Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-10, Page 2hP and UP atid. the iears' 00 s' houest'i 04. H w, glad 0 WA. -SUPPOe he ou ly�, wou Y�4�--do- -inow he p 0 F. Aa 6=1*od t And -sa �eher -are -MaJrrY the aay plied -the he'll, #ir.t *lth you, Nesia.- ly But -w make het happy I - - I . - - - - - - - hother 0119- co os-iiwardly. H on you- d4sdh&te W eki Arig&. tw Js"& digerO t eiirt' Wf. I ndon'FA tched be. Oh ye )).returna�V94"s d -'u iking of -her an 11 fagm'Dg� her- oudeire 1g. - - - Vanessa than tb ey reve heir-Ao longth i 161 a gr6iter Been nd. I are at frienda� 'be -t lie A o. -exi timeA a, be -the Uj'j�h UM t --logg i3v, oil, l, e The, 'Buff iid` W Poi enhold's d b Agony -how. a 'hilm n Ittto 've�-she hi -6riDL ­ �. tortu and still iv op. - e a in tr 0 elt inMen t.Bbe f in- -li erg time Brandon w­eut dolvn 86 ih ec -on V -,L6r.d tuch. ery ne Ui�,efihold.- are ause -P .8j4p6 th4t evening. Ire �jook f6tw" After W' il e wis Blet .011e Moto t not- seen a- grea turn. Aprehension Ban sp ro6m: and took his lolml f a' h�u6 died with bitter 1*ftga a-b�ok,th' heiniht, ortalkin 'ba eAdIng ;l n V - -q --avoided d ancingy- wi Oue Aardin -,u- -ono's,hQ141d; hai.a. douWts.']�er` Or I. g:,to.�comfort-ber prerj n- d"he h;W bepii Nthb.rVet-U-' b6; had Ubagllt 0 e -iDjure or -- ill aY b r And onceshe. him- Inpu 'an but becauee�he�seeslhat )ower d:: d nsequenee�-- --0j:le:day --be'torfidn h re �and,th ere w at _0 Anh, -and that a R) W - 'An 't, -.ace- la�ut 6p�e4i for, tho4 messA, ��ith P�- sinilin'd., f ts coni614� -a V�. b ng, o -rem, h - at his� sister a hei was - Pglftul d" Juty., Va BEA, said t*o.betw�eu� 10-Ve'atl athb- calledl-ber a- ihe. -c Eve.0y'-hour.:i6f the 4 sy poor-, can - h lim.- The -dog jum on to. h o.h -time lUt pear pas h love 91:This hAPPY 11 'sdrate,- Wl wh, 6r.moke than h w -APTEP th for 0C H xxv. - shiniligey i6ll.awe by, her pug� -fida M- ' Fant.- came rIPP11.9, li- her-the.`vi H Ps him wh' An a e- %A ive �uified--�11-he t JOYS I' _a;ll there s ojae of- th -arm g he re r At -the -h ner,. And sdelng-a-s 19 Per, Id zays in, a�gky 14 t. agitatin in -he -1 -looked - h 'r� and his, miitre!�s f an wa 0 C 'rid: ple?isures '-te 31 ?, - - . - -uld d zif --d ier th Now ab Ing, ed kitchen garde t I .. d - -I.,, wee 8 novm me co i., wcW -come, -1h d caxeoo -can on y� a 1A v too v .,:s e .1, in --hai.hed. 'tog, with' cold 'horror t ea 'h�r Is- with, bav'es -d e liou her-4ife -as dake her if ly -Van6asalsi - th 'two -pdop e - little d so t to 0 blak -h h -on- the.. ay d .a lyy b n 'had ng never beea. .,�eQ d "ttl e'ry goo,: fied them apot er.- iabla'Ce. Of .