Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-29, Page 67-7 a 7477"-- %; A, 45, dd T R- - --77 h &MOWN eke&% am Suva TAM.' OW CAMA6 w1h WN -M WIS.. Vuelir NAUTO OWN., U bo -d0 -hVA a "a. day Few of. POP a der - Manor -X% InIAL realize, Al t 4ild beasta fraUL of rhst $a imumm" u6 altle - He ThOU-W ComenoTore.9 or A �,Ower thy: Spirit. did-depa; SbO PV to ..tra"An rt hwj U1311LIM like the 21 doUb8thtsly a Sodom At "S I and -of their We WM..%A" ebjoomeaintUe'iUMVe' of my tau jhq Wad d y t, bi out �14 -- Thou -a gone, Alos, was, t bellev& t hav wht6h 1 06=9 Tha room. t lie wr f�q *q ima . COIL "d.tako doath-, C11 tho 81010' of orus, new lip their pletura for r hear. beW9 .,�tu frequen.14 my readerlea,,. !thee n6ve 7 ything Was. dde10117 to log be - Shan di riesu 401 Ae A is, eg Ger ------- *imoeiv a V, writer nal d- 11iii'de- rar more behold Ever OIL% wha�t Ed f vill ao� A -wa �n bi= pim again 'the scattered 07 rine. ths the weary XM. eti ;h. burning gaul 03 �p Wd W Abor --V n"i $.the - P IiIii giko& � - . l .­ ou remel Whe Q1 V 11 .' Aar F THE M '%gsi.jie and r. f mell ..t's �andt"-' column RIT U on thatLdlky.. long werss. �usedte -ING ---0 - - name 101� �aid thebo waste Of MU wer4i open StA - 1310 Ato 589 le- 0. ds -8 'is Wit W -Odd be As it draws lieskrer yiel 819* way - b ,,�,,'ToA�n6d aiA10778 i]j, their -miai;, -: were iLlimals is diag V -ha, -ny 03.. S 5 - . . that it, i thy. dow iders, Opet - HN ttiO Orem- j Whe av t open the as-tbey: I 'nowe L 410 -we t CC ;A 1p"4 bloom, 1 vs% i4a ilut Lisle -,on their - and irt the i of tdsuim W1 a er hY 8154ch Ug Caravan ltand'alOne'mid the fugles world er I -P 'at -And 88 min ag�. she bid -no Ing set up tb the -I -OW g-je their if he vore here.'; Edith Ee*board- a- they . - I . - th's Interie* dW is w be. at living creature4m, The.womalm on the lante. Woi 11 Me. X"x TA the st, mas 6f�li � In -d s. PLics Of fD&P d Ahoru-.� then, place to'&!, pr(ioesss h;ij lst& the- 00 laize May fia w,� Lab the 04 VU ind Om. itielf Into I do gs -.4 1 Ponder 'Whire Q111birt' ti�jics and individual 6dwh !he hours grow. -9" e: tbbu.art laid., to door- leadlAg' ita tho-bo A -h 1.t -pot wher Riout 0 fiistl: Opens ads bet wee "qj!i the Slieut 1161i 1 wii.rLder door ha�Ug boeu us regard th )Wn NV iher 6 introlici the -Phr. uot�ioq a arl fivo y- heart drsu Ilk t. then come �mv - - 6 - jidievible - . thd ;�U(jlthe mead .0� w Wi khtj� and , ks do Is ihe first plage We WjJ4 the tibbles, h4eight. g four BY There Was Ion ing - by of -f on Cteen is Aely Iraffes �y . . . - . . -- - - trmbldd AA j4 ­a huge rhineaeres ed. ir th - . - ill a Taper u MOVe J a - Ott th mates AaChsps there Was' . Badly - At bat the mates Shown 1h. tog hords. ph will jubstitu -ti#a fro' buffalees, bello*lng there am -Then id HIM* 3 f6rave elLf b behiad. 