Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-10-13, Page 84 .-0.0 AV T n ruco. -Frid -:0'ctdb.",'3tH h -ti- _B. IP077 7_ I J; Uc W. e r'h,e..:L.*' kno. an v ee i n -S. ork luddedAful- pa- r1ar; meeting. -Work Ze ices , - '. I Pador, M t' m r, en -of:- -United W. ry.. 8 Wraer -ma 6 n Will- attend_ the e auspice I -of e 4 this -was J. ng 'ag bod Sunaay- � ie a ri �ii& icQ of 'M i s.­ vil under th -th' W ---0.'JM E rrli�h Church. in on 1. ld'.at, �th­ A. t.7 -mormn9i on(�y 6rnoon. next At: A-1 B on 0, dlodk: las W 00011 mque -e 6rkm n are sted- to assemble -T-r sident Mrs Sy I pied -in- ge room,At.. al,.- ast ten singing. a p 4 1 f 4N the lod And chair. the prayer. join 'in the prociespion the- thurch adi and hyrnn, �Otiptdre 9 -6 -0 the! d- pp o Ju_ �When the Mev.-Xr� Mile pre 0I Bry' - - a Ali worded - ad- St 11 ach sthe' s' t. b ''y t Lato Mr In D he dreiss we.0014P e o her liom'eiiii erAP A r.6tty. G6'rd6 SIR 7 it MiM (Dis) g- &.1 ry, -1 W11 _o entit, -hand that -rocks the -.of Sol, vere an oat, .0, -e hiub, -Wa-M Take a leaf of a tre'.e. or a cradle-. is rickig ..the. the hand Oat M -all, --p ery n- _011* �OU n spiri - s- -d _iity over. it -a., S*", -.*..t iece:: of whi linen., wo*rld,. after1ir h_ -1V rs.,�� Geddes!. gave: in t -eady made 6i'The d r Stock .6ft R soaked 1 -of. nitre, -"an Ou W ay _fine reAdi -av -o b6ok-' between tho e as f �"aheavy paren C. I r -bilig in. now.co -with a sheet'. of tar- to roceive ihi Iuot nipleta. fo IS: :to� 14 1011�. M U W -Qn.theevils. .9. &A 0. 6, -as A-1 i Tr dq� ill finc sy- 6k Uside"for a il r traffi pap H mbiet��_ g�We terestirig talk it i6prossibn.. L- -the bo L; a yo r Mrs. Littloi- �bf Ivert-94 formerl' of y h,, `*hen- travelling. --fe.07 da�.s and. the -4 examinei. The, - I'& itn -i d' b' h P, f �w 600. varied .-and. -values will: bo'found devo d - Of � colors which large and. M_ Ily will. Ve -transf6rred.!". to:- 4h' ha b6e'n _! - - 'now a presenti-- spo e- a- L�ie_k k. g e -i A, original 7, un-excelledi- paper in -ill that -:b6aUty- f 0 few w6ids "congr -tulat adies ays, Abit And.- Outline of the leaL. .'so x onthei, I her - pleasu IV.Succlessi Ana awho tri' d th .on e e axporiment� meeting. he on e. -more. Mrs.. in t f muge of .-Oredito.rAn4DOI�tor',- rms Mug SAUK -titled- !1� -1,14 W o hve a' lso a Ull 7t b t lease - sir, don nsiderb e -A ease of.,- do bl interest- io. sa 0 -1he presi -0 'h --_nceA. Melis Waterpl o . fs, e or and debtor-- w (16cided- at the - en tb ad 3. a Ave or ounty. assizes - at - Birrici eek..' _n1a - lugs. BAY'][ 9 �nd the h in the" aiket .-e- b st, c ast w -present Forem an�-Broi�. of:-G6lIin'.wobd- 'great 'pleasure 6 -s-ee..so many ere g e ed that eery- on the - Coat. -to" acdounts'for saI6.. pist -keep sued f4advertising and th - at rsh6- as as 'in W-0 there* u:ld--use. fliew in fluence n..tho b t filie'd e w'. -_di6ilded- of r m- ry an ra d 6f rl thi on - a in. ev.4 cause ht. Th next the - merchant wy the-priiamme.'