Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-24, Page 7=
. • '
A aiIts aHYOlg Lt
Bat Flees ::Port
PAID T4E, " DOC" $90' TO P
. . • Ai child. Was Born,- sneer Became Creek,.
- n.d Never .Reappeered-e,Was HeDrowned?- - retook. chills _ and :Was Removed to Die
• T, -e-No Body -Fennee-Citieenewoned Have a- Her eConfession-The Babe's- Body
lynched Wm. : _le , •
. -Disposed.: of -The . e‘eepe ".- :Wanted to
_ Leetezethvirie, lia J.:0 -Nay. Buryleueysaiso•eeite was Fregbeened..
IBS ROSE - COL- -The.hall2Wai 'crowded • With. sopeatetoxe.,
LIGAN tia "rether end:foul 8..eo1eek'unt11 after Midnight :the
pr o ito g: B of' BUD. g "closest: attention was paid to the evidence
• Yenugiwomahs.*he given. " That Oft-MV4* Iii016; tbilfvf.8110:Pr.: of
eyoe on 'ear pareretie. she docea.ised "00i:ilia:tat .of eoPrOoe,'1)46-:1Prine
format ReVenReoke dipal, arid it diteetlY mietradieted emany :of
shout. seven -milei the sue& s alree-dys:14)eireulaVom -• It. elso :Rope direotly impliefitd eAn re.we and 'hie *4;3 4.2
..hadaiterrandeehich the disetii-OCM140:Denttinie..
.. ,
took her hap this after- THE HIRING - OF THE vEHIOIAS.- i
-noon. toes .neighbere .. . . .
itifefatni banie:-" 'To p'tTop4reiettel.'13- awi*
' 'Pave ttnie• oh°--t°61i street; rfrenewhteh. the •:haek.'..eveil'i010-413 1 0.
_ .h -filli0;tC
1 litilWali.
lthe iihe'et the PenneYlvania Retie. .- "Dee"- Aselrewir." " house . --to • brig- . •::•Licite
eg along
• . ... _ • _ . •"Deeiniiigete her - eistereee on Elizettethe Street.
road. . . ' .; • -./1,10-eteted thit-he-had reoei-Ved the orderfer
. -Whileehe was;stanAlnbeaider:the--ttraOk
. ..
. , the hack -at 8:30 o'olook en .:-iletitrdeyeeight
Welting for a- peseing este' train ,to .' go bit, . /13..Wat:, ordered .to go :-: to No. 237 Se.avre
it$" 941 'ti't. el to .:°°°: a ' rough looking Street; . 'At that. tine he. did- net kieciev- _thee.
- traMp.e.w_inglibneelf-doWn-frinn one of ths
- oars, where• he."hed been steeling- a ride, and. *was Andre:Ws' house 'thaie -the - -ha& Ve.e.
going to Winf‘lEtaret. was 't4e. i'
:start: direetIV_ toward her, - Bee - triedtie was teat .*itki- . the,: oattiags.- : _ N.kixii- flay:
es°aPe' hilt) V"' 1-4-4tall 'ea3117°.aiigtit herT'and "Dooe'.' Andrawi Called- and-Peid ".$1.50 -for
- faid hold of her violently.. • - ' • • -. .
Si--seaipeeeeid-lbudiye -and .: her orleiseat; teituss.:eoldthiertrhit;g.76.0-e:nioneter_l-telYe tile; igteue78-:
tracted tWeetentionehf, _Brakeman ,Thseph- stated: that-. afpet the-. back_ :had. le43 'the
..00.14 -who. baked back from his.atimy perch: sta.bws, he had _ : fond that _ No. 27. y8.407
'2 (in.- 04°-:--10-t) • cav;. whi°11 :wa° '.°6'11- raPid13"; street was Andrew' heuee, .- TO carriage.
: . meting on. O11took in .the situation at a sent was a: tve.041Orst eneiewitlikeet blind,
glance. *. He did" not hesitete a moment. .: .
, Beizteket: heavy ieencemplitefeleiteholteped 41.1-slutliPer.°0v0111011.0*-101.ttit-'.-.0artitleir:vi roveg•04•6.0. ,': mt.
froretie- car aid sterted beek-toward ',the- :gale, ---tettniel - "for-. "'Dell" Andrews . and
- tri;artp at): tie:i" geit ef-ei collegefsprintet...: ,. . hie vetteeessked. why-they•tverel'aeb- etresenti
- .Hte eid,,eznenozieeteo -Been..., -Mies .•-0* ._1401 c,;.rep,tied,13,40, he. hsd.: is.ittel .!6-.0
• liganyeat .lykag: betide •• th:e trahke 8en8e1e53 a„.4reao_ for:teeth:awe. thqa he neither. -keeea
feenethe beuter.btelve of her ateallant.
