Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-10, Page 8-
• ..
.1 And amoUring it was nopedeas He Vissolly
et S A uiFor
t The cable car was going at full -speed.
' Reqred . It is the manner of this sort of 'Vehicle
s I that it does not gain acceleration gradne
Export Trade. i
., _ally after sta,rting, but goes on.the jump
1 at the end. a the first dozen feet.
I _ At this critical moment a young col- .
HOULD MARKET THEM ALIVE °red man dshed I. - .
a---oes the 'Street and
i '
. swung himself upon `the grip car.. Just
.'. at same instant a• shriek was heard,
alums Tesding Wheat to Steck and and a corn.ely woman of A.fricaei descent
- . and robust physique made a sprint after
• Making Money. _ - the traction train. Though the latter
T present the prospects w" bY this tinie Ving at's-bp-at 29 rii-ile
for a large °rep of hog.3 an hone, she-made:a grab at the rail on
in this section of the the last platform andbeteme a passenger
country before -nese - -by sheer force of muscle and athl:tic
:spring are unusually dexterity.
make :her
rowe take eorweaerdhateemi
o thegriptectaor
and take revailing dutiog- the the seat beside the young col-
• p
3 At
'A Little History ef die Grele
311buleep Sines Omit*: . '
• . Leg_ etrws ehayvteriggiofe ored man, --W.I-dioilwas much astonished to
*teneively into bre e ling and raising hogs. The -see her.. Sal e:
- exceeding.eheepnees ef wteta . has. made it -"Whar you- gyetne?"
-more profitable for formera to feed thie 1 - 4_6.6 -Witte whar I -gwine;" she replied
grain to hogs - than to, bring it to market, loftily and with air of assumed ilk-
' mid they- have - 'sun& - tire new method or difference, -
disposing ef it very profitable. In feat, ez‘e "Whar's dat?"
farmer; in cenveria,gon with a packer,
stated that in this way- be obtained - $1 a. : „•,,,,,„„feer
- bushel - for - hie wheat--; The crep `ell "Just - -11`-`.!-L1-, L'• ., ,,
- cause.
'Cause Why?" ' •
" 'Caused feel like it
.- "Well, I don't Want .yOu.:follerin.ene...
"Alexander .teTebtechadneZzar Tlionep-
- . induced to secure the best...breeds. Dressed son; I'm gwine- to: keep my eyes on you",
hoge are bringing Irani $7 to $7.25 per bun- -.- ,
dred live .weight •seltrug et $5,75
. - . "I ain't. g.,413-9 IP have it,"... protested
• . - . LI
and. S6 , N • - - _ - I the colored. Man. "You git -rieht offen.
Peek pactieg nOs sebum- ea: lar'ge _proper.' I dis-car, how. I telly ou--",
tionielaring the lost fe* years, end there is "Pooh!" responded tile- --young
- coarse gram - liege; and, - fed
In eddition - to Wheat, is bound to ,
prodice a superior grade of perk. The hogs
that are handled hem show O steady irry
provement io qoality, farmers havieg been
. • . •
•W rinVY :be said Abet the Kili4itoor
about .Whiole the dead Maharsjih edreeneed
so- Many_ years; le , not. .iii its .present fain
the' largest! .dianiond. in the- world. : Tlitel).
glee*. Waage to the Orleff diamond; which
is in the -sceptre of the Czar of Anemia,. 04
WO Weighs11941,caroti Odle out in rime
form, 'with a -get floe helots, teirelbling the
half of -'et .,pigeon's egg.- ,A0cOrdiegi to one
atory ib formed the ve - of an Indian 141
and by a Frentsb deeertere an-
other is that it belonged "to _Nedir, Shah if
Persia, . *BEd - on -hie death -:: came!' into the
fiends. of -an, Armenian -merchente . whe
treight. it to Anisterdani, - 41772 it wis
Bold te Count Orloff for the. Enipress:Catii-
errinie for 450,000 oilier rubles, - With. 1,1*
annuiteee4 4,900 rubles and a title of Brii-
jilin nobility.- '. - .
