Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-09-08, Page 2L
Fnan.,,—Your fearer of the 3rd.
Has-hed my very best attention,
But yet cannot, in word, .--
Accept you on the terms you -menamt
-Indeed, wherever you may try;_-.
• According. to t_he last devices;"
You'll meet, I fear, the same reply—
"It can't -be done,- at curreat pricesr
• In vain for intellect kre fluted, -
Ineiblocd and brain- , you sUroly know,
_ And therr„ se 4.: yilare `weak enough
TO offer -love, sincere, imstudied
= Why, sir__With swill Quixotic stuff
The in4rket's abrointely flooded! -•
The timelis over -for romances, -
And whether we can cope to terMs
PePends alone an your linanct,s.
So. -Would -you think me overbold
I,4 -with deference,' -requested •
A. -statement of what funds you holdi
tor, candidty, -such affairs
`A speedy bid your chance is,
boom in Yankee Millienaires
May soon result in marked advances;
-- With you' re. witlingly be wed
-N.To like you well enough I m- able,
But tir.t submit your ba,nkbook, Fred,
To your (perb.apee devoted Mabel!
reached- theibettlevardi -data:nine& to Meet
tome _
...pavements glistened:- the: lamplight A.
'dainp-rawnesei; such -ea funereal -one byt.imil--
and esereed. tO. stifle the gee fisamee:.
went _oil- at a:. mederate .gaio, repeating
withivhoni to talk." -
entered :several. Of --the °eke 'Irani the
Gloomy-leolthig.: people -Seated at the .bablea;
did not eeetato-havei*itauty enOugh to finish
.I Wandered .t.litire tote some, time 'end . then
usually -retired bet* Lopettedthe etriet.
door foe me•et- oncei.oeetrery _tie _hie. castoirs,
:and 1, :.tholight; well,anotha 'tenant
When I leave my, rootlets X el oreys leek the
-that startled reie. I. erippesed, :however,
ehat seine -ono !had :brought a ;letter for
- I entered). fire *atviOtt Put yet* :40, -
faintly -illuminated the roonte "toot ,a -c ene
:tile to -light at the .heerthe; 'When... glancing,
wrermieg-.hisieet, -With . hire bac
The *formed 6.000 -where. I weat
owe.- had -said thet woeldriorize be backi and
-Stances of my :return peened .thiosigle my
'a.sacandr--the street aooi -Opened it
him. liner Wei perferitly nose mac of -his
items 'hanging .et eictri.4. his head, :In-,
clined-:*.littlatowa.rd.the left, Certainly' ip-
.ene- threat'. - The *Chair Was.- -einelteee Greet
I Stetted- baek 'at first ai it re terrible
danger had aPpeared•beforime.
tO look.....egile at- the -erne-chair
gasping- with:. and so...Completely
unnerved. that. "could. not *even
- Bet" aka .aelf-periseri.ed :inapt.. and aeon
my. reason retuthe4. hive been :the
And . I immediately began to reflect ripen
endeubted fear. Day.mind had heed
andiegically; My bteirt Wait therefore le
One of •those which' cedoe-:- ignorant
opticel illusione -teething .mere, caused: pet -
apse With a start, ataif _Renee earehadrtenclied
-me.. from behind. :.Ceetairder. l'evie not at all
felt reaSSured: torikt enter.
Satedown end poriderad- *tor Same time
Over my edventuire.... Then. _3c went 7t0 --bed
and bleviecont the light; •
-.For soMe all -Went well.- when
felt that 1.-inust leek, atowid the raothatend.
. There- Vas-, nothing- lett of the fire' save
two or three -.glowing coats, whiCh. ifs/hewed
jest the -feet. ef the arrnoheire.and I thought
bed been. ntietaken. I. saw nothing atall.
- I get .up, liewerier, *end hid the elude be.,
Then' niede- ell dark, egain and. tried, to-
elotria .• --bad eob 'lost _doseacieeteeres. five
*tinnier': before, Ina dreatn, ae
as reality all the -scanee -or the.- evenieg:
eliecaudie I. ,iireineined -seated in •: bade.. not
ever, slumber -overtook -deepite..pyself
(T: CAD' 071
Rerhaps, 013 of Dr.
