Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-24, Page 8asa.
e Luckn ,Bruce0ou
fltY, Friday vernber 24th
I-Gimin Thieves. .
'Farmers Would do. -well to see ....that
their -granaries are Properly secured.
There appears to bean organized gang
of grain thieVeS on the road in some
parts of the country. :The gang- Con-
sists of a partf of- three. -Men, two of
-*hem seCure the • grain,- while. the
.third feraains inchargeof the .velli -410.
Look out for them. •
Evely lady who desires to
be w'11 _dressed- • reedgniztbe es
eg,sity of:gO.ocipraiperly
_fitting gloves, -,and every:. lady;
-min a predate .gloiTps•that.not
:neatly but give .every
ction in -wean- We .areositiofl .
to. supply such
...7-1ove§i-..--and. would.. ask.
-Thanksgiving Day!
, _
To -day (Thursday) is. TflkBgiViflg.,
Day for the people of Onada,. .and
will be observed by .ou?-1.citizens as a.
public _Holiday. In the different
churches in the Village, religions ser-
vices, will be held. •
ay in Advance
All -subscriptions should be payed,
in advance: A. good number of bapers
have adopted the plan' the latest being
the Blyth Standard. A genuine cash,
systmn would-be the best for criery-
Runaway .
On Monday last a team of hersess
belonging to Mr..; Statters; of Kinloss,
-fan - away .from - the store r houses at
the station. Coming down .Havelock
l -street, and wheri'--near the residence of
IV-.McInt-osh, ;the tongue of
..he waggon' dropped from .the neck-;.
yoke, -upsetting, - the waggon
letting the. frightened animals treeof
he. rig, The tongue and ether portions
of the .waggon - was broken, and one
of the - horses was T. pretty badly cut
ab.9utr the legs,.
A Good Coriliia,ny
- The West Wawaii6sh :Mut* Vire-
in a
• ..
lends- 'try- POTIn's or
Ws:Make._ -They are
re' tit*. -Kid ',and; range
in. s). es from. 5 to 7 -3-4
all sliade.:.
have- also, a full range
.of enIs Gloresin lined
:an unlined.; -., .elcCpllent
BisideS Kid Gioves
we have an .unusually
as§Otnieilt :of.. wOMen's- and
c)iiI4ren's= Casliniere
the - are all right.
:eel our gloves- before -pur*-.
Insurance:company, With. -head quarters -
at Dungannon, .was incorporated- in
1879, and On -the. 31st of, December,
1892, 1991; policies, covering $5,110,
910 insurance. The actual cost per
annum, for each $1000 -insurance for
the last twelve years, was -$2.04, and
for the past three yearif-, only $L71 per
annum.. Mr. 11-.. M. Roberts is - the
energetic Secretary -Treasurer of the
Company, and _a great deal of the.'
-sucoess Which. has attended the com-
pany isdue t� his ability awl able
./ -
Plate Glass
The large panes of plate glass for
the store- windows of Mrs. Mtirray's
netbrick biock arrived here on Tues-
-day.. Thisisthe first plate grass used
in the village, and *hen. Mr.. Allin.'s
.fine block of. stores, adjoining Mrs.
Murray's are finished with plate -glass
fronts, it will give a splendid -appear-
ance to our main street.
Advertising Don .Pay .
Some 'men try- adv4rtising as an
Indain did feathers. He tdok one fea-
ther_ laid it on a board, and slept on it.
all night: In the morning he remark-.
ed: "White man say .feather heap soft:
white man big fool." •Smile -invest
fifty cents. in advertising,. and. then,
because they do not realise alreat in -
ores° in business; declare that advertise-
ing don't Pay.
Our Grain Market
Lucknow still bolds -her own. as the
AWLS Asiirm • •
• . • . '
-W. South - 6113 a. m..
& .North • 12.30 m...
1:16 yrood
Kirdongh. - -2:30 p•
NV- G. ik B. North -
Int rmedia,te points 9 00 m,
L. ti. &B. North . - 10.30:p•'
' Tuesdays Eind
L gside • 3 00 1,m, Fridays
-A Ory For Help
The Rev. A. Findlay, superintend-
ent of Missions in the Presbyteries of
Barrie- an& Algoma, gave an address
in -the Presbyterian church, Lucknow,
on Tuesday evening, in the interest of
the- Mission &ids ibat he superintend's.
