Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-17, Page 77-7 �;- 4 4 Al 11 at gLee t torl to bait I - 40 attw%voly 1081 hot4 of. y 9.w" w- PIT formedv d t f it- tbathe W as. life ffly4emandedvr4 Oroin W.. it ri d. 01 he ho vatuessele A 0 itid so 011 USSR, 616 1& gilb*11-02 91 he -V 11% ea 04 I., ..104A" him XP -64 wrong. Ono bad-iiet ' - - drote lighth 'Ind .,-in A owing, for aIN ST. ON :dl&nit work6� a . , i� a ION S' ofton o f t afs bet as 0614i *bat itapped oc In �J� C1 AN I- Qt. R Hij tried d=tiiqy t� tke P PIR as Wu the. OM JUI)qn his $0. -t�ha t sit-dowl liftew, it Wt. men - al.:wbicb, in much endurance as: w I . - - A19�461 M ­ � - A -00lart.'stiqdette -01 JMW- The cabled I to 4061p�Pavag4iVere" �. ig, .- the 4;1 W outoome IV. tons aps h slit 3WOT -AT - gr&v.- lif bed -*6 ft -the! ALL a- insult. by obe ar -Tipfriences a of -the positive r ul - call: wyetAed oo 0 isf, Upag the., SpUnAs des­ tb itzWoonvin Butu thing-bbor, Mod Ang b*-:themo Dr.- ch eir. q1 sxperi�u e wo War 1%c! aD D1 TO to Do ent proof is- 'y sbc-R-to-i- -XI, TORSI. at� thats and, Ptimay T contin No tbat`-ex PO 8010'. was �d -A. ATTAM war )0. qb6ut'Afr1c*- band .F ItUlaig -1gusband post 111MA61f, dootor d Qr io sly Then the. by posed WPOR Gov. imminent. - - - Utbr ' seomf d. itr a . Aiction5t OvAlled up h* "d inft At., be, 16=4 hims"t - b6poles iiarepre- -has -Eerily Vjrd-�- P --among the 60r Ale, olaolft who Iihs Toronto A. U 'DER 46 t- � beln age NO I N - - - Mired' - W - -e o t wt DIU Inaoles maid 9,� oonO1 ner VJ -seatation roan to Ulm, is-wait.befitr rushing exp 4W --gg. EvALYNCH� -T 00 001meni4s �snd Orator, SanuMb Ilik see b-, aud Dtafte ished, st& tolualm -16 its of t ih� publi M thewhit --t�au fig h lorittatt. C&lled African the� reml a- Md' raWnfils' �uound 10 Se6, d Jarm to h6 - I & - out--. t a tree - sear Rica yxlperlelic moralle, Fa*2 of. Johlist6n., W B L 0 88E� rigaw London. 10-wianted.,—positive kti iosts miser.dle Blimself Vii an I t SY a. S , d'JutO. , voir, b, - . . .1-o.'zl -at -nd Vol irg% cid J 'etfi 4i7�-A luau -OU reate. Ansnuefss� habit by aud -as is Is A 900. i)n Monday has 09' N 0 1 the. ZoUntry d. imar.kP -,resources Natives lxj2poged lJpDO-,' by.' 6 off the bark The' rgjv�dr-- Or . . . . . . . for deN, attraoted the' Pit its calpsol 7 ho had viver we lal-i—lilailog. in geN W, tent on o- ths" Or" i coliapicuor 0-4a V 6 b& Ili wore'thah- once. WIM Mytwesty u0n wa rero ot hol"d at saijae o1plorero t -a roes- booki a6ELF Other Vu ­ oic WS! a: toot -9i --- - - rld'tbMt -or ISS LUCY DIN: s he onidd 4djogq. backtd. away 111 c0n.9ter-' FLIGHT ()F A'DOCTOR A atcd- buV a. Without folo h NINO ad 6vidout F- Penetr belt ab v iketWof the South Afiri-OSA Can- h he of try and P n t7hia hide -Of We man young to -�ea yet and 1haOsdA0 111313� into th46 irom, si . �iegronndq -'r - Omantic, hiAll DO a C 41.500 W its ibeilit 9.. -- It, vathe-tigb _r1tiogs' -wate Oa4 or 20 YOILY13 0 .900 wit.b.