Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-24, Page 3• z hang --1 it's a terrible gars ye shiver an' h rib . - in Ler .head like e ►.' etioke, i 'test extrordine r'. tb'lt stink tae ye: tike a -burr, an. tazhin=yersel wi' pheesio it'll no i ala a gude.: I -tell ye neo, it's - e see folk shakiu' wi' the aigle, linither thing •a'thegither te be fir-... , Ye wad think neo_to „gaud &boot wf'' the aigie that ,trio mackle: wring: wf'. them-'- - buts ince get ib yoursel' an' ye begin t►e : , y , o' . aigie . maks: the- hale THB. BRIDEelgotitill-GE ACE. :. .d she ° Dean i Une1e'e Plots and 8esrty. Anion. A bride tells of a difficult moment of her recant wedding trip. A -few days of it were spent with an undies of here, very deaf end very pious. W_ben they eat down. to dinner on the .night of • their arrival, the -uncle room' to say - grace.. Much aekYd .'the �: = emberraesed, all he_ was nnaoonstomed to efioiating_ in -this way, he leaned forward, murmuring - = a request to be- excused. Wheceupon the `he netts, -watching :him, -only waited . until his lips: slapped moving to tit* a senorita orua 44Amen :1" -in' response. • It? ; Tit hardly necessary"to:add. that the hawing' for that meal went unsaid. • Straighter Than.._ String._ a time 1. tu' it I mind wael, it .bnrday, for Tann wae -coorthe -,tt an' I was gettin' ready to gang acerb wi' hire.: .I wastes vera. wool, to catini' whether I. gaed to the �„ Ho tae_ ver, i On' II w. n be P �a a d g ftzlb a kin' e' mild oaf' got te Ger.. door, see., nicht," I tuts n1� ,.:an shakin: '3e,•arms arouse me. pia free shak'.n' to J better, . but aye hfv�rkn' wid come �, Witter tilt he wad / a.' I declare .it was teethe' afore the ye, may be sure: I na to--disappo;nt The straightest thing. in nature: or art, ea- .s Engineering - Mechanics, is a._ ray .of s . ef night' 'When :passing_ through•a medium uniform .densi-+y_ Hence.. the eye is enabled the straightness of ►n edge or tube to test b. by, holding. it-ae nearly- as possible -coin- dent: with aro of light, -such -parte as ;do orb- fro'n s reigt-:tue s then intorcapting pert, ray cola; ni<.o g .a shadow - to.:, be. oast y 1n is net known at what upon ooler pa�tB:. { earl. period in the history of mankind- :the early r was -made that; straighbnesa ; could disc. e 9 _ be tbua. determ nerd.: It ie eertain that of meeh mile teethe Method daiiv bhout3ancrs without being able b, give , a rational: explanatloa of:'iL - • --the - - .- .MAKES ITSELF-TELT --the:great, griping, old-fashioned Pill. Not only When you- take it, but un-. pleasant, from- first 'to last, ant only gives you a little temporary good. The .things to take its place are Dr. P` erce'-s Pleasant Pellets - One of these at dose. will . regut tcahe whole. system a 'r0tin sugar-coated perfectly. They, ys granules, nule .scarcely larger than mustard act in Nature's own way. Nooreaction ctionThey after way 4/Their help �lasfs : _; an d the: do permanent` good:Consti- pa they -do Bilious Attacks, Sick : all derange- d - or. Bilious Headaches, and dents of the . liver, stomach, -arid b and : cure relieved, e 1 nt ed re �... are prevented, 1 Y d. he - .'re the cheapest, fortthey'reguar- anteed to give satisfaction or money_is re-- tar. rned. '� Nothing.ean be "just asFood.' Birk, the _ twist day, aria just sae fivirieh aB it. corrin' dews gloamiu'. . He was aookin' un was awfu' anxious- to, Iso-, cam' aft' 'sat doon. Sure's;.dea'sh," says hese . ' awf to tot g - My alrm-s' on Saturday nicht wi' hauin'- - to rub ;,hem wi..sweet ails a' ae ye had o y mar shakes inn- as't q ire ane," sayt I. Weal, than, wa er ye a bawbee' that: the ahakesffio «i -gave Had . nnistisin-for years, and Netvfttne ie the Rhe good." only remedy that nos ....done . writes Thames . McGlashan, North Pel- So .wri - Is hare, July •. 