Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-26, Page 1- f • Trade Poi Canada 1 • Saws, Axes .flid..Guns '- New goods best - quality cuitery aud lam, goods .411 to suite Caua. titan :Trade- SZE WRENYOUR BY -YOU WULBuy WHEN 'Ybr SEE D. ,C4 TAYLOR• VOL XX.— BANK OF II APAILTON LuoKNovv. Capita payiupl Reserve41:uild Total' Assets --$1,25o,Ooo $659;o66. •t7 979;648 PreFidt-rit --JOTTX STITAT. VieP'.President----A. G. RAIriAT. . . DIRECTORS: :opyoR, ellAg. Guitimy, GEO R0•4:eir WcoD, A B. 'LEE (Tor -onto), ;Cashier -4y TURNBULL._ SO -FIN Good Inducer:tent Held out to 1;4ertik looking for SIVTES No trouble to show goods e r Ibiot!irsAYl11:14094 DeTR-- ONTA-RIO, FRIDAY, 26th 893. WHOLE NO. 100g-. BAN KERS, Or Lucknow Banking Oonip y. • LuoicNow, FEB'r 10TH 1893 TO TN- E FARMERS : _ We have, the following, farm properties for sale cheap and on easy terms of payment, viz; In Kfnloss Township a 50 acre farm, a 100 acre farm and 2,150 acre farm and a 200 acre farm; in Huron Township a 200 acre farm ; in WesWawanosh Township a farm of 100 acres • and a farm of 150. acres , in the 'Township of Aihfielcl twd farms of 100'acies each ; in Turn - berry Township, only a few miles from the town of•Winclam 100 acres of tiMber land s I and a grazing farm of 250 acres in the Town- - ship of -Kicardine, • We Ihve a large quantity of money to. lend on first -Mortgages on farm or village property at from 5i per ceht, interest up. The rate is gov- e rned according to the class of security. We also lend small amounts of money on second mortgages and first chattel mortgages. •: We do a general banking business in all its branches,- allowinterests on deposits, issue drafts on all Canadian points and On the, American Exchange National Bank, New Yolk City, and which are accepted anywhere throughout the United States; make collec- tions in the States, Ontario, Quebec, Manitoba or the North-west, and cash ch,eques on any. place, Lending money on farmers notes a specialty. We effect Insurance on alIclasses of build- ings, either in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired. None but first class_ Companies rep- resented, .544 vim t9 BA,:ffir.—liours 10 to 3; Satur- flav'g- 10 to 1. Deposits of 81 and upwards. _ riveTveit aani interest allowed. - - SPECTAE DEPOSITS also received at cur- rent rates of interest. DRAFTS' on reat Briiain an'd' the irnitedi States bough -nd sold. - ' J. a BROWN, •SuB,AGEiTT. -;:DkNTAL_ • J. S. JEROME, .1;-. D. S. Winglia,m;wilI be in. Lucknow on the second and fourth Fri- day and Saturday of each month. Good sets for $10. - Filling And 'extracting .a. specialty Elfce at Cain's Ifotel. • - . • LEGA.L. A. INIALCOMSON, I3ARRISTER,. e Solicitor, Conveyancer, etc„ (late of Camer Holt &-Cameron,-Goderich). - Office at Traver's- old stand.- MORRISON,- ATTORNEY • AT L. law, Solicitor. in CanCery, Ctinvey- ahoer, Lionimisioner, etc. -Office, over the barber shop. - 4. ARROW & ,PROUDFOOT, BAR41.1& • ters, Solicitors,- etc. Goderich; Ont.. . T. -QARRoW; Q.,0, • *Nraf. PAotrDFOOT. MEDICAL • . 11„ ELLIOTT, . OFFICE AND RESI- *deuce, Outram street, Second door north of Little's shoe store, -1-1 R. TENNANT, P-11 YSIC IA. N., -Surgeon and Accoucheur. Surgery op- posite Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 - a. m.; and from 2 tot irk mop; GORDON, M.D.; D.M. , .LF M.S, M.0.P.S. O., Physician, Sur- geon, and .1ccoucheur. GEC& next door to, W. Alliresimplenctentshop: Residence Ross street, Beata. of D.