Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-15, Page 1IL -God Adyice I - Warmers, _ ,,• ri4rri't - buy your • - ay .O.tk. rope or any ktrworitarvesi Tools 1 'Mil you: see -what --41 • TAYLOR do foryou : or six- boxes fer.$2:50, and my be had of all dragqiits. or direct ,bw-asifidE-om pr. Williams Medloisa res° . s ',„ -• -, address. ; --' ,IIGHEST PRICE ..14I- . . .FOR ALL Etikt.DS. 7 - 1 TRADE AT .TAY, L9R. • LUCKNOW, Capita paid un • Reset-ve ctod 1040 As4As. Pi iIent - JOHN 7.".TUAET. Pretiitlel; t --A. G-„RfaSAY, - . '811;25ol000 $650;000 S7,979;4346. zli • DIRECTORS flOCTOR, 0-IPSON M. P, 6 -go: RoAoii A.. B..L (Toronto). - _ Cashier • TURITBULL. TV-17SfiANK.7-1--tyurs 10. to 3 ; Satur- - 10: tic:, 1, Deposits of 81 and upwards_ red and interestfailowcd. 3P 4 -Irk& DEPOSIT2 al§o received atoms-. re<ht rates of interest. ' it:Z.:I:Fr& on Grent Britain and. the United- - S6te43 bought and sold. • - - - -J• t‘. BROWN, : 'Stri3----AGENT DEINTAL - J. S. -JEROME, L. D. Wingham, willbe rn Lucknow on the secondand- fo- th Fri- • BANKERS, r Luoknow Banking Comp y 10, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER lbth. 1898. .LOCA.IJAND:GEIVERO clOpKien.04-fOr Scannell Waders —The Western Fair week at London. —Mr. Win. Cormelt. from the World's Fair on Lucs.sow, J1.) LY 1411, 1893. - The Misses Etta. TO THE FARMERS; . We have - geneAlly one or More -farmsin, Kinloss, .Huron, -Ashfield and . Wawanosh townships for . sale: Parties desiring to buy will .COnsulttheir own interest by calling on us as we sell cheop, and on easy tends -to -snit the .Purchaser dak, and Saturday of each-. month. • Goopsets forit10.- Filling and .extract'ing.a speCialty Offlce-at Cain's Hotel; LEGAL opens -..this rived.- home Friday last. and U.-nie Graham tifives gene - to -iTside- in To- ronto j. Kenner is -:,on Et,-"twii weeks . _ trip to Toronto, Orangeville and other _ , places. Sad* John ton 1eft- :on Wo have 875,000 to lend - on filst naortgttgeThticlfor -a vieits to friends on eoed tiktra. or -village property at from -5i- rsaY. • • to .7 per cont, interest rate according toLond6h. size .of loan- and security offered. We also lend small amountson _second Mort- gage on farms and first chattel mortgage. We do a .genera banking business. I Isene drafts Payable, through -out Canada and .the United Atateiand. make CillleCtions onall point, s inchidingiWestern •States. . Manitoba, and North West. The -collection of 'note% and accounts will - - . receive .special attention. Lending.money on farmer's note* a- speciality. In our savings: dePSztinent wS allow 5 per cent interest 'Oa small- deposits. T. - We effect InSnrance on all classes of build - Ings, either in Stock.or MAIN' Companies as .'.desire& None but first clue Companies • rep- resented, - GEO A..SIDDA.LL, Manager A. AIA.LCO-3.,IdON, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Xonveyancer. etc., (late of eron, Holt etanieron,-Go.. deiich). Office at rTraiver's old stand. - - MORRISON, ..ATTORNEY 4- • law, Solicitor in Cancery,. Convey ancer • Commisioner.- eta.