Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-31, Page 8LUD1cti.017. POST71)FFloE1 Hours S aot07P.rns - M:AILS Af.:1/14YE. W. G. & 13 South 1 643 a., re. L 11 & B.:1c(irth :1 12-30 p. -41-Tob-cro9d igbilough Kinloss, tr. G. eti 13, North_ . Goderieli .1. tutt-rpiediate paints f. L. it. & Natal - Lang4t1 tV,G;,-.,K, B. ,Sonth = Et- IL &.D., - &11,....Soutili - G.& B. -North 1T - Kinlos E 2:30 p• ra. 3:48 p. -9 10.30 1)-: ns; - TuesdayWand 300p1,na-, Fridays r • p ra p.00 a. ra, • 4.30p.m. s.777„7".77777 Daily. 00 •4 - ii.ouseFor -ale• Or Rerite : 'Entrande Exas-iiination - . The frame -house 04. Staiaffer street, 1 The High School . . ..... , 4.to d b Mr- -matioise se Ontario Win LA •A year c.om- - ' • -•s. • : , leaving. tntratice Exani- Lucknow, at-preeent .oceupi. J. Gs. Murdoch; Willbe -tent64-orlbld on •• • efl easy. terms.- • en May first.. . .For terms Or other • particulars apply to. the proprietor.-r-JoHN* BOO, Bo, • :'-- - s • Must be . Regi Ste -Sed The Ontario GOvernrcient- has issued . . • .. instructions to the municipal 'clerks' _throughout:the prov,ince to prosecute petsons. who failpt.negleet to eoni-;. ply with the •-latys requiring ;the reeis:- tration of births,: marriagesand deaths, . . The p'enalty for each offence is $2.9 and •cOits. .1 . - • memo on June t xa on for s ptirnary and.. junior* teacher's' certificates and for Univer- sity Pass Matriculation, will begin on Jtsly 4th1 while the senior leaving and honor matriculation examina-tions Will commence on Jul3r. 13th. A Fine Library New ,cetalogues•of the large list of books in the Mechanid Institute library at Rolyroocl have been printed. The list includes a -magnificent collec- tion oflhooks suitable Rita all classes Of the community, and the Institute should receive the hearty support and patronage of ' every •farmer in: the section. It is hadeed -a credit to -the townstip Going to Winds.0 ' -Mr. aebige • Mair,..of: •his. -.Villages . . hasi..aceepted' the managership -of: the branchofthe -:Triaers'- :Bank .in the Easter Holidays • - - • tewnsts'ef , WinclSot.„,."'ailds:.-s-wililtettly , - ss . • .. . ., - . . in cities, to' .tital - incorperated .1.e-tixe.t.6.. take011-a1,-4thibanlithere: villages . when _.„.;-the !Scheols.s.....: -... cies°. on • .: _ .: .r. _ ....II., . . A."; - • -.6 .. This, rhowevers --wil taott.sauter.fre . in Thursday they -will not - be re --opened an) .-;ittiy : .:* ith hi lari osite ._134ii in Until *the IOth of. .A.pril,- the - statutes Lueknows whieb. will still aS '• :pro -tiding for holidays during the 'week forit6i4y , un...*Ir the'.: rcittagealeo, of ,10110Wilicr Basteis Sunday. In isiral. m •d A 0 41. j - r. , A. olu.u9, .-. .•.. • sections. there are lant two - holidays, ..-_ ' .--. !:.:. . . es. • Good Fridary and Easter.ltionday. 1 :Shippecttoltilanitotia. . J'.. & 3: •(ttegar, .of Larigside; . • A -number of I -3-iivitationS. have_ :-:been Gity; Manitoba -"their fine.: inverted. : sent -out.for the.:10-te4.- 0. "At Home" in oeycle'd!ale - .4- ai..'ii4.1= .ir:_..-iefesriy- Dano." • S!the Town I-Iall libetell on TuesdeLeeke, ThiS anitnaIi. haS•.-.shesen;...ss -successful :•4th inst., -under; ti -i -e.. auspices Of. Old: priile yr:inner_ .„. befe:t;60-1.-Jus -removal to. - -- i.•• • As:: - . - Light Lodge; _As P.' nd ....s M., . and it . • ... the!Nortfis4-1044.11 .13:&*--.'asloss....t6•.i this - MasonTc At Horne shipped. on TuesliF ,last to Dominion . is expected a largo ethering.- wilL.Ise section, as bi..t06....k...are....turn1.4g _ out : *present. -- The Com . iftee. of • reana.ge_ .exee tioha• liy.- .gooct. .. Messrs. -..qa*tr . meiit -intend snaking *Os . th- ‘tulest•- also shipiled•i..n.tinibet' of mares - tir4-ct. •.frairi a the... kinci.- ever held. in t-lae- geldin.gs 2 to- -.tile NOttlawegt, .all of• -villaste. - . -- Knocked Her -Out . :. A female teaielier in one of our rural "" . - -.- .