, hetbe.Beigeittoirritt, bought
-bY, M;:•: Pitt; the •Geeernoi. of :Madras, ler
&bent $100,000, eventuallystilii, after being
cnt,.to the Regent Duke of Orleans; Louis
•-XV., fee $650,0Q0,-httit is :eetimated te be
warble tenet) 'that amount. - At the time Of
the firsV French reveletIon ib was Oa to
Berlin, but reappeared In - the hilt of the-
'swordof state ' Worn. bY. Napoleon 1..;- Itils
considered the, fineot ,and ,theert, perfect brit;
liant :in:Europe. - Ib vieighs' 136t carets,
bit. orighially'Weighed 410 carate, and the
fragments tPlit ', 'or sawn from ib when Cub
were valued - :at. 'sorrier thottaand. petturds-:
:The -.third in weight le the Florentineler
Grend. Duke, will& Weighs 131We-orate. -1 •
: The Bolr-4741.0ar, the -.largest tele!. glr grim
the British- citeiOn,-hae a -singular i hietery,
seiterespeinding 10 qle' country of. ite origin.
¶I he Indian legend ielie Was .foeekte
one of the Golconda :mimes nest -the-Melina
'River and seinielfiee.- thousand yeare.lby
Keene. Owed the kenos 'celebrated in the
Mellabbareaa; ' " •:It. peaked • thrOrigh: lioiny
Oudot° Bober the -founder of the Mogul
y in 15,26,-, and vias •shown by .his Ono -
spear . in "1665 to :Tavernier, the French
raieller. He dentate it then as tile : shape
•'a half egg and weighing 280 carats,. have
leg. fteeni, dittri reduced .by an. =skilful
stone . cutt er . frem. .- .7931. cantle; - which
rtonte' .-We'ghed.:r . 1•In 1739 it , pair wit - to
Wade Bich's, the Pereiwineade,r. of ..Indi*
who gave it ihe. name Cf Koh-i-lioor, or
Menntain -, of light, -at d from. . his mu cesemi
In 1813 to ''.Rmojeet .- Staab, the. ruler t: of
Lahore.: In 149, on the - sone *ate on, of 1 t ha
Ponjaub to: Britiebeindie, ehee-lioh4.-Noq
yea surrendered and -presented. Are-. tingese
Victoria -in 1850. levies ,exhibited in. I tI4
...greet Extibition of 1851, encltheri- Weighed
186 1-16..cetats, and has tint° been. recut,
Wit h-deubtful advantage,. In Tete forre
.and. is. now 106 14.6 eeratrei ; Its- levier Jeid
is flat, arid eindettletedly opereepende to a
cleavage plow 'Hence -ity -.hat! been conjec-
tured. that it and the - Illusion : (Wolf
-diemend are portent§ of the Original .itone
.belenging.- to . thb. Great --Magni, . - white
'a , . atone - eV._ .1;2. ' aerate, - Obtained,
by , Abba Miriti - at the .storming Of
.Gerichs, in . Ic...hOrsesan, in 18S2.'nnlybe i
third -;-tregment..- • Thie portion . was [long a. peasant as a- flint for a -Miring Are,
The .tlitee.lunited Would have nearly the
- foil* :and gee ,gtven by Mai/ender,. .-en ti, the
lcoh.i•IsIeet_ would then -•enrpase all known
diamonds .-in it e me gnitide : is well as its
ev_entfril history. • -:. . . . .. .. :... - . . i ;
Whether edetheed JaMons . diamond)) - are
- - i -
U valuable . than the . ".: Jegerefontein
.• •
-no doubt it will still further -grew; A few contemptuously,. •' . s
years agoile bilk of ' the ,beeiness in Ole - "You hear What..1. say!"
aeuutry we s dere in dressed hogs, -bueever ,nr. 1,
since 1.876 the business in. live hpgs has been .. 4:./ti-ret you gwine to mind?'
growing in - proportion, until' the, _present
dec. hely tweetbirds of the : hop are. "Not if dig lady knoWs herself
"You gotter."- -
marketed alive, ,and. iho gteOt
ire. handled in-. the 'I won't":
- =tracer time the dreesait -hogi winter. The . young nian looked diegueted.
. • .
The. 4oie
to Exist in
Von *aril Se Eat and Work !Is
Alwees •IrlentytNo - Marriage Laws -
The state the" Parent-taher • the
Ineclions, of Exchanges -
There - a growing tendency on the .After spending a minute or two:in re- -
put of the farming ciantounity no -dispose ol flection, an idea struck him, and b:eesaid
their: hogs altegether;alive, and ther pack- tiititaplianay:.
era prefer' to bandie them that way. ~ This 'Iron cain't ride'„'oause you ain't got
- cotettiv le now ploduein`g more begs. 'than:
• there is- rt Tilted far honne .censumptioo 110 mol'teY.
