Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-05-12, Page 8• • f{i now in a better �a�e. •�ever to 'fleet" s OD tl ail . po��tx .._ of our customers ��.nts, . •Our . stocic` -ls. this 1 �r 1� t C , larger ..and -contains 1'13.tIC 5 - . varieties, - beth aid ��1e.. _ ny .wee have -shote previously: .x e have children's _from a Ex tra: value ' _ .'s - and- ' a.nd youth's, in boy's- Y die Luckno� ntineI, Bruce County, Friday To.Pound:the Cows-: The . constable requests - us to state ter ' Saturday next,, . he that. on and_af. the pallid all cows, horses, will take to P : n.1 .at pigs, goats and geese found` ru g P?� ' :�' - � f the village. -large within: the limits o This is by _ orcl`r of the• council. Time; Shortened i,e Atformer examinations the tithe. E duration pep. -far allowed. b _ .the . Ld _ y the writing •on groups of subjects for: primary - was ` 3 hours By a duals. . _recent • regulation -the - time rias , been 2 . ..ours. Candidates: changed to -�:; hours intending ..- - to �f•Lite this year will, ha _ v - e . move -on .`else thele will be.. to .get_, a m .� alore floating in the' air feathers g -.. about: the first week in August. . Drowned in Montana ivate :: letter received by -,. _From .a pr ... . , l Somerville,`.of this village, Mrs James son of learn:that Wm.-Mathieson, we Mr.. 'John. Nathieson of NorthForks, orks,. Y formerly -of the town- ship`. Montana, -:and field� was whiledrowned.:. of-.Ash � crossing the Milk River, a..trbutar-ybu the of the Missouri, in a _boat 2nd of :May: ■ �t _ E - n_ , -- Shod mels . from. $4 5Q up. j � t .. � they are ou.wil say No t y d y not ,1-ioddy, J =ill give y tl and g V�11: re • offering easure in ough; �. satisfaction. cr- .:ltlll� : .Sit'.. 5E and. see what and we will" take showing you tri SVP_ have also:a . fine - range. -Sad Suicide •rrencc'. molt A=ver larisentable occu �. ,. Y j, home and take the. figures of the high �; .We school. at :the county to W n, - find that , o ut 4 of -a total attendance of - _ i lo, r°-58: per 'cent -were °children of . . - 'Children o -farm rs - 27 -were the Scab Among Sheep a c 'ease known . as - the A. cotlttiglous . ?,se scab has broken out among sheep p : a f. Grey county. disease, it appears,. .-� The had itsorigin in the Township 9f of Col --. - Lingwood, and -was subsequently inti_ o duced into Grey by the imp aztation o shee from the former Uer of p township. e their flocks and g should examen to 'are affec 'lace on -Sunday' morning in:, I roost e I �1 n lc � dile Township,when I3sr•tl g :girl of -IS; a:: general laridsotiie.yo11n� .A _ - .. �Zr..-.-�,ln. favorite• ' and daughter of M life h j means. of Milne; took her -own. Y No - reason had _ 'been. as-- stry�hnine. - resumed: some very • -signed, bt�t itis. p _ ointment is to. bei attrbut •. great des pp �ed the rash aet, of. Tweed s and '.Worsteds for slxitiil s and pantings: which are great value. Try_ us for theseliues_ AMEflO�r MURII0C11: •`:U }C UO P-OST-Off1Ctu amours S a„ rr . to. 7 pop. -: ' 14_IILs . Ai iuvE.. CV. lx.:. South ��']` ' 'tir O?'th Hol -rt:.€: d Iinie�tgh Kin10 o. B. N with Godarich - ,e iate point' nter�:��.. . its:&B.-north -Lang d9 1 11..& S_, South I.&D.,SOuth N G:& B.tiorUh FloI roc d-`. info gh nlr� 900p In. 1o0p Tuesday§ and -3 00 p, uz;. Fridays D aiiy - €L nuIn Farmers in Bruce and uron_ ; , -; d if any e the. animals seeY y.• .with.: the - disease. -Ayr d fui-Gombier-atiof Fishing. Seas for speckled eckled trout in On- tarioSeason p on MayISS • tar io, Canada, opened , 1 _ bass and muska�. pickerel, May 15th ; f longe, June 15th. One person is -not allowed to take snore than 50 speckled or brook trout in a = single day, no shall these fish in the, aggregate 'wee h more than 15 po ands, nor - fish lest h than five inches in length.,Say, are you sure you : took any over five inches on Tuesday. of merchants,. `an mechanics' • forty -on-: er •fail COn1lit a:t%o 1. The: Y eat calithump t a•est �'s :birthday. will _kaoc. , :� - �3er M �, -.