Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-10, Page 4• e Luckno iickmowcrituat SSE' LI$ERTY TO UTTER AND TO: -ARGUE FREELY ACCORDING -TO THE DICTATES OF CONSCIENCEpiX PRIZE ABOVEi ALL OTER LIBERTIES: I. cknow Mar. loth, 1393. Senti ne. vention, and who will oppose me=again if, he: is not provided.: for, to be made governor = of . the jail.", The l Sir.., Oliver turned the light of his. spec tales upon Mr. Porter .hand asked his. views. ..,The member for" North Bruce is Bluff. He said - :: "As ` I do not Trn -A>nalgamation . of. - the. -Dom minion (range and'. the Patron's of Industry,; if their' members. 'would vote. as they "respltite'.' would'....call: into _being' a political, organization that might easily hold, the balance . of: power in Canada.: TAB. Patrons of Industry oh -Friday last in Toronto resolve4 -"the time has .come when ii accordance-• with the spirit �f clauses 9 and. 10, of the Patrons' we _ would ;request the Government to ..ter otie .t he duties_ from imports, es- pecially necessaries of life, coming • : from Great.- Britain." 4 TILE Fast Press • is: a new weekly -paper published in Toronto; the first lmiiber dated 11th. Feby. It is pub- . . . lished ubplished in the. free trade inserest: Mr. Dalton McCar_thy's .policy, as opposed.' to the old N. P.. will receive hearty endorsemnent by the new paper, 'besides . e ~interest, national, = social and cal Will be. discussed in an in spend eat. manner.- - -- _Q _ want the .:job for myself ; as have no father or. brother ; as Ihave not even a son . like . you had Sir.: Oliver, who is in want, I don't care a =con-. timental who yon give it to.: With that it is stated the : conference:: broke up." IN the opinion of the best informed medical men, it is highly pzobable that cholera will take foothold in -America -sooner or later It -thus behoves every muncipality to do all that is possible to limit _ its:. -ravages. The first condition of immunity 'is. : cleanliness. Cholera is: a filth disease. •It is propa gated by the bacillus Which may : find lodgement in_: clothing or thewater in which people drinks Persons. good heath have- great power of _ resistance to the attack: They may ward " it .of: altogether, or only suffer mildly from its effects. Wherever ` the con d itions `which depress the public health are allowed=to:prevail, the cholera bacillus - finds a acillus-finds-a favorable feedingground. - CHEESE 'figures. ase one of our Iargest h 'se. _ industr. - has rts: � The chee y more progress and:has better pro- - � made P g _ s _ its before it than almost any other int.: =the- Province: An ` enterprise of = .such importance should not - be im-_ perilled by allowing inferior American ucts-to be shipped from our ports - the Canadian article. , The res-olu-- -on, introduced in.• the Commons : by. Reid should therefore, ,be adopted... .. .- . �'ri' ►.ruck Count : da- , THE Dundas Banner‘ says ' `it : is funny "how ,people discover •the real b i Enmportaice and ..J ufluence-of a news- paper er when they get into a scrape or do so.ilething; they are ashamed of. They live for years . without suliscrib- ing andwhen asked to advertise say pit dosn't pay •,-' but the .:minute they get into a scrape they rush to the newspaper 'and • request them not to say anything about it. Or in case : of. troublein which they happen `to be :mentioned,- them they realize im- mediately tha the paper- has -a eircu latc►n, and -the : o`idnt: want' their .. name .. spread all a er: ` Appreciation •___ .. tor a newspaper sho• ld he _ in before you_ geb- into trouble. THEY- ALL- DO IT To the Editor ()lithe Sentinel When a man,- or woman will go into a mercantile establishment. and "after: getting the proprietor to . pull down . about fifty pieces ' of goods"and then leave with ` the pro`ulise: tocome in again _inl'a short time and that is - the - ill see of -him . or her, we last -you. wi . k ow. if .they tell a - lie. ` - We want. to u . y ::not: often think they do.. If they do o want the: goods. they might _better say^. so than 'to, sneak out with the worn- out promise -"I'll he back,". " - for . mer ch nts have got so used - to that expres- sion that whet place- -no dependence up on it,: but conclude.'