Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-24, Page 6• 11 I! r- They *reearly folk itii.Lele Thins .4tmise 14 ii..true hi. Morning :more- .so than urinal. 'There. 'woe -still a !good'. deal...he be . done is that all ehould be. In order by the . We May as well divide noW.". file.tak- time :the Weddttit-party': terriered, and . lug the paroel• of notes - out of hes poohet Obhrles, who might arrive• ot any moMent, legobe he divided thein kite two aquae as he was net likely te. leibee• _unneicesetielly; aloha and handed Gni - to Bertrand; hhe" by the way, would be suee :to be ..„hilingly *Ought -being that in -case they ithould be after it- drive •-h-of:. some ehoure hie: the effetetited he should nob be feinid with. *ail- cold- night - OW: S. Matiriete I. *fet- tles money 'eetion -him, and Bertrand time fuel the leagues away, and he leed probably 'perhaps.* escape at his impale; theugli he left -there &bind. 3 &cheek. - All thii. beet baker" were he ihould bees sharer In the paesedentguely-threugh -Pierre's head ite .he- lieed itself. Still „it.weeitd be well that he lay half asleep, half awake. But the ohink' should be finina withhie sharee of the ing - .of the- "iquarter after 4 arouiel-'.hiiii eerieney as proof -of his complicity, Seeneed. thoroughly et the eklgenoiew•of the ptieltien, Wag qUiteedeterminede. if he could avoid le, •and geuting :oub*. of bedhe. hustled en hie: ;not hersuifer alone in case the took shonid -clothed- " anyho.ivett-le The "said to hiciseif, tarn -ageing, theme; He knew 'very well and hurried down juele In time to 'step' peter. that. he waned- nee hesitate ,to escape at hie:- Marie's - • J - . -. • ' - companion's expense, 'and .knew, toe, -that Weil," he _maid,- looking at her with .4 • Bertrand was not more iierupilotte than siesplebreus • ihprossion, - like to knew: - * 'What is. the :mesh -Meg -el- WS; ritenege. I Having. &tithed the division of the:money,- thoughtyouhied promised M. Ceeemereil net they lefethereat,- lockedthedoor behind teleave till he had spoken:with you again ?h• them, taking ther.key away, wed -returned. to .Poor Marie, qieite-isbeshed-at bee leek- and etheihrooth with the seine petition they had niannet,'sbanichereda coalused reply.: seed when !setting. ent to alicompliiih their -44. 1t -was not ;goiiiie away,' -she ioefahtonspearpeeee . • - . 4-4.- I ware-only-hegektg to !gee e fresh . - • As .they paesed by Medea' door. aieee .footfoll ReMend 110'1410er a-, me'. Pieree grunted inotedulenelyhe - . • : hied a devtlish thohght -sprang to fife .61-kehlreskt tett indeed!- -People 'den't steel in his lira -Mee -that here. perhapS was patty out t113 thie hour oil -..--rhere. • h "viettine to beer the burden 0.11i* the reternitig *dere any one's .lip fer nothihge --etudeand fie punishment. - - , . Tien' patron will get :,finelyzetekeni In one of As they reached their' chamber, thecleek these .day, giving- ' iheiter. to a paek.ef- eibilined. the • qnarbehafter -midnight. . - lazy ;. beggars -- who work.' for their As-sOen as they were safely In the rot= living as Longasthey can --contrive to -get. it. And the door locked, Remond e teolce off his for nothing." • - • • .coat and sittbig down._ Pheceeded to seetite Theietiongli winds- were . the ..lisit. draw the notes- careinily.between the lining and' to 'poet- Marie's "..everthrOtigleit feeliegse• and 'the- cloth,. Thie. he - did with a cheerful she Imrstinte testae-, -Taking her lititiaker- -*hire as. Of.- a„man - contented : with- hlmself. C1c f sub of, her: pock -et in. order to [Wipe Occasionally - he : paused a-..mornent In tits -ber'ey Col."! she pulit d Out- With it the prit *ask and -smiledto hiiieselfe as St: MS OWn which M. derriterole bidet:vein her the. thoughts -an Ugly, Broil° 4.- seariee-ii! emile nievione evening. eit ..fell' en :the. -floor! :thatboded 111 to some tehehe ! -With ,•.-ate. ruimietakieble -chink,' and Pierre: . -Bertrand watched him for a While ,with .stopped andlucktd it up, looking fronhit bo lit ate:waled patience and at -hot eelith heir,andfreen her t� -it. mere. :.iiirepicietisly - , ".What are you- •wastiiig time ..That then tver. lean be done as well ..eutsitith - There is. Teens .17 he said, "a a phrse hill of geld -time-to lege. : The night is .