In the western section Of the Presby-
terian church, comprising the pro-
vinces of- Quebec, • .Oritario, Mani-
toba, -British Colurabia, and North
West- Teraitories, there are nearly
.Vir G. & B. ,SAuth 9.30p.„ ma
& B., Souih
J:I. & B. SoUth. 10.00a.ra.
wuE4 B:Nortja, - 3 *29 13. ra.!
FitlYrood 4.30 p.m, ,
one thousand mission stations. There
041* about one half of these stations
in the territory:- west of Ontario to
the PacifiC ocean,. and one fifth or two
hundred Mission stations are ,in the
Presbyteries Of Barrie_ and Algoma and
under the supervision of Mr. Findlay.
These stations are supplied with the,.
means of grace by catechists; theolog-
ical students and ordained missionaries.
Some without OrdiariC0S duringi
the winter season owing to the lack of
A _special meting of the "Wontren'S
bristian Temperance UniOn be
held in the boldfello:wv-Hall; on Wed-
nesclay,...Nov.„ 29th,_- at three o'clock.
great grain market of this section-
, ,
and d,uring the past week a tremend-
ous quantity of wheat,. peas, -oats;
and barley,_ has been brought in by
the farmers from all parts of the sur-
rounding townships. We are infornaed
by -one of our local buyers that there
was More- grain .brought into the/ vil-
lage on Friday last, than has been
marketed in any 'one day during the
past year.
Revival Services
The special revival services are still
being held in the 11,41ethodiat church
by the Rev. Arthur Browning, of
Toronto. The meeting' s are: largely
'attended and thd church is filled to the
doors every night by members and
acliaerentstof the various churches in
the'village and surrounding country.
The services are the most successful
ever held in the church, and a large
number .or -young • men and young
_ladies have publicly expressed their
desire to live better lives.
of the East End, London, has made an
goods-- aa slight
have decided . to sell my entire s
advance above cost.
ock of the above.
will sell Mens' Fine Kip Boets at $2.60 ; Boys' Whole stock Boots at
$1.15 Women's Bala. good at $1, and all lines in proportion
men and means. Many -of these. mis-
sion stations contribute- liberally. for.
the stipport. ot ordiances among
selves awl for the general Honi
.Misaou -7 F d. At some points
especially along- the railway lines,
churches. thied to be erected and also
manCes, in IA few places.. For these
objects; the people contribute to their
utmost ability, but find themselves un-
-able to do this -woark . alone, 6 and the
aper in the barrels.;
Storing apples in tarrels lined With.
e*spapers is an experimentmade`:by
neighborinct :farmer. . He -opened
..liarrels-that had beerr packed for a long
time and fOunclinAhose- unlined
r less of the fruit was._ decayed,- while
paper -lined barrels . every apple was
:ound and in-frilecOntlition;
North Bruce Election*
The nomination- of candidates- -for
Lucknow, Nov,22nd,
Business, and Phiskal Culture cont-
inue the instruction given last month
on the Physical Expression of • the
Emotions. Small Econon2y is a seasbn-
able and valuable article at this time,
and one that will be of service to every
.housekeeper ,-and much may be gained
from the second paper on Things that
should be Left Unsaid. An illustrated
artiCle Hou -se and Street Gowns is
• • • . I
'Presbytery , of Algoma appeals for -aid
from the congregations in the church
,in Western Ontario, . Acollection,was.
taken at the close::
he North: Riding of -Bruce._ -in -the
--f -
()cal Legislature -will .take place at
Ithe town hall, Po't Elgin,' on.Saturday_
next; .1•Tov. 25th, at 11 o'clock am.
Thera is -Sure t9:be a large attendance
of electors fr0131 -all parts of the -eon=
stituency. The contest is. being wel.
with the lieatest- interest all over the
province. - The present promises to be
a.-trianefular--b-attle._and of course.. the
_result of such is Proverbially daubtfu-1.
Poffing .will take place On Saturday,.
Dec. 2nd.
Art Indian: Chief Exhurnbed - •
Obituary -
announce the death of •3a.r: \Vm. -Ul-
- with deep regret we have to
H special interest'ta ladies and anoth-
'r • •
appropate.tO the time is . Fur Sets
lama TriMmings. .The Tea -Table !talk .
for the _month is full of . information,
and-an.unuatially. attractive assortment
of...designs is given in. Tatting, Knitt-
ing, Croelieting; 1_,ace-Inaking,
The Subscription to 7.ho. Delineator is
One Dollar a year; Single COPlei, 15
cents: Address all orders to-. The .D6-,
lineatorPublishing Co. of - Toronto
.(10.), 33 Richniond Street West Tor-
onto, Ont.:
Mr. G. H. Reid furniture dealer
aSsigmten.. to. Mi Cliff of
for the- benefit of his creditors.