-was a Pa ILI S. cislon wi A db ar in d *nter-weather.- -TIA ill dispel illy Idoubt as we I rendered,-- -and - an... -wi n v�hich N n- s about adiriertising. for sal�_ a 6ou i. appreciated 'by. �1 M ed.- -hit the, iness men - canim& bus* viblunti, kr ZOU y telign be t rou me- S d tried thsit b1i th: collect the'' ev!B ion's' th-ese. miei tiibti. �glven i'ven' to,. the superin ur st6ek; of T*66d g -The: Enquir dent of Aeds and The rst issue of the' h6w aper: . t es, W6r a sionary �wo to--iid in buying uxuries- -issued rg t -qua.. 1 sed 'wwith- Mipley Isis week. Itis. a for ..-.-,Afte refreshment a was .. .16 Ordered:,' suits and.-. over- an ii6at Seven columm'" rto d 'coll- weru eined giTi iee ta, a 16k of local -item's as -,:a si g an e iesre ;9 - on asna W4py IL . - Prayer. ats,C 'It - h" d. 'T -b lAd'i ,pa'irdd t6 their. homis,1111 I a'gr baiii ar that goiod.-adi�ertisin neafl� - al -1 -,you - ­ - - i the ill 6 beincy li� d an., i . -a'v;e *f e cellelit vAlid d tha� b ;Ud `ptofi usiness- men- in dnt. ry represent s u n :w berno n . 11j, oone sudc6ss: -eirpro we y UK] ZD 41 KXERA- sar ma & n -1.11 eo&t ovek ed -iii. -it' -661 m a It ill _b 0 M iidependent i politics..':. -We wish Of' will be-� Me LOCAI iy -�n in. their, iemis it a I S ch r g t6 ou �6.ods. �.z,-Coudft" -to] eAde' based show.. Dairj�-, Asio -entf U� 0 he.leaves ire-. fall ifig'-fkst. 6. annual c, onv o' ' f the Ni airy, i�ger_ W- :menVass-ociation ill --;be hela,itn' J ard - 4 Dt annon e tg. ru. e us a call onW@dn`sda3..-. A w I nua Th' ociatioh:wl ra n ki- , , t - . gave soll i'-. e, eek 'a Ja th f6uith -MU 090 e Se�retary'of th Aag: M d M 9.'-Gof r: an' on- pent. §u. 'k -wor �,b ss-! onlilnUe thd suc d BRr ssells' ay.- with'friendsl fully last .Season,., of - ittendil lo�al- raeotipgg atrons� of chees f 6tories; i iss. gsid,J POST OFFICE& M, -M -1 8 1 te&i�'. oi. an Jeft Iry _6 a r s s :a -add -.-Monday. laA for. nd givina': > S att AititivE, ng. rt -16s degiiin&-hi end-. L�The tree -in h ok - 1 dairyi Pa beautiful :'ance -at mee -1��gs 0 -ald. Qorrespoiid nsho. h- thsl� -'go. (.,n Ad� el gre.en -G.- B'South 6-13 a.. m D�xily M, 12!L30 Nvi e-sepretary at aii early date. fo44ig &B_North' -ig fr6m S'4ddresEis J. heaton Hi wi. W t goin N t -0- -v u�Rlchuionkstreet ondon On he lll�ge'to 09S 1 - 0 d' ay. gi�nn L $I -3:48 P. ra Wil G. B - N orth (Friday A Cheeky.Tram-p n of n1hi A ench Oxx� 9611dav -18;st a.tramp, who. he e- diaW 't 9 00 P., - , -.. - - -: �, e W: e ro erme R North L - - : T. M,� - - 1 10.30 himsbIf J6 --at. 'the disit ch rch ha8l bee'" n hed u aIry nd r i of -Wi:� I k well. is 0 p.� vi, Fifda,yg es�denee -Xr.*, ar WO t.. Helen e, c- of Mr.