-g� likok �.disho6or -disgrace., or, Be 4j346me of, ji; t Lbrd :R en b, , I ­; i - n d ea tht 0 li� - .. , .. -likin Fate b '..a pi P1. ars U90 at h ears ILIUC th hd misery. -her. 25-11 in- f nclnt beea jo d` Siy A r-qu, he h - I .,., hich- onc,6 g dirou, g commg, h. s Bertram a . r on -or marrying aga n to, diet6.1VO A �t: of- mi6vijig b�,Uj. yen wer,�.nat th- B a the had e Of- Lgl would av- Cast br"d �grftn Ws hich promi8ed Mwar. e a 11%81 a, s w :c be her, she e eyes'; ome .1 -Possession a. maeses any -horjid- micrijege� but- in t. by hit -ihe; evfr` ht on, `hhi�r y fath boideiod el :w Dwers t the* h d f iller as, ents" fo reekg a th "weather B ev ge;us,. ­fbinAng or - your ch ot comes ov �unfajr. n�eans. t in h. e rs end hborly when en -Way manths �fter �Braildon` d -eat -t ted' -it Th A 9- jlui -�f hap� 'cur 0 ti -Bl� d aird: b.q t V1 if.* could iiaco-14lit to er -9- hla an� -on 'o and-, -then' Q h o df -6 bid" ge ondan old aeans is pr ad -to .0 t ag. PeOpLe- ay oi, - enter iTin -09 - , h4 help as old h willi t6 - ' s a- --' oable- hiit. by nt)t -in,�, t n6l Da as,psi -for -hini n e very g t w ason,was at jg sis co DSt in t�6' Ma nor -Usual -its e.- ht bi n, 110 - - *brik.tkt inite t:L that he, h e Be --e sor f 'the ungs. seaspr rreat, 0110 lik' him -an no at she g,! Wee a flainiiiatib a. shaA ji'o mfort pbor. Vau nate 'u;i Jy-s 0 eA-1 h the this diffidu" 1 fi I d wA -biice, ghati at iDg togeth. pr6si and he Was. --glaa to co e er a a 0 1 va - .c Iva -nd -a- -Wbom Sayi ell orr A-0 t on"s -and Edith alk to x W-1 Ilt 6 in% de :up home:-- th& hi a thr, 6xi-Lti t4t, h s- -a his -,.- 9 senoos, he Y' ie., y� -a M r looks forwa gh hou., N --she, r&t e id' Ily- dieej,'. u -Ayd -d ded -her eoOr- Ell s: ''d The 11 be -010 in it f nes lid so t t 11 He -it Onih T7� z;aya Sir -us all a' h at 9 When he-- wixwifl nesso. 0 e g4j, en wou 'h' er4 ran 0. —here -way oqnoct Iiis ��a. s e -4- h YOU 6 sa e. UP, IM. lova-1 ton� niiud. th* aj g,." D h in any hi 'd t'' all her &a diea . -TI e.- generil cheerful fildid a Mau qr t -einf. 0, Q1 ll roug t 'the v.-�ulls-th had *th ir 6ttle auc�- her -think. If he, 6 i2posed.-to r0s'Prt of the --.she- f ow eh.' 'I An! favo, 16-thait-unti]V afr �wiulive ent d' are 23 way ou t of d er.. 'a- jowarTy an -d -a' Rai An* d tile-:troub, Tom; itv -0f. eliness mdulge theij - 9P easur k a ov� Once VeIl. an aLU -:dgiciilated- "upon. te heer on again bf -dbsth� M. 91y ar- e had hevEr- -d from 6 he t -heatis of ki h h rates. =Ave con en ca. e. ver -va nikk the7. 1 tea en cann bt fathom the secre h ed by bein aud-w T ra &I las 'he e .-.Past� a eI iv, ed an aay'appoi -ven, 0 d put 1 f. rolft , re. id huab -f- man h -in 9 doos ifoVk*In if -e the ives it -full in the.fadei, to -able-- uf1dringm-4 jj -t6 -ook-- e the 01. d W xi ir hat h n d 0 an,' knowin a -Eig,6ny a par for n t be. I d-ear:hiart on- hich - s1n dis ppo. m, seermni -lovew L sH6W.