- Y « - . _ - . of - Nations- - T Barn �m4 ,Cosi ess . i ; �-.ed hat. You- cannOt of ord into a -.cock it' and' as:this is p51ti_vely , • . of a -: earinr: in Canada before.-. last time pP emoval to ;the -World's; Fair girl_ Its r :.a _ to - One -,and all saw e- Clicago, WO:say_ y ` rfare.and.:come to Lucknow -your �$ ear.- _ 1 oil the 24th. of the - professional - classes: only 13 Tort Elgin high[ school '46 out At the .Po Elgin-' Hs of total of - 114, ' at - Iincardin e t - toutS., 69 of- a` total of 13.3 were chilc.red of farriers. An Hono-rabie Man S mei sixteen: or seventeen.years ago. lyi Iugh` I)yatt was engaged in the c brick in:-Luekuow,. and �uf actuie-n-f . riga -likeliundreds'of others in Canada met -- With mpny reverses- in • business and v States heavily in left lot the_ Western • . numerous morons :debt.. His _- creditors were nu- essar-to satisfy. and th• amount necessary their claims reachecl-into the thousands. �.: - leave the place' Thong forcedo. -under he most trying circumstances u ied with him to an,homest than, fie carr • determination that if fortune the ver favor him. h would return should aver hep : l>now and ay every dollar he to I�uc p -the. streets of the village on o parade t . r.' • L JCIJ o r MARKETS.. Fall Wheat, per bushel.. :....54 Peas Oats • Barley POtat,Aos . 3:t_ - Y.. . .15 to 16 Butter,- er. lb... rolls- .14, _tub p .09 Eggs, per dozen ... . :...:., . aton ..., .... $6 to .700 • Hayper .�,,,. ..• . , $1.75 to $2.25, Flour�per cwt.. 4 t� .28 " ,28, .35- 60 Dried apples Tallow: �La'd Pork per _cwt. NitiOrsitgi Walki rig on -tlie, Railway Disease at the Bacic Door It is..a na-ity habit of pitching out and -a handful 'Of pairings and the general _waste pf the kitchen thas p;artiri the soil, but that tis the key to the miSchief. 'Ile soil gets full after - ani ears past he has owed.`I'grm many e dville• �;Colcrade, engaged, :been in Lea �� with .n uinring and having met r Anniversary Services AnniVersary services will be lield next Sabbath, -1‘lay.. 14ths When E. A. Somers, of -Westminster, former - ly one,of the popular. ministers: of Chicago, will D. V. preach morning and evening. He will also address a mass meeting of. the Sabbath School, Bible Clesses and friends at •4hree o'Clock in the afternoon.. On M9nday evenins• at 7:30 he _will give a talk on "A night on Foreign Missiens in. the Pan Presbyterian Council." The collections at all the ser -vices will be for the Building Fund: All aro most cordially invited. rned: here a few days ago success, rota - - to` carry out :his pledge and;wipe . out indebtedness. Since his return his. .grid . , c paid off`':htndreds: 4f -dollar s tha e has h iE t -laved ".and- svci�e many yeais.ago ou I which the owners of had long sinceg. iveii up as lostIr.. Dyatt s . action s` certainly honorable and manly :and we ` only :express, the wish of all his. old friends when � �e hope that theA .br ht -breeds. gases - which stirroun.d and An old mari-70 iye.auss-of age, rid . a enter ..''the house.... This Sis --- true not resident.of _the - village, stagger cl. Op only-. of.' - poorer hoMeS or -- careless- -Campbell- street m a beastly. state rot- peOilso have.spets be,hincl . tireir hOu-seS when near Mrs: :Cameron's .resiclersco saturated -- -with- .slops .and , veritable -fell down upon the• sidewalk: ankl . was star of fortune may continue to shine upon him with even greater. brilliancy the future. We are pleated to learn, ince the' aboVe was written that Mr. -. Some- of our esssshanges are urging- - !s.triOt legislation to . prevent people .-from: walking on the 'railroad tracks. The railroads- seeni to-be:d9ing all they qati.. in this, direc_tio-ia,.