Lucknow Sentinel, 1893-03-10, Page 1lirtao For Camas, . _ - SOWS, AlifeS nod GUM Ne* goods best quality• - Cultery and lamp goods till to suite fiva.- Idiau.Tradesgx WHEN ITO-UMW •I lin WILL BUY 11.-nEN- yOu. SEE • D. -TAYLOR:. : HAMILTON CaNOW• u -p: Reserve Fund• - -Total -Assets Presiiient.:-JORN:STITART.. Vice PreSiderit---A. .Gr.:11AmsAY',- DIRECTORS : • - _ - GAN •1311.6.CTOR,.01.[AS; GiriNEY GEa. ROAC-Ff., ..; A. r.r. Wcon; LEE.(Toronto)... .$1,259,000 .$65o.,006 $7.979;646., Cashier--.J.1111111NBITLL.. .f..crAvr_ztrrs ,Th1/r.k---1:To11r.5 .10 to :3; ,SatUr- da-y's: 10 to. 1_ .• Pepo:gits of $1 and upwards received and interest allowed: s'PE-f_.7"A 7 DEPOgIT,3 also- received at ciir- ren ' .t rates of interest." . , . : r . 1 .E5 PA .T7St on. arcsn.k.Pritain :Ina the United f• f• States llouglat aucl'iold. i - - .1, -- • 1. • - J. O. BROWN SUB -AGENT. • DriNtAL tS'Ye „NOT frit_ , GITTAR 0,ERIDAY AOKK RS, -Uok40*B01.1006: LUCKNOW,FEB'Yi0TH,1893 TO THE FARMERS: - 'We have the fallowing farm properties for sale cheap. and othi easy termsof payraent, viz: In Kinloss Township a 50 acre_ farm, a 100 -acre farm and it150 acre farm and a 200 acre farnr1 in Huron Township a 200 acre farm ; in WestVawanosh Township a farm of 100 acres and afarm. of 150 acres, in • the 'Township .of AshfieldtWo farms of 100 acres ST Teach • in Turn- berrownship, bray a few. miles each; the town of Wing,hain, 100 acpes of timber land, and a grazing farm of 250 acres in thel Town- -ship of Kicardirie, _ • quantity of money to lend S-. VVingham, will:be in liucknow on the Second and fourth Fri- - day a-nd Saturday -of eaqh month. - Good sets for •81.0. Filiinz arid .e.,::tracting a specialty. -Office at Cain's .ifot€1.: .• - _LOCAL PARAGRAPH:S.1 -Newsy ItemsServed up for Sentinel litatiers. H 10th 103. - on first, mortg,a4s on-farm or village property at from -.51 Per-ceht ;interest up -A -he rate is, gov- erned acoordingtOthe class of security. ' We also lend smailmounts of Money on sedOna mortt ages .alivd firAt chattel mortgages.- • We da a general banking -business_ in all its brariclads, allow interests -on. deposits, - issue • drafts on. Alt -Canadian 'points -and .on:; the Ana4riCan E.:xcharaire: National- Bank; ;New Y13.1: IC eity, , 411(1. Which r are accOted_ --anywhere throughout the--. Unit-kl.StateS,-, make collec- tion s.in the States, OfIario, Qupbec,•Manitoba, :or the.;N orth-west, and • cash .: Cheques -on any 'plftee, LendiDg" money' on . farmers notes - a specialty, • ' -•-• ,.. . - ' ..:- , . . - We effect insurance on '11 classes 'of bnild- . -irag-s, either in tock or 1\iittue.1- Companies as desired. - Nonebut:- first Clanipanies ss CO.teP- . - • . . - . resented - - - ' -------- ------: . ' (1-:E 0'. :4. gIp-D ALL Manager. --A-.., -ArAT,o01‘180-iNi-l-BA.1tRISTER,-- .. . - --, --- „_Choice teas and coffees at • Mr..- 'W. J. Armstrong left on. Tuesday for Manitoba': -Private ftinds to loan on security. -P. A.- Malcomson.. any- • -;--Men's and. boys' hats in th styles just received at Connell's -Miss Lottie Armsfrong is Ifiiting friends in London andiStratfor , --Pickles in bulk and bottle at Campbell's. • good la,test e' Solicitor Conveyancer-, etc„ (late o =ern -1i Ilpitt. eamerim,- Goderich): Office at Traver's cgd sfand. - .;CI-ORRIS.O,N, ATTORNEY .AT So1i4itor iu Cancery, Convey- ancer, Commiioner, -etc.. Office.. over the bar15.er shOp. • SRIZOWPROUDVOOTt .BAREIS•:: ter s; .Solicitors,- :etc,_Goderich, -.Ont.,. J. 