-Talready for It -seems you.are got quite eh -poor then as (iedvantied, and -we; mnse be Many -trident from you . *meld hevettetebesieve. lekte thinow. " bore by daybieak."-, -! - tiese•yete:oame, by this 1"- . "Nob at all ht replied the Other. We. *eh -1 thineeindeed," itibbedthe. poor - 'nee Much: safer. here :under the - cireitme otiature, •"-and honestly come by. M. Ger.: stamiiiii and hate- I mean to iitay till. Marne 7m.,e011 gave it to, Me leitenight." _lag: _ ..• • Gerais -mil gave. 'le to year field .e. e'Saler repeated" the other„:".8Sfer. 1 Pierre, arhazed, and increthileine. .• Wedie: wheii'they. discover what :has hap-. youcan easily peeve yetir honesty and thu vaned; we es straagers will he: the Bret -to. eteth of- vehatyeti.' say by woiting: till he •beenspeitted. They Wilt send ferethe :gen- comes. down." 7 . -tatratite,, aijd thin -ah !" he *ant on With a Silently: hi aria:MI:owed:him into the Belle ahuddere 0 -it makes My blood run cold 1" shideeaped -here& beside. a table -high the: 'Then turnittg fiercely on ehis ,oenipeiten. : Windehe,-gazintwietfuily Out, thinking bow •- You think .•••yourinel 80 clever yOU wilt reedy peepie ginetaliy:'were te.c.tedie;:thosi, 43tencto nobody's advice.- ":Yeur 1nfern4.1 in'inisoty.iwith being capoble:oftill:,si.r0 .'of . ?vanitywill btieg-iis to the gallows crienthier -.Pietro eneaiiveliiie went aboii$ hii 66. Ilene; tieuse! No hardwoide, and as ineining.dutier _ 'gruitheint• -hitneelt imed, •for the-ete . Well, ,yeu knowThere .oasUoiti anyteirig bui . friendlyeloOkein her Is no need to put it in evidence. -I :have ..hitectiOn at he teietle.d.: In and One et the. "either an tibieceion to the Word. It is - well room. • , for you, rcyfeleiedietkeet I- have a head:e.e. The latter .partol. the :-.colevereetleiel ehonlderse!Tefly now etvetild be pito' -theeeir Marie and 'Pierre hadheen overheard positiveof getilte: Even atheist the• frontier- by _ReMeride:who, hearing- theeinead o; - we., would riesbe safe vettli the little oompli- .voiatea etilieve; had •come °tit .�t his -etierm. to hietion that has arisen," nmitingeeignificenelietee,:test anything -Might. take -thee° Wethe lestiite. in the direction * ef M. ! Gerwenlits heut-his -kneed-ego whieh woulditiattee a hitch room, Where_as tor certabx__reasone we. are ea ieteeteeete,. _ • - . . . = • tolerably "safe bete I" - He smelted '-howevet- very weir, - pleased . - . - What ream* What do yea mean-?" wibn vitat- . hoot and -,re-entet ed the- - Just h: small detail vehloh you eover- rotini with -quite cheerful Air, Berirend looked, mon emie . You ase the :aderientege ted.. -e- 'sound efelelerieti . . el le little intedigence."._ Yon. spoke- oe nee eielee,•tehich he had not hefOre tteard., pkln httachiett to us the ooly Orin:gets --firmed his sus-peoietie Of the previous evening.: Item Yea forget the -Women in No. -- when the nionienterr githice-he had had or ." said the other,: taking -epehis. her face hatto terteerkeibiy. effeueed 'hitaane -eneesneegab °nese' -" Yon are a clever. chap, 'etee diseurbedehissuol 'eMpertlitoiele sea- - tend he inisliskeeht. • .._ poise -mien, • , !,Beeesiteir eerie furblier•airangments as to Nettimeg-hoeild have -fitted in battee With WO proceedings In the.morning, these e*o_. his plain.- eldeirie had aireedy - routed! eigeandiesie.: Wepttoe. bed and . illeph.. "'un- pieten . byher attempt to get seeneety .eseee . trehbled .by any theught. of the -ghostly -ohe and by her pOssesaten-ef the , gold, • thinigh•. :tech on which the gray.light oteltiOrning new appheehtly ae poor. A ,damning oircuin ibeghis to le-11through the Wide riziourtained stance:of whioh 'none "knew ea well- as , •• •• she -Would be.ishable give -shy satiefatioty .CliAPTER -ekplemetiere. The Only ;thing -reniiiiiing to() The night wee, past. - The. mini had keit be done wee to fnetiee -het detertute: b.titQr* *en litieve the horizon, And the 'bug, ceol, a disCovery was mode of the murder:. .Teet: gray otadows of early thOriiing, fell aerie* accomplished, they ".were_eafe. Teere 60(dd.