• . Always the ban -le .. schools 'while releently teaching. a:tablet Did. you -ever -notice- tli th.e. days of '-'-''--"' '''' - i. - '' . k the month and week -are ,always ' -the. -1-,k- ),I to q. • q1114.1.11. • 0.1.;SS Caine to the . . • . w6rd tchusban_qt" .which : they' spelled. same -. in - Marc)" and:: ItTovereber; ' in but eotild -not. pronounce, and to 'assist April :and Ju.- lye :-.Th*. is; if: March 'them the -tette -10i asked them What she conies on Monday November -will -do . - 0 ild have i1.4,1::- gct married, -._ The likewise, the same i 6° .applying. to SW sO. Aixii!i!c'tedly thryt she • • the other's above4aara --Months.. , In. stii _down- aud-aked.t'ae scholars to raise 164 year jabs-iv:ye is with Match. and the ssilitlow rt.rd.fetti.e-1.1 her'_a • drink of .. .• No.v ember, ..- The last slay ot.Februaty.. _. Thu:Traders, Dank , OGGUr on the -same daY : of :tiles, week---,' • the-%olson.:s. Bank Went-- th Windsor and Chri-S:1165, - rELONI ALGOMA. 777 jij AR 1.115-lit0Tt,-,4ilhad: to write to . • : reI- new .nly• subscription for the S NTI- •I 1 NgL (ifor I could not do without - theitght-i:,wouldsiteli _ you What I • • -.1..• • • - • - • Of have baa - •• • - • s . ter, bet ...not so.-hard.•„:•AS:--.•yett LIJCI_PIOW iAWETS Fall Wheat, per bushel: ...- 55- s. .55 .28 .20! Peas Oats Barley Potatoes 4' e 9 Bitter, .per lb. . rolls .15, tub .1P -to 16 hink hhaarvdz .7.1041:' to4.$to2:2045.k .12 - .ha-d'4own: there.; There has ben --Flour per cwt 1- - - • one fr6zen to- -death : .our • -dumps - And Dried apples." - I - •-•J TailoW • " „ . • . .1 • - • ' feneei. have not been quite covere and , • „• ••-• ;there- hed been a• great demand foil then. pork:per ewe - • I - : Lard- • . The ave ae wages for.men- was $22 ;a. ' - mo th-,• but miters get $1:.50.- pi da an.d rii An Official Visit Canip Albyn, Sons 6f Scotland, in this village,,reeeived an official visit on Thilis-day evenit* last from Grand - Secretary Bro. ,Bal.ilts; of Toronto. After the Camp 'meeting the-biembers of . the Society and a few. 'invited guest§ repaired to the Whitely House where the distinguished .visitor was tendered a complimentary banquet. The " spiead" was all that could be desired and fully in keeping with the choice bill -of -fare- usually provided by "mine host," John -McGarry. When all. had dorie full justice to the oysters' which were in eharg.e- : Mrs John Caesar. s • boa d. Thereis_tplae a great many naines ope ed up this s'unamer as every other far er hes a mind of his ow and pro pectors are buying_options from the, at .$5,000 and - $10,000 each. Thfit-gites them the privilege of opens ing the initeis and then the money is phiti if ',the mine is worth it. The . and other delicacies provided the Chair •was taken by Mr. A. Campbell, of Iiinca,rdine, and the vice chair by Mr. water. ., •• andthe _fourth , sisesy- of.. July always • - • • --n‘- the same -true of the 24th. of May . . Surr.6 trio: of directors of: the purit,i3c.,, starting a b- ranch. They coula-_fil-aamit buildieg- suit-- . able f.iv: the. busil,-x-,ss and this was in. - .-bloCks., They were to !leis:: the -raattf..?.r cOnsideration, but on Thur.,ay (leo. ,Mair, :of :Lucks Arid Bell-, Of . Guelph,. sesurtsd the pisaee the Ttaders! Bank; . arid:will open a branah• of that instite- tibia next Month. -Londoii.Free „ Expeisimental Fal;rn Grains- ' The call- grain at the Ontario, Experithental farm at Guelph . is this year quite iinpreCedentecl.