Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-24, Page 1•• • •.,` • ;I • AL Trade For Canada I Axek dnd -Guns - . -New goods best 4jualiti Cultery and lamp goods • - 'All to snite Cana- dian Trade SEE WHEN YOURI3ji 4 - I YOU WILL ItUlr YOU SEE C. TAYLOR., VOL XX .OF UCKN Capita paid up Reserve Fund Total Assets ; Pregideni -TORN STUART. Vice President --A. G. RAISAY,.. - ONTARIO,'FRIDAY, • Good IticluteMen eld out to buye. looking for 5rdrEs • No trouble to shoiir goods - Eery. body solicited D.C.TAYLOR MARGIT 24th 18 ILTON G t S1,25010450 Sgso 000- . 1, $7979;646 DIRECTORS : •- ;;To.i.fu PROCTOR, CHAS. GURNEY, .GEO. ROACP: • . _ A: T. Wc-ofi, A, 13. LER (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL, YTNO-R. 'RANK. --Hours 10 to 3.; Satur- day's.. 10 to- 1. Deposits of 81 abd upwards ant- . • receii-ed and interest allowed: - • . *sp.eabir, .pEro8iTs ftlso receied cur- .- rent rates of interest.. - - 1") RA- 1-7,Tg Grefit• Britain arid the TTnited Sfates 1 JoUght-Nmi: sold 0 • BROW, STIni-AGEx`T. - 4t1 ........emmaterroteare 'PENTAL . - • J.EROME,,•-b. S, Winghain, will be in Luoknow on the seond *and fourth -Fri, day and: Saturday of each • Month i •Good :sets. for $10. Filling and e‘ttraeting a . specialty- Office...at Cain's - LgoAt A. MALCOMSON, BARRISTER,Ji -, 0 Solicitor, - conveyancer, etc„ .(late of Cameron, Holt &. 'Cameron, Goderich).- Office at Traver's old stand.- . • . MORRISONATTORNEY AT law,. Solicitor in Cancery, COlivey- ancer, Conamisioner, ..etc.. Office.: Over the barber shop. • INIARROW & PROUDFOOT' BARRIS- - - ters-,, Solicitors, etc .7 Goderieh,- Ont. J. V. Nif PROIMPOOT... • hubIcAL- - A. MoDONALD, M. D., C. M. C. P. S. 0: Office, Kintail. TAR, .ELLIOTT, OFFICE...AND RESI- dence, ,Outrana street, -second door north if. Little's shoe store, • - IR. TENNANT, `P H 17"S -I 0 TA N,-- SurgeOn and Accouch-eur. Surgery op- T;osite, Cain's hotel. Office hours from 9 to 12 a. and froth. 2 tb 5 p; - ; . t. - • • [MoD. GORDON, M.D., 0-..M.., F. T. M.S:, .M.C.P.S.0„, Physician, Sur: 5 -eon and Accoucheue Office next door tolW A.11iWiropleinent shop. Residence Ross street, - .:sotitt( of D.' 13,.- l‘lcIntosh's Store., - ;- - 17‘R. D, G-EDDES, V. CALLSLF - either. by -mAll` or telegram. promptly attended to, Charges:moderate. -7Regidenee, • Outram street; •`opposite Dr. Elliott's and second door north of SENTINEL Office. - 4 GEIVERAL NEY TO LOA.N ON REAL ESTATE security for any time, at the lowest rate of interest. The principal may be paid at the end of the time or a part of the princi- pal may be paid each year, interest ceasing on the amp t paid, For further particulars, etc., aPPI r to ANGUS STEWART, LucknoW-, Q. G. T. SEPOY Lopam, NO. 384. meets in the . south end Lodge • Room in the Temperance Hall, --Lneknow, every Tuesday -evening at 8- (i'cleck, " D. -K. WEB-. STER, Q. T., S: MATHERS. Sec. C. T. U.—, The - regnlar -monthly • meeting of the Weraeres Christian' Tempe. nee Union will be held every second Wednesday of each month in the Odd Fellows _ Lucks, p -ow, at 3:- p. m. MRS. W. H. 03,31ITH, PreSident ; MRS. HORNELL, Secretary, '4- UCKNOW li Lodge, No. 112 meets- every Friday . evening at 8 o'clock in -their hall, Campbell street. All brethren invited. K.J.McLEon, N. Grand; H.1-1. PIERCE, Recorder. -C4 0.:.F.,,COURT N.J. • ;Sherwood, NO. 50, LuCknow. Meet - every -first and third Monday in every month, in the Or7- ange hall. vigit- lugbrethren a r e cOrdially invited, J. :LYME,: C. - R. Sxce 0. U. W. LITOIcNOW LODGE OF • the Ancient Order UnitedWorkmen, meet- in the Oddfellowshall, onthe _laid and Ereeond Monday evening,s of. each Month a dight o'clock., Visiting brethren cordially invitedt D. PATTERSON; Master Workman, R. D. -CA IERON', Recorder. - .. FOR : -.SALE - 11 (gin