- ..the • green, • deWy.gehies.! -A Bete breeze tie the doubt tee to tlie-reituleh-eVery. cir.leturh • -rustled through the earS of cern and lightly' seance p4uited to her..rgutlo.:. She -head be- stirted .thi . teethes of the taulpopIilrf. The -tellie.); arrested,. brought ••• haek-e 'and te hiede had begun their niatin song, the theft -would :take. :their opp.ertunity if quietty- mutmur of rinsect life filled the ate, end ell slipping. awoy .T"Witeoute. extdelege sets pielop. the rieuide, of nature) was awake.. rejelaing. ,44. It'isnotelesey, d factit.t . outwit thee -over- the newleerh do.- - woodAi-headt d -Couutry gendeetuelei"-- •he wee' _quiet 'within. • the wall. . of, Les addeit he he aubleo hiireithanatiotie Bone. Amis.: Cleniehtine':with.e _emile On "Yenesvere right enough, too, ,:inent! her rosy lips; dreaMed.ef.!Charles, .who, Wee -*hem you said a woman waa' alseayteteiefut. .then fait huming toWard . her nailer the Tete e.neeevaie here,' useful to Mit Brom 18 er' leafy erobe. ef the•-foreet., .. • 19 eh -eye -ego. It is odd,. perdie," he sof M. Damont wos,, stileefiest Weep, little ," ".thali :she-. shi.-uid. turn k-ni.t -,dreaming-what a gruesome deed ted- been to be of hie In the .presehe eneee--, per.peteatesel. beneath his, reef -the anthers, gery.” _ .• - .; - of vehicle: step,. epeaceettlly tete, „•-• There • Wheith de yotrrmean?".:-Said: 134tratid.- -was, 'besielier, one pampa awake;. guilt "Thla One! - ehlo youknowher -then .-.• and'-innticenee.slept,- but not . despair= and • etYee. l" ..repeedhthe "o.''Aeet 1. . . q teeiheeeie . • - ought to. " lett pretty "sheet of it hest .night, Mario: had beet long tip -end dieseeetd and but iince I hove- hewed' her- eVoiti.e 1 ani ready for the read, for her- er4'0- deeite: w. *).. COPt44-0..- 84640 MY. Wile • ' got away no,pereelvech-ete avoid the inter, When 13ertrittict hod.finished his ehcAmeih -view with M. Gerenenehthe qesenstiohi.e0 tiOnseef surprise,- his teemeettnien. we.et -keels* he would auk - bete -end *high. :she f0. esepleire- thet be would . could not, Would-. not answer. • The:pain,. fllehtby, leetieig :her know .tbitt lie*meg , *axe -humiliation of appearLng guilty in his hived ! her, and, -aa she --wee.; apparently ereheeas she felt she inevitably meet. enz.ions to oiniceat ..her real ident'ty, Pt -Course,. she ..knew very well that in be no !doubt' -of- the shecess:' ot- this• going tieeity thnsee-stealinteiebreily otit.of inaneeevrte - • • . :her hehefadter'se house like a thief- in the -"13tit siippepe- she /tenni:lee. you. 17- -aiglee--*--eheet-ft.heiseif open to thehipieihe 7 6h,Bett Always ' ;afraid ! moinithhige Mon ht guilt, but at leastshe.-- would escape. There he no _fee; of her •-•recogri.szing the panofsestet her sentence In theitfocei Thie;'" - tonehinejlie blick bandag4 he and itearingitn.thelrYeices.4he foosie which spore, "and the ahience of my inuselitche •Ii!wilted on her so'.` hiedly-i and the VeiCes. Which I wore when -she knew firet: which had spoken *to her ste gently. Ar-.1iew -rneke. my. f&ce qteite. tuitecognizablee • honta.before. Poor et:mil: -For Minya -long change.my voice a and the:: thingis ymr she had known but -1101e kindness. _done.", •- - . Trulyhot way :;- paths, arid now when h refuge- presented they -neve_ edressed ehemselves-, lend: went : "et : life. lain' by -*erne, • itotheedeencee-eheith nrringf -..inOnt : _ itself thergriM. *etre of the..past- bide' her 'dieweilitairee._Bererand tookirit ill Ot ease, and .iheetenly.ta be gone. .: • w.iehing- hineielf Out- Ole the --plaiteee bis She had -thought it itlineVer. With: -fit. are companion, With his totted- eisrelees swagger.,. /meet lend.. had Mule tept her Mind that• • she :humming *linefeed* he dsecendid. ; mnb 'go. Her athenoewould be unnoticed - b Ab,.- *one voila r Said- Pierre . -es. he :Mk.- _In,,the-:bustie.4- the -wedding 'morning., and tiered- the: sane. si. YOu're...•eaily. risers, when It was disoovtied ihe would be en tnesidetiii.- I hope yen eleit well." . . - her -Way. - M. -Germenil'ilklvdaeas had - Theyealintiied himethey had -not ilisphiso • ! f - ! • - lithe 'h h • Marie *its eittizig; and preeentlY Remand, making e }tailwind to remIthh where he Was, get up iand sauntered carelessly ttiwar4 :her, pullingetheblack bandage little evert hie face. - : Yon appear tO he in,trOublie-Madame said he, addreesing-kw in.