­she'� -an baO qiths-411,Whichihe�.had first i�46,d er (IQ h Id f orvoUe ne j(�d t6 -m6et him, 'and Aiside I 1 9-1 d been eV v h A au Re is ng- g -g er an 9 -h mprved. ba 'a �W:W t o"se: who d in. n -hearted --'VAII' 10 those ­1DO veiii, with. ufsl r war g, Yb arm give -in ring. C P19 y oc ncm-'Ae. t f My her-had-J.0T R-itb in spite-ot blOW. won Id Y. r : i �.. -v6ry ei a L. -up the at -airs an n tho, ire'. - it holas' no�thkl�r i�s a d'i 0# h -she was e e dA pyln a And haB h� of U 21 ... , h neffs- 01 - - I ite 'f 6rgotten .'.Has -e 0 spir-I h rVau ith hei­­the.A1gy­,W wh -for - -a Wed,- desolae. r: �pjeast tooi :thiiih -h -g he- �-'qu -b �1 g an and Ed crue P&D 9L tied nir %fter,bis ye smar faithlets asban Ais pro- ritbini e: -Wea-rs-, a-: Offered-- fbrtjiight to -the. fSh uat.. "or. It. . .. the hi-- -in n ..-.seen...- in 4�UCY b - �ak in Van 6sgas -:0 LIB a.hgo ii1e;,widow f ery) 'but. &o jars -acrwn alo e t� ith bider- 7as a- re Mas -b-a oeli to e n al- hi she `a- bbtter thanl�- More 'de 4n nOtber -pro 1cl f6 t ax-, we - as! n in More -Awhich 16� Ov, U e -was jMith Aaw -he hasi u'. -c Eith-Ven 'A �--i I ihb- fhr6 6r�eff She: m 31, , -j - sou give tti t.he, -atms 0, i,�ever. eso. -axivi pid says ges ure.. ate 11, v6wsi -ther W, 'G -a think-' Uhe ith )Xing 1n; le, group- o if 'he-, ies, 66 )a , l , , .. aenhold b.nt h -rejbices-whi n bbgark.t o!�!ott6n, in. 8 nai t. 'wo 09, h'' rrpw�gr jf - n- i f- he ki otte be -airs her,boubts h All � - . 11 _-Tho h6. sayg, g, ad. f qttei�'-her he� to -pan ng yn conjec my hig. 7a P& 10 if -bis ove -them! 01W - had: -ben. n unwo -hat is- t e- -etty eu0 in and ha§ -ept on -A re re ow r b rthy c a nig m a f h e: --haA been p Vil siAht beauti- 6n Vr viith .1 the rpw= Ig !=Is bk-r t e 9M oniethig to at, tih ee e wile la'st Y. - li ?11 �rent ..B -One 6f.whom. is h in;�+- r - tu e 0 a i e aA he- mi�ht U-41 te o exist wh4.. ful ajid the.oth-* py -1P wh -has tot- d -to sa-V M�40- UP 1P co ooir' 10116W lie tri�d-­tb, V y rd dheris Ve ning. dPon girl. n qrious or- i ! "lue' Indiog but the -b r ifi, -6a d,. w1h -e other WODP� jsitos anesim, a obly and -k- -6iisly&tiied t he.% f qner.. h t lia I i6r. overs'.. -We sThou.7 esiing, lea was,.* -brig n ra- 1*pa s, possesse tweell ddmpariso bitto tways'. I � - -. 1. . . 'h d -'le t.- e, ns bQtweeil ear osg con he -in t, e- he ba emi They in Of In' -h Ot'-Pigl) he in, the tt, ad -a: p d- e�d k bene�th ether the do -;�6a --that he sb�c t Mast, his iincle -elling ach love ff A, were --a d' e% a, diew �.,vvith. me 1 is a et tinues d h I her anc ba f (reiy th is knew he was i to . 