• $0eleg -the d‘terMined appeaeenee -0e the ilwItilda.ikh_76rei:awihatr:ttib/:::°14Y:tvIve-6yr,;„.--.138:.0.14'°;_tIrgenioneer.
breketneve the tramp, •without e stepping. to thee% _he thought ; as weield-;i3.ecesstitate-the
,piek ue hit; -hate whioh the.girl: lied ketsektel iesuerece. of 'a • viArrrotti by iiim.,,-- li,4 -Miirl
- off in her etrueghs, started on ik- briak, tun
toward the river.• - e i - : - :'. _ . - (loch alee targued that -...-Mr. "- _ D.1.1118-1.etiee to
should intjkistice-he preientehnt the inquest
- Joseph -GUI paned - only long enough: to . • T.
asscre•hitetelt-thet the young !OF -I -weer. not
• - ----:: . ..
_ -dead Fg4.CI to Pk; hertenderleenpoli the bank The Rack DeletesStory. . • _
beside the rarreid treesk. :Then h.s. gripped Win. -Hare, -- the. driver of . theehecirsin:
his ace:tee/lag pin -tight in . hie. heed a4-b--...4ci *Lich -the deeessed. gitI"Wkt.e.brought.: from
. • •
started_ Akiin;ir. bis ac to catch the tramp, Andrew' hots .to that of her Blister,. • was
-.- Bat theauffian.lexleggeek a , loeg -leed then swore. - .lie tettified. .te-.. -brieging -the
. .while Joe wete,".ing Ow, -Geoid Kerearitain: our people frem Andre*? On -ebbe - nig t
The-pierenee Rattled,- but tbe-.Ingitive kept. of the" •.28-th,-. of --Oeteber_ - (8 ettteday). i T . to
en-his-coorse Straight- toward the riVereonly were . women e and- two :' Men, - He reached
now ezei, then gliesiciug backetatd eand flOure, AndreWt.houee_betWeen 8:30 end 9, o'clock..
ishing a long knife as: the plucky brakernan, All four Of hie paeeengere Walked.aineield.
racea afeer hiot .- -. a . -- _ • • e -, ...- - - I .. from- Andrews' door to the beak," -::and when_
:-- -: In -4- few .mements he - rAndrews'ed 'thiteeieer- they . reached . No.. 194 ".Eitzebeth'. street,
:and '0:ell thoughtthatehie prey . was as good- - which was the.pheeele had been • oedered
as trapped.. 'To Yes: astenishMent. the tramp, to .take theme. they got 'butte and "W.illeed: to
teMeetean -Ina -ant's pause, fixing beck a cry the., &iota Nene of them .. were "'aiiisted,::
of d6-fiaUce l , sheethede his knife in hizeheit Two:Wanted-thine tee driVe -- them heck to
. , .
- and plueged.heaviev into the stream,- - : - • '-giedieWeee'but-: be -. Could -not .- as he h a 'ells
.. -Brakeman _ -suppoiled, tho:. einfain. in go :to: the . Get dene...: . go414i..00.. theni. tie
; hie desperaelen had. taken : the charge:et the .corner of..Yonge -and - CtOrrard 'and- _get
eicaping... by swimming ,.the river. -•---That, there down. •:-Neither - of - the, prisOnere - wastoo, wig -a gime that eeereceutri- play: ate. and hi . -
the cab. - - - - -• • ..., . : •
_ . . ..
Joe, prepared to, follow; -Milywaiting to see•:--Lucete.ConeeCsien.toefirellteell. ,
at what point the, fegitive._ would rise,te the, -•
• ekirfade. . " .. - • _ . . e Dr. j; F. W.-Reesie '• Sherho-urno ' ;street, -
: _Rut the.tramp, never.reappeterede reeid. he was called. on by Dee Eedie on Nese
For eeVeral boars- pererizie who had been -_lett .ces',4 de -ked- to Visit No. :191- Esliztheth
- attraaied,:te. ths. river :IV, - reports of, the -ettek3b9 where:there was taYeeepg girl .4i.... Dr..
adveninee :hunted: On -beth.. -•ficiet .. of the -Eadie thought-, there Were isoeue teuPptcieng-
. stream- and .dregged the river at the point -61366urciotano4s eurrounding .: the . Cake - .lig,
*heti:the- tramp teek bis fatal 01)1ga, bu,• limey:, .th.:e. girl veil'. Ill. . -He itild the.pettent
, tip, to a_ late.heee te.seght wee:lease had nob she was ine deSperete.eotedition aedeaeked
beers teen& - - - -- -- -, -,_ __• -_- e . -..t. , • her the mime ,of her. ahem. ". - -: -.
trakeinati Carts I:bee:Ain-. that., the- -man , - Mrs: the dead _girl's
pewee roseeter be leaped in, and the elfo. -stateeeents beteg-Oren- as eVidetscee. :The •
e,peetetee it ehat.haeheey was oeugh.e.--in the: eoroner- decided thatiteheall beeheard. • : .