- Slott of Wiley undertone. -- "•Perhape I couldbeof uselo. yeti!" " She remained Silent . "1:IOLA'S hesitate- to Speak;" he Went on.: Glad herp -eh old acquaintiance, and It • etos to me I reeognize your face." - - T Ab tibia -*he said in stertlid-tone : "!YOU. know me _ "1 ern- meet" he went one. '•66 I have seen g 46 yothat Grenoble. -Were. you net then ace 41S:elided with a • eestein. --Robert Meoeire • ihierie, set -:otieechlele with horror, while h . Condnued - - • - " "Ile Was a. good for nothitig fellow, too, though:he was the husleand ot madame." • 66 F. 0.. liake,"'.she. cried in low tones o litorror, An Lob again utter the name of t se incester.".. :When muttering eie herself; a if she had •forgottsh that*. seas any one. he- el el her, "1 must get. -.1. inueb. esoape from. -herr;et °nee, let: them think Whet they. will - She looked- :round as • 11 ketiigenadjii.ileoaeltrecia .et:ahlr.• a --eye- ical diet, and: then heering•Peerie outside the, heizookly sauntered beickete -oast. Jit - was neately done. :Really a _bed afactiet ees Andel to pile 'sometimes in cepieg - frein a difficulty., e .Neeee, if I -had en- one ot. your virouteis yoting min ibe °hid nee: ba -ie been- so ankiene ,to .get 81 •d •a hi 45-7; )1 .... : ,, . : - . . • Pierreceine •*in - With ..nieny- -exchees ••-for tent - kepe. them Waitieg, . Bet he geld .he 4- been' eettabeed.hythe arrival of the -eons - ,et: of gendarinee ittinie the:twit poste tithrt:o of,hte -men, who were now seeieg o•Ar horses being pit up. ahd :Who would- he riewiehtly eieeheir bteakfesiel -*. , ••. • 4: fle .ie cepitel _, company, Je ithe 'briga- -d e ''. _addedehierre he all innocence of hesirt. I'm ehteyeell.get en oapitilly together. 1 'ikt is -pity. -yon. aro not moutleede twit or you Ighternehe o ittetch :of •. thereedetegethet. T , ey're Ou.t on duty- and tunst turfy ..en, as a on as they'bav.e..bidecimethitit 0410 and ✓ eted the hereof's'', : ., e -. - ..• . -. • Pitiere's.iiiteelociitoes.. did - nob, - however, may heeenoeivitl, stare bis views as to 'the god faiewehip. of gehdermesee Tti.eir Iminiseinces-of :stretches of Mid, traversed 1: , company with .' such' gentry were -utt ppaSatily aseociated With .handotiffe• and a etehe to}pe,. at one ead- of which' they. pur- Med theirtenieeloemee jeuroey, white. :the . o rtter :via's- ,aetachede tee thee seddie bow . of ;an -*die Wile! WhOrn eeey.': did nob,- find ab ail!. ti -capttai conipany," -,Ner-Weeu. they. at alt: .teeestered 'when:Pierre Went-. en . to elieherni- eheM•thht Rog- r, the -. brigadwr,-- and . his r. Mon.:Is-ere:0UL after alcouple -et ‘-foreate Who, ad ih. cse. ed ,frpni ' the frISOn." el -Leone,: -end hoehecercimg to the - laterit inteliigence, ere- i-uppeaed to he'iuriting ie t.heloterit, or La .ilaterehtie: 6tDestieeate ruffi,ene, - tho,", iinisoed Pierre.. (-The brigadier -has ord re tehring.teein in -olive or owed.'" : Se say ing, . e 'mimed away to.otteed te sonieth:ng.eihie, - when Bertran.e , frightehed. oh e• el ell. :self eerie -keel, seetted, to his' fret sag. te pin.: "-6.‘ Int.rbOlti;" - .roD1 torect hm..•-•heitiepanion, "would -yeet ruip, us lie !Sib (hewn; I tellion." 'And he heidAtniy just tirae to letue .hun-tack :-,-. -- - i__ - • -. . , into his sea when, theit024.0410d &lid- the .. , ... s,,. . elegather etattered. into the -rclom,,arnied..to .8.ethi hie professional eee teking In the. -- - - • • -. - - reoin anh. lea. hopepento at atgleenee. . : Merie, weee oink. in thoughe, had heard hottene et Pierreee oonvereetion, wee rouged - k::th,v. sudthli.... entrenee of -6hd a riatd Mati' ridgeveileM.LI bear teed look, -,Whica he -die ee -feel. ethpeeceive„ But his eyee. pained -on o retie more eereechingly ou the two erten, wheee iapneetenceeded not ot eel .pleatie.hini. It iieetes - to -me I ha -Ye -seen them -before,' e - sead i:o htmeeefe as :ite . looked elieehem ••)Dore.:-.iiiqteseirigly. than they :- feted et Sit 'fisreeetlie , . i oe .t eel e at. once - recegniz; di him s ,the' goridarme . who i,-liad- inshecteed theta .44 A_ tikeir-i),ssports. se sespiehmsly the pre- - vieus day. - Tue brigadier very doeh reca:iiled- h-44•3,he-had 'seen_ them ana decided that t-4 :Would keep:hie eye eatheme ...,: - . . e •-• : h N-0"012:„Piet