Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-21, Page 4• ._4 Itt netin,aau SHE -LIBERTY TO UTTER AND: TO ARGUE FREELY ACOO1 DII G TO TIIE DICTATES OF . CONSCIENCE WE =PRIZE ABOVE ALL -*OTHER LIBERTIES: Luc -know _ „April 21th, 189 • _ROTECTLNG CHILDREN. ,: Lucknow • ntii independentpress throughout, the A ..mill hay been 'i troduced into country: The fact that, the reform is. nowr to be persistently ersistently. forced to the front by .two influential and non parti organizations should;- however,za_rr, . ensure a' successful issue - at aLl,' early date to the agitation so loner cont • inued. MR. GLA.DSTO»E told ,a. deputation i cs County, .Friday, u Ist of the Imperial. Federation League last Ontario Legislature by the - lion.. Mr-. (ibson • for . the better prot€ction of children. -lit embodies the pr u.ciplej - found in the legislation:of .the'Imperial •• Parliawent, and ;of the states of - 'laine, Mi ;neiota, -Rhode Island, and t onnec - tie-ut, a d- "deals cvif:li the cases of. boys wider fotirteen .and girls: under -sixteen aro- - iie!loeteki, ill-treated, alhanded t, �r - week that he was heartily in sympathy with the : movement to consolidate the-. empire The Government,- he said, expo*ed to the chance of- drifting: into alife of crime or pauperism A pe iallty i i1r cis'.i` 1 ed for sending - r liilflreii . tit oix- _the street* of ...into a e s to beg, Sing, perform or peddle- ac'tiOi1 I of the act , also provides • for keeping-ellildren itliiu• cloors at night by partial application of the old Curfew system-, as 'follows (1) Municipal councils in cities;: did . not giiestion the action. of -Ft e colonies in the matter of their tariffs general and -fiscal p y 1rG .:. They were Qcal o free -to._choose between : .protectioni tion moderate or immoderate, and free trade that'was their own.. affair--; but he =could hold out no hope that Great Britian would ever abandon free trade. THE editor"- of the Eclinborough towi 1 corporated villages shall 4 is `season w� ,off t� os who love '.privle n°:thea inert' I) mg yo epart c ot.87ncc7t not lotig ago i eceived - .an: envelope which bore in --addition to its -a,cldr ess '.az='.request` that the enclosed letter. should be handed to any book- seller its Edinborougli The letter ran:: "The kind of -Look -:that i-_ vv.al t• is a cdur ting book ---,a book: that :will l' is* me ow to talk to the lass that 1 love - a- Look that will tell =me the � words to sayto her and the wot:ds to ask her' when i be: courting her .'is the s.anc:-in �' lie. '� sort of cook. 1 want No Matter how lrat e �oT~v: ei` 0 pass - E egu a iolr children shall ii(� .' - v itliout proOel`' gu rrdia:nsliip,_ and, the, age � apparent - 5 1 spectiv'el'y, ',under- which: t �a-s by -laves. for t It the in the streets at cif the- time after ivhicll _ - - te4 orhotiv'.little `tlie�2:words ma l��':" nightfall. d or apparent age ° of boys tlC lilt it, _ ,F , they shall be required to .be in their homes at _-tie hour- appointed - and ucll municipal council shall, iii suci case cause itor 1)5 ell to be ruiifr at- .'" t- or near' th€ -tune app,)111ted as a tie arn- to be called .th.3 "curfew -h ell, after w-hich the Children -so required to "6-6 ; Ilei • homes. or oil the streets shall not 1 e -upon the puhlic streets except_ under proper e0iitrol or guar: di•tntihie or fETr- -.c n e 111.18,V did -able cause:. - �o) Any: child a so- found . after the. • l?p. TIIE Earl: of Aberdeen has..1.iee1 a ointed:Governor-Getie1 l of Ona-. . da. His term ` will;.. not, __however,__however,er, Lard,e In Stal t,Tail.: September, : Until then ��ley will continue iii 'office. . - Lord Aberdeen leas already: .Chosen. time -appointed shall - be liable: -to 1)e, �i-arnetl_ by any constable police astable or .officer to g : home; and if .after- such -warnir m the 'child.