AND LOLFOR SAF ON -Roth St. also lot for _sale .on Havelock S t, near Op G.t. R, Station On easy terms. App jas. .Kerr, Drintbo, or Huh o rriso*, Lueknow. . • - -BANKERS, OrLuckiiow Ba. nkipg d'ota.p y. • LtICIcNOW., FEE'Y.1.0K1-0893 TO -THE FARMERS: . :We --have the, following farm properties. for . sale cheap -Aria. on easytermsof Llayinent, .viz:. In Kinloss TOWnship a 50 _acre farin, ra 106 acre farm and a 150 acre faim and a 200 acre - • .farm in Huron Township a 260 acre farm; in -West Wawanosh.Township a farm Of 10.0 acres and a farm of 150 acres , in the .Township of Ashfieldtwo farrns bf-100 acres each • in Turn- • berry Township, only -a-: few Miles 'from the town of Wingham, -100 acres. of 'timber- 'land, and 'a gTazing_farm of 256 acres in. the Townz- • ship of Kipardine,.: - - We have a large quantity of money to lend on first roortgaes on-farm or 'Villageproperty?, at from 51 -per eei.t, interest up. The rAte is .-erned according to the- class of security. We alsb lend 'Srhall amounts of. nioneY on:second mortgages and first chattel mortgages. • -We do:a general banking business in all its brahches, allow. interests on • deposits, - issue drafts on - all Canadian. points. - and ;on the Ainerican Exchange National Bank, , New Yoi k City, and which are accepted -anywhere throughout the United States, make . collec- tiongiin the States, Ontario, .Quebec, Manitoba or the NOrth-West, and) cash cheques .oir. any Place. Lending- raonek..on farm. ers notes a specialty. - • We effect insurande on all: classes of build- ings', either in Stock or Mutual Companies as desired, None but first class. Companies -re"p- resented, .GEO.' SIDD ALL,- Manager -ROBERT' CUNNINGHAM. . INSURANCE - FIRE AND MARINE, .GUELPH TelePbOhe No 195. • CHURCH , DIRECTORY. NGLISH ciruRCH.--,s-gRvicEs 11 a. M. and• 6:30 p. m, Sunday School, 2:30 p. Superintendent, Wm. S. Holm-es.A:clult class every 'Wednesday evening . at 8 O'clock; Bible and prayer book lesson's. All are welcome.- :ZE17.- W. J. CONNOR, Pastor. UCKNOW MECHANICS I tute. Reading room open everyevening from 7 to 10 13. m:, excepting Sat7..irdsyx ,Trhen the hours will be frona 2 te 6 p„ ra, : The librarian will be in attendance durin.g these hours. D. D. I/VIZ, T- G, XIBEno-mi, Sear etyma C. T. R. TIME TABLE.* Trains leave.Luckno-sv for south at 6:18:a 10:48- a, m. and 620p. 'North at 12:30 p. m„ 4:02 p m. and 16:28 p, m. OTT 011 THE SUBSCRIBER HAS: OPENED AN office in the building. east of the SENTINEL Printing Office, AGREEMENTS, BONDS, LEASES, DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND WILLS CAREFULLY PR EPA RED . Plans ,speciliCations and estimatds for build ings, mills, IFidges, etc,, furnished on short nOtice. JAS. „SOMERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .1891. , Farmers, i look to ---your owe.: inte.rest and * insure- your farm. buildings and . • private., d.wellings in. the; LONDON MUTUAL. No.large:Preniinm1Voiei:kequired • , .1 . CASH:. SYSTEM 50 -cents to -90 cents per $100 for three, years,. 0.14.N. LANE .4CENT, . KINCOUGH. Also agent. for the • Phoenix, London, -England, .- aruers nation To obtain the best prices fOr, ygur- 13,717THIMR; it is to your advantage to use FINE LIVERPOOL and bring it to _market in rolls weighing from 2 lb. to 3.1b or in tubs. Crocks ails a this season do not bring s good prices. -••• • PRESBYTERY Or M ITLAND. The Presbytery met in Knox- church incardine, on the 14th of March, Moderator, ROY. W. H. Geddes, and Rev. J. McNabb, Clerlr. It was agreed to appoint Mr. E. A. McKenzie, B. X. Student of- Montreal College, to Supply Langside congre- gation during mixtsuramert Missioii- ary _had . been held and missiOnary •erm.ons pr-eachell -in . the various conoregations -9f the resby- .tery. • ; : The. following-... minister_We pointed- commissioners to tlie Assembly G ley, A.. McK.ay, J.. -L.