Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-04-14, Page 4Id J 7 or, r c t u -0 Un _P A '.,rit 14th _7 k tinte L, -B Thp: Luc n. C NIX! le L-2 'G nbient A/ im. . 1. -PE,-� � 1,-'�.o 7 j.. e 0 -01 a.- gov er W' -w nIt A 1a -conm Vj _. T_ - j th be st sible,. s eas -h' 1�i_*,%�i 4� b 6, ed. what- -is pos t- 41'. available�: upon w 10 w outside :nin eiIy. -by 0.1, _R -E A e d a ncl f6t a - large. strueltar A ty feet bai --be6n.. ,wi�-_Ote E P�7 A-" B��Rll Y -TO UT esoun, n it -if -,as a w building'.the,- t t 1� Ste; 11 _­&o�, 00,01.,j)INGN TO TU1E'WC!9ATF-S' In is - t or 7' AB. Q s'. to Cu or. A ER- LIR -W n C�. gre E o. wj,. al -t -p h1bited* Ar'- at ljvF,: ALL produc ions of heN 't -the I_dE WE pR,2�t viii- S:%Vill be -�ex Alit e on f hi dh: r 70ar It a:1 ca�pab agri A d MIS' he and -.dther,,�graing he a' oromost fgil -to -give- -.1 duction of w at 's e is _ .. � - _.T .-. TH fardous, pa rt C:11 h in th ro ir-� N IT larly. e -p D. ARTM1 IjIp R VIS1, tN A. � k it. J.. -an wl W1 d A KB�OR D-!,! -he th coulitries- -of World, -b 1119 ti6n - br' her efore .'the t_ ques- ng- Ae-, exhibitigns.­Of� -the" pla�lp,­anW 0 0 D, FG in AT is, Arl�or f -ou F y- a my 0 wa, 0 y The attenti i�_ot grbat�ar 4 16-9 ion statute� N7v,ill,. -visit the-7air Au. thp appr av 'e � -On a % ri.t ae ordinct .0 Who -siv nimths." et: obal X 08 V J1 -the 'Mbu g in of young h,a- 'T e, 'Coneep ion, as 111ex.t S —T tR b " ims, tl Arbor Da�y,� il -its. easo 7 inds -wit h" .4 t-th-) P 'But lo�dsl 0 t _P Us "10 le idiprove-. o e Th -06 x U f n ay ast wee U Alanito 4. 7 0 pm nts_ e ongp* W iv set *Ito irees al they tates� e 'b I oce4slon i-bly to Canl�. it-shoul -e% th�' di�ms� A., t 'the Tw _x-Ty­­sBvF-N: car ,,. beautiful' in Dat ve: r 0 idei S11 d, � Stat s passe In 4 p b,urve,] be ftom 41 -e dkv is ropb t 6Xpit6 if th N:'; B�O d b 14 men. hi -h* t I.,' :S of -bd lessoniji-natural. is� oryt (I in the. tu 1-1 g _TI-_ C Cou b;. tg .110 a.D:(I- nd thdt fjo,wro.-s and-otlier'ae oraiinns t ihe _--ry t D %me-. de th- e ell dige�, i3try Giv.e -,us knt :e ar p .-.ke b 4e ave h Ot W to P ant, 1,o, f . 0. ositi hich -7 "W rv% 0 p r-01? ae et 81- lit 01le4l" ti th* and cull V6,te le 0 -4erwh Sx T' ch 4 . :0 U,� ilR . . - �" - ­ - - tb ejj� 0 e their aidy-ancem d --- ieey as o a t1 boy. or Oirl to:.tl iscov, -�siou -oh -this W t jci��on of tb:e'bea ty of fbWiOni eauwo: pr Utt -P! be. pti-ess t er 'n ed upon-the:�Plb.. ere or glitub, "or P-oW d. in th-6- t yi' Ontario-, .0 e is fo -less aild order', i Ouro r ue;F�ti A 0 'bilf i-xitr A&,e& by, . M -Lil' appoin mon s of the s6ho6l