'T. 0-ATI,Row, : "Vt/.311.:PRQUDFOOT.,. : 1.1111;61.1131°"52"118"17""""elin'a- • . • A. McDONALD, M. D., CiM 0. Office, Kintail. . . R,-EtLIOTT, OFFICE A_ND RESD: - (trice, •Outrara. street,secc;nddoor north: Little4s-shDe stOre, . TENN.ANT„ P Y -S 0 i.:A.N, Surgeon and Accouchent,_-. Surgery op- 7-yosite Cain's hag. - Office hours fiona- 9 to 12 . ru...; and*frora 2 to 5 p. - • - 1 IN.IcD. GORDON,- .0 - M.S., •Physician, Sur - .on, and AccouCheur. Office next door to W. Allin's implement shop Residence Ross street,-. south of D: -2.1cIntosh's store; - R. , D. - -d-EDDES, V., CAlLS • either by mail or telegram izonaptly attended' to. Charg-ei.rrioderate.. Redd-enoe,' outran]. opposite Dr Elliott% and ...second door north of SENTINEL 'offiee. - • < 440 d7.• - :ROtERT-..CUNNIIVg:I-11AL.10. - . INS•URANCE FIRE Aimp mA)Rit4E, dutELpHi. Telephone; No, 19.5. • • blitliketi Din -,GTORY. . . • • .. Don't forget- the social a. r. , . Alex. Ross' on Thursday evening, 16th inst. ° ---*Anything you want in groceries, fref.,h and new. at the right -prices at Campbell's. - -The Rev. J. S. Collin°. of lit3helt . c5r. is 'spending- a few ,dayS with fr'ends in the village. - r. John R. Brown left on. Monday • -t • odarinclacomen CFL. out to lbus4ss •• looking for . • ararzs r • It Or OUble to she goods Every. 'body solicited. • AYL.CiR, NVIIOLE NO 998. BELFAST - Runaways are the order of the day. No less than three occurred last week. No serious injuries sustained. An epidemic cold prevades .the district. Mr. Rogers , is slowly re- covering" from an Attack of inflama,tion We have a large . -foran ektended trip, Ihrou bce-h-A -,..,.. . . and 'the Northwest: • .-if you wisla.to enjoy a - . . . evening go to the.: Social at RoSs'-an -the .16th inst.. ... --T.ile Chiapest ready -ad nits in die market is to be found at Oonnelrs. -Only $6. in men's sizes... • -The. Presbytery "of Maitland will meet in Knok.-.0hurch, 1(incalfdine 'On ) . . Tuesday'14-th inst„ at 2 p. . . . . . Mr, W/4 Q-.. Treleaven,: o •Victoria• Ncir-LISH CHURCH:. SERVICES 11 a- in. and ;36 2:;0p; ;. Superintendent, Adult class every 'We -du 8 o'clock; Bible -and prayer. -are welcome.. REY. W. J. VOit.r:olt.', Pastor. . _ _ . TYCIkNOW MECH NICS' INSTD, I tute,' Reading- room open eyeryevening from 7 tat° t-). , excepting Saturday.2 the _Burs. will be- frOnv,2, to 6 p -s- The. librarian will be in atten:12.-acie these hours.' - vutzi,' :Pri.4.13.:.!-t Sit Aura Sunday: School; Wm. S. Holmes, sday eVening at ook lesson's. All anitoba • - . leasant Mr A •A„shingle; mill is in successful oper- ation in the adjoining swamp. Rev. J. Kepner paid a clerical visit _ • • to the school -room on Friday last. Mr. John: Oampbell-is preparing to move to Port. Albert. - Now: is the seam for the farmers - • , . tolay.up 'a.supply of ice foi.. the hot season.. Saw -dust -is easily. obtained _and Water -in.. the solid state is a great boon in Julyand A.ugust, especially to these -patronizing the Cheese factories. citzlart • • - L NNE& Mr. Joseph Bell, of Carlow,. has been the guest of, Mr AV., Pagan for -a few days. We are glad to state. that Mr. Pagan is recovering and... -we hope to soon see him restored' to his usual health .