24,-1 b g J} ` and his. testimony .. ed b� th usa� ds of ethers who have.. Support, y . en�trating- ex erienoe-i the wonderfully :p •ire tithe. P ower et Nervlii and: pain enbduiug� p gre t nerve pain -core: Nerviline is just ae:: cod to take as `to .ab. on : and is ;the e .best $.. family. remedy :in the world.: leer br- ae- d by dealers everywhere. • me any goo . ' eSIJED TI1E WRO G: BABY. . . . Tra' nog Man Got The Troabie a - Sen into. r. He was a travellingsalesman who spent - s time on the `road, far frem hie >Yabb of hie. F©r the b:nafiti, of " dre 1 1 dwite and chi • -THE DEAD iU T &Lllf. Something About Francis ParlimaH std His Life'$-Worltc•, Mr.. Frauds Perlman the hn. istorian, p a died yesterday, was _born 16,.1823. : Daring his'boyheod he lived ea se farm in . the:interier of Massachusetts, olesa He entered Har- to bread trade of wood. .ear`ent .received .vard=College. in his 17th y_ .:the .degree of A. B. in 1844, fol o m few years later by that of -.As M.; and oently : by 'the :honorary degree, ef f LL..D., which he had: before received o MoGill College, e, 'of Montreal, and Williams P ollege g sachusetts.: 'At- 18 '.young .of of 11±Iae an aoaoanb -conceived the idea. of writing: _ n leen* • the . " reat 'contest which - brought uen'bl great hietery tea close.. Sabseq. ly Ams se -as- to "include b be enlarged his purpose America,: and � 'hiss he entire story of France in last volumes en -Mentoalm and Wolfe were the first which` he planned to writ Inneonate: 1846 he went: to the Rooky Men became deinestioated among .the West- -ern the a ba -ern Paootahe;, then` much less hostile. :..than the aeon afterwards became. w,hibee ... y The band in:whose-lodges he lived has mote exterminated in battles with the', been e. � hunting Americans. By:living -w th them, $ with Nem,- secs.; Mr. Parkmen gabled e P fasrailiarity with primitive Indian life which , a Could have been acquited in IIs ether way. oon after published in the " Knitter- Ses - booker Magazine" an account of this jun ny e , Ib _ :was ' republished in 1848 » - e S. . volume entitled " The_Oregon •Trail. _ -be " n the execution of his literary project -b-he publication of " The Conspiracy Pontiac': in 1851. "The- Pioneers of Frame in the New: World" was published in 1865 ":The Jesuits in North- America," in 1867- ,s La:Salle". and " T40 DisooeerY ` orf the - . e RRegim Great West," in 1889 ; �" The Ord F iza Canada," in 1.:874 ; Count regim o» an grid -.New Fiances Under Lints - XIV,s 1877, and : " . Montcalm- -ani! Wale," i 1884 - Translations of these books 'have appeared ared in'France and Germany. The blockhead -imagines that a liquid wi make him solid: Me on the nicht akin. . _Ye hen t.ey, co on ink ither (ley - er two." . " Yet better • aunt awe, hams: thine Tacn," says I, e'iltruhe a'- yer g e Shirt sleeves if `ye y t,_ er &tries. the morn again. . - . have t� oil 'y "Never mind- &boot them sae - ling, SW a . ys' ,e fmfortataie," says he, an' wi' that,' whehar -t vas wr him . speakin' about it or at dinna k{n, but as sere ate `I'm a linin' weme the- ehakin'• camcremee there an' me as bard - ' - then,.n' he hid to flag an'hand as he could. Heels 