Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-11-10, Page 2- : - . - -0 —aimeelemeeseeema. !eked–Poe_ . A -GUID CONCEIT 0' OURSEIS. Ontario People Entitled to Praise for Chicago Exhibits. COMPARISON OP THE AWARDS. ORLIYS FAIR, -Jack..! tioierTaik, Chicago, - Oot, --If - ()Atari° -people 4, have Vito. bathe Old SOOt said, "a gidd Conceit o' "theitselves„ his. a result . - _ of what the. Province 1.0ne �f whieh they found some objection-, , strangers came back Into the courtyard: • hasdoneat the World's and finetly Ordered woe breed and cheese.. ReMeed;always on -hie peat!, paused as Ireir- it will not be because they have not and toemnies de eerre-e rhune, with a -bottle ha caught - sight of 'a woman, 'whose her, sufliCient Season,: Al th- •matter. facie- of Vies- ordinetre*. . Ontario- hes ,fitenished fully theoequarters you would at- mind, gentlemen," Of the entire 1.xhibt made- by the Dominion, Bald Pierre, "being. terved Out here—we • seid when the -full Thee.- of --aster& is made are rather .croeided ki the-heusio te-day. faille it will he,he en their we have far out- 1, in Nob," he -on, with:an air fld inheh "Nothing else?" said Piece* • think I *mild lest abit, slid Bertrand. ": Whale! Are you limigry?" eaid his friend. - _ • : Xes; I am; „-„teren't you!" Then' turn- ing. to Pierre- he asked whet he had got in the bents.: "Whatever:- 'Mast desire.," aid - "Let is hear the menu," said Remand. Pierre. went over a list of -dishes, te each - ; • • . the eleiely: tied- foulard- she Wore .he head was:.:of snowy whiteneel, in &mange iontralt to well _defined dark eyebrows and large:. -dirk Oyu, rendered more shadowy. still by the hollows whieh grief and -want hid carved ' areeindethem. She could not have been Much °Tier middle age, though at firib.glanco her white hale 'nide her -seen% elder. She bactleng finished her dinner,: of -Which she had -eaten hut sparingly, and now -shit,. her head supported by her hand, buried in thought. -Sid indeed. -mist have been the thoughts -which; could impart se :deep a - melancholy as *at 'Which oveteast her face, _ - • . • - As she .sat there motionlesi. the- two. rival he had not -noticed during the dance. Making a sign to bis oompanion tO remain 4411, ht advanced cautiously behind her. and manageel to see her face - without being seen. But at the first glance classed any.Sta- tie of the Union and Where f .- 1 -importance, 46 vie are to •have a wedding , he rationed with a look of terror while it 1 Priaea are given by conipe. titian tre_ score t,0-1.nottott, - and .te aY . is x- u away -ahead of all °thee' exhibitors. " The-t'eentrat." 7 SUCOeszes in. the -stook ring—in horeesi; ... 64 8° as Yeu- 1148IVella at -0n00' n1°2 .vi"ix'' 1 genie, sheep. iand-..-swinehave been :drily. -we' Clelet eaie'whtr° we eht's"- aaki Rinmnds lettera,_, anitnow, As the dayd.af the -exhibi: thought' there waa lb festive air a out e " Then lee- us go. It is time to be onthe tlf,r ,kerateeeee at an an end our.- breeders t Place.- Well altetle dtvershin -will 'dn. fr- read. - : • . • • - . s• chronicled. from: week to week in these and as disappea• red- he continued needed all lib self control to enable him to Suppress an ejaculation. " What is it 1" said _Bertrand, who had • fif Been him recoil. • . 'gobbing . he replied.: -iderough horses and fine poultry are round- good? and 1.teke quite an intereab in wed- • t-6..` Presently: Let us sit here a little. longerr end as he spoke the then2ht gorged Ing off the stock show by :sweeping the list - , •' ManY classes,. end holdh3g ,their own - !" ' ,remazked Bertrand. '." Teen through his brain: "18 it possible?. .