Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-07-07, Page 5• erg ane: sew. ►ruoe• uou 1t ' ,44 'ON TABLR'S NOTICE oris table IT T.: _ -Mcleod- received the fel?lowirin• iroticc which speaks - for itself; . _ . .Lucknow,, June 29th,. 1893... St -• By the pr ; tr,i F� , �-, c, = s of the con solidaated: by-laws- of - the village of. ` Luckhow, Section 101,: no person shall auffe --or permit any swine, horse, - t other: sheep; goat horn. d ¢r O h. cattle, pi r, f abbi- ,` or. geese, - turkeys, - or peafoti;=i, • duck or hens of -which. he shall -be '-he owe-, Or which' shall be... in his loss' ssioz --or- r custody, or under his cont -ol,• to run- at large -.within :the v illage '...B3.. seetian 112 2 of the same icy -taw. it. still- be tl e duty pt. the • constable :}f : he • v.ill€c ,==e to .:case- all • animals- runnix g at large contrary 'to : the foufnd . > large prov sio s of this.or.sny ;other by-law .the p ound-s ' and pound? in,., -fu p 'kee milt,. to .he •impounded . and to pro- . -5.ecute, all persons offending against:. f the proVisionsf such " by-laws.. Sp.ich being the. law .governing this, - `.iiri4p lits, T must call- - attention t0' .thever -Y - - apparent arent- neglect of dutyon: PP � the ipart of the village- authorities, 'and par iculrly. the constable; in not _ en- • =for ing the' laws.. - nless this. com =� laiint Uu.i_ea a change _for?. the better ..t nce, 1 purpc,s €E.kin such 'steps as will relieve me . from • paying for. services that are never rendered.- - Yours &-c,-. - : RICHARD -.1UHGIIES, L Zcknow. . R liav g disposed of my 'Grocery Stock .1 can safely ,- .•, lines now on hand the -of ,finest P HT" S s:rze 3 , IK NLOSS _ til class-=-xce1. E. Thompson. Fa4r M Denoon. 4th class -Good ta_.. J g od ins. Fair=.. McPherson IST Fizell, • 3rd' class—Excel.—Daisy Thompson,: Good ---L. Johnston. 2nd clfiss-Good-J., . Hodgins, M Mc. llimaFair : _T: -Pinnell, -M. Gam M. Purdie - Average •- B. Mc nzie, J Gamble. 2nd Part—Excel. —C. Hell. Fair --I; Thoinpson, E Thompson, M. Ryan. J. Perdie. P or—L. Thompson, E. Johnston. S Pt. Ryan. Fair P. Perdie _C. Johnston, : M. Ryan.. o =-M CGanxble N. Gamble.- have Thathaever been- seenin aicknow. ve MAHAND-SEWED.. N � :FINE - ��ND SE'�I OXFORD, -TURN , Lovely goods and an newest styles::Call-i,-aid see them, also handsome line in. =... �u Is the place to make. your selections in' - • C,DDiKERY CkASSWARE, RRO FRIES- 8.4 eR011/ISIONS 1 have in stock the following ' D LADED NOF. MISSES AND CHIC-DR.EN SI♦OE.- In this department .1..have 'a • fine line -.of Oxford and other shoes.- Ta,n::Oxfords = sellin no -at 80c. MEQ _-= wE�- -SPEO�Ai. YAl. g - - - It , gi Apples!. . Blackni.g • • -Black Lead Blue- Baking Powders Barley:; pot Bath Brick Beans'. Brooms Basket's :Brushes Bi�cu%t -Coffee{ •• Confedttonery 'Canned Goods- . Cocoa. • Chocdp.ate Corn,'canned Corn seal - Currants • :Curri'e.Powder • 'Ore* Tarter . Cocoanut • F; Dates,_ have. just received rya line . of _ M n s fandmade_ Cal f i'i= - I . am sells or -hese goods ,re us Soes.which g $2.75. J • k andcome much cheaper. er. Also as : good � - as -ordered- _ work p Also anotherline at $1.35 worth $1.75. I keep s. S. lito 8. HIIiILoss Thefolla��ing •shows . the standing _ birder of merit, of the hest four_ in each:- cciass: for the -month -of June. The impart' is bw.:cd.,-: on r c gut i icy of attend- nce,'. conduct and general.;proficiency : nth class: 1I Melunes,. A Richardson, Ross,. :SCr: 4t11j-11 Mc: eau,4 W McBurney, J loss,_ A Young r. 4th=-: E Taylor-,. Jt Mc.Buzrney,, D cl innor, K McKinnon (ties), E. Aiciiar dson E(tics) I i' i?!sort, J' -Moffat; = MMcLean, M= IeKinnon--J S1m pan. (ties): 2nd--- [� -McInnes, L 3, t = S i�Z;iti, ..'J -McInnes, Ceasar. ' Party—J. Gordon., Annie: 1,0easal, L Little, D McInnes: Part I =--A IeBuri-iV L Moffat, M Little. r. McT -i 2n£?zl.,. • -4.9094 -N W:S1 : ..ENP IAS' hand h both • Bo.