Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-20, Page 5t. t • LuGlco.ovii entinet, Brace eour ty-� cto �r:24t-h LADIllst DEPARTMENT. -usefulness by our money and influence,g Tatting, 1,: Miss Nott ;: 2, hirs C Campbell - knowing this we .lift up - our hearts in Crochet, work, 1: Miss Symington; 2, 14" gratude to God -for vin us a shire .Campbell g Embroidery in, linen 1, -C Durnin , 2, Miss` in- this work:. In looking ....coil; the Symington work . of the year just past we have "Embroidery-- in .. musien,1,- Mrs, -Russell ;_ 2,� -. er little: to -comment ons our work - Mrs C Campbell y - Embroidery in cotton, '1,. -Mrs C. Campbell i has been -done quietly but steadily, 2.. -bliss Sy nmton -- our .meetings have held Mrs Strahan been d regularly; - Fancy braiding,- 1, Mss Symington ; 2,the attendance. fairly: g , ood; all wenn . _Toilet Set. 1 Miss Nott. - - 2,. Mrs C` Camp bergs wearing ,the :"White . Ribbon " belt- - - - : . during' the ear. We suffered :'the Fancy patch work; _l, A B .Tohnstoile 2 loss .of three m embers,-�one: to: a- bright' Miss; Symingtoa ... . - Patch work in wool, 1,: Mrs Strati an ; 2, er and better home .above, - the -ot er. :Miss -- - h re of . usefulness. ix to another sp, e - .new members .have been added :so we begin .the: year with -.renewed thankful-. ness.. The special work , 'of our union has been a series. of -"Parlor meetings"' Under eetings- under the- able `Management of County. Superintendent. -which have _been_ suc-: cessful in- advancing. -the interest in temperance work, but we. still have t0 .deplore. the factthat many christian women -hold �thernselves `aloof .from .the: W. C. T. V. and fail to_ see the: truth that temperance -work' lies at the_ base ,of. all true - missionary . work- of. the most Christlike=character. - SCIENTIFIC TEMPERANCE. When we realize that temperance. and -hygiene 'were last ..year _ taught - to 15:1.8-17-, pupils`-- w4hereas fife n ;yearn ago, only ::18,9$�; it ;is ih rejoic- ng that welearn-a new and .improved temperance text boo_ k is • `now -ready for schools, , - whf- -Children we remember . that of ay -are the citizens of the future . -and- s :- the home is the -promise of the nation, we recognize the value of persererving effort in their behalf. i "Unfermented Wine," three. of the village churches and two.- in the immediate vicinity whose 'Pastors re e in town use. unfermented Wine` at 4,4444441 -Enibroidery on bolting cloth 1. Miss Nott • . Linen shirt, -_liand .,made, 1.„ mri-W Mc - Miss afinington . .. Linen, shirt hana made, 1, Mrs- Hamilton . Pair Woollen Gloves, 1; Mrs W MoXenzie ; . Sofa Cashion:,. 1, Miss. Symington f 2, Miss - Pillow- Shams 1, T Anderson.; 2; -Miss - Point lace, 1, .Aliss Nott ; -2, .Miss -Syming, Craik patch:work,- I; Miss Symington ; Suit ladieS' under Wear, 1, Miss Nott ; Ali s Tinsel , Work, I, Miss Nott • 2 -A. it Joliii- Etolii,rig On any material; fine or .504Pet f . . Wax Work,. 1, Mrs' Campbell ; .2, Miss Sy -- Woollen.- yarn, I, . Airs = Hamilton ';', 2 . Heinton Lace-, 1, .L Syrningtoni 2; - Drawing room screen, 1 Mrs C Campbell ; 2 - Table Scarf, I M Bethune ; -AB -Johnstone:. Tex cozy, i Mrs- C Campbell ; 2 'Mimi Nott - Ribbon' work, 1 A B Johnston ;.: 2 Miss Nott Woollen shawl Crotchet or nitt,- 1 Mrs 0 • Painting on silk or satin. in oil, 1- li-,Sym-- . - Tire 'screen, 1 Mrs. C_ Campbell - Fancy tidy, -1 Miss Nott - 2: AB Jehn ton Chenille embroidery on:felt or plush,1 IBS . Mantle drape, _1 R Young ; Mrs Hamilton - Cuil,,tion of Lt,di-es work; I Mikis Nott ; 2 1.'25 ; : - Connell on for - gravel, pairing: culverts ::on . con. 9 -E.: D.,� $ Charles: _ McPhee, . ; repairingf, culvert, $3 : Chas Robinson for barring .dead sheep, :$1; A Be ton ; for . nspecting grav-e1,: - 3t75 ; J Simpson, _. Inspect- grading and .underl drain 5 6 and 7, $6.45 ; ThOmas Lannon ravel to Pathmasters, -$8.56 ; Hugh McLeod also for -cover and work on bridge• -at Silver Creek, $24,75 ; .Alex McLean, for cedar tiniber, ; H McLeod re - McLean for cedar $7 50 Thornas Whitaker for treSpassing on