- w mtzjngi� 14 A ..the r Y-OUD . 9 an ten an 01.e . - -COP "bl' he" fit -ed 1 ed interiig mb. -tale- 6t&-'ih6in'bkAffji9tE io64' r -:donti sight vr. ton fail to b a inneof otb,rs d. gene 6% -.gpi-d1yx,8-FOa03L. 0 Ap d &W&YO , - W 6tru. C -I of girl, - as 'D - a eat --hostuo sip ttibr- far I 1,00 'Pul, ilk Ql� .�tribtp - I never xv�.. POW the 'sav�­ y 6­hia it JiBUMT, 1,891p Be potlioil. -ied --their d6molr- In iho rabblel qitE-r mhum ow - r a little u W. tdeuti:4 -eccallf-ll 107. -fire and -hose �j -grim d F 1jidleft, beh n& diiii, opmt' had y and an ate), as -yet unrev o n- -S.el t oy 115- al, jqo6, and -thv�y� began- aoto �m�o uglish -Yoik oredo Lyv' - - -he'd 1z gt r Ru at Cli3@iog th Coln", ith h -Nov ih -f In- ab genermatlous� Int6r, re ek calif, d after. ths*v hew the p t child living b&d b�en pb-,v�ry is 9-,o led a r he-, I few boullis pre, in ' 4 an ! - at �N-o. 4 - 6,10ikrl. bit W 'is � oils -her Q%Q for Engliih.: OF: PEACE 41d -,bestlery EudlEd V es A MAN err others hid �go Ible that still nOADUt'j. - -, F" t; , *nd iy TV DoMerejoil Cor- iwl- n srin-you oh four -09 back. -8 We - ef" If on dou bMin' -her' orb r - t will. ob h 6d tad *he -passed U01134 'Ing. )Wa ef". would.: havc y refor furt 0, e "They cimf hsd baou stolen tunco a . e 'do Of li, atod Ahe - IOWN be %906`04 t' Dd good W $hot the n h -.o:, &Aulok. %I.Me months 40"Sa slid had-glien -to t s& -It ;Abn, goo .6 no- r $No - wBI4 n . ot &ttdlq� .0 rJ%vJ, Dh, she 9 I Wilej porition'99. unf tumate virbum, - e %id - their Must ri t0l, aa4d met the boat in orm allrroUaLded --by stion 519 011, No re Jrull wSasesixod.. unti-meiy,death a t1, a unlet. tore. 0:1 fp - hich:irild in 'Acr -haa bs6s.liu A roOo in., It -ber rLr but -any do knowU.' th-6 .'dootor. M ''.8ML 'hin� forL W have MM. -no new 4 -"Valoik yeaterd Y �af ternoOn M. t, Johnston.. half.pa7ab a Jadgr4eu 161i e Sb ot bdore ung m&n wh th me t tact an 901 ones,- re4RI'na-bl-gt , to 46ILWW': My D11'904 7: SOVA11911- and with 411 h th sho'met a' -TO hite w &in's Yv� foralpern -to -o claims OIL "thii ady Jr P'cisqible 6mergancy-­ �re �T*Sebted .1 !and deolked B�6 her , RESOLVED �Old er-­thJLt'8.6'J Iweikly billt WC XIDE th%1. -men 1*Y th4r h f id ition mind- his went aiway ly bid -boon hich asnor.au a Tbat Pig. tb f ht out's qy-ala4 fidd �1 Way es4ed :Th .41if�m f 'IOUs rMe . OVS, see th -the whither tha dector or: -ob;v Of forms, Which bs� P10,11deP nth H.owover a d' ased, to be frlen&," 0 iwed slid pas , 0 , u Gifts atlier never been divulged! AIDI M 19P �t&rou`ghw SX06rbb. btl . �t. L Works- - thief Wall the aCoolnp I er. -n miide Ilk TOW tbro-- was tet &Diea h Thia: g v rnl. _b, wes to some sula amilty, young M&u -d L iq by'the distinguished should too, rn- d- sod a tr-iatY bl. detectiv be wwoutq and ga 1 4) 50 were rebu t teturned. , angly ik url6ap, a f6ed ae3 Unwil ve whq�V to V-91 0 -j hnd avd.the MID] r fo-94 WitibL. no othqr tabiiahed' in -80 talayer. M.en the deome r3:4 wait. Hot t -ey secor it tben waillsoover- a d b-- was -eft OL d- tod ed pefsuade4 taire off ,her fr c!L which he'WOl h be hot W*:V.t6 ed her 'to r _H x him COMPStly ;,,an exilerer 1609 11W manGO th,an.reques­ is ipp�� In to'. W6, alloe o - -and he 0 - the -whits au Vji,.'t on gwrig sxy�otfsh .