Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-08-25, Page 5..j aiUAUO Th(' plans:for- sending for -ward cheese . - for the exhibition in October .at the --Worlds Fair -are as follows 1 Any factory may send. two of its Airiest neheese;addressedto the dairy cemmiesioner' A Ingerselle Ont. or e - r °Weal z-.-QUe. 2.- The Dominion. GQ-v.errgingep will pay lleight _charges- frOnl P fa'-ctories to- these pointe,- and from thesepoints tte_Chicae-O and return, as well .as - the Cost of caring for the cheese during the exhibition and until they are disposed og afterwards. . - 2. The Goyernment Will Make pay - ments on account to the several -eXhibi-: fore of -dairy products to -nearly -the full -market value. 4. The cheese from.. every factory hicla,Will melt the highest numberof _ poi when judged in October, no, matter in what month they are .naa,cle, arl-. wanted.; probably those from - the . • • . tmake of the last half of August or the ten days in September will bethe • 5. They -.Must _reach Ingersoll '0 Montreal not -later than Sept. 6._ Similar :arran-„erements have, been made for the exhibit. -of bu'uter, but _! only one package from any - -creamery ter dairyis needed. ' 7. A bulletin -of detailed imforma- ien,...'Odrese labels and ..eritryeforms me4-.be obtained Tfree.'eri application. to the dairy oon3inissionere 4 .e• ttEST 13T Ts,111:1-11VOS4 - , ..'=";;Z;••••••••• • - IN°To raaehinl was ever constructed in which the demands upon it are more completely Met than in this' r';erfect structure of steq. The main gear frame is made of one solid piece of flanged steel, which can never break oir twist. THE LIsTOTTER is carried on the main gear frame and not on the elevator frame as in other binders. Solid as rack. 'The DRIVE WHEEL is the • largest and: strongest used on any binder in tlae -market, never failed. The platforra frams is made of the -best of refined steel. No useless joint e 'or connections.; rounded steel fingure bar; no grain lying toe -close for it ,to pick up. Elevator sides are steel instead of wood, no racre wood to split and warp Brass roller bearings .all. oiled. .from -outeide. The best. and .only •STEEL KNOTTER in the marlrete. Simple in construction, and ties every time. The reel is the best and_sironeest driver -of anyl made-. Both ends of the machine. raises and lowers from the -seat. It is unsurpassed by • any other machine eof its class Manufactured. Intending purchasers wili do well to give it a -thorough examination before .placing their orders elsewhere, and. patrohize.- a thorough reliable and independent firm like the Nuxom RHOS, INGgilsoLL; 0 -NT. - Is the place to make your selections jil = CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & PROVI$ OHS have in stockl the following Apples! ';- Blacking Black •Lead Blue Baking •Powders • Barley; pot 13ath-, Brick Beans Brooms Baskets • Brushes Coffee- Confeetionery Canned Goode_ Cocoa, • Ch.ocolate Corn, Canned Corn meal - Currants - Currie Po-wder. CreamTarter Cocoanut Dates 'Dried Apple lExtracts Figs • Fish, canned • Frill, dried • Gelotine- • Gingers Hops• - Honey • Ink Indigo• Licorice" Lime Juice Lemons Lamps Lard • Matches • Mince Meat Meal - • Macaroni Mustard • Meats, canned Magnesia 'Nuts Nutmeg • Oil, olive Oil, sweet ; Oil, castor _10ranges Pails .• Oat -Meal - Peels PiPes Pearline •PePper Raisins - Rice 1 - Rice Flour : Sago . Salt Salmon- . Sardines Senna Seeds • Sugar Syrups No. -1 Flour aleeays- -liana. Goods 'delivered to any part of.the town. •iSoda !Spays Spices !Starch 'Strawberries, cazine • 1Sulphers- ., Tapioca Tomatoes; 'canned Teas Tobaccoes Vermiceii •. Vinegars • Washboards Washing trysta • Woodenware Whiting • Dinner Sets Yeast Oakes Dinner Sets Tea Sets • •Water Sets • Cream Sets • Berry Sets • Toilet Sets • No COM bine Here, Aug..18th, 1893. Oonneil . met to -day, members all eeent. - The minutes of former - meceing were reatti _approved. The trefieurer's report showed -a balance en liana. Auq. oa356:16.. _Moved -11y seeoreled by Mr.