- Office. over .the b4rber.Shop. ARROW PROIJDFOOT, BARRI-S- I(' • ters, Solicitors, etc-. _Goderiay. Ont. tr. 0 -ARROW, QC; WN.Pitollprosyr. t _ MEDICAL ELLIOTT, OFFICE AND RESV den.ce, Outram street, second door north cr Little's shoe store • ' ir it. TENNANT, P HY S -I 0 IA N, JJ Surgeon and. Acco•acheur. . Surgery op, posite Cain'slotel. Office hours from. 9 to 1.2 - nr.,. awl from. 2- to 5. la. -LP • M S• - Physician Sur . • _. • • c,3',10n and Accoucheur. Office next door to W. Olin's implement shop. Re sidence Ross street .out of D. R. McIntosh's store.. . • ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. INSURANCE . FIRE -AND. MARINE, . GUELPH. TelePhose No, 196. CHURCH DIREPTdRY. -7-About 65 people left this station On. Tuesday morning for the Toronto Exhibition. ' - --The Presbytery of Maitland Will meet at Winghain next Ttleaday at 11:30 %ID. • —Mr. W. Geddis arrived home from his visit to the World's Fair - on Wednesday. • NGLISH CHURCH —SERVICES 11 and 6:30. p. m.' Sunday School, 2:30 Superintendent, Wm. S. Holmes. Adult class every Wednesday evening at 8 -o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's. All -.areWelcome. RzY. C. MILES. Pastor. T170KNOW MECHANICS ' INSTI- JU trite. Readiiig roma open. every eveUirtg —Mr: R. D. Cameron arrived hoine on.Wednesdaviight trdni-his trip. to • the -7.0.orld's/Fair. • • -.Mr.'LQ11Stewsx't, fornierly of tliia Village his opened a tailoring establiah- naent in Kincardine-. .1101A NO. W24- LACRgSSE_ The Dropshots defeat the $angeens of Watiterton (Crowded out from last week) The. Saugeens of -.Walkerton • are great Lacrosse players, but they failed to defeat the horde team on Caledon- ian Day.. The bop. from the County town play h clean - gentleinauly game, which is quite refreshing: after the hard fought_ struggles earlier in th season. • The visitors were hardly a match for the Lucknow .team, who were sel- dom. compelled "ti let themselves out" during one and half hours play. The Saugeens' defence was exceptionally strong, requiring some time before they -fitally succumbed to the attacks of the Dropshots' home; .McIcsay, Coney,' and ArscOtt_being particularly brilliant • - -1 • • - • Two caanges were made in the personnel of the Dropshots : Kirk on the home,- Who was unable to 'play was replaced by Corrigan, while Kerr appeared on. the ,defence . field .in Thonapson's *teed. Yule, 1100er-rig, and West were " stare " for the home aggregation.- Yule. managed. to be as speedy as. ever and was a tower - of strength on the defence. McCoryie on second home never. played better this season arAd wag affective at all tirnes,-while Sim West did the work of two men ;he fielded in grand style andtweed superbly. McDonald, Smith and Hornell, on the home ex- celled at times, but were .not up- to their usual form. . Tennant secured the - ball at .the • from to 1.0-p. m. excepting SitnrdaYs ,wben the: hours will be from 2 to 5 p. The librarian will:be in attendance "finrig these -hOurs. •J. MincHisoy, Presi4e4. $ G. .-MtirtnoCLjEgeoretary• --aePAERA- R. D. GEDDES, T. 4., CALLS/ either by Mail or telegram promptly atended to. Charges moderate. Residence, , tram -street, opposite- Dr. Elliott's and t-fecond door mrth of SENTINEL office. • MUSIC LESSONS.flJ: -RS, -A.. M. ARMSTRONG IS PRE . pared to giveleasons ia vocal and In - Aliments": music. . ReSidence--20anipbellSt, LueknolL, , SOCIETIElt" OYAL ORANGE LODGE No 428. holdsits regular monthly rneetinesin the Orange Hall,Campbell Street, • Lucknow on nm y evenings, on or before the full moon. Degree night second Tuesday evening follow- Vinglall moon. All visiting brethren cordially iinvited to the to4gings. - _ ., ',.;.1 IticNEINzrz, _ ,- A T DAvInscac, 611Gus - Secretary, • _W IL . ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any tiule, at the: lowest tate of interest. The principal may • be paid at the end of the time, or a part of the wind - pal may be paid each year, interest. ceasing on •the amount -paid. For further particulars, -etc., apply to ANGUS STEWART, LtlektIOW. - —Mrs. -G. W. Berry- and Mrs.