- Murrp,y, Farlane, W. H. G-eoldeF.4, an Abe fol- lowing elders ,were appOinte Hugh Rutherford, jr., Charles McKenzie, Alex. Stewart, sr.-.‘Tarnes McNair'. " -Mr. Anderson gave notice that he will .move .at -next meeting that there shall .be six ordinary -meeti gs.*.of the -Presbytety held durin.g the year, .as follows the third.' T esday -of January, "March,. MaY,.Juy ..Septein- ber,. and Ncvember. Al -s6 that -a committee be appointed to revise. the existingpfrgulations regarding order of business'qn view of this Change and of- the present :use, and_want the committee to''"Teport at.. the next. ordinary ..meeting -_of -the _ • e. ap- eneral. Hart= 1V1c- Presbytery in %Tilly. - Mr. R. Douglas gave ,ntice by letter that at next meeting he Will present- two overtures to the General Assembly. One regarding the calling of the roll, the :.other regarding the Afaciency of business., at the General- A,.ssembly. r • -It .'rsr.i8: agreed , to •grant " permission it -0 to the Wroketer. COngrog . ion - ' mortgage -their property.- to the ex-. tent of $1,500 to be applied_ towards payment of the new church. The Rev. Mr: Wilson retutned - - 1 mis- sionary:freen Indore, . India, ::Was in- vited: to Sit as .corresponding ni•ena.bet; I - . Liberty. .-was given • Bervie ... Congre-. gation to -dispose of certain property, .. the...deed - of - which was- before:I. _the.. ;Presbytery and to apply..tkie prdeoeds-. of -sale to."Congregational-pnrposes. Th.e 'Session., rec6rds to Chalmers church,. Kincardine -.- township, and .Betvie Wereexamined and attested as carefully and correctly kept.: • - -1 The deed of . Townbriclge ,church* proeprty was remitted to Air: Steen son. and his elder to .prepare a stater merit. of she facts relating ..thereto and transInit it to Rev. Dr. Reid -fest ad- viee-With respect to the dispd,sal of the property, and report at next meet- ing. ... After hearing reports*,of deputations previouSly appointed - to--'aid-redeiving congregations it was agreed :to make *application to the lioni6 Mission. Coin- Mittee -for the following -grants- fpr the year: -: —7- For Belgrave, -$150.; Pine River, $15O; and for Dunganndn -mid. Port Albert: $159. - , ".._ _.. -I ., Messis "Geddes a.,ncl- .. McLaughlin were -.appointed - rnerabers Of Synod Conithittee on Bills and overture ..Mr. Malcolm _read* 'a -report ott Systematic Befieficen.cies.• The report.. j was -received and adopted. . - , -- _ At a public meeting. in the evening the Rev. J. L. Murray read the =annual report :of the W. F. M. S. on -behalf -of Mts.- :McNabb, secretary . Of the Presbyterian Society.. And en notion ofMr. Malcolm,- secendett :by I • sped - ter Campbell, the f9119wing- resolution pleasure . the VerY-Z interestingr pe.;4 was passed, ",That .we organize with. from the .W; F. M. ' S. of _ this Presi- bytery which has now and that the --, society- be -cordially " Own-. mended to the sYthipath'y _ of all - out • _ ••; • cOngregations.- • .;- - .-. • ..The;'. Rev.. -'Mt."-;.;Wjlson.,- returned: ..inissionaat•from'India,...gave a MOO interestingandCOMptehentiVe.ad Tess- Oni,MisSionaty: Work. in India.: ....A-hi:Jot hearty.; vote of tb.auks,. was teridoett.to Mr WilSOn-"for. , . his ece1- lent address. Mr Anderson -read .the i; annu4.- State' Of. Religion, Mr G'eddes read tbe Sabbath- Sehool ;repert-;• ;1;Tr..-.Hartley..read-.the:-..-repott ;On: .::Tetiipetance and Mr. Murray that •911._ Sabbath ..observance. These reports .,were. received an rt rs of Synods Cornmi adopted and ordered to be trAnsmitte to the Conve tee ozt:these -subjects. A. hearty vote of thanks was tend ered.to the ladies of Knox Church Kincardine, for their . very kind hospitality in I providing for the corn forts of the • delegates -4)f .the. W..F. M. S.