- R. MeIntosh's.store, - • • R.: D. .GEDDES„ 8., ,CALLS. either by mail or telegram *promptly -attended to. Charges 'moderate. Residence, Gar= street, opposite Dr. Elliott's se.00ncl cl.9or north of SENTINEL °MC?. :,,GENERAL:::••• TON:ET TO -LOAN ON REAL ESTATE security for any tiMe,_ at the lowest • rate of infer -est. The principal may be paid • at the end of the tiMe, or a part of the Find- - pal may be paid each .year, interest ceasing on the atctount- paid Tor further particulars - etc., _apply ANGuS STEWART, Lucknow. - A _ 4MUSIC LESSONS. RS, A, Mi ARMSTRONG IS PRE-, pared to give litksons - in :vocal and in- strumental music.. * • Residence-,-Campbefi St, Lucknow. - SOCIETIES T O. G, T: SEPOY LODGE, NO 354, X. meets in the -south end Lodge Rooth-, in the. , Temperance Ha;1, Lucknow, every = Tuozday e_yening. at 8 caleck_,_ D.-. K. WEt- -••$-TER, C. :a. MATHtRs, See. C. T. U.— The regurar - monthly ik meeting of the Weinen's Christian TemperancC* Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month lathe Odd -Fellows Hall, Lucknow, at 3 Jr. m: MRS W. H. &Mit, President ;1%/IRs. HoitaTELL; Secretary, IT C K. N-0 W 7..137; JIA Lodge,No 112 7meets every: Friday ....,72......1111111111111110 . .evening at 8 o'clock in their Canipbell. street; All brethren cordially .1:)MORItisoN, Grand I,, . It. Hughes, Reeorcler. • , CO. 1%)COURT o Sherwood, No. 50, Luckno*. Meet- -every first and third Monday in. every month, in the Or- • ange hall. Visit- ing -brethren a r e `cordially invited: - J. LYONS, - C.' R. D. D. Ygraz SEC. TATOKNOW LODGE- OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the7Oddfellows hall, on the last and socond Monday evenings_ �f each _month a ht o'clock. Visiting -brethren cordiall jfrvited. D. PAITERESQN, Master Workman, - ED. 04.1Aracii, Recorder. - GEO. A SIDDALL Manager _ . ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. . „INSURANCE FIRE AND MARINE, . - - - - GUELPH. ' Telephone No, 195.• - - • CHURCH :_.p!RECT9RYi, MINGLISH CHITRCEI —4R -VICES 11 IPA a m; and 630 p. m,, Sunday School, 2.3-0 p. m,, SUperintendent, Wm, S. Holmes., -Adult class every Wednesday evening .at 8 o'clock, Bible and prayer book lesson's.' All are welcome. Rzv..w. J. -CONNOR, Pastor.' ucKNow - MECHANICS ' INSTI- tute. Reading room open every evening from 7 to 10 p. m. ;excepting Saturdays ,when the hours will be fromk 2 to 6 p, in. The librarian will be - in attendance, durittg these hours. 1).. D. YuLtil, 'Prestae-tt J G, .MDitpoon,Sa.aretaryt G. T. -R. TIME TABLE. . • - Trans leave Lucknow for south at 6:08.a 10:48 A m and 6-15 p m - . _ " North- dt .1235 p. 1.02 p m,and 10:28 • • p. m. _ . • - - • - . .*. THE SUBSCRIBER • HAS • OPENED AN . a,ifice. in .the building- east of the SENTINEL Printing Office, . AGREEMENTS, -BONDS; , LEASES; DEEDS, 'MORTGt.A.GES . AND WILLS CAREFULLY PREPARED: Plans „specifications and. estimateS -fOr build - inris mills, bridges -etc;,• furnished on short nctice. . SOMERVILLE.' Lucknow-, Jan ..891„; -t Farmers, look . to your own interest and • insure your farm buildings and - private dwellings in Ike LONDON PA UTUAL No large Premium Notes required . • CASH SYSTEM.1:' 50 ,Cents to 90 cents per 100 for three --years,: • • JOHN LANE AGENT., KINLOUGIL _ Also agr.1.