1 but it was aw f ween my s Tain- t= a0? got a cork sin r teeth- for. fear: o' lock ja - t n'than he: sat aeon t oy back ate -held me tichb for twa morn 'cora. • An' a' the. tbn�e •the gowk �, Jeeny, wad t whiepaxtn' in.a9: tug, - womsn i. cud- eit .:and-. hand ye like this a - the mays o' my line. " Sara's death I dfdna -ken hair to look whoa he said . that, but says , speakin' the beet way I could .wi' a -co*k is my mouth,: " We'd. if I keep on like this ye wadna "has me lang, for ye wad be. ter a widest -in a 'Vera short. tinge, Tarr.": 1 _. -,ally dinna mind what time he get awa that nicht,, bat .°te'.st day he pain' in frae';b wark'an'':tellt Me he keit ea an' wife;that had .a euro. lois the: aigie ;kms.: , �0 great, secret,. but she wad -tell onyboora ., -.• wail -realty very ill - far. ha -geed doon wt tee. Sa dreaded mysel aid_ Tam -$.. . :ba. the door, but he wadna come in. The- - crecur-' made her°- livin' .w'. tall n' for : site an' , leg sellin :cures. fare. the aigie, but L. '` a &elate I could hardly see .. her for dirt. and: ceb`webs, an' eh was sittin' a okin' when .I in: , an a. muekle -bleak cat sleep in' on her Ai,quid, " There twa. cure$ -for the -pi-gig," ehd�nther.- - � . .sae`etie,,."' there'altoawhuekeyan- the i�her. " 1 9 I think I'll: tak' the ither ane;" �`••� ._an,F°. -�c ' Week; sa eI, bein'-as_I'm: teetotal." " bub e me han_ f a oro an =`an' ye get it, � -ye' ewes. tell a. livid'- aowl abeet ib or itll. - . -nae ye has. gide. Ye'�ll tisk' a fig, a,b;g ane, Fi 14 e t it up -en's hawk, theinside oat acid .. thou ;a'ii get :a speeder, _ -, s dere a get dean in auld" cellars -ant met- y; ' ;t_. the speeder inside- the - Si, . clap the tw a sides thegither,an-' swallow thee _fig hale. That'iil cnre :you or onybody. • o'Iihe a'gie. . • We z 1, whin I cam sot an' telt -Teen he: giewored like as bed seen a warlock, tan, a hg " That beats a bub if it'1�1 dare ye many; rude we'll try an' :set..ane, Othough . say terrible creture f�rr r.nfin a ewe." Weel .Tains becht. tae .a shod. o'' fig an'lchtib acs:aael an' geed: we geed home a 'wag doon the cellar. to lock -for an auld Bleeder. Tam, he catah'd three. or four, - of aw.a s airy an' ane cane tint" . eanhmyace, an' i sk led likemad an' hung Oet to- Tamme , an' then the cannel fell l dome: r an' Tata he said= hc- wished hedy to mend hie. b .�.ch-p ouches, for he tad lest every. t*' -• • e had through -the holes eauldna get the cannel ISS E NO 471893. rreplyinii-tS aRY of stria :siesta isists please easatime gals paper: New FteYai: Favorite. garden this Who bxe;: had-: ca$naos fan her g: s rarest_? - It is -a` iiowe1r fiat coming bite_ fever. It blooma no -w in the autam , but . 'it :flyriats art tryrng to make it open ei August- The flowers rase whi*-ee,e pink. or varies dei "rose. The. sits of the l fle _ s F' from; " two; to: two and _ a half 'moos diameter; the. _petals; of which there- are; d raceful- in texture. eight,: being: light -and �g _ composed of The -head,_ er anthed um, is, comp yellow florets, and is about: half an inch in diameter. The whole efface of _tlia bloom IS leasing'ia the highest degree, and- florists - seer geode for pur-_ s�,y the�fl�Weie:era-eapeofaliy �g ossa ef decoration, es they improvefresh for p ant -remain and: :calor` afts.r oattrimg, ones. . the ; latter' ..