Lucknow Sentinel, 1894-02-16, Page 6J 4; z 4 WOO JORM IPAV-t UE, m0 MAD A" WO 88 hbom '*SeS*, of The Girman band. in the noonday henik. A�* w SAY Irre", A W"M ftM Bftlk* Golden now -Kbopp6d, on a corn-vr of tuel stieet6 its "W""W I* say or sb~i *&*mum - I I � i . . ­ - - ftudllft 4""RuLii I - . A. EiriciAheimer aind Mederwurst in*ot Nleholai -A"issivi With IlIornets u leekprot -dence it. Th6B In 01600 P""s Elf ader their arms were first' A cushion 1144- GOV A of Next 8ohmidt with * idlarionet thiit-shone tVery C&SA), *is hablib if travelilft -about. Incognito* &0- -V Vhelm ilaus VouBeqk with z� great trom but to beat rough usagis ;, as -ib. -ommun _y it e#er faus to of- hb, In W- hild-after them there w9uld always 00124 1 need bly lask and liirod,� poop it must 94MOUdedouli by iono* i�.genera -ure, Coll Dutch "'ri v his big brass 11.0 010101 ihi diligenot. on 0 :of -tb�eie -0;�� t1a; k ii wftff "1, 10 ack a Lit -drun'-'�- deiiiRed. for. age , nt. Al And a$ the gathering crowd he byeds. z If i vi pretty Ok ey- Verer Was on &Cri a a -pas tifut SUPPI .0 hione, wl I r img -0 th." bd the leader, cried: plin well A resto have ren Birkeiih I our. 'rooms sid �*aiv so 'Eia-witiripi-drei-­461 egavert IS. all ob Ing sitrength, ­whon Y the -next plel. 0 X0 ed her esk liere run -dc -thin, hollow-ChMtrw go 1 3. � W& Ailigftee would Vicr-f Tinf-I havene of Ir if a demand yvin" aad tviki�- qdito three who ar(Y 4 f I lie of Oro ;IV; In eamwng e toli the town, ut III red for. no* shapes co'ublusti ell hours to Y b they liked t6 am, they'v or -rowing t00 Th6n' 0WPety_w60Mpety-W00m1) ed, g wo iad, Mob Ge' blood from evervi walk 006agi- Mie iwe.6da, t got Very'. would a ether W, Rob=t a]ad And f ks, whatever they took.tneir sta t ionA Y "eal lal, it. the As 9) eruotion or N, s nad the hre e woods play, path t Scrofula;- and building up jWh01 0- ey iem ore are efreoti ity, W1. ivs w ii there in t that tim Valway& say, When th ; heard t] col oti Will a al a dwirable- IL - the weather made 5tron Mae fi There wam nothing to equa�i the -'German band! W" ft1d to be iL vory g Jlealthyby eno# o0imperor A haar&ihapid pillow � 'is I a pleM d *T) k., -flesh when you!re thin...in &PL tblo'geateral to(F-iiufe0;t.'1­ -room nes. Windows fle1v op�n-- at the sound novelty for drawi Oubeat In I not9fig to equal the Discovery? u rapid d And ral licking children. waltv.6d.aroun. Bjr mind- by they �&M,6 a A an! 'caused by ver�l-or ebroing lizen two hearb-Ohape I pteds!, IS �diseaso �jj torpid 11 The-oigaa-gi inder across- tile way . I . river,. hiat *ev. :-eouldie'-- nel bridge.' A V, n i6asifn bloodt it's the a Filed wita k ild dismay inches long and 16 - widisi, &nd 'jot ohly gdtu��d.raiatemeid ki Ion OY In W Woome bys -ad the,Ozsr an tin ftsIff FAW of, ovs piniait happened t d Iq -b&-eits pipssltng tones together with Strip 11A t we and Bfm. I . n Wagner eyer aaked h-Ita wbere the bridge -am. 91 Tho d with taose of zmi t.h and Jones; hio, writes: '6 K CEIrru little- b6y' wa re If Inaba% wldo.., *I Thile frow afzlp 0 -tz I 't 'is ih Che.