-4-s:scarcely -a day passes -but one or more of the Walkers are -eternally c-ured... of ihe,- habit Greatly InalSroved The Chesley .Enterprise came to•hand suit" of type and ma -de Isp in 'the a- neighbor. .It - swas .a disgraceful isfrici_ Meeting- -As the meeting -.Of the tem -Perm -Ice- him the liquor will haVe -a grbat . deal were_ Completed for th.e3solding of. the is a good husband but. whensun.der the ts to -answer.for. When tober. the- an iStrict meeting here on Tuesday next flueneel of liquor he. heats an4 ab ses 1_6;t1i. inst. It is expected a large modern eight page form. The -Enters piise is a first-claSs local paper and we ,-,are glad to know -that the able efforts. -of 13ro. McDonald are so well- :apprecis ated by the pe4.1e of that villa.ge -arid attendance of clelegates :from ;all the. different lodges in the district will be POsont, as well as Mrs 'F. S. Spense„ -Canada-, and Mrs. Sccitt, Grand 'Super- intendent of the Juyerrile Department. The dajs session.s Of the meeting will be held in the temperance hall lodge room and in the everting a -public Meeting class.- -insuran.ce men say the - table of percentage sh_ ows 17- per tent. of %amputations are -performed:. -upon asricultUrists among railway men_it is only 7 per -cent. rhis is 'a curious and- not rapidly explained fact. which .all are cordially invited, Let there be a large attendanCe. Too Much for the Policeman On Sqturday- evening Clnef Dunlop, Seafarth,- received a telegraphic Message from St. Marys, asking if a man -named Oaks. Ayas wanted here. Constable Dunlop wired back, ." Yds, understand the wife had given n tice take thia tion s hus- to the liquor dealers -not. to, -give hi liquor, and if this is so; she can action.againSt them,: not only- on count; but She can enter a' civil a burglary." ...In oh:silence to: this. order a St. Marys sAfieer arrested Oaks about the. lockup . The - prisoner however; seized a' favorable opportus ity and. broke stWay, going throngh the river: ;When abon. the Middle -of .the stream hesturned and covered the dens stable With' a revolVer, then: Made his way to the opposite. bank and_ disaps peared.: has not been seen singe. Thid-waS the _masa -who -burglarized:the Brothers Seaforta Some writes I-6 theHSE1iTIN7E14 • that tof pro- mote and to introduce :the cultuie --of .asainst. them for any personal. lo Linage she may sustain irons her band while drurik, The GreenNeil „seed, svhich he Wills.giV-e- away to anys :A:day' be had either by- calli-ng ir writing for it to Creme- de la -Creme Cigar - Factors's, 149 St: Maurice St.; Mont- real. Bogus 25. Cent PieCes . Quite a number of bogus 25e. piece -S are in circulation in' the country at' present.- They -'-are .dated -1892 and" - look quite nev2s_and ale very: hard in - :fact the oldest test of -cutting or biting_ .does not determine its, relia,bility,. as art- in the composition of_ the coin. LOCAL GEMS. !lumen Down For. sentinel. Readers. -i-Locik out for a display . of baby carliages at W. H. Smith.'s to day. ss --Are you gdina.to take part in the Calithirnapian walk bia.- the 24th. =Don't forget the- open meeting in the Town Hall ssris Tuosday evening ---s-The bill to. rsduCe the number of • • Dressed Hogss---$8•25 to 8.50 PotatoeS—steasly at 82c; to 90c. Butters -15c: tO 18c. Note Some of T, Tre- cieaning seagon". is at hind and you: want to thake yoUr house and home ,attraciive.and.beau.7„ kist call and see the five fraines:We will fit you uto only $1.00; Also for the ilext _thirty dayS give to each and :every one having. a dozen cabinets' a :fleantiful photo and. frame free; • 4 Count.y. C'Ouncillors has been withdrawn The'place to- get wall paper is at Street,: WeSt. .The..greenyea-is the rage, and it is fearful to behold some of thie wothe behind it. Green is nature'sicolor. It ia the one tint that .everOody wear with pleasin.g effect. . !tut Ithere are greens and greens:and the wrong green is worse than ugly—it is psi - paralyzed liv'er, with a bilis), eompl x - ion, with freckles, with saucer eyes or with.a-thin face, in which the shades gather will be ghastly under- ia yell w of any -stuff bordering on the- lettue-, tendril, or what is knowni as spring, green, unless she wants Ito- suggest quarantine. Grass, ivy, cloak, Migno- are aiways- good, .but _beware of the olive, maple and .flowier shade's. 