1, SAYS Vane,, a slid- d a, re . 6 'hus an t r 0 �jj fre is too! w0k b be mip h Asense of ui�to old it" but this ttdch�.-d 2�a --dictive tjorgoiten thb �urpo of min d- jturnil .0 0 was' '60 'bey, g td- the: highs t�-.pi 6At er:a egiance an -lot r 061,�V St'l-MU th hbitl '&� have said' ace W t �ou ltl�) rie us pr: com .1hitig-8 ie ainsers _Is. jq1 bayon:A--.-�Il h �h ted e e�j6re�& stritl�: th r-7one w1io �Wa;g simply -an -jui -I-pv,-- vo 'd 'b, o're By Jov-6 hi tnab -g. if� itb� d -8i 'Thoj�ftas 1" t ilt e -00 OWQ -oii th es i? VV wy�:&t y - a e nt rclock on -u.rch t y and 016166 imd be e th u.saAd- ;-tim ch bout yen. b to �Johfi No and- Mlib -1p, rr e a viait strwak- 011 t -an a- econ W -C it -is. Unger. L.en 6f- the h4u r. Mucharhestn. -though th bit�:Iike:an came on 6ry. -riorget time., V, Whp. -Co onel s� on� th.6 .1 � � ey, had 111,16 t 71 an. e ih to th th?6tV wba& nes3 1d.jiaa th4 Te n'd -P ihroug-111 e U '�f That;- Ind Ad -not. tliou&t - - - t, jitpon Chaoge- - she :*r.,e e heArt. or hearl.- 6 ace h Suppose, Mon tei aggr an. liness was e women ier I ather, and- h V'e' tnVIX-011 06-,13k4 U d hiinge. He' tilk6d other4 6enuinly. - an-ilety for the w ,- .4ice f a a -i6thlnk says. Edit, ,- - I yo, -�but'-Jov#, and, c . with 'a, v - Thert olft Mu th, 00( to It seriously bitter ve 3rou ati st -h Very. well be; able w .0 e 6dw� VerY -1� b a& til -9 .-Gia-ndpapa hRs. soldy d re -all rsecwtion ace son -0 ul flu e par y a., 'O-vev W4,v hl�ontig -k-%4 -in, to th6:trin I th imonbtou of e 61tn -b e alid't firit oh nt on, yourr ed Lana and y sio her, -of: to the jot e 9900ted a; orts o, daiis --ho ii in love, wi 0 Y2 lspeaki.- en igit to. neig er.. of h over- 0 d-jsjejnb b f4rt4iglftl� va h6k 6he6rt _0_Wnt"withj thew. MY poor -towl] did Vauegra -go IT be sn9e, jAde I a I 'and .-4 e -B The. X0 h A vivi hev6d ve-, i -of - -1� odl, b 'ta-lhetl io we in g'-Iike- --'-roMaRc&-- '07 10 he road, -V 6d. and- the "0100ei:wAs 4� e sea alir, and -And - M,% 6 ric h�i in. Bran., on s jde a further sag DWt ri, iculOUR- - ; .. f 114 - - 1. , h C dev*ec n the -deth h theni mit-.e- -e rgestion. v d you dould. ot' lyd ar. -you in, -k- -ta yo -P e' ere alng W16re'- -will, kill In aroused. time .0 er '�.of.SDut's M b-- i n, mtively,'ric w murmurs. yo ld 'al: as vven IMj him I zh' A igus i�. wa 1. - r -cy it e 1 -ading -thiglife -.a out -why. sh th y -in th t* -We T4 7. not On - -PP U 'You are t; am, n o" -1-01urua­ I . -- UL A. ­ 'A. r -coverp 5�o "due -wiEe... �D ie Ito nd qy`�susPlcl -And. our h -t - t �1�4-8 . " h emati there . is y M. lmtL mpa te%ra -e t Co B�kt zhq y nto­ W&I 113 OnP in. t* glor'yati- -Cour" he 4id-. c&red for her.. n it last We ave r is quitdill I the An -h quiet -and. oUse I :to, Susan- ::the, xnopaen -to Tfie c6l' i, e -i berrup �ed- he ii.1)6at -d-.