Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-15, Page 3?7 had 'if 77 boxes for sy be $2.50 and A Is. covered. with. wounds: stmil 01; to -or -.direct by'maff from Dr. or LP AN .0 aU drugq -IMAIM. - , . . , .. Jw_ Is ".-STORY9 errs 'her P head- teing Comji-4- trom eit A Compparbeik of the Br1t18b'4Ud IV f address. om' t abody. . . . . . . . VELON. thee 01ioted,66-tecercle -Ab6 OF A FRENUH. a "fly never -fr. h suspicion ed. do: HiLd fiiv6i UP Hi 17 " Ho -B "two young-mo6 one,,- of whe z bore. is- rien. �Pe 0 an bve,72.. ZLEV NAD HKD-�-­CA 'U a a Air On In tbiwin twr e 'fireV-011 on', 16114n 9 b a t �-sh tod' the name of -Absdle6 H as A iliquipped TUL ad f Apills in a room - in the Pau Ev�gland is-twicesiWil A. the. both -In inbe noge. A 0 Ace a -Temple, whicb--he 0 cupiea,�n au LEH -4 M -Xao rves -the.22 beurg-du. 'ro And iei­ y : a as 0 crimes oge a ta Mr. George: BOS09 or port"t, �BUt f the d Ah r with a frien tbe folliwing Ing 1 -give- In a 'ttres Vi t ItednerfivIlleol WIMP% of t e reap 0 -0 -Not Im alpp-� arreate -me out of; d laillei who wals -The the"alze peration Was ol.� In is fflering and: Relamse The name the: -story Of 1W u avg- onn U4 WYK 17 -yea old'. First-elaFs battle 81 P- -]Kd Alt Forty* Vaused -0 latter at that time WAR only ris ome Troiubiell wen As il foxmid- guilby. oz. tried an --. th-4 England,'35- Both w rp, i- their. iy.ontarlo, Belleville a. %nce, -were d to row the DAi confesel6no They &cond- -shilia-m- own death I s but the.pe' Vofftm ute4 England,43.'. ur RFALTED. FM (7- 1 NO W, y OF GALLIC JUSTICE THOROW11L nalty was- class battle In the 'BXTII 89101�, jo�lievjlie 281 F0 101eli west of. . , AMU nce 15 nil. Wald souther tiansp for_ county Of Pr- 9 - i -Ud on- the Lookouts P -s- -esque. a 'BAYANT, the -ortation ince h! B - - * * . 3913 - L pictur -%-JCTJON� OF TH Engla.nd, 19 ...... f the beautiful and C014 it: 1NNOCENT. er edu ncipal of three ra,' "he v . 17,74( of. Q,'Inte jituatADd t flibigeif R Pri -out to be sent to. New..Cale- four'bun. he They wore ab abimt. me min. w X to -be All, Torpedo gun vesse s charming VlAce Of - ow Ticketed -he- reiv' ..t a -of notber 71 4 . - A douls' wben England, -32... Suicide- In- 9 - &*ions aompied.. q0tQ 1091 -performed the oper- 14. 6,21( dred popul - -of. the of the yqutbfak r-iminal., nam Ka ''th W lFiiinee, ence Prezident 4 py Gaul Norgistered iin, Hap ad 6blech. - -re: a Cy Ute Years t 8 Mur er in. Jul 7 pip urt.equ oa� gone 0 'the m�steriou 64 em Dilme -Wad -rb]r I leation tired farmers. ef I�Oinei light- on d' 6f Coast ilef 47,7 f r6 -ibe-Village has g1--% 'Clevilaud England' 12 of for' rft t 9 location.' y Pacred Edillee�-9-trILP 00 04 �.. - i t -4)n b d Leceicle.. -` Kuobloob.... FraAc. aB.-A aujimer.rasor�jti 4. 4 -The at de xpladmedi'- --Armored cralsobre- some Prominence is have not y 6d the uid-e f 2 ew iglandg I& ..... ...... ........... 137, wh-eri -may* -be erojoy B *dioVs acht the robber. 68, evea ae.,sq.- yesterday -D i X � Toy.- Up to -the polioe as- the Sut]10- the bay.. - -0. -1L:BrJdie-XS Wt a IBOY*.6r a girl. 2 -e rvoof I ' Bub b n 000l h alth ntreu R18, j met a delegatten of )as committed bv Protected cruiserst first cla s in a e -an France. breeze d him -at. Mo Aty diseas fin# 16irming loot PA th.. rter in 0 e.. England, 11. elColdemic of �a th di Hd said -lye' bolonged to ai� SOL 9 is -ow - t h, bS ... ........... Ch er has --culprlts organized Protected-cruiser8p seco d a - iiathird dlass-' swept . over fthr4ry of his home) . ......... I 'When -the N' a amb Abadies and 29,77 Its ways an( Can; cl Redner, fimous Itw g'pg -179,31 ulgated Its the. police, to understand -that grippe X0.1 54 West gave W, Among Thirty E ngland, 51 ... V1.116 W&S -not:mpared 96 V 1tAtiQV was a. ow so .............. wernbg -the-residence 6f h6i knew'' it M as 38,3 Prance, 11. thoie Attacked w'. Mz Geo Rose a lift street. I -From- rge 6 actor It Was 9,or iger-a.. In -Fr --first naming Torpedohoats----� ancefi w ine'tea. witb6a-t at ly had 8 ge- wbe a -date bezo�eforth' 'C that- -the crime -England, first class. of C 0. Mr. onf �rned- d soan: of I fe. -that resi- rnpilbei bei re:g e 6 ose E6'g)and, second cla chea th alott nwiII havo to be ticifetea and.- -pttrated- by� thiee. pe,71150119, .,Ono -011 as per :Engl6nd. )h- until b p. e -Oxiolda rkable healt wetiaboard th ad 'rems. that :5t aby M w d -not oistered's s by further h reg. hilb elf, - �-Vir En ish totg: gi Is grip 20 down with iin -attack of Frid Mo as -he finiihed.by saying --that the -France,. sea-going- tL4nt the &&thorltl' he emking -ex�imlnationq. were entortaint -d for dper&tion was, to be 'performed. put haind. ul5fon -them an- F ce, first grave cars n&Js W. Abadle.. already.m. ran iveriod 'now an e. or ........ y. few She wantold that tb ]LM: recover -a 'd w*y If t,;Wo ' JM ere f on xlilo�o�d� , Franceosec d class.: months he recc ih 'r- o ......... d Bds and Pau'l Kiiails itno I er -membe Fr- en..bh total ova about6 * but oni In In the Oeids to get the benefit -'d- to aga several dayaon Ever d I ay been. - tried'- -an 'kam get y -g%ni who.111 a -aliipii . - - luo; -the po.;afid--stor are n ith his a c ome Rose bo agdoloo to try 4�q, In -thi� last tioel lsd - �iger. Mr. Ong f! -forelgiier arriv.. ng- -in -for a ro 61 tted at'the. Inc. u-ded,. -nor aria th mall river -i unb to.'Praictise a - p�nished bbi7y-vommi 6. w tn his visa- of, tb:9 Be sarealy ragalted h's-Iisalth -hl the"blue- fil h UL the Bound-' aVov , B:uobloch and prefeagion -Or`carry a* 9 Ve 120 idea 'of cbm-, -winishop referred to hFoh I.` 1id nth numbers of w. sel -with another attAck of the dre --Was. perform &dxiatr --eight. d deo zefol 4411 , - ayo, to. thi, and The pera ex,-. firsto -T a -6600 -Y must'. 6 virative- straigth. 0 than- jh his-.bsia t ill Absolle: re ce asse., wog . day. Tae first an jig ffact-upon him to ilia mayor.. of his ln�� Ki but the'' jn� t, 20 red a -decUratlon t au*yoortait 'amily f as Mi rall to r ie� bhdwn that And 'his I tractea b�. -1)r. Hasbrouck. en M. rp nt -on tezition p tak -b eAC1,4, co- there. sentemce ted -tog -.Years bad clat" d- him -for wvicti1n. 4 ts e up -b -r . of.the former- was. -Woo, -commad. E.11gland. -]has e hr 3tion me Bryant ub -AW a the ce oy am IV, por ton. 1"er on he.ebange-3 -Pla0i twic6iurmuch as rance has in Ne but Davy jaw 11 - lot Anot)ier -commun, , - I - . : physio -an- Atten -3 -gum and ai th tel . artpor ded bifx- egu'ailv, swollen Draped. . a t6p,Of the a his e.130 ifici%te 6f ria ;- I d ledi him any. re -he ept., F 'r8VMt iousibili �THMT F.N yKAR-S pEli-AL.- SEUVITUDEV.. iawe -per g.tv t 4 unabl a& ist In'thvi N th. 31avIf - all edl an -years Englabol's active h p1r. ed skill -cotild b- e iit�d within- two days- ee bone t Aelice must pit How,,ve*r at In Cal of �p piece oft1he,,,,, ' t� 16f. thip M Vy fo� a vas washed �rsen. emp 1-K1rai1,­ after paistn'thirUeh. Beams Mr. Of -tile ul tioni.-, Aamal him. we's WS o for M 12 an v to itud has -at last -be oved 'Officerp 4-298 -meA', -but. fly e .'mitted -in en pr, .- , . . .1 1 -he 9 h -d was cut a V. 1ng. A forelgiter Wh. penal s0rv- f r whie officers 360 niarine Ooldiej d 11 ik the -op o wbibh -he m, 000--� Roswo. conaition grow worqe,4 M- Be a Royal naval, r�- of this I - ev I eland w*a under -the 4on ia to bivbrought before to be.