. at. once .that you wanted : to get away =: and in order to do' so had to° resort :to a fib. 1V.Iarch 8th, 1893. f the -1 arch 10th west an • 1 have: arrive from )e'St patterflS. MI adelivered byPresident .THE adc.ress _ .Cleveland on the occasion of his in-- -Augur-at-ion n- .g-a tion a s Preside of. -the United. �uburat States, was the, honest- declaration of a s nman- desirous , of : fulfilling . �aurageou _ an.important 'public trust ra the way best caiculatecl'to benefit- his. country What: a contrast to •the•- crag-: of the_.man.: who `had utter: utterances _ -ins just vacates the seat whose period'''. of . -o ce' was '"distill: whole p g-- ished" --lay the - small petty -fogging �� _ ,. � _F - . . - - � � -' � shod 5ystem of l e aliation Against somebody el se President Cleveland- is a_ born statesmen' and his fearless ztterauces srainst the `wrong . that - have . been IIBSCRIBER. BORN - MILLER—In Sinless, on Monday, 13th Feb, 1893, the wife of Mr. Jacob Miller, of .a .son.. MAi ,RIED. STEPHENS0N—ALTON — At the :residence of _the bride's father,;.Goderich road, : Mai eh 7th, 1893, by Rev. J. Fenner, Robert Stephenson, Esq of Stanley Tp, to Miss Agnes J, Aston. SALE OF !ah:ib1a'� • alar stock- o1 a,wrence has.' now on handa g K STOVES, ARLOR STOVES, BOX STOVES, purchasing �n � . " -- eparties intending p g - urnace work this fall and _ -a s eeial . - .� . stock of all He is .also making - .... P �_ . - �e has.as usual a full_ himacall. should �.n � t fail to . . furnace:� shoogive a stove or kinds of are ware, ,r�, ��,pa�nesed ware, .,�'ian�les; aw Chars, Rop m sand ami �'r�ods. .a p s Z,eading Hardv�are �epot. N THE VILLAGE OF RIPLEY IN �. ' the county of Bruce, _Under : and pursuant to the :Power of sale contained in a. certrin-Mortgage- made to the Vendors, bearing date the 16th day of Novem- ber_ - •; `' ber_ A. D. 1887,°a which will be produced sale there Will be .sold by at.-.tl'te;timer of .� Public Auction by. Peter :Corrigan , Auctioneer nit - at Hodgin's hotel in the village- of Ripley in • the Countyof Bruce, on Tuesday the 21st day of March A. D. 1893 at.12 o'clock noon, the following valuable village. '< property. namely All and Singularthat certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate,: lying :and being in the village ' of Ripley in . the : County ; of Bruce, and Province of Ontario, and being. -composed of east: half of lot number one hun- dred and forty one in the said village of Ripley James ;Warren's survey of part of lot sixteen. in the seventh concession of the : Township of Huron,'` except thirty feet sold off the South end to one Eliza Long.., there is a .first: class two On the property .cod story - brick- building -containing three g stones •principle Streets of this prosperous and thriving o sale' TERMS --Ten per cent on the day f , Ter n . in$icted upon the fanners and* la or- Title deeds- may-be•inspected,-at the office o The ro erity is situated -oil one of . the T P P and the balance within 30 days thereafter. without interest, _ In all 'other respects _the conditions will be the ..standing= conditions- of the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, itty cla6Ses of -the United States most 'unmistakably sound the: death knell. of . Me inlayism in that country: A . &coli story from - : the 11 a t D-_ Bruce says Toren o� y wanly of B "a y - .It will be : remembered that recently ',Sheriff Sutton of Bruce,- was ousted from offiice and that at the same time -g he jails was-- . nor of th the office of o e . �+. LTL APPLICATIONS F leers �te 'gacant�.- : So h� three ..A the:senders solicitors, For, . fnrther particulars apply . to Auctioneer, or.to. CAMERON, _HOLT & HOLMES, Vendors solicitors, Goderr.ich. PETER CORRIGAN;:_:Auctioneer Dated 21st February A. D.-1993.1 sig tdve: i p itI � and Repairing proniptly attended to. gip �. -'. �• d the THE LEADING' GOODS. ACT U ER .:° ::. t• Will . see, at esenta ive .`. `that: his rept :. -B�e�s to announce ... WEDNESDAY,MAR - �� • .Y �:_. :' ail• tloods •for. s . celebrated . H -line: of big : , a, full .. nth. . and Grentlemefl,= comprising .ls de h • La bet. s _ H-ITEU 997 3:= DISTRICT� SOUTH UTH OF 0 EHSE.=_ 1.1C_ BRUCE. -E. FORTAVERN A N nt 'mem ' - which ich is to. .wh _ license, ten sloop or ` brewer's , -sof -'be comity, Mr. O'Connor, Mr.- r Porte -r -went :•down =to back and. M , ,g Sir O fiver t to fix � things up 1893,. must he first day of May t take effect it ' the inspector -for this district on, be filed. wi h or before the first day. of April. - �TE ..ART Inspector, � - .