f ori -ft 0 a te'r �t4pr one. hi. e. sile of Rquor jy4flx4in doQrs, an- d vitl,60; haa. d 0. b -it th y -h. is a en d The' -o ow e re d _�a popu ar. er an -A t. or, er -ques ion. 0 A lifealtoln, w6hibitio Both Qf a set it,e 'ine .6 A ot V v o, of th-_6 -pro-. oij th� 0- L Wo posals were. te useful,, 16 elevl�k- A a Vile e X_ liappier,, 11101 s admto Cp p�q T -reseii -ard is PAII S_ a -itirciighotm Thisis the. -tOndc-4PY: t ­'Ve* InCe 1119 POUT" tei� r -;of n- S A PP III M-onday. r'2;j� 8 and dsi:b unm: aw worke's i oi'�ul Lo Q ak- r ii T^ -tv -�s b e "D grad IY fid n _he- pleb -Lai of such taste JUIPUI -b-&n ai (a d- idea li, q b '66k. -L. `lslof h, Al S eaQd. f inbly- yt. 14:3r UP. ed p -iri. th-e- A-�-s L'N S - of �N_jjiejj '0u.ld o e, v -e W joyll . e BAR_. Th., il.Lg, t tit �o t IV - .. -V IV alic,nior W rces -0 en- -pe Gns titi that fill a e elevafedr so �W1,1RE'' -is Xa. ;h6 buildin ac 's 1.1 fe'. ce s' XL Dwn. and i e ­om n d -hi S -ha .-ionlo -�o d 1.'Wi Nl -1 of the pNvinees RE 011 -C, a-sta Ili. dat I all i -A v oPen. or Drl.y -sh ul 'P v 11 S d OD� :'-.Fiaures, w e1jdt IA hich ha� Less-- UTT le"' tha. I, over� 'IN T 4 . -21 "A jiqtojis in o po-vu..1.at* oq h :110A This is, t no t -.0a'na&. is _Oipetfiing th I Nv . G- R, t WA sj_'. t ie ��Cceo�d R mA Y- I a--' 0 1 T "v'- - at, be I D L sond .:TAP no. niatier 7wl�at. 611stac, S -.; Play- -ml BUI jhe� -go vernecl Would avo 0-f in-lpro'enle't . j S.S. A NN Y e - �­ i�,u . � T 1'", 0, fii d. the tit", t 'Pit, S V Ghat while th m- ses 6f every. - i I),: he i�.d Rhp 01�.' T erything un- 5-3 a of and. f ro ev .pai ation cledn'.- and- very pl. 4�n -`Ro; ET U pPe- GH 'OU: 'SPE' -n, i e _groun�tls_ .3 fveo ;.t o A I�giislva!:6 IALTY -E ute�lv` EAV ihily, aii& as absol Big -n-ibi* 1�as:�-One -to -eviary, Col.'Ll oss ae ar �.sojls.. rine e V a- I nd- ffffb i. t' Ed' d Th' Lew. ng dware, ti�d aridO rd 1slan traCtiv -as -it' i DA� ot di rdtobit,on-e -to - -4-013, vstees to Ala. -0 - C co.ift. U tl kfid tr -hAjja� then.it should -be a,'fil .8.35 Nrlv -M, �:tter rrans*ick- one to .7 - are"- 0 Risep 0. X th -0 pi ide" ft daily c 1,852. nd-: Que..ec one. d t -OLle C )pulatjoii. of this S iloo 0. see P Jt -is`_ not --difficul�t.t AW E -ep, Prov, ne-e, '616 0.28' 'and -7 this Arbor alw ­s� in'. -de -7— r re. ay. -n& -�qn* P 0_ very 4rge�& j&hoQ4 6,T — -------- Day. ppeal td. AYRSHIRE 'portant co, -tnun d- ity,. and ater- nancia 1Y. W W. part,of the j X Rei o oar ac i,. -ori;- -A og*. 4b Ck. tt W Y.()U]�jg -MJU 'd—oarei I h le- U7- am 611in not! -th 8�tl A. Philli �'si - Th -S ing J.olinst.. ERVICE ra. all�t -the TOR II-i'n- more an 05' Whii-.