re. "1. he -Baia,. "..bDrry. with.: ,iireseetesee eied - deihtti- foteet ! some bane. I ISatie'W of tee.' bow :good yeur... hank is. - :...An& tk-li- my nieh -tee hairy with the belted aed. csd.:(143-in.to..nitakfast-. - We have. -Levi? • much 4.ine toloSe.". - -- - • . _ Piatre hurried off to -eirecute hie-. ordele,: -wh.lie ihe.hriganfer,:ssti.l. heepihg an eye en: k3 two-Meoi •I:Ock-out his pipe a.);d -herg--,n to. erepero" he for :his:. af,er ..theekleht einokee Maele, •eeho had been:Twatch!og -:for arieope- p 4 tunity• - ee 'sleeve; the ici.7,,in: siiciebs6rvek [..1,0 w.'got..up areliesepped quietly - stint ..131110 1 ,o the reeief-. et IV.mend,...-whet felt. that her !a!eienhe vastly iniprovedthe ciheooei et hinvi eelf and is cetepehieti. '." kie: Much ;so' that- havip.g.. finished his i.reak!agt , he. began 7.t.ti: hem. -a teineecreeeing Ins:leg i as -he ley- beck - m. a chair hilt:rig-JAI pepte-aud. looking tit ehe Drikiat.ner . %PA) an air .0t .-olisyt- assurance whibh _ took. Berteared's breath-- airay.; and. i,...i.rty maue him choke wAhl.:edr'terrOt.as ',ere weilewed his .tisisi,liuOuti•.141. : ' • - : -- Just thki ?Loire retard, e bringiug. • the eem. and toile wed by uhe ether.. 00,nd:trine lour_ t.!e. theme . . , They-, all Eat down to teethe ;lid peo:yowied -.tee. disicuse. their beeekraitt 'with . Owe lent appetite.: -.The , brigadikr Able Peiere!iet --A - low., tone where theee. mene,h14 -corne,Inim;:indiciatitig • the pair in - he- oorner - by stb slight .in-9etment Of . 'hie ibow; -.Theirs -infermedeh in that- they Were, e ereneere . -who hed slept thet - 0 ieht : at - Lee Bene Art'is; _ ,and 'tette ...-lie. knew . noteieg t riAer :shoos -them, ..except -that theeteltone eges. theest-anuesieg chop and. a beautiful a egeree . i - • !... -•• . .. ... - • •1 661- wieh you eotehi:hear him " .:lie .added,' i .- • .1 - - I: al with 'which .%vite. at . tinge gratified oil Bern e nd eo- hp hem, his iie at and souritered p to the table, tkeside.thenh in- -.eet‘i ch. of a ri. isk:;( h -.+, Ight.h-s eepeesingieg: . lino -Uisiser &etre eavoyage : eee,_ length; ecell Woe; en reties, : 'Totteourie Our vote() passage ., - .81eihrent-deeobeets nouveau*. . . .. „. , . , . .66TVOile t". -.Seed ..Pterre, pausing and lie, te Inge :while_ ;he brigedier, who -did-. noe seem.- lieeticularly ' charred, I. 'tittered a dry " h'm,' -- and: - hie Men *eat on eating. their b a- f kfeee In. seetlid -themes. 66 .. given leer the !meanie ate hying till she. pre- well or -yeses; and clomp ni .4 n ourod.. some week, and Wiaten. she -was fax the ehoilienee of. thetbeee,. adding-. than they eavieey • she: Would wrIte. arid thank her ' would. net:have left them: so some, but. thete 1 . faheliore. and beg of to lodge: Of . her their wanted_ to get' a' good .pleee On ttheir .Remende Fhb*: ibeehed.at this Want of _ -• - -way hoped the det get tee hot, Remond ob." 'appreciation of ehineself end. his 'pet lei sh _It Wee Ilttle past 4 o'clock. . when, *king serving, as. he glanced toward where Marie' spec,: 114-hti d . his pipe, her libeler in het liahde: she efOlesoftly-down eerly.aseethey were they Wail net.] reinilerkedlor:his comParheize-tvieh e:httleel • -stair* to the fie:111.40r, • She ereeehed the the-- fitehe - •, Stir. ---thejy be tbtnhfng ef doer, .oefely, and ptitteng osi her • shoes- hito • 44. Huh,: euh. r. gist -vied enowlinge andthatthey tetter and .14thh teroeheded to try to- *pen. - .1 at Oar Merle; "Some hiteie their pit their.liiihge -leg:ether-- while' M. Pierre She., hid- almost hecomplialiede her Objebb awn renews fere wanting. be the aitt.up„ vrOs.riiiebiting oat:their attige Mit. which they Ithetts- :she, *ht. ilterbled• by feeling:. a:hterid- I don't hold with_ .enole deluges', he added Would. settle. *hen -tht.y mime hod oti her -"boulder. . She Itureod, round, as he.. lefttbe room. •- .., iitAilfig- and 'begging Pierre to. be -Intro and fitseeehlimii. with- dismay and terror, and . saw, d' .1)W 0 Men Mated- themselves tebli not forget What ebeyelied --bed the ehenteg heekt - •- ' " b f -•tie sainted WM colt Yeivith • - - „ . . grace and left the room, preetetd by hli companion, who could hardly allt• from . sheer terror. iesimmowlempilthl men .wholiad