-Itnocent Ot the 0 amc-antiseptic solutlen. m � ke: Tofa A�tive listo 59,168. @s cofidition was nd "Bad' char sction&I -police, Coutt. -A torod4ner was bond mne actor as he rch c Pe"idiht C the OP=6 0 - - never- Be,. b �;j76�, -55 - 00om.en and '28 ships.. lo-fii, that ills, imselft had Or vhat- - Is sin M.- Making er Cim ys, family, like hial his counsel., X itr flenco of: nitrous AY have: refir ' ad fro [��w U. I giveit up- h recovery, al eiff i Dore, 970.4 th a 'fie aetd mnti at d- aicti`96. VY -list Officerp Daring -the 1pulated p6riodi or. beased: to de are his innocence as regards last m6rkth the laugh"' 1 -0 cato tof the or* a in'questior.1, generailtalk abe -iy IM -C at: 1jit- .3 400 -'seamerof 48, .0 k and he. ba' .9 bo%Y aa to produce the -6rtifi' - - . � 0 - Idlero. 23 tiv atry' has t% � L-sment wag on �*ha r iiin a so y700. Totilap ii-ounding been C1 cr de aind`the� all OVIR . . . t 1 . he JAme. nra Ala finQ aucc eded1n. -his tatk.: The- e et ce 000 his..-declarattpn, ill b6, pu e ese t 7 able 0 of Mr, Rosibyhi u pros' out �Qlevelaud 6,670- Nival I k Cur suffered - in r mar No f lg-qe,,r,, -rendered his. fim6 WAA ii�lled' I the= re Af urwards -ma! pink Pals. -Thq- -the effgots of -the operam e7l;Lp Oy r dh. 'Of D Willia, WAIAM; be- -ad A but it: 'not rea' considerably from, �t- C inan ofW yt I - 9 - 1. tO . . .. i- .1jewition that a- reportibfrl e ne, Im(L'Jid litte M1 -.of, or6sted, such a. fthL, mthan Dr. Bryat:eXpec- ilwa rmjaps. Or: sfa;t-ibn, m -OLV the .154,,h but r before ify� -14th. ned y te� l in Any similar operationi.. fLhe P!re afting �Noumea` two 1liesiliat- thef.moti om-arthe the, OAtarwj him fedtL' Police bag-. at. ild- expect of Klra%- :w hoeV 100 the -Buk what cal. d or woi 16g Was informed: Me, detet�minid to call On an emained on the Mr. R i Prealden't- Cleveland fact be nthe wi bbout -farthi: inver. n finr" the ardiared a ab-arp al&l�av i the Ortt ement eani.the f Ahi Case --from his 4w th f5plev n- Ro to.--: baL Set 'on toot. -In ihO be. -m L. a lo �h,6. Oniefda five ds�saf ter Operations otion- bf tur f t T was d ha-lricarla creepvupon� 8114, re: i . 'the found A- a 0 -pla i at, brid-P ferries, npxt steamex%Q he 22 6 pie via. H"BA U0, is -'CANER und f arl, -lip Be 0 K 9.kys 4 ads ye si writer Ju aturdis' . and activity fof one year& a- b, � --oif riverej'as' lie , alfth d- his. Li flict, -the of he. -same month. �Re amabarked '844 4,u dr "d too a willin Dri. Hubrmck'was en Museums - Se � at h homes NO. arriv d In- Paris t of July and.exprssed his enti jjs­ going o h0e on 6 Is. Thin. litt ei. flziby- quadr re NigAi peso to th 31 H. appeara, t hig enire story fer .147 Ktrailis new 35 years *1 it peopra ill mans and do lixot Sai.d the decter #s I d �taeafj there ur nce wevi ufoOi Its the -bebefil ot�ior tioni and SJ13. -A very BID&Ulai. Wea,126zh ;f L : he said 6's 1W -in preallced loombig- sp In of'--medi m stattre Wfth'bl f man. , U.. 1, Ling �thelact that au epera� -hsttate.to g t e credit to Dr - Of cours 'th ' ve sonol p�dr -to twp- is ny use o deny en r u ca -the P esideuts but If k the vt%- io is baa-; piercing eyes and. low fore�6&d. e fine and' -the next --Pink P4n re 6 walk in Vias.,pecfermad -upon r no. sooner ande r, z He. ad Oree �tion T i: -the he had 1 . ;.bl he: a tor BS'VIVL jy I .-i 41W preftty..Wfe wa gri row sks- to-the,detalls Way for infls, n- Bearohef Attack ppe ml� oI �InU t ral n m y s�end- 6&pital than the reporteripounced- on -him. this and continued to'g _a ro WS �11 the yao OV :0, t Oo �he�'poql idai - . . - n s -in ch t i year. At 1 ritles.