� are- r a rs We I d h _duriing'thb abs n e W �iG. & B S t: g 0f th 'w 8- & SheriiF,�-'and iiiide 12-himkolf quiio 'at a & iously'- ilL, is - B. South t6b -d6t.e(,-t­ er ive rebover* 'I G.& V_ B.Nortfi 3 -20 p. m! d -Sh6riff- to t--- hi d i tro T t Wiyvr06 4.30P.M. Mr.- -j. I.H.'A g f or o. on o, 14-10 ag'h thi' to o'. t - 'ash his And, We have c6nfid thi department *that m. some n w S.0 iiy v ougin -17. ,sp. nt, nd, iith -- all once in s eans goods -and Warit., UporiAlm. neral d% c' ge ly, rda -before, ii Vill 'Axwstrong� j*ewiller'. Of .9 a e The New Stock is dy e; .9 -p es, re.rights and. business good, f, of., animo ding. a� ew, the a 'is -Sp St I and Mate Is thorou M6K_ sk-ed- 'he' hou --Pur8ie out. a vviijg-thei' setoW a f TT* d t iii. C. in o the bureau and . loan: of y ria ghlr ad or British. C61' mbia. I.. pted f ' Fall Wear. AP vero nee ame iL oney x . Sh riff School Suits, .'Double 'Brasted ts d till-he'c b dk. 41 lid 4- --vici t ho.1% -a very ..nervous womapi., w9t Pints. weekx-"WiW.-61d-frr'e' s1ithis y y- �:��We -at Pi r. d.-Surveyinig.., b e �by -the bold ad' N Pred ered�w -d'onnec ion With adly. frighttn d v e S d to gee aving sev ho.� been, 'ill turer. -Thi -tramp: was arrested --oii Rdberston w for the-, -th, Registry offie in -Walkerton J bo. r6 nd -ag near e a Oounty, ipawwhil%�, to u Wn deida y T es -W ter- by d to- attend to ainy-siuryleys that 1, pre Mill W '_thoughput--. -the .-Constable D - Oa�ier R. In bo- -required. .on and talid.n. m�he evi, Mr ch _­ - . __ 1 -- -- NY- . .1 i RU 0 tion Wore- ry. xamina P. -,:,L. S.9 'the - mis Warren to -Dungannon fQr e- ciel. tem ran is es. eove.Ai Stewar. WIn. Xe odis kerton,.� -9. t urch U. A E. OR. LUCKNOW., M�A trat t: th, .41 lay evening scom�- Malloueh and J G. Ward and wa - ne 11 n ed. A Ure i ilit mitt Gric j4il for tri 1 i Fair ed to God" I'll a a is's'lm --of inl6ss,-- Jurls; 10Z., I e the first co of comptent di ad That: th6 166al press - is by. far th etroughi Vbile'puiting. up ankI6 rok6n it, a runaway. arn, of ex mean ver bu�hel it - - - her b" b- Mr. ]Kugh Chambdi ti. . . -.-- ... - ..., i - -- a . b' t 8 -of od.vertising..Abe ad*a'u- Fall'Wheak ning he eve �of show* 7 ay eel t c uty Oaol Staflitics Whilo.--Lroin 4d. Peai ty-raev-e of 'Ashfield., :one day la's Ugax -of a -town or., it 00 ome� from :yls a -recqgniz. .51 m cknow. - ;.. - 111. n Mri, P. ]�C-6,ysj; one--. of: Mn D 'The Statistic& or W f4 eilestate. 'me -of To at. .The r 0 alkerton' 28' e ye"ar e d eonv me -f�ll- about twdn For'sile or exchang�l f6k a good 4-1- ayl6es i tY Gaol for 1-th viding -Septemb6t -a soun -draught' -a ention a short, ti ,t namiths- heliavy' -held'� -Barley 666r, to tho,- grou-ndan de.4 river, itind im'on-g things- - done thpy -.Potat 1 6r�e. -out 6 the s ion f ten best 'ay- for- Butter p havo'-b d b .4th 0 *At�b�jh -no 36th" een issue e,Ner o�,, e were r agreed that th' w --qui e a t jail dr M -r- XcKechnie* It 'is- it 16� tt -Luck o 18 'b b" o4n, he -was, b#dly shaken. y e tall, Sta min.'