-Wafl 0. enjoys -tT lbug -diotahce she at, o Air' re �Ctii i taped .,to. rm it—ap, - 0Y Dkota. aid of aid of a t f, him hat; V 0�struggle, 1. Ono t so he W611- 11 'do it hiMP g&Td of tsil 00 110 Ciet t AeFolv*d 6,8t� ferocious `91�v$ges king. 66 ]Path -'so they to I to tip. bV the m tomptec �p her. sheloft jP1 is and -'900d- arted ;6d fASIDdO -n ta;kau 1: hbored ece, owh opt p ni.mor6 -till 4a end re rop ire hii in d 0=1 where obe taid ora- WSY -by taot� to Fa;',J8q d It 3i to 5.9 later -in y nd, f exPl. r Go Juburiton Ald'not f n purpose -0i., he hou' Willi- jyithoUt . Ulae plau ot to reslde'1308�f�r�*P St. imf f bij- nies: to; 'For .9 I ]ED -awn an er. any -0 Ome u time d tnoro d' to or t4on is V�tl Wily! OUTO, murd t oiatemptiblei: all A DIV guountil bi trouble their 'Euclid vM 9 rem ojience on 'to but bore 0. Most IL a t. ger Would - h Cl Val-, 0, on ut E Joar eC4MG too taver -broje - huil)FOA i . : nt Ing so difatinotive-A it'has t� d L ent -a ) eX from �b It* man C AS -STk--LEV er and inf to f potted -darldO Par'. it, good b - well or tt ish 0 a d a)C Andrew 9 td a Mans Gon' ny and some 0 Ouse if: thoy bad been eb IV" eanity" did pi service. tissmant, a. and perio Iiu� O*MPuuQti 'of pqpu�Far int w4ginatio to Her Majesty cmalmakig.- thef.b. ts"jily, bi of an Eng- to o�aristy and 'b be left to- th". 1 8,0 the dauah-Le ive - way 4). Ma -frerp A ad at -the d9lP.- 'e6ud:eq4b'-,1IY effec! street.9 VSug - 0 1. . cow -pe, ad -1, Bloo4b I e he thlef to besri -Mrs �11 her-OWD I Is a- right loc.,%ted t-237 Shaw- John4p r. a w0rdG quot y D. she Went,to t nnw OWY hustou?A told �'ular. H. hat cam. f thj� men 39 y nre Aldo bon um1ber -clergy 25 th!i Bkotoo-k of -_hb_iri Pop .*A -R adut -tention, and m iod faitut entt of reazed SII b IS FJJJ�P§ h t about a M omfortsidlia tortlum... E;hezeuslued tbere Ily i61 tu af big pur' dIV, on to .0 old pbo.cip vj8Qrt)uBswith Strongly oof his fin hurdevs: t autiful, t BO relief how u nf t� faultl*esssly be out fearin d-of':vitalIT, and: emiergy 7- ith t ny stprifi.e.. 61 ad - aL 13stur ri� rest. aOf -pi 11 - T e a v. room to her4lote 0 oyd could ntil last, y- task' and the -1 vild A is to 'be oup- DIP 866ot 1W - . ; 267.8 alotingui e explorer; . iri&Ls �I%T she was Conveyr -n 0. &nywher0p. the idea�l pp" I n atbatiere t I deuce, at - - tm0rp -threafe0ed j�sts, of in Dro tbtact 194 Ellz6bsth street oto b t! at fail to a; E 0 F A NN t w -h ..Is QVL -fal, her figuTO exqul-M o re ormed. the Pr grace r 16 reached Dst D. ALI, gorV Ce' bv. irave dalagers- hW, a's D When I his u gtonla.sory light brow -s nd ontled in, i!asday e%roeev r6m�t hor e His * W. 