-Ics sweLledi to cralpkinc.1 sind eyes! Po thlak witb,livpr tropble'and other disea0m our� is- done.7 said thw gixai%,Lui 6. Gs gives the necessart AeSL When mi taid he nid t n, dut family p ysician co no nis *AY "roliVI ."61 No-diiii through the s of n sic werA put to roul lblr"� 1q, -Ing up -the- fouidai on 1 1036ve tbree4noh fact. they all thought so.'- I gsive - A8 thv Ision. *ater I Wells Ilt giviI Y4j a. 10 rubles it They qaspud.amGmcnt.-4161T brLiattiir.and men, -openfag toinsert ' e%d a StOt Pierce's GoldeliL Medical DiSOQV604nd ell its own ag t c and thev saved his 4&.- Wo'brive iisid he, =6 ried out again :. l 48-kully Iond -c-& !�Ilv, I pm%in an U and [1)k M tely to SIT the Qrea -10M Ni-er-funt-led her go!" the Oz 8-1041141 with, Ide ulgh- found st t The p4mat - tin Lr and bronchial tro ill Ein-Zwel-arei­S6 cove, ir throrat. m of Cod -live, sterer's t1ye J (,�. 1i perf6dt rellef tb*A wo'can o&-; &Ud -in. i to' minutes n. We shoufdiars� on�ai material w it to �eep tbe do from ahif.b, mend.it very higbW,,4' for wak- fhen Oingety-bingoey-bingthey went, he"- and thete do ins - . J; -0 Im s Pl)oilt6 aborei. IgWaw. -folag, wherever they -toak- their'stailid - I * -1&*.A61 -i , oit * th And In , and bsooming uldevea. at out two I -9 1 r - 1: 4. 1 ., : - - #* ing.he 7 jr. U br Flesh and Boness Wouictalways say, -when they -he If 0 - ardt� 10M places of volveteon,tuffietend r4e to Moot Ug G -oughs, and. Puy, E' breidet PA*Wff ]LEATHRIM Tfiv- P a -,i- ftiod bsok, took -the g Col It, one CU There*as uothing -to eqnal'ths -o. aul and overlap, the -9-Ughlon. res C and a d wibb him. M&terf#A M&Y i0olL A Viiae with' sprays - 010 &1 fi�wels, . _f 6�tidl I InventOn whets of atass-z1118 11 the E, Weak Lun& id th M. ti' ­OK -got to Ae Phys � anx, -e.. Hoga -tormixt Wit". 4tl'i priMeolle gs ara blue to �Adotu Our 11 4 Ad -.Out.. 11141 orSe J AOO ratag to to - durp - hLai .Into, Me ts 'flat. Sedr -th� g ia�nd; up -An a perert, v _n from Lher, .1 1 . - ?,f Mrs. Aiderni yellowupen, a I'll g1ve 'i" 2 1. r0lies Thte-,-vi do'wn a- dinie when they -green -91-Ir P the *Sti:i I" world- over, end 1L thi M Sguin bi d. -o muge. uro M I at; no greu d,: Palo allow an W -be n4nifisla ortit the. geii4r "Ing I in the- tranopafeUrt Moab I at was r ep'-i b giesue- 1 st j, Mrs. atrorty never gave a cent; V40 'J_s ;9 carry Me on e day she pbid her ren mme he* sottaBown Vil ,-t the a tertsi toottai We the trill, A hundred- rubl Ulto �,i--Af t, the liair -has bee N t b deeeked by SubstKu ei'. t Avlar when do tie twi anc a half Ino ' ' `8 n -hidi)i the 9 ."t ga*64-� 1416 generaL - The peasant' Thai Ro." eya. Who 41 FU8giZt-% iared alt -wide in long Mo7ed frora, the'�; 8'�%Ile lot AIIDL Ve double -the edgeAt.. A pptx, the ir Undle Mike, girt of the Is 1�!�tahed upgn- AII&WO. IS zubbad -wit ki 9 aked him M'sing bqt- had'no.t gone .ud then bega4 found&- ixturt-:: "Went C WhPi4;red sunukhing aii surreus... it muit Wepiped f6 the h man I ".. . 1, follew-ing m Uree -abspe bdore the Empirer .914on-Ad: ffilifirs ures NOT!