-are not a ra!i. , 2 -- , hat il k6ep thO M0310 Ott as:oft to March: of I ht only _PI a in, oea� avi en happen rom ; I . . . Ing glob6 treZter time' I -was re away At 164tfitl orf�d -th a, worse lap the: sdve.3d JA'flenhand strength I in th c9hpacity- of anfelfstant. Dr. B In WAR that dried argi in -along out tAL strati:4 Just Imagine b, d! - d- baTalj��s%nd. alone. am Fran as indeed high -time In fact I twps 06 W wh6le. matter tri ch T 6 ollibbing p6rolizot.only C b hcrhad thd eilme of Goverum�nt juatice waw readered.,to - me; n streoisibise of the- ould no eat -be no doubt'zi:o* asuAie the Usp r it akeleton.. c hal �Tlr,12oiament for.a ter f, mere e a. wl3j returtis im of W" b thirtean yea a- -0 penal -,ptivity is 1 'th.6 shore.- but-'aace cauoe c . d not -ileeP b ze be ha;ble to- nk 'my-, couns --*hlOb:.L - feedif oul. e thola.ctef th -cis Will abl!6: to ilia" 01 c' n no, Appetite. vgat. no ex ever . -I - . , - -. . '.. W 0 - -Lg1fWhAt was* your auty- In c- Alfficul so badl d A oeoiding. N shall had -Aot lee' V, an six Henc �h s- 'in Trarq�bar. It must onnection -1j. ' ranted. -to hd:d6ge'rVi§rit'Dba-'the�aked.�� my legs And feet ileeSM0 nlont4 9 vat MY like Ife well! t raper -ter. d. hay to were ot w he operitien ? -&seem a:hig the fin-' th, 1a. idia( -adMinis . tered -1 he Os, to atran;!ez Iffolm v! it. W M 'ireUomby�wh , 90 1 and Cramped th The &IA the Pristdont, t the 0 r time ii now first a _s0ines, Or rub,them . . e .,lnw _-whi -M -tacoila Most a ff.ic0 m4t,aly. p 0 n befOr' -I OQW4 9etrest- it ed the 166ths 01 x'' mov -up UY t vii)1ent.tbat I -could no re - _this oh.iq ingeniously. he' a 3L -whl&j was at, times RQ As an uestbt16 and" W Proection: - o YALSE WITNESS. take A - THE th t 0. which.. It was found .2i "Iled ..',irould bi edessary,. out as teelf whil frain from soreanital, and UT if Be a all';] ur Abadle. -4nd'­K _to the -peculiari.- I or day. oregresoo f i�ut: vq�nich in ipality h pendi-i g r' roblsch-, -h te come, the work! I .0 on. during tb 6, Etspecting bonds, Jiiaddiiibn Abon OtIV a W . -in bad Anil 1. ing '.up both.- 4 WOU I Wap_L��tto t h wa a Jnd' da'JQ7P'Z8Sk'J-,aU m eB'L 'in NeW Caledoolay I rAtIons 1whid Wider f or 9 erformed by g f .161d: glcaU says On airriill a, I tieo 'It1aa'Lthd` pow aitimptOfd to get upon . -ove - -. . . - 2 . L .1 � - I . j t Medic AV A vas -emplitosed ag. �ul - o. C', ook Ine from Bry� lost Bight o -and Anal fins on zo� dizzine UCIDR I- OV.&B DA24N fAbad* dbreal , ant ,consisted. 1n ; utting SW &cc -'Noubtib.I--.' I' wbopte.and tissue An lar' .0alhedm1w ot X me bas o&jrpenter -in.- the'Isl6nd:of d;thun w4fterally. uts- itt 'ha 1146 ._in its a uppqr JA an Was -d O&MU aor S.3- 'Bi M Knobloo as .1 wab ts: amony. o be --ouaUoa - par h Th blit ic the doctlx but it did net help me -and kwas b- of -th e , , 0:- . a - cavi c6u L , I felt death. woul As the orblt6l; he affctiOn just, been the- rcPM67 of aliaj6nt CO entally forit dep, thei ty -so die isged tba-b k f Or the adtlement. I need -hi did not th ktlin"11 --very rare(pat �rdly may -in. it# b0-dy:pr6vid'td'6y.L purpose my Iiiser 61 In- -able to I It - I - 0 - - - 1. prefer Y ife'd �1.m . -violent. -terms for nthe , i0hen the progroal -of vios day a'youi3g,-MAn that elproa:cl :to. n *hia they- are-'- not -needed Thedisease e.. On, VA -13 jpfr� r6ceivethel ould-live.1mote than a few = riin No are tbne In, and.