-Gin In why den'a yen, gat :iciarried. be poesible 7" •A No One who lies the least Jaye for beauty "Ob, that is all old story. Was mar- - CHAPTER -XL merrily indoors, M. Dumont at the head .4 . • of the table, With his son and future daughter -is -law at his right -and left hand, and M. Germenil faoirg him, lied prkssed Ms gciod fare on his guest's with hearty country hospitality, and they had done justioe to ftb in a way tbaltdelighted the old cuisiniete, Margot, who was as • Muck a put of Les Bons ,Amis as the walla themselvee, and whe had insisted on carry- ing one, or two ef the principal dishes her- self, slotting them down beiere her master with a "Voila I" full of meanieg, which thioge had been pregreseing in horseflesh could fall to be hted with ried long eget." thi_eplendid eteing thetoug b_rede *sent Who you sVere 1. You.have -kept It en by Robert Devise, Of _Thoreciiffe Farm„(very close. •-_ And where is y our wife r) Toronto, svhese srichess ea in this line. in. a Bang me if I know 1 -Why, let.me tee,- - measure -make -up, for tbe • heed usige he it 171117061) be.mere than iivenq Years alnee receiyed with hie- ClyelOditles. Mikado fleet _sight of her," -. . I••t.the etting, is- weillenewei to -all *" And have Novi never heard Of her 141m -fanciers as- an tininial who -has never dike I .en beaten. He is a veritable giant„:16W: .1 " Nevei." .isn(a high, a etch. nal brown in- color, ;and .::" Well, now, that's kpill..-, :A tromaiiis ,...such alead -and neck as an artist. would - Bemetinies: Useful." .• -. - ::`'. •--- - Aimee to expreis - hie ideal.. HP hat Wen - "Not thalteite..: You see, 'My friend, she first -prizes galore against- all - niers : in -%vs.s. one of ,thoee, persetii. afilioted with a Canada, and -issrb year took the $ 50' 'prize ; eenscienha and _principle', which 'I. found • at the great -New York show, The prejn. 1 lilted. led with nq plan el llie--: - Bo, - he owned to - say, "Beat that if you ea "" . . dice among many. fanclereagiihst thorough. I went on, while ti cynical 'mile deepened 71)14e. Silltleber complecene -emile showed she was brads Would soon be dfseepatedlf therewere -Cruet lines routs:111s. naorati4,- "finding my- Sure of her position as the best heok- in all Intoreeires of the Mikado class, aelae. he just the style. required' for 'saddle and military , .purposes„ and. always in ' derisarid: at ,high - prices. The judge made • :no. _mistake, in self one -day in rather * tight, place . made the only. u se .I heuld of her "end left • her •. to ecoripy It." • • Pierre hating-. bought what. they had .4giving him fir.se.-"prize-: yesterday *Bette best .erdered, placed it the-littie table. before. iithorouglahred stallion in America. : -In the ( them and then bearek.himself . to the. gate -Mori:01We contingent - are aloe; Thoznciiffe Ito usher cOinpany who :- _began: sar- • an& the -youngsters Harpoon and Sirurro, as . rive. All the prinCipal people:4f" the village well _ as the Mares _ Beehive,, Queen Bee, Cheverette . and Lan-. all -,gemaine -equine ;aristocrats,. • The second prizt, winner was Dandle DIninont, owned were there, including the geed cure, who Was always ready to fake part in the ire! neeent- pleasures of hie fleck. . : • M. Dumont-cam.out of the to meet by W. H. Millmen, of .Woolstock, and .a -1 gueete, ioliewed . by Gerneenilt- beautiful piece of horseflesh. he 'is, with the Clementine land Charier, the -latter, et .added distinction of being the son. ef Ajax, who as a yearling. sold for $10,000, .and. has --fully juatified-in every particular _the -ex- pectations of the gentleman who bought; him. Third hosors.Went to -Shilliegstone, ointid by Gee. S. Scogil, of Owen bound, . and fourth to Manitoba owned by, _Job r Reed supply -of wine beside them-.-acountry • ickinson, of 'Zion near *Port Hepe. • A ',..detices was aeon finer quartette- till) these Ontario- prize 1.. The litres:Igen, having finished their frugal winners it *zoteId be diffictilt to find in -any . ties), sat hratching..he dancerit. •Presently, country. Irensides, owned. by Thes..Irving, Winchester: is a fine. 3 -year-old, and de- . 9 served the first place which he was awarded in his section. Gytiarchy, owned: by Mr. Scogil of Owen -Sound is a' beautiful mare • - - • and received a great deal of attentlin. In standard bred trotter, •Bilibroek, owned by'. 