private, property, ; Robert Drennan . for grading on D L., $5.29 ; Patelich Doyle Gravellink ' con. 10, $13.57 ; Jas McClusky gravelling, S R. 3 and grairel, $19.50; Jiihn, Hart, Inspecting Harrises bridge, '$6-; Thomas. Dlsher pleading bridge 9n 5 R 9 and 10, con. the. Lord's Supper holding the wine -of cominerce— unfit for sacramental service. In flower mission work 250 sicic visits, 150 text cards, 30 boquets a -good, quantity of jelli6s- and fruit other things were distributed and in. some install -obi money wat given, all of which. Were reteived with gratitude. " Literature 1 500 paves have been -.distributed, the boxes at -the post office, railWay station and, mehanic's institute are kept replenished, with Journal -,4 our own paper the SENtNEL is given items on temperance '; 21- of our members subscribe for the Womqns Jogrnal. This year we have addea to our other departments that of Evange- listic and juvenile work which was much needed-, praying that , drunkness ar..d impurity may cease and holiness to the Lord -be upon every hOme. After -the above report *as read `,,the 'following ,officers were elected for the ensuing year. President, -Mrs. §mith; Vice -President, Mrs. McDonald ; Rec. See., Mrs. Arrastrong Cor. Airs. Hornell; Treasurer, irs. Berty. ing gravel con 7, $6-; John Hamlin. for Inspecting gavel, con 9,, $.1; Robti and 1; $5.25, _old° fOr cuttirig hill and gravelling- con. 12; $9.75, and -repairing on 5.*R• 3 and 4,1,4 7V- D., $21,11a,!tThew.• Ferries: ditch on con 10- .2 • hos Lann-an grading and gravelling con 9,, $5.95 ;-.Thos. Stewart lor burying a dead horse, $1 ;1 Jen Dalton repairing culvert con 8 a4d 9, $1.50; Robt Fitz- gerald . for .plank $1 ; Joh-a. Aiggins for tiles, .$5 ; Drennan repairing • bridge; $164.13.; John Webster -In- :CROCKERY"' ' CLASSVIME,".iCaOCERIES .i!PROT, .:S:41113 -Lhatve in..,sOckthe -following Apples Blacking Black Lead Blue - Baking Powders ,Barley, vot Bath Bnck Beans • Brooms , Brusltes Biscuit- Coffee- – Confectionery .Canited. Goode Cocoa ChOcolate Corn, canned - torn meal Ciirrie Powder Cream Tarter Cocoanut Dates - REPORT OF LUCKNOW Sabbath School ,and Juvenile . Hygiene-, Mrs.- ,Killbourn; Flower ed Wine, —Mrs. McLaren Parlor Meetings, -Mrs . Ross Diangelistic JoUrnal Mrs: Hornell .and Mrs. #rni- specting con 12, $2,12 Ge9 Thomp- son balance on IHarris's bridge, $35.87; Wm Kilpatrick, Inspecting at »un- gannon° bridge, -$20 ; Mrs McRae, charity, $5; Donald Matheson putting cap. on Carricks bridge, $1 ; Sam 'Walker, Inspeting pile. work 5 R 15 and 16,12 ; M. Brown repairing cul- vert L $2 ; John Martin, gravel, $8; H. Chambers gravel to Path - masters, $5 ; R. _AT Antosh, Inspecting Henderson, ditch on h'O‘undary, As -h - field's half, $9!; *Jacob Miller gravel - the Council adjourned to meet again on the 2nd dair of November.' .Tbe annual nieetiitg, of :the Wi T. - IT, was-- held in the Oclaellows hall on -The Tren,S0,1!er's. eport-for- the -year. shows about the work -engaged in clur-. mg the past year -is as -follows.: . It. ,wai now Ave.- years since this . -union - organized to work for r --(16d Soda bried Apple Figs Extracts. - Oranges ' ' ' 8SSPttralacrweellaberries; eanie Fish, canned MMaucsatarrdni Fish, dried Gelotine Hops Gingers furey Licorice LLainardPs Matches mMineer. Meat PPrpssaeaeeeellsv:41tp.nisti-9:-..... . Pearline Raisins - Rice : Yeast Cakes Teas - Tobaccoes . Vinegars Whiting . Dinner Sets Dinner Sets Tea Seta Water Sets Oat Meal Meats, canned Seeds Cream. Sets Berxy Sets tAiagneEia ' Sugar Toilet Sets • . Syrups - Goods delivered t9 any part of the thwn. • No. 1 F -lour always on hand. NOTICE will•be held pursuant to the Voters' List Act by His Honor Judge of the County Court of the County of Iltron at Dungannon on the 2.8til Day: pf October, .1893 At 10 o'clock -tO hear and deteimiike the several -complaints of-. errors and ortunissions in the -Voters! List of ths Municipahty o Weit-Wamanosli for 1891 AlI persons having. bUsiness at' -the Court are required to. attend at the said time • and Clerk of West WaWanosh, LEOD'S yawn Itukovator, Arid other tested reziediet SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Impure; Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia,' Sleeplessness„ Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of -Memory -Bronchitis Consumption, Gall = Stones Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees. St. Vitus' Da ilee, eniale Irregularities and General Debility. $1. per half phit autt $2 per pint bottle. Proprietor and Manufacturer, Sold by -Harry- Days and A. B. Congram Druggists, Lucknow.