ibeen in the 'sidle When be. are rived,.as her said wotild neoeseary ehiet they .should be 'examined as well. 801 CHARTER XVI.. • •' one who had• -in the hense that night. Pierre repUed'tbat he believed they Were in their room, where they had -gene after milling for theihbill. and that he . would go - and fetch them. : Btit .jUSt as he was eihnit to go tehd leave the room for this' .pureiore the deotopenecie the _ we strangers met -him face to face , the. reehoide They had a ously watched the progress of events; had heard from their mem Clementine's ory of horror, whiCh:announced the discovery of her tether's murder ; the -order given that no ODe ,Sbould leave the house, as - well as the bustle end talk el the tequiry. Remond oynically hte the -suaceis of his mor ceuyie to get Marie, out of the • house. Then, seeing from the wJnclew the two gendarmes ;start off quickly in opposite direotions_ he ..gusEised p +-tir correctly:that the ;sutigicion bad tu e on Marie- Finauly,,the party loving gone dowil " to the he. skecided that r -Ow wo. ir _ time to mane einem to get 6ff M 11 - unsuspicious Way. He knew' very.we.11 ey would have to give an account :of themielvee to the gendirmeo •before they ioida .'hope to- - get away, and so decided-ehat the t est way wotild be • -tti down quite ly, •as if they suspected nothing which had heppened, -end. ask Pierre if their bill wee ready, as they 'wished to leave. Ile had aoine• trouble in -making his -cempenion understand and agree this, aa he wee -Mtge dead than 'alive With sheer Amnon However, by. bullying ahd.perstiasion he get the hater of - him and they went down, and as we have seen met Pierre as he was th the very act of - leaving the room to look her them. - 44 friend Pierre," said Reamed he be ewaggered into the. room- with lie wheel effrontery, "18 eur little bill reeetil which We:asked you for? It IS .gettiiVlate, and we must be off." ' • The brigadier ,here interposed and said they maid- not go at -Present, as he reqUired. mime conversation with them first.. "Hein said Remend, an air Se bhOugh be oottld not conceive what the man meant. ithe brigadier went on. -" There has been/ a Murder 'committed' in this helm) during -- • - - - - • the pest night I ' • • "A -murder Interrupted the .cither• in 'a. tone of the Ignited surprise. L poisi- 'hie ? Pray; who has been murdered i•Ib Is very Mapleaciant to think thao one has. spent the night in a house where ,stichthings 1:111`13Men.4162'er.ineritl has *holm' murdered, and I.. mhstsay that your manner is most- inde- cent In speekiug of such terrible occur- rence," said M. Dumont, eeverely. He wail most nufavcirably humane -al by the appear- ance of the newcomers whom he 'hael- nob .noticed the evening before, and observed it. Pier -re was abOut to enlarge still further on the egriseable- queilitiese et his new .ao. quhMtance when the door .eif thee atille opened, and M. Dumont: Qin* in, .aceem- panted by Ciernentine. - 0e Ali, good .merning, brigadier r he said, shaiting hands with Roger, who. was an eld ecquetntance. ." You are•eaelehon the road 00 day. Is • there anything - eotirting or @pedal . • "Nothing much, Me Dement," replied. the gendarme. -6-6 A couple, et /*aped . pristine/ 8:from Lyons, whom we are- on the jieekout for, and here . they are , Signewhete In Or -Mouu. ehe. fogest Of La Marche, and we are•on _sue wet, :there hew." . " Ankh ,htsaid M. Dum.ontee with -a pig, nificahle -glance -toward: _Clementine, 'who had gona_over to the .window, which corn- ineodeda Vane of the read; and wee eagerly weacheettor any sign of -Cherie& - 6'. But you tableet alarm nee, for my son had -te.-pdiis through • the forest on_ his way bo ehd irozre Ste Maurice laet night, and we iere-neve wohdering liteee ab line delay Lu his return, AB we expeoted him earlier." 'e " Bee.What was M. Charles doing at Ste Maurice!" : • - • " went to fetch a paper:- .which had been forptten. beethe lathery. ' . • le Notary l"•said. the ether, .stirprised. 64' Otis y0i4 said Itumont, -641 loegtie that of whim .yoti. dm% know thelt my son is to be married to -day to the yoneg, lady whom. You see at the window." "A fortunate man is M. Charles," said the. gene -Ali brigadier. • . • ."