-Di:unit that the reeve ima.-t-auz..surer. be im- borrow-P60.0 for -a term of •ee teeeelleee-:Cee sum of gie'ett. to Jaeeee ?arson,. an tn- dt to enable .him to go., to his - friends, Moved by eeepride,1 . Mr.- Todd vurpoee IleCegg . for e county, son,. that for the the -- amount ownship and. Also dealer lin Bain wagon's sewipg machines etc. home every Saturday. •••• '•'"." - sehoel putposes for the current year a c -miety, rate of '2 3-5 .naills - and it ' township rate ot_:. i -o nulls -be -levied on all '.of -.assessable. -property in the - t6wris.hip , for the current year, .also si.lflicienrates, to -I -ad se the . ampunts - .. required forschoolpurposes by the - -. several ,sectionee.---Carried. --A petition. from II Smith and otheri; :re - water course,: was read and. received. The reeve, clerk and Messrs. .Durnin. and Todd were empo veered -to -accept the collectors --bpicl. it satisfactory. '• The., followin cheques were. issued: jacOla- Miller, several. jobs,' ..,grading and: gravelling, $198:14 _;-' .J-acob .Miller,,„ Gritting . hill ' S. .. B. $57:75; Jacob Miller, culvert and gr. E.; B. rep. road con. --S $3&50, Jacob Millet, Jacob; 'Miller, gravelling $15•8 • John Boyle . 3 rt . -!1- 3 ' • 3 _ • , . _ ir. cutting hill .com 5, .$32:00 ; . john . -WeIsh,lbrushing ppp; 20 con. .2.&- 3, - -$15:00: ; Jas., M.cClus ex, gravelling _ bon. ' I, $46:00.; Jai.., McOluikey, $34:59; R. K.- Miller, p.-art,salary,-$7S • Jae; -...TcCluskey, - ctittir ii hill eon. 8 and . ,_ -e . 9, $30t00 ;. Ed. Brophy,- gravel_ and damage,- $9:6O; ,Thos. Quigley,- gravel and damage .$10:45 ; James Heey, several jobs gravelling, 8105:68 -,;.-Mrs. A-; '-'•Wilson,- _gravel $3:40; ' Patrick- -Welsh; - gravel .and damage, - $6:O0; John Craig, grant' to Jason Carson railway f ,,r -e. S6:0.0 -,- Sohn Kilpatrick, eravellitie.-- Iasi .. inspectser- fees 814.50; t18:10 ; Thos. -Lott, brushing, Ira -Vele '.1ing,an_d culvert, $63.:00.; Thos.- Aiider- son, cutting hilt con: 6 and 7,-830:00 ;.., -Wm. McCrostiee brushing con,_11,.$17 JAS. Walker,-in.pecting gravelling. $3; ge.drke- Armstrong, - gravelling and -, minding- -gap- $15:30; -Thos. .DishO, • plank', _ ..$3;23 ; - . George .. Bradford, mending scraper, $2:50`; br_- McKay examining .. and ce.etificate .Jatines . Barr(fa -$.5:00 -; James :Agnew, - gravel- ling ' •i72:3-3 ;'.. JaMes Alton, gravel, 4:60. insure against loss by weather, coupled with the fact that for the first time iu many years there is no other large Fair -being 'held on the same dates. The Live Stock Department is of -personal as well as financial interest to every farmer, owner, or admirer of choice animals. _An endeavor. is being made to: secure. the -prominent breeders with their stock -which will embrace the choicest specimens of every stand- ard breed, and in number- eclipse our (treat record of the past as a Live Stock".Exhibition; The Western Fair offers unexcelled opportunities for_ the gromenammminimmil•Minli McLEOD'S System Renovator. And other tested remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE • --FOR , Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss Of Memory, Bronchitis, Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and -Urinary Dis; asees, St. Vitus' Dance, Female Irregularities. and General Debility.. . $1 per half Pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - GOERICH, • Ja Mch.E0P, Proprietor and Manufacturer. - Sold by Harry Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknowi • -AUOTIONEEll FOB HURON • '00v REAL: E`..11TATE_1-_ iiNSURk ,.t.