--, geft-mite tO the river-hottome i" ".' - . - e.. 17 ' - .A..r.Dat-r tiRefP4.704c°11:1:laut:y.-r-g-r:n4y1.:114147.1):Pari'Lna!lyt
-Mb.e.- ideatity of thee tramp. iS uanowne
- though.ttncle.ct-or -Rub, of the; eoal train,- adznitted that .iiin - -Operatien. ,beid. ben pr.
-.---:teid Me that _he hair put._ thOentateeff-h-le fell*/ . . She refuted -to tell who 'operated
' treile- rePeatedlYe• Ou4.- knew him well by an betHe theOnetitioned twonero-et to
- -- - - - - ther. 7- One of thans. :ireee. •t that eef. Acdee we.
- eight... - .•
Colligen iss:ciOmpletely prostrated by -Sitie - :Atm; .:Siii4 that wee 'the. men"erhe 4.0
her adventure, -. She rtoeverecl Conecioutnees. done - It. I- She .wC1113--- to 1 Aildrev#131 116100
Soon' niter the penult, .however, eed it -I! :Several ds ago. -.The operatIong had hurt:
thougbt her dondition is-noteerions. : ..-- - her terribly'.- - She thought instrifthents bad• -
-•,. • _ : I. - . - been iised on her. *A :taw . daps -.after - the
- i .- .•
operation • she was taken with 'chilli. : '• Ttze
.... .
- "Reeele cook -a caideflowere
- - . -.. , :veitreesit .was.-satiefie& that theeherieselted
• " Aitetfted cauliflower - rightly prepared Is from Weed... polgening , and • a : niiicariOage.„
_ so -delloloug,:teci, that the rest_Of the.dinner- -He tkonght. 7tho'imOther2wihs:in the derk as
need . -not Weary lybu;.. t' Ott °boil kletge, firm'.. -teethe cameo-. of. her dengleter'S; illeert, 4:-
an ' White. heade wattle -and. break - _it into thole& she-sewn:a telsavesome'etispicione. •
e epr!ge f eoqk in.galteetbellxnk water:fer-two- •The patient did nob say:who-WAS- Oie: tether'
Leine:tea erd. dealn..-azd: -peck closely, "headi. efthe-ehildta . • ee: - - "" 7.. e... '
dowels in 1:- saucepan; the. - bettdm- of - Whieh Instruzeseets.fon eat. in AndeliWel. rteeeep.
, has-been covered -closely -.With - thin:diesel of eeeriathoWn "De.- Rasa. .
. • fate salt,dried ebaceni - .- Make a dressing _ of _ lee leewis intheBox, .
f three_ tahleepoenfule eech of 'Minced -veal. ee ...
and - suet, "-four of Weed •.ernintssie - -"seine . - Wherellesse•Levels'WW-oalledlt0. the wit
'71/Raced parsley and Chives 'Bed seesioneevith nees-box:. the 'peisonere, .'vOiSee.:- ipaeaginees
-_eale and pepper ;- lay eels "ei\.and covereivite. had - - been_ ' gethetinge: loeked. d-enidedly
_.atiether -layer of ceuilfiewer -.tprigs:.. .: • Make • . enxteus, and, throughout -._ the " -exanibietten
-. a pint of - White _pewee by melting &: table- :watohed hee.olosely.. If: -eppeeetezeop -went
spoonful_of .- butter'. in ecsancepan,. at- :for enythiage every dantkgieg pietsee. of ..evt-
. :
.,.,, .1211,1Afietver, and when it its etaoeth and. "d•etece remit it 'chill -' to -- their ..heette..... : - She
bubbling add a_ cupful of the liqUer in Whilott teabifi-Al Vbet she w* e:.. sister- ef theete-
- the -orteubfici we Wet: boiled.. and..04e of milk, coieed--giiiiilertelY_..Denning, who had die d at
both . bceling et e pour- this everthe.e00:- herliense, No. 191 -Et,zibetie ..etreet. -: ,. PA-. - -COttejr _Pracini Attorney:. Carry. .etates
t-ento -et tbe. escepan and: _sininier. gently (3-.!atted had -come:te her. h.otise•-ere..the•- Sature that - theee. will. :be ' on -e. tohergil .of wilful
_ _ _ •
-until the -ea tileelyer: is cooked. :Thin :•nete: tey. before heredeatlatWhiele. had escearred: .intlieder and • twee'eherges.• of eldMinisteeieg dieht_ ; Thig nutritlette_ en- Thureday, Oeteber 28ehs. .. Prereigne.- tO: ,eitortion-peefeieed•agaiest. I.,: R. •Andrew.
dish can bechanged-- by, 'adding --.0. -brownf-.•=hala tineetheede:Oeasied-:sistere had :been at The- eer.responeleece . found In : Andret,es!
wince :madetWith stock instead -Of the White el- Doc.'.1.....Andreves", ,-house, NO. -237. Shaw hems eanno-ebe Used In evidence,' end- Only.
sauce. •._•• e- - . - e•• -.--.-
itteet: Mrs. Lewis then• told" --he fOlowe eiogepersons Comeectede with he-tLrey
. • .
log steiyet :11i0.- -.stener.leder, had -cei.tfieted "Denning aifillhe. -Waite . Lfoil,t. aim cans. can.