6rell n age. hav4 i9w it U. the lighter piece of T)VP f nib6r �f enormous carts at - - almost Immediately .1the -go umbering by W-uU. a, t od.ow'" I Ily- coafted sed,tLive -Od This e W&S -floated, ji in which are -800 Of Pure NdrWegian WIG six '6 hes OILS t. 'O�lynzeap� All. haags on- Ito ils$ t 4 It -t 8 han aggolo and it otory. IT ., an 6 or of t a a current floor i 11 a ljojivirdsq -th lb'acrsp ot was caught the 0. feet tj�' As It felt t YPOPh Ps .1 lif joundo %cresi: the, - reorao� itten If: ju cannot a 66 -a little - _9 4 *entlistd; - on t,;hs- Sixteen but4opess, b1dow -to a �e of and vau, V - both, itaitted 4f Aid dbobt twenty am& Ue!r I r -were- dI.-. lt� the upp wefgli� IS llnr"erish w" d jg02-G%W.46Gn paper. VOVe' they v t se Vc. a illa-open- doorway U0,08 Lmpa�6lbl� 110P ton? to 0 is' I - my� ap- lie tyus:mond,62f"l re monkey can: -tbe pa 'tS6`bl#' move it a 4s. aija for Edit'- he� tq6ois� Am spring-frota -jj:.ot the. dr 0 tol mounted uim*ls, four. African "t and th -veww - AT inLocauce per, ielling ever upon 6 &0 i6uudg, b it -in me de%a* -.4nel) me., ad 9 no$ 0"- -slowly Pranoing 71 I sm, 89 Let teetb-- Hdith be.1% . d. then. there. oo no* 44 Gil"-ctt" . - -GaUgAs-, lains bwenty.sixogtrichese- I - And 611 ry, res eggs cultning's I t Ai W tl Altitost as Mew That 611p iier ar r direatte om watch. ej Bilievi IstZ Adric 9112" .6wenty box d on!N re Ina btle gai-imAl G -ul TA�re'ara rrep;Lye AUM -own 4as -true, thAt o-,awlhiiLig -up buili by the� 6a of birds fr k Ahwvla- -kitty 1 HOW :.. . ug long raircor constantly onel T beiss or- reflmbig are ieffiiob 69.0bi' kittYl.ohj Ohio -a have sq6tida (if Ittill" the sw. �h terrible iials f you she WAS rOjito Dire UP W1 an, 3SP48 irdi lirgAud Iq -her In Her h -free Nve sol -A sud A: Aa. of te The is.- in� &Vi3L8b0i­ f.-om t sestbered bare 04 'Adth appi -U�Medy CALTHIUS -a !eh6n! 901% ' treabliOg Id-angta in. the proceN OrHas pqjs and- jecL �jff the'Oonfaiston si-mirriar the dteid'6f sib Tnese-are a no 41i -ll Lcig a An tnuat -have d to serve t# rceo t 1 106 --a ki tten %11 W00161M so erical r In all, Vilik far, the young anim. recaverY Vi plai witi. allel: &4i of 1191' the old. -a 1V uddsictlY broke in'Uts' be Paris, j meet for lwoio"t T 'r 1jeotof. . . - f �od. . 4 ugh the ahro thle 15 On- its. i t iiied- eajpedlo�ily fo _V use it andoai 1�f remember W,r sob R# Tile- dsr the' fit-st shiP- CO. AddreAs. :V W at sh A tits; id%lVrotk thf6s1n1--- an, Tnere girs n now Orkin- the '""e Ff'&' IOh" Saski -morwaq -6`1' ace. a ad is -a- ms:whtp VVOL -9 .0 Lose Wlao iau,33d Liv -teeL'I Sole - h to opposite bit -ivhioh- are -7 n1d Le'edges, d repired, ir sae,,BW kdgme ba0k to to t a thick OW 14 v little, - kitten belongs' Lon -12U 0. -the the c4s-Oros, 3L and r.