-AN,40'.E. AND GENERAL -,LfG ENGY, • • , SALES .ATTENDED . IN ALL PARTS of the County and satisfactionguaranteed, A .number of • • - •FIRST7PLAas. FARMS sale and purchase of Live Stock. The Poultry °Department, which was the admiration of not onlylanciers and breeders' but of our visitors its well, will be considerably augmented this year, from the selecting point for Western Ontario where specimens_ for the World's Fair will be chosen, and as London and vicinity furnish nearly one-half or Ontario's exhibit of fowls, we are not saying too much when we remark that this year's display will be Inogtlextensive. - • i • • • . • 1:- •- •-• •••••••••••••••••••••- by. Miss Trixie Slocum, fgiete XhibitiOnS of the most difficult ea s nown .Shooting. -Among other things they will shoot flying baEs while stancline on a -Swinging Trapeze,. I An elaborate display ' of FIRE: WORKS will be given each e.vening- These, together with Speeding Ccin. tests, Bicycle Race, and a host_ of other attractions will amply repay all those who have the privilege of witne ing . them. Special Passenger and Freight Ra es have been arranged for with all Rail- ways and Express Companies. -.For sale on reasonable terrds. The Agricultural and Horticultural . _ 4 DeFirtrnentS will especially: intaroit thO4 engaged - in the 'Science of husbandry and the admirers of thee useful products. The choicest speci- mens of grain, seeds, raots veeetablis _ and plants, -comprising the best old knot the most valuable new varieties -ll wibe on exhibition.- - AsLondonis the great centri of the -Dairy Interest of 'Canada, and as many of the -whiners of medals at the _ Columbian Exhibition are residents of Western Ontario 19,rgo exhibit of cheese and butter is an assured feature of this Fair. • • JOHN CiiiFF/N, KINGSBRIDGErxi- • • . —The best :talent .in tk COUtl. ry has. been engaged for - ,the coricert. This .wli-be the best Scotch -Cone rt given:.here:for years English -Spavin.TAininient removes all hard, soft Or calloused -1UrepS and blemishes- from horses,- blood epayin, purbS,1:,eplints,' ring.... bone, •_sWeerieY,.- st.illes,. sprains, gore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save_ 850 by use of rene-- bOttte. Warranted b3i-A. B. Cpnerame EXCURSIONS F.,iora-all Stations in:thatakO, - -Returt Rates -to- 1: - E..tevan - - Deloratne- 'Peiloosoinin Binscarth - Reston . . . r-Regfila 1 MObsejaW - YorIcton - Qatgary Prince - • Albert :Edmonton . Council -djourned to meeton Satur- day, Qct Aar 14th.. R K -311ILLEk, Clerk. LONDON -11FAIR - A large number of Special Attrac, tions have been. arranged . for already for the enter ainment of the visitors, among which are W. C.- Coup's Equescurriculum And Professor Buck- ley's celobrated army Of Trained Horses, selected for their perfection of "form and intelligence, these -almost human animals will give a realisti presentation of: A BATTLE. SCENE, and other feats even -more wonderful. —RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.— South American Rheumatism Cure for Rheumatism and, Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 3 clays. Its action Upon the system is remarkable and riaysterious. It. removes at once" the -cause and the disease immediately dis- appears. • The first dose greatly benefits. 75. cents. . Warranted loly A. .B Conlgram. Leads them all for amily roceries filiND^".77••"'"" ANNED 28.00 .Fitits_pf.AilKiMs in Spoon, FINE. -TEAS .A.SPECIALTY* $35.00 9140.00. TO LEAVE ALL POINTS in the I2110,- • - VINCE OF .TONTARIO, ONi AUG. .15; return. Until .00T.15 • . AUG. 22, .