• :Editors iii uades - :het trouble -to. her: and • eeked her ,:--assiEit.. lae bron.ght4ip as -wienettes. .. There- was a_
• vAS'. queriqty. ef".pills,e drug and inetrn!
.• - - An exchange. ia-ys thet. an editor once anee in ' ..... -- - ' ''. -..
. . • .. inente lo-undlulho.prisoner's :haute *Mob
eeappliectestk the •door of Hades- for : admission. Keseeme ' IT SECRET,.
,,• . •
Will bgeeit hi: at - the proper' time, ehlsWeieer,
- -- - = .
41-•Weas!' r.fe:Plie.4 ,41S olis'elo ' MajOatlYe --''' We •34i8. .1-497iii.Vic"*°131:tO do :°°, and..:thO..-niat'' to.distablislt the 'case " for *the CeeWie.
jet "one t of yostr': prof -Oil -ten in here'. many . ter. wad: made, known to. the ,. Mother. ' : -Th6Y: - Andievia-- has engaged-:. Mit • We G. Mur.-
years ago, and he keptupa -continual •:.rOw. foundwhere":DO."- Andrewe liVed;.'and -On do& as oOtintel-, • _ -,-. -_, 1- •. ' '-• - :: ;e • . 'tee!.
with his fotmerdelinquent eUhscribeell. ',. 7tidattiltditethe,pek tt.oalieberi vieited : When Coroner -Johnson called.. the roll of
and, as we -have-- more -el. that. °lase- ,bin, .,2378bavrpiTept.: ...She eirpleineeehee. juryinen it was found - that --7- all were in
-'7 -taroone than , any... 'other; we -hav&passed 'as .eletOt's :trouble, .and e Andre* 'seemed-, her ,ettentianceiaste the - foreman, Mr. James
•-kw prohibiting: the admission .ctif. 'e.ditoree' thet Ite.couli:Ve Moire leer safely. and auiekly; McLaughlin. - illinese Was...stated to be.:-, bite.
_ _- .- -and-she would be abeuti agein. In four -or five °sweet, -of, his absentee .- and the (serener
- An .'exChange_ reports: an,"aged .ctiloted- -daYee :Aftert.soneel urtber conversation ,on asked' ;Winer eertificate 'iLes ".' that effect had
- -philosopher, .4 .saying, -ocrifir . one the subject Aplievie -ageeed toeperforne en been received:- by . the. Pollee- -.Department.
tang -deb keeps a poi.' mii"ble iinneh fm. gtii: atiortitn.1- for .$1.0a, . that -i being - hie lowest) Sere.; Seymour eePifed that. -while no certi&
tin'toomieelei to live,
: and; .dat ate •kneWinl- Pride, and ib :Was .0: ' be, Pthi4 . 41- Ov-'419e- eats had; yet been sent,.. a meissage had been
,dtit all odder pce. eirmahe is *nee dim- he ite!' Mrs. Lewis - and her :- Mother- -were-. to : be brought in annesincing:the fact, and's. leer-
-.-: Puck., - - - .. - • . , :e " -- ". -: : . , ." - - . •.ollOWed,-,tei visit the I patient. _ba-- Saturday tikics,te. would no -doubt he reiaeivedlater on.
-The collecting ." of epostage . itmnpi: -his
. Morning.Nrs, Lewis. and her 'Sister went to
Andrews house, where they : . • . -. :.., Ooroneg-Johnitin- decided .ehat- Ise . iiliseab--'
. , . ...,. . .•. .
. Y.IteUghtt into existence- a professional. stainp _ Bence. Of the -foreman he could - not proceed
...repairer, 'who, for •a -malt, fee;. dexteretiely PAID' Him460. .
•. .-- . With theinqueib, the foreman being a _ "woes-
: repairs mutilated stains: His ipsoialty is. Hetook,tlieM to e:,ieera which. . he. eaid, Part part Of the jury. - - - e -._- - ---
: restoring-- the. _margin- to . envelope stamps weeid h . he patient's ileferteree • Therewas-Stilesequentlytkeivie Attorney" Carry:an-
- - , .- -- Andrews- tOk- LuoY Denning into an adjoin. .; faith ai, bad - attack - ef inane:zee, and . - that a loCkey. .
thtit have been cub teshape,and have- -thus= at that tints another .Patient iiit, he:.b...ein, se. ..- noUticedlhat• MradeLanghlin was :suffering
esti Much oftheir philatelic value. _ , . : t
' ' • -'1 "- • .
went ferWard Withouethere.