-he- had placed- Me family -hi a -neat little oobtage :with a _nice yard,. - twe to'd is: the suburbs above- the bridge, where life- is not se arowdtd as it is :in the city. - -affectionate husband -and father, D -sing; n sand: ;Sadie. Says the -Now `York.Herald;. • g-,. himself in an adjoining town on a "Saturday morning, he received. -.to .take advantage of:, n. t: ase f;geday`y by. hie own. the_ Rppo lure i y .. parse . u of his. family. hee�>+tiiaet ne main the basrem y He, would -alga give hie :wifo a pleasant surpriee. I he: toned the Arriving: at: the •cottage, . " door -locked ani _ no one et home. She is out .Marketin for Sunday,": he said, and, effecting an-. entrance, .:proceeded : toe make 'himlf at home. l $e- went -out on th Ont porch and. was greatly pleased to:.see -his youngeeb child, a baby. fat arms when he. had. last Been it, s toddling around the yard: He. wondered what be could do to amps° it and iiddeniy renieinbered that : his before.: always gave tine children a bath putbin .them ba -..bed: Be* --would bathe :. Ishii ene, : so .as to` give her More _time to.: alk with him. _ - _ er, - soon had the baby in the bath . • �_ He very „ tub, end—despite; - its appeals-fer Ma: -ma and: .0,4Pa-pa, had --it well lathered and the -thoreughiy eoru'hbed. While drying _ child his -wife entered the room. ,f �r'Oh, -• Frank- 1" she. oriel. •How did_ yen get twine 1- I am so delighted." "I thought: L weu?d eurprise yon, dear," and he released her fret his embrseie.and. pointed: prep diy at his work �� ,_ But what are you deing 1 - she. :asked, as ahe•picked np bbe .naked and "Shivering: Want.- - . "I washed -'the child .so we could have more time together,." he: replied. ' - .-. "But this . it net our. --ahiid, .Frank ;"it belongs : to:our netghlaer nest doer.. Frank "returned the. borrowed infant and .' a ole ized � brit he will. get some ens= bo in-_ p g � -: :troduce::h m the next. time he _comes:home.: a long time., • Why Limn:About With painful -ceras ? Putnarat's Painless Cann Extractor will remove 'them: pain Use the . safe, sure -pain- lessly iso a�' few days.. and aini_-as warn cure—Putnem'e Corn Extr, cter, At druggists'. • A Wrank Confession. 'i That, was a very .fine speech your- made in defence of -that fellow, who, was :charged' with murder, cod, but .I could �c- Yex,it was pretty 6 have spoken with Haack more. elequenee if:`I had been on the side of the proseca-bien. Paras Gaulos. l down throaghpthe _a -gee past :what nn- a .egony Inas beers : endured from rhegma* atiltna reliable. care fee it appears to, ~been known- instil- the discovery of. ollom'e _Rheumatic- °Bspsliant-:about 20' :.: re ago. (.Chanaand1. testify , to thorough -relief that _oeuld not be-otherwlse_ebtained. geld by.druggists generally.66 Encler AENTS l' YO' Unele,4' as. applied to a pawnbroker, - ":Samantha at . the World's Fair," - by Josiah A1len'e- Wife: Over 1�)O illustrationv nearly 643 pages. No beet tory : assigned, Send $1 for. prospectus, us, and push' thr, cans if you want to make money. WIILIAM BRIGGS, Tenper&nre:street, • . - • Torun te Agents wanted to sell Household .Artioles. Newly patenteg, sells at' sight . Write quick and secure territo . Address DOMESTIC MAC E & SPECIALTY CO. Hunter street, Hamilton, Ont. a. wretched pen oil the Lafin word "uncurl, a lift articles pa Imed to upper shelves before spouts were adopted. -" Grone to the 'mons " IS exactly' tantamount to the modersi-phrase, if. a .1304 meet a bay who . is .dreadfully7 tertsired evith rheumatism it would be a Cruel thing- net- to- cheerfulty• :impart- the geed news that MlOollonee ,Itheninatio Repellent cares _nem:sled or rhenniatio pain 'Menthe off yeti" " You're right it arid I with it wesfarther..:'Tentiny told me this- mot;hing that' he wanted Banta 0106118 bring,him drum, and Paul waits e fife. - expeette be hauled . tars before the. 