4t__.._ .A Barrie, and 11)r; -ling owned. _ : course, -being the Centre et interest.. Some ef the'elder-people preierred to go at eta(' into, the.honse .; -others remained to watchthey bueg people. dance. 7 Tho:. violin players, having-: arrived . and been installed, • by Pierre. 'In convenient corrier7-Wlth -the cointry :dance - being finished, Remond remarked . to hie _ponspan ion :. . . .• . .,- ".Teat' -a - an " nncommonly ' petty' --,girl with the blaek eye!). - l'11::ask herto waltz with•-ineit.7 .. .. • :`." -What 1" said -the other. ' ." Yen Will Venture'?" ., .., • . . -7------ 64. ILh r. replied. Remond. • :"1.31.10-1s,net a . - , - by A. McKillop, -- Wfat Lorne, stood well Sindande in .alsguire," 'and- getttng up he among the -prize winners. 1,- : -.. , ' -- walked nonehatently acrese the einpty *pace Adam ArmetiOng; Fergus,. : held hp. the which ilivided hied from the yeting girl,.end credit of tb-e PieVir.ce fn fat-steck, at d -won with- iell,tiriehieg-betrieqUeeted the: honor 'severe' prizes with hie excellent animals. -, At wait -zing With:tier. - - - - • - . --: - - . .. . ; The poultry bow isacknowledgedtobe tile , The ;girt . hesitated a moment,- but. Ills largestla, . paint .. _of sembers- end: best: in'igrand air impreised her. . She :felt isure...he general excellence there has frier beeitheld 1 Wile not what- he elt med----:-TerhePe some one en -4this *Cent ilient,..`- In all_ soMe. -.4,000 -,. of noblebirth whe hed.ntet •Sif ith. .thiefoxtune el:dr* of fowls Wad pet stock .were iziade,-1 —so oh • idly. Coniented. One. thing wit- . -- - • .. el • including all the. leading .bieeds,. Ontario.l.sure-4ehe h d WSW; before" had : a partner - lendie.g nearly - 2,000. ' 'Sem. twenty odd .'-whe -dance so :Well. She was Tate Betty judges have been at work tying the ribbonte. 'when the:waltz. was over, andirieadirig- her but owing to 'tile -large number of entries back to her p4ce.,. he: lett her with a meat . were:unable to- finish. with the week, - Our. elegant bow.? . -. . . ,... . •: . . . . poultry h reed ere rink high is: prfz 3-svin-i ers, . He.rejoined his companieri.-- I. -They lighted. and bevel's-lade:a great many soles, inelud-- , their pipes- and saunteled: off -toward the *tog 'seine $50-wertb te Of lint Federico IttOiai. ether *side of .the house. - . • • - of San Saliredori-CentratAnierioa; who:whs. , • .7Whiler the 'waltz was - Wally on, Charles also a purchater of Ontario- pheep .ard and aeintritine- had strolled down to -the : -. - -• gate and gone out ..en..the road. They re, . .1n-the7 eheein competitton, --OS • Woe -pre-. eppeated,Ceerles eupporting a pope .worean dieted,. Canada stood away:. ahead, ' :Ontario- Whet seemed hardly -Ole to . mak. They taking the lion's share:of the awards. This pl•siced her en.* seat, .and .Clernintine went foroWing table, °emptied . from - the records to procure her siwne-Wine and .food„, for she of thie.-Jnue and October competition, Is seemed to be exhausted.. : She returned, *reeling- : -.' - .. - r - . - - . • trartyivg wine .,and . bread, send followed ..hy JI.INE. Ii_XIBITION OF CLIEE;SE. . her fatter end.-tii, Dumont.- . ..., . _ , _. .. . • -Total.number of Fiingle entries from Canade.--A:. ' 43 poop as the woman was somewhat . re- • --and the United -States ...... : ....: ... . :..... '667 vived lay:the:wine they gave her shethanked Of I hese Canada sent from over 100 differ-; - theta_ fer-their-kindnees, .of which -she mai& - ent factories. , - • - - - : • :.......-.1.62: 8401100.04 tn. _kora . used, as she.. had tssted ' Total awards foi-Cheddzir cheese.. -.:_. : .... ; 1:38 • Of these Cana44 took..............:-........-.:„.;:. 7.129 . malting *since - the I previous„ morning.. In Leaving for United -States. ,.. -.._._.-., -....