-1- for the Phoenix of London England, -• • ! aror Attontio To obtain the bek prices fbr your IOW 173:711WIRii it is :to your advantage 077use PINE IJVERPOOL SALT, and bring : it.to; tharkOt in rolls weighing in tubs. Crocks orHijail.4 at this season season not bring as good prices. ' • • J44. A BIG DEMONSTRATION, - • - • A fine Crowd and Splendid Sports at Luelutow, on the _Queen's Birthday The.sevety-sixth anniverSary. of the birthday_ of.. ourr. Gracious _Majesty' .Queen Victoria, . Was celebrai_ed' --. in: filiciKnoW u--truli loyal and fitting. --Manner, on Wednesday 'It. is many years since the -..24th was Marked by ..av Special attractions - in the the -successful - result of . the Ilay : this year will no doubt_ -stimulate our citizens .to, even •greater, efforts an lithe future, The bright sunshiny wether' brought out - large - -crowd:of people from the..surrOun.ding'townShipS, :and the + train from the • north -•brought large consignment from both - Ripley •;and Kincardini.:: Many viiitOrt.wiere - also. preSent. from Goderich and Wing- • ham:- The whole -day was *Gil Of amusement, " . and no accident, seeinly disputes or rows occurred I to: mar..the " pleasure Of the occadoit. The ,splendid:brassband from Go. e 'el, arrived._ i..early -in the., fore stet throughoutthe. da,.y f� ft nd one Of the chief -attrctions. The members are _ • t many of them mere boys and:- their playing is certainly a credit to theii • • able leader Mr. Blakston. - It: is a first-class band and should they again visit -Lucknow will receive a arm reception from our citizens. Between 'nine and ten o'cloc "Calithumpians" paraded the streets and although the company was not large, the "turn out" was exceediffly good and created any amount of amusement. A big overgrown' gai- kish looking --girl dressed in 4the latest crinoline fadand-leading a_ dandi bear Along the streets Was: the kfinest thing_of the, kind. -ever' seen' thi :th- place, while". the ,- tWo-Whe.eled;-!‘aik. cart and its make-up of an: Old horse,. bandaged:. , from head- -to , foot in rags; and the old -cOuple. who -,formed its occupants were greeted with -Chers • as -they:paSsed along. -., The. qiid.'.2,. -with. • the dirty face and dog- cart. alsO - li a . his "adMirerS" and -he-. scooped in the - third. prize, the - girl- --and . the ' bear - faking - B.rS-t - and thq. cart - sqCoi. ct: - The Fireina,n's.:Pight was the. nod ,. n- ; the progranithe ,and: -1‘..r.essrs: -1Iai4y . Pierce and . Will :Douglas" carried off the prizes. - . 7 • At eleven 'o'clock a foot -ball matcli . was .played ..-between i Goderiohl and Lucknow -clu ,which. resulted in --ra draw, each si e .having., scored_ o e goal: • - - . , • After -dinner.the gameS proper corn- .. .- menced :and fully i fifteen -• hundred visitors assembled in the Somerville.: Park. to .witness the sports.--• We have not time tci:corunsont upon the -Many - - ._ - - seVe0S: which tot* .: place, - but the lacrosse inatabotweenthe "Diophoto" Of LucknOW, and the Junior "HustierS” . of Kincardine, :Was: well contested and the -:many fine, prays. made by the i boys of both Clubi- were: heartily applaud0. by.the :crowd. . The ."DrOpsttotsl. put- up a tha.gtkificent grue.. and :although - their opponents, in the language Of -tile ‘:`boys,".. were not in I it, yet the - "Hustlers" made a phrOky : -fight-- And ,--contested -every; foot . of ,.the ground. The -score stoOd.:three . to ...nothing in favor of the "ThiipShots"' at the. finish. ' The teams lined:up-as. follows: - • • Lucxx.ow.' -- - KINCARDINE . - , IX Mc-Quaig. Goal - • N. .1V10:Lecol A. _Millet . • Pant • J..... VanStone J. Grundy Cover Point. J. Angus . J. Yule - 1st defence :- W. Miller ' S. Barber -.2nd defence W Burnside J.'. McCoy .- , 3rd defence: TW. Brciiirn • _ - 4 • J. Tennant, -.• : Centre : T A. Clark S. West ._ lid home F. Barnes G. Smith- . 2nd home ,'• - P. McLeod , fle.i.. Rogers 1st. home .