- theioaby ockets, or. on , a e r .:of the cure of --a a was sarcomas Drip- hac! commUted sulcide by-i6hi'Dottrok hiravielf -haiving falsely occused. m or progres dayl read in the pap wis hoped to arre wi-tlain the breught`-abaub y Aust -bondewniilon.. hoi peculiar t the olippobing- -h SYMPt a like -0 was it -not Dr. HAS- thr4iigb: ffie heiu u troug pere ows war thei ords �cancers AvO brouck Was �of thaL�. him -and ..864�ad b man _I.: usay.w; I.` did' t not ask a. d With the us'age. He asked ma-.0-fo -a th land crabit Also p aselse. t emai . -give -yo 0 eV4 ttoralstff faith '*e.L reniedys ut - -94 Vea'ibubth J tog.., and- in acccr nad '1�66[oi if d4idae. ge:�e- u my.*oid f . a , to exrlioior futther: -sfrAca could �'be- With reelpbt to u ahi= sh edifico had bie'n parV sor Abadle. 1*111 avenge Yell Bud. mip. for -the it--Vvere A last saatirely 10 oil through untfl -the' ere: formerly.,puzzed ough chance. 1:80at The ffbotiou -,Was -0 felt is th Imes -1 ; or a - I , * Jt been the t ad a -w.h eT broat b, -no h 0 fp In.- -iAe: at'the same t mals whose mode of piration is &at ior-ai box -9 Bud by the time it was half The tisbues of me, O'D 001c d ng. att rolabishop of elladed. t -d on -Ya -to ex-drbst ico I so- 1h 1 -my appetite -was 94�)ti ack -n g -able: eY -gope: aoT ind.tba.i apees I. cou d z Gt ce hout to then Fgano but A Froin h.� t _V ri d -Bv the atten dod by �k V-11MUE, IT$ ONN-N tp.Fjy,&R-D. at) out of the wate better,-: d dthe-i id SILMMA TO GEN. VRA"7S,&FFL1qT10X. o#63r d -u -be Sao- Qe n Inipij)VeMent in mycondit'on* p t cxf a no ura -Urge. fL be.rose 9 -d&y o .1 .- - - he P sidents affiffictlen U mu& - S -e of: the. , , . - - . .. ' %; The t. w no f -the* -qiR&n of stin this gone there. wo tb-.e s%m er 9.1. PrAy.6r4 f y pr tro'. X 0 to rio it ri.- Af ter ,n whkh a ilhall' time the charact -t fr which ugh box was I a He promisea to'turr new th% -9m Improvement. pritkIe, EAo.0i -V of witter. 18 ept�, hi'-6rder �.to 0106 1 continued the RIM- with k n further Mob fibally -ended arched leaf -id& bpo. houciot' He to Of atl ojitd- pow get. a Gen.0rant suffered and w r -gi. h that the crampi and Of obtaining a jae -speciev, i jitghb's sleep and -the i Viter wbi16- th to lilft.RUOID;! but -tbei 11 - -9 COS a plil% found th desirous hig r6h'), ibe In his life -ihTee tim,64 round t a UaV Thlb e..ti oro. g-e?d is PAO at that wid. not be- 0, is perhaps of the name Ohairaqter;'� 0013,sidering Ma e 'I - - * formerly -the thae was- ves ioh -bad oagath %By ae e -forhat pane: w d life' progr a aomPIO' pdb- -ore I is rent, ab expe, cts;f even w0er a- Ri poket 6r Doe an 'Hastorbuckg of peni- r pliff e; had d The" aw�UiD& said Dr.L Ut ah In ra izzinees disappear�d and declare -and tha: mug, rnm h la so 'Is isappeared. -actift pede, d Ba ni�nb to ,other oPeole �h Gave eiat whic lillt. equally cu'rious pparatua­.-A -SM511 ft limbei the. dL 06 ad F* tl�e titne being; hp ever, original ist�nd it *1 teps. In NVAItIng black- sheep.. Qr -1ch Qie our year ted, as I undei roni moeanB. ad ry njauner*L B 8FOU9Y a a back pArt of his JOWLer jawt .-Or4l wan -sub. tince by. - wh feft better ttliz 12 ntooth hs. will.-11'et be. in :the s r autmal :I& all pli ow,ttlit. it W413 Pink Pill 29 moisture 46- :and thea� got, L edl wIth.. tl having loripblon 16 Which, �by UPL a aubE rubbiog con#nuslly against the bronght about- the byb it- co in all- root of il too, L -at 06 -rr at t ou A -struD26 in�ide 8;VOuii*4- to 69-50. 14 add4ioa the.,'%Itai�,e. ad: that changes hi 2ue And a .9 astautly -else UL g, , even- Uall. was tak othlrog I have take' in All' aROLE TIMUSHROL JiG101 TBE Id .4here SL -wedding Pame to- a- has undertaken to nine bim. as mesi6n �d by his al or amokint -I few dil gai -A -good now 40 Id b fou�A­ In producad ati ulcernuavores W1271ch devtlepid lar abruip't Manner. The- t1i; e�en boxes' -arid I Is OA-Iih a.rath Ilia portraftp,- -f()o,. ar.6L to I- . - . , . T, - .