'j'street WOO-) he aslzilY Pysicl�anf 'Was t he'60iott' d h'a4b- ]KI -a d 300 miles, f, si-el%ke WJJh r- f&09 an d to �y as d x6ve. todn�. et&qtoi -him she wirh th *rsvbn formod,aj.nii: be oAfrica atural ring wbite.andfreab callid in a'a e British outh Vature:'bav 'YP h�M -the I dot apiolloy 6f -the ase, of LO 0 in- f-- M lailsof ti intellootuail !)Or- little- known Oma hl�h..Msumsq uiiderr1tSextV&- He: i -.66n,6 f to Ojeagre the 6h.CJU-lJti--.e keen W ev uty of her. faci [#A known h their 910%M Utm L .1 1 AVAGES. liut� tbe.-oblef.-b oidskil wit Abg her Wa -,died Withouto- I to rdinary 0 Vi OYIDIF b reptt6h1 Sbt-e% 0 Io ful nd a fl bqbla courage- & �ineztly urgei ji��advortivstrougly upon. Airldih, an n -intelligence. --He wao- educlstp- 461 by the police 0 of he. I of kde �u peculiarly t1ofat a the z t d of thi --the f*ato tp�le vc-sourcefulprov* CUd -his Un or at least'' m '61 the - n%tiv limentrici ev( dertAirgs. . t e1n. t Mae ched an to Nuld 691 s � last -�vonflif at p ab A f th say*: 0 ftis -s e-Nllea- of. Efinbuy bootifalse 0 oth, -in manner d oob tbwurkiv for -mary Mon that com] ece 'd -by fie b t Reburn Be lu I '"'the' PfeS F660 gn6S` and:; 'the restmsub r Rho et them lia tivess, and Sargean. I the pie but. Is Do* - the t -thgly up to No. 237 6�alv Str891-4 y, so pe6ple ths. firit - time Slemin ba t.' dw do z attv e 9 a he only find tha -tr Tft 1 0 b .1 fou r t'q -alid ,,&gWg be erod� Of ently bortl w from t-thi-bnds of 0 If Calmly -Mo tire hiob enpon 9, W1.99,0M w TATIVES.1-' t1OW Whey. ]FILIBUSTERING 'REPRISMS - -- .8" 4 Doo" AndroweAud �jy and that she Was 91 efr.amengtbb H artitoo"atio. - ad om blacks. against 011' indeedlo that - gb revolver. had phipped. Ir lin-�'WO'0134J` Un lbllmave syff sm- ti he di A more 6f -end. r 9, loaded a, V aafor t bu .-before, AM ext, Hod 4 .0 - *MQ nep1hew H-e-tauihtnhowhow In livitg. in the at Wer6 tNkew -.W 41W 0 said t jlj..zl�ejr meil6na ib 1111il' SALC Jog Brit I sh'it'16 o-uld be. 'ro0w) us 9 with r 8 h dent. 00. his both st-Ui W" un to 1-' urre4 Wb1-Jh eedily.-itallIgur't entbg Man the 0 t ed and detidned e t b9:01 ut -e ]Pyed,b few 8 -SrMl� m ho. aspire 01 bt0I at'81OUX Fal"s Dalles headqua ter -oultivate their groun, adva -�gw qghtly and big d-O.Or sic6r, to 'g� no to 'the him. -,"'One 964'Continsst �-er to ig the- ho)rl bur11ai1Dj:br Dei� 16C tw" 8, I -ti S-641 eY Or theli -to the jiffie fOr -be but, prev'0110 Y. n -at or jxplerars yesig.6149 ''hs. - at - the 1 n abouts 0 t Does leir. reStri ovbr 60 0 d, f ote4 range I . d of 'would ied shed ie.'Ify on t�h in t petty Chiefs K di eck..Upsm� Vi the- rue that he hai _ing Ined tiwxni� . 'Sibout -12 0`01' own d be rturnii g1e pu W due ta A7 -0 live ore or, h Ad vt*- ed was �b�y having asoor mtabl 11 o t be svpP05 open who, a:&v nights pre. 'they. -hid det able tri ai�d owl soU htm j- 10 16 d ku ti, ga(1. e ff0k1,l3g ;elltlig to' IOLF$h y f thel i w0i IThe.