- That cams a d for -this- c&r-A"1 h fo B-160 P.%r y -lg.aviag - , * rd of WbLo -bL.sd t, in1he aert at like Xi6U- 80 POWT-D -a the "re Up" Wild he' runs.. P&Ver.- which it" of ihirby" iaet&L -ring. -thol-,passring, Rion- upwar 0 T� Quads, ikes the O%rav& d 86ffa t t"3 n, tits ststro..`* a'abdut 7-50: F 4�ds-'. It U. dis-bauoe w a:q h1ah up: the Meat GJAPII-7 'b ix days t9L cover. _,vo.4 wita and in eau tg?1 a a 00'--P'a j1d a � '3 :1 - - r WA -Oaa 0 be Bait rior of ea aIr. in the U b Of as ]LPv sea is. -This Vast ena of- Which hich, they Tala look I-'Oate me and, thi p u h -in. n, of tho'big-I& a, -boll journey s us "b"ound 09 plale- -- . It lo . Wel) The z%M0. 411i'd tp -n P&P6 - . I ;-h -j door-' f sOng Loliiid 1.0 uP *a'l. twelve dsys�t -namier 01-11 A uat) dy formAL by qui n3 a - W h Welk the(other Wis o 1 08 Ui 068 a Died I, t ra w, p ilp] five -3 In rL -a,yiwiat' do wLth d.- At. � Whs-t. did a �jch are h wide. -up an WAY a. the.. seo� r botto 'd the -stora tied y- On. 9 11g, -whith is xhibibs in tho roe of the; ro-orn the inirr4c slid Y. meat US T. rou b , r"in. �oui the -8 ng- Uar wims Sap the i3madiessanO'c', 4f ab giaa.complat , d r Oj tae chimbers pail :. tel ce risl Fait t cjqj!ad-,uh 00, do '10-W -'&bA lu -Y trio ism]? 'tha -AOU 000.- dre4 6X&Mbie t M r -bbish f -the .4iffin, dA ii; wklo 1-0�6 4hi oditants 0. his iu- Fe full othe pa at Was nit there psps by tea -0 �ChA -p- jei.iq is W t Its. tenip Ou in -90m Oun facu'r-eis the ever popal.ar d j impor.to bhs-t yea..Put ma y y 6-Vii-datu & ton, the spologizd for: sked abq4t 400.pOun men coled. Will- id -the pa-il V" And: it- a!ne iihins asPa-'sto. �uae %nd-1 �davY On - s InaII and,they, wIsatylll. my 6.igesi fuhia-ja'J, eta' 44 is, re fddg� you- a or m A140 . I -- I te Ina fiell h%s %Ills Fain ]Ast ar. - .-asa WAR Oku, an raull the: I a ok h% UjLV Wbr - �� A t few years. d.. Gilbart now, pro Wr lzho - I -, ji'old­ LiAeluaiaAuu d of sofbcar� dai be 1p -31100 . an ii2 r%pld prej 1 his bast to d1or their r ija 4our in "the derasu -ojgh m I an - to, -ead Ta gre jjjm�,I, ... . -to add this summ4 .8 G! njug', r the eve ng. Iry 'bL invit - f d ato.kme-in fQ B U an., ni when orbLin- is -Does nezag Ads it AS: I wa lower,, or .6 n- dlidoa to -tha r INCLUD191a -dU inzebsr4, 12$W-.'. 0 o keep Us �9 Went I fifte-1 lit GlVibett- h onb-f6urthla �. I - a a iirc, M. the lauding; coa oease her - pe- Of! sof sive worh lea -t or go thab th--4Y DQ`w h' Ci ro w -ax,d'wornink lieved cites Ong aas, maktv� Hya Inth 'psi N ad -iion its r Tu .250 -000 sqq%re aideriuR.wh9-t Pou"a. --Bf rtoa ­vftd ha fast of ff 3a, But! Lid '118, id th-d -W&Iking' r%0 with- Copper.; the lar regArd.