- BORN LucVnow, on 'Tuesday September 26th, the wife of T. S. Reid, of a daughter, PEOPLE'S POPUL 0 eg0314 • 041ZOntla IN 'to settle'.Wilhout Change, eavilig Until further notimi omme4cing October .6th' 93 11310T5 Attention To obtain' ASHFIELD. _Ashfield Council met:on Saturday, Sept. 23rd. Members all; present.- 1V1inutes of. previous meeting, reac(and • by .Girvin,. -seconded. by Kiolcley -that the' Olerk.. prepare a: by.: ing'-alplgunts, Geo Thompson .parit Pay iSatiriclers.' for. gravel, $3.71 ; culvert, $600 ; Alex Hackett for ''Farrish: grayel. pathmasterS, $4.88.-; . .John,7Bo*ler for inspecting graivei, $3.12-; Robert MeKeithi $3;15 Jas I;Jan.e for graVelling on Con.- hona and natiVe.'land," We- started- gravel; $8.24:;•.Frank, jury -for gravel, out with fear onit tierobling.notknOw.• $10-.00 -1--Hart & -RiddleF for ...plank ing how _weak *omen could..49 any:- -forms and Material..tO. 'the •ballot thing to stiVe their_ fello*'-areotures :boxes for. inimiCiliollgection! for ',1892. .. from the curse, of intoxieating tdrink,- .4nd :1f3,93 alSo :School; Debenures, $19,-.- . Wliei our _ go*ernment allows'. it tO be 2-;.',Tacot, Miller-. gra:Veiling -co* 13, -sold in every -tOwn and village $35.:55 ; . Drennan, 1 repairing Dominion: But 'He; whois 41e to O'Rielly's bridge, :$2 ; -Charf,es: anstain_and strengthen those who put ner graYelling Port Albert, $3.60 ;..Jas • • their trust -in him has helpect_us now Garret, grading it Port -Albeit Harbor, for five years -and given us- a'-.viork "$3-4 D. .Canipbell partipay•for 1:10ridge •-,10 that- we feel Cannot be: aside.- -8 15. and,16, $50 ; jaSReed -for cut, We alio: think that -by taking up ting timber and repairing -0144 S,R . where. _ v.re -.Connot- expect -to .haVe eo culvert 8 R 9 and- 10,4145 ;.iThoinas MURCHISON, AGE1T, .lA:dis'.:.fili.4•31i-o0 ?..cOme tiOafer to .perfolqi•-*-fc4....614:.tiif64:t, : .-.? co .eog611-oft ..t.110:TI. .. :1_1,T.ty T. tii 144:- . el e .. •.T.O0.-:.e,ai py fir: 0. -t1, -...-0-01-14.J.1" ,-e.r.s'. .irith....:..'pri.*: ....Olio r- ....lifi:e.S... -....._T *.e11 ---as th4e-bonOtnicitfli. dEs.- Many departments of wOrk.- ae.: they- tonna* repairing culVerti,..5: R 4iind 444 NEW CHER SH best prices for your CPTITFR it is to your advantage to use FINE LIVERPOOL SALT, and bring it to market in rolls weighing from 21.b. to 3 lb. or in tubs. Crocks por pails at this season do not bring as good prices. 2 Q. SPARUNC. . WEI3STER BROS. Having opened a Butcher Shop in the Building" on Campbell Street A plt4r foot wants a neat' attracti*ip.,- .,OhOe„ -sell -,a bat11..-felOiteril.ents.. .Ands.. is ao„Coolplisbi4-191..t00., UCKNO w H, smiTH;SIT: BOVIC STORE. 110 I The through Colonist Sleeper will be -Oohed to train 1.eaving Lucknow at 10:48 ama. on We are prepared to supply. 1.1e citizens of the Village and Farmers of the _ surrounding_ townshipp with all kinds of RESH REAPONABLE -PRICES. • •Meat promptly delivered to, any part fk the Tillage. A trial Solicited and Saiisfaction F EB MAR. APRIL • Arriving in Toronto in time to cwinect with the through Colonist train, via, North Bay and C.P.R, There will also be au xcuRsioN TRAIN Every Tuesday during March and April. Baggage checked through to destination, also through tickets sold. No ehange• of cars Considering all these= advantages we ex- peet te secure the traffic this season. For any info/I:nation apply to D. m AYES Leads them all for Groceries Giksi0 Fruits of All. Kinds in Season. 1NE TEAS he Largest Stock; 1*-Cliotcesi Goods, it Pm Best Vase /NC // YIV