� I r ca.1 a ct s;S h6jrepresF ut a', ITO, In P1 a' and like bow Ided toeild -0 the in; -and deo --aiid REVOLV3-R- IN p-19 YACE. Johnson V;. wort -and a No -- -'t f d the the rib, D A s; r n MlisiOUbTy -g.DO giTgE0Uq-' 2 Police Ulf t* a C h lft�l White olev e.Brittlihs at 'A 6 the 0,14L. -His. room lqvo the DeX re of murdor th -spirif sd;.cijes bt� 6ould gve 66 by *h. f ternoon. A charg ria MOP to ned -to take..ORiomi4 with ber to this a J I' m-"Avhndi �Wero )Bee -brough� nis- &dY-:'. -UmpaDY bsys ft"o -mrs Bit Doos ay re_ ors" S91*iust: his d .6hild 5 year -09, as laid avj)ibt ..the and 331 $(1 J'J Vj),Iey _j -Which- be' propose- of. thd: tV -Qua liti le lb . 0 , '901 - 0 points whih ri�tbren as wet an tr) d b S d-tbe- dolle and a 'Int, IE�r3: PhLd to prove %By J 'bustoli- roxamine -the as her,,daughto3: telegm Zen- a tiqu Of him 00 -ope to, have msde tot. to 6bIrrof oi'm- th"b,"I featur 11 COD"did- 6ked. ik at aobutwhe-le he Was le6 'dead -P1 rAttoi3o SM. I' A pioUlfili or -131 -h of d Y tho py r4 of. him0elf and h1s Pe - elp told at W a iue her mother that ;kf) the C u. t rho Topteds eradetainei M -to- do +1 -h V1 P ' L I - m� - b PtOu legyle4ged it Ti,e �pyl L8 gITI Dr� Jo, dge that r. 6- ttlij proper thil t1i. sile finally SOW sok.r BuV1p,0we;j u rjg .,prayo lo .50.1oving �le b�si f und myster a -child owol 611. re- --bejaccount -of the i ho 10 .7 w iame Str but to' b*' bosyt of but Or idint personal d1o;- n.23 Ua ivashfL d b Id 9 4 h cars. of th 14,nd as d to : to be, if u1no In e i the ev The i -j- -010 L I 11 in JRUID� On' t Di Jos.. 'bad it not be to of the'affair be. $al n Y.OU greia'b- I JJL 36 u I wall; too .9 e L W�U14 �!XdAqi biit� for 0 A Y. fit it-*1l1VVe, &084 CM f d Imid. simi,8;AtyJUv -turn, 1 f.f W p! tars et In 1olDgtb Y0� U W his, 0*11 ,ing a `jp%ce-248 -e . - - - v her Word. Lft� so +1 ey rearaud* e deiabted -h- thiv ft hip is- 6 entir ad Space 'IT V, b �tjOja 06MOID,14 -the -is- 307fe noted f dut fi%v tiome h L gb onsty 3qulz sip ]Bdfor (if unreibi. f6T'DO.AUC No. mi 00 on IChL7-_ bo Ito -our aiti. be; ev bad UPS el Moo' on fille-dW th- be,61, 0 difice ah t mor )r bei;A Afr id laid wit f, f -iu'e m and 'n Y, g elbut The torn *b r,,ri be' t, B donb It, this pa -ft 'Of ed - it . aifted Infov, bi r,4, .-h of the vvithin 7 J1. and an at&tutory 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -pose ia:Vieiky -he to d+ to be 0 ov*r, -6f I the Sootch Suit of -handsome ds dence beiny Who- being' old ture an L TbM Vffsod strolkef. L ot this cou &T)A OADU abip f-reett"I TIR1611D) lea.. York 'in srohi ---;- 8 ­ I re a , - L'i ' :f W1 ji�u T Ors ax d or ainst phlokent. distant" hill t. -;,Ob au& Itable.to bt at -46 aon- B vr�aer b -ILL at ... ow, TOU. be t WILL -address at all ignoe t u de Fr JJSL d fott ''The builders -0 gre iflostion Upon a �led the� in ir ot-On f tii ese Axerwibe At3 eMlBent Twith who]714 -Lieut n%111 -An the, vallcnY.