-­­-.-,o, the- man- insidei, dnda�acfsv and w&a ooated. aildry Oas 01 rops., nqulfl AeL0114g; er a is - is' a n is of tileir to . 1 4 anam . him m(la-4y r d. do.wA . It l. 6j_ib-�jj tj Dam don. .1 . zk-162 b -ow" Tki 6ttvelydilt all, 0 o4k t th,0' 46. ovi?,neg%tive, and.th IOU. obb. inch a. pars -3 kh4s taere, c*me ndAnd a 11-0st Of -at the do-irt =0 the clato igined ag%ill I'' ant oratKir 11- 0 t �A� li�i is ht -of the AM6B9 bat th �w i i3x#w tens a lig U to �gat thellu.�Xlfl lh� ­ - .1ii , , is tales! b tur n& ii the fj%O-b - a oub, wa-ot to k ba -1 aplipon-the rdecbor.-,�. 36YIS of' g I �knz)w where t Poodi ihet far 042 at- 41atch Mi n ube-pahoe as, #4re. , a three- membera of. th rm sre X tap our Gould 'bedroon . i - t% imum --clate Biqa a smbsrs.thvits, W 0 ITO - Is. Free to -the dabtia uventOrl r 9, Oat Into pitiates,12200-araperes.4-an praebical workmen And. i ale hastily U-- In f: do be wd- smokO ih 1 he that me ning 8% , 1partmiikt. of 911110 ar US to sayi , - ' 1 Imtnoge - int ashy - 0 ending was e-th6 Ump h-sis r J0 jowe coinma W& -9 .0 49 an d lady?' And Aye I:e 3ra was 00 -TO -0. 009 pWDLII,. market- te-d. -Y to,thst o. Ushed ints- the - to m what nt- jLkej the a - I J�Batf r6 i1no line a the it Was ear. d r alt Aug r -90m.. 0 VIOUL, - 8 Of 6ods,6 -pule out W d� 0 im I to say the E & Th W, PEA R laaa u., sw ves, - ran ders f dam zoin ih where flacta gee w -his.badro3m& -ia ii� ud he 0pene& inOn-, y falight Wai bder. ureuche!4 bedmom d bealm. a . i na firat:dakas- AhGrrib -06ppre ar R. e a itat r* all eawrpr oauqeri L be3;m,the:ope­ Helifax. to he siae UPO '.Iy t th t bikliat Aa -thia jAp titab,-inimse. I at looking of 00 dieti .9 S 9-0 only nisn!a brain und. m it I mi nguishes y ploked; had pas kitcheam--�J'Q to a, -bu 'is! 0 catsup* r whichhe &INAY i vaty voinal -U a ers 6 oompar" I , . ba -4m lis 0 1'- br thwt i Wn re (XV, U5.0s, Voll d- d g &n the. floor bo %A The tomatees a q es at' I � -h WAR. M6114W9 POR A: aid the' b"she joejed, roam, w dl La bAO 0sn- ink at. tild 1. Of tom Illy nWe u ego W VRA the bo� Y of grou, ad oglb- was. simply: dl of -11hil twa Unc �ha a114 W Vw The-evideqcIa at - eo I takes -A :biu e d's 4B.. ted in -h-id -the slidleattivkt Oto qreg t ollaces.01 grouid a t6,p No. fi 0 t116 'an o m! Wa go .16 a 414 bord�,ol. ididatLffidial. 116- out o P, q�irter q.=oe.o[b' ha al ab- of, Lak pppe;v why, drati- of blia -d 'in. Ili bedrodravI132161 �And dies, papipar, tWo ounoas 4 uD U you "thrlaggh. tile m "y Y s -g d .0 d -b he t id,7tW glagerf -discogrere j 1 .0 Ojanoes-ol ground -was b us sa t i and bettle 0 imed A that .