Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-14, Page 8/11 E ^ " 1‘Ne1weee if:tr• ItNEER STORE ecret- •of our success is in Iuowing tie business. We -ar speaking more ly Qf the Ready -Made Oloth- Trade... The knowledge we -possess is -airected inTale :selection of .the • - seasonable_ not forgetting that we ROT to .)•uy to Stk- eyery,_ -ShopperS- • • pnse Cash tiL - buyuag - Aclvantage maalit. easier= - do-:••• -.-. so andi pidipe Many 1V14210.' Suit :in feaCk, of 'thOS:e - - - •- .• . NvI316,-oth-e-rwise. 'Would have: to 11 • - - • be .p satiSaed:-;.. With • inferior or - i r.. pellaps- none at all. .1We - are 1;ier-, _rit, costs. nothing -I, sin!cor-e-. when assert our 100t thatwecanserve you as we11 inquality, and decicl- edJy better ,f,ipurse, than ot)1: 77 -to- inivestigate and • ;may save. 7-o some .mouey too " Luc npw se tine ruce ount :11 ay du !:4th. „ Enorrsiotis Eggs - IVlechanics .Mr.. -James Falconer- brought: to . - It is: --of interest to the. above that - . .. . . . the SENTINEL - ()fact on Wednesday • the. Trustees- of Haeketts.ask- for ten- . . . . , 4 .tbiee Of the largest hen eggs we have dere for the rebuilding of their church.: . i t . . seen G They averaged a .quarter of a Specificationd of Work to. be ...,d,bne and pound each and . measured respectivelyconditions: of ..doing may, be seen .at I 8x6, 8x6, ; 8101 inches.. - - - A.dbfield ,parsonage, : Lucknow,.or. at John •Stothers, •Esq, 10th of :Ashfield: - Bruce to the. Front Tenders to be addressed- to Rev.- J. :Three Of , the :Medal's__ awarded to. Kenner, -, tusknow.,.. . not later - than Canadian cheese at the World's -fair in July 21th.. ' Lowest or any tender not , Chicago were st°1)-- IV c°1-intY:cif -rilee- 'necessarily -accepted, , Makers as f011ows ; • 'John- Connelly, • ' i -• ° -- ' . • . --Malcolm -irit-h 99- points ; rank Mill- Orange Blossoms 1 - -4 . . , F _ . . , sOh, Pinkerton, 92' pOintS, .aricr- • James On Monday evening, July 3rd; at . .. - McKillar; . Tiverton,' j,91 - points .: The the residence Of Mr. W.• II. Ohnston :highest number of pointe taken by any .GOligh Street; . brother -in -la Of the exhibitor was 98; - - - bride; by the•Rev. Mr. Mills,1 r. John II. : Geddes,- of ' Vaneover; British Out the Noxious Weeds COhimbia.wai married to Mis Martha - : All householders' should .- at °rise Etfta. Burns, : daughter of - r. Thos Birus,.'. - see to it that thistles and other noxions • i . . . . ,. Si.., of Ludgard -stre t; .Miss-• • weeds' are out in:and -about their • lots.. 'Liizzie Tennyson was bcideSrili id, while On • and • after:, the - 15th of July a. thsz-,- groord was supported by : Ir Thos thorou-gh, inspection -will be made and- Burns, jc:;•:brOther of the brid . After - those who have allowed noxious •Nyeeds . . to continue growing Will be prosecuted The corporation -is haying all weeds On • . . 'hik,-,hways cut ,.cloWri. • 'caski•and exchange for goods-. • Special Bargains in Millinerv for the next two _ w eks. •Anxiously. Waiting We . can : understand how anxious the cereinpriy•refreshmentS were served - to all those -present. • and all enjoyed. . themselves: i On.. Thursday ' morning . ' the young • couple• 'leftfor the. .west, carrying with thern_the best !,wislieS . of - a large circle ,. of friends- '.- ' and -. • • • - 'i - : - .H. C Qiidida teS . at: - the. _ Entrance Examin-. .a0Clgallita17We8.! . .. . ation Will be to- as -Certain their fate. Orangemenat Church They Will however; have to patiently: The. Orangemen of. i Lucknow,ac- aWait the pulilisited- report. h- -whiccompanied by several - _brethren from . . , need not .be lpoked: for: un til the fir -St Wirigham,•-Holyrood and . Ripley, at-, week' of - August: The news to the tended .ser;ice, in the Methodist church'-- . .. • . • . • - :successful ones . will ba ;"good news!' on Sunday morning. last • iAbolit one even then, , while.to the plucked 'Ones, -hundred and Sixty tharched ri proces-- eyil - tidings _Will coMe soon enough. . sion and the turnout _was, vey credit - :Ate to the Order, and was , y" far the -largest' -Society •-•procession • t that has. - • 4 .etsi -r -attended. church n-•-. the -. village: Besides the . Orangemen. , there - :Was 4 -14ige congregation. preSent. .and the :butiilding Was packed ..to--- its utmost - capacity. _ The .110v.