'Sew Year_ far recruiting. for the. Brazilien navy." IB Ge' _ Never mind the speedere on the stair an" eat tei; cellar. strafe. the darPle are -began Lear'd yell tale ane e the shakes all I" exClairaed the esbrloh, as lie scanned the market reports on plumage. 123e.diWyill times the. .stationatins, Or stationer, held offisiel connection with -e. university, and- sold at hie -stall or station the books written' or copied -by the librailus modern term stationer, one • who .--ieeepe for sale linplementik ef such servide, 'and net wally the .prednetiort of. -literary persons; THE GREAT roaldand female 'AGENTS WANTED. Cleaner. Entirely new- sells to 'every koureke.cper. ofilao our Bread, Cake and Paringlinivei, Carier, and Knife aud Eamon CLAUSE; SHEAR co.. Lock iloz 324. Toronto, Ont. of Cod-liver Oil and Hypophosphites both a food and a tiremed. It is is ' useful as a fat producer and at:the time gives vital . force to the same . ;ue ficial in body. It is 1_ CONSUMPTION because it rnakes fat and givv P' It is beneficial for SICKLY CHILD EN because they can assimilate it when they cannot ordinary food. It is beneficial for . COUGHS AND -COLDS because it heals the irritation of the throat and builds up the body and overcomes the difficulty. g‘cArTioN.,?--Boware or substitutes. 'Genuine prepared by Scott & Bowne, We send the marvelorug irrarmit- SALE . . Several fine truck and: dairy farms near Nor- folk, Virginia. Climate excellent. No Ivalng up in winter. - Can grow three crops.a year on same land. Water and rail transportation to all principal cities. Laborplentiful and cheap. Over five millon dollars' Ivo) th of truckshippecl from Norfolk -during the past year. Also good farms in different pq.vts of Virgin. For further information and particulars write to D. McCORMICK & CO., Norfolk, • • POCKET PEN&'PENCIL C‘lol5of1411.15Y.Sttamps, 11 postpaid for $1.4013111. Us 3,50 Balt Street - **Cstali.gsBe..,40rwitS Iiiita.EEco..#:Tortiitote/Viiineincotig)°ut- NIBS.: WINSLOW-. S s SYRUP • Tiff M.iPtereecof WEST BAY CITY1 MICH.,:is agent for the celebrated. and ALPENA COUNTIES. OVER 12 000 ACRES of the verr best land In the. States can be had at low prices and on very reasonable. Fare one way paid on the purchase Now is the time to get _a home. Pf your own. Write - le. M. PIERC West Bay Ci .1707.R SAL. t A: of armless banns, w Din 26 sidles of Teems TA ft5 per acre, tits down teis a year, six pet cent, interest). Schools anti *arches- near, Well timbered, Send fers ' ulare Heaveurich Blocks ANIT0l3A, FARMS, NEAR WINNI.- Peg. Tive to five dollars per acre. Why - ay morel Torre.ne titles. 'Send for pante All Stock Raisers .use JLI strictly first-class for farming and gardes: 01161i CURE Threat, _ Sold by all Druggists on a Guarantees, FOr a Lame Side. Bacleor Chest Shiloh's Porous Platiter will give great satisfaction.—S5 GCMG. " What gars ye think that 1" says . 0 paething,,, says Tam, :" lint I think. ii keep my Mims roma ye in ease *the* 'should come' thocht that.' way- eie. kind ale -Oon,sidertite Tain wee aye yeti' considerate:. 