.). Ap I MP13%. now. d'm T 0 P y, owns to tise. themselves was E per d6ze I ­ 1. .- - z . . . .. . I ggs, � Je�ngtliy *heet,.but'-ihe most interesting D ou it- may. be-. bri M-0 jh the mbdiuini of the local presp. 1�ay.,per ton� to 00 Alk. �gil_d;m .-.While, thr Revised- Vidrston art: of ie summarized 8. c w1or- Ing -a b te our per' t 81.75 to $2.2 _W' p �ly und 41 , k' tt -the -to 0 '49 The total expenditure- �The-Xaitlaiid Pres y riaf 8ociety Fl eathes - the -r' follows e a man with soul s- ta sal Tle s ew, bloc ou.N sd a rin. . I 4to, 4 -AWn k ay pouzids bf good D i 'd apples. t.d. himself hath d'. --t e year amou-n-, for, h ted-Jot4w 792 80' vewsbnt 1200 Ao xevar -by. fal 9� bat -iidi al1low oca. paper, a bo Ilu su antial clothing to,*th e apx,.Qu th for b ill 1311V I I of which.9567.35'wentorfbod, elth-.. ad one* of. his ii . -W -if uch d -ine lie -N beffic 81375 for sAlaries AgainstA -�wj -lbet T. ,At and !k: sake ?, Ahe L11. PH' e A t Rasor L d rep' s Ave the. and $763.54. for. aira.. Th6- Imprage auxi, iarie .0 re -be- let him repent an Mr. D;4tolu McCArt M P. Th- C. ntributing we cwt. ar no mars ux. ,on- mat O'Bir: i6n. 1U -P. wil I a ress �K " I' - . I 1 1 2-Y, hal A. incar- -kn-4 ifho'll s'pend -a' P. y -'or..ma*lnting'.each:--''p'riii' ­Kinb cost --f Wool perlb,' 6.. par 4in el Luckno, South Kitilos or _as 7 um. . J.'. cents. The. total n ber elpctois .:of Perth at Listow tiappy winter., he in- advand Will gsi let per id- White- lb.. pay I prin a -year out the 6f -00-tober. Tev 10 tiddle 16" of oners m-mfited r th Ripl�y, Pine R ver, Lan' Turkeys, r lb .17ioeak it ussels 4me� "abOUt -Ah6� s Sk - Ducks,. pe -w 16* of. W 16 d chuicho Heleifts Br th .08 as hich -,6 . -these- 52 were. �com 6-:: 8 M pr Irn overnents alo.- and Wingham Gie e, Ver; lb. 6ad 0 a_ over rail -W in.:hal emitted f6t th-e first for -the: I -The r -parcha d t se ir who fails t 001c foet f on -Campbell A ontage 4tr Get, second the third and for, --carefully every st -rat 0 "isi tW week,: misses sbine 'a 3 f6v ne.: was, the' _iertif4ments WEST -RAY C. TT On D! Na4dyss 'barbf,,r -sho an Moto -6ned fro A -V -M-r., M. -a han the ''third ow e s of' th best th 11911 tha a c� ffaviniv ed prin�. committdd­to-. th.w.0antra'I prisonl who- and fidt 0 HE1FZViS;2RED AXV-Q c r en 1pbell a;hd av ng es. �1_ iewel c -Arckdf -ban, WE WHITE M ence -e- 11jht ro&u te, eck,%ud h, d, and one Judgi Ole -is 'h th 'While six ere acquitted 1P p Pe Tiennantt: office's -Ama: died- in, uch differ b- red on then r tha�t- theare .1!s n c mers.