- be found loitering on they streets such child nay be- t i1 ei ,t ble: to its .hoilie. ?��.� such L�*'��t,`1• - • (3) Any parent or. gnardifin niay be - -,summoned for permitting his child - to habitually break said by law after having been; .i < rnec in writing, 'and- - .$1,-. a` - may- .be fined for the first offence 1,- withou-t costs,- :" and , for the second -offence $2, and for a third;' or any subsequent offence,. $o. IMPROVING MORALL 1115 rainfall secretary, -an officer in.th .Gu1dstrea li Guards,-. Loncl-on :The. ne-w ;viceroy .is - now :uii his .Way to C uia Ta,,-1'ut will -not c91 -le t0 Ottawa,.. until Lord Staph' - has` depai tecl the date - already 'aneiitionecl.: _ 111 the meantime .Lord Aberdeen will spend • the sunnier;between the World's Fair . . 'at Chicago, in which Lady -Aberdeen' _I has taken a special interest; and h • British Coli mb'a ranch: A _UN IQUE experiment. is -to be tried 86.1.1th Carolina._ After. July ..1 .n64: liquor -or leer. «gill - be- sold. there:legaily= except by the ‘State, officers being already ex .g ed. in the work of getting: the::State: bar -rooms . reacy • for openiog on that elate: The liquor..dealers - are .OUR SPE Hard*are There -has been a ma,rlied improve - Ontario during the paSt_ -sixteen_ years This is proved. by the jail statistics' gor person Was. .490 in18a2--t.he nuMbor. - was - Only -725. Durkig ' the- same period there was'a drop_ •from 2,773 to 2;274, ' in crime against. property.; eriines :against motals and iip in arms; but. in:the,meatitime. they do,nOthing but grin and' bear long ;IV number of 'lately married- cpuples . were out to church :on- -Sabbath -and exp. ensive proceedings to. • test the constitutionality of the Statute -having been. gone through' before -they - will know, whether the State is acting within its rights In paSsing such .legis- iegai in'the State advise. them to. prepare tce met the law as valid- and constitution.al. • du-st what is to be ga,m• ecl by,having bar -rooms run by the State instpad of by individuals is „nbt quite clelr.. will they- can at- a private one. na,raely, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smeltzer, ancl -Airs. 'Wm. Oliver and Mr. The f.armer; in this vicinity. were in the heat of the spring' work last_ day, bitit on Saturday morning their ardor Was somewhat cOoled when they. beheld a•riowy blanket of three -or four inches in thickness coVering the -face of the- mother earth. Tiowever, .thei -offenees- pnblic` --order and_ 5,077 last year; :The cOtention there'L , -in-set _upz is. mcire sustained:- When:- counterfeitingarielpassiiig-hogui money live. stock. stealing frOna -84, 0,66, ,and. larCeny from '2,070 to .109; Tbere. . --been an increase in, -the-- number -Of r. serions atriong the- teat being.: rape',*hich-in 'creasedfr.om 37 in. -,1877 to .bigainy 'froth 12 to 14._ and, seduction howeyet'i the... exceptions . that prove the rule that pu. the whole'vve: -Can eongratulate.-•oursOlV.eg Pt. -07 DUNGANNON NEWS. The Canadian Order, of .Foresters will hold a concert in the .agricultuial hall on the- eVening of the 24th of May.- good . time is expected, as , most of- the taleut will be from Toron- to and other cities. - • Mrs. 13. J. Crawford and I daughter are on visit to the Forest qty. We_ wa,rrn rays. of old Sol SOOt. melted the'i acrain following the plow. THE RESULT ' OF PERSEVERANCE I dame freni Port Hope and -settled -on Sheep Creeki Alberta, .20th July 1882: - When I -landed all I had was were 'sixteen years ago: which iS fenced. I own 7_6 head Of cattle and 11 horses,- 1 binder, 2 mowers, and implements needed for tb.e cultiVation. of my land and „work 5 teams. I estimate- the value. of -thy estate as follows : 960 acres fenced at $10 $9,600 00 76 cattle '2;000 *00 wish them a ,pleasant Mr. Charles • Durbin, _teacher, will a call to a firm. :We believe been: offered: • -Three of -our leading churchmen in- dulged in a. horse trade -last week. We are told that each rnadefrOth $5 to $10 qut of the deal. _IsT& harm, •we think, when.all harids made money out Of it. of a very`fine Meerschaum pipe, given. - by an OA horseman, we presume as. a mark of esteem for.