• "You kin pay- m • y. farce". ! -.1
, conseqUeetiy there hes to be an outlet fee . .
- - thee - suepleree- of. tie produet.,--hams,•.baccin, "I worn do it.
etc, and ,tbte- 111mph-tie. fir de ite present - isAlexander:N.ebnchad:netzar •Yo-tfze a
-market inrEeland. There' is .ne.'inerket..14 lowdown min:- -.‘ If I"dlitioik.642-.TOU 'fore
the -.weed' Morel exacuing - ini its, riquire, I -1,40r. ied ;job. as ._I (Ii.). iiiP*9 you'd. -.410e,
menta- --as -te- Wize,_ leanness, neatness in had tO,git some other lady fer a Wife." -
trimmieg and iierfction in cure than the. •
"Stop yers fOolishreees •-an - .git Off de
Eogliah,and tee meet this thkpackei s. of- thiii
Conotr59iitY-4 tfe:. he ban espanclingly::etacie - car;'' :11e-ketalieti sullenly. -
ing in the site, qiialtty,...:etc. • of the hogs. ' 4,'‘I- ain't a-gwine_to."': .
. thetbuy- to , make into. ineatii : suitabre for, -"Then,youll git put -off." -
Meats' tor ihipment te bile English- inarket --to-talre tip: the Ifare's..iii the'.grip bar ...T. :The
this market. *•
" Just then the conductor came. forward
• cannot : be. made: out. of areesesd l]iioge,- .00e se. .. • - . - - e
colored Man -refu'soo,. topay•for the WOne-
• einently the -n4.oker Muit. -_-have them alive, -•
an, Who addressed :an .ploqieent*pp4al•to
. and it- stands- to 'reason- that an establish-
ment- equipped_ :with aki -ticke -10400, .epplie tll_e "Might a the,leell ..princh.:-.
emcee ean handle.- hogs:16.r. bieughter end. - - ..,x.h* yereis myhusband," she. isaid.
. anring to: re -better .advantage and •cheaper "Pse got -a. Wpicion dat rhe'-gs'iOt 4: --.1mleettn- .
. . ,
_thaw- the farmercanhimself. . There is a
tendency -in thia Reentry to - keep liege - to
. . market in • the -old-laehioned. way, .viz.,_
- -dresseeleiaid bathe *inter 8011601 ;-',:the con,
sixpence-la:that they are ,gonerally kept tit'
thy are toO-,-tet and heavy 14 the. peekers'.
requireriente, and lacarkeeee at a season ef
the:year. vibe. n. the y are -in-liar-- demand :and
ceiumind. a• lower prrea 'than they *Forad
-- have if they were tr. ark eted in: bir Eninneer This happy. tern ofeevents : caltse. tile I will upon the -marvellous stone will. it lee
.. or -at ar. seetPtt, titaltio.' thee! ere,. perfao lel young giggle tonatrianietelyi ::tioseibie- to• • ceilipare; it with theiristerical
. -Weight, and ' .-cinOlity,.- no moter who.. The:limit
011 the '.011.6t: hatla; expresSed -
Laraherieg- h" decreased ,. late _mutterings. .- All:- -of. - tl-ii.e.had.leapee rajeh's. son, -Pelocer _ -Wetter: Diruleep. Singh,
:pork are- paabl..
• -
• soolalisin
oTeE3vrat:170'n1; the lines
laid down by Alcander
Langley for his Whig-.
Crille: altruhtic, schen:re.,
Ia repotted by a Writer
in the . LOB Angeles
Mal.) .114/K0 to exist in
'Perri "about 100 miles
inland." They are mb
jeob teeno lain) except their owitea_nd t� no.
-:GOVernM01111 SiVel of: their ..own .creation. •
-Protected--by the 1Peruvian GevernMent in.
their .-AndeperidentO and • in i:undisturbed
pOseesaion Of their elende. by a Peruvian
grant, they are ..left. alone to eeieet Abe
fruits • of ' their dio, en. ;metired 0- livirg.
-Somer.: of. .thisir Clistoms might well ;.