- ." " -00T.22 SEPT. 5, . - " NOV 15 Patties ticketing from other pointsshould arrange to arrive at Toronto in tune to :Connect with the 10.15 p.m. train on above de*. Largest Stock, The Choicest Goods, & The Best Vase obtainable in Lucknow, LL1 14' There is a great sire at present...in- . .. . the -Western_ Fair Office _sending out invitations' to exhibitori and visitors i. throughout Canada, in the shape of Prize Lists,qLithoer phs, Programmes, . . "5 - O and advertisihg.mater of all kinds. - The Western Fait- Association was -neverin a better position. than they -- are at present the handsome caeh 'balance of -seven. thousand dollars tv If you want a first-class set of teeth cheaper. than the Cheapest, call on .Professor Vreyees EDUCATED Doqs; Which hold High Court Session' consisting of Judge, Lawyers, -Jury . and Prisoner, will , try, -convict, ihang- performinp,cr nuinei7ous...other ip.telligent. and astonishing- tricks. They have secured the 14erial . :- japanese Troupe from Tokio, Japan. 'These per- formances - -Of :novel - and sensational Acta., not .equalled la -ST any other Troupe in the World. - They are also - engaged - to -give DAY FIR,EWORKS, Iswhich and bury one of their iinneber, besides are wonderful, _curious and amusing. .- ' - ' High Wire. Professor the. . _ , Artiit au& Charapioti: of the, Filtlis Of Niiagara,1. has been-secnred at consider - expense, :and- yd. I ' give exhibitiOnsetler and night dUrhi.k the Fair. -- . ' .Broncho -Rob, the Rifte:Itin0,. assist nnaites Office, CK. NOW, arzuottp • To obtain the best prices for your 3E3 CrluliMR. it is, to your advantage to use PINE LIVERPOOL fiALT, and bring it to market in rotls weighing from 2 lb. to 3 lb, or in tubs. Crocks or pails at this season do not bring as good prices.. a R. C1, PAIONS LOST HERE . STRAYED FROM THE .premises of the undersigned, lot 1. con. .3; Kinloss, on or about the 18th of June ewe and two lambs. - The ewe is narked by :split in the left ear and a spot of paint on the hind suarter.;- :The larabs have no niark only - the tali cnt Off. Anyone giving snch infor. _motion- as will lead to their recovery will be rewarded -$3,. • - . - ANGUS MCDONALD' , _ , LucknOw- P. O. STEER esTRAy AMWTO- THE PREMISES oF- THE- - undersigned, lot 6, con. .9. Ash.field, Eastern Division, on or about the 1st, of July a two=year old -steer, all white,- Thti,owner requestedto prove property, pay expenses and take him away, . THOS. E FIN AY, 1018-3 Lanes P. O. 3—VOTERS LIST4893. Itlitutelpality of -the T:Ownship of ! Ashiled, County of Huron. • • , • The.through Colonist Sleeper svili be at. tached to train leaving Lucknow at 1048 24UL On FEB MAR. MAR. APRIL APRIL Arriving in Toronto in time to cknnect with the through Colonist train, via, North Bay and C.P.R.‘ There will also be an OTICE IS EMERY_ GIYEN THAT have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in the third and fourth sections of the "Voters List. Act" .the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of tbe list, pursuant to the said Act of all persons appearing 1,y the last revised Assessment Roll of the said municipality at elections for members to the „Legit3lavtie As- sembly, and the municipal elections, and the said list was first posted up in my office, Mel fist P, 0., Ashfield, thip 8th day of August, 1893 and remains there forinspection; • ;Electors are called uppe. -to examine' the said list and: if. any omission or ;any .other errors are found therein to take limmediate proceedings to have the same errors corrected according to law. - Dated at Belfast this 8th Ithiy of August, 1863. • . 1 WM. STOTStRS., XCURSION 1TRAM Every Tuesday during March and AprIL Baggage checked through to destination also • through • tickets sold. No change ofl ear& Considering all ',ihese advantages we ev- pect te secure the traffic this season. rim any mfolmation apply tO D. W. HAVE, GS. :T Ag It . Mutioitsvit. ••••••••••••••...Ma, 1500 CORDS BARK WANTED! • eri1rn WINGRAM TANNING 00.1 - will Pay $5 per cord for 1,500 cords luta- lock bark delivered at their tannery, Winghata =a $4 per cord. at Lucknow station. Parties pealing 15 cords or over may deliver 'one-half in summer and one.half in winter at the same rice at the factory of the Wingham Una* o - - Clerk of the said mtnicipality. ••• • Belfast P. O.•TANIf' 44, a •