-clan% on and 6 06ce zae"O. It vrm m5an*to S*y m aom%. h. ly Ail tha, W h d; and --the at 3g of ground lig6b otia, t are, Pee b tmbbr'hal d! .Was tite., ralse -e 'i-Ider vineg a_. -W esoape bi' rt& t teatii .-Of f in)fi 3. hi*lf 6114d of -( litions Ld, 0(�- p b his, an, TheV6:LUY- $Akit. -a a Ila c6niiecIddat for adi brott' t toeLs by so;41d.ftig, Tide, put.th M 'in beea d �ff e%i aw AND OLDER, L was not gone, -exin.l wIlL - -come lly- -I -buized carboax the' EA0HF 'w" here I Ze St rciteil suldide. b i�zi t�e and, wai and 61 Vie �M.111U. '00 2-m nigh ;tL toL rub T j the m MOAPY t1ha .0m,so 13 bL,U-chambera A d o,- p t�iiough. jnsid�p t I its? clerk,l oa to '41116t or [if the tomatoes are dead thel-caudle very oila�Lby 4 -�bed got 'A unt sm alkroys -Fr1eqd,.and.AoQ0 sill rnay be j3� nipulak hr - ough a a 78o 'fire V d its & O'd ha,4 rips jul) throug is Kiave withot. Usher, TorOttWe --b -opastor rem, DOfs h ty 1 ante OW Tion -add to Wks io I a red �tjjt�t he w0 king -arue t. -h ... -the at -one Pnb' d. you b f ii -P �BWG dquld ill. the ap - ------ the .'9�q=1 when hiv - &Lk:A-u , r. y the - . - -1 n ebter the t�sd pdt Irih*r I - , soard at . I . a- - . I .. 'L I wls_ ly ilig t.. _.r.. w -tne d�4, wly Oil nough opisaingil in vinega!r alto. Bait 814 19_ L Wilon. Coo 1D, 'aats turaw, sit. Bat, Ile-papgr til redu a ad, a 12 Gilb r 'the p aralt the Ly clored. seat R up, piano dease ALE bulld'ngL mtew candle�,"that and its adi is 4- �Le-&rl-hl& r4a moied fism tiLerL warm the Wide- ih-3ul "be W ji best S00I 0 Wes w Oh I- re. 0, I!Amp -,may if ba d hit About f ter ward Wjjjj.LdiA-Vi-do4ith the paper, ifie ti tigit -W WeLhaffle ad'e. at job .to er nk tind it It fou d B.s f po r --the -Warm "gau, 04 Una te YOU'LL to v C the' bi I& hid- !e1aped -for t r6WL it uude�r-the grat was tit hosted in wof Mehl wien um�',e time It In i coal israbor If otor p his ohjmberj­�-he U proj b6storks and kee ie�t - . L a Thal W&B'-m - . . . "o P, aof t 6 F&it .11 0 qplor FM one w�y.on the. el r _ Gilb6iu is 4 said t Wilbert WAS r8 . -the ddletown �Con -t 0 ;. I bL P., Th:g.- eaw.t WA4 great' w �Kuy ki-ectric WON" 0 cress, At thlb 111b. . I ... and com Thj tite quite ih workof r a to 'R. Ve PI]MOVID her n o: brought up:belorel.thd a A -e .9 a. oa0 .16 Th wept 16 interprising elsebild firms o mittd fq� tiaut Wild' had, oul. sad m %do. an udii6�, empt the Atghtf Iarity brin during -d ]Loai-trjj�� and th6shook was a tons WA dIt fir mn-abqert�o thht 10 w old Una- oduntryefda '. the VerestU19 -exhibits Mao av -durtr f tits eobi-a his V I' h-am)eraq AdL j2e ot -upon W. V r 14,01C tun tho. - Sao tit �r howov, rs I ohititry.Hall. They hs�d ing *as dr flix. , xdqtorS,:'rdnU hfs' sad diabindat . am orse- generato when sad 3-ribi ad -her W. 0011801'Dullne.111-- a reled restoAr snave&phia ro" oft of distant! village -the ialidibyt; SUB, okd f . . . - �F . -� ..