Copied -by 4evel.nreentre: While there
are others which -Ise- ,Ainericarr.Citlzari Could
possibly endure. ;That they; are unique .and
oriktinal there eon be no -doubt. •
In ihe first Plaeo; -they are Soaialists Vire
and oimple. The = colony is founded upon
very t r../a Socialietie. principlese-not only
the- preperty.aedtearnings 0 the individual
belong to the .,Goveennient, .but ethe
inesell. ielownea by
- Blotam,-0 los sou..4.
..aaittbit left:014*ply alone to
.the-iedividnal pleases. BoligiOus subjects
are. not tilscussed,;sed a -heavy penalty is
lint:geed npen .- any -"one who publio4 or
babitnilly speake irubjecee pertaining to
a futureeetate." leThe-,Governinent.,prefers
tolet the matter Severely alone. -
• The Buenos Aintgos .colony wee founded
by Do Jose. Rgatuvez,. Peruviaiegentle-
mare ot in :1853. Seventy-five per-
isnewere its original Settlers, . The number
hes been. -aegrriented by otherieeepd by
net Ural keel MO in population until it new
eenteiee ripolation of 'pearly 4000
Any..per seri may - bermes Mei:00 Of the
&deny upon. being ,elected- by a .majOrity.
vote of the .44 congrets "and paying inece the:
treasury .: of the:colony an equivalent in.
elkniorlean Coiteof $500. . This admistien fee
iteharged for two reasons. Firefebecauee
-a 'perteriiivhe bee; accumulated that einount
of money 11 stippt.ised to be a person of Steady
and industriousllabite, and second, becalm
they drones theieeniidst. • :They
make no Jelekotion to the nationelity
-posed inembare iexpept to.Indians) . and
negraerws • .1-' '
AU members of the " colony prime
their neosesaries from. the -Government _
store or warehouse ate cost price.
Dwelling_ homes,- berme in 'fact, all _
buildings, are erected and owned by _
the Government); as well as the household.
furniture. -. All dWellinp are furnished -
alike by the Government, but there is
nothing to prohibit.people from ‘ptitchasing
additional furniture, ornaments, -etre., if
they Wish to do so.
r..4.1ion: is ENFORCED. AND gureine.
Every person over the age of. 20 hi ex -
pacified to devote forte hours per day to labor
unless prevented by Bicknell!), or physioel
disability. Eight hours is considered a
day's work, .bat one-half of the dey brcom-
pulsory. Wages ire paid fer this enforced
labor the elms as if it had been performed
voluntary: • .
'They haie no marriage' laws. A man and
woman. may agree to keep house together,
end their agreement lastieso lang as - it is
satisfaceory to both. • The law has nothing '7
to do with it.- There is always something '
to do. If the harvest is all' in and the plant -
tag not ready to begin the people iire put to
work repairs or improvement!). They
on ha,ncl wif anudder woman. e go
and node, --bridges and turnpikes.. Their ,
asse bly hall is built entirely of _stone,and
ma le, which they have themselves quar-.
1.1 and dressed. Areservoir made of stone
lieeupon the hilleide a mile away.andeup-
Oa the settlement with Water. They are
at present ab work upon e. canal 'taken -
from • the. Cotote OW, which stip-
ply them. with -• water for irrigation.
Rsins are abundant, however; the -
canal being built to prevent the probable
leis of Crepe by droughts. * Spanish is the
language spoket„ although there is no law
to prevent one tieing whatever laiguage
or she wishes.
When a member 'becomes weary of colony _
life std. degree to go Into the outer world _
he makes' applleation to the tribune, who
grebes permit for him to -leave. 'His labor
ohecke are exchanged,for Peruvian gelded"'
at the rate of SO cents per hour. .1f helms
been a -Member of the colony for three
earsOrmore he is a "stook member," and „
the tribune pays him hia percentage of the
earniogs of the colon" during that. time,
and he is then allowed to depart).
These people seem happy and contented;
there are no .sUch-thinge WS poverty and
• d.e tar td 'git rid of me; and I folleredeeBxoeidor.-e. recently - disinevered in the
tt.xlteep an eye on un! .,- L. s po e ' you're .,;•Orarige Free State, ; eerreeine to . iseen.
