘ is to be d • 4' performed just- as fthe. numberasit h,ve no- fault to en who are elected but on .the -c ontrar_yy (3irr �. ,hest esteeru;. rm all the labors nd - do it well, - but -or is , not there n :the Cou-nty :of orty-three County to- legislate -for the oth as to numbers s .!fifteen - or - even •work in the ,same one by =the forty- e by the - system ntatiye frdni each too the: county redaution, and the occupied` by the ay, 'hall financially largely due to the itsi:ountyaffairs as ounty. "coun'cil- y railway; graF el- sch3rnes to be dealt - y, it 'was - well to ise om and infiu-_ lent of the county, lits wipecl'out; our. roads- -established,,.- ne -from year to .r save- the - . rdinary routine lizeinesslof the coun -y e dn't think,. ►owes'er;` "iher'e is .y doubt- in the ni .avers o ' the-metnbb� f..ggisatre s to `th the number of c - T e difficulty appea rasure hat will that purpose, but th ch r - llity. muuici `a � ' rEapresentation., at th T ?s, we believe, in . it, -can be ace •Canty at=present is riAings. faat-representa t-ariiannent.- Let list'divisio0. apply to 4ith say fly ktaerm each;; ridin, t: a,•total of fifteen mem cruvanty :council; and i �> o ination is less - and they have repre entstives i Parliament, tek mi my councillors co Id' bye'±osern; In: - zlton andotter- scat . 'I -coiunties where there is only one-parlia,i entry: represen- eve,live men could do the work of ,nty. . ouncillors,- These county 4-,*ueillor0-could be el; cted at the:same live as our: municipal - elections, with -bat very little -expen e = tai the rate tiuzyers They ;could- . ch©sen for one two years, while th property nds f of the -rate- rs df the -Ontario- a. wisdom of redo c- unfy . councillars tot .be to _get a- only -- accomplish t - w ill .also give air and equitable County Board. ur N -ay oflooking ri_p ished The ivi ed Irl yo three. ioin!in the Ontar k the same territor- members . of the representatives his woo . 9 make ers in '-th Bruce 1 counties :where 4 1 to hi • • orilorrlerre 4 • 1 . nominated & the county clerk. 'That official could g t�, the ballot papers rinted -kb th a names of all as '` irents erent r- dings, and send them rk in lie county .be ore elec- After the election. e clerks exit m icipal ties eo ld send cast to county coun illors to judge, who: together, ith t `e lr" wo decide -%Oat ,.fry :. d the largestlnrumber each iding, and . rho were o t the county eou'nci t .time it costs th' ut $2( 00 per year, beside pay the' forty-three! salaries,: wh 1e thy' in the di to each cl tion._ day. ofthe difff' &hebal1ots the count comity canlidate of -`totes i entitled t Al the county at; the miles; e, to ti. ouncillors -their iften in tubers ut-thi receiv Seats preset 706. ion. of the- expense the county. .would' ave by the change proposed. • - ° would oaway al ost w olly,ifnotcora letel y it the g ants t - local muilici alitie hi- h cots the county of Brune.' x inn ally - any t ousands of , Collars; nd will c t ntinue •to cos t it so 1. ng as h . •e s i e , resan''systen is -in fotkce. i It s!i o the inte est of the reeves or deputies'= o get all tl ey can for their own murk ipalities, :it if the count v -councillors;• ad to dep nd for their election upon ()Notes o' all the municipalities in the ;ding o one place would i .ceivn;: ;Tel than ts just share of. the °oneyj iverl - to . `d in - :uilding bridges ori eeptng up: the r ads, ould cost .legs- that isonlyas 31 pot., ad is eou of minut and r port was r. Todd id $5 co unic tion Holt re dr in o urnrin tiO Mr. cil met on Saturday Feb; he me bers heingPreSent s,:.ef.fo met. meetino were. pprove . -The treetS reels Sceive and -placed-O. Mr- seconde by' hat Dono‘an. be. an 21; cotices'ions 8:' P er read frotri Mr. on essions 4, and .5 of ix ssrs. Gibs° Holt' t aril the eotuti n o this drain. As oon as the lowl the road *alloArance do the tt6d to t em by re engineers it t • at the tow shipis willing at all t t dolany ork all of the reev and co[ nc4 be a pointe re deed. .rried or whic was o 111 ibson seconded by memberk of to examine* de- dway opposite lots vith the vie of their ap,ntial motion pf Messrs" ted - 1V1e, ed by Mr D. milli seconded by ount of u c'r•illecti le taxes, be given the colec or in or er to balance roll—Car ied iei follow ng che u were issix d : I) Donovan, grrubh ng and brus ing ii, Cr ig $2 ig dwi ard 111-cQuillan, gr vel, mindi g gap And damage $4' 95 W 1-1 Wilson-, 65 yds gravel- at 7 cents; $4 55 f Robe i Lowrie -nails and'Ilm- bo ks $6; - John ebster 'auditing lec ibl $18.3 11 - 'Owns to meet 7th a ime o'clock. And stor Ma • ENDERS WANTED Cheese factory near Holyrood. Plans specificatiOns, can be seen at J Purvis's . Sealed tenders will be, received , and ed at.the Holyrood Mechanic's Hall on ch,lNh at 2 o'clook p. The lowest tor tender uot necessarily aceepted. 41 -Amus MARSHALL, Secretary • OC of:Wiote'r '$000ds isposed --"ATES:‘ LTE GlasseS and can aliata4e satisfaction in kb , _ you with -a good. pair cON tiRD DEALER IN' Canned RUITS Thanking t and. vicinit solicit a co gc.T.101i:ER - • Conqueal, xi -their -liberal past, we:woUld nation 'Of the T. Men to work for us money this fall and times. Excellent pay. If -you have s work, a: lookiirg for write me at once. FRFD E. YOUNG ho desire to nrork inter during slack hance. Liberal are time. iiit'of 4ursery an T.EI4 114EADIN(1- HOUSE FOR: F8*.I011a1A.e 116,t§. futtishings Etc.. .04 iothing.to brder. it-) the. ,latest and 'most fash- ionable style's - our !!•adink feature. , 01'897pm WORK DONE AS "USUAL e tinlIOVOC1 to MDR Y'S NEW BLOCK.. 1166. • Spring Peas Oats smikaaimpr heat, -p6r bushel tt it 41 Butter, 1,er lb... rolls Hay per On Dried _ap Lard Wool pel les It • • 030 .35 .40 .12 81.p to v2.25 ..,•, 41:4o 9 • • Chiekensi _per lb.. Apples, r bore oatmeal Hides, pound f it It MI 7 Ashfield.) measure an -further par • 8, WANTED( AT ER'S SAW -MILL - OV HARD WOOD 'LpGs r which the highest prices will be be ut the mill every Friday to yay for all logs delivered, [For culars apply to AVID IVIcDONALD Lucknow INOT10E rriRESPATA ON ,BAST HATA' LOT '19 ,ftitind-trespa sing thereon, ofthrowing -d Jane feneesth, tete be engmg.willbeprosecrked according to I w. .