• • • -
• • • •
• . - ,
14; roetn,1 leaving Mr.. :Lewis -in the bed-
room. • Mrs: Lewis heard her Alter *creme
and 104 subsequently toldby Andrews
that she had fainted, 'but :that he had
brotightber to by throwing: _cold water in
her fa0e Andrews at this Mine -also ..teld:
the eperatton Would liet
titeg ther. abelit four:: days. Mre.- Lewis
. 10103.4 thelieuseagaii tlist night, and was
4-11d by Andrews that -her- deter had laken-
a ohill. The Patient corroborated this, and
i;aitilike 040144 iheiewas: .014 to die.- On
Sunder afternoon Mrs.- Lewis again trielbed
Shaw .- street house,. and.. Was told' by
Andrews that the patient was doing fiver-
' -hly. Monday e -night • again ehe -Was
hope and Was told that nothing had yet
happened. . On -this occasion witness'
inweher was &lee present.. On Tuesday night
[When • Mrs. Lewis visited:. _the house Mrs.
Andrews telcther.that everything WAS •over
and-- that the patient Was c:sozning•oni_splene
Thtaphild hadebeen horn the . night
'before. after 12.6'0109k, and had it not bean
that tho.00020r •
wonld have 117-ied, The . petiente Mee.
Audeeek said, was crazy. QA Tht1h4 4;3T
‘fiiAti, when Mrs; LeWie went to the litelse,
she found her mother there,. MO; Andrew
s.eid- Ion thit coition." that she we =
wetting on the patient, who was weatigorde.
The iced- Mrs. Lawia contsidered". delirloute
*04 ;Firiday Mrs. Lewis --did "net . *lett the-
heuse,:bat eilied.-on :Saturday •afternoon be;
airmen 3 and ::4; -On 'Mile ,-eocasioo
Mes;I:Andrawli: said the patient was: •very
poorly, and :that they had: thought alto
wetild.' die the pight previva. They could:
noleget her warm, " Doc " Andrews urged.
Mrs.: Lewis to take her -sieter away, as he .
. • mei:4m sloe wouin DID.
On: being asked . whet would do .ahette.
doetor, Asideetsrs asked who the -family phy-
lecien was. ,...She replied that Pr. Eiidie was
heir physician, and said BlieldM: net knew
what sive would say to him. -Andrews sug-
gested that eshe. abed& predate :abitislutie
vatirendel• and say th4t •Lucy had been
etroneht " to her :tense in athis-..,cenclitioe,
wheri from she ..eou.)d. not -tell. Mtge -Lewis
ffsict ehet weeld net do,: as gees had telt], .her
orotherse and -sister s -that Lacy :wen _welting
on a frlszicL Ib was then propeeed•te sand
-the-patient to her mether's hieage en Ettelid-; inquest on that :masters. He thought it
-avenue,. 'but; to this Stre: LSAVIS.*eilld not
egteet. The. Doc. thee zeiggeebed that oho'
be pagt whero. she was, naniely,,at hi3 hens?,
..end if glee died, •
-certificate:of his iHnee. could be had by
oalling at the Toronto Opera House.
before- the jury was dismissed the cerbilloate: . •
!dieting that the forornan was •to'.
NAKED 3 AN jilla
leave bis bed was.pounsel forrodueod:' - Three paid& f4ailors. -Roomed. !ma
Mr:lluzdoch, cthe priseters,
stated that he dedred to call the .attention- Death in
'ef the to the notion of Mr. Lemberg,
a member_of the jury. He thought that he
should be questioned as to :alleged Widen-
dect.oze *. •
'_Coroner Johnsen asked what the: .com•
plaint cansiated in. ,
Mr. Murdoch said he would prefer hear-
ing the matter from the juror's own lips, as,
while- so far,
Was a Matter Of Marley as
far as he hiineelf: was concerned, he toeld,
verify it afterwards. Oa. this account he .
Would rather question hitiL •:.
Geroner Johnsen -eirpresied-. a-- desire to
:heir-whetthe alleged .offence Might, be:.
'Mr.: Murdoch bold thathe had • been given
to -undetetend iihat " the juror in question,
diecufising the case, had 4preised his
.41)1W:en-es to *hat the ronit of the trial
thould be, and;'moreciver, :had . stated • that
ene-,--:.Of 'the.; prisenOrsshould have been
hanged fenr. yeereN ago. -• The juror, Mr.
-Mardech said, who -.'-would euipley such . an
expressienor even entertain an opinion of
that - kind -While the. ioquest ' was -atilt in
progresa,- was hot 'fib. to sit. on Any jury. -
Mr. Murdoch concluded by . saying that it:
Wei wielein the .Coioner's power to .fine oe.
-Imprison the jirer for the:faelb complained'
of. • -
-Cerener J-ohnson expressed :regret that:
Audi WS' off4tioe as the ewe complained of
had °Conned. • .11; wee, he said, the duty of
ai juror* to -ber the -evidence -In A Case, but
not ttiCalivass it er discuss :the chances of
the perzons . laterested while the cats was.
gong on. Thepooeien of a juror was one.
thee required :care and thought. . :He was
si*ori to -.decide en the evidence -adduced,
according to his keowledpe- and akill, and
le wee ehefefoce needful that•she. should not
make up • hie -Idled. .befere the evidence was
He werned the 'jurors very strongly
egelust•disoneeing the ease Wibh .anyone.