. . be 1 -
7 -eramaii ; and -you Wouldn't chuck. a 1 This is said to be -the. largest -.diamond in
' off." - ' - -‘ • - ' 1 the world weighlug 971 carats but uncut:
--- . . , . . -•, • . _ , .. 9 ,
he.eentiu. awe had a.h`eart; as was s* Its height is abettt three. inches, its:width
- - .1 - • - abouttwo,twhile the fiat base meneures
, "Stay on. rii pay your fareeray- .0.f.e nearly two belies by one and a quieter.
But . not till the lepida lie a have work ed their
dent when he replied: • . -
gems. above mentionlic1.- • -
The days ee the (lemma tei hi3avy fat s gus 71 vague and semlaTticlie It will be; remembered that the lateMeha-
pened while the car was going sithree
blocks. '
Just as the cable train was eling
time . el the year it . Might t with . .
- • Visited this. ettintr.y In 1889 and stayed ter
a:abort time in Nespert, . when it was
rumored*eebut thertimer was quiciklee.denied:
. .-....tbate he had become Ongaged- ,frii 110
_ population 'f, al inereased. and :the demen -; atits most rapid gait betWeenet-we cor, - daughter: of. a NeWlYork . banker, l: Mite
now-ialor ken -perk. Yast *prevenient 1 tiers., the vealcitrant husband j-uniPed to Jeanne Turnure, . : . E ..•
te. . L
Landelearing is over. - Ifeevy work en- the
items. as. been- ranch - lightened by .the use
of egricultural mechinery. City and town
heti iekeh Vice in the eu,:i.9 of meate alio in hig f withsiint ivarninir and hatted off -
--------- lliot dare te'imitate thP: ie does net -mini to me that; French girle
• the curing, se that now. Canadian. -bred, fed
th car. Evidently br supposed thama t his • „ trench Girls Dress Well.-
; and cured; pork brings better prices tb on
• . ' The Canadian Pork Packing _Record glees neuver; but he reckoned with.out his think any more about dress thenether girls,
In this country : Hos .packed in 1875 and off and after him. In 20 secOnds she had ,; scientifically. They knew hew to make the
sanative for them to ears fer the r e.ppear-
awe es it is for them. to brush their: hair:
-The little) ehep•girl, who gees to her -work
anyeeehei.made in Arnerice. . • -
the fellowieg filgares regarding perk peeking host.. With a flying. bound she sprang,1 but they go to work at the - problemlemere
18M, 115,p00 ; e in 1892 and 1893, caught him and grabbed him-bithe arm., meet of themselves, and it becomes las in-
-• 356,000i: -In it e suerneters of_1875 and 1876,
. 23,0Q0 _ were _handled _ by packers.
in th_. aburnmers of 1892 and 1893
129000, -showing the, .inereake in the, live
hog trade, -
Packers pr.efr to do -their own'slaoghter-
ing, because,. they say, farm4resseds-pork
cannot be isela.1 in -the Eaglish market.
• *.
A Th ity Southern Woman._
A plariter'e 'Wife wile left ,withla Allege-
- ' sipti , Aver plantation, ' under $2-3,000t
mortgages and- a fineliy 0 five children just
ready for 41choel and college. 'The two:
s .years'__Illeess Of, her hes13and had. !Oen her
a grasp of the _business. -After his death,
wt en- the .4-conimissien - merchant-, ' risme
•.':up to " oleserberzeout," the ineproied condle
e time of theJzplace and: the wisdoin Of her
_Plans cau- est/ him to say:. •!‘ FU alliance
: all the, mon,- you -want - this year." • At
the end pt , .fve years she - bad 'Paid tirs.
i ernerfgege, pent her •6068 and detighteer to
7 -college, and • 1 pr . plantation was. Universally*
. -
.-ceirifesdei to be the- best *improved
the -country. i _ Nob I.very long . after-- she
married tee young man wbene - she .bad
. placed in charge' of__ ,a stare the had opened.
:-LAilanta clengtitutz' :-
Touriste---These are LAftlitifill monntaine,
but how: mnbh more picturesque would they
- "Now, you foolrtigger,'? she exclaimed,
, . . • • 4-- .
"just come straight home wid-me," -
. - -1
• t
. .
Lear, Air THE FABLED Elec.
Important Discovery in Thiclagasear oflhe
Egg or the Extinct*Gigentte Bird.
A liege epecimen of the egg of the labia
_roe of the ! Arabian Nighty'," _or eEpyoreltte
,--as the _extinct -gigantic bird 0 Madagascar
eoelled, has - been -.secured ,by Me. J.