�o7 r ain of: over :a.- - 'venhold h -been h not. all thitiki"61i ou d an wo, t. Lqrd P .. ght to tal noU. bse� , - . M Vr yo -you ould 'haa --nearing ab f W 'Bhe& - f vou L3 --her- -trait aiid-fts scion '-'Sh y doir ic-Ilow c0iiiing �,worthy, o 'M u no 4 -if he ca is.-wea ssa a ee d W An then.- 'e k now e. 3 h' o11�1 -up 61 e- t6h m a0l �r. = I - ' d wr d naturalrY YPti a.- w., ise ar to ghgn alld of­S_36ying -910 ' .ge ell -I# n U. -h Lth lt4lhL-� b Ad g4j. n so soon. b"k tliir, A would b b n-0 j�-Se say ve!y�ul I d e' ext M033 as -W ? 'ILS � - . . . . n, hear '16t me .2 Uttera ln� you u -ion foryou�.. E. i --Voth-" -cat lit -our min, rife how6yon tha�tL Van --a4eha coh;r6n �Dv�d 11 And no )grasps sho e is, plem-e -old 0, L ?.Pq -g L 4L�' ., , - oce'r- li ( tly. M. V r -e r --Iavve to 0 n6nm- 16okizing d h-te.d. -T--- know his-- face. wh hi' ok a t.fdr, a c -h. f� I ok for- & C v edivith 'a 6yal Pe elig at h6kew her, eild r- 4zon ex �h A 0 d r visit rd.to e]SL t&t1ate. 'h ear I -, . - ey wa 9� o r- ek xetw r 0p;-) a�id, diO,- f4 her ja,,.v a -Lqu.donlife '-but of hot-rid",do- t �ni da, 'MIX Peop e aga med- lhej� prodiations. grini. the 146rCS-.: ilie C4'6nel in. - But the colonel r1ing, n reate -urse his w. -ay you wil fok et hiim hbin 0. t g -th6ruuh1v enjay e.s ron Or- -last -consented� mostl s. 1 s and- se -he -,c -e,- or some ne hi3 -zb-w xonger fai -be. AM. 0 'Brand ve- crrh wl lh ntiv­ orought-- -down a making b Of i It -think, sheh" -to -8 ar terr W rt .',caring. d more. bet -th e 'his JjLe- -0. t -with- wl�h g ee his:w` t -is -fie go.es� I f a he -h h mtsulf a is I �am- nd is tc� (; Braud6b, Teo-ovrIng desolatL af R Id _ L 4 .4V jillo, -3n eq9y -her �am 0 Call 0 h Here -is note essicil, of --her ae lost' -4a PORE M r be MI e�.. �-When --"again. too s :D -t�.sebmed'to ring.back A an -say b t t 0 hom. e her -h.-- 11 . you A Met L V,011 _C01114 -.love, enLough mv t e r' Ay she ohi a e ith C -.e'.13 t e i- well- s4id ln� i� 61 With a ra b t -k fait f .)f - - - to I ' 0 -YOU -nou IN�ed appy there woul be n0hilgg to preve ledL with - �nt ut( A break r fre L �nd been h n -h,6� roo -yo= h �ot 0 xxt h-.,-*- she had h _W.a a mar- hr, but I shou B 'All -of -v7an wife- -it Id be al r -de;yls' don in marrying een e ver opa YOU. w n leasti Badly, Pb le pagej raehe DF.:& -R -s sou 8 4 t eL -there -had bi ould.ne' baw ,Cmifi. qncgt f- ddubt -no k -he. wil f Ltni -appou­ r dis -Valn. �t,-Iight dtinking:4-It- the -t 6 nt sti I ei. ent.