& h aitened To jolt for the hoky-PokY tion. A v a Abb bow sh bef .2wo hundred- to -throw ;ajiey lio a Ad. parts And-- wao %hook his head . mid! to one let 41 G1 rcer6ile (26 V 1 still -per- �'hfleic un ting, the procceiis, once more Is Rata -ThQ J siat, Stood I le -vegetab -lehapeq ruslition 1111-, 19 M ovV. lgia-zwei-drei-so Incrie apid. 9- 0. 11drat rubles to carry 'Vier-futif -led her go-!" tended for a she or 'pillow an a reakiag Boric sicid ---FOR �SALFwww r. 6 me 9 fgll, S'- ang it V n so Ar it' is tip th bank I" Th6 E b btindred rubles b .-cu baxigct�'bangpt "g n0i is Vut BoUre iii hide to 0 un- peadaint egan chair. - The foun tiewe sbron -Ii ikb' lutely to 1111P 2b Fiirms fai� $1000 6&th stand. to drop. him 13 It S20(jo henewr they Look their And t Ira_ raly`s 0 trio 4. lay-, I together do not penobisto him .11ghbl 7 -wou always s -Y, Wilen �Lhay hcaxd them into six stripes W;. 0 in'the oe narrow at Plqoed in -al roon-whtch the. t1io general off -his baok, bu g oneral -top a d bam. Tht4w Art the a JOB :and is ea1dratied clutched yand or ad a thou. Sawo. There. was nothing to equal the Gerplad witii.d. an and stuffed own, 0 sol bi0h MMW Ot. P9ta4h-- mand rubl $44= f re'. 1 1 46 th, I- i - - - -you 1! to 14 Me not made the hide, fA*ery.'-d .16 %0lia to W I coveting is Bowe ryi there -th6 bank 1 Tho'Zm our balad t( r 1118.L perior wax Also well - situated and'. 6 neti to of x of put � me on jDod we -as %ansma* sepal rately, su&�6 a iolumon of - - W omd which are laughing too much to day A*Y laorei the ln� Chathamy #mbro.dery ovar tistened f 4u, ran"ren isind the twet prayers of many lands, ilk, To r A011 and a t 860100tig th 18 was Pat -7 bore, Trenton. J[n f6r6sts dim, on degert, isand-3, 0 r kit ThIS1854houtsom I've. Niard the i ban4a. I fimfed ra.00�t% a bluiet� t.stned �oodlngly xt Is. general I b L X16 i 1� .0 of � 11n 11V wo a an ve� p M hey k I I y ewo S" ja tiffi evir I W thr6 t *1 lea 10 �d- d do on- Ide 21 d V� pidedbuthe pe&sxut9-'reiah�d the town- TIMM 80TPID tiotis ocean, a- A oba"re of Qtran -or p toned Y4.11ow may be- to let Azidlt odthe.wa geb is used-- for the m ter they had lunihed-th�gonersl -1mrslawlaffs amb prov on] there thing. to' int It, JOBN -WheLn wayes- W( -Ira tolling ountain. big#. chosen Ix.no -lj6 fielLr'Llie StOrniking*sSitiltencry.. up his it. USA& imperial seasumits. In t1blem but sdatio� �nd the silk Wales, but iame- 114OA9. Th. To­�carry .7 n, d, 8 rostiess otion, shouiT be- of t o from being fos 9d'for foot gear, an4tle wer* these Items Ing His lfla'hink iii a m T �aped across the sKY. othbrolde re I band are' tightly! seweato bho with �..-ftnc �Nbsakfnr, -'shpos tomadio of ib. rla4shlilng L Majesty ever the river, -10 rubles to own.: R strips of. non, - and make -a at found WS dd DOb mopleiistig , to, the sighb. rant ling 4-.t'T 011M.