- Seed has been sold in ,small lots to :farmers - In all parts -of the -prOvince. In this ir-vay they •are put possessien.of new and excellent varietie's of grain at -Very mOsierate sirices. The : demand is -equally geo.drfor the trial_ lots given away for Otperinientali • uses'. INA- - -;.d.reds of faralliers:. are being ptstin. poSSessioe of.. large quantities of seed - practically yothOutpost to-theth. This work should.be !greatly servicable to --the -country Olean Up . _ Lacrosse Pennsylvania Mr. Tina Kirk the popular and genial-clerk:of- the Cain House, and - _ one Of the §epoyst best players leaves - on Monday next for Lehigh -iJniver- sity, Bethlehem; PennsylVanla; U. S. -Tim goes to act as "coacher" trainer of :a Lacrosse Olub of that colleges -and_ if -;hy one can do it he can. We-undef- stand he. will return- ,to * Luckia ow --abotit the time the lacrosse season opens here', Toronto Lacrosse. team and the LehiYhs will. cross. sti eks -early in lime: The game will -be, eagerly looked forward to - the lovers of the same in tucknows. • Now that spring iS, opening ..-up sanitary matters in the vIlla,ge should receive - •Diseases J. C/. Brown, chief of . Albyft Camp. rbayiner Md. nrOrithS• will reeky farms- are the. most Va uable... • pe pl. were all, leaving .A, gonaast W11,- great many -did go, andi * some of hentare back. and nearly all •of , . theni 4,y they .would come if- they co-iiid get the money to 'brine them. One, who went to British CSlumbia - 1 ) • ., . 9 sa s that cattle have frozen • to death there, .aticl -that there was -18 inches Of - snow. He Went there last. spring, thinking• he would see no More inter, ; but he -wants to - come back. -I. only know of one farmer leaving . Algoma 'tl#s spring, but another farmer has Noiw told you last Spring. th t the, The"QUeen" having-been:dulytonOred- -.. • . s - :. • • .responded to -by the , epend te,ar_ great extent on the" ,pre - and act,ecl upon - in the near -future. It 'is the :linty Of the localsBoarci of Health, -We think, to formulate a - thorough systeM. of. Inspectiion:: Every -cellar, drains cis -- tern, well, yard, -eloset;- etc , should be Inspected and a clean ball obtained at any reasonable cost. Sudden • D etth- - Our citizen§ were deeply pained. to s learn on Tuesday'? ofthe'sudden death of Miss A-1.-ary -.W6Ods; a ;young lady who was. stricken down in' the midst Of health and vigor and after a few days illneSs with imilamation. of the bowels, her -spirit passed to the great beyond, . Miss Woods was a .young lady muela esteemed by ally and . her sudden demise- is -a severe blow- to her many. friends and: -relatives.. The remains were, taken to th family residence in the 8tk con. est Wawanosii, fram wheitce. the neral ,tr - takes place this (Thurkday) afternoon to the Dungennen cehaetery, . • ..Mammoth Marble Works aiiu national anthem, the following toasts weretheicproposed and appropia- talr, replied to :- "The army, navy and volunteers!' by 'tient. P. A,- *Malcom- - son "The Grand Camp," by Bro. A. Caropbell, "Camp Albyn" by Pest Clhief A.• IVIcTherson and. Chief J. C. Brown "The land we live in and the lend. wN lef t•,":by Bro. Peter tMcKenzie, and Grand • Secretary Banks; "Our -sister soeieties," by: Reeve Bryan and Dr', J. S. •Tentiant-, "Trades' and ..prtif.essionS,?'.14 TY.. R. McIntosh and Dr. -Gordon. "The host- and hbsteSs", -.Was also. heartily 'responded to with songs. _coy • Mr.- Mc(sarry. During the , - - . evening •asiiumber of gootissoness were given by • -Messrs:- P. . Moore,. Thos. Douglas, Dr. _Geddes and others, while Piper. Andersen, -alSo-. gave several fine sereetiong On the.: pipes:- ':Broe • Banks, bought farM.-here, after.ttavelling all rouels-Miiiitabas He has also sent fOr. he taitoba. t to come where d rent•• money the nty of en sttey t few his friends' to come here, says it is much betterthanM My advice to all poor raen, th to work out fot*.their living, is 't -es Algoma and take up a far • they can have their wood a free and -if they have no ' = to: keep _teeni at home time, they .cau. get pi work. at good wages, and 7 can stay at honae they can al-evays by making some ..improyementii. It. is qprprising, laow much bette ' off the armers are now _than they w e cape up four years ago, f them have teams of their spen the winterS in cutting. cedar pavement on t eii Thes also cut spruce for pe, lp wocsd ncl• get $2.50 a cord for it delivered on he creeks and rivers. Fire - goo -denaand, It has been • TORONTO MARKETS.. Wheat -red,' -65c.; white, 66e. Flour --43.00 to $3.20. Barley: -.400. to 44c. Oats -34c. Peas -57c, Dressed Hog -$8 00 to 8.25 Potatoes ----steady 82c to 85c... Butter -15c. to- 20c. • E. gg6--s•-16e. * - $8 in Whose.honor the ba.nquet-WaS given is an able speaker and- erneient -grand omeeyl.paid his reply to: the toast "the land r_ we left"' was ..ntidoubtly the, si).e4eh of the .evening .and was. :greatly • appreciated presentTIIE L2W 013' ESTRAY ,. arinvIALs --The-Bad Fishery- Act Unless the GoTs'ernment at Ottawa makes' some. material Changes in fishery : regulations the Ontario- fishermen will be -obliged_ to . abandon.. their- busineee during the _coming _ geason. Orclet s have been . - = issued by the Marine Department that each boat engaged in Ashing be " restricted -to 6000 yard i of net. Each of the boats ,on these waters use from 15,000 to 20,060 yards, and it would not pay a. fisherman. te; conduct-- his -business With; much less: quantity:- - If the order is carried out, it will resu4 in-. the .cOraplete annihilation. of the imniense fishing industries of the -great " inland lakes. ,The inmaence. amount of capital in , boats, nets and other appliance connected with fishing oper:, 7 ations would- become .Alraost a total I- loss to the owners or be. driven to the American, side, where the laws relating to fishery are of a more liberal character; - . se,Nir reporter was list week shown 'through -the Xt. Forest naarble works- The laws of Ontario. ProVide. that -9,, persbn taking up any esttay (stock shall give notice of such taking up by publishing a notice three times in a weekly newspaper if one is published . . . within•the section where the estra,y was e... :•teke•ra and visit to that :Mammoth estab- Iishrdent is very •mteresting 1just. now before the large stock laid in for this csealon has -been sold. As is pretty well understood, Messrs McIntyre * Gardiner,..m order to keep up with • • 7 • . • :•t • - , - r demarids' of •their - are now • - • • • • . - . re when he most wn and ties and farms. ood s high as a his,js the season when youn and old are wonder hag what • they will give to their friends. IF YOU ARE IWDOUBT ALL YOUR DOU TS WILL VAillSit by Calling. at $2. fer-gteen stove-, out that was caused by .the bad -roads. -They pay frp , $1,50 to $1.75 for it generally. Th .gov•ernment --is .openin up new roads and improving our old ones, and we -et better priees.for all farm pro- -duce than von do down t er ,- Butter ,called for .within three _weeks *after the first insertion of the notice, the finde will go to a Justice of the Peace and take oath to the finding aid adter • ••• tang. If the property is not plaime t within one year and should not exceel $50 in value, it then. belongs to th?-' ,party taking the same up, if over $.50 it shall be advertised by the justice. Ir and sold, and the excess of all expense -shall be banded over to the* County Treasurer. filly persoh, taking up an -_running- two . the .ol& works therelseing under - the manage- ment= of 1VIr. Gardiner, while Mt. 1VIcs Intyre h4fizioharge of the . OrarigeVilel` branch: • A. stock of over - 200 -fine • 'a . • , a granite -Marble menurnents can be seen at -the- Atin'-&. establishment. In- • • 'V •," tending "purchasere iind it will pay. to inspect this-1..atge .stock,- as"such ' 'ito yarie4i,.:tjas:jeVer been offered 'ibefore in CititWo.,,-:"The-;advantarte Of choSing fietutTsueh a. large stOcrlt jnitist:bel evid4nt to all. In. addition eto the 0.‘ppOrtiatiitsr. .afforded by such marnrno:th. 'fficyok,-.. :parties. ehoosine estray apiraal and neglecting. same to be advertised and appraise Shall be dable to a fine of $20.- T estray laws apply also to any person property which may be found in manner. . It is also necessary for the . • t person taking up the estray stock notify the . clerk of the municipali.tit in which he resides, giving a -descrip- tion of the animal, the date on which be took it up and any other parr- .. culars that might serve to lead to its recovery by its owner. If part -6s wouId'keep this notice convenient f reference -it - might 'frequently saves them Much trouble and annoyance. 