Proctor, of Temative and. Prince's Square,.
W., who has breirght the Curiosity to Lon-
don. lb was 'discovered by some natives
about twenty miles to the :seuthward of St,
Angustine's Bay, en the northwest cCait Of
Madegar care It was • floating en the calM
see, -vithin twenty yards of the beach, and
Is erippesed have been waihed away with
the foreshore, which •consists of 'and
'after - a hurricane in the early, :pate
of the year, The :ohildlike
eheremen- of , the Antipodes, opining
.that lie egg had a valtre, .showed the un -
us I piece of flotsom.about with.•a view --to
• end it thus came into the haridoofXr.
raestor. 'The egg, .vehicih whitey-briwn
he color and Unbroken, is a atm. -specimen, .
33:1- ine12134.11 28 "where :and an even.higher
yatue itplaoednpon it than upon the •-egg _
of great au, whiali lived: within the
memory of man: The Brebdignaglan pre-
portiecoef the egg are --better demonetrate& -
by cemperison with the eggs 0 the ostrich.
_ _ . .
and crocodile.- An oatric Ws _egg is abotit 17.
inches by 15 inches; .and the contents of,
'six torch are only equal to one egg of the
• ./Epyernis, . The meaturements the eeg.
et the .crecedile erea;noemelly 9 Weber) by 61-.
It woo require the Contents et
16i :owes egg i to eque,Ithe 'contents of this
gres t F gg, or 148 egg!' lel the homely fol,
er 30,000 of the hunmehrg bird. The lot
egg -:of ehe kind •elleposed of in le mien eolde
for Z1.00, tboug-h cracked.
, . The nage for Tatteeini.
Tattooing ,appears to be th..e. rage ameig
the prinoisof blood in -Europe, as as
Berne Of the peurcessee. The Grand Dake „.
AlmtW right arm itio6orned with a dragon.
which 'covet" it aimed entirely .frore tt-e
wristle the elbow. The new Doke Of .-Sevei
Coburg -Gotha it tattooed much the ;keno
way, while the Duke of Yerk has couple
ef creased flags -upon his forearm.. Kinee
George •ef Greece, his ,.seoond son and htsi.
nephew the 'Clarewiti are each of the. ni
•tettooed.. Besides 'these there .are among
Abe tattooed princes .(itietirv Marguerite it
Italy% brother; the Duke of Genoa, Ara-.
duki.Stephen of Austria ,and Prince Renry
Of Parolee . brother • of 'E:mperor „
Princess Waldemar :of -Denmark, wife -of lee-.
sailor ,see ef King -Christian :has a bee -Waal
.ancherand :A crown tattooed on .her
half way between' her ehoolder .and her .
elbow; and 'which, of course0e .00nspicuout
whenever Atte wears.a low drese. Her itoo:----
ba'nd likewise has naval -emblems tattooed
On his .arne, end so, too, bari King Oscare0
Sweden, whteserved for marry yeara ; in ---tive .-
nevy-before ascending the Anne. peewee. --
him), felletved his .exemple. - •
At pretreat- the colony is -cienpdeed of
about two-thirds Chileiree; Peru-vians and
Braztlians, and lone -third Germena, English
and Americanie There are. about) dezen
Americana all told. The colony is divided
into d,epaitinenite, divisiene "Rd.. section*,
There' ' are four departineetweemamely, of
labor,1 of etucatlop; of - Commerce and of
health, all of _which are , presided over by
officers : called ministers, and 3- these
fear ministers when" Acting together
are - called the tribnie. The tri-
bune, • celleotiVely, is the. head 0 the,
depattment- _ Of jUstioe and •
The department • of labor is dlvjded
"I'm a-comill," r°303: -Bed the mall [sulk- . at -9 in the, morning and stays • till -9 at
ily; evidently recognizing" the situation._ night, will achieve a toilet so' dainty, fresh
as-hoPeless frail his, point of view. And and suitable, thatit is the envy of many a
the two walked . away e armlin. :aim:7-.• lereigek patron. - . .
-luxury In general: society in, France ills
i 2.
- - I girls, J12. prOpertiall to their parents' .in-
- - - - - • - ! come,' never.' spend . much money ort`diess.
