Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-14, Page 5• • Kto .FO- SALE -k.S lx -r 16 CON: 4 .1 circ �. .-co aining 1.00 acres, Lair - buiidings, 33 at jes.-e growring timothy hay and balance unciet, oras.. - Will he .sold at a 1(% ;gore 'PYt, ( 'E r Banker Lucknow.. sk ti O37 21 CON .4 AND .140T. 2L CON. 5, " Hurfm township containing 200 acres, 'with first-cis.buildings : for sale at 'a*hargairi.. Apply to 'G -E0,' MAIE i. CO. Bankers Lueknow, CATTLE UOS'. STRAY• FRONT THE PRJMISES ED' of the undersigned lot 4, con.,3-of Huron -,_,- �� -about the . eight cf June, 4, Yearling- tl.t:Ittwo steers and two heifers, two of the gf'�`:f are red and two of them greyish, is u hole in the left ear of each animal small -piece of the tip off the -right: ear: L one giving such imformation as will lead 0 their recovery will be suitably-rewardod. KENNETH.HENDERSON Lucknow, Ont. .TENDERS. WANTED Tenders w ilibe received up till Monday, the 10th. day- of .Tait', -1$ 3 for the erection of a -brick 'block,:' containing three stores to be built of brick. • • - . - Plans and, :specifications may . ,be --seen: at =the resid-ence of iRS A AI UR -RAY - LilcknOw ruce_Ltoun saving disposed of my Grocery. Stock i can -safely say . I have O now n hand the finest lines of . .. .That --have ever :been seen -din Luckn Iw. FINE- HAND=S:EWED TURN OXFOD,_ OMAN'S_ n it. styles. �-1 . . Call. anee- the : -also Lovely goods ;and ewe y - - . d� .. m _a handson a line -in Luansi'or. June 2gih, 1893 TTLE 'ITRAYED FROM .THE PREMISES OF the' u4dersigned, lots 37, -48 ,and 39, con. 1, Kinloss, on -Or abont May. 20t111-- 4 -yearling of the _heifers were 2-rey, the ether heifer being red ahd the steer being- yed with a' white spot . heo.A. will 1 -Le paid to any iwrson giVing such SAMUEL MORRISON, . Lucknow • womours FINE- BurrimovAtit:LOED Ml8SES AND CHILDRIEN'S SHOES! In this department I have a fine line o other shoes. Tan Oxfords selling now at 80c wEAR. -spEciALINALuL anOther . line .4t: $1;35 . wor0- $1.7 I .keqp On hand- in both Bal. a oy-alElecttic Co . bre =d-Incandestent Electric Lithting Electric Motors - and Generators. CO.STRACTORS & BUILDERS OF News ELECTRIP LIGHT. AND: . Printing ' POWER STATIONS `. •Wfapping 54 to. 70. iivellington st. Sendfor Samples-. • • FATAL TO COCKROACHES ARO WATER BuGeo tioutoN & SPICE MERCHANTS, sal Si. Street, BION-TREAL. do'. SHERRY, LionBrand, Man* - BRANDY, Lion l3ran , Lion au - Agent for Jobn 11-61iort.cm..& Setts Scotch Whiskey; Ames' . Fergnfon. & -Sons, Glasgow; Bonnet 84.Delarasin, /erase - 416 St. .Paut Street,- Montreal. PIRIT • ), irdyrovc,.1-Pat. Artillcial Limbs. - e'l °"7-jm.1 '...71.":?, . 11"."4"."661=1".."..".1.61...Te-s-:S;ecia. ity-.-T.iftil .62„ig.- wAu_KgNpHA u t y 14th -4 Is :the pl ac,a to hake your selections in CROCKERY GLASSWARE, GROCERIES & . PROV have in stock the following Apples Blacking.: Black Lead• BlueBaking Powders' - 'Barley-, pot - Bath Brick .Beans I.BroOms Baskets Bxushes Blicuit .- 'Coffee .= Confectionery_ Canned Goods Cocoa Chocolate Corn, canned Corn meal Currants Currie Powder Cream Tarter ... Cocoanut Dates rorn hfS ou I am going to ARANTEE ' SHOE AND I 50 so the same in all other lines. Any shoe that rips a; prices, guarantee will be sewedlree. • RDERED DEP RTM ENT, Dried Apple . , , EFHI nix:ktpsr c t s • iGeletine Fish, 'canned Fish, dried Matches Mibee Meat Meal - Macaroni .11131Mmiltagnsttase;rsdlammed. Nuts • • I Flour ' Nutmeg Oil, olive Oil, iweet Oil, castor Oat Meal Pails Peels - Pipes Pickles Pearline Peas, canned Rice ' Salt Salmon Sardines Senna . Seeds Sugar SYruPs ISbda ONS SPices Strawberries, cinne Sulphers Tapioca ' Tobaccoes Washboards Washing Quits WOodenware Whiting a Dinner Sets Dinner Sets • Water Seta 'Cream Seta - Berry Sets - Toilet -Sets oods delivered to any part of the town. ystoni nonovator, And other tested remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE Impure, Weak- and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia,. Sleeplessness Palpitation' of the Heart, Liver Complaint, 'Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis, Oonsumption, Stones, Jaundice, Kidney and Urinary Dis- asees, St, Vitus' Dance, Female Irregiularities and General Debility, $1 per half pint and $2 per pint bottle. LABORATORY. - GODRRi0/1, ONT. J. McLEOD, Proprietor and Manufacturer. Sold by Harry -Days and A. B. Congram, Druggists, Lucknow. I: -.146:v- o. .sire..c4.reti::-the sei.