- Aon wil-..,' ty .0. di thaiA . - ., I I - -6ad.': n -buried, in. '11 W113 YOU an., ant --t6.8ay �yog 1 9 bal-My Thou is w of 'lay jjer..h j, �y ove is a &ta- th h good a V, - -! ' ' 4� I i I , -her no. t t nee d '- h- -.qrm. w -91-i voitr -kiuidi all- y . Coil --. Can 9�..- I w ij�Aea e %'C L Vail:VW ines, . er yon for., t he r rollud, his muly, lookn'si. far awAv 4 y xcbai;fg` -you can� e flowera, wit ...ear e art &-tur inin solra., to si 1�an:f hei che.e-k--a a -tit, �,Je 9 a big. toars -h;5,ne= . aw w ck,.- Ing cold'Plati blue iky, tw or 1� fioW, d fi6r,,ana'hoW a a0, -,Cd tr� lb* tade' w -daiie.'de, c(,- eyelidei. ave% lows.. -Pr(s -Y, felt dh6arf Was ;rfoi B 6 iide7-m-y 1h 1,;6 e _-gorge, in Ignee v �b - in -town agaiii. bpf I , , f . C -�: 6 bring ith A oi*�y' biit allied h when W&S vi er xid�'94 tW hiswor M; f4, e h lixi�ky 0 M to' hi e1i heri, thi*t vo: man- h er S4 hasA rp'Bran-do Elle, r a ii her f riend, injed<wit 'ear a home e Do ndou bee expec m wo e. bdek- and n0irry you e ;,;I r -au, jom d - Iello 0-,. You ln nt d t 11OLD.: h -Ank -Sh' on Ix-j10w$ have me, --v'awshe.m6de: el' d Ayff. will ",n& hex7the kin.- nauj,g eg&n a be MT -hoiisie' b h b: so. a -PP ting that, ti -g _,rd P tha lover is on1b d &VenhOC a bu if ihe Yeaf or -ra Iikqd- to- tilk about B + tp� rb ce. has-arriv d' -som+e goo h �9- qaitet, dpjAe ,�hb 1 V 'come w d.0 ail :cr . so V pr, of ead. i�ak6-:ei haPpy 17 -ind� � hc py-i jig r k his And- aa theY hyed 4ap P t -ha hpaorne, Viinesm re�d, .-her pfiaie.'s whil ol e. ie -wr,, Oliel rail awhilst me e -is, eig h -frjen&a-.cIaxe Ain, randou's face. ni3cs. moping'. ivd) tery aften �,coujnte a .,P1 ieT) 9he 'cr evex ;�4-L na+ gives-.. of eveirythi, t se�m d v'W.ha#t� uaen. tire h' r1g '.8 ea io kive- -to he%r tha. eVeg to 44 h -ou -b WjU was:900 �enl -V thug ry sha. -Sh to aness iw at -t e di Woman mi Nothing -than Uve eat di��. ne On. y.;��B �'go, gobs, and the'- t't never t t lie cared f W fdiehi�-ad aga` t T- t trait t'b A darlin CDJOYS`exc� -an preoegh.r t6 i9j!e s og7 e vpx-,e r a-�; a -her thAt I wished i th here are a h -e 1, d to -her h gol -a-ad st 4 go W '�d aT -.heein t be nost: peulikr �o a a ifits r� teeth and notii mmense V. ar th -ng* ae �jg 11%ppy�-. nhpa d:' ches-'ho,, f e Sood manty generous me tongue. h6umlnd. : th4t'it ra J_ . - L. - - . y 0; mid generou. re stop he: will -amua& him el — e w. ble af Mith tit at In h cL �,ss her Pil. Ted ysel U on'a-. -th e, W . om . a 14 S06D jatt 6 opportu es -was very, wrorg �E k 'b rea-4 4t;the- Hall,. and'h a- 6elif d b_ r -�ri ppms�to to the �R�a Ila er hwr VL -and n 0 y1le" o -see a t lr:� -he W, Ce stune . 9 .. tn-- vis n licki .dreadfully age'; -k I. oh pmu know 613 19, the4ii0ay Of tvirt -to 61 ?w e r.