&OA . I Q OtOVIO, I Ing Gioneral -A 'under dtffinulhlen- seft silk make Lfd it 1"St tave-the "Vantago tam or* Loa 17ho-all man -precious souls efe. sPed A ere, fiLful gleam oi sullen Making oilia al- These arraurd in oreat6d a" Maitaty ".Poo rable16" #T&6u!gh rud'ni gg narrow tc g, 1-1 f 6,uf gry b1iide oldetiroied to AV Very low rriceq.. NOW is the t1216 to imbsi., Off Ynade. ft Mee trio Ural#1 homa of your GWP. ietit by doleful bullet n1 Wien "wed-VAtIVItop in, bottiotno to ()r 4ells demodadal crashing, Iiiard's LiMmett refieves,le wL V o# -d' the pillow... A king throad ran down the n- !"Brea v Thir Dg-woodand wilr-swePtgla, A well-khown'; rallroaler R. X PIERCA of West Bay Ci trenibli fiating in ag?mt for the. celebridid' Keytoonilk AAMG ft -A Niktural Do uld girit"aged eight inietiiU -" 9'fi had w (3ou,, e Of all pgayers I've heard w nis. *hel 1-to.,keep the psatrolold' w1hate 11 1 jw*j4 b an Eut sw'ekosh ilti- lwibh ribtioal Alpena and" 04ems y W1011 any I -lad bird, -of spring,=, iffi toted ti'do laitano In ei V, tbktn'sorog --ag YOU a farm of dze st'very, low Silk -an can jreu give. 'VrW O;k c, f �two shad"i witching ibe d tfic soui, of roses. bows e tor'-whrit reason very rftsonable- terms Fare v uriur b-4 iniglat and ditys testifies to be at. aid OtO An p , . - r -- to fa rio ory; s� U ug tho plain milk cord st*ned in ti�inkt it this laidy did nob Intend bo Vu iae&- the bJLoW'of Ma th#- emb' nd xap1d cars, ressin 04. fo rthwe of 40 acres. Wrzt.6 &I) ends to Rage YV of the dlov li, 'hearts are g bobtomg and 'Wil fe izr youn�g and ay, be.the oubign ad tip an,d hit her husband when- she` thiew the Sugar pliast9 by the ute', of r. Howar is, z An such fdnd mem'" no 6 in place. - as bew'I at him? ry w disclw -sWite of da hung over.the a keeps I beat W"t Bay-"-, NICIRN y 1119 stIlLeAste. to mat Is ke, as. him. U a tho shini Pills. Theg's Pula Aro the beat Ing Aii Ig all weaknes"o .0 Witnew-Wall,.Ahe dld'hi).; t - ' i Ift the wall(%. quilt A little, ttngei robed in white, fb 101, at the b0 not e; pure evil,, bub I%rg.$,r ra t0 d of the4 1111LUMIARUGA of the th at the out ee- ling, d M d-� 4' of -K Whe-enbire 3511 miles the 'AcRES hN by a mother fondly goat -9 .50. tau Co. 0, Bilic With riolded hands and drooping head, . ­ I . 2 - - 6 acern P5 IAK 0SUSI -It-- 111 a, Id a navigitted -low voic eg;l,� hipeS, m I last be --lout Wo 0 kvitle, 0 Sh! it- wilt -I I A r, Net Uego'..- 'FO S- 'L upon`tbo tjireih iil�ht d. the'foundation *hIdh 'is mauciester canals 501 for' e6wed togesher and stdffed. , Th And 0, curving lips of red, work - ith of ftewiL -raviddl vit'night h #aiyj by -the filk-ortbre4d. I , 1 q' rA iis in the famous Hard Nfteat Bdb Tji'6' stain les -; so -al in thSixglit revealing, r if -of Palo-. yellow Silk ved,"jo, the-loVirig metisa6 sped- 16atal 61uhr 14 ry 11 8 -of I 01,00tric and tho Dakota& -J An In t single flwers In Tyl� but We can sbIl you -improved or - id. Dod, b'eis mamina !7 e6r0t6d is at oub wetah' god. Taecapis' Wiet. paitis.jreeia�- Ivateen tive porU ii o d lab paper, and hir ti zy- 66a to lands in the most produc into the f -)rm f t e -as of a ..anotn, an a* Entl M&BBSChnsot What�lt purer pra-yer can- rise above p leads in! incorporated United States on m is fixel h immortal fave h"� b Is fixel -ble uoiboag esib, be Aellai nt.