-0i_es.-.0f'. -.a -first•i,CilasOr.sliOemaker-- -and-i-*ill be.•:ploase,..0_:.p-Jciu-si.e ptice$,to:.aty: ole tlesirlog to-. fi, YOURS ITRuLY, • • • ...AUCTIOSER ANCE AND GENERAL . AGENCY_ SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS of the County andsatisfaction guaranteeki, FIRST7CLASS FARMS AOHN ICINGSBRIDGE Mackinaw folder ' WHENCE RIVER.. NUB Seasonable Hifitt •jgay i4a)di•TAE. 'Dation. to 1 • .TogotiTo .TICKETefFICE: aohipletely met .t.hari in ithii.perfectsti.uctUre of 'steel, The Main- gear ,frame is made Of one solid- p:iece of flanged. Can iie.er break: or twist -THE :KNOTTER iS.carried:bn the Main gear -frame ,.and -not pa the elevator frame as in.-other:binders.- ...Solid. as a .1 he DR,Iyg wiTEEL is the largest and btrongest "ubed..on any hinder - in.. the market; never 4flecti . The frame is; ilia& of. 'the : best of refined- Steel. " .No useless joints or- .connectionsi..rOu.A4iitsteel fingni e bar;. no grain lying -0o close for it, to' pick. up. Elevator sides Fe Steel. ?4;.ke.ad of :wood, no- intim wci.od and:- AvarP BrasS .rollpr. bearings. ,all oiled "iotc; Ontside. pie best and- only STEEL ICNOTTEA in the -market. Simple in ..eoii;truction, a!icl-ties every time: " The - reel is the best and strongest driver ,of any made. -. Both. ends of the machine raises: aod lowers fron-i the seat. It is unshrpaised byj any other .inachine- of amimination -before 'placing their Orders elsewhere,. :and patronize a, thorough NO-.Corobine Here, 2!-0334171, 00:0VieS ANNED ODS. Fruits of Kin s in.Season. FINE TEAS bte ThO :GOA. e Best Yaw MURCHISON, BULL -FOR' SERVICE 'T'EUNDERSIGNED WILL. KEEP fo.service at -lot 10, con. ;14, E. hordbull `Sir Roger Amberley" No, 1693. • Sir George — Dark red, calved Feb:- 10, 1292, bred by Peter CaMpbell, ..A.m- nOW, Ont., get by by Morven.'s KirkleVingtorr. 8901, by Baron Constance 5th — DUchess Jape 4th -L- 5849—By Earl of Goodness 6th--1745;1--Du chess ; Ist-4809;-- -by Highland 70I,—,fant. 5th--4160.—by Prince of by Nichol - Jrine.3rd (IMP) H.243,— by ;sir -John (13735). -yoang Jane, by Strath, - more (Gi5:47), Jane. by Playfellow (6297).- -any Wee dnring the year, Cows to -be• re - gel; Also dealer in tain wagons, sewing home every Saturdai: • 00 UTO machines etc. BULL FOR SERVICE - U.NDERSIGNED WILL KEEP for' service to a limited number of cows bred Ayrshire bull, " Glaustone,; No. 1298. -Gla.datone,—Brown and white, calved Sept: 1891 bred by, Thos. Guy, OsbaWa, - Dot., sire Baron ;of Parkli11-878—dam Model; 4th -911 —by Zutterfiy. of OshaWa-3=—:godel*-403 Ecliose-105,-,Cherry-180,--by Dundee .4th (inip)-12; —Jenny Lind-176,—by DimdeS3rd TERMS741.50 forthe -season and 82.00 to insure. Cows to be returned- three times if JAMES LANE, FOR MANITOBA AND - THE NORTH WESTe • • The through $..,'"olomst Sleeper will be at- tached te train leieving Lucknow at 10:48 a.m. • - MAR the through Colonist train, via, North Bay and C.P.R. There will also be an • ▪ • 28 14 11 25 EXCURSION TRAM `Every Tuesday during March and April.f2, Baggage checked through to destination, .081),p throUgh ticketa: sold. No: change of ..vars. Considering:all these advantages we .wc- pect to secure the traffic this ▪ season. Poem'. information apply to 1500 CORDS RK WAN, E WINGLIAM TANNIN* Cc will laity $5 per cord for 1,500 co ds he lock bark delivered at their tanneryl Wingh or $4 per cord at Luau:Low station. Pari pealing 15 cords or over may deliver one -i in summer and one-lialf in winter at the price at the factory of the Wingham • • •