- SU41 U .9 JD ongr pt.j). for:th' bea' -DaN IE COUIVUL vson, AS]a F. - -L.... _ . . .. ... . .1 - , I . AE UNbER-81GNX Wil - l.�. . :� - , .. - . . - . s-.,_�Rajchar son, r e or jj)jjl�stoll A., ho ois thWhe;willkeep I or �'D a' 1, -ha' WISHk8 JO of, naL,u�re, Aeb d TA�loit : - - ni- the -f MC'Car liwited ndi t 0- -a -of -6u - nei .11 -Gibson . . . . - .. _. . . - - . . ' - '.* .4 - . Peter selrv,63 th's _se'v­ t: . : I - - ­ . 1 t�cen- vvell - r 7nfoi 4ay.* eon, -t I iiiet on aturId . I Th' .-c re oun -yrshi bred -y g -Bowler, 'Thos i,s ;upeylor eow s a. on s: e- Ontario. e0SL_ member' us 801l.ivarill: Lod, L bab piuber -of-th' March .2;J. .)_.. . �_: t� . - E RIAL hi -T H E hiald-st J ith :T d Dr6a;myi! e e r *- i John TR HU003 'hos. PEDIM B,- iD ai . n- Frid h it ai:idj'�- v s of Hog gMS2 -.1 11% T Doo _L -d TH F. 0 GO R hollday o ho -We We o� A - 254�reu and .,wht.te.'c91Ne o ion.- Afr'.'Dryden us -riieetiTig r is. ei f I prevWl e�A_a cl-si.gpe D' h �`W Go. y -Mry-2--44 -j-_'8`�2.-.bied by Jh�s, K 0 4 ed' rk obert Bu'ths.: A. L On the iu� itatloa- -e Lad�.1160 d�" TH _'E Ll -E aghlibs 1,if -White o an j.. j7ohn. Agri. 1, ihow. A �Y' 2xidL-4. 21 -Carrick THE S. li�nd:of 11 - T ITO A� . 9 A L '9 Is, e V 0. - . -P� y - Me by r, -arbolton 2ad aricul ited the t. was.. - re-cedy. Solin, KeOlei-J.- O'Loi . . . - . * �,Ont, Sire Wre, vis Treasurer s�atatenien q .-Xicob d A, U LU) _I Col g a. a and ..1yelon- axjU E, inien.tal eon. di3O R 11. - 1 4 I I [6rgaA PAlto, -1),tL- Moo's Rose— T B �ko xper 7 3�,,. 6. J i C ecre. -Y RD f., . un s.. by -,ppicat, —A er bVief'N'-_ we ion. - rom ees. Beauty _W6.7 ofiii-d armet I I R ed 114 orb� I - ", y- -4�11as.-Vhiieey� F. arn G 1ph. Paul R Dbna� aines'. -D Ll Po epprs -.for N'G.F 0. ba MS.. 2ndt�A5 vble' in n ures pa. a isitors' res", i.s 13 Johii M61S i tbe� :'v P C, Iere, TE - 7 ffed RMS . C, T H: E� FR I th Fence jjjt;ilI[iients:.with_. rest. at yri � I ti �v vVere annq 1A fl thA Al. Dalton, 6" -t.9- .thorou. ion granted" W b fcess.,xy. or chai per cent.� Retit" ster; 401 i,11ree tim�s ill 'n —John V_ijP ffers FOU0 an DofiLa 6er a w. o... �was 'rea d dill' -Oeorge vide fee m. PNIG, 4,(,f donig-etio7a -with, ib N 4 in-:C�lf 6r not. FINLAY y ghj W-6 'De.' nnis., ppoin pith iias.tersi poun Sullivan- onald TIASNO"VI J P.L, 0 , -By-I ting bster TIAO_­ Of -tilis S1011 ELei:eS NVIO pAssed a. d D -i.rm a enc i eov e r s year M j �_4:t i0t A r. -yi i -e - P.ib-hai eep the A161i d IF z for� Fbil f 0�v Mal -Colin as. 0 f �d:,..�. w­-hile' abtut'60r k ers�aid follb"wa!