= -The arinual-meeting oftheWest
-.Huron Qopservative Assocation, and a
&invention to Consider the,selectiontrif
a_ candidate will be held in Goderich-on
_Tuesday Dec. - 12th. -
;Mr; Isaac 3/..cClure, deputy reeVe
ler,. one �f. St. lielen.s' most, respected
citizens. The sad event t9ok piaci) on
the Morning Of Tuesday 7th inst. it
the residence of his son, _ Mr, R. K.
Miller, He .had not taken tO-his bed
one day previous, but it might be said
he had never recovered fro& the shock
caused by :the sudden,,death-, of - his
wife, about five years ago in .Toronts4.
He had ;Fever been the same sincethe
sad bereavement.. Mr. Miller was a
native of Lanarkshire, Scotland, near
the -banks of the River 01Y'de. The
deceased _hk1 _been an elder in th'
Presbyterian church for about thirty
years, and had often been the reprei
sentative to the . higher .courts • cif_ thT
church. He had lived for a length
of time in Yorkville, north of Toronto,I.
and Goderich, -before:coining herel
He had nine- children, - six' sons and,
three daughters ; all survive him -exl
cept one son,- who died in .Australia
the month of June last: 1Viessr.S.
. R. Miller, late P. S. Inspector, Gocier
ich,inoW a barrister Toronto,!. and
W.1. R. Miller,14ar,e principal. -of the,
Goderich School, . and 'nOW
living in Winnipeg, are two sons
the deceaSed. The names Of the others
are Richard, Robert and Thomas; all
three are:- merchants. _- The de-
ceased was, in politics, a Reformer.
His remains were folloWee to Luck
now, on Wednesday morning,- by
large number of friends, .to go by th
G-. T. R. -to Toronto, - and then o
Friday to Mount Pleasant cemetery.
--,East Huron Conservatives met a
/Brussels, Tuesday and selected E.
-Dickinson, barrister of. Winghdin as
candidate for the Legislature.
.1\1r: Wm. :-Ashcroft rof this.
of Etderslie and brother of Mr.B: Mc-
"Phire .of.larcknow- has -sold
bis farm
and will remove to Manitoba.assOon'as.
he: can malte7it-conve.nientrt9 do so. -
: . •
f Its
Met, -Nov._ '20th; -all. the Members ,
present. The Minutes 'having been
counts were presented. *and checks
read and -adopted the following am -
village was Opening.a !sand -pit, on,' his.
lot, at the corner of Gould and Divi-
sion:streets; he came_dpqn. the rem-ains'
of a human being- wrapped -birah
bark. - With -the- reln6,iris vta4 toma-
hawk, a stone pipe with. a _long hollow.,
bone kJ:. a. stem and , a flat, Tho
maichich are supposed to :be. those
of-ari Indian chief _was:in a very .- good
state - of .preservation, Tfie, „pipe
which is...W411 nia(de and of coriSkleTale
BiZ6iS,a valuable relic -and Is .highly• .
prized* by its owner:- - It nidet have
been 3..half.of century ago since the
b .
:were . deposited there
Wiarton Echo, .
In -the early days wh'ett whiskey
as one of the necessaries of life, a
Beo.VertOrr "family.-.•aonSumed. a barrel
in three-lweeks: When a neialibor ex,.
pressed stirprise the head of the faraily.
barrel of whislley -in- a family where
there's na coo.
replied : Tut, 'tut, mon, what's a
Dr. W. S. Scott, of,' Southampton
as -suffered a Araks of paralysis.
memder of the County Council.
and as a doctor of the 32nd 13attalion
he is held in high esteem by his . co-
issued for 'Payment _ of. the . same.:
G: .Walker for a. contract the
Durham-. road .$379.08'- S.-
Donald;culvert at lot- 4,- con. 3
--One ,of our exchanges very truth
$3.50 ; and on 5 side line, con 2, $3,
D.. McKinnon, gravelling on con. 4,
$15, Wm. .McBurney, one have of -
culvert. on Culross By.,- .$4 Frank
Haines, rep: -bridge, con.. ; P.
James Purvis, _00 yards. ditching con.