-.... : ' 9 , answer to -a- .qhestien. of NI. Dument'S - she Thley.eno ixhibits of 'Canad'an cheese scored higher than the highest -United - _ &miles cheese. - • OCTOBER- EXHIBITION OF' CHEESp. . Total number of single entries from.Canada and United. States in Cheddar 'factory - classes. . , 606_ - Of th3se Canada . : . ' 525 Total awards for cifeesemade pievions - setid.eho did nee -belong to teat part cif the ceunte and was On her way to: Chalet', where she hoped te finc1SeMployMent as a. denseet. servant, . "You have, then, relatives at -Chalon,- er friends who will inlet you ?".." "'Alas ! gar:- I •know ;°no :one there. The good. Ged.will helia me. and, _find nie - Ism (of -Whieh Canada. tookall). . . ... TO 11Ct frlehdfi ag..he his dehe _here, find new. I wilt 'Fetal awards for, Cheddar factory cheese ge.: 1_ am _ h'etter - ow -and need no lenger made in 1893. ... ........ 414 • • •-----' Of these- Canada ... . . . . . 369 Leaving 1ot United States, -45 trespass.en your kindnese..: :Chariee had wen watching -her, his . heart fiat ef pity for her - des -elate ("edition.- He wail thinking vaguely of the " sterrhe had learned the. night beforiiTof own witertn- nate :mother, and how she; might have been:a4 triendiess and wretohed as this poor wayfarer.- • : - ‘g * !".. he It is 'tropes Bible.. -Yoh an in no Stete to travel On foot. You. Must stay here to ; my father,- im sure will moil r.;bjeobT.-'' "Why, rcy. boy," said .111:--DisiOnt, .are:master. hate new, mia even were .94. never --hail. ah47-netree-Will turn any poor, denying Creature:from my do -or. give. her all. he needs for to -night, arid Janfor row- we will see lit she enough.te con thine her journey,'" . - 11re:dancing was now over. - These grieste. WhO:remaihed for the 'dinner' went; is:door's with M. Da Mot remainder went home. :Presently.- a ;brought -thi poor. wemsg' seine dinner, which sbe ate ail a table mit very far from Where the'. two • _ . Men haft been sittleg-;-..- .She, did not look: -Iike`a between beggarthis wonatotheri, - was: an 'ati* .sibonte her oft Oile Who had Oen 'better days: Her clothe!, • though -peek,: were -carefully - mended and scrhphionsly clean. She :spoke Aitirtectly. alow; soft v4,Viiitati • co' n. id be of het isibk nader . One: hundred and thirty. exhibits of CAna-: dian.cheese *cite - °lassies. .scored. higher ---thsrt the highest Uelted States cbeese.: ;- Tile total nirtuber of cheese•tre. the June. • and -:.0Ciober -hothrietttions iti-whiCh Canada. • 'took pub. and the awards* Were as. fellowe': - • - . • Exhibits, Awards. United States-- 586 54 • Canada, 6p7 • 607- ; . . . Out et 275,- exhibits- of cheese" 'Made by• - -Gattlris 200 awards were omilred„ .and of these -.Ave lets .Cceeed : 991-i :of a 'Of' all the trliiMphe ef Oatario. at the Vircirld'e-1041inebian- MON.: tion this is th-e..-greiteet, . -and: the:- most likely th:bring to . a. scibstdtrittal •-.money - return:, - - Lord and Lady: Aberdeen - had .an-..ex- Ceedlogly p'eas-trat Vloit this- week, • and: .109i4i. for 04:19:.da Monday morning, .. They .wfile niterksEI., an informal ,reception, . and addrempeit ofeengtatulation were read . to -*barn building and: inspected allthe courts, expreselog -much pleepore at the 0-ai-Oellent position occur* d •by Canada In : general, and. the Province _of- Ontario in particular, among the.: mittens of the earth. a W. Yonne _The largest expense: of -"married bus Is fre-- Vently ganged ht the. little 020L. the country round.. The good wine - chin- -lated freely-.-healtha - were drunk and old itories.reteld, and' full ef - high ism& humor • Oh, you aro, quite safe he ifees. tons Ands:" answered the cheery vtilee_. Of M. Di. wont. clear and diatinole on the evening, sir. "Nothing willihappen to yen hen. You ate thinking of those bugaboo stories our -friend the 'mire told t .na at dinner of the achievements of that villaht Rerb Mao/drat! _ - * HO Would WO° spoken leis confidently whop* could he have Been the_ expression which passed soros .the evil face of his hidden and unknown guest, -as he uttered these werdi r- /- • - * - . • ".,0h, no Dumont, I am not 1.afraid -of suchimaggiary dangers, and I think; too" —looking complacently at his stalwart pro- portiont—" would be a niatch for any robber. Bat," he added, "1 'will be 'glad to be -relieved of thiareeponsibility? "And said Rsmond to him& with , an ugly smile, "will he happy to do von hat service. Perhaps my skill prove an equivalent for your itrength," M..Dament bad- paused- a menterat and laid hie hand en hie friend's shoulder iss he ..ellehe thee.