- &no-ees- --G,)rdon so -of n . oh: OSM W.allot whi ed"+ d 'W,41, 'Cour ring, obably -th6Y -b. hied eloppd. r P. e are 46red-to-hivd loose -of W -bit- told this sto;yj �Satd h,, e. dt, r t6bioj blat:� 0 But t- o y6jq a the custody' is P a days t!h e� F1 old. M A atr in an -U &Kit May soera e fetill) or. OF -AND SURC-�myo i�R got�,,n -9;1 or Rgyptiswhl' .1ten ijils ovificuce, Brooktyn b f ppoaredto u6 &A oth U aw dence affo edby re oa obs ffiate#t xwt61084��i Ire ud -the son. D. .13, ra,396 , p4be glish womateO 24 f h or r000r 0 6 9 ren if t 97 a those rgoks are tierw WAS B happy- evi d that tp uo.*f �e me,139 rpote - �; he was tb 81 utres,that the WOM -0 hl Zia on, ug ilienf1for-the pa diivorof astbel��Wr' %&Mined --tiie� 64 Moira a" cruelty, him I ?vhy-� lK replie 0 PIO a I (not.the M%U)- MAO' 'Thia Min. e�J 6h aton. -bad on'� thlcee 11,.Vi�g ajily soril� U he *as 9,0�lis -I.& t 0.) it. el He hsd ineba they offua beoldet 1-be'0 -y tomed "to give found I'ts &'c� (*nL 'PQ'Dd-:'and a Blos 0 edk.6 Of hearf, e7 -nee could hay. - doub for OL pie aamong ration' WAK ittle ncident ds� �&S )y The OPO . I kly-looklu'.9 '+ 'tl�aiLle its...9fri e Ivan an Who 10 as, -A --WA h sho 11voi- Wr liti tho prose he 80jiitierh h e- et;,. too -or P'Y- *ee 0 the. --opop atmo and -,she his'- ioach- W jbild in her But .1 U.. -o ahjef?s war. creatdre tu.hei f the- he weoviug 5 A TENDER HEART- 40 fet;k *Xe h OMAN bowed 1b and v or- morn VOR W 'r V'Snu6s towing 1W'th Tho Oth. det ha ien sPe&r utry, vineed the Fitt as, n bsoau. a0ga" 'Wb ene d:to -meet SaUUL. Lioutena f r lo 'lie iln%u Katy on. t goo.had bee i in he habit, of. laq of chajrO t the- str nt, Ble ..Vp 1, �i ay 'Ca On pro We Vehement. disttub si'd the -his wife: Or all PU and .d. in'nist p tj z, IMLI-j, 4aigleal tools. - 47by orray Good. m moidey-fiOm tro3kl sly al. &.6 d Unlawfu pkd. a crim �ab, -and his Jzllhtoring - oxforti I and she W said t] yn mans, P adtice .0 ce Of 'th - r f 13oari liw r his: oh, Id baptizocl p debts, - even aft 0 you not hae the K it tx.6 Osv in a.t 'fi I ienod �Urd,�r. the !d torer d MiedeL*-** rjgorowaly-i4i4n. 4) , L nib log bis smcouttes$,- ... to tomily pay sney, an t a e.' The. h'-hitn the- ..t�h M y er.1 art for e., bel or TPJJ a Mrs elapoloello -With 1Ad a ov -tlbu,) to a -b im. IS tethe ho1dLJ hi Bless T11' -a 0 In ed t e Xle fel A th for ullshad a nernin QUI sn Man. he 'he gc t fln-&-t-_ be jaeoded-o We Warriors: WOMB 9- Ift' You.' 64 Wherezipoll t ri Z WOULD- DO -min- G0OD9 deptOr had his ile grawip 46 Where - this i it, WAS panding *h and whil ot_his y- -t bf who. ould brinj bnt told,.- him -grea ad not 08D for zooms im a.- -d to big wite, we They -Were upon -the 0lu ant Blo 0 wl to a not a i Men 61miteryl. yo honori. an t Ov rApXo7 e bills - I an asso the woman it Of Won-, W tll� in he b- 'back *-e, fillWg. tlietu: lb6me starva- C ynordlo. 