- IL Proctor spent a couplo. of days this week with friendiin -.Goderich. _ • —Miss Ella-sMiller, who has lseen. in British-- Columbia for about a year past, has returned to the village. - .1 —Be sure andattend• the Lacrosse match between Mount Forest 'and Lucknow, in Durham on Monday next. —the Montreal Presbytery, .by. a vote of 21 to 13 found Prof Campbell guilty of the first Count of the libel for heresy. Thos. Rooklidge, of Salt Lake. City, Utah, and at one time a resident of Lucknow, was In the Vilage on, Wednesday renewing old acquain- tances. - .0.. G. T. SEPOY LODGE, NO. 384, o„ meets in the south • end- Lodge Rooni. • in the TemperanCe.Hall,•Lucknow. every Thezda:y evening- at '8 ffi'clock, D. K. Win3,- U. T., S, MATAFAus, Sec. • C.1'. R. TIMETABLE. Trains leave Lucknow for south at 5158 a to, 1048 a, m. and 6a5 p. na, North at 1235 Te. me. 4;02 p. tn. and 10328 ' • C. T. U.—L The - regular monthly •Meeting of the Women's Christian I- Tempe' ranee Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows '• 'Hall, Lucknowc at 3 p. 111. NIBS: W. H. gmititi_Pregdent ; Mits. HoPaqu, Secretary. • CREWE: - On Sunday the 3rd inst the Rev. D.1 Rbdger8 .preached a sermon to the Snuday Sch.00l ehildren in his usual in4eresting planner. * Quite a number from a distance gave us i a call on Monday last, among -others were. Mr. Sanders', beyond Dimgannon ;• Mr. P. Murchison, fancy. 'do& and small ware, • also W. Hack- ett, Of Toronto Medica -I' Cpliee gave US a friendlycall onhis bicycle the same day. • Mrs. Sanderson, of Vingham who returned. home on Monday. • i'Father Dixon, of - Kinsbridge, gave u a call‘one day lately. Mr. Moore, traveller for E, Adams Co., and •Mr. Wilcox; for Perrin; ave our store keepers a call on Tues- day last'. also Mr.. Case, with biscuit - and candy on Wednesda.y. - . - I On Wednesday morning the barn - • • ' 4 of A. Gauley with contents .was • troyed by fire.. He has been very un- fortAnate ; a•few weeks ago he had a ay stack arta a good deal of fencing burnt by rung fire, and now his barn and contents, so be ha; no shelter for his stook, and very litttle feed, •—*r. Peter Corrigan is away down East re -visiting the scenes of his _boy- hood days. He is accompanied by an olcl school mate, Mr. Cassidy, of Tiverton. . —Messrs. Dan Geddes' J. G Mur- doch, Geo. Lawrence, - Dougald Mc- Mullin, of Lucknow, and Reeve Alex. Stewart, of West I'Vawanosh, and ban Kerr, _of Holy -rood, leave for. •trip to the World's Fair,on Friday. • —The Millinery season will soon be here again. Miss I;awson attehded the millinery openings in Toronto where she - purcha.sed the newest styles for fall. The ladies will get further information, from ui next week,—W. CoNsiErill I* The trustees of- the Methodist Church had an oppcfrtenity of practic- ally enjoying some of the benefits Of protection when they had to whack up $28.40 duty on the slate that is being put upon the roof their of church. A pocket jbook containing some four dollars in change was lost in the village on Sunday evening .last, and the finder will oblige by leaving it at- theZENTIITEL office, t or at A. Con grain's drug store. wp,s visiting her .brother John Curran, face and- dropped on -. goat, :Corrigan -nearly.sconring, Aracott Cleared,' but. • Miller. and Grundy -Were 'prepared and soon the. - Drotialaota' home were :handling the sphere. Hornell passed to McDonald. who Shot _ wide. ,McKay throwing. well the field. S. West _sprinted back with the ball and McDonald once again got the rubber, he made "0, good .shot Which was prevented. 