Kenny, rep. bridge, con. 8, 50 cents;
10, $9.50 • kngus McPherson, rep.
bridge, • coin. 7, $6; Jacob Nicholls,
rep. , culvert, 10 S. L., $15 ; Thomas
Wraith, filling an approach, 25 S. L.
$3 ;- Wm. 1\01c1VIann, rep. culvert, Dur-
ham line, $1.25 ; John Thompson, rep.
culvert, 5 side line, $6 ; S. II. Ackert,
fully :touches 6-.good.ratinT .people
by saying: "N�. mat ought to ask his
home sinerahant to trust him whorl...he-
-is in tli.e.habit.of visiting_ other towns
and. paying the • merchants 'therein
-eash-fOr 0.1 he buys:of them." " •
. '
monp; the several things a level
man should never do are to. walk oa a.
:tailroad- track, s to point a gun_ •or a
pistol .at another, to keep his savings
in an old sock- under the bed, to run
.fOr o-ffice. when he has 4..payinct
:b.nsiness in private life;
ger man. than himself a liar, _or _neglect.
. . . • _
paying his , sUbscrilition. the local.:
,.pap.e7r- when -,due; so says an exchange..
. • -
ThOMpson, '65
yds. gravel, $2.25; Pat.. Kelly, 21.
days work, $3.12 ; David
ditching and opproach, 20 S. line
$8.80; A. Shoebottom,.. putting in
window. pane, $35. cents; Henry
Pierce, for gravel, $8.50, Dr. Walden
for medical service to Mrs, Elliot,
$10; Alex. McKinnon, • cutting two
hills, eta. 2 and 4, $28; Jas. Howey,
work on S. By., $21.60 ; John Agnew,
do., $17.5O; Jas. Agnew, cutting hill,
25 S. line, $9.25 ; W. R.'• Fraser,
Or anything really nice
.our .you
will be
-benefite'd.. looking
4brongll.pur..$toCk. 1Drop
in and gQt an idea Of
where you'.:can.
be satis-
fied for
Holiday time. .There will
be no Trossure- to.vir„
Chase -- -..-,eltalidning, our-.
• *rares.,:,,.
'The Delineat& for.January cam -
paehees-'t -new. voIlmie, aitd- is. called. the,
"Winter. nuraber,7- It is- an
ill3.11Su y. attraCtive:iistie; the fashions
beirig-, the season, and the
reading _ma- ..tter- 1; aried and interesting;
The distinctAoliday. favor :contrib.
uted -Aelpful-..article entitled_
-64,hat the •shopS show," . and another:-
reviev.ving thebooks issued for the
idaly HOUSehOld Renovation
-deals the cleansing of various.
articles, with the -cleansing
of various articles; arid -gives valuable
information about. cleansing
treats of training :BOY. for
gravel, $2.50.;.--Vrin. Dempsey, work
on 20- S.- ‘,.L.,* $43.50 • Elliot family
relief, $10,. Mrs: Smith, do.. .$5.;
Account of Wm, :Valens for making
be laid o -ver. The Reeve harided.the
. _
treasurer $46.94, NVawanosh. ishare for
work on. S. By., and 30 cents for
gravel from j.
an outlet, for a. drain, was :.ordered to
1. tle 'Campbell Block, .next,
door to. G.W. Berry's furni-
ture ware rooms.
r (4. .1 adjounrd, ---eet
again. on Dec. 1.5th, according to
statue. •.
flitS11 STOCK
Of . Staple and' .F.ancy.,
all Jae* ,and
carefully sOlectod.wbich
we will 1 sell at Close
prices .fot. Cash.
Cal and Inspect our
English. Spavin Liniment 'removes
all hard soft or calloused 1020 and
-blemishes from horses, blood ipa-virt
ring bone, sweeny
stifles sprains, sore and swollen throatcough's, etc. Save $50 by use of otte
bottle. Warranted by A.B. Congrari,1
•—Itch on human and all anima
our'ed in 30 minutes by Woolfor
Sanitary -.Lotion.':- Warranted by
Cingram, toriggist.
LOT 21, con. 4 and lot 21, con, 5,
Huron. to-wnship, havina the
. . • .
mprovenients thereon : Frame house
18x28, frame kitchen, 1848, frame
bank .barn, stone foundation 30x90
and frame stable 30x10, good orchard,
.2 wells and 2 pumps, and a creek
-crossing lot 21, con. 5. The farm is
well fenced. The • whole two hundred
acres are cleared and fit for cultivation.Wifl -
be sold at a bargain.. Apply to -
• GEO MAIR & 00.3
. Bankers, Lucknow.