** words, and; as they "toed thus 'Charles came out of the bailie .ara ap- proaehedlhem quickly. "Father," saidlie, "-I think bisbet ter that I should go myself with Picard.". - " .Youl" said. Dumont. "Why should you:go - • . f I answered the young " for One reason Picard IS ..so frightened at - the: Wee of -going through the forest • atone 1.that: I, am 'anal& to 'trust him ..lest he . :ehotad: Cates" a further delay. -.Beside.s that, . am . selfless bus and -,Inpatient that I *Oh te g�withhim-7-4f it :were only 'two- then the time " will . seem to- pass .inore 'quickly than Al remained here Imagining every- thing that could -possibly 'happen !lie' dolly hire... It will be night..- I.cen-beof ;no use here, and I am quite sure we wilt get back More" quickly if I go" than if We zend.Ploerd :alone. -", - . • , • PeXhapli he hi right," said: M. , Ger- - • • ".Bnt- what does. Clementine Say 1" eib- Iereed Denient.: "We tenet Tocsestilt her- withee in this matter.- If the'coneents. , to ynne going, have nothing to say against it, Wit et: pewee if the objects" -7.4.--- •• "011,". cried Charles, intetrupeing him, ."Cienientine is - quite of my.opinien: -has confidence Piciid'e ..speedy return as I ;have. Is that -net- se, dear and 7content they -adjourned .to the red Clementine?' he -went on, . addressing the darinesk "eaten te Witness the :signing of the contraot. - • . , T gap, -..however,:- - unexpected hitch- oceurred..: • At;the.. -lot ..memente ' was ollscoveze& that the - notaire, who had conii -ftein the..reighboring town -of.- Maurice, • seine : league s• away,•.: and -was_ the gun') of Me bens*, ' the ;tire, at thee presbytere, lad forgotten :an ersential piper, ivitb.ont Which the necessary-formali-. ties- could not be: ,cehapleted;;. There- was 'great dismiay at date hitch. in -the proceed - Myr, and Much -Wrath was :ponied.. cut On the head of -the.notarfe clerk, to whom the forgetfulness - was - totiffre deutehr is ind:eppeneable en:leach aboailione.:: Charles ins in despair- poor little Clemen- 1 - . • • - On. alintoitin tears -for she bad.- Overheard the whippers Of a. coupe of old-'cornmeree wbo, with • many shakes . et- the head and- decicled that such delays Were very initteky, and they -Wouldn't be -surprised: at' an -thing _that might -happen: _Perbapathere wenld.be-no-wideing at all,' etc. However,_there was nothiog -ler it but to eke the best .of it, So it was decided tbat* he notary '8-oleik should "etart at once,. and, akin -Ob. Carrioie,: sdithld -Makeall speed to Wiau.rice, prOcurethe mlising paper and, return.after a shortrest, se- as to arrive. at' Les Borit•Amis by breakfastetim.e.::-.: The con- tract c.orild then be signed- at once and the wedding go n as already art *aged. . - -- The* only person • diseatisfied With thie arrangement was ;th.-.-p.00r-cleik,...Whe was hot remarkable for courage and dld nob par ticularlyr. relish the long, lonely je,atiter, in the .datk Which lay hetioten-, him- and- St. Maurice. .Specfaly, as when the 'Aerie!" Were going -retard after dinner,: be hail over heard theApaire Of • the *Mite, M.,.Riff.ue, tell:his neighbor at table thati:'thereswaa'.a repert tb at the notor tone Robert Mecaike had -*Soaped km pries's' at Lyons. - Of Churn Lyons was a long wity-eff„ but_ all the Carne the little:dor k did notfeelat all ceMforti-. Mee': However, it wassettledwithout- his opinieti being Asked, and Pierre.. Was. dile. patched to seethat -the carried° Avail har- vested without delay. -AM'. a little more conversation ontheall hopertent "eubjeat, the ceropany .teck _the*. depireure'. prenatally to come in the Morn - lig in geod., time,: and •.biddiog:Clietles."end Clementine.keep up their spirits, for kfter all there would notbe any nal delay In the Marriage, and the .,hontradt °Clad as well be .slgned in the morning,: and the only ill- foreboding :emcee- being' the two old eoni! -me ree •before niehttohed, .whe, -ejaculating, .oh 1_ la pauvrette, as the bid her.gocd7bye, exchanged at the same time looks More :sig, *laciest -drill words, - ' -!