- - I . contilauouslyp sad orm, :i�o it 'he -went. 66,y6u c%u- my W IT fire(I that -a iqgh thayL hE% q take WADO" terma is. be 010 Ode' awhen- �,SLJARED E i-1qHAB1T iTs d fintih;af theM� WDre 'apparent :they were en F%011 VoAper f caeA or tpert looker ent Vu( itgiib61a6 9 nile'S. a Wliyo ja OfIted er a 134sdeas ter I'll ro bed -up -the i Out, Sad 1liat tW Qui . ..Wh0a Vg ,ad hi Gl�bar -d This co;npf6ny, f his o la I raelau saus f9r mu-;�h favorable conlmsnt� wa g -it da.ld-easkIly;'be r6I by, be ; . . Ir _tau- eqnje�S-j obq!, -so tha t By 0 1 -1 - __paid t d ohine to- be up We -froiji V120. 6.1. CIA a guarsubee -eery m% 0ohe advantages V, 6 that -AI -WI.6rO waL &r d -the, be% -Fe.60:u. ine UAU -zh%grdly g g of gises -The roj.eator "Wa istmed R. LUGUMIS, Z01010UND "Hw Dhe next an fingers wr 6f I A4 Ight, t p at Edith I fe be 9 f6und it. table in rounina -Attan q6afesaion like Ba4 he. refally a thi skyj' ord "I ratea-capAcity. otion Smooth _1A t* RYAL 3L ader and 'ca f 11v did- anhatanti&I-constru I- WSUW' Wes not -as imd i G11heit Stant"M but �rlug the r Uff- 6oted from external �.SAMPLE FREE. Udy ex a9 ion t4e cloads ir6oni W%nb ept 00.. T0r0"V-%. 4 bec stientiOn: T, A. 8010UN th - %ijultibd- 4� dust a jou ness a. nioAj an iajUtyj, pht ramoved for �-of tbL no, - a��:V lots. v&sion OIL excit. . . � � � -a -every- t d hj6d, p6pulatto nit hi� se%r 'lea osuDO145tic 0 so MiCe L I.: GILI-' QUrrent generAt"LUg. atl6n of wastes n( 10 Led J. thou� 3-b- iar hi id t wltb6ut owhere.' for bLU at maul They a it le- pirlisr -bare iittra oandto Ph t -the with le&At- SP&I u Was obssrved hat'th's BI e- dtaggAe �d- -and albser ag Lee oOaS3C A �Aktngj A Andi -was iaper to THEW Idasud:hav, id thel Vilja tiv' ag tm-to live&r of oommu 'A 0 IT insu.'Of ii.a.g -bheL body., via _th HARM Mons a fad a at Ith -or it 40 UsAin -was enX int it . aVe LIKE A C o. UR: VAD now r 2- idwary ability o%n lea Uer-:�7hat*. hei Very. ino Lu 8" Tar ja ob --d Auffeabs Were hoveriag; -F An is h to Hirt fenal6r� in Ix Of viot"All ana mill MoLbo re yoU.--W soon ujkes ILL EVE9 -84 Wff I -t makes .3 of 'thii of Whl PAIIiawi the, P! - p re.4al �abo-it. ev4ry4vher6 �y- the be 0 -The, Be -bra a a AO kb 0)v inds �S sh did (10: m no -j% rour and iaa�rlf 011AIt ppearance t 0 0 a -morn log- healthy tie 1611ado H-Littli M I em4. gla-60419 0 � 0 - - -* i Waho f ro-at; -no w n10 K th -q�aqty I tha Woan tie. M1 ud 40, emikI are 101041, m III q1 o aher. -1 atd.d pill to ra thea� Wjjjf3 11-S the coast ltl%�go fl It* the wer is V alve -idh -silo. PIA f 12,01 Eb P6 the, roof a olt war& swa moirad firm t d So raom. awkilled lul aver. T ale 60 93 f Bdil-S tO, Uh Lat a _eC r euring fio:4r tu Its 1h g stool. -T.hey' had Anton -U hsv 0 V 6.f - r LO Old ores, cr( leers, Sore, U Ila -bi of the U1210 Yea dWh on- b114 aliba toVAao3 in -new qwoer., oil Pimples. Eyes,- skin ey Ly" "'Ohr4a t1me'l t ­'la dS.