-. - Mff rm Id a., I e n of w such mf6riftation pz--- o ns e u y erson aiving b' th dirertixer 'of to diLy,,' And 0 -gai s - 'or u1sto -'all - riduo Years 6 u e as 33 -form `ly. sid t h. tfial b. thi .'judge. Tht.pirT twe4n e a eg. h h ; A P a and oaces removed accrovis: .,hia ed ant displ. e h A �ng in I rs a on the itte 'wore: arson d whi 'th th -specimen enty legid their recovery 'will be uitably, .,rewar- ular, ell ey of ` hi a "busi ffe �s.' for' e .#terotyp6d ;he interest! were a m �d s L the'rei: is betWe ad- tO�PAfit place. . yea , ago ed. ALE7,.3, REID ai -he, sel b aderp All wide- a.,st A anly; �Urg &ry It" bi- bei con wLT�he -Pr.6 b. yk of sickl and t f i ery at theWdrlds Wes Id tem e. now. ori 1025-7.4 0. perty, _k wi� --pe6p1s`-are -adver iisng t e t -pro -me tin lZrat Lu -d �in al -Langside P. pt of coutt.. etroy - 11ada. has 'not. --ofil h. ��gges 9 -to - consi RL di P. embazzi tues ay 4�it'at I der -now for -4 erxii6rik, fio areen d the fall trade. y. an e at, tfie 'World's Fair, 'C' icago, PU IC- TIC 0 '49 4 ed iagranc ent, a call. to Bev. -M. H.-_ G fis of Wh' a- y T.h.ere werL w n.app ei�. th� cake. also u ay4" e es ;h rch rom-- H Av nue -St DIED 1. b j� no�"o CUpat-j®nl-r3 _0 . e . c trpon Brit sh -P IkN OR.4BOUT :R a .-On'.Octhber 5th. -th6 daughtdrf John 47 ers I �contractor 3_. -coopers 1- doctor, �Ilatharinesi,. and St. -Pa vid'4` in - the 0 8 THE 01UMba eon dci red what he. si ired ad Eitly Ro of, Kinloss,ii. Aged 11 . . _Auguist a white' -sow came n e o to0*1 a 20 0jys-. , -_ ' - _.. west Waw -Iggest - app if- in w- 6uths .14 :CoUrs anosh. Th endineers'.-J-4 hirm t-lAbol, Ts- -Fresbytery:.6f 11amil to lot. 0 wnerr 11 b the rld and, f- On* 444 take the -�aMe ay re4 6PQ P tiail&.r, I -ti 'h rty, all 'd lie. nmit e sesationil features 0 ueAted to piove pr aMges measure( wrig'ht t, i4--v6gou 6 dis.Wa th6 W. orld" abl V JAMES. LYONS h' -1 lair are a; matii'moth. eig ing The. .-praessor h :1 1 r. uckaow.2 0 es in iircumfeieiic, And - -unenumera and 25,. tied. s to re -weighs 241: 19 by. -F0 r s terian,- y SA as receive weira �Cafhol 69 20 P.6' qu. F40 M R -thodist' -C6 an. rch of :Eng!"' d -4 86 s. an m in th--, red -,mdon that this: had -been award 0 grown T 21. OON'. _.L0 COX. 5 qr onr iH �mce 200 acres,. -Itch A4 all, animals W. own 9i 8 Will to nationa, it Hur6n t sb�i� 6ntai I umpki f"146 -pounds both 0 4 A er am ati nd, 12' of' oth d As of. the (6big- a -pp -,e,. there- in o. 13. 1i y, 44,: d -Go with firSto1a8b -for. e. as b we ana _b i P9 the apple from: Kasas I�. - I 1PIP arnock, .'I deri., a bargain 0 red in SO miritites I ited _T -y% Woo 0- �of th kind- Engli- b; -8- Irish 4 se' tch i i, d­a"l6n'g.!w1 th d that P 0 IT Lot arranted by :B ��Ich ha prevrou -hold. _St 6r countres d' ion. W t ree GEO.. MAIR Ca -on th groun -Druggist. Ba6k4hms Lu*nWg. y I- J U_- Wa Br- U t n y A"