- , i E. Barnes. J. Totten- .outside homq' W. McIver. E. IVIC0orVie inside -home W. White -i , .Ref.oree. M. Caep-bell I . . • - - t The senior- "liustlers".of '.KincaKline, . and . the '. "Hurons" _ of Cloderich-, ;also- 4112fiNINIE1111111i GoRi DEcE. - . KINcARDrikm. • Torn rMorrow Goal A. Ritcharcis Point 7 D Colder' -W- 'Thompson. Upoint T Kirk.. • W lack Leskre. W BlackfOrd 2nd Def, Jackson ; " D. :Tkoopsoo,Def• entre: McKenzieG Watt •quiler -W,Bates - 3rd Home .Goodwin. .Niholson: --2nd-Iionie.-•MeLeod .11 . lst Home McInnes -:Outside McSwyen i.D -Thbmpson • - Inside.- • Wylie - :.Referee; D. *Lawrence. _ • - . • ,The -foot-ball --match between.Km- cardirke "Maple. ;Leafs" and Bervie • "Blues" was hotly contested and AS both clubs were evenly roatchd a good .galite*aS played: Bervie. by .two . . • • Th following-- iita list of the . prizes awarded •••• • anaLvrid:SponTs. • tailrosse .Match, : prize 0.5. shotS:bf LucknoW. - TEE cR0121/ CONIVENTiori. • This is an age of cb-operation. The' old adage that "Union is strength"- was neirer more fully understood or more thoroughly practised than at -thepresent time. Syndicates are formed, combines ; are Made, secret societies are 'est ablishecl unions are set on foot, every professiom and every trade has its own particular organization to look after its own, par- ticular interests. Since this desire for union is so deep-seated and general, and since Mar% has so much in common with the rest of the animal creation, -would it nat.be. . unreasonablb to. deny that the otb.er- members of that creation are alive to the importance of united effort, that - they also -have their periodical- gather- ings;. in short, that birds of a feather. flock together• 7 • A clamor of crows in. Ellis' swamp r op. ab justwestetsrtaionff othe 'village gave rise to the, reflections, and making my way to the place,'I was able to see Football Match, prize $15. Sepoys from an unobserved spot which of- Lucknow, $5; Blues of Bervie, $5; selected that preparations were being Hurois of Goderich, $5: made fcir a . Mass -meeting of alierr* • '- Green Trot--lst $20, 2nd $10, 3rd crows of the neigh orhood that after - $5.—D, R. McIntosh, Lucknow ; Jas. noon i From every direction itocli 0E.- • Bakei Hol 'd • j - P tt makingtheir way to tile P $5.—G. Fair, .FRauirn,—Klinstatid5inc 2n; dA..8J1O. 'E3rd 1 .withhd1 3telelen Rinaaildadfore°8mPePeaitialesi,raCn7 Putting Light Stone—lst John Mc- attention was paid to the rectangular Leod Johit camei,on. • s country roads, but they all came "iust. Pu ting' . Heavy- Stone -1st, John helpinga as the crow the f oi ea sw, "s eizschmuonche aisniteonsIbre, MeLe II; 2nd .Tohn 0 ••• 1,.. yroo. a erson, 'delegateswere— la:ce of. meeting' • No -arrangement Lucknow. - - - ameron. Throwing_00 lbs Distance--4st,- M. McMi11n; 2nd Arch McKenzie. Th jog ..06 lbs. High -1st, ,T.Oh 'Mae' • 2nd, M. McMillan, • Tossing Ca.-ber---1.st: J. D. merlon - ald ; deo.. Macintosh. •+riTumpL-lst; T. Little; ..nreone - • I: 7, • •:Ru nrng Hop Steg—lst Little; 2nd,- McPherson. Theconvention .conventon was organized by. the 'election of a chairman, whose . opening speech,. judging from the enthusiasm aroused„ must have beem. a magnificent eflort. It hereupons occurred to me that since a friend of -inine understood the Crecy lancivage, there Was therefore no reason ' why should -mit , understand the. Orova- - language, and as a,result of this kicky, thought,. : I .was able to 'understand: perfectly, and follow with interest, the discuSsions of the Convention. Should any one doubt the truth of thig state- ment let him remember that, Virgil somewhere says "possunt, guw, VOSS& viaenfur." The first subject that came up for discuTskm was that of protection and defense. It was pointed