() h1ppe _O- .0 b'r� ox ��eW. ydbr S, ho, ar& h RZAbjNa 19 -TEE :BE StILgs AW1 a keep AeAr u B T Tal titOU oh tut A 41nill -6.4ac'ur A the 4er -a ple0 .-�d 6114LS -7 rns r* The 1AM 10 d X 0 � a. - . -Frost Bitese- *d nt� '4�1. it at Ellie: and ll --a-1 a albeam-of h 3P ow fir C sneral, Vit a. w4it 5c. per Via= Instramant afka- on-, to raed tbie- W" a t I ore -1110st- -dihg-at Wile they -re.4 -room tdat bo-; aboitse ar iDragcUt fdr h he:. 1j" lit, W a -bv Mo --ton- - gal TO a. g n ()Ompia ny"O a each the .1 to A Ito this Ia. Pj$0,e i the n Ott the.b other -aaw oad-I as in atar of girl. .Th 14 L 9'. A I '01 -W lb­�- thag-ohamberit- trio -in aardi -hiddurt :13Y.A -in M -6 behLud KgTOO, d Ma� 'X A man-, h k with a*OUY %U4 r &a ft ACRIES th-e. dowA- 581120-0 Vair law, ild'driled, . - at -1 ab Liu to put iny arms %round, folind.'" 0 F. t' -.r Of -paper. ro th .3 r njus af bar :4he pL 0 p3k,) -Air-Ast ft -- , 10-000 dam o- power Was ofd =6 t, Jolla 00"Alz -e kfig -,her. wheas by, a co, tit lit mer asra ten'' and izaking uP at teadred; iliper -be ro its b iked iig b in on aa-4war o3votod soraff 9 �ac repil 4-c paper. w%o the newsF It ftodi I -obier girls W* fbi.msw Pi pin 'ds-�� I'denly rie 4son& p, a.VA.V, and all at ry C)m I qi e altie ilia -ba T4.37 V-111 Pm� IF -Th4 coAf as' -on qfays� of. -004ree" W=100t& tmuohfarthat us d I Wha.� did t�ey -0-- be WA W Y." - any- &troy an e -4c Point 0 d dle -Power I - 1 *01 mile.3 away da y e3troy. had* been thqi 6�uj 0 jo very delld h In ba -b w here tres.1ro -inything ? It lit b seen 9 MM yoa Im T dd (d Go 4 thli -h76 00 006 t � a proolouS. to f t po-per �­ I �, I— t. )ad on sawl, lo; P e 08 0 X tbL mountek D�"Pld be words cleir LA* Cjj� to Wit. -too vie ib' FSU: deslbreqad, positio- 6he wheii Gibbono remo, d Any it was tOtm ah1kh.lta TAMA atjp�1194,, by sap] aeIiinj flick o t my S�ffet with 0'ate FJU 4picion y a- ftee-there aln t 10 -GUM Uee, and Cheap pau wa an D", emedy,for C 0 - Ir ed Stat Tfjejth7schd a, the d t lRed, Fastest -T poois all- d0ae on- the, -gas tin Gi OXDr� WIL-*[J)] negative maa he d R- 613 A grap Sri Y -My Ad �Ud L b w.n hau ; an t ji are UOW- M-SrMt at's 3� -to- a bu Y, d the. mO Eta, paper. New IL wwht -dti- -you dwwib�L 4r -he owes, hlo lite 'to .-thl I id to Ii*Q to *9 4W auld bi drUX aWhk Id hi I leave, I �iubn ner tod a .-W ini do' tr peraiitej au md -thr Wa�: n 44 W It. us t stud. y1j eI was hot -Wili followed' lek, or oW ndow TiCRit ioul, ol Lo ry� A? �illdl 1jer 2 :t