- Mr, 'Mills- cc-.. capied the.. .pulPit_ and delivered... a stirring address. f He 'took . for .his text the third verse of • -126th - psalm - 'the lord hath- .dcine great .things for. us; Whereof., -• vie - are &V i but - the Main- portion- of : his.discoUree •wag devoted t�an historical _re4w of the Roarnish Church as it was and . as • .it is.. ,. After: the service -.the! brethren 1,, _ :again-•-tormed ' into .. proces. ion.. :and marched back to_ the lodge room,• Whore a short :time waSpleaSantly spent. in social - conversation ;and ishort ad- dresSeS from the visiting *thorn: and otheri. , I • ' :Terrible Accident - The sad news . of: the tsirrible-..aa- cident that befel a_,soni:Of.Mil. Norman , McLeod, of the 4t14:..con. of • Kinloss; ;reached - the village. list afier• We hid \ t . 8eaS0 CeOpS - Re poits in reference to the :crops, furnished by the Great _Northwestern Telegraph Company have been re- ceived from nearly_ every county in -Ontario, and it is shown that in every section of the Province that, prospects are very. bright. Hay is ns -w being, harvested and rn all parts the „yield is abundant, while the outlook for 'wheat and other' grains, as well as TOttONTOMARI:MTS:.: -Wheat---rd, 62c. • white, 62c... IourL---$2.70 to ...1srley--:-38c. • to 4qc. - - lig4Isa „,.. , ----?:.r. 77.25 to 7:5 in thirlls.11, oampbell sti&g:t 6Qe: to -cordian' invited. - I. Molter& R. Hus,,! ek. Recorder: - -. • • 0.° 70e. 5CO3 -every first -and third. -Monday in every inonth, in the .0r -- wage 'hall. Visit- ing brethren a r e cordially invited, 17' 0 McEntee, O. R. D. D. :relax- Sze. O)U. W. rtl'ORNOW LODGE. OF t e -Ancient Order 'United Workmen, meet, in thie- OddieIlows hall, on the -last and second Monday evenings of each month a : eight .o'clock. Visiting brethren cordiall nvitecl. A McPEERso, Master, Workman Csiontax,. Recorder. • • . . fruit is most gratifying. •For the World's rair • Ms. . James- • Moffat's clydesdale stallion, - "Crosby Chief" has _ been selected by the commissioner to represent the Province -iii his class at the World's Fair. Before the choice was made Mr: Moffat had the horse sllocl by . Mr. Adam Thompson, of Lucknow, and the commissioner re- marked that the .1118,11 'who did _the w.ork should be proud of his trade, :and advised Mr. Moffatt to have him re -shod by the same mechanic before, going to -Chicago. _Experiment witt.ii.an Apple. Tree Mr John -Ballard of LiatoWell has a couple.' of Duchess Oldenburg apple treesfor early _ apples both.' bearing the -iame..yearrand'the year followisig he would- have, no. -,early fruit. Last spring he thought , he s:would ..try an 'experiment and- cnt off all the blossoms• off one tree,---- This ° tree, .•-this • year is laden.-- with •fruit while the other one has pratically :none,. It IS an. experi- ment. Worth reineinbering asit.often- happen* that orchards :bear earlyfruit some years to •: over abundance and other f- years_ 'Moe. The: .1:natter is: easily .-.-regulated to secure a.; °supply - every_ year Beautiful Furniture • , While _Mr.. -Robert; _Paxton, banker, of -OtterYilie, was in thevillage list he was delighted : -withthe magnificent collection of beautiful furniture, 'etc.., in the 'warerooms of •-• Mr. IQ.- W.".Berry,. and. ori' Monday last Mr. -Berry: received: the following-- letter from that gentleman EA -k- SIR—YOU can ship nie.- that „Pak bedroom - . and Oak table, and that icane -.rocker-, waslookinp-,- at when in your toWn- a - ..few days -ago,- .and -draw on ine at -Sight for the:same.- They afe betteC":_value than •Ireould get -in Toronto...... Y9111'8 troly-,..-,-Ronzser PA XTON• Flaying Time is _here Agai"n •- .. __ _ • . .. ' The heated-, Sun is sliming On the. , . fields of rich July in . blazing slimmer .Splen-dbr from-. the throne of .turquoise • as usual and on .,a- much.. larger „scale sky, -the. perfume of _the. meadOw tilts than ever.' The. Toronto- Association :the g°f-t1 sweet., morning' air ;• the.