1611 -ft how the ivhas the L addrob-o—st'* virge (if it any --nt-L'v%tik down would. am, Use ye'd.. -.0 be :rn' -'?ear -heaAe Lg himself &0 On or th P- gentil] tion beggi ag change�'-' h1oll all! uof the They s%W -h "—Bosto.n BOO& in COSUMP in vi -,-Ta O.ws' no gTo d slepti i li,�t for in: 09 J1.4 OUO 'go --the but -how he 001d 01seV blaaY ol fAr hl*-ohek h6%6 Il: n"Ortmounced'Ito'. ls� easy.to Uid Istoind. he"W. generens 44 Thst hi0 *hould --soh p it ogial. *hJ16 I a evident dons ally e.j0ond, to bow a observed- the Brooklyn - Mat �hls workli, J,4 ilited o Weejd� As -c. .42e hoartod W Gmt&n would uStUfL It to Ogg ef Litt -1 ;zij.0UT aher selt r6 in t 91104, pEAWBONA- GOU( r0 I'thy) Tbred was The - ff.ouseke: ertood -title., h * ppeals butit-le-Alffiou, was led gat and an, play +. 1;pon Ing wemeft ears he 8 years -VF a of a Wielp el'a'-ba .. slid- 61d bit pe -as 0 rd work a t ated betwe 0 looking, ouths si& intich properly. a and -Vas. man 80 Oit thi rtlng her elleved he vorro �dj I Aressedi. j6d:.attrftOt6 101600 . whiob, W& - he hesitted." - %#dont fora M the' I.V0861. somf illy- h r 'hild of itel! T, me4jeal slid 01-og t6-r#bd.- for the; PUTPO-90L ov�r book y infled the der vF'Ork ami.048fo-niry- all -02 could z6t 00 a bfead MOU third --2 -for thei k Some IS or, 20 d him ion and ha Plume! broul,14 from his fild Although, tob & V 1 92 f OWa- WhO Va --gup or-, R OjEe took-Ahe ers. n In Bat-bylhe jitter -bewIl&rMJub 0 Ope Bay ob AL. Yes. said the onibs. of'osch yea.'- obiet -mizates and the d the ib. fey 'Ek g. one- throBgb+ the -sent 'him -'mon tho ho bibd Pistilli ei V !ath�r Six g cj6je arout Ila roa ey. D;ud -ex- the third u this h64sald L" n- -tim, _ the e13 Whou rhtoh tho Qud!gn� rectoi aild &s ould"tbe BtOoklyix lsooldlY- the' but o-1 iiia ilrr�culuil. grf-dusted sy on VIRT 'had b"n I. got ;ld tho vile Ce �egally' had hurt hims, may be:ea rtat there jjwoke�.and u %Z Be. Of It as ::J�*J :pjeof. -t! thirdL tit O -A rgl� an ttn ad [or bill I U% bu , ' tsd heron carrylv -r �-vas bac for ib*a d him-, __g Qr good Odorous M;k eL thai wail oin the ion cot fit great kiforrixed - Might 91 ro 4 that stain? an T -6k uddenlY tral on good tormai an %to f L, be he ha w pioctor to Wall r -by �tkc-rarelo W OL. 0 brotbrani, -into, 'the'- Lea flrn(j sa"ya Ov U t e+ oil imitia . 6uxiou Pon b" of he to repin her --'- -With- stirred 0 -11 thavi -y,- The bis-wolrdq� -and About this t'( In 1014 relig OUB. Worker So L h dl jolitiat ni�ejtve&sQch ali di the-lottei and. secepted ern u surg( dy, - 'Of so fur�,thqr refus a-bat'thdre t do ef4l bou,;(- in "t hu r the ree on I WS1 d uld fill tb li�i. of now could have b0. in fi r of r6igi 't'lloofir t' -suoh, lbibly &6- )r of SNO t t which' *il 'going did ths 9. decree. oilan ded -the &eeper- b -41a t he *Sro ep grew Of jo'not ofirm th 3 then She TiMe� car, JAY- iecog ell rpt n - - 6hief -,tar �be�d r Dr -.tb at t wonder ape itwu f -u6b be fie ha k 5he k Ilf I r blankets V ho I - t" - -. -� fou morivis"k g sWeekly -0 ea&� for vamlpg surg ion nit a-t cmiragiBptii was 1jkr6=11k-0 *at r from the A -to b ad 0j%r ROP of for now wintpr. .