'freta -scoring by a splendid stop by Carroll, the ball .rol• led out in'tront Of the flags and Mc- Corvie,- seized- the opportunity and accomplished -the needful by a - neati, !Coop. Tinie 8 ens.-- - • • The Second game was .6, scortcher ' lasting 28. minutes. bossily,: Klien1 and lAcKay-. did great execution for the • Sangeenv. - Smith, Yule and -West Worked like " trogans "-during! the game; Kerr being_ °Iowa,' Checked by Anderson transferred - .to Yule; who threw- to McCorvie and . he to -Tennant, a "pretty combination re- sulting. The Dropshots' heals re4 taiped possession of the rubber for some time, but despite the .1aeroi. efforts:of -•'Corrigan' and Smith, the Walkerton defense stayed off the im- pending :danger, McDonald' emerged froire a scrimmage behind the flags and: threw to Corrigan who finaily-tallied by xa well directed shot Mr. Wm. Kickley: Our Coning man, • gave us a call on Thursday last. We 3pre sorry tohearthat his son. William; teacher in S. S., No. -9; is very unwel), ;and unable to teach. We hope for his speeds, recpvery. THE SUBS6EIBER HAS OPENED -AN : office in the building east afitta 1311/iTIICEL Print1n Office. - AGREEMENTS.- BONDS. .LEABIDE34 DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS 0A1:1,EFULLY PREPARED. -Plans „specib:cations and estimates for build .166. -mills; bridges etc.. fuscubboa on short notice. JAB: SOMEWVILLE. Lucknow. Jan .1891. - IA ir CS N 0 W . , .1.1 Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday • -3 evening at 8 o'clock in their hall. Campbell street. All brethren rdially_ invited. J, 3.F,L•uoT, -N. Grand; W...AVILSOIT,ReCOrder. "4- (1. O. F. „COURT ‘...) • Sherwood; No. 50, Lucknow. Meet - every firSt and • third" Monday e vse r month, • ill the • Or- , allge hall. Vislt ing - brethren are cordially in -lilted. C, R. D. - -YULE - SEC. SIJR.A_N Farmers, look 0- your own interest an insure. your farm buildings and ' avate dwellings in the 1.-0:NDC).N UTUAL. No largo _Preir4unt NOtes required • a LANGSIDE The'cveather of late has been warm -dry. • . All who attended the games appear to be very well satisfied, though sortie,. -do• not feel as brisk as usual. - Messrs.- Jae; A. Crowston , and :W. R3S5I and Miss B. -Ross -are .attending the Toronto Fair. • -• Mies Bella_McKenzie is home from Detroit on a visit. 1 CASH SYSTEM 60 oents..to,90 cents per $190 . for three year - 'JOHN. /tA,NE: AGENT-. KINLOUCH. ..A.1k1 agent.. for the f'hoenix England. 0 : . LUCKN OW- LODGE- OF • - • the A. ipient Order -United WOrlimeu, . . . Meet in thef)ddieirows hall, onthe. last and second Moitday evenings of each _ month A • eight .o'clocic . -Waiting :brethren- cordially invited. A MOPHERAI0N-, Master Workman, B. D. GA:mBitoli., Recrder.. --7"" •_, .POr CURRIE'S CORNERM Time 28 - Neither teatia notched a goal during the remaining playing altheuib McDonald putwitted the Walkerton defence and 'carried the ball tlarough trophy.- • • _ • the. goal . but • was disputed. The visitor's home -leemed. t§' regain n4vir life and kept the ball, near their Opponent's flags. -Kerr and McQuig were.equal to the -occasion.- however, . and .r.elieved by long throws.. Tirne •was soon called, leaving the Dropshots Victors by. two straight games. • NOTES. J. Totten, who figured on the team At the comniencement of the season -acted as field captain for his old club. The Dropshots leave. on the -6:48 train Menday morning,. whete they ta -the 11/16unt Forest - a • Miss: j. Campbell of Brantford, hag been renewingold acquaintaliceis among us. MrMcLeanI of Behnore gave • us e. friendly call before going to Muskoka. The - weekly prayer meetings will be held. every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. • The Rev. E. McKenzie, who has had charge of the Presbyterian chunk 'Preached) his validictien ,sernion a fortnight age.