-in.d:nienabeirs of PreSbytery.- was.agreed to -pay ten dollars to the. Assembly's1G9venor .of Committee on.X.emperaneelfor.expenses connected with the Work of the Committee. - -It was agreed that .in connection with the Meeting of Presbytery next March' the Presbytery hold. a .meeting for conference.' on -the previous evening upon the various reports of the year, -and also hear the F. M., .S. s re- port• -:-The hour for conference to be . fixed at the net preceding_ meeting of Presbytery: - The Presbyteify- adjourned to moat at Wingharii on tiesclay, the 9th -day of May._ . . Jonk MoNA.'EE, Lucknovv, -Mare -.15th, , -Pres. Clerk, . - WHOE NO. 1000. 1 d Rapid Qity, together with Miss, Lizzie d Beaton- of Paramount. . tr. I suppose that the most of the" - readers of the Lucknow Sentinel are° - looking forward' to learn the results -. of th-6 great:debate-that was to have taken place. in Clover Valley on March, - 14th, inst, but -I am. sorry to inform them that through some unknown occurrence, probaly the unfitness 'Of • the roads. orthe inclemency of the , weather, that the Hemlock City de- bators failed to put in. an ' appearanee, It will- be ' remembered that - au open this HEIVILOCN CITY Mr. D....A. Me -Kenzie has gone to Clinton to attend the high school. 0.11 .31r. Molcolm McDonald intends gang to Kincardine - Shortly. * One of our _citizens sports a jst the SEN L horse when he g ts to town. Mrs. D. Cowa Aine. The_ first robin its appearance he Mr. M. J. Mc farm to Mr. §anaueb- Brown ion intends going wet thietweek. Mr.Wm.. Moffatt, of Culross w the city this week On liVedneaday, the lith a ver pleasant event too place, being th marriage of Miss Jessie Farrish of th 10th con. to Mr. McDerrnid of thi place The young couple have remov- ed to their home,here amidst the best wishes of a host eflfriends. Mr. Archie Matheson who has imflamatory rheu- gslowiy.. . Kay is recovering is visiting in Kiikar- of the season !Dade e on the 15th. ay has rented his ti - mee ng been proclaimed for Occasion, to let *every person who Wished to. avail th.ernselyes of the pvivelege to hear our powerfuls and them 'of Hemlock City also; for • they are by no means amateurs at platform debating. AB about 8..30 p m. the house. was literaly packed to it utmost ca,pacity, and still More coming in who had to stand by the stove or set on the edge of another persons seat, Now as a multitnde of people had gathered to hear _this particular debate, and the .Henalpek debaters had failed to con- nept,. the questionarosein our minas • "What would we do to entertain this Jarge concOurce of people ?" but we Were not long in deciding it. It Would not do to turn the people away who had come, as it were, from the four corners of ,t hp. earth, without making a singlo,Aprt on our part to entertain them. _But° ever bod y y knows that knows. the :" Valleyites at all that it is most iMp9sible to catch the Valley-. , ites unprepared for any occasion," therefore we turne4 it into a ..concert, Our success is gre;itly due the Rapid City Harmonica band,- under the able leadership of Mr. Charlie McKinnon, Miss Annie McKay presicting at the in organ. • It might be herenotedthat this band is not more than a couple 'of months'organized, and I may _safely. say, 0)4.4 can compete favorably with. other bands of the Same class in villages' and towns 'that have been • organize d • many.months prior to. them," They were, called , for five • different. selections Which were loudly enchored and cheerfully responded to, this - making 'ten Selections in all, and yet the audience was -calling' more, more. The .ne2ct leadiag' .piece on the pro- gramme was a- dialogue given .by Donald ',Nicholson, Miss Mary Nicholi- Soil and