- -• Limy log Ceetleti al3d Clementine together, M. Dumont aed.M. Germinil went down to the gate of the ohairtyeedWiththedepartint pots.- • . Having Walked lieedy -back aor toward the house, - • - - :rWe lofb-:Itemond r a whitediat 000:eide of -_ the ,very filiXiell*te attract a !Caw"the :two:: mete: appre igitietly: into-. the Shade*. !stand -oh which the.. in seated. ..Thiateir Wet :WU; an eine 0ml:1mm-0d-tie lists ment of their. Convokes -aid passed at nci .greati distar was concealed: :whih," -Said Germe lay ad not odentried. • .1 the buiiiireee finished " Wv11,"--satct DOMent be bong.:Once asleep., quickly enough, and.: as before 8 o'clople: in the m they turned and s the courtyard d his Campanian - tables, Lott being Mention. As they h ihey slipped behind the raised siolans had been , Rethend's sheep ingcaught a frak• .as they slowly ca. -from where he ;2,6 thatthis 4e- aliX101113 to O 'fob ght." - Si the delay Won't he time will -pass Lear& will be back rning there willhe no real delay in the morning ! " . "Tzu enough," Bald he ether. "Il the same, I shad_ be very glad when Chemise - - . as taken ohaTge of hie like - the -reeponsibility 12,060 "francs in note," his hind to his -breast p Os friend the . corner . pocketbook. As &Mond,- the these words his eyes rapacdtrof &bird- of pre yeung girl, whe had :come out of _ the house and _joined thein just as Charles was speaking.. . • . "Ib'ie, Charles," she replied. "You know" she wenfon, addressing the two old men "Charles is heave and strong, not like thei'llcowardly litble Picard, and then he will lose=no thiteibecause—betiause "she •added with a'little'blueh—"I will he waiting. for him at -the end of his jeurney412 _ TWO :last 'argument carried the day, M. Dumont gallantly remarking that with etch *an object in view he thought even .Picard would forget:his:fears. • *: ,s Soi it was decided that 'Charles should ac- - -company the lietle *clerk to St. Maurice. "The Catriole is ready, M. Charles," said Pierre, coming toward them. "It is Welt- ing at the back gate, as.t thought that would save Ion a hit of a round.* If yen followthe- lane round by the .cerier ef the ...mareh, it -win:bring you into. the ". high reed to St. -Maurice in half the time." "...All right,. Pierre. ; thaVa a geed 1 ea of yours? • "Before you g�,, M. -Charles, will :-yon please to toll me how I ami to distribute the rooms to -eight 11'. . • • " "Ah !" said: Charles,I "wee forgettiv.g my -duties, G:ve Mile. Cleinentine the !cern at the end -of the corridor, and . put, M. Ger, menil in No. 13." "And the peer woman yonder -where 18 she tti gee?" inqni.ed-Pierre. . 2 Let -me tee.• yen had better phi he 16rin :the avian zoom near X. Germesil'e. • Bien:nfsieu, No 8, and in -case any. travelers :should *arrive,* and want rooms where Anal I pub them ?" • . -.:" Oh If any one khoeld come, which is not likely, pot them in the. reenis, en the entre tol, se that our friends- may not be ID any may .dieturbed And now I must be ell," be '.-went en. "There is no time to Joe's. ,We have 'a lorg read before us. .Conie, lather, you'll see -Me off too. Oh ! I had almost forgotten. -Here, .Pierre,' .he, laid, taking a bunch if • keys out of his poaket,- "you had better keep these - in case -Of peed. They are :all numbered dieted you want to open any ."of the empty roonis.".