Fierce% Pleasant*
kellets—buit. you
Can't' feel it after
takenitl.. And
et does. "yonl
more . goal thand
.riping and viol'
ene,e: These tiny
Pellets, the smallest and easiest to take,
bring you help that lasts. ponritipatione
mid all derangea
aeh, arid bowels;
Indigestion, Bilious
Bilious Headaches,
remits Of liver stb permanently en
aear ft lend, de you net under-
eat' uoeettied in ray
mini -3, -bet not the: way yeti
hot at ale utiple•esir g to • me. Sae la ahoet„
aed Mend. not rich; -fact,
just safih ,may fiad: by
the hinidred. ire i he dais famitiee,
Thin why 'should 1 Matey ?"-You 6A.
I 'merry .in eraer -t-eat-I-Mathot be alone:
net•Itueiv• now.. to pet it SO i149st 3r01i
It mVself. And then 'Yon- me' and:
_tome- eee neer me, Roane one. who, bee talk, -
-Who can say snme0Aingi no matter -what: it
becaine—becaUstee4. cennot admit it
without elieneel-*ehec.itise, em afraid when
en6ere I Could kill -him Without filecliteg.
tot afreid gbosts. I- have no freer
of the tpr I believe in . the
ntteranethilatiael7-ei every _being wile die!'
appears; •-
.. of room. - sail afraid of being afraid -a:-
-afraid ot:the patoxa sailed my mind, whit*
is. losing- control of - iteelf-a-efraid -of that
tem& :if Bat -it is frightftil
awl itiourahle, 6ro afraid of -the wells, of
_: the futeitUre, of familiar . objeCie, which
'take. on to my. dieorilered vision a -sort of
anima ern afreide above; tille`ef. the
and letiegible- ft -
through wh.ile Shaddef tuns
-I speak.. ate eire.icleil-tiho sewed of -my
• awn:voice. I.walke :Lane afraid of -the un-
known preemies -behind this doer, behind -the
• curtain, Illeide • Lbe I closet,: under the.:. bed.
te behind me even thotigh there he eiothieg
-there end. Lkir.ow it. -
Vannes Vision:Veiriftes liser as.. an Indic*.
firmer Advancing Tears.- .
Carietis,i' eat& an optician recently -to e
given by.their eyesight. . With many. cue-
tomete I am .aottally obliged. to' resort to
deception to suit their requirements.. Last
Week an elderly woman. came into my store
and intinireile for. glesses... . She -said she
lin.eWlet present &otos- .were.. trio strong,
ceuldn't stand eta .glasses, eyes too young;
end- all thet. I tried her• eyes and- foetal
%het the real trouble WAS.. the reveres of. her
statement. .
Madam:- seid, your glariaes are fete
---A. Silt -matt offer Of $500 cask
la made :lir the Proprietors Of --
ISS 898„
wino -
was velpiyans to any el ;these velivreeregan
menu !please meratieneitlates paner..
But enough of I Wilt dream no ni re
eo'peesistently aneoled Sit& It i- les. feet
one.' .. Whs.% - It t . I knoWr indeed that •:.I1)
deee not, . exist, .thiiiiit It leas no being.. . It:
Lave only in my.. repprehensloge ie.iny _for,
with **Boit,. te ta4ke Counigei ; ceateot
rein -sin alone at heMe because -It • there. " I
Shall. not Mite ' -1 knave It will net elhow
there,i -tietkihe, Ionia, in my thoughts: . It
lope It IS behincr ithe -'elieore, In the trade
under the pede ii. itill the dark 'ooreer , in
ripen the Closetati 1 mist_ no light Mider.the
never Bei It. . It. Is notie.1he tern behiti
ritill. . a ... tl.. • ..; . e . ,
any threat or lung troubles
" -Young map, yea must ladtinsetie; She
raid, gettir, g angry. .4 I hevdi only worn
gleam a. few. Months, atel I -Wish the mildest)
seat. I keow la so, becainie the pair trait
have selected hurt my. eyes:dreadfdliy.' Of
might have .been* mistakee, examinedlher.
cannot bear bealane. Must feel -
eyes again end 'aid -I had a pair r..).f riflery
mild- grams, eat- ao strong as her torieter
pair in feet, blit•of excellent make, Whiala I
a-66 4 Are they. weaker than you showed Me.