•°°r.n. is expending :again this yean. over. one! blades --Niavfi- -at . proud salute • - to : the • hundred thousand dollars in improve - fields of Clover .fair ; the farmer is the. inents, *embracing new 1.stdibles, . new °1131iner in - the --rOma"6e °f to -da -y; A i. cattle' sheds, a complete !system- -of - -stOry of the .glory ofs•the.time of,rnak- drainage, new sidewalks and roadways . . .. ing .hay. 0," . clover -scented, slizmY. etc.. The additions being 'made this - days '0--- 'fragrant new-mownhaY--;- _ year•ii've the grounds a wonderfully your incense breathes ideal life. and changed •appearance, ,which . will . be 71t-Igins- the fioql fOraYe) Q,hreezes;wafttheti -surprise-to visitors of former1 -years. -: :eased ;Qyg of toilers in the t.0';'"al and The new stables and cattle sheds I are FINI. tdden hearts that siglif -with -care 1 being constructed in. such a way that • th gmoke-oTimed chinmeys' -frown, -visitors.. can . pass. through them- and• •froni ., one to the other, -without-- having to step out of doors • This year's .Fair with - the ' numerous attractions -that are t�. be provided, seems -likely to _Oraw-better than ever.. . Those of• - Our. readers who -desire a copy of the Prize List can secure one •by dropring -a.post• -card to.the--Secretary,-.MR.. H. J.-Hir,ar, Tortinto.' -gone to ----• .' -press on Thursday', last °fith' ';-• • -- - ' • -- - - -inst.- i • The boy :who .wa;is,. als6at.. fifteen . years..sef-,age;. was driving- al -team at a , Manureibee on:the-...farin' Of 1Mr. -John- - I McLeod just across - the roaiitroMhis - . . .. _ : • . : ..i. own home..." „lie had - taken.:a.load-:;:of manure to:the field andwhileretinink With: 'the:. .empty ,: *gen • down a- little incline, one of the:1Oose: boards of the • box ;slipped' ''.i.forward ..aiiii : Ilt010k against the - i -horses. 7. This:. I:frightened.: the ,animals and theyran away, .thr6*,' 'ink the boybetween the fronti wheel and: the bolster .of the wagon. The The back Of his head:: was:badly- crushed, ' and . ..: ' - ._One Of hisi.arras which was -,:iitUght.; in - :the. hounds was . :broken in -1 pye -differ- ent place's,. and death:reeult1: d in's, 'few- minutes after the .accident.1, • Mr. Mc Lebd„ the ..father .. of .the.: unfortunate boy; ::. was in Algoth.a-., at the time .and only; -reached . hornet-ifeWSninatee he fore the: _ funeral -started- op 7.its . sad- miSsien- t� the the'. Kinloss. bernetery on -Saturday- :afternoon. .:. The parents and. friendshave the .SyMpatity- pf - all in-. e their 'Sad bereavement. • Canada's- Great Fair The receipt of a copy Of the Prize List for the Toronto - indu-Strial Exhi- bition tr be held from •the 4th to 16th Sept next,' reminds us that- Chicago is -14:)t the only place that is o have a great Fair this, year, and that our own great Canadian Fair is o be held and brink:isk,-,, and the treasures pc the weighing *troi:n iinig"-' ..ys _are fair.er, in.. tubs. -r C- 0(1 't Ian a Yt'4r Qf'-bu;lci.lur'ff good prices.- _ . • , . Censcrnber that the law- : ner. pt.. tennant of pro - is season d at - tliistl.es -- aad• : other. 'O : s Rd-... must be ..tft.it• before rd. - ,t- , - 4 We -do not -often Ads'ertise our r ; ave Soiti..ething ra little more than - Special 1 tO offer. you this week in a few, We. as.k, 'yon to drop in and see them. . • . RON. MURDOCK _ Public Notice • Any perspn or persons foand.• tres- passing upon Jots 46, 47, 48 49 and 50 of -the village of Lucknow will be r;roseCuted aboordingto law: Signed Peter Watson and Malcolm .Campbell, - owners. Ju‘renile Templars The -members of ."Risins, Sun" es. Juienile. Temple will please notice that the hour has been changed" from four to a quarter tOeven, p-. m., every Tuesday during the holidays. •All members are respectfully re esthd • to et, end next meeting, July al.—A. ()mai', Sec. • Masonic Service- . The members of Old.- Light- Lodge A, :F. 4t, A.. .M., will attend.