- - . "Bien m'siieu," said. Pierre, -temeg the -keys. yard . was 'quite empty save for tho 'poor woman, whose, back was towards tnem 'and Whose head was sunk upon her folded arms iie an attitude either of exhaustion or - of despair—probablr of both—they emerged from the shadow—two sinister forme—and seated themselves mein beneath the trees. Bertrand's foe was ghastly pale, and his &arse features were an ..expreieion of un- conttollable terror. - - . '. • 6 , -" You heard," he muttered -while hits teetk=ohattered and a shudder cenvulled his frame, "you heard What they said." The other -made net:mower bat sat silent, thinking, with an. expression' on his face - which' would- not have reassured M. ger- menil regarding the safety of his . money could he have seen it. : • - "Hein ! Rethend," repeated the ether, - . " 14 at nOt time to, go? We' have A good opportunity .now while there is to One about. Yen heard," he againrepeated in a terrified tore, and lowering his voice still • more,."you heard that name"? - -- "Bali 1"-aald the other, 6694 . ysaciward. • Am ra may, think you, to be tightened at a name? -Listen to me, Bertrand, if you are not in too cursed a fright to understand • whit I say. . Yon heard what the old man said about the 12,000 francs . he had in his _ peoketbook. Well, that has decided me to remainbere to -night" -- . 66 What) 1.: You are not afraidyeu mean ife s dote -1. don f Carrying : about he added,- putting obeli and phew -10,4 of a w�hl ettiffed. hadoW,.. overheard learned With the you hear . he muttered, looking significantly at his -companion. "1 do r sista the other shertlY,retterning ids look. Viterbo Cain . drew - Olemeritithe'sarm through his own and the four 'proceeded to the back ?see, Where the caul:Ole Wae wait- ing, With :Road ;ahead y. in his place -end look's* much better pleased than :when he thought he -should' have ,te go alone. Of ' cOurse there were some friendly jo,sts ixtr- his expenso, which he took in very seed part. :Faelisig quite in geed " hums); now he had a cerepartion, and .a compailion,lee, who knew se well how to nee in -Case -of need the pairi of. -Pletele whiekTierre had 'pit in the pocket of the carriele.- : - •-• 1 So you are afrild. of Robert' Macairee Picard ?" maid' M. Germinil, looking t.eund first to make sure that Clementinewas not within earehat. "-1 thought' youhacl,:more seine." - , • "Ab! M. Dumont, you're laughing at me now, but one never knows What may happen, . east l'imprevn qui arrive tou- jours,-, . • -. , • if .64 Bitch a thing isra robbery is Unheard of . . in this part of the *Old," said M. Dumont , , "and if - Maoaire .did .escape from ptiii0 I make:, Tio ,-doubt:•the gendarmes. .have oaughb* him king ere- this,. Charles," he'. Cried • to the youngWho ad lingered a few. .Pacee • -be- ' hind iwith Clementine and, was _deeply engroesed". in bidding her. ,good-bye, '1"it is time lobe off 11 .you are going., and the mare 18 80 impatient to start that' she willgswith- .Out you if yotidon'ts hurry: • ." • Thhelaroused from their dream the young people came up„-- _ 4 hearty -good -night to his father -and M. Germbeil,*.e last- MO bo Clenientiiiii„ and Chitties, -jumping lightly Into thereirriole, took. whip and reins, and :biddiv.g. the man letgie her head- was off -like a shot and very soon Out of eight. - CHAPTER XIL • ." The-tWo etringeire had remained.motion-. less In their.place of concealment until M. Dtim.enb and hie three - oompaniont had disappeared into the hem.' They then: looked 'cautiotiely-. retind to . see; there, . . was any ..ene there likely to observe their:. iltierirementoi- and. linclint the ;Gond- .inoteth. , - ri am not :afraid, .and Ido not •mean to leave -here 'Without 7that nioney, . "Ne,no; is toe ;dangerous, " said Bertran, rising ' to his feet I will not istay• lori :oan do as you like.". " "Bit down," :said the other, Ina tone of concentrated fury and:groping his compan- lon's Wrist -with a -weep of steel, which liberaily forced him back into Ilia &O.. "Take care what . your ;about. You knew Fm dangerous when. rra -drew:4. I -am determined to have tligs money. We.: .