- To realms of t galtbered rAthei (i the. culare write to BECKER CHAM a - Th t uver its *Atch N - kee ta more half ll -VID, in�_,`f Brownills Vid"k, Triverse ing D I J�GVj of,gr"i nd Tae one:piiaid� of fiour, dounul lihore ith a la%i velvat a No nVAtter where we w;�.nder. or Snoberly- 9 Gutq It Must be Vver. ;tarbof 01L pb d (4, due buttor,- -and q, 10 be ino rbor and -from -shore: pals yeUow,zibboq. a a.. go in Eng- sug-,�n I Isobly awful forA g6atte'tuan, . �ACRES OF &AND e us wa re thoL;e who lov - ? sivionds liplit In halk, (qu We 0- toiite. Kraiakerbeckor".1th V Or dream, they hear oar st Aps oace, df r from ha M3061 Ldd sitps, i0f 0aud(e4_ pa�l W it, iii4weep atly tiere haii bee bi U for fiale bytkegiucTPAM mom - istia foi fib -wee C Mots. T are more Wee lagrated -to th 0 mokh d4eadhil"new than �bvah. 94. -How & DuLuTu ornamental thanu fal. - Who A'A-gonud- itecording to tist-%, an4 Wtvall w6li to 911 Am jolil the W.. 191no of ()aXPA1 od,9raYL4 that we who ail and die. the V qT pwixonere sat pwou with a. k0feb hm They VIEL be nut toyou, leading leaves sro of. crepe 'Ohielb-;* it. I� . in Minnesom &nd for Napa And er che swift m6me pase to the butter Ith -the.. fl y, should'Ve of brow velvetiewo plish. Mae Rai 0 child bi, in pa - Po 0.41, to 1ture into a May ren 6e ey. are cut go ep Ta Him, w�o said.: Forbidthem. not, 'aokie- 1piik -and htte sit r In the sheipat of 4 Igathere er-la rInkle ever Ag�ntI6 fieeding I A1114 gthers them wil . 1 aentre and h the gem. plume and lbake "I'D iii moderate To wficreallsorrowr4sfok ot. edrarqu Stock Raisers -use rg Eight leaves are Weed, -jet, though tbe HOPEWELL C 6*9 -14dr Near" Mele-sUniviers Th �*Lotgft Aidell I lower onet-do'ne *Wt they a ireq%ftedto t)ICV &_Co.. OL t om for twiD, not to puff up the upper #nolff , . heL 0 ntre'le. mod, 1rhre is� no 1101*6 in felln -k- her in an snuxan tab: -eunlb a d -W.1 d warm;- %6 rt of a plece 0.1 Refs kit gtvelf way Uc-arc Jug o much -room-; T g with nez b: It to a dise 9, ily 6 io, -powerful 'kamedle me Y� ot 0 brown sOk the -�*Ya area '0 ne as -.of her Aair's verfume ad as wellas Mfet ft C glvft -0 a grain A of Cae nearn ess o ther arm. S w thlines oaz fr-- a and gay, ohs rays on thopedals'mmm in of, t6, isime diso'evai;ed lisle h u :den igh r war In w:iaug*d o thev'elveb.- invariably ArveNri 0 STOM 4 uk. - It e to 'ind' ti empl YM t bells e ime and we' a awaY. by Polseal Avar.e -by th eon before the ous a N4*V WAS 0UrtD of S;L bad of GrIp -brisp and g-'ittariag sadw, I . - CLISIS and 'an A a e g largerolota 04 sit *ervo, padne, to be by't e, et this cushion Is for, MINARD'S LINIKENL vinig-beftind tli� city street, -ai -e !we ga 1. A-GtrB* g nd i of cme:& Mine - -oil, tie rodaidl oashte iu� ever: Iti ne li-iptn h VU Pis glar Y, t b ttle. VA na.1 the darkness still and sweet;' whioli are nearV fist b roe. 11arge "Ietea, wh it, atkate a 0 AGENTS NTE99 C -law ft"Y wlirpseftft kazab"aw Alm OW wAS e a, hou GIVI=D f loss of sloe ky MIN. &-rid here and th rei sehoLd-gleam . -twelve- Perelli to a are d for. Rmd cam and Pain Rut"116 iWA W011, 1011 611bMW mitts �y us in a ftying dream.' With 1 8. the catch PI'low. B11A i n. 41 ARD 811N. as -ORMAIL Co�' ps -of a reig, a," fo'r- the 1 CiURIGUS PLUIdNza. Iff w Op&�Tthe h6i4ezq gaily driven! . 