- T oulas Nrk oi n 'Ren v awn ar 'as n 0 en n", R PS C -SEP Wic 13 in Lannon . and- - U avi "Dreaney E An (lie W 1z 41,igllt ` D M 1-11wain Cairick d J h" F si) IT den� h* IS Ai BlhIdks _.ry_ .4k- - cL ii a Rio L, e 'itV I EA U-1 011 e., 'a 8 Y. 'A' a. -Po. T (;-% iD a;vid- Joh W liam----`, well) -Sh eld'L D n on a :vl'.,_�. proPorty -Tig-PA Xw�es Oliv Willia' JO.-SePI I _ ! �-. . , -,�_ - - 4 �:4,iiies -Lane o (;Pw,.s Pill TTXD ERSIGNED W i, 1, L 1UFE P 110 raKaip, GOolf-a e: j Olin-. 1HP, v the Gi " * k r er a 11mite M`U r r lvnl, .ho_r' Ull J� _f he. e , L a Ro4lnsIon e, W_R.S din. atincy .. rq, -U '�rle . * . - n �% t son -1 e -Ft -lot " 0 ":the in -'2 - 11-a u, etl- '7e h I J.L Tyl r" te.do fo' 'ViCe to 'his. Thorou lib' ed n- -by d -Bro; ii, iiaed i ion -se but at -G a6iJ of 1&bur Ge6�gr`e del ra' Ila y to Lani D o t _x he 0 P 1rozin - i i + Julie _-Ile Stqwar't 'Jado ices -in: co le r" C) ar'di �e Ch I ' ' `1 P - -il that'R., R 85 � fo - sery y� j-,&001 b :Su'ra, EDIGRPli 2 col _!WL '_ -.". ' ') - __ - . A �,the f the Airbitrato. . c - ­ L . t t att. t i e S Or- & bif _s "5 __Re e _V :e TiH k" William statis Tfi )rs o U C. U and E T,y-29th18')_, '152 son Q'i-purt OnA lulp -ies re hu 6 1 .5 (5 j. �0) Lft V s iaitfld fli I f brilye"Ca 0 fa r r's F ure. I jiie4 by., ivi3Odifiayli.. ohn Kalyel., ell alved a by'.' t he s, W Pie 6.�-�Pa rick-; -01 t ell y 1.11. V f ey u iam ai% nub, 0 -f F ? S, i; by 'K -rag. PX -e D5. I , . . hie 'H 6.1jj 1, ' , a. -les le M 63 a 893., -414 b U �d W. I It ic "Y �,raii I "i I- j. �11.13 er d K. :b D Ux Jq n C. -t,7 Wil oti P.J L a Y, .0 t lyfl6w,e 310 Ir wx -Y a P "t, 07 w �".%r e . . - - . . . I . .. - , 11., . . . le led-- by J o ff I e oil dF Y.: 'Tbe i�,fl 48f I �qph ,:Cranston., axnes --Iey- -011-4 J A It: �� * 1. S J,. L - - - - - C K-icj, .'by by C,i) 6 d A 81 r ILI P.6 'i A 8uncillor-presc-nt- P.11i lli'pis C, U*rj-l( S Fa C-� L 4- -Ch c b y Y :b '11 by jjitk.. -11! A� 'J)Ste Jij,- o n -a i- + ­ Of ijj..6.0 ea W MIL, ..' 1 ; . . W 1 --on I J h� 'r.5 L mwant.. . PY "i Tsl�& �2639 J6.111� U - I - _ffe It: 0." jo-4e (Imp)�. 17 VL d - i n. -thIairi. severa. U- 1-.+* 1� - 1- -, -.-! ��y (4097) i by You a y. I: Nvid R t a 1. divi' ion� -a 01 v it so n o J X11 I : . - . _19L)- `)t..eburry _(53 y _V b r _ij U 0 S '0121, 0 t 6�hbreils- TaIrties, :W1 �Vii I ily un d .- . M lb"l-ve TEI 0 '!jd -1.3t T -T-)aj.ii to'be. sey v ico, bs" Al -11 - -11"' I -If 'f', jl�\j UL 111 D�l javi. ih th;� C ouiet kl!