" 4 Weaker then My peesent ones?
sf 4 Well now,- you See I Wert right,' ahe
eald triumphantly, 4 .1 haven't seen_ so, well
In weeks, These are azautly rigbt, and
take -than knit as they are.
44 -01.courEe we can't Put ea &aim on
and sha went out just as .well satisfied it
en I
It is stupid, litt yet It hi horrible.
Would yeu have?. I -cannot help mys
-Bat )f there _wives Iwo. at- home, I feel
ea longer, for It is there becense-I alines
i you .Lijintr, colds -Gm,
of T'ure. Cod. Liver .05.1 with
ypophosphites.eof and
Soda. No. other -preparation
1. effects sule cares.
logal Evarmatata-tatit; ass Aran
or= a ..,me --esameiseaireetetesie
ffes,c4 103034
Elsa it atigifty settivtaf.
1,70.50,10 Ausese„sneens0s.
glories') to that wooer* one number stronger
:driPeptiOn like would have ruined her eye-
sight- for a -hit of petty vanity." e/ST. Y.
Willi BE
Canada's Great
Imparts thorough book-keeping;
arithmetic, phonography,- type -writing ana
all other •branehes of commercial; education
*while pursuing 14iese bratiches can alto tike
up. -music, firm) art, elooutin or literary
courts: Graduates are- hi bramble -a situa-
tions -in leading Cities -et 'the Dominion -and
A AletallTluit !gardens Steel.
Perhaps ! Don't you. run the tisk aieough,
but always -buy the well -tested and sure-,
pop cern -oure—Pataam's -Painless Cern
Extractor. Sure, 'Wised painlees.
the -clothes and crouch. ing .there trembling
' rolled tip like a bail, I close my eyes 'desper-
ately and remain Vies for -an _indefinite
length of time, with the knowledge that my
_candle- ts still burning on. the table -and thtit
- I *ought to rise end blow it out. And yet I
* do nett dere. Is it not frightful to be in
Formerly I never felt so. • I used to go
serenity of -my Beal._ If •eny oue hed told
me that --some malady of fear, Unreal;
foplish and yet terrible; . would seizs on -me
ene day, I Should heave . laughed him to
apron; used to epee doors in the - dark-
. DOS with assurance ; wentto• bed slowly
. and wiphout bolting -myself lea and I never
gob up in the neiddie of the night to =eke
sure thet the -doors of thie room were tightly
. .. i
The -rearm wily the ' mixt re of tungsten
with Steel gives the latter a great a; degree
of hardness . that it readili scratches glees
and %mate he revealed by a dis-
covery recently made in. Germany. A
definitely erystatized ooinpound of iron and
tungsten has been discovere'd, . the •crystels
being So hard as to seratch topaz. , ...
- Tungsten ie a brittle white metal abnest
as heavyas -geld. The crystels formed. by
its Combinetiori with iron, in the p/loportion
et one *stem of iron to -twit -of lung ten, are
. It .is thought that: When tungstet is
alloyed with Steel sfltne Ot the compotind
'list described is formed *lithe masa, there -
le increase* the
Greve! shop, Bond etreet, . London, a fete-
daYs.ago, the largest eeen for 20 years: t
was a male, and Was captured 'in the - Te i:
When put in the sceles it 'turned the beam
at -08 poends. The ineasurementa..were:
largerit seimen tie record. is that keown as
King . of Soots, which: weighed neatly 10'
in the Museum of Eoonomio -Fisli 1Crilturre
Wasted Wealth.
By the AnSittiart procesies of working ib
is Reid that the taitings Nevada, and
California mills would produce more geld
than is -found in the richest Penetrien mines.