1. BIZ41 0 A little lid y 4`6i Kits. 8 9, & M sui A GENTS—WRM US F0R'Ct90ULAW' Tho &weet bel,19 clatter si A. - ivt ry- niirth, I - wide. And 6very A white in heaven 0 all: lnah�.%@ -patisnih, In6rits, the balk of t I WAS- OURE-DI -Of BrMIcal Rhouniattem by ar is Id b love an,,d. at. p, ope r by �m , and -tierris of our book.., hoa'$1 rebafl uw u I, a . . - - I i - 1. An(1- ave - is white 'S LINTURNTO wardf. We 0%irry the, large -3b acwrtw, ry field on earth, i one rose oeuld � bo In I saaAes *I . orlms"i lef 0 by - the late Gay do M a saul Sh' MINARD' entif to the dsugWtof -a brother of 1 jar NVI Ko dark the bt-ightnes seems, how bril cht. &nother-fn white depenlngt blush r*80i, Lis S. BuTLzL snb4driptiqn,b6o)6� Bibles and AlbUM Se ]LIM Tj�e gakk-neis of tile wiiuter night. i and a third pals pllo v deopent mg to butter- Ye a 0�nada, and- our termis and pda& And'heir prob%'-wInning -ws pi- d he hou cannot :-PublishIse. CUP 6ibeaten. WAL BRItiGk% flit o'm tie foupdationj They an laid Or:, a "ronto. Vve p�.ss th opeii rodd. like wind,- h"rt of hr 'Woiabel guales . a Th is WA in the im and shadowy lanes the deeper rh&d underinest. the. smaller' hbt :fav -fir�b,b t n br Aw-hen -he Our Wild pac�e t-hickens. and I find leaves In the cent 'a so,' upirl&4, as ponible.- - . . - - r-- - - - -.11 - - - - - - a ffor from tk pitifGA malal till 0 &1 1i h%ad enoukh to hold- the reins Ai�d �somehow. when Ltr kigies- oa her cheek. Ig p-atibente. PIL WINS, HIS SO4VITINUIPP, y to speak The beset Qf the o Wer -15 nia� 6 6! a little -deprived Prin4h. Itteratur of ..oqe of LV Dry Words are Pff Of eft., br Meet o? E ISAY OF IT REM. TEEIMG WHAT; TKE PEOPL 0 y,rilund 'Col "FOR'. CHILD rep Oslo by - ft (AC Is better t hione res 4711 any wa Ah.14fe is fair inm mado* as - It Is iffi3iu - to Wltft PIMSUT' L V, irainge themi a Vfteftblee 6 eive my testimony and re 'him dt jogether A�t "Ungbours tric tull of dea; nicely. In cove �.M" 51X1 commead Ebys Elee -Salvb to all sufferers 'from: gez"ems or S�lt Rheumf: My hands were And love i sweet in sitm mq days. Putn&mtJJT PjAnlel� - Gain E. ibfi4 bfoss6ming, pa -tris and ylvA4 -bowe pieties of paper 0 an 41&ngles $.out out ffroml �'bathingixi But I abo these three �lvsbf* veb or P'notho I ly V100bablib i&-compedibI41% P Very tad'.Iast -yba-. Your t sUed and I Burm! Etc. �t me ahoos6t, a, I bliss; in, !v41 Eaud's Unment CUM gimm Extr(hotermolket no Be" d'11 bo1o,,6,,hta box of -the sWve. An A seij;h. ride with thegirl I love. Whea the I e-,- used it saA ater hot water as. hot a -i could be and three five'ni aidiry. barn -,4rartfoia Times. Beim.. -with, go t .3 the �.Man or a week. 1. 