•-Bute"..said . Dumont aritiorrly, "what ,you tell me : • Hese he was interrupted by:Pierre, who had tete the toem and •riew ran in !crying etit that Me Chili les Wati coming; thee he had seen_ the carriole :beim the top window. .Aehhe.spohe the 7Soundeof-- taped. wheels wee,: heard eouteide, and Dumont and Cleinenelete hastened Olt to the door to 'peep. bim. Was out of the 'corded° .and heroes the courtyard in; .two. - strides, and joyful .indeed- was the meeting -between the leveret, -wkide Me Diimiint, relieved from the Momeneary fear whicn. ehe, gendarme's worths had atouted.in him, cla ped his eon's • hand and welcomed hien with • o•fult heart. Before: the greetings Were fiiiiehed the loteret and the cure, arta in Otte, turned in at tee, tete; and ehe whele party went Into the melon! togetteere where Iticerd awaited - them -with the .papers all. In, . order, and nothing' !missing' this time The brigedier pined them :there on_ the Invitation of M. Damont. - • • :46 Well," he • said . laughingly, clapping -Cbarlea on the Shia:Wee, yeaire a preaty bridegroom to ee-p lady - waiting." . , Clomeheine shot .. rather an :inclignent - glance at him as irtuoti. as va sale.how dared Charles,. who. .stoted beside hen, that he ceuld nee imagme why Penne bed -given a ho. insinwite hat Charles -cow d. do -anything room to such suaplotons-loosti•g klharacters- that wasn't quite_ perfect, •while Charles as these men, in N.vh!ch Charles quite sgreod. hity,telt* pi.aded -the bad state of the roads ' The brigotter then .:deniond4 d to see the tor his. bang a little lister; addMg, as he peseporte of , the two teen. -These were . teethed iehr.c1 .that there was ne lost time produced and cloeely ehamitie.d, tut eeemed- by. that, since M. .Geirnienil had . no yet • j to be quite • sri.• regle, and in -- answer to the • - chive:el-imp ata rs. -.! .. :. : • ..• . a 1 questions as be where they bacr'40043 from e "My lteienu 'Gorneeiill is not as Yeung s I and where they were -gel:1.g, Remold re- . lie Was any more -then me -self,' seici - M. .I plied that they bad copu3 .1tom Beeieneen Dainente: "And yeithrdey-.wos a-fatiguint and were en their way to Ly. ne it - bi h dayler him. He had olozg .4teixo to oogui - : . - ‘ - 9 ' w - ' name his.companien pearly coliappod :with. with." ..-__ - - • -- . - • .:_ _. -After h few . minutes'. more ,convereation. . "1 Presitme, M. • le Brigadier," veld* _ :Uncorks wextt- up4tairS to See. -what Was de- ,. Remond, With an .air Hof . multi politenese, , - e' au-- • al .13"',... "that aa you have nothieginp.-her te ask use . hatable Me Gerteenii, and nr se v e II g Pierre to :briet the bunch of duplicate keys; -i and as our papers are a '..1 -eirregle we may .ae he lehdeknecteed and gob no answev, and . new -resume eur jourhey. 4 • 46 No," -replied the .affider, shortly.. "You. cannot leave here . at.. .present. -Till. to . inquiry is finished no one :can be 'allowed to leave the house. WT -e now -:aivait the arrival of the woman who elept .liere lieb hight, and Of whom -mei Men have gone in - search.'" ' • - 4 .' . . As he finished peaking a noise was heard onteide, and presently .1Aitrie wesbroeght In beeves -agaiostit with ail their force. . lb . • 'by one of the ,geindeenee-s, creaked; gave Way, and the three -Inflict Sbe had been overt,wken before elle had Mto the Mem. "Theri it dreadful Shriek ran gene any. great distance. Indeed, not litstr.i. %.hreitgh:triti house is Cleinentine'.fell -sense- - ' !. ing any rearion ee think ihe would be fele leitebetude the bed -Where- lay- the . body: of levied, she had tab .down e niehrient by -the ,ant MurdeTid labSet. " - " - .wayside.te rest, and there ,.the .-gen-du arm- e • ' M. -.Dumone, foliewed by the rest. Of the, . . to tee wrist wall the 1 she was thus thought back Or ef whet" had found her. - He ire'd refused to .tell her Phittatttte%,r.ua6rihded-stutiPed'ar-pireegchiets With horror at why she was•aCcused. The name of her !terrible the terrible veleta -4e: Roger, the nioneent ' " - - - . . . hutibendoto reeethily .itpoken by the :einistet, -.bonisehte Then tie returned to the- rotim. :.te - Co his mer#,-te fieethat DO one leaves the . he Law What tad liaeipened,egeve .the erecter- ,* m . . , .. .. ve- p INS 2 loehingstrangpi., had -filled •h-er with -terror, . end she -bested he wee- -in sonvi rwtky aged; about to ,cauise.her injury or . hie i i ,,.x.iidnine further, '‘Caries had he the• an . - . . . - - or most -likely _both. The ecreature time carried Clementinei to her own teem trinibled.in- -every, limb, and '• the .mental -w- ere hteleit ho. i.,:i .i.iiis.rge of .Metgeb, who9 4 .agOPY'.e.he . was suffering showed 'itself in. did all ehe..c.oultefer.ber Wi b ishiny compel- every feature. itaisy;f5 leo" I , . - : ,.. - .