Mr.- P. Milis, °Ousel for "Dell"
Andrews and wife, again drew attention to:
ihe -lace that- his ellente "-Dell ." Andrews
ahd'his wife had been absent the•eitang.
on Wednesdaynight. These :prise/44e, Mr.
Mills stated, had; been ready te attend the
. • • . • .
,w10.06:WoUld7U00,-..lhe Beide bet -lean s$200:
and.0300.. -This proposal was Made fete eeee.
that kRhe girl Were taken , away she:reight
ttqleel." When she -WMI •bortql, ifahe
Lewit might advertilee for her,
as wee often felene.e. Mrs, .•Le*is Timid acit
eonsent le this; and.. it was than
Bend her te:Mete.I.Ja.WWhOleee.Aldreaefun-
dertaking toeget a doctor :to attend he, and
tend- /Sotto Eiiiebeth - street in" a" cab, the
drieerof'Whicie he Weald pay to keep his
:Month.: shtit:P. !He would eke go dawn ieethe
hick with her, and take some Inediaine. In
cage- she" shOted fain. '" 'Bettie ptelireineries
wore arranged, and Mrs: Lewis left. - • She
'gm t..1•Andrewie again, • however, at7.30in
the evening; .and . found aeheeehad
ben engaged::: Anthems asked Mrs.. •I;eletis.
if eliel.would:••••gedoWn With her sister,-. and
she:bald the tut-neb elope,
:And!' .via- (the - prisoner) agreed be eeCem-
-and.. :.":Dell ' - Andrews, also
agred to go.•, aloeg. , -
wee fn. aceordenee With the --spirit of. British
jeetice that the.acdeeed in -Midody thould
be - present: when. evidence .in, 'Which they
-were vitaily enteeested • was lring taken.
He:therefore piked that a warrent. should
-he, inshe.4 by the.. coroner _oibing them to
..eppeee before the. courte ;
- Coroner JO:been :said .hehad not .con-
eldered ib neceesery to ordeetheir Appeer-
anon at the jeceeeste hut after hearing ete-
evidence led night he had decided- that
-there was Eineugh,evidenceto place "Dell"
Andrews and his wife -under his warranteeA
warrant hrid secoedinglyre been hotted by
him to compel- their attendance. .
The inquest: was th5n adjourned .until.
Monday, November- %ebb...-. •
'ildupwirms .Novr..
AKED, famishing .-for.feedi
:and- water and alms&
remitted- by the tropical Milk
three -Spanish sailors were -
on October 15th :reseueet
from a amill boat in mid.. -
(mean and landed yesterday
at their _1)erb .from .thss
- schooner Henry Lippitt.
Their sten; -rivals-in 'honor
the meet thrilling recital .ef the dime covet
writer and that they were saved at all IF,
considered _ 'bee -them as little .sheeteef
- The man are Pedro Naglolei, .Antentry
Ceimee.and -Liegici, Peres, and they :fermeet _
of the crew of the Spanish bark. -Juan
Murga, which, eh September Ise, laths&
film Mobile With' :acargo of staves for
Seville ,Spalts. The Men were picked nef:fte
latitude .30.36,- longitude 76.05, the emalk-
boat in Which diey were _drifting :helplesely
having been sighted by the meresteacoldente
The schooner Henry Lippibb -was bound fir _
this port '.frdni Turk'selehmd and the they.
beat was tab -.first suppi Sad to be a bib of
wreekage. The Jookeut, however, -thought
be •saw signeief life; and theeressel was pat „
about and moon coarse .alongside el the epee, "
boat. Then lb was seen to contain Urine
Oecupantee All -Werelying :feoe downward,"
In the bottom. - They were entirely :nakede-
And great nun: blisters covered thdr upe -
turned hacks. .
Tenderlytheyweee lifbetto the solinoneri: -
deok, and thougle they could leper& .ne
&legit& their Oleo fer food and water ware -
pitiful in the:extreme They were :d'eltrieusei
-and When they realized that they were -eats
beganto dance and hug and kisithe.brawey.
sailors who had rescued -thein. 'They -were,
leveed like hables until out of danger, and
it wee several days before they recovered
from the eawful experience they had ene
.Fleallitthey -were able to till that their
had sailed from Mobile under :Ceptabe
Linares, ire time te cetole the early cOebebee:
hurricane, * Their-Veseel Was thrownonher .
beam 'ends and • beeeene a 'hopeleme.