6C -found instant relief. After two or three li -worked jwa! ecd apt) are n P1. su drug&tL '�Xdte smoom t have advtied.othe" to use it for Sore Eyes. All. Alphab-41cal n4mquacte hem 0 cations, my hauds became. OUT THIS --!OU -ey 1*vit e ;eFJ is n -do his contre of th thriad t1ghtiy- �Vn. -to t XP w�stheArdor of Reginal I's love; aftscrear name -A *iwe *as Au. Runrounds etc., iind th erteRic Is "dove. Msking,a -4iop de b -there, SO benelletal re ulvq. B -Vi4s a 96aut, his Lizzy, h C t -don he mad ras Liz -I H. JACK N.- -dollar a to IM do -you *Xrry A gugk?"' SM11 'a bouthamisten,, Ont. MR tone he CofifeA the outer is Itoce: of. br.soadii tor at the qWtenttiie;y to one of the. A$ Delight when she said she'd be=hig vel V,em rf V1161 p E their. Engagement, upset bythe fact - V - - I I I . , - - Dr. SsmswJ (W%#wrs 2W=. of the0aW JxroW Or Veto - Odtb andlendo � d b Actery *an be utilized, 1b is guar4lL WHAT TRE PROPL9 SAYS )F w4s her Fa her dea.;ient of tact,.. viol t QfL ont fly - f`1 -am, tah Thisls to.certif r 'that after .010 of, bOas Amociatim Tie k4ep iho pils wos hia Glara whqn informed of the truA& enibroidered'V 8shiluld b 0 al k 0. aing a cou cuthlen,� wi b6x -'s - -of Eby's, Blectiric Pa - re is completely -a*- IwAstat" Aveaue*- V—bre*i 4-N&46 The -eaddle.,b -H- wits his Heat, when he lectured -that yo*� 16, wait thi r4i bb Marbles, a a Insistence curOd a I rost bite with whiAl 11ad been troii- i'on marriage plus cash; -' - - - t . -- I WIL.&A- VA1. - wadding- liberall I'sprinklea b embob I I L I - - . ? -yews I' w�s his Ja it dgment otf lovers too bled fok about two ft" SM -1 herewith po 9 06 Member- 69 IU06 - . ledre name to be NqL& the Ke-- nuessf R�-ginald's griet; iwder* for throift ever to of big, Mounb.HoPe, 06t. WX. SWIN13URNE. Vand bd very goniftbr 6 a. Wa�a the Leav�6-taking� jp Ainf a FirstR4publi m -Terrible t1mest back re fi- e.6 ad olisli o Salve and'- i X*w athe� .01n Kh4lyadmawled by"Urn. of ma& r -me W-01 long,' na!re R . a o best h Morning hesb, outfrom h e;. - .�L I have used'.2by iwt lots alioui -f Is d of. t twe-.NLew �Voriclr he intenned to roarn. .&at R ealing salve, nd lso IwAi� About -About th t CaTa be had. it cur�d a Isore oa mij th.4 One- minute before they set 811d togethoi� -11bbesis. - 01 man�arr'.ved wita i . ramii�, - 4 fastened Name thw Gove' :b. trying to It adted like 4 charni. .�with,r r4m Rut iot leir. aDON.4LDLAMONT. A iddrew, P W48- the Po t them ..Qtwex.Hill - OIL 1 w4.3 the.Question.he asked on t e- at- Must a ft110120 Wal W16 th ginald'gait. S hi ad what was red: The Burgemembi of 31logen his refus qzurprxse wfien he'd re 0.26 butidred-Yerra SVO the aftfid St. T thp, Tea t.ho.-n -and a. i'registei ', iil41n t6 name 4 Of -E ft. 'Prin matter4nafled ati i%vullitmNew Xpar he.d acquired 4 mWas wa- Peru, .0-0009 3. re'day V s his Tjncle who*nied in he d that the WideNspe v n.' w OwRtOgated. $31 t - groan ia e,' e hdr V. is obill In. forie in! tixat town uly, a W- tl�e Weil -ding no longer delayela� one -.to 14 KARAT GOLOPLA ,. X Xantea wher-6 the happy namese-1 saints or hts6drla �V whs the" Ve, o ",h r fathe' $866.961� 421 Glblays pair stay ed. es SO turning blaock: ter- one-ftyw 4A Vim the Year they were wed, whicii is near beiag a� betw. M111 thbi entered in the bArbh-- iog ters Tto athi mothelf 4"teen's T can w#.s their Zenith of rapture and brtsw! -, I Y pt-xlli� vesr--- be vroft a lifetii-me t -but she Said theis wis V1114 )ht, i pr vent i ChIldrou in 610A me used by t -:52A �-Loaaan Fuii- of thts law Was ousands eandAl Not a clo* - bat a tew WaYs Ft eral El &I looked. ".011 her whab -ih* "of t ia wind fentiomaus betug (!