Miss Ethel Paterson, entitled "A pain in.. the side.". Each of the participants *deserves credit for the able manner in which they delivered their respective part, and I have- no _cloubtlut many of. the audience had a pain in their sides, caused by the hearty laughing that:they indulged in while • the -dialogue was being gone througli with, - All the other pieces were of such a high merit, that it would be useless for meito do more than note them, as I .do _ not feel able to. give them. the justice they deserve. An initru.mental by Miss M. Paterson was° enehored and kindly responded to, followed by a recitatioa byMissIf -Strathdee which was loudly applanded, a selection by the Harmonica band,. a sole by Miss E..Paterson, a. 'reading by Mr. A. Finlayson which was, very- - -humorous,. fell -owed by a selection from the Harmonica band.. Then Miss A Stewart came forward and gave us a reading which was well rendered and.. well received, solo by Miss A Paterson_ was also heattily enchoted, dialogue by Mr, .0.,nd Mils Nicholson and. Miss E. Paterson, anether selection from .the Harmonica band, a short address by Mr. J. S. Hamilton,- Selo by Mr.- A. PaAerson, a recitation by Miss. Eda. . Reid followed by a selection by the Harmonica band, a reading by T. F. Paterson Which caused a smile toplayuponthefaces.' of the audienee, instru- mental by Miss E Reid, followed .by a solo by Miss V. Murray, followed • by a selection from the Harmonicabaud' which wo'und.u-p.the-' prograanne. A hearty vete :of•-• thanks was tendered, the Harmonica band also Miss Annie McKay and other strangers for .their general assistance. After singing the national anthem the people dispersed' to their several homes highly shisfied with their evenings amusement:. I understand that our thaw haa caught a severe:cold that. May prove been Ta-id-i.with: matisrn is recoverin - -Mra Donald Mc from a severe Blies Your worthy scr what under -the we - 'winds qte reviving , be feels very muchin syrnpathywith wrote :. ithlordly gait • is head so straight, r wealth or farae be has been some- ther but the spring . him. _At present the -Spring poet who "Behold that man Why does he how. - for power. Nor glory..of aneest al name. . Nor yet that gems his gaiments deck, I3ut he's got a boiliipon..his neck, . .. Or . ' LANES • Wood bees -are now in order. Workmen --have ations in connectio 11%.,fara's . barn. Mr. Mullin's saw mill in full blast. ' A -fin lot delivered.read1y for awin A cow belonging to Reid, dropped a fine - pa last week, smart and doing. well. -A very pleasant' event took place at the residerice of Mr. D d Farrish one ' day last Week, whet his eldest _daughter Elizabeth Jane was united in marriage to Mr. Angus McDerteid The -cermony Rev. R. S. G. senc9 of 'a few d g ests. *The evening was spent very pleasantly in garnes and Singing aid other amuse- ments.. The young, Ouple. have our best wishes for their future• happiness: ., In the school repott of last week, both Thomas Lane anil Ro ert 'Parrish' should haVe had one hundred markis . . L OmMenCed oper- w't :John ill. soon.be of logs ire - LW. H. r of ca • of Hemlock City, -was performed by Anderson in the pr friends and invit more than appearedI in the figures. - cuitA.L. WREATH •C0fINERS It is rumored thit Mrs. Campbell' of Kincardine Tp, an4 mother of Mr. Harry Campbell of th's p1a6e is in A very critica,1 .condit on. We hope soon to hear of her sp edy There was quite tui f Val DP aari raymmoaunn ts aAndss" 0,Colioa;ie in Ripley ,on Friday, ecovery. nout from ey to the n th t 'was held. fatal. March, -11th. • . _Bogus $2 bills -are in circulation in Miss Fiera -1_VItirrey of this place. is some places and we .take this. Oppor, visiting- friends in tithe. vicinit of' tu t t • o vevn.our spbseribers. . •