-Ali (ails s � � • .:. .. • 997 2 - 893 know .March lst.1 9 . u c o Mowat _ -received: � themti , ..Said. Mr. E O'Connor; "When the registrarship ' Banff, Switches, etc. avec, .. - .. ,;1-: .: = � lest and so . ntific. Print p : c .lands-. on Acle . eS:e goods,are ... ,_ � ;.,. ...-.•-. Cal detections1m o�sib e 1 is iS i a t -re CO ed their • p. n n. 1 closely p ,: � It -cots nothm�, to . Y • :� . nvinced. and - :be co - _ -hem - and see- - . ...: : them. r•fnrtheat TEL: H w� . • ti;scalif .. I warted it for . my father -114W &fl't •,, p -Now w_ I -want Brother, And House of Refur Mr. vackT Purvis, salary,as .the editor. 'arvis, refund of, elf but iabcir, $10 1�Tovea ' . -is are _the Moffat, that Mr.s d p'Con- 7-50 .for . keepingian who' William McDonalc, - RHEUMATISM .CURED IN. A DAY.= South; -American Rheumatism atism _Cure for Rheumatism and:; Neuralgia radi- cal l l cures in,1 to 3 -days. :Its action ncl upon - the .stem -is remarkable a. P. _� Y: the. mysterious,- : It- removes -at -.once y ,- cause'and the --disease immediately dis- appears. :Tile: first - dose- greatft benefits.. -.:7.5 cents.- Warranted by A. orm on. Congram. iinghai , 1.5 ; Al t LUCKNOW ON--- ViiEDRESOAY, MARCH 22,1 893. VERY DESIRABLE PROPER - THE IMPERIAL THE CORONET E ELITE D• • 1HE$:dNt:PF D SONG FOLIO THE ROYAL , .. SONG FOLIO THE YOUNG MUSICIA' FAV A collection o easy pieces • • forthe .piano and organ n10 numbers:. ' =Fadi r 25 cents. tour: city tablet of fine stationery in note and _ *letter sizes. The latest idea. Ask to .see it. HAT . "Leddy 0 the Ledd Farm"Lot22, 'n ast y known 0 t :kn. Y • Con.. 5:. -j?n.est VF-awanosh, isa now for sale. On large,' comfortable the remises are:—A ood, . good, ~ frame house, a barge frame barn L shaped, 5x45 feet,and underneath the`same a stone stable,g spring ..is found, on the a never -failing of the lot and two goodwells.to the .back part barn', _ front; together. with: a cistern the ha . at which furnishes ample water supply,.0.acres o of hardwood' bush, large orchardprincipally of rincipall � winter fruit,. 90 acres under, grass and the bal- ance `ance well cultivated. .,.he farms in t best .. This - being .one of the Township : it. ou hta to find a ready sale, shipg II FQr Terme and particulars, apply to M. CORRIGAN., -- 1..Luckzlow, f.= HUGH MORRISON, . Or to JOHN McOABE, _ n r •. Rebecca� • - Browns - valley, ' _ Wilkinson , Bro valley, "Ind,, says :"I had been in :a distressed_condition condition for three years , : ss � from � Nervousness, Weakiiess of the Stomach, mach Dyspepsia and_ Indigestion • until my health was gone. I bought one'bottle of South A mer. ic{ a n Nervine which done me more good than any $50 worth of doctoring I bver did in �weakly advise anywe y life.:.: -I would ... valuable: and lovely ei�on.-to-use th�is: p = remedy. - I . consider it the grandest rem y trial ld. A the wor medicine , In . _ bottle will convince you. I Warranted by A. B. Congram. Spavin n -, ,removes_ =English S m I Eg. p a or :calloused tum � all�ard; soft ps ad from horses n blemishes � blood pavi splints, ring bo e, sweeney, curbs, p ,, g stifles, s : rains,:sore and ollen throat, p. one bottle. fo $50.b = use 0 v -� Save hs etc. u3� cog...- bottle.: Warranted by A. B. Congram. �IllRC Salary and expenses weekly from start -Lib- eral comiiiissionto localpart- tinge agents. Permanent position. Good chance o advancement. Exclusive territory. est growers of Nurserys::ook znada;, and only_ growers in both Canada.and - nited tates.'C?c :n,hardystock to to Immo, and fair treatment: guaran- teed. No substi, ' folio n .in our r ,orders. No . c 9mpeti tin from other • houses, on account of �► low prices and peculiar alis advanta- ges.c ges. ti � ca . nterest any ono.not earning $75; per month and expenses.-. Don':t hesitate lac^ -. cf pre- " vious failures in this or other lines. We car- rar,10 `y you asuccess. Outfit free. Address for particulars, BROWN N BRt. CO.,CC .O ont ' ! ei t a 1 Nu ierr e s This house is toileb1e.)TROtiTO .R .. itego GRAIN FO`s S. RSAL E. UNDERSIGNED HAS FOR HF{ _ of One=S'ded .Golden any quantity t T. Giant Oats of -pure quality and free from all Ashfield, near pp on 6 .As . Lot12,con, , other seeds,. Dungannon. 996-2 THOS. ATDER$Qi Dungannon P.O