- and Congress, ,ceiling for 3.75. .ur `. r,. Cu . 4, WEST Z i ;LL'4&lln ?�, ' 4)nigi.nr; t wires, re •, fair -le ~ :: :'.:`• timothy -hay. i. r, T� .Z ir: x- • 1 fti r )1f1 -t? r (,:E4. CO 3a, a1 ers _11ttel a W.- '^ :s3zj: From this out T am ,going TEE BENS'' SHOVER Also the Baine in all other sires. r"ny shoe that =r .:rices,. 1guarantee will : he sewed free. • RDERED.tEPARTPE,1 I havo secured the services of 'and will be iii eased to quote price Boots and Shoes made. Repairin.g. YOURS TRULY, / r r (t)._ {rte `z .J J r . '�1 l�l}l�(s, 5,, •` -[rttr x 4 "tF rl,y 1 Lt)iel,clal i' t; _{J) PC.T•t . az 1 2I�ain. t Apply • • {s t. T:. • CATTLE •L -T. (r r?. t "f �' f % =: - F ` j 1 - r - j ]. � .- p 'r c n k. s �-�`k ' L 2l 4t I.��e �. k ` txf 1"'1( t •-' fi 1 ;'- it -(1 l: to r, ettli. _ : `CTf I{ui .in a .i Est rt`. tT i . 'r t- y is TT4ll?re t:•- ., t 11;414 ;AV. tfi.1c-1I t -r %: .4, 1: `:l rt s .t "t .E :f e:31:-!) `lis -rill. it. <} .t `'t'fieis<`� �ti� c 'r}: I t '�lti`E `i i:' }1 j{ E:i%r. r -•— - ;ivin _ -. .? r1 ( -Z'-1Y4itt,1 �`1: a :+ Will 1' ZIA • - Ji- t 7 .al:t e.:ll� i•'tti eLI•(iF'1,1'. _ tt;;I.'ff1IILN1)iRSC t : ck:tow, Ont Lt !Dried Apple Nutmeg Soda Extracts - Oil, olive Soaps Figs Oil, sweet Spices Fish, canned ' -. Q.il,• cafstor Starch'. Fish, dried hangs . Strawberries, :cane Gelatine 'Qi t Meal Sul hers Gin- ers : ; Pails P, Iii g � Tapioca ;Hops : " Peels . - Tematces, canned Homey Pipes Teas ; Ink Pickles . Tobaccoes r Infligo Pearling Vermicelli Licorice Peas, scanned Vinegars !Lime Juice Pepper Washboards • ,Ien?ons - Raisins Washing :C • sta Lamps Rice o �' ' � Wo denware : ; 'Lard Rice Flour• Whiting Matches Sago Dinner Sets; (Mince Meat `: Salt Yeast Cakes :Meal Salman Dinner Sets -"1Macaron Sardines Tea Sets �illustard ` Senna . Water Sets Meats, canned . _ Seed Cream Sets Magnesia - Sugar Berrets -Y Nuts Syrups `toilet Sets 1 Flour always on hars:. Goods, deli vered to any „part of the town. McL EOD'S: stem Poi,ovato Vit,+ An:i other tested' remedies SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE - Impure, Weak and Impoverished Blood, Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Palpitation of the Heart, Liver Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, BronchitisConsumption, Gall Stones,. Jaundice,. Kidney_ and Urinary Dis- asee, St. Vitus' Dance; Female Irregularities and General -Debility. per half pint and $2 per pint - tle.. ��Pe P LAB, ORATORY.: - — GODERICH, •ONT Proprietor and Manufacturer. Seld by• HarryDays s and A; B. Con : am Druggists, Luckuow. 2 a firstclass sh + e-makkir �Ii 1' t; �; C et it l.t� i J topromptly any- one des � :.. � . attended to...: J.M. McLEOD, pad !IADIAls1 WC1F1C R MEBI'S EXCURSION Frpm all Stations in Ontario, Return r Rates to Etev-af a : �' ' Q:etorainc M.00somin Binscarth R,estart Regina- oosed aw orkton: O. v. .1:.t= :1.. = rzr• 2k�y Ty �6u • till' Monday, the - Fw3_=tti3 893• '.• coutr-b1u1 Pg - - r iSt, t t}. s '.ix` Lie.-C'FSII at file- 14t�jy c ytj�..Spee. -)� (.Li � r 441 �� Y. Iii "EE`F tt'1 V 4. MTtS . A.:11 cURi A_Yk • Lucknow tucknow,. < tIIic.: r3- 4 S.ii7 CATTLE m. �- R Y TRA.YEI). -THE pREMISES OF -the undersigned,.las 37, 38 and 39, con. Kinloss,.on br about May 20th. 4 yearling' • cattle, 3 of which were heifers -and 1. steer. _ 2 of the heifers -Were era, the- othey heifer being red i‘nd the steer being red with a white spot on his forehead. A reward of .$4 or $1 per • head be -paid to any person giving such nformation as veill lead to their recovery. • 4. lig 37 rrl 'CO -4,....,.....,,,___et...._„\.