-wee*, "; All ". heeds . took . to th4te
beats, having time only . to stare
Ocant supply of food and water. The es*
Was running .bigb, -the emall bcositst
were leaky and the men realized that they
Could: hardly • live through the storm.. .AM
removed theirolothing in order te be abla-
te -swine for the wreckage . of the berquet -
Should the beat capsize. The three mene
rescued were Once 'compelled to _swim whiles
they righted the boat, and they -managed to
live until. the Lippitt hoveln sight. .
The Juan J. Mnrge, had a .eresref 19 matte -
Four were.picked up by the -*timer Lime -
pares and landed at Galvegton. They were
also naked and famishing.- Nothing hat
been heard of the other 12 and they were -
'probably lost "The three -landed here wIlI
be cared for by the .Spenish,Consnland:eentt
home as 'Scion as possible. .
. Hints to Travelers In Germany.
Ib Leta:hint that ceMes from a woman re-.
oently returned - from a: Ceneiderable _reel-
eence in one of the German art cities, fthat
the clOiest inquiries should :be made, be-
foretaking lodginge or apartment', into the.
•oleaelineee of the beds and furnishings. -
"In -sonie of the most -attractiveetppeere
ing. and. .apparently . faultless .-pl.Aces,"': ehe.
says, "we have ben falirly driver out after.
eesiihrteetay, forfeiting the rent rather than
! ovTitiri, shdelse-oktto;ae hock,a:istiptthect:stie!bimtlyeve-4mee
rnihik.ierpieoo.teri,4rse.L*ieol, .
Andrews and cf Dell " also got iiii, eine alley expressly stating that if en trial the 'apart-.
Ment wag found to; he infested, we should
drevaite Zlzaheth -Street: - :Between ITlyzer
enti,•_. allege, .(..01: kiisabcith etteeti Mrs. claini the rightti 4) rkt0V8 at
-Lewle get out in the ihedeve,ef h tree- :awl..
Welke .- to the -house.• . •
the door itrittetioppeti. -Mrit. Lewis.- :found Toothache Is no longer a solidus -thing to
her hisband. at the door,: and told lain to .go treat, and"Can new be..seePped in the'coarse
Jo theitleck:and let T.41:101r.Otit. He tyeee IA .ef two,Or thteeminutes at the outside, lied
the deo-- of te hack, lifted her.. -vett- and often in half a Minute: The method irrery
afieeied her in: :There was _a alielet amend. eanple.- - Thoroughly Olean out the. cavity,.
jettcy'Zi had .betoriging to Mei. Aedreves, teke a siee.11 piece of cotton; twist); It up Ints.
.nthetook it off. and .cartled • it a ion, ise.thet it will enter the .cavity,
back liie."the hick, returning -lie -" . Then the dampen the Brasil end and place ‘upen that.
hadle drove Off. :No elle butethe•geteeett- • three Or font granules ef 'cocaine, about the
When, en &Outlay - afternoon; they -were el* Of a iniall pin head; veal' _theta-s_with'
at his; house :.•pe. - AndreWe :-: asked eleeM. ei. "elf cettene into the hole ;- Up againet the:
iiroini4e. hitelbe ;let. him know on eteeeej, eetve, and. the .effeet : inetantanieits. '
now the. girl °Was, gettieg Oblige" 'He field :Every throb will cease, and the-Suffeier Will
. -khink in a few ' moments ' he never bed .the
*IF SHE .DIpD HE WOULD BE.. PUNISIIED, l.i0Oth&Ohe..1 -' ' - • • • . ,
:curing Toothache.
and ilio remarked. thatif she Ware leorseeeis
Sioachiy-be would reakchts."way to Mexteo; .
Tail promieedrte let hire knew, iiili to he
best of, Witneet'rkrieWledge kept tete promiee., •
ieisinueh:is- en- Monday ' her. mother left the
isente 'S..igo.tit the : .4.Thdrewie -.houSe and on
Tharedey -neon her husband -"lefb -the house
te. go. te Aediewe..04.. Monday deceased
-Wes 'nimble to lige her : lege. -- Atter". .5atur.-
ideY nithe nestle of. the Atitirewe! party' ceme-
te the house.- Mre. Leviie had be,n present
when:' Drs. '- Reis. Llirid. Eettie weref"eanetsltieg
together on: V.ireaneedeq* and had been the
.4niy 0 her pSreee -preeent. - She had: hieed
hee sieeer'il -etatereent is to whet -took plabe
at -"'Doc," Aiiirewet•houge.. - . ' "*.. -: - •
. ' This' °lee:octet-be examinetion feethe,even-
Ingeit. beteg 12-.39. . : The--hiquest was ad-
jeurned_litstil=te,night at 8 e'elook.
They -Breathe .Easter.
- .
The ciaoriore, Thasheathed..
(Scene -The ()laymen, leaving Greenock.)