�ejj.; 011. e - W j ,Ib t 11 every wi -!o ch I'a n d On _:m� 5 -�jk VA as exp�_,n 0�,o for e of r 'h I L 11 efti,13 IF - d 0a t L t 1 tit plvj es j, "ry N- UU1 allowe" j W J bil 001- a Q. %TATTFIRISON e,$ we re isst, iow.-I, .. I _" . . . i : I ;!: , � NMI, to. -Md �tlii% J�ihl b ed. 0 j> lig TR -The', All 6 Col.] V.0 f 61 14wi �§O Y' - NV C 7., 'k -a 7 _0 M - .- - I - , . -�: 7 0.30 %T vid(YO- *Th-Qni-as ''I A f yt-, Hall A .1 6'Ai f ol for.:-( A* 63 +1 _T tiihbe kV C Vs, r R St -,John- -0y.; D J' FO lityrej. 11-�irri6 -$6-.-' , D t AND 10, Up yre, - - aril R.: H 0 USE es Tri 14 ut-ahison o r-- graVQ f I zle Th., % C to I Tt v- bURG*ES+S- OFFEELK FOP�',.-SALE y V Al for-gfa e J,..o J ohn' t 'Af.) . ;_ . . . - ha ��?Jub. A �o and C AV 2 AxT lux it .. , . t L � ers econ ef)L y thL 15 b.' brL-Ljat..e4 oix., e soi e L C ksr- f6v e d i.th j?ord6n. of Havek&sl :TRADE MARKS9. b �*d -0 mog j, :P _ , tv Cbalb D! Vansickles� J,, aia -M H ;-C,.!Pj, �reei. 'T' Ale a, eL M -T89 _et0a, Ilu.Ohi'i t 1 U s e a ap jqonv 0) ay -i sid RIC ie Handbook te to n e- _n p-, me for 6n6 de4rin! . yor informatjon and ire toil . I - com 0 0.' thi is a ar-A o -oi -;F 01deatburean for securing v s in America. aui-1?3, v i§lL or lerms etc. 'A 0 A D -U tio- 1W"7. -o P r1w YORIC. jt j,0 r '�()q e(.­�' (1*7 1 �"l , L -2 -th' d ffli f �y x1g* f Ma Gd will -zh C A ghea in, a DESION PATENTSe �C now adj um J o in. R ii osb -I that t in juckt0w- -I -IV _:da - The hou,�� i is weR. 11 coi!ii ii hiont- and COP'T. -Y _:Joh a _ybn: th .7 fortable, h Al� Wri !a: i Johii -Silyles a Cour XUbjx;& Co., 361 B 'AT X1 t,.,Df re, 0, at 2 b f n atelit ore -hat d"Ll'CIT.. al ut by -k V %:.1 1 lk I ou t f cli&ge in the n T66 W 7 " EVeq Pat brought baf f, -J re T E4RS T OS RI�Il, e given e 0 0 'T L OTH j- A 9P eon' easy ji oftets for sil N -Mr "e - B, r anif hepub ic by'a iiotic i Xi 1-41Y, r, ri jaw -as 8blottv" reet, ifist I bron V r UVO - Qa�ipbell st -A tate — onner- Lar I I ___11 - j of bis -:brick staro 117his is� 6 paperin tue J ees o eAt efroulation of any's6lexitifl, �:C 010 -1 JohiiAon) t and. al ii wa.� W& d. No intelligeUt ti,- t ax -r6 wittill - ai n j8p We Id' t ;nd -the pixeltuser mus Pvee to ed. -afnes Ajenery bui 1119 Sames.- Alf e a 11 lendialy -ill, e- sa ei, Man ObouR jjpo� it e yeiiT V. Woo or b from --th' R L be V101OUt it. del %?&,100 C I Ros-� �R -.D Ito '16Y .4 e ol�_:_ i B hycrinsi -05ed liv t AhAl-rsori. -3 build t Th witbin on x months. Adressm 1 it 66 Cl, E. ear. -wzt _!:�.�Mranied -b Mia 361 B-L-opAw-ay. New d i�,. .0. Thorlbw Y. !xc� a j ow C -is :ames eam, in. jV. far a,4 Lhe 'Wor -Fai go- Id's r D John 7 101. j j. c- 0 y S -41 - TOG � T_ I0 tj P 4P