- divine service in St Peter's - Episcopalchar& in this il1age, on Sunday next; at 2:30 p in, :When a• special sermon will be. 1Eet§ been 'secured by preached to them by the Rev. John £.of,Bayfield,lfroiss the, subject "What *Mean you by this Service I" The members of the: Masonic society are: re/quested :r iaperabld . in_ their .16dgesr0Ons. b 2'6'clpck and will march in body to the .chtrch a few.minutes before the. services. , All Masons are cordially invited to join in the services . • -Mr. and- ars, McGarry, •Misses: Farquharson, Murphy, MCGarry and Qranger spent Sunday at Point Farm; —rounds -.--A small gold broach, front of Dr. Elliott'a office. •Tbs.ussimii can have it•by calling -at the Doctor% office. ••• - —Mr. Robert McCarrol arrived, home from his ti•ip ' to Algoma last week,, but purposes retiring to Algoma again on Tuesday :next • —Mr. Allan McConnel, of the Lon- don Asylum staff, spent; a few days with old friends in the village last 7eek. —Prices lower than ever for • lumber, wagons, -buggies and other articles in our line. Cash l for wagon • poles. A good large milk can for. sale.----Hildred Bros. —The Rev. J..11. Hext, the famous ePlored preacher, h the Women's Christian Temperance Union of the village to, give a lecture in Lucknow at an early date. t —The remains of the late Mrs Donald Beaton, formerly of the 2nd. con. of Kinlbss, and who died at Lake Linden,- Michigan, on Monday last, .arrived ,here bythe late train OA Wednesday night. • • The Rev. Mr. Kenner will preach in St Helens on Sunday morning next on the subject "the brotherhood, of humanity"—Ex. 12th and 26th, in and St Peters Church in this village in -the evenhig on "is the bible the the word of God ‘? ef —The Autumn sitting o t‘,1:e wOotalikrt of Assize for the Coun Bruce _ Will be held in the' court erton, commencing Mono ay, Septem- ber 18th. .11oil: Justice MacMahone will preside. The Court of Chancery . will be held before Hon. Justice Meredith on November 21st, A short time ago the -United States customs gravely decided that a frog is not at fish, and that the tomato is not a mineral but a vegetable. Now. the Inter State Commerce Cbm- mission adds to the world's stock of knowledge the decision that celery is a • grass not a berry. LOCAL AND GENERAL condensed for Sentinel Readers —Mr. Alex. Rosa and family spent Tuesday list at Goderich. • --The Misses Edith and Laura, Smith are visiting friends in Milverton. 1 Mr. Pat McGarry acted ai referee on a foot -ball match at Teeswater - • C. picnic. . . The Misses Emma and Ethel .Mullin, of Stratford, are the guests of Mrs. Dr. Tennant. r --Miss Ida Walker, of Kincardine, was .the village. on Monday, the guest of Mrs..; McGarry.. . • - . • - • - . —The Misses Lilly and -Daisy Moss, of- the Nile, are the guests of Mrs. Bar. Graham, of Lucknow.. - Misses -Farquharson and Granger, of Walkerton; were the guests of Mrs. McGarry.for a few days last Week: —Miss Lottie Boyd, of Kincardine, is visiting itt thel-residen.ce of -.Mr. ,Jaraes Lindsay, of this village , • Mr: Wm. Pagan of . Ashfield re- quests us to state that he had received a -settlement in full- of all his claims .aeainst the estate of the late Wm. -1VateLein-, of Goderich. _ —There was ailarge attendance .at the lawn- social, under the auspices of the Epworth League at the resiOnee of Mr. G. Greer, on Monday evening last and all present enjoyed them- -Selves. .. Dr,J. S. Tennant one day .this • , - _week while in the second story of the Medical. Hall building, accidently stepped into -a stove pipe hole in the floor, and had his 'foot and leg _badly _hurt .• It is fortunate no bones were broiren. - —The census of 1891 'shows that' Canada has 3,368 blind pons; 865 females to 100 males. ° France has 76_ females to 100 males blind, Prus- sia. 88, Belgium, 89 ; Norway, 108 - England, 85, Scotland. 958, Ireland: , 106. • Rebecca Wilkinson, of. Browns - valley, Ind., says : "I had, been in a distressed condition for three years from Nervousness, Weiskness of the Stomach, Dyspepsia and Indigestion until my health was gone.: I bought one bottle of South American Nervine, which done me more . good -than any $50 worth of doctoring I ever did in my life. I would advise any weakly person to Use this valuable and lovely remedy. I consider, it the grandest medicine in the world," A trial battle will convince you. ; Warranted by A. B. Congram. r.•