13abies and young - children can wear anything, but maturity mUst study thei, effect of things if she wishes to* maker -the most of her charn2s. The Ontario Goyernment have decided to take a plebiscite. on, the ptohibition of retail liquor selling. tiansi inapectiing McLeod, health inspector will. :make his_ tout _of the villagei and those who have not their. ysitcls,- out houSes and I3urke and,Wilson, the 'men who killed Detective Harry Phair, were, sentenced tO 12 years in jail by Judse Street at London Saturday. _ —The - question is. decided by popular vote that the. place to get suited -with wal) paper is• at W. Wells „clean. may -etpect tr.ouble; - To preserve:the village, in its ..cuStordary good sanitary condition, it is necessa:ry 'that these be thoroughly cleaned- and a_rigidirispectiers made. It is expect- -ed all. will have their wells pumped out and cleaned and. all_ refuse and filth that hasNeen allowed to accumu- In D-ufferin county the license commissioners - have. passed a resolu- tion, imposing,- a fine of $5-0 upon- tieS Ob. their premises. . a.good top. buggy at ildrea Bros. carriage. works.. We , have also a. good variety of Sedond lhand biAggies and waggons which. we 'sell cheap. - who enquires for inforthation, ive may Say- the, -ballot was introduced -in .Australia in- 1856. It Was introduced in Canada -in 1874: the District meeting, * whiah " will be held in.IA-Ucknow on Tuesday May 16. Go '.to- No. 6; Campbell street carriages, fishings ro'cls, lines, croquet, We do hot believe that it. is. a good- plan to pasture. an orchard. Land devoted to fruit should . have as. good care as that devoted to any.other crop, and Sliould be ploughed and' manured buggi#s repainted. Call at Hildred Bros% i and get prices.-. Repairing kno* that. we .can Supply printed envelOpes aud letterheads. as cheaply is they can be bought by the bunch or quire.- -1--0.41 and satisfy -yourself that W. Sniith.--dan. supply yonc)...with wall paper. - -s-The Educational _Department has . set apart Winghara 'as 'a centre -where an 'examination -of candidateS for thirds class certificatei will , be held. This will be a great. conienience to those. in. .that vicinity. The eiiamination. will cOminence on Tuesday. _morning, the largest kind. most beauti- ful selected stock in town. I ,have also on hand a large stock of fine mouldings for maiiing odd sizes. Call and inSpect before pur- The only way to detect rt y row- ing . it' on the -cOnnter—it does not s villasie will have to remove the same Tit a. Who Attend Our- Hig,h- Scheots The minister of Education, ip. report _for 1892, which•* just' come to hand enables uS to! answer . the question. -mare ,exactly thlan, has 'here- tofore been possible. During the first six montlii of last year there were in collegiate Institutes.. - 16,969- pupils • of thoie 7.104. or .42 per cent.. were children oE farmers or 22 per ,cent. of mechanics : 41701-- or -25 per dent. !late durina the winter will be dispose cent. of.profelasiona No doubt of..'"-: It. .-is- .inipcgsible ..to "have- 7-0-)Od-- these fisures will -be a Suprise to many. ; i ti s t . aS inapoSsildto liasso-igsiod .Wsster the" farmers, Whq have ::-been- . vaguely' itt- dn:imptire;pod-, : .Those:.who'do not thinking. that' _those 'schools are-: .9f a,t.tend. td. these MatterS may e-xpeet to little.iralue-tO-thein, bOt that they -are have the .inspeco.r after: theM ,with -A .Fpeeial *preservers: rather ;of - a -profes-. 'sharp stick's- Parties who_ hair-.4:.d.Ump, siciiial._ class. . Our .-;CoUnty . colincilOrs ,ep their -garbage and:Other-refuge upon too, in 'the iikht: of these ,fignteS, ti;i11.. the -common and vacant: .lots in, Ow doubtless: comestio: regs&ds these ! initi, health without pure water,. aod it is and, perhaps to none I more than to Now to supply you with .133rthin-g you want , .841C Hats, Bonnets, Feathers, lowers, Ribbons, Laces, . If you want a first-class set of teeth echeaper than. the cheapest, call on Prigter ono LUCKNOW, ONT