-Willehare alike, bit you ehOill :stay and do • your .Parti or -r- .You know what I :am :hapable ef„ or you ought to, by . this time," headdedWith -4100h which made the ..etVer'e blood run cold, and as he did know pretty Well.the _stands :compenion. -Wale ',matde of he --dilaided: that on the whole his best plan Would be to remain . Having thue:pettled• their little differen. hes of isaphaiin, ReMond went on to lexplain his plan. ile reminded hie :confederate ef the bunch efkeye' -which Charles :bad left with Pierre, and •whicS.eehtained a key for . each room In the house, mai key with its eivn label ',attached, They knew from the directione. whieh they had .0Verl,eard Charles -give Pierre, as to the Aliso tribution of the .rooms 'which zoom M. • • Germenil 'would <occupy. The first thing to be done was, having -engaged -a room tor themeelyeeto obtain•aocesa to the bunch ef key!, ari d take off -the :one which _ opened - -NI, Germenirs -decor. It *mild probably re* - quire some adroitness in'order -to get Dos- siotion .,of the key, but:surely between them -they ought to easily sirstseiti a vills.geois liko Pierre. - The key ono° in their poeseesion.- the reit-would be easy enough. As SE on as the liellee was %pin quiet .and every one .falitaileep---L." and theeeceuntry fake sleep • sound -7—they would by :meant of the stolen key -enter _ M. •Germenil's :room, poisons thernssivee of -the precious booty, andthen heV for -the road! . Remond -calculated 'that, considering early country hours -and the _fatiguing buoy date -they had had, the household Would . be fast ;Weep by 11 teeloele, azid that ab 12 o'cieak at - lateet they ought • to -)xi able to their plan :sad- ba off, whtob wow a give them a :geed -six hsure start before M. -Geamenil would be likely to discover his less, teas" nothing of the time ib would take to„Communieste with the gen. darmes- and the time thab. would be Siaated deciding in which- ditectionthe search': should be.pureued. • '" Bid," said --Bertrand, 14 SUITOSItIg that M. German were to awaken. and -teeing .strangert In lahs room were to :Call for help. We would be trepped then." • • • "-Rib I"- 'said the other, "yon are ,enibe, tant with your liteginary difficulties! He - won't wakterup,f . • " '0 -Hew can you ;anower for thakl" said, Bettraed: -"He won't awaken, I ;tell yen," iald. Remind in a 'ravago. tone and with the * yule leek hihis ejes as when bbs cOmpan- - lon bad spell en of leaving him. "Enough , of this; I'm tired of your 'A:cowardly fear- . -Chine, now, and 101,3 lie .epgage a 'room and fee hOW the land lies and if we can .get Ohance of sieeutiog the key. Summon :up yeriar-conrage now and .put bold face on • Above all, we anuet artailAtas if there was anything to trouble he or .ything we need tear.: *If .snericion Is once ,nsone'knows bow it will end. Assurance nzon ani4 and audaelty--4haVo :our en-% If thby make any difficulty about giving he a room, why, we can show eur pats, ports AO a guarantee of our respectability' our respectability, my friend, -do ysu :-hear -theugh I -must -admit your appearance 18 ,gainet us," There's net =hob to ;Choose between us ID that respect growled Bertrand to him - sell In a ,surly :undertone, • • (To be 'Vontinned4- A. model Wife. 4;--S0 you have get married? I am toia yen have made an 'excellent match. . • B.—Yee, 'my wife is a verk'iroon3plisbed porter. . She is at tome *.ev rything.- She Is at homein :literature, at hrce in -musio, at tame in irk. Only in' end thing -she is - not at hoine. - A,—Whatls that? la never -.-at home. .Lihe Son, LI the** :" My son," said Jinkine to his boy, " I • -understand that you so behind ths. scenes at ?" tathek—never 1" lied. young Jen -kine . . '" I'm sorry," Bald 'Tinkles, with a sigh, "1 Wae going to aek y-eu to take _me with you next time." England received 10,000,900 letters from the United 8bates last year. A certain member of a certain party representing: a certain district in a certain 8,atti is staing that the aocter .has ordered .hini to take a lorg rest from statesman- ship,as he is suffering from perpetual panels." " Impostible I" said Repre- sentative Allen; • that 'complaint involves - the postulate of a brain as an absolute necessity." "Another 'gulf . horror 1" said Vice -President, as he 'beheld the- Benstars9 tri -