'So we eat an' oraokit a doctor yestereen e theisill ter the e for' We medal pure Wass t --Married at 'speeders "? John's a Tillie lisrd14. -.Pirneks car* n en ?the' SIAM ClaeOMOD admitablY ',illustrator! the British indiffer, ence: to everything- but the commereial 'peat of the:mse. 1n -the baokground- are ranee and,_Biain discussing the, treaty— in front John Bull. sMokes his pipe and says: ‘19 Treaty et no treaty, I shall -do the trade e. Visite an' then Tam sts that I had te hand rs in my aims at a ti b the hest cure ter a ea for I'm sick ha air he said, • H ILO H CATARRH Ease yeti Catarrh -1 - This Bemedyswillrelieve and'Cure you.. -..Pri00 Thi Injector for. its sueceseful treatment., -,.free. ..Retnetiber. Shiloh's Rernedies are gold. On a guarantee. •44 -CASH FOR FEATHERS:. - thiii address mit aed take *it' along with Our featherito the store. where you do your trading. ; Von can get from 50 to 45e for good- geose feathers ;. about 20e for old goosefeatherS; 20 to 30e for duck -feathers; 6 tit! 10a for hen- f4athers;13 to 5e -for ..turkey feathers. - ICeep them separated. -- 'Write for further -informa- The GondoRa's Fate Is ileaRed. _ Ti4V fate, -of the genAoli.-aeeMe te. hive been eealed the•Werldre Fair enter-. that the steam :and . naphtha launches' 'were the natural- suoeeeeore of - sneh daft as: the gondola, Ind he ie going to take. sonic, if -them baek to Venice. . ought to Meke- good. les a Mother Gicenls Tatissy Pills. -Used ,by thousands. Safe, Sure and Always Reli- ' able. B.EVITSE SUBSTITUTES. From all -Drukgistd or mailed, free from ,obser- • vation, on receipt of 51.00, Sealed -particulars-, seseetiee:i OF _LASED 7V. for s^ le b the SAINT AUL ConFANY Minnesot,a. Send fox Maps nd Circa. Inrs. They v.eill be sent to you. • M"' • Land Commissioner, St. rankminn. SAVSAtGE .CASII4GS.1 Best Imparted -Bullish SheepIe Casings else Prime American Bogs' Casings. Full 'lines .,Hams; Bacon, Lard, eta. Lowest prices to the, trade. park, Blackwell& Co. Ciatd.), Toronto, With pleaeurel give ,myStestimon_Y. -and. re .00rnmend.. EleobriO Salve to all sufferers 'item EkMemai• or Salt Rheum BIttands were vert bad last yeer. Yolir agent balled. and I ot *abet as:het.art_coula be borne;_used it and found instant relief. After two or thrft- awn- eationd my hands- became - Quite smooth. I -- have advised Others to use it for Sore link Ann -attends, eto,,-- and they havirelperienoes --Because -they oseestand.lfeavy biome DR. 1710WARDS ELEGTMO Tlelatest and goes* _est discoverl,' by -the -Inventor of Fink tor Pale People:. • eiln,Weatnesi ot Brains Body; Nerves Decay, male -regtilatitr. Vika the People Aar Thiele to that eiber.usinje.is oottple of bOxed 1 of Ebro', bottle Salve it -completely °arida frost bite with -1-viiick Flied been bran- - bled:tor about twit yea*: - .used Ebirre --acetate Sate and recomMendit aeons of thebest healing pelves -that can It .011'4 a :Wean MT BIM - 0311 We 9417# D.ONAID LAMONT' • STO ado from ORIGINAI -DESIGNS Please mention this paper .When rePlYin to this advertisinent. *goo's' Remedy for Catarrh is the -Best, Easieeit to. Use, and ChespeLl, -SW by druveata a.T nes ree wells Tits, V, °IF •Witiagulltiltd3,1Pfovntiat. and PATT They Ate :SuOefj) :04:Stiperiot 'Wo,004insbloi. .. ties Economy s. The are made to burn wood -exclusivelz, or end wood, and in a 'great variety ot • sizes, and are therefore adapted to the require meets of large or small families, in any part pt the Dominion. - Every stove warranted. If you are in want of a cook stoic! or WO burner, -don't buy until you have seen tails elegant line; Sold by leading. stove dealers Illaustfactu: red by_ The 1INEY-TILDEN CO „currotss *vacs