- a alm the 'V.eX .,for Tact -the end as d Wo. jE5. 0, h bxo d ni�li- act' an he Fine- c as mer before -slim ig 46on C I f --Waiadbn, qui sleem e, :the fj%m W 0. 'nGe 0211 -j4Aly hi -g F f oc I I -M i e t hat you -never 1�gpeqialj - . I I rs thought lav -If 'to h. r, inci e�- --d i-8 �thixik. f 16Utch -sed did "not --know. t she p�� to naxl h'm he- c �bana aitd -,wife- 'LuckilY �jhi h - - .. t, . by.' -.-A �,, wh jiiontha -P3 o-ny, 7� - f L - vlue en -o. y;� -sh. id, f h6rii -nee whil t me wa, a e ndia, b w thtit-' tha:t Ji -to he� AS 1111- _ot 6rL -Un C0 One- with-, Wdsb -e- s e.W!L s -be ot- De 'formerl Rpoke k so bnth sa& ih- lab Sal a.d,L id ss for lja� you her thete is evea_ no mg, d- h her! biother This. though- F3 ol bjj,�one rmr4ing to Se�ia J� n6 ke d* H 4�t th; th* b osIi '-She. 8 Vanessa -her Ixery taily into Aid to! -i in a 7 b6tl z.reater min s-ith Ecorn. ALgal­ -on sufferS--- - : �- but P t, a he I M.0 1��j hi Bran ba6y pill - otly in 'Afi-�r A n he my rangel. e. doct,6 VC &nyL Editb -do V -.as for re th 't�;U - 9 h r a w � ILI tent ff�rs orid ibsw� a- tha thOre -seeme little group 0 ej 6 t like. we art—they zoasfj L' A -R b d Jor about y6u,' -saya - -r glief If ryU�g L reL 6� �Vv6t s -Poor wle e6ilstaittly t to ainking of he n -:Called nox a -w i8:�,nd:ajftdj6 -ty Whb do you nel whose art f e&r &bd4tUfd t, .'af '-d. ol. (-arP`g'diig. hek f -he Iijad-heared- 614? -es'withnol nor aman. or he Dhf­�h�y h anmeegage Of C ondolence nn 06V -e., vas ronl - ca ot --h ijjL-t�V&ilj.- -a V: rd-inary re xup't h :�- -thou- rai far a,6he knew sel*, Grues d isgi Bridoii died --4bd even- o r L s the he _"iVejihojd.- U CO ! Cx -me ti' ­ A -Lord N-- D12 C, PjYS n on- eart W t a BUM—' Ut thit.her a d� to. �Pok' die. U The -colon lie paciii6nately dut aL thb.1r, bro, to h�--i ed -his dly n in al. may app r .1, th e- Wo r. Ir'-'wM- , J.ohff eve Ocr. to te -.n Sh h' kc rdng. -V,-u��enibeli6ved e of hini anything ;to me,)) rswr Gwwrd ? B a., r&. r eqJ ..ou ated in..,P6. reat. WA own c _ OnSCIO`11&� _y `qvite xr biddino -VO An e ap, 8116 t6 -You-m or inek. '0 Il Cal t tha h' n to tT -liii k Uld tbmk -time! -t I with.-th6--jr1a pieVeE�ted her'. fr.om YPU ar so far �6y in. c-oijapany n ness 9:09'.Pup , now?;7 onvin-c. 0 ed of'th� by this a r no mein t th�. st 13 wrc pt. ven �ex� PULg. or elf whP. d.s, sha M-ec 06u� At' this moment t 6re is Lord'.R�1�en hts A614 like v.psrsk)n h"th jja& b t, re, tot v, whidr t, oE le b� the: liVes, her he'n d P "�as thoa--g -Ons -P t ry tiavu P- iging w -OCCUTS, it A -th�. Ij 1, - - ,h, t b,� adcc.t- ion -a -though, -w P L r -k- 0. 