• Beed and Miss Lin.; Reed paid a-yisit to friends in Tee'swater - during the past week. . Mrs, J. Farries and Mr. George Ferries spent a few- days with friends at Langside last week. Our teacher and pupils have pur- chsed a foot ` and aafe having a good time •every fine day,- The team will soon be open for a chalange from some neighboring school, Mrs. N. Pierce andlamily returned home from Teeswater on the 24th :pip. Her father Mr. Hughes accompanied them and. stayed-, a gfew days, Re Went home on. Thrs!lay last. On .Tuesd.a.y the 28th of Feb. the *contracts of drawing milk to the cheese factory rhere for: the Coming season were let to the followma parties : Tr, Pentland, W. Henry, t'W Spears, P Wallace,. P Moran and Abe Gauley, - - . On the same evening the- -Rev. Mr. Kerran preached -in -the church here to C. T.. R. TIME TABLE. . . . Trainsleave Lucknow for Sontl-Lat 6:-18 a- ra -1048 a, -rd.- and 620p..m..- • NOrila. at 12;30 p. 4:02 p. and 10:28 tn. HE MISSES LITTLE ARE PRE- . • - pared to give music lessons on the Piano or For further particulsrs apply at • the residence of W. U.' Little, Ross -street. GENERAL. ONEY TOLOAN. ON REAL ESTATE' • secirritY. for • any tiine; at the -lowest rate o.tfUerest. The.:•principal may be paid. at the 6,0-a of th e time, or a part ofthe princi Val:May be paid each year; interest ceasing on the amount paid:* For 'further particulars, .- etc., apply to 4:siGus STEWART, Luck:now: . Colle•ge Toronto is spendina a few- / 9 t, days with friends in- LucknoW; ,,. • ---:-Parties Wanting copier Ledger_ with the illu.stration cure them at the SENTINEL -0 MT. . Valens, -.6 was re-elected °Grand Audi Patrons of the Province, at. in Toronto last week.. -Whell yen thinlc' getirig a new THE SUB90RIBER HAS OPENED AN • 'office in the building east of the SENTINEL Printing .Office, • AGREEMENTS, , BONDS, -LEASES; ,DEEDS, MORTGAGES AND ' WILLS CAREFULLY' PREPARED. Plans ,specibcations and estimates for build ings, mi11s,-bridges, etc., furnished On short notice. AS. 0'1‘[..ERVILLE. Lucknow, Jan .18)91! of • the •can se- ce. . - -Kinfoss, er of ti3e. meeting. _ . • carpet thiS. spring make up yonr mind. SO_OETtES--:. T....SETO-Y. LODGE, -NO. 384. ' meets in the south _end Lodge 'Room- - - in the Temperance Hi11, LucknoweveTT 3 T11eriClair.'eVeT41g at 8 e'cleek, D. K._ WEE- _ STER, G. T. S. MiTHEB:s..Sec.: - The regular monthly • VY.ff • meeting:of the -Wrtmen'i Christian Temperance Union willbe held every second Wedne0*-;of eadh month in -the Odd Fellows Tian, LuknoW,. at -3 p.. - Mits. &gni, Prident -iMRS. HORNELL; Secretary., _ • to see what -Connell is offeTing in that line. • -Mr. Theo. 1-1all formeTly of 'the -Dundalk_ 11.erald • ,-haS pritchated •the UCKNOW 'Lodge, No. 112 meets every Friday ev-ening at 8 o'clock intheir hall, Campbell street. All brethren . dordially invited. K.j.MCLEOD, N. Grand; 11. H. PittAE, Recorder. - - a large and attentive audience, after , - , , . • . • s.t.\.rvice he debstlited- •the congrecmtion .with:- a•:few, tuneS- on • the organs. • . Tara Leader from Mr. -W. J. ,Whit - 'entitled "the cow and her as th€ - writer's namehas given we cannot, publish it ---Mr.- John - .Bruinpto been -spending a cotple of friends 111 .LacknoW, left f in St: :Thomas on Tuesday best ),-vaterproof the- .Rigley' Connell - assortMent at low prices f Farmers, look-. to your own _ interest a,nd your farm buildings . and - * te d*eliings in the •- - priva _ • 1 Oneb.ST one the old pioneer 'settlers , of this -section are passing away ".