out that. :there i was cause of great alarm inthe fact that th‘nupiber Of violent deaths -during thepast year was (Treater tham usual; A venerable ciglvexplained; the reason for this to be that Dr Garnier, .who had always Made havoc - among' them, had .been mor than • usually active during the past season; • The next speaker referred to a sub- ject that had always created a: 'good deal Of annoyance, namely, scarecrows. He said that the trouble lay in the fact that in uiiny cases it was difficult to distinguish between these inoffensive- -creatures called scarecrows and teal, live, dangerous human beings'. It was . well known of them, he said. that al, scarecrow was the •mot harm- less tliing in the world,- for none of that fraternity had ever been known_ to ofie,r any violence, but he warneds them that they 6au1d not be too care- ful in ithis respect, and, as an instance,: . he to14 them of the melancholy: fate of three -1 crows Who, had incautiously approached What they'supposed to be a scarecrow on the farm of Mr. Dash, when to their horror, but alas togiate". they found it to be the farmer btnseL (Sensation) n Jilt 41i and Xick. 1st T. Lale, 2nci • -John McKenzie, 100 Yards Race—W; Downs, 2nd W. P. Sharkey. - • _• -, • Saclk Race -1st, Roy Little; 2n -d, T. Little. '- Hu dle-Race- 1 t T. Little; 2nd W-.., Elliott, • ' Old engeo 141 IVIan's. W. Scrim - 2nd. 'Took Adams.. - JE. Jones 2nd E, 4ord. Pipers Competition -1st: • Duncan Mclia4 2hd, Arch, Anderson. • Boy1 Race—lst, Geo: Cressmant, 2nd, Reid. Cali humpian ISress—lst, T. Little and R Graham ; 2nd, D._ Boyd and W. D vison ; 3rd- l B. Bryan. JUDGES. . on Piping—D. Patterson, iciver' M. Martyn. • etic Sports—J. Murchison, A. McPh rson' Jiro. McIver -End J. Boyd. 4 Calithumpian----Dr. Elliott. Horse Racing—T. Treleaven Wm. Hood and Jas. Lyons: Jud John Ath • - Mis LiIlyctriffin has. gone to D troit for the suinnier.- Mis4 Annie Ford started for Algoma' where she he • ,intenda spending a few months • We are pleased. to report- a visit from r .old friend' a nctneiglibor, Mr. W. H. Reid, sen. Although -border ing• on Ifour score year and ten, he .is still able to visit his old acquaintances With a-'suhmising amount of alacrity. Mr; iHardy, of Brussels, was in town one day lately. Mr. Freeman, of Buffalo, gave us a. friendly Citll one day this week.: - •" - The Sacrainent of theLord's-supper will bedispensed in the; Presbyterian Church on Sakbath"'next. The pre- paratolly service.will be held. Oa Friday ,at 2 o'clock when Ravi- J. Ross. of Brussels will preach. -• •- Means are being provided for an addition to our 8. S. library. A nice littlesumhas already hen subscribed but mcke is expected. 'pl!lyea a4 goad game. • The match s' Mari▪ a McCoy, of Kinear- resulted iti 2 --to 0 iu favor of God:erich. dine h.lex school spent the 24th In • . . The teams lined -.Up' as follOws,:- ;the. village. The; subject of provitionswa discussed. It appeared that t peets Of food were never so- li was anounced amid much rej that john Adams was going to 'Suppl them with the carcass of It horse, not two, that there would 1)e usual number of cornfields ancl me, or cattle; and that as for .lambs'- * P • - Could always rely on the words Itere it is; . to write. -down. poet: ecause soe yai've 13nt onedead lamb is there. '• Votes of thanks were - to the band Of frogs Mier, them with musk,- to tiv.' his able managemetitit* the _use of his swam affectionate leave. oi the gathering shad0A wended their•diversr like Burns' twa me0 !some ither day. e r • _ a - 4e. Iron &gator*, "There is not a 'flock howe'er,w4; ' • " 3