The daughter et Prince Xernatojeffe- of
sorting to pretty- extreme measures in order
be change such re name 'is thete
o 16,
'New Stables., -New C.eittte Sheds :tut_
Greater and Better than
tily. terror originated. bete year in a ain-
gatar feshitin..eIt.'WeS:on one.. damp.: night
. fine rain: Warabeetingageinst the penev, ;t
._, • crying, --which make one- *juin. to talk with
-I felt dee.teted; My teems seemed. to -ma.
empty and cheetless.- se :they. neirer had;
seemed before. *.. An -infinite end_ heertesed-
oy producing the- remark.a
headless of the etteel, :
-Comities greet F Toronto:
eriate.Indneti!al Fair, to bla hold it TerontOt
_very Much the stone *eVery realise), except
as to extear, reed Will be. atinsity as im-
ortant to the . people _cif :Canada. Tel§
year's Fele. will, it* prOicted, excel, all
in:the attendance Of vial r T 'spice in
y been •--applied
: When day divined; X felt cured eted slept
.Yea will; - Id ihterti I hed . knee ; ill. . I
'started to rotten to my. monis.. .' Bet: as -1
afield of More trpable with my *yea,. afraid le always reedy far ; n i , -isle
of the halluoinatiorae afraid of . • the terroel tred.e.liaper: - Pat both in a b
, Fer more than ae heer I streyed about 1 whatiAt :Will. ba fi,) 'for iese With
the steeeti ; : then, at last; I felt ea nundel -cation-of :h'eset. . : .* Gine thee
-gratesing fee breath so_that I Could; -scarcely': rile, asireeptein yery celd Wee
aocend the Battle. - I. -erimained fOr tee:mine:: eliould -arab be -set in. Twee w
tliesndderily I. -hid sin gooses 'of -courage, ;„ Do -Yea WO te hely a: keit'ea. re ehe -finetit
door ; I:reshed -in, coati:* hind ;Ikicked • "tie IL: )1. .PIEROB,_ WREN; il&lir Claire
open -ti, hilt- ejar inner doer Of my. room, whp learnt. fee the ceiebrated. IKeyetene
fireplace.. -1 saw nothing, rah 1 . ••• i - : :Counties ista the line e the IdiehtgenIclentrel '
anoe I I walked to and fro in.eastasy. :Heti liberal ternit are Offs :ad and ",ittilread . fare
Tel I did not- feel entlrely reassured, - I - one way aliferi the parehmef treaty socroa
turned round - ettddenly...;soMatintes.; the- :.Yetint-a! 4, _this. te- `a Phatoe Ilr` have et !milt
a touch of fever, the nightmare—what
all the buildings has aye
for. New stables and 'new caFttle sheds
have been erec bed it:a cost of ovv r $100,000,
inge and Yiew the animate uncle, cover at
'all hours Of the- day. - The grquatis bilve
also been. - drained,: netw I toads ?constructed
and many oiher improveneenm made.- The
special attreOtieets are pelotnised la be greeter
and better than ever reed will 'embrace many
111 World's Fete at Chicago .the asses being
intention taking' in the, Tore to .Feir,- of
• :: 9:: • • 4, 4: . ••• I? •
• ....::••••:•••:•••••••••• :
9: :. .9 °. ° • 4 P.,4 0.................. :Ia.. ...1 .- 9.1 19:0 .e. .•
of Saginaw (pop. 50,000, and'within 2 to 5,miles
$25 a year, six per ceet.-.interest. Schools and
churches near. Well timbered. Send tot
Saginaw, E. S., Waite
Make mariey canvassing for ,"Fanner
Friend 13,nd. A mount Book." Send for -circulars
William Briggs, Publisher, Toronto.
see With
Not afraid of it=riet afraid of its prewar:a,: BY addin'g whiskey e. any
in whit* I did not at all believe, I was 091111110.11 yon will IWO all
aticit41-.4Intea-n.tity of
article %het
ttle, -cork it:
four, doe;
et the
ititnei at foe
her, whets
teaches us that the number of people who caii.ount
correctly is small. it also teaches iis that it pays
to be honest, and carryout all promises to the very
letter, whpther made -through an advertiseMent or
business coMmunication, or by word of mouth.
Dishonest . firms • who made big proiniSes, but
carried none of them into effect, have been crowded
to the wall, and forced out of business. We are
here to stay, and do an honest legitimate trade.