„7:tr::4IN. -14 • • 7,,,,,,:: To leave all points.in Provinoe of Ontario, -.UNE 13—Return until July 23rd, ;JUNE 20— Iti:turn until July 30th - JULY 11—Rettrn until Aug 20th. - Parties ticketing from other points Should flange to arrive at Toionto time to connect ith the_10.15 train on above dates, TIP' WINNIPEG EXHIBITION will be eld from July 15 to 22, inclusive, and persons tea -vino- onSuly lith will be -in splendid time -for th1S event, AUCTIONEkit' FOR • • :REAL ESTATE_ I NSURI iANCE-i, AND -GENERAL AG ENGY, SALES ATTENDED IN ALL PARTS 1* -of the County and satisfaction guaranteed., Forage on reasonable terms. JOHN GRIFFIN' XINGSBRIDGE P.0 conipleteili met :than in this perfect. strudture pf steel. The Main ,-g?.ar:- frame iS-11-lade of- (-3140.. solid piei:te flanged- steel;: oan.: never ,13t;eak::or t\Vist. THE KNOTTER is -carried:on the- main' gear -frpine tind nOt. orii.k the or k DRIVE NV EEL ;.fst -the plas,tforth ft -a -Me -IS made. of the - best -.of steel; No. use esg join s Or -connections; -rbunde.,d steel fingui e ,bar; no grain.lyingt Po close for -it -to pio!K EleirAter sid6S inStead: 'WO:6d,- no -mere . Wood. to • Split 4134" warp AGENT, Ltx-Kri.row- ,BUILL FOR SERVICE fAshOeld, his;-thon--)ughbred Durham.. *Short Thin ''Sir ltor.ter Amber -ley" Ns?, 1693.. • -7 -Sir George Amberlev .red, calved Web; 10, 1202; bred. b:,,r Peter Campbell, An1- 4cborki-.• 'Oa -gird Kvirde- Robert Reid' Luck- ni-)v, Ont., got by by AloriTen'.1iirkleyington °8901,, ,by 'Baron Constance 5th 1378.-- 1 tifp. tiss Jape 5849 --BY Earl of -Goodness 6t11:,1745, .st--.2809,--by Highland Risiefi, by Sir AVillikp. (12102); -- ‘Togstim 'turned tbree times Leads them for 'EiGrotTies- oANNED GOODSv Tiru#s:o.t.,411 Kinds 1.4:Soa*T. : SP.FOIALTy.. &Ass roller bearinas all oiled: from Outside.' The best and only STEEL1 -KNOTTERin the market. - Sinipre in construCtiOni find ties every tirde.'0-. The reel is the best and strongest driver of -any. made. :I3oth ends o tile machine raises and -lowers froin the seat. It is unsurpassed by .any - oth r Machine p its. tilass manufactured., Intencling,purchasers. will !clo well to give it a thoouglii examination before placing -their orders elseikhere, and patronize a. thoro.ugk - No -, Com bine 'Here. Also dealerin. ate ever-Y.-Sat-rub:1-47- GAMPBEL gent, wagons, seivi.numgcliii. 110 .1.11E11,17 REID - • e Largest Stock, he Choices' Goot4, Erke Best Vane obtainable *in Luclmow.- rrillIE UNDERSIGNED WILL KEEP _A - for servicie to a limited nutnber of cows .)r d Ayrshire. bull, " Glattstone, '-' No. 1298. PEDIGREE. Gladstone,--LBrown and white, calved Sept. 1891 bred hy. Thos. -Guy, Ouhawa, Ont;, sire Baron of Parkhill--8f8—dam Model: 4th -911 -Lby Butterfly, of Oshawaa.-352-.—Model-403 - by _ Bismarck -1.19 — Perfection 181,— by —113, --Jenny Lind 2nd-177—by- Rob Roy —111—,Old Jenny -169—, by Dundee 3rd --111 TER&S—$1.50 for the season and $2,00 te insure. . Cows to be' returned three times if • The through..Col ist Sleeper will be at- tached to train 7.e nig Luoknqw at 10:48 a,m, • • APRIL APRIL. 213 14 28 1 25 rriiing in Toronto- in time to nnect with the throug,h Colonist train, via, North- - p:437 and C.PbR, There also be an EXCLI 1 TRAiii Every ,Tuesday during March and ApriL 13a. gkage checked through to destination also through tickets sold,. No :change of- oars. Considering all these aciyaatages we ex- pect- to secure the traffic this ;season. For any infoimation apply to HAYES, Agent T. it,00 CORDS BARK. WANTED; HE WINGHAM TANNING CO., will pay $5 -Per`Oord fq 1,500 cords hem- loorcitsb4aprek deeolridveraeta ijat‘rrittaspn teirilyWrinigahcajatu_rar in summer add one -her& 4