- t e • , Her attenuated' form, 'her wan face ;mid sienitte exclamotione et '‘Pidivre mam's‘llei 1 ' M. . Dili:dent' aseured the --brigadier that hollow.ivs,.with the wistfrf!, antlers) look , in them of a dumb animoi whe -dreadi and the Murdered man:had. not a 'single enemy -e:y0lhezpects a blow, excited -Charles' 'coin. in the -world: - - "- --- -. . - ' I passion, inotwithstandir* ;the terrible _a -c... . 46 Hed he eity money in his Poseesiden 1" ,‘ ir.oneatioh which was hanging owls -her. He. asir 4 the officer: - - - . . - . - - " ge %tot- 12,000 'franc? Clenientin 1 1 1111W jibe' Sinie:bitttilY tibli 't° 'tac• de 'I'd ad' terror. • • • he..feared Gdrrileall. must be - Pierre Tan ups:airs . with the-, keye,.. followed by °Repentance '6heeeick, Pierre, qelick, give me the key 1", 'cried Charles. • Bet the.key was net there.' ,What was to be done ? "We mist break door," said Charles. And .oecordinifly he and Piecre threw thorn - - - thawing he gaveler a ehair, sayieg in ilobi-• which was to have been handed over -le My 8'D110. day as SOOD as. the coatiact .Walligeln'tbYteovuoll•?hsa:d. r sit doWn, my poor • e'peig'cleEkedtili:er'oeo°k".,".eactiediee' h•Cithg;r-ls. Charles, :Ile!. bee edge is his1 sWa:Winkiaititi look ef unubterable The ige.raktiitn.u(illye the: - it tinder the pillsw sod puoing it out.. ".Bat bbe - ;was beim to her poor toteured heart. . (To be Continued. _ Theedeeileele itallroneetit. . . Railroad conduotot-e-liahtiet e 'surgeons • arrived? • • Brakeman -Yes, sir. "Is the hespitel tent looded1" "Yea, sir. • "Plenty of obloroferro, bandages, lint , and arnica in the. beggage cer 1" • go Yeo, . "Have yone, telegraphed it) the dootens. •alcingethe line? "Yes, sir."' "Is the wrecking 'train ready to follow' right &fair us ?" .-0 Yes, sir. Get full stook of pine coffins 1" 41 Yee,_ sir." • 14 AU ibe,iten it istimpty,". oried. 6` there has been you any as yDingeprioli'o' ns 7” atk.3d the brik4ther. - Both Charles and M. Dumont :declared they bad not. • B:tt I have," said. Pierre. I. " You ?? thdy exclaimed. ":Whe _theo, de yeti suepik5ct ?'' . "Tho Wetoall who skpb here last night." "11 You .112114i a poor looking woman who -wee in • the 'sidle:: she lefe tee time° kaliart MI6 age. I e SOW her -pass out Of the court- - lard," said one of the men. • • • "But Why -ehould yon'suspect her?". gild M. Duenmet.-. "_Ip 'any case we numb try lie find her and hear whet ao0OnDS se • gives of -herself," said Roger, desiring two ef hisinen to go Otter her in different directions. "She. is net leng. gone, and you *Airmen overtake her." • then, proceeded to question Pierre, wt.o. gave an account of svait happened in. 1 -the me;ning, Merit?' ettempledeescape and be purse of gold . he had detected -in her posses-, ion,. , - Thioge began to look very blaok against the utilise malice- woman: As the beigadier laid it would be ;mese _eery to Make a written statement of who') had ocCurred and of Pierre's evidence, they a;1 new returned to the smile where writing nismilosis were plaoed lieforeyhim. Haying heard ail .tlite Pierre .bad to say, , he then. asked What had becoine of the two Tierwatandbig • , at 'the hither . end- Of . r.oeni froni Where or% • Pan • ,Trt A WORMS% webunt. The Royal Humane Society has awarded its testimonials on vellum to the peeve of' Dire'. Mary Aharley's rescue boat at Bartle. - ran, County. . Donegal, for * staving. hidney Willie= from drowning In a heavy. see., This watthe second life bayed hy the boat this Season, while from 200 to 330 women, bathing from the wild rocks before 9 tem. every' morning, have been watched and pro,- - teas& . • . • f_ikine Mei aim SO high.that their nrrotrik cut nothing but the air.