25 -ents a podnd. and eggs 25 cents a dozen all winter, and you ev4Ythincr at your door to men, and now that the sta cog it will 'be better bhe • keat the wcrksAlathY • will save agent's-- commisSion and theefirns 'sae alp decided to refund. the railway fare `of _all purchasers coming by -train. “f All work warranted • ss ,arel"sart fa Patten, - :agent for erders.1-ftwt --attended t • . . ss. dliatanteed: Mr.. D. this village is 6 _above )„, firm, and all. be promptly can Sell he lurober- - mines are hasa ever. : STU You can fin(1. :there the most elect stock in ,Lucknow Handsome 41bums, Fancy Chinaware, having Sets. Writiiig Desks, Lady's 1ess- lug, Glove an 0;-„ses. Or if you deslre it., you can have.a.highly finished photo, of yourself sein a handsonie W lave just as: good crops as. you have in Bruce. There are sandy farms here but there is also plenty of -good. el - There are a) great maty Bruce and Huion people here, and as o handy half -way house-, I see They allseemwell- ala hap expecting . - better times. Amongst those that have called within a week Were John ‘11cOarrol, Dunclin Boland, 1' • - Jides. Oampbelle-'an .David Wilson. . Dsox. r b.ousem hen' often. y and are 41•••• • ANTI-IINTiEXILT ON - The Whet. Side-ofthe Quesiton . _ - • Mr. jam., Mcicay, former teacher at. HolyrOod but. now of Detroit, - has heetis invited and has •cOnsented to lecture on the above subject under the auspices .of • Holy -..rood, ..Me4anics' _ institute. in the reidingtoom,.:HolYrOod, on Mondayeverting, April 3rd at -81p. m, • All - are invited. JOHN PURVIS, Sec.; Wi V4LENS, President. - Our studio is com ie-t,e in every department. "therefore; we do our own work right here Lu.eknow: We have no fancy show ease work prepar- ed for us. It is not necessary because we turn out the best work in Western Ontario. - L.' T ELEAVEN' - PHOTOGRAPHER, LUCKH --Come and be satisfied that • II. Smith% is the place to 15uy y . wall paper: --Talk' 'about Canadiane, in th -Ir , Miss Lilly Rose, daughner of 11 John Rose of - the Ashfield Pres\ terian Congregation is 'slowly recov ing from a severe attaick of brain fe is Miss Jessie McKenizieof Lochal t, wwaeesirN.-isiting friends in the City t Our citizens'are fu ly enjoying delicious spring weatlier and are ta' advantage Of it in tiling down sweetjuice of the maple tree. Neil Campbell is eng,ged in the ma facture somewhat extensively season. , Word' has been I received of I death, in New York State, of Ja Finn, formerly of Kintail. reinains were lonsea-1-----"se-ut, of • 1 • United States. - There are according to statistics in -Chicago, 6693 Caned- . . .s. ia.n . votes. In one ward there are 662, neatlyas many as in Luck -now nd Teesw_ater combined • -Before puttinwon new paper- mbve_allsthe *1.1 -japer ! from the. 7 then _come to W. 11. Smith and will tell yOu.wlifttie do., :- • ss -If you. want a first-class set of teeth cheaper than -the cheap -est, .call on D. P Dr. Tennant's Ogee, j -LUCKNO PV; ,Mr. Wm. Armstrong-, 1oi anux41- ber of years 4ab1e-man atrl Cain's Rotel) left on Tuesday or the'North- vest. • , r' McLEOD'S yentl. Ileums And other tested remedies SPECIFIC TAND ANTIDOTE, - --FOR Impure, Weak . and Impoverished 1310°4 • Dyspepsia., -Sleeplessness, Palpitation ale* Heart,-Liler Complaint, Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, • • Bronchitis : Consumption, flan Stones, Jaundice,. Kidney and T.TrinariDis- • asees, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregular -aims • and General Debility, 51 per half plut and 82 per -piabottle.! LAB9141rO1i GODEBscrii;4>xs.,„ sh M. McLEOD,',. . . Proprietor and Manufacturett Sold by Hairy Days and A. B. Couram Druggists. Lucknow.- • •••••••-• 414,44 .43