An Adjustable Dream.
out. one morning, awl meeti. nig Ot; eeebewhe have•an
. . g_ , 1 knoW at least a dozen, with dote Of $20,000
alkiriantie of $200 is year
. , .
-An Irish e,aTl:aud his_ lady _ „Hvvere riding
their_ tenantry ga-ve her a kindly gr t- • '
-•_dress With taste. and style. and go into
. • ,. • •
"And sure I had a dram° about) yer .sceriety.
, . 1
This Jetties a small margin for
honor last night sending me pound of liciresemakers': bills,. butt,. as a matter, of -feat;
a I halt the -giils have no • dreisinaker- Overly
tObaccy and ver leclelfilier 'a pound
1 . i keecalled.-7-Scribner's'Magazine. , •
Wasliington Post.,•
• - • . -great may be the elegance and
intet ' division,/ " namely, of agriculture, of
building; of stale raising, of manufacture,
of eiportand itoporb and of imprervemente ;
the department of education into [that of
school, of music and of :arts ;.the :depart-
ment of coierneree .into that . of impOrte, of
exports - and of: -distribution. The.ideparte
merit of health is. Melded into disilidons Of
housekeePleg; :ef hoepital and of Minors.
Each Of these, divisions is presided Over by
" surrintendent.-" The divisionare in
their . turn sithdivid.ed_ Into sectione, over
each of which presides -a phief.- • ,
. In regard t� the division of minors in the
depaetmentif health, it must be remora-
-tiered that - -
ee for theirFolothtnee, •and on that they will
1 •
tay, .4ncl it's joyful- I am to ell ye this
senorning,!,' -said the accustoinred.i•brene-
- [ I.
The course of• history us lea& O
"But, my good. woman," replied the . further than the year 16/tarries -B
54 for the origin :o
earl, "dreams go by the contrary. " i ' starching in lelndon. It 'walla. that year
"Indade, then, yer honor is to send the that Mistress Van der Please cameivitle her
ley. and her. ladyship the tebae6r," was husband from Flanders to the 1Eoglish
the qincle :Witted reply. N
-ew York 1 metroPolhe " for their greater gaiety," and
. ._
Ledger. there prefee Bed 'herself a Marcher. • The
look -if there' WAH ailtdent rain an the-
- stimmit
• Ilotel Keeper-eYee; beiteve an ancient
rein would -orate trete beiriets. Next -year
1am going to have one birilt.-Tit-Bits, •
The Ortfan efiltarthltir,,; -
Th+Grverrineent, therefere,•takes charge
the 'child When it first- comes into the;
World and • came for it. The mother
and child are _both taken In hand first
beetheleepital, then the nuriery, and, .as
the child grows, it begins, under the teach -
ere -te,acquire an education, and so on until
itlecomes an adult and takeir Its place ab
the - helm Cf. the Government and labora
with the others. Each notion elects its,
own ebief,:the chiefs of each emotion of la
division elect their, own superintendent, and
the superintendents of each division of . a,
: Saidso-elievey- was ordered. out of hotel
InParis- -a rvaxit-sew. hint *its -his wife.
Herdto-:Didn't - be explain. ?.
Cart -ADV. but the landlord -site ply shrugged'
his . ehouldres unit Bala utipeeethie2.4,,
Truth. • -- • • ;--
. • . .
"Da I •Inika• myself plain?' -asked the
angular. lecturer on Woman's Beecrtse stop-
ping in the_niiddle of her disconeeee *" You
. don't have- to; -mina." replied a:: voice - from.
the rear; the:Lord done it for you long
,Different Janda of Dust:
PeablossomUncle Mose, does yOube-
leebe we is all made-ob dust? .•.1
• • •.