Tourist (no 464 hand) -Isn't this bracing,
i.lowt- I feel. really .a11-: Over, Tail -know,
11701-demer-isn't- in it. my -heed's as clear
AN a belI, end I've got 'silt my sea lege
thy boy . *-
Deck. hand (after, expeoteretiosi)e-ltuse,
pc. ase Well nob to epeke
ee peevieue, My lat. Waib bull you'll got
teephemmle in ta channel,. ant eaw te
Cieyeaore-fieshin! oet o' her seabbard at ta
Mukie int you'll knew - whaar Waei - your
feats and. your heed too -ant, whusser ta
wan *ass amang to easel. or eel Wm
• - _ .
A. Werd of Forty -Two "letters.
The English language is called one ofthe-
'mast diffieult of aequirement by foreigners;
but it Wouldteem that the -German WAh
. • - I
especially mvonted to .try the printer s
patience.:- . There is a druggist's prescription
something like collodion, to be used to pre-
vent scarring after certain eperatiowelmtin
Geemeny they call it . kaibolqueckeilbergut-
taperchpflesterinull-e39- letters.- • Still we
for once outdo them,vvith the chemical name
for the drug hYpnoleeinanotrichieraoetyle
dittethylphenylphyrankelon-42 letters, not
ezie of which Meet- be skipped if we would
Convey A clear. .idea of the substance de-
M. -About the Dinner Kettle.
_The dinner kettle 40-,yeare- ago was a tan
round tin pail, and into this was set te.tiri
dish half as deep, with the edges projecting
a little -over the edgeef the outer pail. The
never set into this and fitted to it a cylinder
On. which an inverted cup was telescoped
. -
It is still inns° with variations and improve-
ment, Some being made wibh trays for pie.
*The idea bete form the_kettle w as toadmit
of as" mini compartments as possible, that
the different -sorts of food and drink may be
separate4. •
41 Yeti oallectthat man doctor Yee:"
"He doesn't look int& like *a- physician.What'S his - specialty 1" ,4 Hee a ward
Gete.used ...te being 'taken a-back--"slie
Arbtfieial India rubber froni cotton !coed
oil is on.e of. the leteeb industrial prodiectee
end cleimed to possess Commercial „adapts-
tiOES of pet:abet° practical value. - The: '
manufacture involves . a *process not yet
given Out to the public- by the diecaverere
Who etates that, while experimenting with?
the (setters seed oil to produce= a varnish for-,.
paintings he 'obtained A substance entirely
foreign in Its make-up and properties ta.
what was .seuglitiot a varnish, but
rubber. .-So. simple. • is the proem, • as
alleged, that it is net within the protec-
tion of a patent -the only eafeguard-beinge
t ereforo, in the secrecy of the pieces% br
e use of which, :it . is asserted,- only IS
per cent. is required of the genuine .rul3ber
to preduee an -article Which can in no way
be diseinguished from, the • ordinary orutto
India' rubber, Ma Bald, even by .experts fer
the handling •ef the latter article. Arrange-
m‘ents have been . made for its extensive
manufacture, and .its application to the
variant, ,p.arposes_ so leng. peculiar to the -
natural material.
A lain* for Husbands.
Men Who -complain of their berme be .
often overlook the feet that they are therm. t
selves' more or .1084 responsible fee -the.
atmosphere whicb pervade, _every seen lak
Consideration for e wife is one of this
eweetest.fiewerkwhich a husband Can grow.
and nourish- * the „home garden. Its .wia
da more than thee cosellest -bertqueta whicire
he can bring _home from -the fierises'a, Itz It -
ehe little things in this world that Mame
life atimeotive, and it le the little acts of
codrteay and consideration on the 'part at
huiband for a wife -schich eleepere heir /cove
for hintheighten her respect ler other
men, and Make her daily and hourly .grate-
ful to that God through whieh infinite mice-
dom her life and that of .her huetand were
brought together. Marriage le -never a lea,
ure in a home where consideration -MU that,-.-
nelisde and livess of husband and wife. Itis
a golden bind between 'them which brightene with limner:eh:1g yeare, And binds the.
bogether when they _64 are absent one Irene -
the other."
Timely Remark.
Judge -Weil, prisoner; have yonanythlesg
to say -in your &lessee ? . '
Prlionere.-:-Yette Honor, I would -Oily-ask
you to remember that if it wasn't for jade •
mole fellows as me you -wouldn't have any
work to do and consequently you waddlet.
be drawing your fine lalary. -Schaae •
• -
A Defender of His country.
Henrik' -Ibien'ti nephew, whe- is now a*
American cigzen, heard two -Englbrbmota,
disparaging his adopted .conutry, and in tissi
controversy that endued latd aboub • hints*.
luitilY that the Englishmen were 'soon
his mercy. That's thteseet of Duren -tilde_
that ought to flourish in the Uzileed States.
There are people whiz -say they Wade*
meet thefr.. friends in heaven who do n.
try to get very dose to them on_eartii.,,,,
•Raia's Horn.. ••
-go:Yeti:13g gentlemen," said An earneetk -
speaker, ,addressing a eampasy of cellegit
otudents, if yen havea spark of geidus te
you, wafer it r. •