--Sho 4009-.1LO lete the e Ittaebt; recel* Is in the ShS if rio*-Ing yes my... zg to oo detibtlegs 6bilds, N 11 .,gginLg -0h ot� Fannie w -teikifig, an. e, 60011 A a an love we. are. out ad with - new frola told, a ret6yd;- g - ---- P 1WEDIS elther —But, Word i Oked n -do or 'in n Mrs. Btesse'wealle'Wal' ma. uader thy .048 . --poin u grt"% M. At �'t� 9 D the toob rympa t istaki to 69-768�h ..we Whe' lag au:&ty d �mpljlllsdr of all ihe'ls tion.ever) t -bior:y�o r., J.-ohnston M1imma ota and *Vol ek, sud e condt in of 'thy paes rew9vot an 'elm k -h --drom Be FpUr hdJLJ�Jljf'� 8 facbs, teviled hts J tike fiesing ad. whe`n� t beealAs kuOwntl�a grea couiotere Until he f d orelovis In th ther am in whi --',.,uu hlmiellf 1)1af3oJJ c nt f F-adhos W&S'Srouped and - Ab -the L nd of xn000esitY- b9f'Oin'ere I k jn7CJ Among, U arou ven Horta -by the - ore oe are P%rently 8 In bhe�4irtiQrB I h sexvicer. jibe 3110ilz "Folio e ill- -von yo U- do net dU eor -bit 'of 10MAnds- fA- the ue pro�,, vtbe.ldea oc- of tumn TS1308 M64'6 P Oln�$ aad a arts, to -h10 610 _B4rdu And nq v oho She. .,ary o energetic mind that )y'Of Millit M jig w n 0 *be UUfiDrtUDMt8 WO. 'r-ee, tdtheSalotohMa lon foi the com IDUT 56-wz� Vir Us.. . th, life of 1. tfg-: jJq D V the artillery 6 YO On& to -the- New would b dlv�glry projobt .9 and D UllatV11.9 -0 t W, p *P, She to Kleskey-.-Pioba aturped U k, A t flo''Werk of �b ISaMe to &Itivg. her In tUdh WAth the, will. do' 1 U -7 0 Ut ROMM of ih d q, Man loved -hor—A years -and lees takes Aeca thing- vst�idmvp an tW t6 Sultan!s York Hotel al- to- speak --for �? - - nexP lght U Englisbpaan txeO;t Ck., ,I�dn,t on, ova. wbo has -e do ffe 0 ChoUy usedo' bratsrsa' of sing here'Was. The summer ofry dain .rea he brus - I r . ­ - - N. Pa zl -nmed Be tb- 1upou it To I t, Ob fell to-- the OW that bleak **,inter COL, -ibeir lj�w-gd -d iven �iho - rob - -P Mong re" h Ica he Inspel _ _ gendarmarlej kLnw1odge of d been V d ti. r6rooMe -that he N in, a p.raders ha Blunt B071 9 bybis ainotlOb 9 . . WL leet Of &ftorbe at, nh Naarji -P�cha an-- S �truthq bd b -.%f 'Attac as, Made- upo pkoba, nod r. T -ijd -b-ftekw. -cakes. Theys b ..0 . lote -.Jn a do" fsint-. _,O. O&Mlyf L gyllaut tie I hov Ir Wfwfob hi, hall: taU star f6 ght, to th;e and hardly had * tzitio 0feasor Cite re ed -w he vrgried 9 8 0 10 W-1 If L F y auieDo gle—Loud I' W-bXv tie s band iws40 Dttt tohimsf, *�ulddoub ft 0 13h. was: haunted Uy ir. D '"Me Was 'dan i b 11 the, � - )et oils stable Ira %0 warrij;4"r ran, r b li@�i4 ink It's to. sod. ex 0 J�. llitell othe van lie wliB the Miatito 'on ii to bor CIJMV#, be1bg buriod all of Uf,r aim advituibe4i a d, -avd threabonin have -law hearttskgp the. bq there W d' d' isitione to do- After Ustmwg arge, be -1-6 left dit whom they.iPpoilb jw- -00 ..H t d to �i6b�bly cause. 6 tet-sined his most 1% -fro -his tody Sftn, j6 DOd.l deAl upon him.. tout 8 - to Ir iWily W tfii kok e may as welt UF