�Iled ite," t4l 9-. g the -om swe you'll ii DrRiggists C- -Fivre,.Essiol 'h Falk mg to the. revi%lent 1ashion at the was,. nd. she 04, Dou"t ski wn i ly mmfled� tuper amordt; i free frwn 6biew-4PAW a, On �!xcaipt -of - $1.00: n% pre s -h A i4up a. bit I t1moof the - Fren. RivelufAon. all 'o Mara ey. 09 1 did W&U14AL As soon as my trade piq pmlcularz, a cent Sond fifty �antfiv Staiu*. Said the merchant. looking-mvi-,3e­ -CAN. mean �L-s soon as r�y- trade picks up a bit.. A'Gra*dson *1 Dte now Isad ft � win GIOV& Lath goink.to advertise." thO VA]tphli tt) -Your b will Int�rev4 Iniriers of Dlakens the TAK DOW*" 61tPren -offl" s soon as my vess6l reaches al j to know that I fiti:,griedsens h C 0. a for the balanco ith a wo TA Said the skipper vi 4atAte&'the n=1 Title: to 'Gerild Chur1es 3NOWS tez6dk for C rix Is -the 8156ir All 1"k Field(D us Cheoest ",As soon aq Tay vessel reaches port. -Begt� FAdest I Mr. ebarcm ftil ��ymoa L 11 am going to set my sail."' Dickens, aptaquid, �4n.e it oke r -*he :s in his 1&,h wfl] send the lan =9 As soon as my deld of grain is DI Q.C. boy, INVI h your order *e will meA _graiwnl' i I . . a need- year, .811 pages thiii ueuqil examination Mau, Said- the f6wifter, sore i Sold byDruggists jo and a. Soud suvar 'Chain saron a�s my 11616of grain is, grown *ell the -1 'BY the w all - the' r by Ta *an malto $4 -pm day R. T. Enlazoltulne, n. pa. -C rn 11 -am going to so w -the eed' ." grandesqainne' of DD ken' wateamew a bear the. neime of "!A -s soonot,3the -matt is well and s trong23''., Charles, which is 10mbionstely preperved in Said the doctor, dr clOa awing e-' the thmily. iks-sooiva4the man -and stron is well 91 I wiU give him a curing dose. - A PoLbU&tIon Railed. -a rillittee, ulovi-nly soul is saved the 2 eta soon as I One :of the n wepipor ourioribles of 5 her's obsi�rvation­ as the p m A world. to ovalled L Passage de'Venui (ibe -50ctru an soon a -i I'm ifay r-oul is savet is $1.00 Bottle- -6 a. publish P trainsib of Vehis) and -to t ed. One centa do' ll.* ray for its salvation." WILLIAWFLORENC& whiineve onobitcal Obi nemenen roe r that r tee 1rall to data of - De. It is sold, ()n� 'n a here. the: cutz - It$. ua"' ff--r F*ult Kedrero4od. - I comb 3ri 6 tb, 18821; *6 nex 4 will be diitod gist3o It cu*e: Ecippie6lit J'a sind Ma w! meekly, " Yes. I knovi, --Th�e - 'Bob iot lbeit isf this ind is the b . ftt Cough no ­ 81ho 2004.: s!i i aut rather low ";, - - ob.1possIbly ball dre, Thendded- Bat a, fault confessv 4. J-unlqu i-surnal he" to gob A, T, th 14 i# ..thil NOR 0 -affire: POMP. Inud 8 1 0. he ajdage salfs. is, halt redressed." inns b SS 4446.10a t 4 4