- . , . . . - I .. - Lime wl WAS, so of sare OU erAtL, Calculations a coujid Ro6 do my ow -to I Doe .40 yeaTs 0 Vad: 0 iWe _h'iteL Jr6141 ecome op -d -fiogetlio�-r he h quite an t -in: ',6er, w 1� aq b brugh at bad that n chereis and int -a �the �bse led 'tie Des- V�,Sq C �to e, nd bhoi BAII n. d 0., a orli sues arange OrthdL . lnteresthig-.P�isoldk .1 pet!' ta remov .9.0-0 -w orm d da jvvh6r� the �,Iafyor wa Jn into his C;14 Ways -of oparniag.., his' I & :Y.5 r y. gue , a sen r atteudance ve'lhoo now Cal to me on I ton' hid b e n credite , d with a- wgrAtula scarf. of ffice. r0uq4 his The - . . I' I my untli mea i his whele L w1b : 1, t hi$jt&te,t0.te ed -,,-h there 11 -that If voible- to bore. a ment and I d pIFFE H:�IR- 0LIWELAN-11- WALKING-CANED he] a Ew XURDEEWUS wals -N a : ntijely tbroug as, Pink i Pills. ret w I be: no exaus Ier,him­ v d6g1,-eo;nj a. dared'with �hli ate on 11 them -that mo, To bri pp - t M6M6ntLVV1 With 0� -the h-the�eartb��andtb' to 1- owe My life to. Dr. William 9', �prop ' er. nd the�, fo des ar&iix found similar President Cleveland it in difter pounds ra.hereabouto hayt At he iiBn u. .&king itarta`b a Ion wi6ee b6t.iin- all. ef -irdii wefghlrk. 10( Many oth is of recent IgIn''find One", , g -my -nuco was looking eut: Th diteate n. fie at preselix 'bother she co t f -a vfan4eirful stick As 410 11 bo�le; the ball would bene Lsb- sprin a�-ked-.w 0 falling W. thi: u th an re 0 1 -.adviged her ad refore ol)taiued but a, -th el ; L 9 1 or . h-erL hto- I And 'I encalled- 6. tr i ment, 441AL ey- stoon -reaching the - ear pale nd fe liog-wes, I 6'ta ng -man. f rdnm --d'en ne .8 YOU ntsJof the srgeoii therw jorce Ivory ane%vy about -her$ When he nstrume r Aive 09 b th* wa fro the. on cas dt4bye over -.after h ust. miB 0 ting h18L Livin. -Ace att 11, who were can only carry JAMBI- - Pink ghly re -AO a 'of o d.tha it to �xplain d that gurface' aren, 13E The ro- movedall tt 0 it Lom bne .,ba:nd t' atar h ne of. a piece ya Pto tiY, Dr. O Dula; of birt wiovcred- �arm to it.: This stick �co ista decrege a rer wo n bambbo-baaiec-o is -zero At cantrep. so that allai, -00tu of and tissue. tho brid ahstirang6- rn%ta4A-., Bbe- of -iron bidd6n -I bal� uld have now the ent impresh -you as the t6p 857V at- I we'd OY-La Y_a -bt' Ing pin . I . I- an, re'. ']job - - ;. 6 very. stro oilbg our! globe k Iii the In W solidly 'On. a t -VaTticles -COM 0.8 ZA 8,)e 'Itibough -b- b on or e-- pu er large sfe6l rl ing th6iesl 11 of -gill Id. -'nob be wlthotit! Didnot the PreB'd b wood, filih6d- -a! no weig Yow fila;y 1'. or I Aimly b6lia.'e an with a Ig coustitutie gh't he itame was cf,�!C-T on, 1his they Without,': .'doub i has at iron CBS- care- th kn e4ysl- Jim -ever lox will"d6all th ob- varies. from. Y.: An fac ap� stitut `ill do much tow d the is . - 2.,- 1 V at is for them 'If ast�Dppe. ffhe bra bzt� t a fisir -trial t w eni "d thL -1bg na ation IS -no On- they:are. MU�'h- of 'much h 'Of a f Ow kilim .(21. 1 Role L'. -th". eavier one ke of his a. frione peared- a re-. ous; The error a sea could not say it ca'n b The chic -of :the e t Mr. to rinoff anV ArthfIr sttsc B 41 Orko 't L much f Pii �k' ffing an porte malw Y'. all any Point d -as the r or'. ebe w- III to. Be ment. 0 from- comof t`tJ6 JnL 9 W it have terrible instill Iused.., Fenc� a -force that ve away le-apin -romarked 411 Do not 1jeL her Be vant on due to . . ., - . 