To test.the counting ability of Our customers and
prove that we do exactly as we promise, we present
the above Maltese .tross, and ask: our friends to
count the dots. - With it we make the following
of the very finest workmanihip ; to the second. a ;
genuine DIAMOND RING; to the third
• some SILK 'DRESS- PATTERIt-sixreen
yards, in any color. hach answer must e-accom-
- panied by 85 cents in stamps or 'silver, to pay for
--one of our little gem tea packets, -which contains
a helf pound of -our best you WC. HYSPN,
desire Should there be no correct answers, the
present's viill be given to those whose answers are
nearest the correct number.. . ,i ,
. The person whose envelope is POSTMARKED MST
will be awarded firdt prize, -and the others in order
of merit. To the, person sending the Liar correct
answer we will give $100.00 IN .;GOLD;
to the next to the last, a- pair of' genuine ?IA-
I slept badly awaked 'Tee etter time by '
The Moat hob'. Exhibit,
imaginary no • Bat -did. not '11010 Ito '
alowle. were burning and I nette-ea it at 1 Ne, had disappeared forevere "Mlle latmehes alike ;Moat re -
Then ail at 01100 a chid. 'an down') From that day I ',have- been'. -.efreld When nissikablietibingleat the World'salati," !Aid
I feel- It there, near me; piotetiUrtger who his just retuned..
nly things which are
-had -eritered taebowiii.atid that -I had bet -A around - mo. -that . It has .not- ar e
139.0k. -.thought -that- tae. ampnestialone a n g .
ter .nviikA. a fire. I did so, It was: the first pewee& aealie-agfiine, no : And nabs -b.'.
time a -,?0,,t%41.1.. .1- liat.•' wa agista;- r. Vete fielervea.Y, glebe: 14r'.eot believe - ohezgediel 'Emeriti
Watehteg the fi-irosikt hut, Bona the icapossieain lt, since I know.thate -It 'deist '.net really
end I felt,- that: miDltiax:0440-' Myselfee. meet tie wear' . neverthelegg,. bee. ause liflorethaithe_G___nm affer4- inAnot rOW
-1.weet cut... -I 041.ed en ehree:aCqnsintr' t I id its heed. Wai ittelitted‘to In things it le bettor "to hepe than to
ge out -and find * friend. - . . thiak: of It constantly._ One hend- was hong--
swag, pone of whom was all hoeits.
Then - 'the bit like thist ef 'a jaan..Whe ileeps.-. despair —arida&
han some SILK DRESS- PATTERN -----
sixteen yards, any color, and many other prizes in
order of merit. ln addition; we will give SIRE'‘.
CIAL PRIZES for "the first answer receiVed
-from each post -office, whether correct - or nets In
ordering kindly state vihich kind of tee you use,
and it win be sent, with all charges prepaid, tri
your address. Remember you pay for the tea only.
The presents are given away in order to induce new
customers to test our teas. This tea is guaranteed
to be a better article than yon now get from your
dealer for the same price. We are able to make
this unprecedented .offer, because
0,008190,1( VOLLE
Features—Physical -Culture, llanual Tr alit
ing, Matriculation, Teachers! Courses, Slits
Calendar tree. A
which we give to our customers. We tinn that a
trial will convince you, and that if you once bui
from us you will continue to do so. At Ty
OUR RELIAESILITY, we would re r iron
to any leading bank or commercial ency in this
PAs FIVENEARS an have never broken
^ faith -with a customer. it costs only thirty-five
cents to test us and our tea at the same time. Do
* so at once and allow us the opportunity of proving- .
that we faithfully fulfil every proinise. Address.
FRONT STLEAsT,-ToRoArro,omit
)Selieville, Ont.,
Greats - Diplomas ..14commereitil ,Scienen,
Music, Fine Arts, Olen _sad Colkadatat
Candidates prepared -tor letstricedation ant
fOr'.eyery grade of Teacheret;Certificates.
.re -open Tuesday, September 5, 1893.
. Send for Calendar. Address,
,nnn. APRiS -
1.1ein?AnT in Minnesota.. Send for Map sad Mit*
latt. 'They vilibeisent talent
That Ooneraissioxer.StePsadetignia;
ZEN TS issuing* ot silver.- nothiissai-Maistilislnirre.