• Uncle Me6e eeSutinly we ise„
beet houlewives of the time were nob long
In discovering the excellent whiteness of
the" Dutch linen," as it was (impede and
Mistress Please "eon had plenty of good -
paying client". Some of these began
departirient °feet the minister -of
partment.1 officers hold_ their .positione
until they are removed by petition , from a
majority Of those who placed themi in office,
indorsed by the t ffiaer ef the department or
.division next above, In -the 011130 of Minis-
ters a majority vote of "congrestp,r which
is oempoeed_of all the voter e the colony,-
ile0131017 for removal. •
leablossiere*---Deri dee folles 1 send her ruffs of laWn to staeoli, which elle
mus' be Made of coal dust.... • ,• '• * . . -did sa.eicelleptly •well that it beettine_ a
. - -
.. -trn* Mose-De _Lori 1 riebber thunke: 000iYaki). spgitart,ii:iwf ienbyiii.eenewireeunitdbbeer-itabl..orrosintierddhe
ob dat, '1?tit I:reck.On eve is. - • -.. . -: i Hi_ So greatly did her re-putation growthat
. -.1.1eablossoin-7-11ow .erbeut - de ..' eeiller I "I - -
niggers? • Texag.Siftings. - ....1 = , .' - - - : : ''- art.and mystery of "terabit*, for w?dch-they
1-.faeleiOneble dames Went to her to learn the
' - `gladly paid a premitim of £4 to £5, and for
AIR- 411.1!.1- °rut- ic--!3.1:61416.- -il- "1 -' .1 thOsebret,ofeeethipg starchthey plodgladly
1 ."Do ti: love Me?" said the -Paper bag . a further' inim of -go ehiiloge.
to the sugar.t- --1*
- ”.rixt just-Ivipipped.up,i4 yotii,'' replied I miutigits--1-Wender, What, your paps it
the sugar.. __-_. , ' - -_ - .- --,:- _ --- = stamping.- around about.- .Little Boy -I
, "Yon --sweet thing!" - intiiMutecl :the don't know. - I didn't gel bite bid ratan,
.paper bageeeTrath... - • - . I ,: • :- :: ,- 'cause he aeted cross.' Maninia-',4daybe he
_ '. '..-.-...........i...i.ocir-. - - _ .:.- can't find.his '. razor. Little .. Boy -Yea he
-- lb is 4 .etile4e 'Lou,. -,r4.., _bele fine - three can, 'caueel- pit it tight ,-baok *here he.
r*sidents ...of , the United Statee:married keeps it, soon -as -I get. _through . taking
ittidoWs; - - - tick!:
The finanCial system • of. the Icelony is
"Labor 14 money" is the principle'
upon which the :organized, and- Bes,,
also, with their -currency, the hoar being the
unity on which all labor is based. The
uniforni -wages pad fer labor of any kind is
equivalent to 30 cents per hour ml,American
cOin. Thirty cents, therefore; is called "an
hour." Their circulating mediuM cionsiats
-of cheeks or tickets; andisdivided into six
different kinds, reamely 'Minutes, helve,
• days, iwe_eko, . menthe and :, year,. In
American• money a "minute"is equiv.
-alent • to. halt a cent), the hew' to
33- dents the "day" to $2.40.. the "week"
be $12.,9the "month" to • $52.80 and the
" year " to .$631 60. These- abed s - are all
of the same else and are made of peeteboard
one inch wide and two 'in %nth, theiwords
minute," "day," eto. observed into it hi
relief. Each'denominetion hae. a different
color, the minute en White pasteboard, the
hour on red, and so OD. 'The monetary
table, as taught in the schools, reads:
Sixile minutes make One hour.
Eight hours make one day.. • .
Five days make one.week,
Four and two-ilfth-weeks make one month.
Twelve, months make One year,
• An..01c11 Bra
An amphora,- -or ,hattle, ef the, 'Roman
period, was lately dug up at Carthage,
bearing an inicriptiort, or ?tabel„" showing
the date be be 21 B. C., and giving the
class of wine, viz.„ Mesopotainhu,'
the colony of Mesepetsmia, ..en the *oath
artist ot Sicily, bebwee_n Girgenti nd Sy -M-
ouse. The name of , the producer, a
Certain Alfranius Silvanus, is also-adde&%
" 'Only the wine Rolf no loner -
our reporter regretfully observes.-V-0B-
A.:chemist computes that at the -present
market value- the -everage human cadaver
contaios eomething" like $181000 worth _of
But, like the fabulous Nakao el
alutninium in clay, or .of the gold in VW
'water, the cost of extraction atepresent
prevents all profit to the would-be
pr sing manufaoturers, and the echeole of
anatomy wilkbave no immediate iniale fer-
elarm as regards' commercial competition...-.
Nedied. Nan.
' 44 Spa/it'll/ of geed hands, I he1d-oneIat
night; chat was worth a -cool hundred- thOtt- f
sand te me." "You don't say. What was
it'?" "Miss devin on the braeh.'"
-41rooklyn Lite.