9 prow. age inAble 9y1nnutiO with-thd-meti dr6 exerbleei r form the quest -Ion. 'awe, my life -to Dr.- ELIECTIZ.1c 2W][STLNG. et to -thab 136 at- to ha ibti6d Oti tfei�` �th tiftfaction --Of collate d thii �wfl is a oving I boc say aWilli, me, I onvereation 116 jh1a _ JOL -a weight' easily, they. cAlquius vhe -arenti aPink P1111.7 and- e plate aa be0auie. baidbg a We forg in Ahe iff illy of the- feml do,ndt - I . . . - -tile Fin t S M. leffaire th .-ry carry so. gre guage 0 the Notors Prodlkoe speedy ong entry is,due- auffer &BY oonv6ni6nbe in - ging fenin -, ft.te Of in u ra with seveiali, -risidento nine gelider and�tbit the Vr. the or Mist 9 -gr S.- I=)& that auto iiade by officlal who mad It Is 60M to� Rome we fully cal -the olUmal -the a f v, ithe UOV owou 0& An4electfiCal met wb 13 h V� 'to neis of Osw Id. fparly r6lftArkeoll 3( a bail Allowed to fAl. rreborat' ayor pre 9. a an, 2 Pink Pills A,3.tbe M Xt A Druggists ut. 01 ' ­ Arrive at the can say.thatDr.WIUI%m8 for musical instruments is being Ilized to us in d rag andthebl' b' zew _O]Re could- not MaTry two bo -3 I b n. enormous silos and.1row. or anjoe.) I a to Vialt 96t. le401Ax moluthe iutes from the.. me of 11.t have -a poducing Strings You SAY 0 0 :4 bridecw be 1 �267, itl hav -tars come g1dwing res BWlown: a- bats vi 84-091, superintendent reports of tat her r stvity ha4 Ole and -,other' ical entripo mull whilat the Have y electric- -P'l very many. is* n 9 untruthfulne on,, ifhe., Ole out, d xi -ing thet - use4, The work tmosphe ellig zet-rig�t 'throng .0 r ninstruments. orrec 8110 a. so wor t6 -of hi pi sely stated 1� bfie good oted for -a b . . �: M ep 'or emfnent irs b' YOU haha� b4 machine being used ex0lue ve1Y h arn -the total bb Wed. AlLlegitimatb. 'to., la k 6 retb, ovem r -er par o oth )e fi,& d -t ei, b. -would. -a b%vivk irriv and pronounced the. re. him?" physician' *b! falledg. Ad or making banjo fo striin which JrUSTICE. Arth j? 60 uie. Fact is, -Slop-y eacher��Yeo but it's i d the hoppe Of human aid. An fi the& Ib Mill, that P.r. T nbinue to moves the. v6lGoity 6yon enly.,00231iohthickho�n 61 the ivOL�' the other � d jig Own _WMISm kya- 99 London -1 ake A atr ng 00 tieut b k bl I case cf her ired.- and arr 4 i no of father i"a..Au so pink Pdle all 61 on M. jLrL15 '-corne a -d. -eady A�qu 6tor jo ight on theAementi .40 01K 0 tan his t -aWyer And nd after paial: denned for all barr-ial& Of emine nt- 67.3mico 6 in 45 seconds, the w1re lif nalmy 'ilk� bein bar- a in it a and rich - ser formerly- saleswoman a of the hol; d7 -mother we wherebly-an h a ved I n -reach rfAce; imeceasary -9 To DOW u winding th, ----A .003 uchis so; I L ... . . . -- contre.:. b Be or. gain 'countqrg. thiak. Thl would -none io the o9d; 4e nd directed -of the the A yeark of his. life AS:. a- nobviat riginal start- -And (restore fall back and rea a Ane w - They are an Un- bV'b4nLd and two ires tan be 'Worked -at or em felon in ---.N a -w -Oale,4,0311a. point In 84J. minute Fibg.-Ita shattered Zei*ds' aft tb faBlAciflo- or such e bill um .�,mod Le-oerole, -k 'd OcOn such a string there be no th Onthe�S�d of eaeA Pro f or -b%Q An -partial ra 9- Pa - fewer than 1' inthe am�007 o'd uO, 11.- 910 t6i ataxia.. ys�is 3,333' bolls along -inches' e to ild coutin 40 do Principal -4-I M%Y'ha�* Ban— Y4?u on a W I Thed- uzed for this purpuea mOnt -similar -to Vitugp­ dAnco, sciatica neuralgiaj., Th e 'forths 1W 6nds �=6 demanding tb th"a:gig .1. lenith. -a motor collect thuse err, lob after eaph',M 'lag, -beadach lft duldm, 011 a of --nearly volutioua.