- -.the very :clever manner in which* D. G-. changes horses. -probably. adcept book-keeper for large -salary has . THE Patrons of industry, 'Dominion Grange and -re.preseutatives of Prganiz- ed labor have joined in al demand . for ing .new tin this demand. It- has been Nebraska as Implements .:. 1,000 00 ;7 -LW -IL ior years, not only by Abe._ made the largest sale of machinery that he has done since going into the business. A knumber of the sales were of road carts, which speaks well of the BU4.-.F0.!1:011W10.E. - IMP4RIAL HE UNDERSId-NED.. • --.for service:to s limited-. number of -coiiik VhOronglibred Short Horn :b141, -.`Tlel elan PE DIGIqg, _Signed. JOSEPH PRIdE E CORONET E ELITE E STANDARD SONG FOLIO OYAL .0 P-cat,terson-, LUcknowc Ont„ got by Sprin broole"Printe-12309',- 7, clam -Minnie of Belfa -:-17123,-,by Barrington Dukp-10822-, E "1165 'I-, by Dixie Duke -474 Maid Of thi-. Mayflower -1514-, - by Alfred -304-, FITS' I I ibiink -981-, by Souter Johnny -1.083 Florf-nce BULL foR ShOrthornBuIl.,. `• The Peer, r No 16261. REPOHT QF ss ASFIFIE)LD. Lane '411, John Lane 433, Barbara Fattish 433, -Edith johnstOn.e 407, ThoS'.. Ford .323, Lillie Baldwin 280, .carti.Mr.:Yarcoe :handles. barber. He -has been very .blisy Once •eion at Ottawa, Jaut by their his arrival here. calved J any 29th 1892, JR -ea Toy H Cargill & Son Cargill, Ont., got by Albert Victor (imp). -; by Young Strathallan-63021,, Isabella-- Son4of Mr. Booth% Jen, i(4097), by Young TERMS—U.50 to be pa,id at service ; $5.00 for- Thoroughbrecia. Parties- will have the privilege of returningthree times if necessary, pieces organ Sen. 3fd----Tomrnie Lane 300, Emma johnstone 298, Bertie Baldwin 294, Robt Farrish 293, George Vane 272, Hugh V.ansickle 268. Owing ttD the Easter. holidays our report is- a week late this- month. - —1.1,HEUDIA.TISM' CURED IN A AY.— South American Rheumatism Cure for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radi- cally cures in 1 to 3 days. Its action upon the system'. is remarkable and mysteriou.s. - removes at once, the appears. The first dose : greatly benefits. 75 cents.: Warranted.by A. B. Co,zagram. 1001-4 collectfon of easy for the piano and. in 10 'numbers. Each 5 cents. STATIO, Our city tatlet of :fine stationery in note 4,nd letter sizeg. The -tate t AsV to see it. 1 HOUSE AND LOT XL BURGESS OFFERS TOR SALE . Cheap his house -and half -acre a land, situated on the southportion of Havelock street Lucknow. The house is well finished in - sip and will make' a cheap conyente-nt and comfortable home for any?ne desiring a place, This is a bargain for someone. For terms etc. apply to FOR SALE a also ffers for sale on easy east of his brio ore "ttThis is a first-elass tuildingsite, and the putchaier must agree to build upon it within one Year from the sale. TRADE MARKS, • DESIGN PATENTS! COPYRICHTS, eta FCC illfaililitti012 and free Us,ndbook write tO Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. lavery patent titan out by' u8 18 brought before the public py &notice given. tree of charge lathe • cztutttic Amevzgatt ast circulation of any scientific paper bl the wor d. Splendidly illustrated_. No intelligent _man should be wlthout it. weehly._$_3:00 a •