`beyond the bourne • from whence no traveller e'er returns." This week • it is our sad. and painful duty to report the demise of Mr.. Thomas, Finlay_ of Ha*blerne Bank .Farie,- whose death. took place on Fridhy, March 3,..aged €1. years and 2 days, Mr, Vinlay - was born in -Wicklow, Ireland, , on the 28th of 'Feb., 183E He sailed for - Canada when sixteen years of age, and • was amobg.the firSt settlers in As -h -- field tdwnship, having' resided here for upwards a, forty years. ..Being of a • kind and social nature he made many friends in the new country, and Was . held _ in high respe-ct among his neighbors to the -.elad of life- De- ceased was for many.; years a 'stain -14E meMber of the Methodist church,.and has Shown by Ms walk and conVer-- sation that he, was aal-earnest and con-- siStent •christian and when he came face to face the last enemy he was able to cheerfully. cast his all upon a loving ..savior, - realizing, that Jeans hath done all things 'well. On • There are two, firgOis..fil the church ring" pQeUi ate,"• but . not. - been bee on trial:. • Mr. Moore, traveller r & Co.; gave ntir store-ke Th• ursday laSt. . _ • Mrs. •;McDonald iSrvisititia her grand -daughter, Mrs. j hn*c.Lean... We are sorry toj Sa W. -Misner's . son very. poOrly.- -Fred Lands, who is Working for W. _Miner,. and cut onpl ill his- fingers nearly *...off :With • en axe he was carryinU: who has weeks with T hs hom Coat to buy bas a: croOti- r _ cash. Mr: Isaac Allan., formerly. of the- ,Doininion.- Bakery,: Toron tie,* come to. take -charge Of Thos. Reid.'S -bakery' of this Village... Two ,young ladies.: and 4 young gentleman got, a .bad out of -a cutter that collapsed ' Campbell street on Tuesday. last. - *- LONDON IVIUTUAL. No large PreMilifil Notes required CASH SYSTEM : 50 cnnts to 90 cents per $100 for three years, ---.- - LANE ACEti, KINLOUGIL Also agent for the Phoenix, of London, England. CQ. ,COT.TRT Sherwood,- No. 50, Lticknew, Meet - every first and third Monday in every month, in the Or- ange- -hall. • Ni -sit-• - ing brethren are corditaly invited. J. ..LYoNs, - C, R. D: D. YULE SEC. ••• O. 1:r. W. LTICK1%.-TOW 'LODGE OF • the Ancient Order United Workmen, meet in the Oddfellowshall, on.the last and second_Almada evenings of each month a eight' o'clock., Visiting -brethren cordially invited. T.). PA'iTERSON Master Workman - R. AL A11E11.01.1, Recorder. • 02110TS ritbsibE • The season for flarVesting ice iS :at hand, -- - Mr.. John A. Taylor has purchased the ice on -Wraiths1 lake and can supply any -quantity )- of ice. cut and. ; leaded for 25 cents1 a load. It is needless to say tkiat the ice is first - aass.- A load of .young Thicknowites came to the.Hamlet last Friday to have a nights fun. ' . Miss 'Nancy *Cro*ston. has .ben Sunday the 5th the remains were CO11.- veyed to: Dungannon zenietery. The sorrowing relations hi3eve the earnest - sympathy.of a wide: circle of friends and acquaintances. And alth.ough a kind- and loving husband and father has gone yet he is :only gone before to inherit theeternal mansioil •pfepareci by God the Father. To obtain the best prices for - • your _ - • -Colo-nal.. S Scott, 'oftl.Kincar- dine, is spoken of as a likely candidate • in the Conservative ;interests:- for entre Bruce next election.. Last week a faimer named GIascow of West. Wawanosh, whose -mind is deranged, wa taken to the jail at Goderich by constable A, D. Cameron, for safe keepiiig till he can be sent to the asylum. Visiti• ng friends--iji .NV:111011ara. it tig youri.adv7:04age..'0 0.6 ami hrin it to market in rolis 'tveigl4gfrOnl- 2:11i; 16 in tubs. Crocks or pails this sea -son do not .bring as ood prices. Mrs. WM. Cro\wsten of Winghani is visiting at Kelvin -Grove farm. Miss Annie Ross is home on a visit from London. A number; itttended the oplieral of the late Mrs. Win. Lockha,rt on Sattirday the. 25th. Thoma Belway and Wm. Hayes sold by public a4tion their farm stock and impleMents on Monday and Tueiday. last. Cattle, pigs alid sheep brought exceptionally good prices. Hays is going to I Detroit and Belway to Calgary, .Matiitoba. In compliance with -the teacher's. request we report the following table . . sho-wing the stand.ing. at..the(:Inonthly„ examination -for, Feb., baRedf o general proficiency.: = . _ Fourth. Clasg-j. 