-per Mug in- a. cart ry- Important. r[LAS 4t2JQ0 re -du beibg,- perf -name offoots. of I& gri sr., -.Meier,- can -1 tb t1of A pen madams. nervous dr Osounti :]�-k bDurs orme In 'the I palpitation Of -the fil - greates oil. to A 6w. able, to kieep a 8 000--MiliB the -machine. by Mtanv -,of. ffbri gear th' rt apparently degetedi. rely --YoDuT- 'Ate; XOU� ou ing9- me.- about� 4 hearts:pa oil and iplexiones nbry a. - afterw.ard - 2J nitnutdoe as OW ;1_000 revc1 0404ea 'the Vin. see t ti .1 was--feund by 'the contrQ11ar - o adivig upon f .re. -in '.-But -the" air can, A",in the Ore. prostr *d disesseis - depoi elaus M. 2 evolum ti all nionster b KLfil 3aine Sti r Which r oortainly -.(*his ,200 Pr -40ri - in cennois. tr&mW% I -the bl, C�&-ducted to X Clirk---�Oht ed tw would-aat br ike --on - the. balls in4 for iiiatid bul ood'. d for �mpkft 9 f vicilin: G nhig its no ]-dartin h 1 hsv-A* I* -be ey Are -'is Bu aectetlY scovared. e�r)s hi -k Ing would relpelas; 81M. evered -with ieo ar. V pec r pper W- JS0kL Y er . -the last, "ap specific for for 166 year that reason ago 1100.0801ve. jcrofulailahreonic OrLl ISO. o a slated - -,the body f Tje.derel hidd our daught troubles ItA the A ne meib pr iced�ngt he nch iihorber,than. eda '-I only.006 The, lody- conni ti at the- bottem: bi ihe v be -after a very gre t femajaijes �Buoh aw long., Irregu neo make i08 Jigs slippr.802, t ata ma - n cluence Ar r hour ])Otug DO -Aestw Qf Woakne,M JOB, and VMzCQV0r8d 'Ith :w number of.- 8 -11 Would come -to a fin me W -hey ounds z'aade by a aa;g- 'ng the ba with thin machine. ad, that A terrible' stra the' ale of' 3r which - "shf47 Mother -Har worst boy. gtate--bf . rest at g� ce uildup1be-bloods and,',reAtOre ry TuAei the mAJO, ini d 4bf ri Orn vacuUM 144- c ok In men Judas Ohs-m- ffd -tekken plaiie between the viotim, Wd. his 0 he a,.. they, affect:& - Silver at -on- d I a�nt you t ]keep -in a rney �6 All -at' tion -,,Whit Aid nizirderers. AA imquiry was. o e.ordereds, bechbolo.Moranlyt P69 the iou, tie ours 1n&l1caBe wJ ?-JU 1hb*. Been of I - i radical" berl In do his i hirty p an- far from' h,M as posaiblef' r from Tnenial is akising but no� trace pf. the guilby p iea -c uld be He stay oat or texoe -Worrys 'Overwork womatay-l- do, ma. Odd --Nam, -long' a The. affilgator.Vowe all e liveles. Fliddler's Green- :tu -oid a6 a AUthe time IS tb h our An. e. mal'I.ilao " , I Me ar p Onions 'a n�anufio. A he'sometimes. lves so la0g. s 'ten r a all n twelve 1e8L- winiamie Medicine Ime. a\ diur -he fol-, tur0d Sig.8 -MUORT AND SENTENCEL L itastei-Coil2tY.-I -Dr. 11lialne- Pink W RDEREAS Com - Lightning. In bblioav*e -by the -Dr attar -on April a a to �bii, vie lie �dontributex t other ba -was ca tanoe Of In g Pee O -n Ont.- by Rapbsel Dome n -1 * - . - - - I The s4i" iouutyi a Aid Scheitectady, The mosaic copies in tb e V, mmitted. in the,udgh. f u 's. Smok - '' Arder OWn Pany Brockville ti men 2 eU11, Bonn a 0 and.are sold In Iles.' ioxes (nevorl In loose picture ; -sit Pluc y of Mbutr nt. -careleen c Ok" are HArdsotabble hgfitj. N I 1n: Russia indoloi towns - I 1i- . J 'Is form L by or hundire do 04 the otheis oc6upied.from 12 to 25,Ve%n to - xam- �PL kept.by. an 1ge 4 46.7 _ the 6,11 ielafted. suin . Hell' 9 -0 'public fire cautle imi- 0 nq eil from wine sh4 d.- ii�ehq" 2 000 � 9 - o0dasionally gge �Meroufi ute 0')- to A �pl-e, M-..Bassangeau&shd 1is *1f.opnd still d 94015, ed against. v and h6 M119" 4� Dryto Gov r and a differient sh4d 4 ! One in Ono tro the weather or* b in. this'Aspe) St 00 ai�tl bOX ubli with frequenud Mon gR J& en elvei to 1M40h -vn us; buid deal- Jn bft 0 i i3stantgasud w,