8 Pe _ej - er 13 YD&tU v' An at A nt h Cil tb mi" it U�is h' up, haii that. ?P th b, -h the . b. - L- . L of l -10 r W oked nto mvinh el f : - li� . W r '.!3, e j "ke., - I - . P Is the 0021, X 7t orc t th t,96 Uwd R old,is in flia r een a+ t 'ht as bY- y rl, ell, &L, P4 fir,. E frOlft- d e. tWO Ge rs. -Brand on W ;.Ura- mself into rath Osh to e�a is U-eping qui - T I lie r 4X 0 n F- ioviible wbruen W h- e nly t4opg be6n e 6 ta re at h."s to tgm and -he eve a 11A�-Lt�.Y,01 -to con 0 e- man W Q Ofit-1 -h h d t and trie JO c'eal hera V no Wks-' soemp, . I.. - _L �f- j T.& ng MN -C vor inter u o'tY t tt.-i vho Aife Iled a c; . I .95 t' Tr withot the man we abollm 'St h&vel t at 1bo P u h f hi aw r e-�M ere a] -par r e d. t dit com d d H b 6 t a to, b� " Y. - me _-;�-�Tft Y-. US, h ry. c no e -be. -d4lon 41 kew I th - on -th- ji -th -T el t e9rRP 3 :W11a te -�Ay b t fro PWn t CiD t -i9ocieT th &nd he Q% m---% n. -war these h-fMself.' an d hi 4 bu-%,-� 3 tist. aN lbe. WAS *#Olil w m Sou�'.wiffl. do- x h f, JAW,; d, '9 oVane WS -f roul the 'V of waDt,­ ge -lag her -friends 8;tten: in d I Atili Ww 4able - 45f us tiess -,hing d :)_�y e & -his se -of cr- pt. -e 04: 6 VQ' 4'3: 1 f1t Ing e COAO t ICY' h the arm. but coul th me -w CTAPIT duct You 'YA11 -Cr, -Dow. in towr,3 -her het) 841y:,b A- t Ile V t (deep did' ;u�ssod 4hat as"co COMM&Ln t Otte swa n atly -t Nei, J� AA -W e c.61 aluticins t ;W cons.1 6 tons. wers Vwn d hei ffi o: utter 4L ra --V A hat evening. 92 -no' thi -ord, All t nt affectlona� e &TIC . thit* 'f t the' lon6. wen -1 YOU -org at� 'astially lit, -h a I `the o1on6 �on 6iiiatiia-& -.k. and g -dit 91 eVei -thin "' W gle w6rd. w6jild' ther rraive -her t ad - a- e in s 60M -Lases.. -She er. . - - 0 e Wonial Oid! I I i Ia �Df -fart4h h,41 -f bitter - b usbb;TiLa her-; h6:-holdo 96r, ih s6 kii aM-eg -Urns, t cann R,younglm h -.came -took leAve -of him.- 0.- Ana, 'home to- -his` he _i -ti Wh6 n' she' tq U' -d ret 1�er lk� lj� M�et i a athery ee-li' love- WI er. - be the -thing. Qu nist c= same oa-t bim -.to au t hing h 1�aragfl: I.Ath her f ell he8i"ti0gj y 0 to. :1:114 -pro-- irse tha nd-tha 0- e :he.. is 'i h 0 U'o o t";or ilm hIMAC (To be Cononued oged sh6 bro)6a should sho qnl� h ar� out- it a -m th the I �,u�band t and-sobfi. roceeding�s b, An ILI' -Utda �R %go, tra&ts zolre il� has- bee of -we ob t bx 0 CU e rictle-with ut's -do withe f Liie,'of d" 4 h6.. he p 4i What�shall. ut a th-aiieh- e P� an d- sAd Vanessa,'.Jn, a A- thoru a,at -a. d dL or own. And I tian-thu a x- r i, loo'ks upon �h of him� an -dice s�e. -1 h%i76 Fa A10 sea c- a. re r,&R'-1uv0 III -a iness-w -d a t tween1er -as rAW -P thi -h 47'er:�- an P r cb l. o 6rl: he p ei ap ar t 4-- -a 0 61a ne 4 0 w U t 00 appy u fl fr in