'Lane; 391, R Lane, 388; T. Lane, --376 ; :B. Farries, 376, E. Johnstone, 320 'J., Ford, 310-; T.. Ford,' 287, L Baldwin,- 280 R. Courtney, Sr. 3rd -E. Johnston, 332, L° Lane,- 229-- ; B Baldwin, 324, Robt. Farries, -222 ; Goe. Lane; 30.2.- The.,days are growing longer, and they will lengthen- 'something-, more than a minute per day until the end of the month, lengthening faster. then .until .-the latter part of June. On Maich 19th, day and night will be the same length. re's hotel, near the Grand Trunlc t tion . will be offered for sate at - C. SPARLING- , by public auction. on Thursday, 'March 16th. • For particulars as to license, terras, etc., apply - to John Purvis, liolyrood, or R. Moore on the premises., . • ' • S No 5 HINLOSS - .- • 5th Class-jessie Valens,i - 'Edgar Valens, Joe. Wilsori. 4th Class -4-41e , Sutherland, A. McGillyiary, .Nellie McCaUli: A. :Valens X.`.McDon5.,1d. • - . •sid Class -B. Bain, B. McLeod, A. Valens, J. Wilson!, D. McKinnon:. • 2nd Sitheiland, Noble .Pierce, A. McCaul, -John Smith, J. McLeod. ASIIFIELD .-The nuMber of Square timber ,sticks- passsng here lately is very large. • Mr. W. T. Gardner is Making pre- pa,rations for -building a' new house next summer. ; Mr. MeKeith, 12th con, is now con- valescent 'after his bard attact , of siCkness: • r. S., Si N.0.16 1410:0SS. • The 'following: is the standing of 4 pupils of S. iNo. 6, Kinloss for 'the month *of, Feb -i---4Fifth, McKenzie, 11. 1116Kenzie,G..-iMcijonald. Fourth -- Atkins; 4. • mi.41, • P. 1VICKinnoii Mr. Bower has got -a new engine ii. his mill on the 12th on, the public - should patronize him. , There is not somuchsickness this winter as this time last year owing no-- aoubt to, the purifying effects of .the severe frosts: S. S. No. 5, ASHFIELD. 5th class -A Gardner?. B Ritchie, W Gardner. 4th claess---zR 'Webster, H Anderson A Brown, R Gardner, Qardner, Seri 3rd -M Gardner, L Hunter, E McGill, R Webster,' E Reid. 't Jr. 3rd -J Hunter,' M Brown, It Hunter, E Gardner, j Helm, S Web -- iter, L Habick, M Webster. Sen. II ---T Ga.wtrey, 0 Webster, F „Anderson, J Habick, H Reid. Jun. 2nd -H. Gardner, J Webster, J 'Hunter, 'R Hunter. Part'IL---S Hackett, G Hunter, A Habick. A .parlour meetiug. . uncle/. ,_the J. D. _ :NIcKimioni, D. • McKinnon, iti.Ispieses of the W. 0.- T. IT.. -Will be M. . Majonald, I .:111: MdintYre'. Si, held. at Mrs. W. U. Liitt14'S :On Mon- Third ---K: McDonald, D. .McIntyre, day afteri:I.O6iilie#f _. op' #mien.cing .at 13. "R_. AffeEinnon.; T. 'Lockhart'. A. TAP o'clock. -.A.programiae - of vocal and Tintion., L. Graham, J. " McKenzie. instruinental.muSic; and readings -bear- Jr. Third,, -D. T‘foteod, W. Graham, _ hig,61.3. Torli&afico -wOrk. will be given. M. A. 1171cIntyr?' , 3 Graham,- R. Mc d sist r§. are in-vitea to Donald, M. McDonata, : .Second, .A..,. " MCKinnon. attend --41.0 fee, - NIcDougall.,_E„ Graham, W . All raothers .n An exchange says that there is at. least one consolation, for the poor country editor and that ishehumblest - of the ,fraternity has done more good for -mankind than millionaires dead or living % - Yes, consolation is a gooa thing* but a naan never grows, fat on an• exclusive diet of consolation, • • •