- . - • The •sacreinent of the Lord's Supper . was dispensed in! the Presbyterian Messrs 1I and Drennan: and Jas. Irwin are lukiving great e ccess in threshing in this section ifrs MeLean Lueknow, paid a visit to Mr. X: Johnstone a few days la, -week.- 1 Mr. R.:McKenzie, of Duluth; Minn. Who has-been visitiing friends ed in this -vicinity for the past week, left church - on Sunday last. The I3..ev. Mr, Malcolm, of Teeswater se GUELI)}1 CENTRAL Extuutrum. .•••••••••••• This Moat popular exhibition in-the- provinbe be held in the moat: beautiful newly arranged park on Tuesday,. Wednesday and Thurbday, Sept.].9th, 20th ;and 21st. A fine Old attractive, programme his been arranged fer each of .the three days, so that -visitors may depend upon enjoy- ing thaMselves at any one or all of the. days.- The . prize list has 'been thoroughly revised, and is now most complete and comprehensive in all departments.. The new half mile track has :been banked at ai -heavy expense this year, and is now admitted by alt to be without exception the best in, - the province, Besides .the , fine pro- gramme of speeding contests there will be pony•races,- bicycle rues, grey- -hound coursing .etc., and the many other features where a determined effort i; .being made to stand. in the front rank. _...The most attractive,, musical orgaTizatiOn: of the present day" is the band and pipers a the 48th Highla,nders, ot Toronto.'' "These ha-ve• by the kind. permission of the Lieut. Col.; been. secured, and will be here during the exhibition. ; the pop- ular band of, the 30th Battalliou. The promenade. C eit8 the park Tuesday and Wedlieeday evenings, Sept. 19th and 20tb. will tie, the rich- est and rarest treats ...-)f.'the so sou, and - no , one should miss them. Single fare. to the public old all rli'lwaysifrom 19th to 21st, good re‘usn on the • 23r4,:. and for judges and . exhibitors, on presenting; certificate frail 15th to 21st. • mesday n3orning for Chicago,: where he 'McDonald received .his usual pun- . visit -his motbier and alSo spend a ishment,.a btok,m heact this . Will few aaYs at th° w°0( -3-'s V"ir• we - 'Seaforth and Kinearditiel-= play iu wish: Mr. McKenzie a happy trip and Kincardine to -day (Friday). A fierce a safe return --.to his home in Duluelf. F•z.tin,oe iss. anticipated, as. -the game Mr' and Mrs' AgarRftt12t1j8 --rda decides AVhidh_ghall be 'entitled to corn:- . FinlaY Were, the.gesssts of t obn Jam- pete in tbs -race in . the intermediate - .. , chanipionels.ipe- . . --iesen -last Su:nd ' . Miss •Nellie ' Jobestone-s ens a teve.•. • , . - . • .. • _ • _ -.........--._............. . in Kintail lkLsf, week. 1 In- meeting -of the Patrons of In- lays --Ani.AirtL3. Bby duSti-y 9-f North: Bruce was held at - or Commission, pa.d wt-ekly. COMPLETE 1. ;Ars. Piwan one dqy OTITFIT 'FREE.. • Spocial instructions t:, •-• beginners. W.fit this week fir terms t.) Mt' J°1in- JOlinst()Ele' grown Nursery Siock., ..ffighest salarip's I ded 'and E 0 GRAHAM 14 Toronto, _ URSERY:bIAN, . - • • . • . . r. fr. ienaty visit to D ardi av anon, last Kati] ra ay ILLLING OUR:I1 AR:N. AN A.DT AN t. • Luckuow, uieson and sr. .paid a e, of Dun- Southatipton on Tuesday m the Town Hall.- 'II: McNaughton, Reeve of 13.ruce 'Township, was nonlinat*ed a. candidate for. the -coining electl ori:, for the Local House • t.47 7- • 4 ' • ' •